Flexitime Scheme: March 2007

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Agenda Item 27 (a)

FlexiTime Scheme
March 2007

FlexiTime Scheme
March 2007


This policy has been introduced to allow you, if your post is eligible, greater flexibility in your working day as long as the service provided does not suffer detriment. Working within a flexitime scheme means that you are given the choice of varying your time of arrival at work, lunch break and your departure time within the limits set out in the scheme as long as your work and the work of your section has been properly covered as agreed by the Service Unit Head. In practice you may work a longer or a shorter day as you wish from time to time as long as you have completed the required hours in each two month period. You can, of course, choose to work a normal day of 7 hours and 24 minutes every day. 2. How Does the Scheme Work This scheme does not have prescribed or core hours. Your working hours can be totally flexible to fit around your personal circumstances as long as your section is adequately staffed, as agreed by your manager, during the councils business hours. Offices should normally be staffed between the hours of 0900 hours and 1700 hours Monday to Friday. You may normally take up to 2 days flexi-leave during each calendar month, this can be extended with the agreement of your manager. 3. Definitions Flexible Time* Normal Office Hours Settlement Period 0700 hours to 2000 hours Monday to Saturday** 0900 hours to 1700 hours*** Two Months

* This can be varied by agreement with your manager. **In some areas it may be possible for you to undertake your normal duties on a Saturday. If you request this and there will be no detriment to the service provided then flexitime may be included on Saturdays. Saturday working will not attract premium rates under this scheme. ***Offices must be adequately staffed between these times 4. Application of the Scheme The Scheme will apply to everyone except posts which have been identified by your Service Unit Head as impossible to perform unless there are fixed hours, and those subject to a Local Agreement. It is the intention that employees will be excluded from the Scheme only if it proves impractical to arrange duties and relief to allow flexibility. Consultation will take place if it is necessary to vary working times or flexitime for certain groups of employees. 5. Lunch Break You are entitled to a break of 30 minutes during your working day. When working six hours or more consecutively you must take a break of at least twenty minutes and normally up to a maximum of 2.5 hours, although this can be extended by prior agreement with your manager. This break will normally be taken between 1200hours and 1430 hours, but can be taken at another time if this does not disrupt the operation of the section/team. Breaks cannot be taken at the beginning or end of a working day. 6. Flexibility and Constraints Your manager has the right to instruct you, with reasonable notice, to attend at specific times during normal office hours to maintain the service.

7. Recording Hours Worked and Absences You are required to record your working hours on a record sheet which will cover each calendar month. You are responsible for accurately recording and safe keeping of the sheet which must be available to your manager at any reasonable time. Absences on training, conferences, seminars or other one day events away from the usual work base the time should be counted between departure from and return to your home, less your normal home-to-office return journey time. 8 Managers Responsibilities

Your manager will ensure that you are not working excessive hours or too few hours to fulfil your responsibilities and with regard to your health, safety and welfare. Due to the extension of the flexitime scheme it is more likely that employees will undertake lone working. Managers should ensure that all employees are familiar with the councils lone working policy and provide special training if appropriate. 9 Medical and Other Appointments

Please see the Sickness Absence Procedure for information. 10 Settlement Period The Settlement Period is two months. 11 Carry Over Balances At the end of every settlement period you should not normally have more than 20 hours credit or 10 hours debit. Every effort should be made to clear debit hours in the settlement period following the settlement period in which they accumulated. Annual leave cannot normally be used to decrease debit hours. 12 Overtime Overtime can only be authorised in advance to those officers specified in the National Agreement (paid on SCP29 or below) and must be claimed on the appropriate form. It must be agreed between you and your manager prior to any work being carried out whether you will claim overtime or work flexitime for excessive or specially required additional hours. If there is no prior agreement then flexitime will be operated. 13 Completion of Flexitime Record Sheet At the end of each week or part-week within each calendar month you must add together the weekly hours credited/debited, carry forward any balances to the next week (or next month when appropriate). The electronic version of the flexi record sheet will do this automatically. You should then sign the record sheet as a true record. The flexi record sheet(s) must be available for your manager to inspect at any reasonable time. At the end of the calendar month the completed and signed sheet(s) must be passed to your manager for signature. People and Organisational Development may require statistics from these sheets, from time to time, to ensure compliance with legislation. 14 Employees Working in Teams

If you work in a team, all members must adopt working hours so that the effective working of the team or group is not jeopardised. 15 Changes to Working Hours Any changes to council or Service Unit working or opening times will always be subject to consultation with staff and trade union representatives. 16 Termination of Service During the last month (or part month) of service with Salisbury District Council, you may continue to work flexible hours, but should ensure, that the hours worked balance by your last working day. No payment may be made for credit hours. However, if you are in debit an adjustment may be made to your final salary. 17 Misuse of the Flexitime Scheme If your manager suspects that you are misusing the flexitime scheme s/he may remove your right to continue flexitime and disciplinary action may be taken.

Z:\PPT Common Area\Draft Personnel Policies\Flexitime February 2007.doc

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