Phonetic Course Description For 3rd Year Students

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Department of English Language Year: Third Year Education Third Year Basic Education Course Title: Phonetics and

Phonology (term1) Course Tutor: Dr Azza Abdeen ([email protected]) Course assistant: Ms. Heba Fadel Weekly hours: Education: 1 hour for the theoretical part & 2 hours for Practical Course Description Textbook: This course is not based on a single course book. Nevertheless, we will be using the following books intensively: 1. English Phonetics and Phonology: A Practical Course by Peter Roach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993 (Assigned Chapters: 8-14) 2. A University Course in Practical Phonetics. Book 2 (chapters 1-6) 3. Other supplementary material and online links will be handed out on time. Course Objectives: To provide the kind of general phonetic background which you will need as a student of English Language. The main things we expect you to come away with from this course are: 1. 2. 3. 4. How individual sounds fit together to form syllables and words The super segmental features that affect syllable articulation Problems of phonemic analysis Aspects of connected speech

Course Content -The structure of the English syllable and associated problems - Strong and weak syllables: Definition, characteristic problems A review of the segments, on their production and distribution The first supra segmental the stress is introduced to the students to know its nature and placement stress with simple as well as complex words studied. Drills are associated with this phonological unit. - Lexical picture words are taught versus the grammatical functional ones to locate the stress on them. A whole chapter is devoted to the weak words and stress-placement. - Aspects of connected speech is another section of the course that will most likely be covered. Three essential phenomena are presented with contrastive examples in both languages; English and Arabic: Rhythm Assimilation (progressive as well as regressive assimilation)

Elision Linking Structure of the Course: 1. Lectures: During Lectures, you will be introduced to the general concepts and technical terms related to larger units of speech. Part of the lecture will be devoted to discussion of the assigned reading and the application of the theory to specific examples. 2. Practice: You will be required to listen to tapes, discuss the exercises following each chapter in the textbook. Distribution of marks: Term work: Education: 15 ms Oral exam: Education: 10 ms Practical work: Education: Written Exam: Education: 100ms Total mark : Education 125 Assessment: Course work assessment includes the following: 1. Attendance and class participation: 2 marks 2. Quizzes: By the end of each chapter there will be a short quiz with the total mark for all quizzes 10m 3. Projects and research work: in the middle of this term (week 7), students will be assigned a topic to write related to one of the concepts discussed. Deadline for submitting papers week 9. Total mark 3 Course Rules: -Regular attendance of Lectures and practical classes is a must for course completion -Students should come prepared with their assigned reading and other assigned work -Delay in submitting assigned work will result in losing marks -Late comers are not permitted in except for emergency -Cheating and Plagiarism: All work done in this course must be your work only. Cheating and/or
plagiarism could result in an "F" for the course -Gossiping, side talking mobiles, eating, and chewing gums are prohibited

Basic: 5 ms Basic: Basic: 10 ms Basic: 60 ms Basic: 75

In case of violating a rule, the student will have to undergo one of these penalties: -Being dismissed from the class

- Losing marks - Stopped from attending 2 consecutive classes - Reporting misbehavior to the head of the Department Office Hours Questions are welcomed during office hours. You will be notified once they are decided

Last but not least, Prepare, practice, study and ENJOY phonetics Course Tutor D. Azza Abdeen

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