vol.09 issue.02
WCS and WMS Print/Apply Time Comparison and Affect on Carton Rates
Example #2 - Automated Picking Systems (APS) are add-on order picking solutions that
come in a variety of different technologies and configurations. All basically offer Automated
Storage/Retrieval System (AS/RS) features for case and tote handling with hyper-drive pick
performance (500-1000 pick lines per hour per operator). High speed case handling
Storage/Retrieve Machines (SRM) for APS applications are the latest in break-through thinking
at automated material handling shows. These new APS systems feature multiple SRMs in a
single aisle, multiple carriages, multiple shuttles, single and double deep carton accessibility,
rack optimization software, dynamic pick face product changes, outbound carton sequencing,
and SRMs motion at double the speeds of those from the previous decade (horizontal speed can
exceed 1000 fpm and acceleration at 10+ fps2).
For small carton APS applications, the WMS typically maintains the overall facility inventory
while the WCS provides storage management algorithms, location level inventory and the
execution of the highly mechanized carton putaway process using product attributes associated
with each load/carton. For order processing, the WMS downloads a pick order while the WCS
executes carton selection and delivery, including the real-time interface to SRMs and all
overlooked tasks associated with managing automated equipment. SRMs can be out of service
and require special error recovery, which is best performed by a WCS. At pick stations, the WMS
provides the User Interfaces for picking dialogs and quality functions while the lean WCS
prioritizes, optimizes and sequences. The typical component-based systems architecture
diagramed below should look familiar to those who currently use WMS and WCS.
A WCS will provide integration architecture and pre-built move and storage management
functions to allow Order Fulfillment Centers to add new automation. Look to system integrators
like HK Systems for the best in time-proven WCS integration solutions. HK Systems is North
Americas leading integrator for interfacing and controlling large, complex automated material
handling systems. The HKEMS software products family offers productized WCS Supply Chain
Control solutions for the most challenging of automation including a variety of interface
options for WMS integration.
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