Bulletin 3 27 14
Bulletin 3 27 14
Bulletin 3 27 14
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MOTTO: Inspire with our Hearts, Lead with Humility, Soar with Pride.
The Senior Soccer Players will be recognized at an intramural game that will be played at the FCS Soccer Field: Senior Soccer Players vs Underclass Soccer Players . Free admission to game. Concession stand will be available.
**SENIOR CLASS MEETING: Today, March 27, with Mr. Bidwell in the cafeteria immediately after breakfast. **Varsity Girls & Varsity/JV Boys Soccer Players Meeting: Today, March 27 at the field house @ 2:15pm.- Coach Kirvin **JV & M/S Softball Players: TOMORROW, 3/28/14, is last day to turn in uniforms to Coach Collins in room 1009. **Scholarships: Project Hope: MUST BE POSTMARKED no later than 4/1/14. DEADLINE: 4/1/14. Franklin-Gulf Retired Educators: For students going into teaching. Turn in to Mr. Robinson. DEADLINE: 4/30/14. Sussle: For more info visit http://sussle.org/scholarship - Awarded monthly Franklin Co. Sheriff: $500 scholarship. See Ms. Joyner for applications. DEADLINE: 5/15/14. COST: $60 if order by April 11. After April 11, cost will be $65.
There will be 240 total pages in the 2013-14 yearbook. The first 208 pages will be delivered around May 9. The final 32 pages will be delivered in July/August as an insert (will include graduation events, plays, class trips, & Freshman Fling). A Yearbook Signing Party has been approved for those who have purchased a 2013-14 yearbook: May 16 for grades 6-12 and May 23 for elementary.
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Mar 28 continued
-Odyssey of the Mind meeting in room 1007 (Countryman), 2:30pm-5:00pm -Home Varsity Baseball game vs John Paul ll @ 6:00pm -Football Player Recruiting Trip to Troy University, Depart FCS @ 5:00am, Return @ 7:00pm- York -Fundraiser: FCS Band Bagging for Bucks @ Apalach IGA, 10:00am-2:00pm -Senior Soccer Players Recognition Day & Soccer Game at FCS Soccer Field Senior Soccer Players vs Underclass Soccer Players @ 2:00pm - Free Admission -Boys Basketball Open Gym- Coach Sweatt
**Mon, Mar 31: -Bayside Lab: Tolberts 3rd period class (10:13-11:00am) - weather permitting -Junior Prom Committee meeting in room 809 (Gavigan) during lunch -SAPP meeting in room 1202 (Montgomery) during lunch -Field Trip: SWAT members to Apalach CVS for Presentation, 12:25-1:50pm- Croom -Chess Club in room 1009 (Collins), 2:10-3:10pm -Hairspray play practice in library, 2:15-3:30pm -H/S Brain Bowl meeting in room 1020 (DeVaughn) 2:20-3:00pm -Drama Club/Play Practice in cafeteria, 2:30-3:30pm -Odyssey of the Mind meeting in room 1007 (Countryman), 2:30pm-5:00pm **Tue, Apr 1: -REPORT CARDS GO HOME -Senior Class Voting for Senior Superlatives in cafeteria during breakfast & lunch -H/S Brain Bowl meeting in room 1020 (DeVaughn) during breakfast -FCA meetings in gym during MS and HS lunches -After School Tutoring, Gr 3-12: Snacks in cafeteria, 2:10-3:00pm; Tutoring in classrooms, 3:00-5:00pm -Away Varsity Softball games vs Rickards Doubleheader 3:00/5:00pm (depart FCS @ 12 noon) -Away Varsity Baseball games at Port St. Joe vs PSJ & Tenn. Community H/S 3:30/6:00pm -NHS meeting in room 1220 during breakfast -Chess Club in room 1009 (Collins), 2:10-3:10pm -Hairspray play practice in library, 2:15-3:30pm -Drama Club/Play Practice in cafeteria, 2:30-3:30pm -H/S Brain Bowl meeting in room 1020 (DeVaughn), 2:20-3:00pm -Odyssey of the Mind meeting in room 1007 (Countryman), 2:30pm-5:00pm -Senior Officers meeting in room 1005 (Malcolm), 3:30-4:00pm
Mark Your Calendars
**Wed, Apr 2:
IOWA Testing, KG-2 Grades: April 7-15 FCAT Re-Takes for Juniors & Seniors: April 7- 11 FCAT Grades 3 10: April 14- May 2 No School: April 18 Good Friday/ Easter Holiday
District Volleyball Coaches Meeting: Mon, March 31, in FCS conference room 117@ 11:00am M/S Teachers Meeting: Tues, April 1, in room 1007 (Countryman) @ 2:20pm STAFF- Health CareNews/Insurance Meeting: Wed, April 2, in FCS library @ 1:15 & 2:15pm. Scott Fenstermaker from Strategic Benefits Group will give an update on our group health insurance options. FCS STAFF BIRTHDAYS 3/24-3/30 Melanie Humble (3/28) Barbara Lee (3/29)
2013-14 ESE PARENT SURVEY: The Florida Department of Education is conducting a survey for
parents of students who have an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP), receive Exceptional Student Education (ESE) services and are currently attending a Florida Public School. The survey is open now through May 31, 2014. Please answer this survey at: http://www.esesurvey.com/Login.php
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Staff, please turn your Box Tops in to Mrs. Laura King or Lydia Countryman . GED INFO
The GED Test will not administered by the Franklin County School District until further notice. For alternative testing locations, contact Maxine Creamer at the Literacy Center at 670-4481. Franklin County School District is no longer required by the FL. Dept. of Education to keep GED records. Individuals interested in obtaining their GED diploma/transcripts must contact FLDOE at 850-245-0449 or at their website: ged.fldoe.org
**The Federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act states that children & youth who lack a fixed, regular, & adequate nighttime residence are considered homeless. If, due to a loss of housing, a child must live in a shelter, motel, vehicle, campground, on the street, in abandoned buildings, or doubled-up with relatives or friends, then he/she is eligible to receive services provided under the McKinney-Vento Act. For additional information contact Hengle Student & Family Assistance LLC., Sandi Hengle, Franklin County Schools Homeless Liaison, anytime at cell number (850) 323-0982 or email [email protected] FYI Parents - Student Documents & Forms Online: Parent documents of interest may be found at
www.franklincountyschools.org/schoolcodeofconduct.htm . Documents include but are not limited to: Code of Conduct, Student Progression Plan, FC Academy Handbook, Athletic Handbook, Parent's Right to Know, School Improvement Plans, Parent Involvement Plans, Student Records Manual, Supplemental Education Services (Tutoring), School Public Accountability Reports and the District Title I -5 Year Plan. All documents will be made available in Spanish upon request. Call 670-2810 x 4108 or email [email protected] indef.
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