Comparative Perspectives On The Archaeology of Coastal South America
Comparative Perspectives On The Archaeology of Coastal South America
Comparative Perspectives On The Archaeology of Coastal South America
Linga B/950835
Comparative Perspectives on the Archaeology of Coastal South America Perspectivas Comparativas sobre la Arqueologia de la Costa Sudamericana
Edited byCompiladores
Contents Preface 1. Comparative Perspectives: An Introduction Alexander J. Martin, Enrique Lopez-Hurtado, and Robyn E. Cutright 2. Food, Family, and Empire: Relating Political and Domestic Change in the Jequetepeque Hinterland Robyn E. Cutright 3. Social Organization, Technology of Production, and the Function of Utilitarian Ceramics for Feasting during the Middle and Late Formative Periods in the Central Andes Hugo Ikehara 4. Changes in the Subsistence Strategy of Prehistoric Intertidal Gathering: The Pre-ceramic and Ceramic Coastal Hunter-gatherers of Reloncavi Sound, Chile Carola F. Flores, Bernardo R. Broitman, and Pilar Rivas 5. Comparing the Role of the Export Sector in Prehistoric Economies: The Importance of Shell Manufacture to the Livelihood of Coastal Ecuadorian Populations Alexander J. Martin 6. Evaluating the Role of Inter-Societal Interaction in the Emergence of Institutionalized Hierarchy: An Example from Southern Ecuador/Northern Peru Sarah R. Taylor 7. Highland Empires, Lowland Politics: The Central Peruvian Coast and its Relation to Pan-Andean Empires Giancarlo Marcone F. 8. Coastal and Highland Storage Systems of the Colesuyo, South Central Andes Sofia Chacaltana Cortez, Christopher Dayton, and Monika Barrionuevo 9. Regional Patterns of Fortification and Single Forts: Evaluating the Articulation of Regional Sociopolitical Dynamics with Localized Phenomena Margaret Brown Vega 10. Elite Strategies and Ritual Settings in Coastal Peru during the 1st Millennium B.C. David Chicoine 11. Provincial Religious Centers in the Inka Empire: Propagators of Official Ideology or Spaces for Local Resistance? Enrique Lopez-Hurtado and Jason Nesbitt 12. Approximating Lambayeque Political Configurations: A Perspective from the Site of San Jose de Moro, Jequetepeque Valley O. Gabriel Prieto Burmester 13. Comparative Archaeology and the Andes Robert D. Drennan
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Contenido Prefacio 1. Perspectivas Comparativas: Una Introduccion Alexander J. Martin, Enrique Lopez-Hurtado y Robyn E. Cutright 2. Comida, Familia e Imperio: Relacionando Cambios Polfticos y Domesticos en la Periferia del Jequetepeque Robyn E. Cutright 3. Organization Social, Tecnologia de la Production y Funcion de la Ceramica Utilitaria de Festines durante el Periodo Formativo Medio y Tardfo en los Andes Centrales Hugo Ikehara 4. Cambios en la Estrategia de Subsistencia de la Recoleccion Intermareal: Cazadores-Recolectores del Preceramico y Ceramico en el Seno de Reloncavf Carola F. Flores, Bernardo R. Broitman y Pilar Rivas 5. Comparando el Papel del Sector Exportador en las Economias Prehistoricas: La Importancia de la Manufactura de Conchas para el Sustento de las Poblaciones Costeras Ecuatorianas Alexander J. Martin 6. Evaluando el Rol de la Interaction entre Sociedades en el Surgimiento de la Jerarqufa Institucionalizada: Un Caso de la Zona Fronteriza entre Ecuador y Peru Sarah R. Taylor 7. El Imperio de Arriba, la Polftica de Abajo: La Costa Central Peruana y su Relation con los Imperios Pan-Andinos Giancarlo Marcone F. 8. Sistemas de Almacenamiento en la Costa y la Sierra de Colesuyo, Andes Sur-Centrales Sofia Chacaltana Cortez, Christopher Dayton y Monika Barrionuevo 9. Patrones Regionales de Fortificaciones y Fortalezas Individuales: Evaluando la Articulation de Dinamicas Sociopolfticas Regionales con Fenomenos Locales Margaret Brown Vega 10. Estrategias de Elite y Espacios Rituales en la Costa de Peru Durante el Primer Milenio a.C. David Chicoine 11. Centros Religiosos Provinciales en el Imperio Incaico: dDifusores de la Ideologfa Oficial o Espacios de Resistencia Local? Enrique Lopez-Hurtado y Jason Nesbitt 12. Aproximaciones a la Configuration Polftica Lambayeque: Una Perspectiva desde el Sitio de San Jose de Moro, Valle de Jequetepeque O. Gabriel Prieto Burmester 13. Arqueologfa Comparativa y los Andes Robert. D. Drennan vi xviii 2
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