EEDI Guidance Notes
EEDI Guidance Notes
EEDI Guidance Notes
1. 2. 3. 4. Scope of this document EEDI Purpose EEDI Application Reference lines and reduction factors (required EEDI)
4.1 4.2 Reference lines Reduction factors and implementation
2 2 2 3
3 3
5. 6.
The EEDI equation (attained EEDI) Verification processes for the attained EEDI
6.1 6.2 Pre-verification overview Final verification overview
4 5
5 5
Verification responsibilities
7.1 7.2 7.3 Verifier (Classification society/RO) Shipbuilder Tank test organisation
6 6 7
8 8 8 9
10 12
12 12 13 13 14 15 16 18
Implementing the Energy Efficiency Design Index Version 3.0, December 2012
EEDI Purpose
The EEDI is a design index, primarily applicable to new ships, that has been developed by the IMO and is to be used as a tool for control of CO2 emissions from ships. The IMO aims to improve the energy efficiency of ships via mandatory implementation of the EEDI.
EEDI Application
The Regulations on Energy Efficiency relating to the EEDI and SEEMP are mandatory from 1st January 2013 within a new Chapter 4 of MARPOL Annex VI. Within the regulations, there remains the option for Administrations to adopt a waiver up to 4 years from the entry-into-force criteria. The EEDI affects new ships above 400 gross tonnes1 and applies to the ship types shown in Table 1 below. A ships attained EEDI (using the equation and verification procedure described in the following sections) must be equal to or less than the required EEDI for that ship type and size, which will be a function of the reference line value and a reduction factor X i.e.: Attained EEDI Required EEDI = (1-X/100) Reference line value The key documents and guidelines for the calculation and verification of the EEDI are summarised in Appendix 1.
At present excludes ships with steam turbine, diesel-electric and hybrid propulsion
Implementing the Energy Efficiency Design Index Version 3.0, December 2012
b DWT of the ship DWT of the ship DWT of the ship DWT of the ship DWT of the ship DWT of the ship DWT of the ship 0.477 0.456 0.488 0.201 0.216 0.244 0.488
Not initially subject to reference lines. Attained EEDI still needs to be calculated.
[g CO2/te.nm]
-15% -20%
Phase 0: 2013-2015
Phase 1: 2015-2020 Phase 2: 2020-2025
[DWT or GT]
Implementing the Energy Efficiency Design Index Version 3.0, December 2012
=1 =1
Transport work
The top line of the EEDI equation is characterised by four key terms, whereby the energy saving technologies terms may include, for example, waste heat recovery systems, use of wind power or solar power. The CO2 produced is based on the product of the power, specific fuel consumption and carbon factor for a particular type of fuel used. The bottom line of the equation relates the total CO2 generated by each of the four terms, to ship capacity and speed. In addition, there are a series of correction factors that moderate the equation. These account for: Ship design factors (e.g. Ice-Class and shuttle tankers) Weather factor for decrease in speed in representative conditions Voluntary structural enhancement Ships built to Common Structural Rules (CSR) Capacity correction for chemical tankers and LNG ships The calculation of the EEDI is detailed within the 2012 Guidelines on the Method of Calculation of the Attained EEDI for New Ships (IMO Resolution MEPC.212(63) A list of parameters that have an effect on the EEDI is included in Appendix 4.
Implementing the Energy Efficiency Design Index Version 3.0, December 2012
Development of EEDI Technical File Application for EEDI preverification Submission of EEDI Technical File Submission of additional information Verification: - EEDI Technical File - additional information Issuance of Report of pre-verification
Start of ship construction Application for EEDI verification Sea Trial Verification: - sea trial condition - ship speed - revised EEDI Technical File Issuance of Report of verification Final Verification
Pre-verification overview
Pre-verification at the design stage, requires model tests to obtain the ship predicted speed and power in the EEDI and sea trial condition and the development of an EEDI Technical File (EEDI-TF) containing necessary information to support the verification of the calculated Attained EEDI.
Implementing the Energy Efficiency Design Index Version 3.0, December 2012
Verification responsibilities
Verifier (Classification society/RO)
Facility previous experience or ISO 9000? Yes No Audit & check quality control documentation Check EEDI computation and procedure to obtain the speed curves (examine justifications for omissions of tank tests, if any) Agree test plan Check ship model & propeller
Issue certificate
During the EEDI verification, the Classification Society will have to verify (review and witness) a number of documents and stages of the ship construction. These are summarised in Table 6 in the Appendices. A more detailed process containing the individual steps followed by Lloyds Register carrying out the EEDI verification is shown in Figure 6 in the Appendices.
The shipbuilder responsibilities at different steps of the EEDI process are outlined in Figure 3 above and in Figure 6 in the Appendices. In general, the shipbuilder shall: Ensure that the EEDI technical file is prepared in accordance with the IMO guidelines Provide to the verifier all supporting documents required in accordance with IMO guidelines. These are summarised in Table 2 and Table 3. It must be noted that although some documents (for example tank test reports) may originate from a third party it is the shipbuilders responsibility to obtain these documents and submit them to the verifier.
Implementing the Energy Efficiency Design Index Version 3.0, December 2012
Revise the EEDI technical file and/or other associated documents if found not to be in accordance with IMO guidelines Conduct the sea trial to an agreed standard, for example: ITTC 7.5-04-01-01.1 ISO 19019:2005
Perform the speed-power results analysis in accordance with the standards accepted by the IMO: ITTC 7.5-04-01-01.2 (IMO preferred method) ISO 15016:2002
Make all necessary arrangements for the verifier surveyors to attend the sea trial It is recognised that required IMO procedures for sea trial may differ than existing shipyard practices (e.g. the number of speed-power measurements and length of run). However, for the purposes of EEDI verification the IMO procedures must be followed, otherwise the Verifier may consider the sea trial invalid and, subsequently, be unable to issue an International Energy Efficiency Certificate (IEEC)
Implementing the Energy Efficiency Design Index Version 3.0, December 2012
Confidentiality issues
In line with the IMO Verification Guidelines (4.1.2), it is recognized that the documents listed above may contain confidential information of submitters, which requires Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) protection. In the case where the submitter requires a non-disclosure agreement with the verifier, the additional information should be provided to the verifier upon mutually agreed terms and conditions. In this case, Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) need to be signed between: The shipbuilder and the verifier, for information owned by the shipbuilder The tank test organisation and the verifier, for information owned by the tank test organisation facility
Pre-verification documents
Document Description EEDI Technical File as defined in the IMO Verification Guidelines. See example of EEDI Technical File the EEDI Technical File in Appendix 1 of IMO Verification Guidelines Copy of the NOx Technical File and documented summary of the SFC correction for each type of main and auxiliary engine with copy of EIAPP certificate. Note: if the NOx Technical File has not been approved at the time of the NOx Technical File preliminary verification, the SFC value with the addition of the guarantee tolerance is to be provided by Manufacturer. In this case, the NOx Technical File should be submitted at the final verification stage. If PAE is significantly different from the values computed using the formula in Electric Power Table or of the IMO Calculation Guidelines Ship lines and model particulars Verification file of power limitation technical arrangement Power curves Description of the tank test facility and tank test organisation quality manual Gas fuel oil general arrangement plan Tank Tests Plan - Lines of ship - Report including the particulars of the ship model and propeller model
If the propulsion power is voluntarily limited by verified technical means Power-speed curves predicted at full scale in sea trial condition and EEDI condition If the verifier has no recent experience with the tank test facility and the tank test organization quality system is not ISO 9001 certified. - Quality management system of the tank test including process control, justifications concerning repeatability and quality management processes - Records of measuring equipment calibration as described in Appendix 3 - Standard model-ship extrapolation and correlation method (applied method and tests description) If gas fuel is used as the primary fuel of the ship fitted with dual fuel engines. Gas fuel storage tanks (with capacities) and bunkering facilities bare to be described Plan explaining the different steps of the tank tests and the scheduled inspections allowing the verifier to check compliance with the items listed in
Implementing the Energy Efficiency Design Index Version 3.0, December 2012
Appendix 1 of the industry guidelines concerning tank tests - Report of the results of the tank tests at sea trial and EEDI condition as required in Appendix 4 of the industry guidelines2 - Values of the experience-based parameters defined in the standard model-ship correlation method used by the tank test organization/shipyard - Reasons for exempting a tank test, only if applicable - Numerical calculations report and validation file of these calculations, only if calculations are used to derive power curves Detailed calculation process of the ship speed, which should include the estimation basis of experience-based parameters such as roughness coefficient, wake scaling coefficient
Implementing the Energy Efficiency Design Index Version 3.0, December 2012
Hull optimisation
Aerodynamic optimisation
Propulsive optimisation
Wind power
Solar power
Implementing the Energy Efficiency Design Index Version 3.0, December 2012
Technical method
Potential solution
Comments energy that can offer significant CO2 and other emission reductions. The cost to benefit ratio of this source is quite high as a large area of cells are required to produce a small amount of power. At present, the efficiency of this technology means energy concentrations can augment power requirements but not replace a ships primary power source. This source of energy could remove all CO2, NOx and SOx emissions. Other benefits of this technology include smaller space requirements for the power source therefore potential for increased cargo capacity. Nuclear power is becoming more competitive given rising fuel oil prices although issues surrounding safety and disposal of nuclear waste remain. Many engine manufacturers now offer improved engine designs aimed at optimising performance. Many technologies are available off-the-shelf although can sometimes be difficult to quantify their benefits. Some, for example advanced hull coatings, are being increasingly used whereas waste heat recovery and hull-propeller systems could be used if their cost-effectiveness is improved. Slow steaming is very effective at reducing consumption and CO2 but may require the ship to operate outside its rated envelope meaning lower combustion temperatures and pressures leading to higher maintenance and possible increase in particulate matter emissions. Reducing the speed of the world fleet may also fuel the shift in freight transport to other modes such as land and air in order to maintain capacity. Demand is increasing from owners wishing to use this fuel. Replacing conventional marine fuel oil with LNG would potentially eliminate SOx emissions and drastically reduce NOx emissions whilst reducing CO2 by around 20%. LNG availability is limited in certain global areas with limited refuelling terminals and development of new terminals is linked to demand and vice versa. Other considerations of the use of LNG relate to safe use and the increased storage onboard in specialised tanks. Methane slip from LNG use is potentially more harmful than the benefits. An attractive alternative to marine diesel in terms of potential savings in CO2 emissions although the impact of bio-fuel production is not fully clear. Bio-diesel is expensive in comparison to marine diesel and the lower energy content means larger bunker tanks would be required onboard ships.
Nuclear power
Engine selection Efficient technologies (hull coatings, hull appendages, waste heat recovery systems etc.)
Speed reduction
Table 4: Examples of innovative technical and fuel options for EEDI Reduction
Implementing the Energy Efficiency Design Index Version 3.0, December 2012
Appendix 1 Useful references
1. IMO Resolution MEPC.203(62); 2. 2012 Guidelines on the Method of Calculation of the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) for new ships, MEPC.212(63); 3. 2012 Guidelines on Survey and Certification of the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) MEPC.214(63); 4. Guidelines for Calculation of Reference Lines for use with the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) MEPC.215(63); 5. BIMCO, CESA, IACS, ICS, INTERCARGO, INTERTANKO, ITTC, OCIMF and WSC, First version of industry guidelines on calculation and verification of the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI), MEPC 64/INF.22 6. International Towing Tank Conference, ITTC Recommended Procedures 7.5-04-01-01.2.1, "Speed and Power Trials, Part 1 Preparation and Conduct" and 7.5-04-01-01.2, "Speed/power trials, part 2, analysis of speed/power trial data", MEPC 64/INF.6 7. International Organization for Standardization, ISO 15016:2002 Guidelines for the assessment of speed and power performance by analysis of speed trial data 8. Lloyds Register EEDI Frequently Asked Questions (
Appendix 2 Glossary
Term COP DAD DSO EEDI EEDI-TF EEOI GHG IMO MCR MEPC RO SEEMP SFC Tank Test Definition Conference Of Parties Lloyds Register Design Appraisal Document Lloyds Register Design Support Office Energy Efficiency Design Index Energy Efficiency Design Index Technical File Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator Greenhouse Gas International Maritime Organisation Maximum Continuous Rating Marine Environmental Protection Committee Recognised Organisation Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan Specific Fuel Consumption Model towing tests, model self-propulsion tests and model propeller open water tests. Numerical tests may be accepted as equivalent to model tests. Administration, or any person or organization duly authorized by it, which conducts the survey and certification of the EEDI
Implementing the Energy Efficiency Design Index Version 3.0, December 2012
Resolution A.963 (23) IMO policies and practices related to reduction of GHG emissions from ships
MEPC Circ. 681 MEPC Circ. 682 MEPC Circ. 683 MEPC Circ. 684
Guidelines Adopted: MEPC.212(63) EEDI Calculation MEPC.213(63) SEEMP MEPC.214(63) EEDI Verification MEPC.215(63) EEDI Ref Lines
Implementing the Energy Efficiency Design Index Version 3.0, December 2012
Table 5: Reduction factors (X) for Required EEDI versus Attained EEDI (MARPOL Annex VI, Regulation 21)
Implementing the Energy Efficiency Design Index Version 3.0, December 2012
Shipyard or Shipowner
Yard or owner requests LR attendance to witness model tank tests for EEDI
Unless technical justification provided why tank test omitted for a ship of same type as defined by IMO Guidelines
Shipyard or Shipowner
Preliminary data review by DSO to ensure all required data is available Independent calculation of EEDI and completion of checklists Issuance of Pre-verification Design Appraisal Document (DAD) by the DSO to the yard Verification of the agreed speed trial by the attending surveyor during sea trial
LR Field Surveyor
Shipyard or Shipowner
Final data submission by the yard or owner inclusive of speed trial results to DSO Independent calculation of EEDI and completion of checklists
Final Verification
Preparation and issuance of the final verification DAD by the DSO to yard or owner
LR Field Surveyor
Implementing the Energy Efficiency Design Index Version 3.0, December 2012
01 02
Electric Power Table Review Calibration of tank test measuring equipment Model tests ship model Model tests propeller model Model tests Resistance test, Propulsion test, Propeller open water test Review & witness Review & witness Review & witness Review & witness
04 05 06
Implementing the Energy Efficiency Design Index Version 3.0, December 2012
09 10 11
Numerical calculations Review replacing tank tests Electrical machinery survey prior to sea Witness trials Programme of sea trials Review
ITTC 7.5-03-01-04 (latest Report of calculations revision) or equivalent Appendix 2 to IMO Verification Guidelines IMO Verification Guidelines Programme of sea trials Only if PAE is computed from EPT Check minimum number of measurement points (3) Check the EEDI condition in EPT (if PAE is computed from EPT) Check: - Propulsion power, particulars of the engines - Draught and trim - Sea conditions - Ship speed - Shaft power & rpm Check operation of means of limitations of engines or shaft power (if fitted) Check the power consumption of selected consumers included in sea trials condition EPT (if PAE is computed from EPT) Check that the displacement and trim of the ship in sea trial condition has been obtained with sufficient accuracy Check compliance with ISO 15016:2002 or or ITTC 7.5-04-01-01.2 Check that the power curve estimated for EEDI condition is obtained by power adjustment Check that the file has been updated according to sea trials results
Sea trials
Sea trials adjustment from Review trial condition to EEDI condition EEDI Technical File revised Review after sea trials
Table 6: Summary of review and witness points (industry Guidelines, MEPC 64/INF..22)
Implementing the Energy Efficiency Design Index Version 3.0, December 2012
For further information, contact your local Lloyds Register Group offic e.
Lloyd's Register Group Limited , its affiliates and subsidiaries and their respective officers, employees or agents are, individually and collectively, referred to in this clause as the 'Lloyd's Register'. Lloyd's Register assumes no responsibility and shall not be liable to any person for any loss, damage or expense caused by reliance on the information or advice in this document or howsoever provided, unless that person has signed a contract with the relevant Lloyd's Register entity for the provision of this information or advice and in that case any responsibility or liability is exclusively on the terms and conditions set out in that contract. Lloyd's Register is a trading name of Lloyd's Register Group Limited and its subsidiaries. For further details, please see our website