Formulation of Project Report

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What is Project Report? The Project Report or business plan is a written statement of what an entrepreneur proposes to take up.

It is a kind of guide frost or course of action what the entrepreneur hopes to achieve in his business and how is he going to achieve it. In other words, project report serves like a kind of big road map to reach the destination determined by the entrepreneur. Thus, a project report can best be defined as a well evolved course of action devised to achieve the specified objective within a specified period of time. So to say, it is an operating document. Contents of a Project Report The following are contents of a project report: () Objective and scope of the report; (2) Product characteristics (specifications, product uses and application, standards and quality); (3) Market position and trends (installed capacity, production and anticipated demand, export prospects and information on import and export, price structure and trends); (4) Raw materials (requirement of raw materials, prices, sources and properties of raw materials); (5) Manufacture (processes of manufacture, selection of process, production schedule and production technique); (6) Plant and machinery (equipment and machinery, instruments, laboratory equipment, electric load and water supply and the essential infrastructure); (7) Land and building (requirement of land area, building, construction schedule); (8) Financial implications (fixed and working capital investment, project cost and profitability); (9) Marketing channels (trading practices and marketing strategy); (10) Personnel (requirements of staff, labour and expenses on wage payment). The project report is prepared for submission to the financial institutions for the grant of land and other financial concessions. An entrepreneur can himself prepare the report, otherwise assistance from experts can be sought. There are several organizations which help entrepreneurs in the preparation of reports. The Small Industries Service Institutes (SISI) helps the entrepreneur in this regard. State government also helps the entrepreneur in matters of financial assistance towards this end. Scope of a project report project report includes information on the following aspects: Economic Aspects: The project report should be able to present economic justification for investment. It should present analysis of the market for the product to be manufactured. Market analysis basically pertains to the following issues How big is the present market? (b) How much is it likely to grow? (c) How much of the future market the project can capture after allowing a margin for future entrants? It provides an analysis of the economics of production. Technical Aspects: The appropriate report should give details about the technology needed, equipments and machinery required and the sources of availability. Financial Aspects: The report should indicate the total investment required including sources of finance and the entrepreneur contribution. It should present a comparison of cost of capital with the return on capital. Production Aspects. It should contain a description of the product selected for manufacture and the reasons for section. The report should also bring out the fact whether the product is export worthy. It should also give c the design of the product. managerial Aspects: The report should contain qualifications and experience of the persons to be put on the end of the job. If the entrepreneur will look after management, the report must emphasize as to how he is to manage the venture. Significance of Project Report An objective without a plan is a dream. The preparation of a project report is of great significance for an entrepreneur. The project report serves two essential functions: First and most important, the project report is like a road map. It describes the: direction the enterprise is going in, what its goals. are, where it wants to be, and how it is going to get there. It also enables the entrepreneur to know that he is proceeding in the right direction. Some hold the view that without well spelt out goals and operational methods/tactics, most businesses flounder on the rocks of rd times. The second function of the project report is to attract lenders and investors. Although, it is not manndatory for the small enterprises to prepare project reports, yet it is useful and beneficial for them to prepare the project reports for various reasons. The preparation of project report is beneficial for those nall enterprises which apply for financial assistance from the financial institutions and the commercial links. It is on the basis of project report that the financial institutions make

appraisal if the enterprise hires financial assistance or not. If yes, how much? Similarly, other organizations which provide assistance such as work shed, raw materials, seed/margin money, etc., are equally interested in bowing the economic soundness of the proposal. In most cases, the quality of the firms project report weighs heavily in the decision to lend or invest funds.

FORMULATION OF PROJECT REPORT A project report is like a road map. It is an operating document. What information and how much information it contain depends upon the size of the enterprise, as well as nature of production. For example small-scale enterprises do not include technology which is used for preparing project reports of large-scale enterprises. Within small-scale enterprises too, all information may not be homogeneous for all units. Vinod Gupta has given a general set of information in his study Formation of a project report. project formulation divides the process of project development into eight distinct and sequential stages as below: (1) General information (2) Project description (3) Market potential (4) Capital costs and sources of finance (5) Assessment of working capital requirements (6) Other financial aspects (7) Economical and social variables (8) Project implementation The nature of formation to be collected and furnished under each of these stages has been given below. (1) General Information The information of general nature given in the project report includes the following: Bio-data of promoter: Name and address, qualifications, experience and other capabilities of the entrepreneur. Similar information of each partner if any. Industry profile: A reference analysis of industry to which the project belongs,e.g., past performance; present status, its organization, its problems etc. Constitution and organization: The constitution and organization structure of the enterprise; in case of partnership firm its registration with registrar of firms, certification from the directorate of industries /district industry centre. Product details: Product utility, product range, product design, advantage to be offered by the product over its substitutes if any. (2) Project Description A brief description of the project covering the following aspects should be made in the project report. Site: Location of the unit; owned, rented or leasehold land; industrial area; no objection certificate from municipal authorities if the enterprise location falls in the residential area. Physical Infrastructure: Availability of the following items of infrastructure should be mentioned in the project report. (a) Raw material: Requirement of raw material, whether inland or imported, sources of raw material supply. (b) Skilled labour: Availability of skilled labour in the area i.e., arrangements for training labourers in various skills. (c) Utilities: These include: (i) Power: Requirement of power, load sanctioned, availability of power (ii) Fuel: Requirement of fuel items such as coal, coke, oil or gas, state of their availability and supply position. (iii) Water: The sources of water, quality and quantity available. (d) Pollution control: The aspects like scope of dumps, sewage system, sewage treatment plant, infiltration facility etc., should be mentioned. (e) Communication and transportation facility: The availability of communication facilities, e.g., telephone, fax, telex, internet etc., should be indicated. Requirements for transport, mode of transport, potential means of transport, approximate distance to be covered, bottlenecks etc., should be stated in the business plan. (f) Production process: A mention should be made for process involved in production and period of conversion from raw material into finished goods.

(g) Machinery and equipment: A complete list of machines and equipments required indicating their size, type, cost and sources of their supply should be enclosed with the project report. (h) Capacity of the plant: The installed licensed capacity of the plant along with the shifts should also be mentioned in the project report. (i) Technology selected: The selection of technology, arrangements made for acquiring it should be mentioned in the business plan. (j) Other common facilities: Availability of common facilities like machine shops, welding shops and electrical repair shops etc should be stated in the project report. (k) Research and development: A mention should be made in the project report regarding proposed research and development activities to be undertaken in future. (3) Market Potential While preparing a project report, the following aspects relating to market potential of the product of the product should be stated in the report. (a) Demand and supply position: State the total expected demand for the product and present supply position, what is the gap between demand and supply and how much gap will fill up by the proposed unit. (b) Expected price: Expected price of the product to be realized should also be mentioned. (c) Marketing strategy: Arrangements made for selling the product should be clearly stated in the project report. (d) After sales service: Depending upon the nature of the product, provisions made for after-sales should normally be stated in the project report. (4) Capital Costs and Sources of Finance An estimate of the various components of capital items like land and buildings, plant and machinery, installation costs, preliminary expenses, margin of working capital should be given in the project report. The sources should indicate the owners funds together with funds raised from financial institutions and banks. (5) Assessment of Working Capital The requirement for working capital and its sources of supply should clearly be mentioned. It is preferred to prepare working capital requirements in the prescribed formats designed by limits of requirement. It will reduce the objections from bankers side. (6) Other Financial Aspects To adjudge the profitability of the project to be set up, a projected profit and loss account indicating likely sales revenue, cost of production, allied cost and profit should be prepared. A projected balance sheet and cash flow statement should also be prepared to indicate the financial position and requirements at various stages of the project. In addition to this, the break even analysis should also be presented. Break even point is the level of production at which the enterprise shall earn neither profit nor incur loss.Breakdown level indicates the gestation period and the likely moratorium required forrepayment of the loans. Break-even point is calculated as Break-Even Point (BEP) = F/SV Where F = Fixed Cost S = Selling Price/Unit V = Variable Cost/Unit The break-even point indicates at what level of output the enterprise will break even. (7) Economical and Social Variables Every enterprise has social responsibility. In view of the social responsibility of business, the abatement costs, i.e., the costs for controlling the environmental damage should be stated in the project. Arrangements made for treating the effluents and emissions should also be mentioned in the report. In addition the following socio-economic benefits should also be stated in the report. (i) Employment Generation (ii) Import Substitution (iii) Ancillaration (iv) Exports (v) Local Resource Utilization (vi) Development of the Area (8) Project Implimentation Every entrepreneur should draw an implementation scheme or a time-table for his project to the timely completion of all activities involved in setting up an enterprise. If there is delay in implementation project cost overrun. Delay in project implementation jeopardizes the financial viability of the project, on one hand, and props up the entrepreneur to drop the idea

to set up an enterprise, on the other. Hence there is need to draw up an implementation schedule for the project and then to adhere to it. .

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