Sketchbook Hoax
Sketchbook Hoax
Sketchbook Hoax
to trick into believing or accepting as genuine something false and often preposterous!
Photo 1 ! Cecil
Since the beginning of photography there have been photographic manipulations. Whether those alterations were meant to make a better picture or meant to fool someone photography is not always truthful. Using magazine images create a hoax by combining multiple images together in order to fool the viewer into thinking something is actually real. !
You will need: 1. Background Layer this is a large photo that will be your rectangular background - a landscape photo works well for this 2. Character Layer this is the layer where people or your main subjects reside. This is where you will create the Hoax part of your work 3. Additional Layers these are the layers that will help add details to make your Hoax effective, choose details that will trick us into believing your Hoax. 4. Dont just cut out a single photo and paste it onto another photo - THATS LAME!!
Consider how you can create something fake that is not so ridiculous that no one will believe it. Part of your success will be in selecting good images, cutting them out carefully, and arranging them in a way to offer some level of believability. Consider the size of your images, and use the X-Actos knives to carefully cut them out (in one of the metal drawers put them back when youre done) and cutting mats in the top drawer of the at le. DO NOT CUT DIRECTLY ON THE TABLES!!
Consider having a specic intent for your hoax rather than simply combining a bunch of random images like this example. See if you can fool us.