Devon Murphy's CV

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Devon murphy

multimedia storyteller

personal information
Birthday: 06/16/1987 Email: [email protected] We !ite: "#itter: @devonlmurphy $hone: %16.7&9.'&'&

(a!ter o) *rt! in +ournali!m, -niver!ity o) We!tern .ntario, &01& Bachelor o) *rt!: /onour!, 0ueen1! -niver!ity, &009

work experience
Blog Editor "he /u))ington $o!t 2anada//"oronto, .3//&01&4$re!ent (anage over ',000 logger!, triple the amount o) logger! !ince my tenure egan. per!onal e7perience. (a7imi8e !earch 2opyedit, )act chec5 and curate a daily log rail )or a national audience. 6egular logging on topic! ranging )rom ne#!, to li)e!tyle, to capa ility u!ing 9E.. 6each out )or timely, ne#!4related content. $articipate in /u))ington $o!t video content. /ave gro#n num er! to a pea5 o) 8( page vie#!/month. :aily media engagement. "#o 2anadian .nline $u li!hing *#ard!, &01&. Weekly Columnist i;"oronto, .3//&01%4$re!ent


Write t#o #ee5ly column! on deadline. <enerate #ee5ly !tory idea!. 2reate

conver!ation4generating content that i! !harea le. iBook Designer & Producer "he /u))ington $o!t 2anada =&01'>, 6a

:e!igned and produced ?2ontender: "he +u!tin "rudeau 9tory@ y *lthia 6aA )or le &01&@ )or 6a, =&01&>

/u))$o!t 2anada. 2o4de!igned and co4produced ?"he Be!t o) 6a

the )ir!t long4)orm ta let Aournali!m in 2anada.

Bormatted oo5! )or a ta let

e7perience, including em edded video, photo gallerie! and hyperlin5! to additional content. Associate Producer Intern, As It Happens 2B2//"oronto, .3//&01&

$itched, re!earched, #rote and edited over '0 piece! )or a national radio program.

Associate Producer, CH W !e"s 2/6W 9%.9//Condon, .3//&0114&01& political coverage o) $itched, cha!ed, reported, edited and delivered community ne#!. 6eported live on air &011 .ntario Election. /o!ted )ull ne#!ca!t!.

Producer & eporter, #ondon $nder %& 6oger! ";//Condon, .3//&0114&01& epi!ode!. 9hot, #rote and Wee5ly '0 minute televi!ion program on 6oger! ";. .ver!a# production o) )ull edited video !egment!. Dntervie#ed community leader!.

City Desk Intern "he Condon Bree $re!!//Condon, .3//&0114&01& #hich #ere )eatured $itched, reported and #rote local !torie! )or a daily ne#!paper. "oo5 photograph! along!ide my !torie!.

Englis' as a (econd #anguage )eac'er C2D Eid1! 2lu //9eoul, 9outh Eorea//&0104&011 grammar, pronunciation, communication !5ill! and reading. "aught private in!truction a)ter !chool to children #ho needed )urther !tudy. "aught cla!!e! ranging )rom Eindergarten to <rade 8. Dn!tructed !tudent! in !pelling,

H *anager, )'e A*( Pu+ (er,ices -)AP(. "he *lma (ater 9ociety o) 0ueen1!//Eing!ton, .3//&0084&009 completed i4monthly

$art o) a management team #ith a F1( annual udget. 9cheduled, trained, hired, and payroll )or a !ta)) o) 1&G. (anaged on !hi)t at "he 0ueen1! $u

and *l)ie1! 3ightclu . /andled udgeting and nightly ca!h out. :ealt #ith /6 complaint! and di!cipline )or !ta)) and management team.

eporter & Producer, Alternati,e /re0uency 2B62 101.9//Eing!ton, .3//&0074&008 produced !torie!. /o!ted live 2ontri uted to a #ee5ly alternative ne#! program. $itched, recorded, edited and on air.

"he 2. Ed#ard Wil!on (edal )or (edia 6e!earch, &01& *#arded to the !tudent #ho i! Audged the e!t media re!earcher o) her/her year. "he &01& Condon 2*2/6oger! 2a le "; 9tudent *#ard in +ournali!m )or 9uperior *cademic $er)ormance *#arded annually to the three !tudent! #ho have achieved the highe!t academic and y evidence o) capacity )or re!earch.

e7cellence in the )ir!t t#o term! o) the (a!ter o) *rt! in +ournali!m program. Ba!ed oth on overall per)ormance a! Audged y grade!

*uthor :igital: 9E., !ocial media, curation, i3e#!, Wordpre!!, $hoto!hop, Dn:e!ign, iBoo5! *udio: /inden urg, *do e *udition, :alet ;ideo: *vid, Binal 2ut $ro, i(ovie

*ccepted to "oronto /ot :oc! Be!tival1! ?:oc *ccelerator@ con)erence, *pril &01% ?Dn the $u lic Dntere!t: "he Ca# and Ethic! o) Dnve!tigative +ournali!m,@ .!goode /all Ca# 9chool, Hor5 -niver!ity, .cto er 1%, &011

9e7ual /ealth 6e!ource 2entre, &00G4&009 -niver!ity campu! and =/*69>. $roAect .utreach )or 9econdary 9chool Education =$.99E>, &00G4&009 Educator and ?!e7pert,@ provided !a)er !e7 in)ormation and product! to 0ueen1! !urrounding Eing!ton area. "aught !e7ual education in Eing!ton4 outreach )or /D;/*D:9 6egional 9ervice! area high !chool!. $articipated in condom

:irected a harm reduction4 a!ed !ocial theatre company that educated !econdary

!chool !tudent! on !e7ual health, drug!, and healthy relation!hip!.

*vaila le upon reIue!t.

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