Beatles Complete Lyrics of All Songs
Beatles Complete Lyrics of All Songs
Beatles Complete Lyrics of All Songs
Contente Across The Universe 6 All My Loving 7 All You Need Is Love 8 And I Love er ! And Your Bird C"n Sing #$ Ann" ## Another %"y #& Another 'irl #( Any Ti)e At All #* B"+y You,re -ich M"n #. B"c/ In The USS#6 Bec"use #7 Being 0or The Bene1it 21 Mr3 4ite #8 Birthd"y#! Bl"c/+ird &$ Blue 5"y 6"y &# C"n,t Buy Me Love && C"rry Th"t 6eight &( Co)e Together &* The Continuing Story 21 Bung"lo7 Bill &. Cry B"+y Cry &6 A %"y In The Li1e &7 %"y Tri88er &8 %e"r 9rudence &! %ig A 9ony ($ %r3 -o+ert (# %on,t Let Me %o7n (& %rive My C"r (( Eight %"ys A 6ee/ (* Ele"nor -ig+y (. The End(6 Every Little Thing (7 Every+ody,s 'ot So)ething To ide E:ce8t Me And My Mon/ey 0i:ing A ole (! The 0ool 2n The ill *$ 0or No 2ne *# 0ro) A 6indo7 *& 0ro) Me To You *( 'et B"c/ ** 'etting Better *. 'irl *6 'ive 9e"ce A Ch"nce *7 'l"ss 2nion *8 'olden Slu)+ers*! 'ood %"y Sunshine .$ 'ood Morning 'ood Morning .# 'ood Night .& 'ood+ye .( 'ot To 'et You Into My Li1e .* "88iness Is The 6"r) 'un .. A "rd %"ys Night .6 ello 'ood+ye .7 ello Little 'irl .8 el8; .! elter<S/elter 6$ er M"=esty 6# ere Co)es The Sun 6& ere There And Every7here 6( ey Bulldog 6*
ey 5ude 6. old Me Tight 66 oney 9ie 67 A) The 6"lrus 68 I C"ll Your N")e 6! I %on,t 6"nt To See You Ag"in 7$ I %on,t 6"nt To S8oil The 9"rty 7# I 0eel 0ine 7& I Need You 7( I S"7 er St"nding There7* I Should "ve 4no7n Better 7. I 6"nn" Be Your M"n 76 I 6"nt To old Your "nd 77 I 6"nt To Tell You 78 I 6"nt You > She,s So e"vy? 7! I 6ill 8$ I1 I 0ell 8# I1 I Needed So)eone 8& I,ll Be B"c/ 8( I,ll Cry Inste"d 8* I,ll 0ollo7 The Sun 8. I,ll 'et You 86 I,) A Loser 87 I,) %o7n 88 I,) "88y 5ust To %"nce 6ith You I,) In Love !$ I,) Loo/ing Through You !# I,) 2nly Slee8ing !& I,) So Tired !( In My Li1e !* The Inner Light !. It 6on,t Be Long!6 It,s All Too Much !7 It,s 0or You !8 It,s 2nly Love !! I,ve 'ot A 0eeling #$$ I,ve 5ust Seen A 0"ce #$# 5uli" #$& L"dy M"donn" #$( Let It Be #$* Little Child #$. The Long And 6inding -o"d #$6 Long@ Long@ Long #$7 Love You To #$8 Lucy In The S/y 6ith %i")onds #$! M"rth" My %e"r ##$ M":7ell,s Silver "))er### Me"n Mr3 Must"rd ##& Michelle ##( Misery ##* The Night Be1ore ##. No -e8ly ##6 No+ody I 4no7 ##7 Nor7egi"n 6ood ##8 Not A Second Ti)e ##! No7here M"n #&$ 2+<L"<%i 2+<L"<%" #&# 2cto8us,s '"rden #&& 2h; %"rling #&( 2ne A1ter !$! #&* 2nly A Nothern Song #&.
9"8er+"c/ 6riter #&6 9enny L"ne #&7 9le"se Mr3 9ost)"n #&8 9le"se@ 9le"se Me #&! 9olythene 9") #($ 93S3 I Love You #(& -"in #(( -evolution #(* -oc/,n,-oll Music #(. -oc/y -"ccoon #(7 -oll 2ver Beethoven #(8 -un 0or Your Li1e #(! Sgt3 9e88er,s Lonely e"rts Clu+ B"nd #*$ Se:y S"die #*# She C")e In Through The B"throo) 6indo7 She Loves You #*( She S"id She S"id #** She,s A 6o)"n #*. She,s Le"ving o)e #*6 So)ething #*7 Ste8 Inside Love #*8 Str"7+erry 0ields 0orever #*! Sun 4ing #.$ T":)"n #.# Tell Me 6h"t You See #.& Tell Me 6hy #.( Th"n/ You 'irl #.* There,s A 9l"ce #.. Things 6e S"id Tod"y #.6 Thin/ 0or Yoursel1 #.7 This Boy #.8 Tic/et To -ide #.! Ti8 21 My Tongue #6$ To)orro7 Never 4no7s #6# T7o 21 Us #6& 6"it #6( 6e C"n 6or/ It 2ut #6* 6h"t 'oes 2nA #6. 6h"t You,re %oing #66 6hen I 'et o)e #67 6hen I,) Si:ty 0our #68 6hile My 'uit"r 'ently 6ee8s #6! 6ith A Little el8 0ro) My 0riends #7$ 6ithin You 6ithout You #7# The 6ord #7& 6orld 6ithout Love #7( Yello7 Su+)"rine #7* Yer Blues #7. Yes It Is #76 Yesterd"y #77 You C"n,t %o Th"t #78 You Li/e Me Too Much #7! You Never 'ive Me Your Money #8$ You 6on,t See Me #8# Your Mother Should 4no7 #8& You,re 'oing To Lose Th"t 'irl #8( You,ve 'ot To ide Your Love A7"y #8*
Across The Universe > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney? 6ords "re 1lying out li/e endless r"in into " 8"8er cu8@ They slither 7hile@ they 8"ss@ they sli8 "7"y "cross the universe 9ools o1 sorro7@ 7"ves o1 =oy "re dri1ting through )y o8en )ind@ 9ossessing "nd c"rresing )e3 5"i 'uru %ev" 2h@ Nothing,s gonn" ch"nge )y 7orld@ Nothing,s gonn" ch"nge )y 7orld@ Nothing,s gonn" ch"nge )y 7orld@ Nothing,s gonn" ch"nge )y 7orld I)"ges o1 +ro/en light 7hich d"nce +e1ore )e li/e " )illion eyes@ Th"t c"ll )e on "nd on "cross the universe@ Thoughts )e"nder li/e " restless 7ind inside " letter +o:@ They tu)+le +lindly "s they )"/e their 7"y "cross the universe 5"i 'uru %ev" 2h@ Nothing,s gonn" ch"nge )y 7orld@ Nothing,s gonn" ch"nge )y 7orld@ Nothing,s gonn" ch"nge )y 7orld@ Nothing,s gonn" ch"nge )y 7orld Sounds o1 l"ughter sh"des o1 e"th "re ringing through )y o8en vie7s Inciting "nd inviting )e3 Li)itless undying love 7hich shines "round )e li/e " )illion suns It c"lls )e on "nd on "cross the universe3 5"i 'uru %ev" 2h@ Nothing,s gonn" ch"nge )y 7orld@ Nothing,s gonn" ch"nge )y 7orld@ Nothing,s gonn" ch"nge )y 7orld@ Nothing,s gonn" ch"nge )y 7orld
All My Loving > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? Close your eyes "nd I,ll /iss you To)orro7 I,ll )iss you@ -e)e)+er I,ll "l7"ys +e true3 And then 7hile I,) "7"y@ I,ll 7rite ho)e every d"y And I,ll send "ll )y loving to you3 I,ll 8retend th"t I,) /issing the li8s I,) )issing "nd ho8e th"t )y dre")s 6ill co)e true3 And then 7hile I,) "7"y@ I,ll 7rite ho)e every d"y And I,ll send "ll )y loving to you3 All )y loving I 7ill send to you All )y loving d"rling@ I,ll +e true3
All You Need Is Love > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? There,s nothing you c"n do th"t c"n,t +e done3 Nothing you c"n sing th"t c"n,t +e sung3 Nothing you c"n s"y@ +ut you c"n le"rn ho7 to 8l"y the g")e@ It,s e"sy3 There,s nothing you c"n )"/e th"t c"n,t +e )"de3 No one you c"n s"ve th"t c"n,t +e s"ved3 Nothing you c"n do@ +ut you c"n le"rn ho7 to +e you in ti)e@ It,s e"sy3 All you need is love@ All you need is love@ All you need is love@ love@ Th"t is "ll you need3 There,s nothing you c"n /no7 th"t isn,t /no7n3 Nothing you c"n see th"t isn,t sho7n3 No7here you c"n +e@ th"t isn,t 7here you,re )e"nt to +e@ It,s e"sy3 All you need is love@ All you need is love@ All you need is love@ love@ Th"t is "ll you need3
And I Love er > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? I give her "ll )y love Th"t,s "ll I do And i1 you s"7 )y love You,d love her too3 I love her3 She gives )e everything And tenderlyB The /iss )y lover +rings She +rings to )e@ And I love her3 I love li/e ours could never die As long "s I h"ve you ne"r )e3 Bright "re the st"rs th"t shine@ %"r/ is the s/y3 I /no7 this love o1 )ine Could never die@ And I love her3 Bright "re the st"rs th"t shine@ %"r/ is the s/y3 I /no7 this love o1 )ine Could never die@ And I love her3
And Your Bird C"n Sing > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? You tell )e th"t you,ve got ev,rything you 7"nt And your +ird c"n sing@ But you don,t get )e@ You don,t get )e; You s"y you,ve seen seven 7onders And your +ird is green@ But you c"n,t see )e@ You c"n,t see )e; 6hen your 8riCed 8ossessions@ St"rt to te"r you do7n@ Loo/ in )y direction@ I,ll +e ,round@ I,ll +e ,round3 6hen your +ird is +ro/en@ 6ill it +ring you do7n@ You )"y +e "7o/en@ I,ll +e ,round@ I,ll +e ,round3 You tell )e th"t you,ve he"rd ev,ry sound there is And your +ird c"n sing@ But you c"n,t he"r )e@ You c"n,t he"r )e;
Ann" > Ale:"nder ? You c"lled "nd "s/ed )e girl To set you 1ree@ girl3 You s"y he loves you )ore th"n )e I 7ould set you 1ree@ 'o 7ith hi)@ Ah@ go 7ith hi)@ "h 333 Ann"@ girl@ +e1ore you go no7 I 7"nt you to /no7 no7 Th"t I still love you so But i1 he loves you )ore 'o 7ith hi)3 Ah@ "ll o1 )y li1e I,ve +een se"rching 1or " girl To love )e li/e I love you3 2h@ no7@ +ut every girl I,ve ever h"d Bre"/s )y he"rt "nd le"ves )e s"d 6h"t ") I@ 7h"t ") I su88osed to do oh@ oh@ oh@ oh3 Ann"@ =ust one )ore thing@ girl You give +"c/ your ring to )e And I 7ould set you 1ree@ 'o 7ith hi)3 Ah@ "ll o1 )y li1e I,ve +een se"rching 1or " girl To love )e li/e I love you But let )e tell you no7 "+out every girl I,ve ever h"d Bre"/s )y he"rt "nd le"ves )e s"d 6h"t ") I@ 7h"t ") I su88osed to do oh@ oh@ oh@ oh3 Ann"@ =ust one )ore thing@ girl You give +"c/ your ring to )e And I 7ould set you 1ree@ 'o 7ith hi)@ 'o 7ith hi)@ Ah@ go 7ith hi)3 You c"n go 7ith hi)@ girl3 'o 7ith hi)3
Another %"y > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? Ev,ry d"y she t"/es " )orning +"th she 7ets her h"ir 6r"8s " to7,l "round her "s she,s he"ding 1or the +edroo) ch"ir3 It,s =ust "nother d"y3 Sli88ing into stoc/ings@ sli88ing into shoes %i88ing in the 8oc/et o1 her r"inco"t It,s =ust "nother d"y3 At the o11ice 7here the 8"8ers gro7 she t"/es " +re"/ %rin/s "nother co11ee "nd she 1inds it h"rd to st"y "7"/e It,s =ust "nother It,s =ust "nother It,s =ust "nother It,s =ust "nother d"y@ d"y@ d"y@ d"y3
So s"d@ so s"d@ So)eti)es she 1eels so s"d3 Alone in her "8"rt)ent she,d d"nce Till the )"n o1 her dre")s co)es to +re"/ the s8ell3 Ah st"y don,t st"nd "round "nd he co)es "nd he co)es But he le"ves the ne:t d"y3 So s"d3 So)eti)es she 1eels so s"d3 As the 8ost "nother letter to the sound o1 1ive 9eo8le g"ther round her "nd she 1inds it h"rd to st"y "live It,s =ust "nother It,s =ust "nother It,s =ust "nother It,s =ust "nother d"y@ d"y@ d"y@ d"y3
So s"d@ so s"d@ So)eti)es she 1eels so s"d3 Alone in her "8"rt)ent she,d d"nce Till the )"n o1 her dre")s co)es to +re"/ the s8ell3 Ah st"y don,t st"nd "round "nd he co)es "nd he co)es But he le"ves the ne:t d"y3 So s"d3 So)eti)es she 1eels so s"d3 Ev,ry d"y she t"/es " )orning +"th she 7ets her h"ir 6r"8s " to7,l "round her "s she,s he"ding 1or the +edroo) ch"ir3 It,s =ust "nother It,s =ust "nother It,s =ust "nother It,s =ust "nother d"y@ d"y@ d"y@ d"y3
Another 'irl > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? 0or I h"ve got "nother girl@ "nother girl3 You,ve )"/ing )e s"y th"t I,ve got no+ody +ut you@ But "s 1ro) tod"y@ 7ell I,ve got so)e+ody th"t,s ne73 I "in,t no 1ool "nd I don,t t"/e 7h"t I don,t 7"nt 0or I h"ve got "nother girl@ "nother girl3 She s7eeter th"n "ll the girls "nd I,ve )et Duite " 1e73 No+ody in "ll the 7orld c"n do 7h"t she c"n do@ And so I,) telling you@ this ti)e you,d +etter sto8@ 0or I h"ve got "nother girl@ Another girl@ 7ho 7ill love )e till the end3 Through thic/ "nd thin she 7ill "l7"ys +e )y 1riend3 I don,t 7"nn" s"y th"t I,ve +een unh"88y 7ith you@ But "s 1ro) tod"y@ 7ell I,ve seen so)e+ody th"t,s ne7@ I "in,t no 1ool "nd I don,t t"/e 7h"t I don,t 7"nt 0or I h"ve got "nother girl@ Another girl@ 7ho 7ill love )e till the end3 Through thic/ "nd thin she 7ill "l7"ys +e )y 1riend3 I don,t 7"nn" s"y th"t I,ve +een unh"88y 7ith you@ But "s 1ro) tod"y@ 7ell I,ve seen so)e+ody th"t,s ne7@ I "in,t no 1ool "nd I don,t t"/e 7h"t I don,t 7"nt 0or I h"ve got "nother girl@ Another girl@ "nother girl3
Any Ti)e At All > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? Any ti)e "t "ll@ "ny ti)e "t "ll@ "ny ti)e "t "ll@ All you,ve gott" do is c"ll@ "nd I,ll +e there3 I1 you need so)e+ody to love 5ust loo/ into )y eyes I,ll +e there to )"/e you 1eel right I1 you,re 1eeling sorry "nd s"d I,d re"lly su)8"thise %on,t you +e s"d@ =ust c"ll )e tonight3 Any ti)e "t "ll@ "ny ti)e "t "ll@ "ny ti)e "t "ll@ All you,ve gott" do is c"ll@ "nd I,ll +e there3 I1 the sun h"s 1"ded "7"y I,ll try to )"/e it shine There is nothing I 7on,t do I1 you need " shoulder to cry on I ho8e i1 7ill +e )ine@ C"ll )e tonight "nd I,ll co)e to you3 Any ti)e "t "ll@ "ny ti)e "t "ll@ "ny ti)e "t "ll@ All you,ve gott" do is c"ll@ "nd I,ll +e there3 Any ti)e "t "ll@ "ny ti)e "t "ll@ "ny ti)e "t "ll@ All you,ve gott" do is c"ll@ "nd I,ll +e there3 Any ti)e "t "ll@ All you,ve gott" do is c"ll@ "nd I,ll +e there3
B"+y You,re -ich M"n > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? o7 does it 1eel to +e one o1 the +e"uti1ul 8eo8le@ o7 th"t you /no7 7ho you "re@ 6h"t do you 7"nt to +e@ And h"ve you tr"velled very 1"r@ 0"r "s eye c"n seeA o7 does it 1eel to +e one o1 the +e"uti1ul 8eo8le@ o7 o1ten h"ve you +een thereA 21ten enough to /no7@ 6h"t did you see 7hen you 7ere there@ Nothing th"t doesn,t sho73 B"+y you,re rich )"n@ B"+y you,re rich )"n@ B"+y you,re rich )"n too3 You /ee8 "ll your )oney in " +ig +ro7n +"g inside " soo@ 6h"t " thing to do3 B"+y you,re rich )"n@ B"+y you,re rich )"n@ B"+y you,re rich )"n too3
B"c/ In The USS> 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? 0ie7 in 1ro) Mi")i Be"ch B323A3C3 %idn,t get to +ed l"st night@ 2n the 7"y the 8"8er +"g 7"s on )y /nee@ M"n@ I h"d " dre")1ul 1light@ I,) +"c/ in the USS-3 You don,t /no7 ho7 luc/y you "re +oy@ B"c/ in the USS-3 Been "7"y so long I h"rdly /ne7 the 8l"ce@ 'ee it,s good to +e +"c/ ho)e@ Le"ve it ,til to)orro7 to un8"c/ )y c"se@ oney disconnect the 8hone@ I,) +"c/ in the USS-3 You don,t /no7 ho7 luc/y you "re +oy@ B"c/ in the USS-3 6ell the U/r"ine girls re"lly /noc/ )e out@ They le"ve the 7est +ehind3 And Mosco7 girls )"/e )e sing "nd shout@ Th"t 'eorgi",s "l7"ys on )y )i<)i<)i<)i<)ind3 I,) +"c/ in the USS-3 You don,t /no7 ho7 luc/y you "re +oy@ B"c/ in the USS-3 6ell the U/r"ine girls re"lly /noc/ )e out@ They le"ve the 7est +ehind3 And Mosco7 girls )"/e )e sing "nd shout@ Th"t 'eorgi",s "l7"ys on )y )i<)i<)i<)i<)ind3 Sho7 )e ,round your sno7 8e"/ed Mount"ins ,7"y do7n south@ T"/e )e to your d"ddy,s 1"r)@ Let )e he"r your +"l"li"/"s ringing out@ Co)e "nd /ee8 your co)r"de 7"r)@ I,) +"c/ in the USS-3 You don,t /no7 ho7 luc/y you "re +oy@ B"c/ in the USS-3
Bec"use > 53 Lennon@ 93McC"rtney ? Bec"use the 7orld is round@ it turns )e on@ Bec"use the 7orld is round@ Ah@ +ec"use the 7ind is high@ it +lo7s )y )ind3 Bec"use the 7ind is high3 Love is old@ love is ne73 Love is "ll@ love is you3 Bec"use the s/y is +lue@ it )"/es )e cry3 Bec"use the s/y is +lue3
Being 0or The Bene1it 21 Mr3 4ite > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? 0or the +ene1it o1 )r3 4ite there 7ill +e " sho7 tonight on tr")8oline3 The endersons 7ill "ll +e there l"te o1 9"+lo 0"nDues 1"ir@ 7h"t " sceneB 2ver )en "nd horses hoo8s "nd g"rters l"stly through " hogs he"d o1 re"l 1ire3 In this 7"y )r3 43 7ill ch"l"nge the 7orld3 The cele+r"ted )r3 43 8er1or)s his 1e"t on S"turd"y "t Bisho8sg"te3 The endersons 7ill d"nce "nd sing "s )r3 43 1lies through the ring don,t +e l"te3 Messrs3 43 "nd 3 "ssure the 8u+lic their 8roduction 7ill +e second to none3 And o1 course enry the horse d"nces the 7"ltC3 The +"nd +egin "t ten to si: 7hen )r3 43 8er1or)s his tric/s 7ithout " sound3 And )r3 3 7ill de)onstr"te ten so)ersets he,ll undert"/e on solid ground3 "ving +een so)e d"ys in 8re8"r"tion " s8lendid ti)e is gu"r"nteed 1or "ll3 And tonight )r3 4ite is to88ing the +ill3
Birthd"y > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? You s"y it,s your +irthd"y3 It,s )y +irthd"y too ye"h3 They s"y it,s your +irthd"y3 6e,re gonn" h"ve " good ti)e3 I,) gl"d it,s your +irthd"y3 "88y +irthd"y to you3 Yes@ 7e,re going to " 8"rty@ 8"rty3 Yes@ 7e,re going to " 8"rty@ 8"rty3 Yes@ 7e,re going to " 8"rty@ 8"rty3 I 7ould li/e you to d"nce3 T"/e " ch"nce3 I 7ould li/e you to d"nce3
Bl"c/+ird > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? Bl"c/+ird singing in the de"d o1 night3 T"/e these +ro/en 7ings "nd le"rn to 1ly All your li1e3 You 7ere only 7"iting 1or this )o)ent to "rise3 Bl"c/+ird singing in the de"d o1 night3 T"/e these sun/en eyes "nd le"rn to see3 All your li1e3 You 7ere only 7"iting 1or this )o)ent to +e 1ree3 Bl"c/+ird@ 1ly3 Bl"c/+ird@ 1ly into the light o1 " d"r/@ +l"c/ night3 Bl"c/+ird singing in the de"d o1 night3 T"/e these +ro/en 7ings "nd le"rn to 1ly All your li1e3 You 7ere only 7"iting 1or this )o)ent to "rise3 Bl"c/+ird@ 1ly3 Bl"c/+ird@ 1ly into the light o1 " d"r/@ +l"c/ night3
Blue 5"y 6"y > "rrison ? There,s " 1og u8 on L3A3@ And )y 1riends h"ve lost their 7"y; 6e,ll +e over soon they s"id@ No7 they,ve lost the)selves inste"d3 9le"se@ don,t +e long@ 9le"se@ don,t you +e very long@ 9le"se@ don,t +e long 2r I )"y +e "slee83 6ell it only goes to sho7@ And I told the) 7here to go3 As/ " 8,lice)"n on the street@ There,s so )"ny there to )eet3 9le"se@ don,t +e long@ 9le"se@ don,t you +e very long@ 9le"se@ don,t +e long 2r I )"y +e "slee83 No7 it,s 8"st )y +ed I /no7@ And I,d re"lly li/e to go@ Soon 7ill +e the +re"/ o1 d"y@ Sitting here in Blue 5"y 6"y3 9le"se@ don,t +e long@ 9le"se@ don,t you +e very long@ 9le"se@ don,t +e long 2r I )"y +e "slee83 9le"se@ don,t +e long@ 9le"se@ don,t you +e very long@ 9le"se@ don,t +e long@ 9le"se@ don,t +e long@ 9le"se@ don,t you +e very long@ 9le"se@ don,t +e long@ 9le"se@ don,t +e long@ 9le"se@ don,t you +e very long@ 9le"se@ don,t +e long3 %on,t +e long@ %on,t +e long@ %on,t +e long3
C"n,t Buy Me Love > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? C"n,t +uy )e love@ love@ C"n,t +uy )e love3 I,ll +uy you " di")ond ring )y 1riend@ I1 it )"/es you 1eel "lright@ I,ll get you "nything )y 1riend@ I1 it )"/es you 1eel "lright@ 0or I don,t c"re too )uch 1or )oney@ 0or )oney c"n,t +uy )e love3 I,ll give you "ll I,ve got to give@ I1 you s"y you love )e too@ I )"y not h"ve " lot to give@ But 7h"t I,ve got I,ll give to you@ 0or I don,t c"re too )uch 1or )oney@ 0or )oney c"n,t +uy )e love3 C"n,t +uy )e love@ ev,ry+ody tells )e so@ C"n,t +uy )e love@ no@ no@ no@ no3 S"y you don,t need no di")ond ring@ And I,ll +e s"tis1ied@ Tell )e th"t you 7"nt those /ind o1 things@ Th"t )oney =ust c"n,t +uy@ 0or I don,t c"re too )uch 1or )oney@ 0or )oney c"n,t +uy )e love3 C"n,t +uy )e love@ love@ C"n,t +uy )e love3
C"rry Th"t 6eight > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? Boy@ you,re gonn" c"rry th"t 7eight@ c"rry th"t 7eight " long ti)e3 Boy@ you,re gonn" c"rry th"t 7eight@ c"rry th"t 7eight " long ti)e3 I never give you )y 8illo7@ I only send you )y invit"tions3 And in the )iddle o1 the cele+r"tions@ I +re"/ do7n3 Boy@ you,re gonn" c"rry th"t 7eight@ c"rry th"t 7eight " long ti)e3 Boy@ you,re gonn" c"rry th"t 7eight@ c"rry th"t 7eight " long ti)e3
Co)e Together > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? ere co)es old 1l"t to8@ e co)e grooving u8 slo7ly@ e got 5oo 5oo eye<+"ll@ e one holy roller@ e got h"ir do7n to his /nee3 'ot to +e " =o/er@ e =ust do 7h"t he 8lese3 e 7e"r no shoeshine@ e got toe =") 1oot+"ll@ e got )on/ey 1inger@ e shoot Coc"<Col"@ e s"y I /no7 you@ you /no7 )e@ 2ne thing I c"n tell you Is you got to +e 1ree3 Co)e together@ right no7@ over )e3 e +"g 8roduction@ e got 7"lrus gu)+oot@ e got 2<no side +o"rd@ e one s8in"l cr"c/er@ e got 1eet do7n +elo7 his /nee3 old you in his "r)ch"ir@ You c"n 1eel his dise"se3 Co)e together@ right no7@ over )e3 e roller co"ster@ e got e"rly 7"rning@ e got Muddy 6"ter@ e one Mo=o 1ilter@ e s"y one "nd one "nd one is three3 'ot to +e good loo/ing@ ,C"use he so h"rd to see3 Co)e together@ right no7@ over )e3
The Continuing Story 21 Bung"lo7 Bill > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? ey@ Bung"lo7 Bill@ 7h"t did you /ill@ Bung"lo7 BillA ey@ Bung"lo7 Bill@ 7h"t did you /ill@ Bung"lo7 BillA e 7ent out tiger hunting 7ith his ele8h"nt "nd gun@ In c"se o1 "ccidents he "l7"ys too/ his )o)@ he,s the All A)eric"n +ullet he"ded S":on )other,s son3 All the children sing ey@ Bung"lo7 Bill@ 7h"t did you /ill@ Bung"lo7 BillA ey@ Bung"lo7 Bill@ 7h"t did you /ill@ Bung"lo7 BillA %ee8 in the =ungle 7here the )ighty tiger lies@ Bill "nd his ele8h"nts 7ere t"/en +y sur8rise So c"8t"in M"rver C"88ed hi) right +et7een the eyes3 All the children sing ey@ Bung"lo7 Bill@ 7h"t did you /ill@ Bung"lo7 BillA ey@ Bung"lo7 Bill@ 7h"t did you /ill@ Bung"lo7 BillA The children "s/ed hi) i1 to /ill 7"s not " sin@ ENot 7hen he loo/ed so 1ierce3E his )other +uttedin3 I1 loo/s could /ill it 7ould h"ve +een us inste"d o1 hi)3 All the children sing ey@ Bung"lo7 Bill@ 7h"t did you /ill@ Bung"lo7 BillA ey@ Bung"lo7 Bill@ 7h"t did you /ill@ Bung"lo7 BillA
Cry B"+y Cry > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? Cry +"+y cry@ )"/e your )other sigh3 She,s old enough to /no7 +etter3 The /ing o1 M"rigold 7"s in the /itchen coo/ing +re"/1"st 1or the Dueen3 The Dueen 7"s in the 8"rlour 8l"ying 8i"no 1or the children o1 the /ing3 Cry +"+y cry@ )"/e your )other sigh3 She,s old enough to /no7 +etter So cry +"+y cry3 The /ing 7"s in the g"rden 8ic/ing 1lo7ers 1or " 1riend 7ho c")e to 8l"y3 The Dueen 7"s in the 8l"yroo) 8"inting 8ictures 1or the children,s holid"y3 Cry +"+y cry@ )"/e your )other sigh3 She,s old enough to /no7 +etter So cry +"+y cry3 The duchess o1 4ilc"rdy "l7"ys s)iling "nd "rriving l"te 1or te"3 The du/e 7"s h"ving 8ro+le)s 7ith " )ess"ge "t the loc"l Bird "nd Bee3 Cry +"+y cry@ )"/e your )other sigh3 She,s old enough to /no7 +etter So cry +"+y cry3 At t7elve o,cloc/ " )eeting ,round the t"+le 1or " se"nce in the d"r/3 6ith voices out o1 no7here 8ut on s8eci"lly +y the children 1or " l"r/3
A %"y In The Li1e > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? I re"d the ne7s tod"y@ oh +oy A+out " luc/y )"n 7ho )"de the gr"de3 And though the ne7s 7"s r"ther s"d@ I =ust h"d to l"ugh@ I s"7 the 8hotogr"8h3 e +le7 his )ind out in " c"r3 e didn,t notice th"t the lights h"d ch"nged3 A cro7d " 8eo8le stood "nd st"red@ They,d seen his 1"ce +e1ore3 No+ody 7"s re"lly sure i1 he 7"s 1ro) the ouse o1 Lords3 I s"7 " 1il) tod"y@ oh +oy3 The English "r)y h"d =ust 7on the 7"r3 A cro7d o1 8eo8le turned "7"y@ But I =ust h"d to loo/3 "ving re"d the +oo/@ I,d love to turn you on3 6o/e u8 1ell out o1 +ed %r"gged " co)+ "cross )y he"d3 0ound )y 7"y do7n st"irs "nd drun/ " cu8 And loo/ing u8 I notice I 7"s l"te3 0ound )y co"t "nd gr"++ed )y h"t@ M"de the +us is second 1l"t3 0ound )y 7"y u8 st"irs "nd hot " s)o/e And so)e+ody s8o/e "nd I 7ent into " dre")3 I he"rd the ne7s tod"y@ oh +oy3 0our thous"nd holes in Bl"c/+urn L"nc"shire3 And though the holes 7ere r"ther s)"ll@ They h"d to count the) "ll3 No7 they /no7 h"7 )"ny holes it t"/es to 1ill the Al+ert I,d love to turn you on3
%"y Tri88er > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? 'ot " good re"son 1or t"l/ing the e"sy 7"y out3 'ot " good re"son 1or t"l/ing the e"sy 7"y out no73 She 7"s " d"y tri88er@ 2ne 7"y tic/ed@ ye"h; It too/ )e so long to 1ind out@ "nd I 1ound out3 She,s " +ig te"ser@ she too/ )e h"l1 the 7"y there3 She,s " +ig te"ser@ she too/ )e h"l1 the 7"y there@ no73 She 7"s " d"y tri88er@ 2ne 7"y tic/ed@ ye"h; It too/ )e so long to 1ind out@ "nd I 1ound out3 Tried to 8le"se her@ she only 8l"yed one night st"nds3 Tried to 8le"se her@ she only 8l"yed one night st"nds@ no73 She 7"s " d"y tri88er@ Sund"y driver@ ye"h; It too/ )e so long to 1ind out@ "nd I 1ound out3 %"y tri88er@ d"y tri88er@ ye"h;
%e"r 9rudence > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? %e"r 9rudence@ 6on,t you co)e out to 8l"y@ %e"r 9rudence@ 'reet the +r"nd ne7 d"y3 The sun is u8@ the s/y is +lue@ it,s +e"uti1ul "nd so "re you@ %e"r 9rudence@ 6on,t you co)e out to 8l"yA %e"r 9rudence@ 28en u8 your eyes3 %e"r 9rudence@ See the sunny s/ies3 The 7ind is lo7@ the +irds 7ill sing th"t you "re 8"rt o1 ev,rything@ %e"r 9rudence@ 6on,t you o8en u8 your eyesA Loo/ "round ,round ,round ,round ,round ,round ,round ,round ,round Loo/ "round ,round ,round ,round ,round ,round ,round ,round ,round ,round Loo/ "round %e"r 9rudence@ Let )e see you s)ile@ %e"r 9rudence@ Li/e " little child3 The clouds 7ill +e " d"isy ch"in so let )e see you s)ile "g"in@ %e"r 9rudence@ 6on,t you let )e see you s)ileA %e"r 9rudence@ 6on,t you co)e out to 8l"y@ %e"r 9rudence@ 'reet the +r"nd ne7 d"y3 The sun is u8@ the s/y is +lue@ it,s +e"uti1ul "nd so "re you@ %e"r 9rudence@ 6on,t you co)e out to 8l"yA
%ig A 9ony > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? I hi@ hi@ hi @hi %ig " 8ony 6ell you c"n cele+r"te "nything you 7"nt3 Yes you c"n cele+r"te "nything you 7"nt3 2ooh3 I hi@ hi@ hi @hi %o " ro"d hog 6ell you c"n 8enetr"te "ny 8l"ce you go3 Yes you c"n 8enetr"te "ny 8l"ce you go3 I told you so "ll I 7"nt is you3 Ev,rything h"s got to +e =ust li/e you 7"nt it to@ Bec"use3 I hi@ hi@ hi @hi 9ic/ " )oondog 6ell you c"n r"di"te ev,rything you "re3 Yes you c"n r"di"te ev,rything you "re3 2ooh3 I hi@ hi@ hi @hi -oll " stoney 6ell you c"n i)it"te ev,ryone you /no73 Yes you c"n i)it"te ev,ryone you /no73 I told you so "ll I 7"nt is you3 Ev,rything h"s got to +e =ust li/e you 7"nt it to@ Bec"use3 I hi@ hi@ hi @hi 0eel the 7ind+lo7 6ell you c"n indic"te ev,rything you see3 Yes you c"n indic"te ev,rything you see3 2ooh3 I hi@ hi@ hi @hi %ug " 8ony 6ell you c"n syndic"te "ny +o"t you ro73 Yes you c"n syndic"te "ny +o"t you ro73 I told you so "ll I 7"nt is you3 Ev,rything h"s got to +e =ust li/e you 7"nt it to@ Bec"use3
%r3 -o+ert > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? -ing )y 1riend I s"y you c"ll %r3 -o+ert3 %"y or night he,ll +e there "nyti)e "t "ll@ %r3 -o+ert@ %r3 -o+ert@ You,re " ne7 "nd +etter )"n@ he hel8s you to underst"nd3 e does ev,rything he c"n@ %r3 -o+ert3 I1 you,re do7n he,ll 8ic/ you u8@ %r3 -o+ert3 T"/e " drin/ 1ro) his s8eci"l cu8@ %r3 -o+ert@ %r3 -o+ert@ e,s " )"n you )ust +elieve@ hel8ing ev,ryone in need@ No one c"n succeed li/e %r3 -o+ert3 6ell@ 7ell@ 7ell@ you,re 1eeling 1ine3 6ell@ 7ell@ 7ell@ he,ll )"/e you@ %r3 -o+ert3 My 1riend 7or/s 7ith the n"t,n"l he"lth@ %r3 -o+ert3 %on,t 8"y )oney =ust to see yoursel1 7ith %r3 -o+ert@ %r3 -o+ert@ You,re " ne7 "nd +etter )"n@ he hel8s you to underst"nd@ e does ev,rything he c"n@ %r3 -o+ert3 6ell@ 7ell@ 7ell@ you,re 1eeling 1ine3 6ell@ 7ell@ 7ell@ he,ll )"/e you@ %r3 -o+ert3
%on,t Let Me %o7n > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? No+ody ever loved )e li/e she does@ oo@ she does@ yes@ she does3 And i1 so)e+ody loved )e li/e she do )e@ oo@ she do )e@ yes@ she does3 %on,t let )e do7n@ don,t let )e do7n@ %on,t let )e do7n@ don,t let )e do7n@ I,) in love 1or the 1irst ti)e@ %on,t you /no7@ it,s gonn" l"st3 It,s " love th"t l"sts 1orever@ it, " love th"t h"d no 8"st3 And 1ro) the 1irst ti)e th"t she re"lly done )e@ oo@ she done )e she done )e good3 I guess no+ody ever re"lly done )e@ oo@ she done )e@ she done )e good3 %on,t let )e do7n@ don,t let )e do7n@ %on,t let )e do7n@ don,t let )e do7n3
%rive My C"r > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? As/ed " girl 7h"t she 7"nted to +e@ She s"id @ EB"+y@ c"n,t you seeA I 7"nn" +e 1")ous@ " st"r o1 the screen@ But you c"n do so)ething in +et7een3E EB"+y@ you c"n drive )y c"r@ Yes I,) gonn" +e " st"r3 B"+y@ you c"n drive )y c"r@ And )"y+e I love you3E I told th"t girl th"t )y 8ros8ects 7ere good@ She s"id@ EB"+y@ it,s understood3 6or/ing 1or 8e"nuts is "ll very 1ine@ But I c"n sho7 you " +etter ti)e3E EB"+y@ you c"n drive )y c"r@ Yes I,) gonn" +e " st"r3 B"+y@ you c"n drive )y c"r@ And )"y+e I love you3E Bee8 +ee8 )) +ee8 +ee8@ ye"h; EB"+y@ you c"n drive )y c"r@ Yes I,) gonn" +e " st"r3 B"+y@ you c"n drive )y c"r@ And )"y+e I love you3E I told th"t girl I could st"rt right "7"y@ She s"id@ EListen@ +"+y@ I,ve got so)ething to s"y3 I got no c"r "nd it,s +re"/ing )y he"rt@ But I,ve 1ound " driver@ th"t,s " st"rt3E EB"+y@ you c"n drive )y c"r@ Yes I,) gonn" +e " st"r3 B"+y@ you c"n drive )y c"r@ And )"y+e I love you3E Bee8 +ee8 )) +ee8 +ee8@ ye"h;
Eight %"ys A 6ee/ > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? 2oh I need your love +"+e@ 'uess you /no7 it,s true3 o8e you need )y love +"+e@ 5ust li/e I need you3 old )e@ love )e@ hold )e@ love )e@ Ain,t got nothing, +ut love girl@ Eight d"ys " 7ee/3 Love you every d"y girl@ Al7"ys on )y )ind3 2ne thing I c"n s"y girl@ Love you "ll the ti)e3 old )e@ love )e@ hold )e@ love )e@ Ain,t got nothing, +ut love girl@ Eight d"ys " 7ee/3 Eight d"ys " 7ee/@ I love you3 Eight d"ys " 7ee/@ Is not enough to sho7 I c"re3 2oh I need your love +"+e@ 'uess you /no7 it,s true3 o8e you need )y love +"+e@ 5ust li/e I need you3 old )e@ love )e@ hold )e@ love )e@ Ain,t got nothing, +ut love girl@ Eight d"ys " 7ee/3 Eight d"ys " 7ee/@ I love you3 Eight d"ys " 7ee/@ Is not enough to sho7 I c"re3 Love you every d"y girl@ Al7"ys on )y )ind3 2ne thing I c"n s"y girl@ Love you "ll the ti)e3 old )e@ love )e@ hold )e@ love )e@ Ain,t got nothing, +ut love girl@ Eight d"ys " 7ee/@ Eight d"ys " 7ee/@ Eight d"ys " 7ee/3
Ele"nor -ig+y > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? Ah@ loo/ "t "ll the lonely 8eo8le@ Ah@ loo/ "t "ll the lonely 8eo8le3 Ele"nor -ig+y 8ic/s u8 the rice in the church 6here " 7edding h"s +een@ Lives in " dre")@ 6"its "t the 7indo7@ 7e"ring the 1"ce Th"t she /ee8s in " ="r +y the door@ 6ho is it 1orA All the lonely 8eo8le@ 7here do they "ll co)e 1ro)A All the lonely 8eo8le@ 7here do they "ll +elongA 0"rther McCenCie@ 7riting the 7ords o1 " ser)on Th"t no one 7ill he"r@ No one co)es ne"r3 Loo/ "t hi) 7or/ing@ d"rning his soc/s in the night 6hen there,s no+ody there@ 6h"t does he c"reA All the lonely 8eo8le@ 7here do they "ll co)e 1ro)A All the lonely 8eo8le@ 7here do they "ll +elongA Ah@ loo/ "t "ll the lonely 8eo8le@ Ah@ loo/ "t "ll the lonely 8eo8le3 Ele"nor -ig+y died in the church "nd 7"s +uried Along 7ith her n")e3 No+ody c")e3 0"rther McCenCie@ 7i8ing the dirt 1ro) his h"nds As he 7"l/s 1ro) the gr"ve No one 7"s s"ved3 All the lonely 8eo8le@ 7here do they "ll co)e 1ro)A All the lonely 8eo8le@ 7here do they "ll +elongA
The End > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? 2h@ ye"h; Alright; Are you gonn" +e in )y dre")s tonightA And in the end@ The love you t"/e is eDu"l to the love you )"/e3
Every Little Thing > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? 6hen I,) 7"l/ing +eside her 9eo8le tell )e I,) luc/y3 Yes@ I /no7 I,) " luc/y guy3 I re)e)+er the 1irst ti)e I 7"s lonely 7ithout her@ Yes@ I,) thin/ing "+out her no73 Ev,ry little thing she does@ She does 1or )e@ ye"h3 And you /no7 the things she does@ She does 1or )e@ ye"h3 6hen I,) 7ith her I,) h"88y 5ust to /no7 th"t she loves )e3 Yes@ I /no7 th"t she loves )e no73 There is one thing I,) sure o1@ I 7ill love her 1orever@ 0or I /no7 love 7ill never die3 Ev,ry little thing she does@ She does 1or )e@ ye"h3 And you /no7 the things she does@ She does 1or )e@ ye"h3 Ev,ry little thing she does@ She does 1or )e@ ye"h3 And you /no7 the things she does@ She does 1or )e@ ye"h3 Ev,ry little thing@ ev,ry little thing3
Every+ody,s 'ot So)ething To ide E:ce8t Me And My Mon/ey > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? Co)e on@ co)e on@ co)e on@ co)e on@ co)e on is such " =oy@ co)e on is such " =oy3 Co)e on t"/e it e"sy@ co)e on t"/e it e"sy@ t"/e it e"sy@ t"/e it e"sy3 Ev,ry+ody,s got so)ething to hide e:ce8t 1or )e "nd )y )on/ey3 The dee8er you go@ the higher you 1ly@ the higher you 1ly@ the dee8er you go@ So co)e on@ co)e on@ co)e on is such " =oy@ co)e on is such " =oy3 Co)e on t"/e it e"sy@ co)e on t"/e it e"sy@ t"/e it e"sy@ t"/e it e"sy3 Ev,ry+ody,s got so)ething to hide e:ce8t 1or )e "nd )y )on/ey3 Your inside is out@ your outside is in@ your outside is in@ your inside is out@ So co)e on@ co)e on@ co)e on is such " =oy@ co)e on is such " =oy3 Co)e on t"/e it e"sy@ co)e on t"/e it e"sy@ t"/e it e"sy@ t"/e it e"sy3 Ev,ry+ody,s got so)ething to hide e:ce8t 1or )e "nd )y )on/ey3
0i:ing A ole > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? I,) 1i:ing " hole 7here the r"in gets in And sto8s )y )ind 1ro) 7"ndering 6here it 7ill go3 I,) 1illing the cr"c/s th"t r"n through the door And /e8t )y )ind 1ro) 7"ndering 6here it 7ill go3 And it re"lly doesn,t )"tter I1 I,) 7rong@ I,) right 6here I +elong@ I,) right 6here I +elong3 See the 8eo8le st"nding there 6ho dis"gree "nd never 7in And 7onder 7hy they don,t get in )y door3 I,) 8"inting the roo) in " colour1ul 7"y And 7hen )y )ind is 7"ndering@ There I 7ill go3 And it re"lly doesn,t )"tter I1 I,) 7rong@ I,) right 6here I +elong@ I,) right 6here I +elong3 See the 8eo8le st"nding there 6ho dis"gree "nd never 7in And 7onder 7hy they don,t get in )y door3
The 0ool 2n The ill > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? %"y "1ter d"y "lone on " hill The )"n 7ith the 1oolish grin is /ee8ing 8er1ectly still@ But no+ody 7"nts to /no7 hi)@ They c"n see th"t he,s =ust " 1ool And he never gives "n "ns7er3 But the 1ool on the hill sees the sun going do7n And the eyes in his he"d see the 7orld s8inning ,round3 6ell on the 7"y@ he"d in " cloud@ The )"n o1 " thous"nd voices t"l/ing 8er1ectly loud@ But no+ody ever he"rs hi)@ 2r the sound he "88e"rs to )"/e And he never see)s to notice3 But the 1ool on the hill sees the sun going do7n And the eyes in his he"d see the 7orld s8inning ,round3 And no+ody see)s to li/e hi)@ They c"n tell 7h"t he 7"nts to do And he never sho7s his 1eelings3 But the 1ool on the hill sees the sun going do7n And the eyes in his he"d see the 7orld s8inning ,round3 e never listens to the)@ e /no7s th"t they,re the 1ools3 They don,t li/e hi)3 But the 1ool on the hill sees the sun going do7n And the eyes in his he"d see the 7orld s8inning ,round3
0or No 2ne > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? Your d"y +re"/s@ your )ind "ches@ You 1ind th"t "ll her 7ords 21 /indness linger on 7hen she no longer needs you3 She 7"/es u8@ she )"/es u8@ She t"/es her ti)e "nd doesn,t 0eel she h"s to hurry she no longer needs you3 And in her eyes you see nothing@ No sign o1 love +ehind the te"rs cried 1or no one3 A love th"t should h"ve l"sted ye"rs3 You 7"nt her@ you need her@ And yet you don,t +elieve her 6hen she s"ys her love is de"d you thin/ she needs you And in her eyes you see nothing@ No sign o1 love +ehind the te"rs cried 1or no one3 A love th"t should h"ve l"sted ye"rs3 You st"y ho)e@ she goes out@ She s"ys th"t long "go She /ne7 so)eone +ut no7 he,s gone@ she doesn,t need hi)3 Your d"y +re"/s@ your )ind "ches@ There 7ill +e ti)es 6hen "ll the things you s"id 7ill 1ill your he"d@ you 7on,t 1orget her3 And in her eyes you see nothing@ No sign o1 love +ehind the te"rs cried 1or no one3 A love th"t should h"ve l"sted ye"rs3
0ro) A 6indo7 > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? L"te yesterd"y night I s"7 " light shine 1ro) " 7indo7@ And "s I loo/ed "g"in your 1"ce c")e into sight3 I couldn,t 7"l/ on until you,d gone 1ro) your 7indo73 I h"d to )"/e you )ine I /ne7 you 7ere the one3 2h I 7ould +e gl"d =ust to love " love li/e th"t@ 2h I 7ould +e true "nd I,d live )y li1e 1or you3 So )eet )e tonight =ust 7here the light shines 1ro) " 7indo7@ And "s I t"/e your h"nd s"y th"t you,ll +e )ine tonight3
0ro) Me To You > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? I1 there,s "nything th"t you 7"nt@ I1 there,s "nything I c"n do@ 5ust c"ll on )e "nd I,ll send it "long 6ith love 1ro) )e to you3 I,ve got ev,rything th"t you 7"nt@ Li/e " he"rt th"t,s oh@ so true3 5ust c"ll on )e "nd I,ll send it "long 6ith love 1ro) )e to you3 I got "r)s th"t long to hold you And /ee8 you +y )y sideB I got li8s th"t long to /iss you And /ee8 you s"tis1ied3 I1 there,s "nything th"t you 7"nt@ I1 there,s "nything I c"n do@ 5ust c"ll on )e "nd I,ll send it "long 6ith love 1ro) )e to you3 5ust c"ll on )e "nd I,ll send it "long 6ith love 1ro) )e to you3 I got "r)s th"t long to hold you And /ee8 you +y )y sideB I got li8s th"t long to /iss you And /ee8 you s"tis1ied3 I1 there,s "nything th"t you 7"nt@ I1 there,s "nything I c"n do@ 5ust c"ll on )e "nd I,ll send it "long 6ith love 1ro) )e to you3
'et B"c/ > 53 Lennon@ 93McC"rtney ? 5o 5o 7"s " )"n 7ho thought he 7"s " longer@ But@ he /ne7 it couldn,t l"st3 5o 5o le1t his ho)e in Tucson@ AriCon"@ 0or so)e C"li1orni" gr"ss3 'et +"c/; 'et +"c/; 'et +"c/ to 7here you once +elonged3 'et +"c/; 'et +"c/; 'et +"c/ to 7here you once +elonged3 S7eet Lorett" M"rtin thought she 7"s " 7o)"n@ But@ she 7"s "nother )"n3 All the girls "round her s"y she,s got it co)ing@ But she gets it 7hile she c"n3 'et +"c/; 'et +"c/; 'et +"c/ to 7here you once +elonged3 'et +"c/; 'et +"c/; 'et +"c/ to 7here you once +elonged3
'etting Better > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? It,s getting +etter "ll the ti)e3 > Better@ +etter@ +etter ? I used to get )"d "t )y school@ The te"cher 7ho t"ught )e 7eren,t cool3 olding )e do7n@ Turning )e round@ 0illing )e u8 7ith your rules3 I,ve got to "d)it it,s getting +etter@ It,s " little +etter "ll the ti)e3 I h"ve to "d)it it,s getting +etter@ It,s getting +etter since you,ve +een )ine3 Me used to +e "ngry young )"n@ Me hiding )e he"d in the s"nd3 You g"ve )e the 7ord@ I 1in"lly he"rd@ I,) doing the +est th"t I c"n3 I,ve got to "d)it it,s getting +etter@ It,s " little +etter "ll the ti)e3 I h"ve to "d)it it,s getting +etter@ It,s getting +etter since you,ve +een )ine@ 'etting so )uch +etter "ll the ti)e3 It,s getting +etter "ll the ti)e@ > Better@ +etter@ +etter ? It,s getting +etter "ll the ti)e3 > Better@ +etter@ +etter ? I used to +e cruel to )y 7o)"n@ I +e"t her@ "nd /e8t her "8"rt 1ro) the things th"t she loved3 M"n@ I 7"s )e"n +ut I,) ch"nging )y scene@ And I,) doing the +est th"t I c"n3 I,ve got to "d)it it,s getting +etter@ It,s " little +etter "ll the ti)e3 I h"ve to "d)it it,s getting +etter@ It,s getting +etter since you,ve +een )ine3 'etting so )uch +etter "ll the ti)e3 It,s getting +etter "ll the ti)e@ > Better@ +etter@ +etter ? It,s getting +etter "ll the ti)e3 > Better@ +etter@ +etter ? 'etting so )uch +etter "ll the ti)e3
'irl > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? Is there "ny+ody going, to listen to )y story All "+out the girl 7ho c")e to st"yA She,s " /ind o1 girl you 7"nt so )uch it )"/es you sorryB Still@ you don,t regret " single d"y3 Ah@ girl; 6hen I thin/ o1 "ll the ti)es I,ve tried so h"rd to le"ve her@ She 7ill turn to )e "nd st"rt to cry3 And the 8ro)ises the e"rth to )e "nd I +elieve her@ A1ter "ll this ti)e I don,t /no7 7hy3 Ah@ girl; She,s " /ind o1 girl 7ho 8uts you do7n 7hen 1riends "re there@ You 1eel " 1ool3 6hen you s"y she,s loo/ing good she "cts "s i1 it,s understood@ She,s cool@ cool@ cool@ cool3 Ah@ girl; 6"s she told 7hen she 7"s young th"t 8"in 7ould le"d to 8le"sure3 %id she underst"nd it 7hen they s"id Th"t " )"n )ust +re"/ his +"c/ to e"rn his d"y o1 leisureA 6ill she still +elieve it 7hen he,s de"dA Ah@ girl;
'ive 9e"ce A Ch"nce > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? Ev,ry+ody,s t"l/ing "+out B"gis)@ Sh"dis)@ %r"gis)@ M"dis)@ -"gis)@ T"gis)@ Thisis)@ Th"tis)@ Isn,t it the )ostA All 7e "re s"ying is give 8e"ce " ch"nce3 All 7e "re s"ying is give 8e"ce " ch"nce3 Ev,ry+ody,s t"l/ing "+out Ministers@ Sinisters@ B"nisters "nd C"nisters@ Biso8hs "nd 0isho8s@ -"++its "nd 9o8eyes@ Bye<+ye Bye<+yes3 All 7e "re s"ying is give 8e"ce " ch"nce3 All 7e "re s"ying is give 8e"ce " ch"nce3 Ev,ry+ody,s t"l/ing "+out -evolution@ Evolution@ M"stic"tion@ 0l"gell"tion@ -egul"tions@Integr"tions@ Medit"tions Un"ted N"tions@ Congr"tul"tions3 All 7e "re s"ying is give 8e"ce " ch"nce3 All 7e "re s"ying is give 8e"ce " ch"nce3 Ev,ry+ody,s t"l/ing "+out 5ohn "nd Yo/o@ Ti))y Le"ry@ -ose)"ry@ To))y S)others@ Bo++y %yl"n@ To))y Coo8er@ %ere/ T"ylor@ Nor)"n M"iler@ Al"n 'ins+erg@ "re 4rishn"@ "re@ "re 4rishn"3 All 7e "re s"ying is give 8e"ce " ch"nce3 All 7e "re s"ying is give 8e"ce " ch"nce3
'l"ss 2nion > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? I told you ,+out Str"7+erry 0ields@ You /no7 the 8l"ce 7here nothing is re"l@ 6ell@ here,s "nother 8l"ce you c"n go@ 6here ev,rything 1lo7s@ Loo/ing through the +ent +"c/ed inli8s To see ho7 the other h"l1 live@ Loo/ing through the gl"ss onion3 I told you ,+out the 6"lrus "nd )e@ )"n@ You /no7 th"t 7e,re "s close "s c"n +e@ )"n@ 6ell@ here,s "nother clue 1or you "ll@ The 6"lrus 7"s 9"ul@ St"nding on " c"st<iron "hore@ye"h3 L"dy M"donn" tryin, to )"/e ends )eet@ ye"h@ Loo/ing through the gl"ss onion3 2h ye"h@ oh ye"h@ oh ye"h3 Loo/ing through the gl"ss onion3 I told you ,+out the 0ool on the hill@ I tell you )"n he,s living there still@ 6ell@ here,s "nother 8l"ce you c"n +e@ Listen to )e@ 0i:ing " hole in the oce"n@ Trying to )"/e " dovet"il =oint@ Loo/ing through the gl"ss onion3
'olden Slu)+ers > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? 2nce there 7"s " 7"y to get +"c/ ho)e7"rd@ 2nce there 7"s " 7"y to get +"c/ ho)e3 Slee8 8retty d"rling@ do not cry@ And I 7ill sing " lull"+y3 'olden slu)+ers 1ill you eyes3 S)ies "7"/e you 7hen you rise3 Slee8 8retty d"rling@ do not cry@ And I 7ill sing " lull"+y3 2nce there 7"s " 7"y to get +"c/ ho)e7"rd@ 2nce there 7"s " 7"y to get +"c/ ho)e3 Slee8 8retty d"rling@ do not cry@ And I 7ill sing " lull"+y3
'ood %"y Sunshine > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? 'ood d"y sunshine@ 'ood d"y sunshine@ 'ood d"y sunshine3 I need to l"ugh "nd 7hen the sun is out I,ve got so)ething I c"n +l"+ "+out@ I 1eel good in " s8eci"l 7"y3 I,) in love "nd it,s " sunny d"y3 'ood d"y sunshine@ 'ood d"y sunshine@ 'ood d"y sunshine3 6e t"/e " 7"l/ the sun is shining do7n@ Burns )y 1eet "s they touch the ground3 'ood d"y sunshine@ 'ood d"y sunshine@ 'ood d"y sunshine3 And then 7e lie +ene"th " sh"dy tree@ I love her "nd she loving )e3 She 1eels good@ she /no7s she,s loo/ing 1ine3 I,) so 8roud to /no7 th"t she is )ine3 'ood d"y sunshine@ 'ood d"y sunshine@ 'ood d"y sunshine3
'ood Morning 'ood Morning > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? 'ood )orning@ good )orning@ good )orning3 Nothing to do to s"ve his li1e@ c"ll his 7i1e in3 Nothing to s"y +ut 7h"t " d"y@ ho7,s your +oy +eenA Nothing to do it,s u8 to you3 I,ve got nothing to s"y@ +ut it,s 2343 'ood )orning@ good )orning@ good )orning3 'oing to 7or/ don,t 7"nt to go@ 1eeling lo7 do7n3 Needing 1or ho)e you st"rt to ro")@ then you,re in to7n3 Ev,ry+ody /no7s there,s nothing doing3 Ev,rything is closed@ it,s li/e " ruin3 Ev,ryone you see is h"l1 "slee83 And you,re on your o7n@ you,re in the street3 A1ter " 7hile you st"rt to s)ile@ no7 you 1eel cool3 Then you decide to t"/e " 7"l/@ try the old school3 Nothing h"s ch"nged@ it,s still the s")e I,ve got nothing to s"y@ +ut it,s 2343 'ood )orning@ good )orning@ good )orning3 9eo8le running round it,s 1ive o,cloc/3 Ev,ry7here in to7n it,s getting d"r/3 Ev,ryone you see in 1ull o1 li1e3 It,s ti)e 1or te" "nd )eet the 7i1e3 So)e+ody needs to /no7 the ti)e gl"d th"t I,) here3 6"tching the s/irts you st"rt to 1lirt@ no7 you,re in ge"r3 'o to " sho7@ you ho8e she goes3 I,ve got nothing to s"y@ +ut it,s 2343 'ood )orning@ good )orning@ good )orning3
'ood Night > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? No7 it,s ti)e to s"y good night@ 'ood night@ slee8 tight3 No7 the sun turns out his light@ 'ood night@ slee8 tight3 %re") s7eet dre")s 1or )e@ %re") s7eet dre")s 1or you3 Close your eyes "nd I,ll close )ine@ 'ood night@ slee8 tight3 No7 the )oon +egins to shine@ 'ood night@ slee8 tight3 %re") s7eet dre")s 1or )e@ %re") s7eet dre")s 1or you@ %re") s7eet dre")s 1or )e@ %re") s7eet dre")s 1or you3 Close your eyes "nd I,ll close )ine@ 'ood night@ slee8 tight3 No7 the sun turns out his light@ 'ood night@ slee8 tight3 %re") s7eet dre")s 1or )e@ %re") s7eet dre")s 1or you3
'ood+ye > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? 9le"se don,t 7"/e )e u8 too l"te@ To)orro7 co)es "nd I 7ill not +e l"te3 L"te tod"y@ 7hen it +eco)es to)orro7 I 7ill le"ve to go "7"y3 'ood+ye@ good+ye@ good+ye@ good+ye )y love@ good+ye3 Songs th"t lingered on )y li8s E:cite )e no7 "nd linger on )y )ind3 Le"ve your 1lo7ers "t )y door@ I,ll le"ve the) 1or the one 7ho 7"its +ehind3 'ood+ye@ good+ye@ good+ye@ good+ye )y love@ good+ye3 0"r "7"y@ )y lover sings " lonely song And c"lls )e to his side3 6hen " song o1 lonely love invites )e on@ I )ust go to his side3 'ood+ye@ good+ye@ good+ye@ good+ye )y love@ good+ye3
'ot To 'et You Into My Li1e > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? I 7"s "lone@ I too/ " ride@ I didn,t /no7 7h"t I 7ould 1ind there3 Another ro"d 7here )"y+e I could see "nother /ind o1 li1e there3 2oh@ then I suddenly see you3 2oh@ did I tell you I need you Ev,ry single d"y o1 )y li1eA You didn,t run@you didn,t lie You /ne7 I 7"nted =ust to hold you3 And h"d you gone you /ne7 in ti)e 6e,d )eet "g"in 1or I,d h"ve told you3 2oh@ you 7ere )e"nt to +e ne"r )e3 2oh@ "nd I 7"nt you to he"r )e S"y 7e,ll +e together ev,ry d"y3 'ot to get you into )y li1e3 6h"t c"n I do@ 7h"t c"n I +e@ 6hen I,) 7ith you I 7"nt to st"y there3 I1 I,) true I,ll never le"ve And i1 I do I /no7 the 7"y there3 2oh@ then I suddenly see you3 2oh@ did I tell you I need you Ev,ry single d"y o1 )y li1eA 'ot to get you into )y li1e@ 'ot to get you into )y li1e3 I 7"s "lone@ I too/ " ride@ I didn,t /no7 7h"t I 7ould 1ind there3 Another ro"d 7here )"y+e I could see "nother /ind o1 li1e there3 2oh@ then I suddenly see you3 2oh@ did I tell you I need you Ev,ry single d"y 333
"88iness Is The 6"r) 'un > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? She,s not " girl 7ho )isses )uch3 %o do do do do do do 2h ye"h; She,s 7ell "cDu"inted 7ith touch o1 the velvet h"nd li/e " liC"rd on " 7indo7 8"ne3 The )"n in the cro7d 7ith )ulticolored )irrors on his ho+n"il +oots@ Lying 7ith his eyes 7hile his h"nds "re +usy 7or/ing overti)e3 A so"8 i)8ression o1 his 7i1e 7hich he"te "nd don"ted to the N"tion"l Trust3 I need " 1i: ,c"use I,) going do7n %o7n to the +its th"t I le1t u8 to7n3 I need " 1i: ,c"use I,) going do7n3 Mother su8erior =u)8 the gun@ Mother su8erior =u)8 the gun@ Mother su8erior =u)8 the gun@ Mother su8erior =u)8 the gun@ Mother su8erior =u)8 the gun@ Mother su8erior =u)8 the gun3 "88iness is " 7"r) gun@ "88iness is " 7"r) gun@ "88iness is " 7"r) gun3
A "rd %"ys Night > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? It,s +een " h"rd d"ys night@ And I,ve +een 7or/ing li/e " dog@ It,s +een " h"rd d"ys night@ I should +e slee8ing li/e " log3 But 7hen I get ho)e to you I 1ind the things th"t you do 6ill )"/e )e 1eel "lright3 You /no7 I 7or/ "ll d"y To get you )oney to +uy you things@ And it,s 7orth it =ust to he"r you s"y@ You,re gonn" give )e ev,rything3 So 7hy on e"rth should I )o"n@ ,Cos 7hen I get you "lone@ You /no7 I 1eel 2343 6hen I ho)e ev,rything see)s to +e right@ 6hen I ho)e 1eeling you holding )e tight@ tight@ ye"h3 It,s +een " h"rd d"ys night@ And I,ve +een 7or/ing li/e " dog@ It,s +een " h"rd d"ys night@ I should +e slee8ing li/e " log3 But 7hen I get ho)e to you I 1ind the things th"t you do 6ill )"/e )e 1eel "lright3 So 7hy on e"rth should I )o"n@ ,Cos 7hen I get you "lone@ You /no7 I 1eel 2343 6hen I ho)e ev,rything see)s to +e right@ 6hen I ho)e 1eeling you holding )e tight@ tight@ ye"h3 It,s +een " h"rd d"ys night@ And I,ve +een 7or/ing li/e " dog@ It,s +een " h"rd d"ys night@ I should +e slee8ing li/e " log3 But 7hen I get ho)e to you I 1ind the things th"t you do 6ill )"/e )e 1eel "lright3 You /no7 I 1eel "lright3
ello 'ood+ye > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? You s"y yes@ I s"y no@ You s"y sto8 "nd I s"y go go go@ oh no@ You s"y good+ye "nd I s"y hello@ ello@hello@ I don,t /no7 7hy you s"y good+ye@ I s"y hello@ ello@hello@ I don,t /no7 7hy you s"y good+ye@ I s"y hello3 I s"y high@ you s"y lo7@ You s"y 7hy "nd I s"y I don,t /no7@ oh no@ You s"y good+ye "nd I s"y hello@ ello@hello@ I don,t /no7 7hy you s"y good+ye@ I s"y hello@ ello@hello@ I don,t /no7 7hy you s"y good+ye@ I s"y hello3 You s"y good+ye "nd I s"y hello@ ello@hello@ I don,t /no7 7hy you s"y good+ye@ I s"y hello@ ello@hello@ I don,t /no7 7hy you s"y good+ye@ I s"y hello3 You s"y yes@ I s"y no@ You s"y sto8 "nd I s"y go go go@ oh no@ You s"y good+ye "nd I s"y hello@ ello@hello@ I don,t /no7 7hy you s"y good+ye@ I s"y hello@ ello@hello@ I don,t /no7 7hy you s"y good+ye@ I s"y hello3
ello Little 'irl > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? 6hen I see you ev,ry d"y I s"y )) )) ello little girl; 6hen you,re 8"ssing on your 7"y I s"y )) )) ello little girl; I1 I see you 8"ssing +y I cry I s"y )) )) ello little girl; 6hen I try to c"tch your eye I cry I s"y )) )) ello little girl; I send you 1lo7ers +ut you don,t c"re@ You never see) to see )e st"nding there3 I o1ten 7onder 7h"t you,re thin/ing o1 I ho8e it,s )e@ love@ love@ love3 So I ho8e there,ll co)e " d"y 7hen you,ll s"y M) )) You,re )y little girl@ you,re )y little girl;
el8; > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? el8; I need so)e+ody3 el8; Not =ust "ny+ody3 el8; You /no7@ I need so)eone@ hel8; 6hen I 7"s younger@ so )uch younger th"n tod"y@ I never needed "ny+ody,s hel8 in "ny 7"y3 But no7 these d"ys "re gone@ I,) not so sel1 "ssured No7 I 1ind I,ve ch"nged )y )ind@ I,ve o8ened u8 the door3 el8 )e i1 you c"n@ I,) 1eeling do7n And I do "88reci"te you +eing ,round3 el8 )e@ get )y 1eet +"c/ on th ground3 6on,t you 8le"se@ 8le"se@ hel8 )eA And no7 )y li1e h"s ch"nged in@ oh@ so )"ny 7"ys@ My inde8endence see)s to v"nish in the h"Ce3 But ev,ry no7 "nd then I 1eel so insecure3 I /no7 th"t I =ust need you li/e I,ve never done +e1ore3 el8 )e i1 you c"n@ I,) 1eeling do7n And I do "88reci"te you +eing ,round3 el8 )e@ get )y 1eet +"c/ on th ground3 6on,t you 8le"se@ 8le"se@ hel8 )eA 6hen I 7"s younger@ so )uch younger th"n tod"y@ I never needed "ny+ody,s hel8 in "ny 7"y3 But no7 these d"ys "re gone@ I,) not so sel1 "ssured No7 I 1ind I,ve ch"nged )y )ind@ I,ve o8ened u8 the door3 el8 )e i1 you c"n@ I,) 1eeling do7n And I do "88reci"te you +eing ,round3 el8 )e@ get )y 1eet +"c/ on th ground3 6on,t you 8le"se@ 8le"se@ hel8 )eA el8 )e; el8 )e;
elter<S/elter > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? 6hen I got to the +otto)@ I go +"c/ to the to8 o1 the slide 6here I sto8 "nd I turn "nd I go 1or " ride ,Til I get to the +otto) "nd I see you "g"in@ ye"h@ ye"h@ ye"h; %o you@ don,t you 7"nt )e to love youA I,) co)ing do7n 1"st@ +ut I,) )iles "+ove you3 Tell )e@ tell )e@ tell )e@ co)e on tell )e the "ns7er3 6ell@ you )"y +e " lover +ut you "in,t no d"ncer3 elter<s/elter@ helter<s/elter@ elter<s/elter@ ye"h; 6ill you 7on,t you@ 7"nt )e to )"/e you I,) co)ing do7n 1"st +ut don,t let )e +re"/ you Tell )e@ tell )e@ tell )e@ the "ns7er You )"y +e " lover +ut you "in,t no d"ncer3 Loo/ out; elter<s/elter@ elter<s/elter@ helter<s/elter; Loo/ out; C"use here she co)es3 6hen I got to the +otto)@ I go +"c/ to the to8 o1 the slide And I sto8 "nd I turn "nd I go 1or " ride And I get to the +otto) And I see you "g"in@ ye"h@ ye"h@ ye"h; 6ill you 7on,t you@ 7"nt )e to )"/e you I,) co)ing do7n 1"st +ut don,t let )e +re"/ you Tell )e@ tell )e@ tell )e@ the "ns7er You )"y +e " lover +ut you "in,t no d"ncer3 Loo/ out; elter<s/elter@ elter<s/elter@ helter<s/elter; Loo/ out; elter<s/elter; She,s co)ing do7n 1"st@ Yes she is@ Yes she is 333
er M"=esty > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? er M"=esty,s " 8retty nice girl@ But she doesn,t h"ve " lot to s"y3 er M"=esty,s " 8retty nice girl@ But she ch"nges 1ro) d"y to d"y3 I 7"nn" tell her th"t I love her " lot@ But I gott" get " +elly1ull o1 7ine3 er M"=esty,s " 8retty nice girlB So)ed"y@ I,) gonn" )"/e her )ine@ 2h@ ye"hB so)ed"y@ I,) gonn" )"/e her )ine3
ere Co)es The Sun > '3 "rrison ? ere co)es the sun@ ere co)es the sun@ And I s"y EIt,s "ll rightE Little d"rling@ it,s +een " long@ cold lonely 7inter3 Little d"rling@ it 1eels li/e ye"rs since it,s +een here3 ere co)es the sun@ ere co)es the sun@ And I s"y EIt,s "ll rightE Little d"rling@ the s)ile returning to their 1"ces3 Little d"rling@ it see)s li/e ye"rs since it,s +een here3 ere co)es the sun@ ere co)es the sun@ And I s"y EIt,s "ll rightE Sun@ sun@ sun here it co)es3 Sun@ sun@ sun here it co)es3 Sun@ sun@ sun here it co)es3 Sun@ sun@ sun here it co)es3 Sun@ sun@ sun here it co)es3 Little d"rling@ I 1eel th"t ice is slo7ly )elting3 Little d"rling@ it see)s li/e ye"rs since it,s +een cle"r3 ere co)es the sun@ ere co)es the sun@ And I s"y EIt,s "ll right@ It,s "ll right@ It,s "ll rightE
ere There And Every7here > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? To le"d " +etter li1e@ I need )y love to +e here3 ere )"/ing e"ch d"y o1 the ye"r@ Ch"nging )y li1e 7ith " 7"ve o1 her h"nd3 No+ody c"n deny th"t there,s so)ething there3 There@ running )y h"nds through her h"irB Both o1 us thin/ing ho7 good it c"n +e3 So)eone is s8e"/ing +ut she doesn,t /no7 he,s there3 I 7"nt her ev,ry7here@ "nd i1 she,s +eside )e I /no7 I need never c"re@ But to love her is to )eet her ev,ry7here@ 4no7ing th"t love is to sh"re@ E"ch one +elieving th"t love never dies@ 6"tching her eyes "nd ho8ing I,) "l7"ys there3 I 7"nt her ev,ry7here@ "nd i1 she,s +eside )e I /no7 I need never c"re@ But to love her is to )eet her ev,ry7here@ 4no7ing th"t love is to sh"re@ E"ch one +elieving th"t love never dies@ 6"tching her eyes "nd ho8ing I,) "l7"ys there3 To +e there "nd ev,ry7here@ ere@ there "nd ev,ry7here3
ey Bulldog > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? Shee8 dog st"nding in the r"in@ Bull1rog doing it "g"in@ So)e /ind o1 h"88iness is )e"sured out in )iles@ 6h"t )"/es you thin/ you,re so)ething s8eci"l 7hen you s)ileA Child li/e no one underst"nds@ 5"c/ /ni1e in your s7e"ty h"nds@ So)e /ind o1 innocence is )e"sured out in ye"rs@ You don,t /no7 7h"t it,s li/e to listen to your 1e"rs3 Big )"n 7"l/ing in the 8"r/@ 6ig7") 1rightened o1 the d"r/@ So)e /ind o1 solitude is )e"sured out in you3 You thin/ you /no7 it +ut you h"ven,t got " clue3 You c"n t"l/ to )e@ you c"n t"l/ to )e@ You c"n t"l/ to )e i1 you,re lonely you c"n t"l/ to )e3 ey Bulldog3
ey 5ude > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? ey 5ude@ don,t )"/e it +"d@ T"/e " s"d song "nd )"/e it +etter3 -e)e)+er to let her into your he"rt@ Then you c"n st"rt to )"/e it +etter3 ey 5ude@ don,t +e "1r"id@ You 7ere )"de to go out "nd get her3 The )inute you let her under your s/in@ Then you +egin to )"/e it +etter3 And "ny ti)e you 1eel the 8"in@ e= 5ude@ re1r"in@ %on,t c"rry the 7orld u8on your shoulders3 0or no7 you /no7 th"t it,s " 1ool 6ho 8l"ys it cool +y )"/ing his 7orld " little colder3 %" d" d" d" d" d" d" d" d" d" ey 5ude@ don,t let )e do7n@ You h"ve 1ound her@ no7 go "nd get her3 -e)e)+er to let her into your he"rt@ Then you c"n st"rt to )"/e it +etter3 So let it out "nd let it in@ ey 5ude@ +egin@ You,re 7"iting 1or so)eone to 8er1or) 7ith@ And don,t you /no7 th"t it,s =ust you@ e= 5ude@ you,ll do3 The )ove)ent you need is on your shoulder3 %" d" d" d" d" d" d" d" d" d" ey 5ude@ don,t )"/e it +"d T"/e " s"d song "nd )"/e it +etter -e)e)+er@ to let her under your s/in Then you,ll +egin to )"/e it +etter ey 5ude@ ey 5ude
old Me Tight > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? It 1eels so right no7 old )e tight@ Tell )e I,) the only one And then I )ight Never +e the loney one3 So@ hold )e tight Tonight@ tonight@ It,s you@ you@ you@ you@ you old )e tight@ Let )e go on loving you Tonight@ tonight@ M"/ing love to only you@ So@ hold )e tight Tonight@ tonight@ It,s you@ you@ you@ you@ you %on,t /no7 7h"t it )e"ns to hold you tight@ Being here "lone tonight 7ith you3 It 1eels so right no7 old )e tight@ Tell )e I,) the only one And then I )ight Never +e the loney one3 So@ hold )e tight Tonight@ tonight@ It,s you@ you@ you@ you@ you %on,t /no7 7h"t it )e"ns to hold you tight@ Being here "lone tonight 7ith you3 It 1eel so right no73 old )e tight@ Let )e go on loving you Tonight@ tonight@ M"/ing love to only you@ So@ hold )e tight Tonight@ tonight@ It,s you@ you@ you@ you@ you@ you@ you
oney 9ie > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? She 7"s " 7or/ing girl North o1 Engl"nd 7"y3 No7 she,s hit the +ig ti)e It the U3S3A3 And i1 she could only he"r )e This is 7h"t I,d s"y oney 8ie you "re )"/ing )e cr"Cy3 I,) in love +ut I,) l"Cy3 So 7on,t you 8le"se co)e ho)e3 2h honey 8ie )y 8osition is tr"gic3 Co)e "nd sho7 )e the )"gic 21 your olly7ood song3 You +ec")e " legend o1 the silver screen And no7 the thought o1 )eeting you M"/es )e 7e"/ in the /nee 2h honey 8ie you "re driving )e 1r"ntic S"il "srocc the Atl"ntic To +e 7here you +elong3 6ill the 7ind th"t +le7 her +o"t Across the se" 4indly send her s"iling +"c/ to )e oney 8ie you "re )"/ing )e cr"Cy3 I,) in love +ut I,) l"Cy3 So 7on,t you 8le"se co)e ho)e3
A) The 6"lrus > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? I ") he "s you "re he "s you "re )e "nd 7e "re "ll together3 See ho7 they run li/e 8igs 1ro) " gun@ see ho7 they 1ly@ I,) crying3 Sitting on the corn1l"/e 7"iting 1or the v"n to co)e3 Cor8or"tion te" shirt@ stu8id +loody tuesd"y@ M"n@ you +een " n"ughty +oy@ you let your 1"ce grolong3 I ") the egg<)"n@ they "re the egg<)en@ I ") the 7"lrus@ goo goo ", =oo+3 Mr3 City 8,lice)"n sitting 8retty little 8,lice)"n in " ro73 See ho7 they 1ly li/e Lucy in the s/y@ see ho7 they run@ I,) crying3 Yello7 )"tter cust"rd dri88ing 1ro) the de"d dog,s eye3 Cr"+"loc/er 1ish7i1e 8ornogr"8hic 8riestess3 Boy@ you +een " n"ughty girl@ you let your /nic/er do7n3 I ") the egg<)"n@ they "re the egg<)en@ I ") the 7"lrus@ goo goo ", =oo+3 Sitting in the English g"rden 7"iting 1or the sun3 I1 the sun don,t co)e you get " t"n 1ro) st"nding in the English r"in3 I ") the egg<)"n@ they "re the egg<)en@ I ") the 7"lrus@ goo goo g, =oo+@ g, goo goo g, =oo+3 E:8ert te:8ert cho/ing s)o/ers don,t you thin/ the =o/er l"ughts "t youA See ho7 they s)ile li/e 8igs in " sty@ see ho7 they sniel@ I,) crying3 Se)olin" 8ilch"rds cli)+ing u8 the Ei11el To7er3 Ele)ent,ry 8enguin singing "re 4rishn"3 M"n@ you should h"ve seen the /ic/ing Edg"r All"n 9oe3 I ") the egg<)"n@ they "re the egg<)en@ I ") the 7"lrus@ goo goo g, =oo+@ g, goo goo g, =oo+3
I C"ll Your N")e > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? I c"ll your n")e +ut you,re not there 6"s I to +l")e 1or +eing un1"ir3 2h I c"n,t slee8 "t night Since you,ve +een gone3 I never 7ee8 "t night I c"n,t go on3 6ell don,t you /no7 I c"n,t t"/e it3 I don,t /no7 7ho c"n@ I,) not going to )"y<"<y"/e it I,) not th"t /ind o1 )"n3 2h I c"n,t slee8 "t night But =ust the s")e I never 7ee8 "t night I c"ll your n")e@ I c"ll your n")e3
I %on,t 6"nt To See You Ag"in > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? I he"r th"t love is 8l"nned3 o7 c"n I underst"nd 6hen so)eone s"ys to )e I don,t 7"nt to see you "g"inA 6hy do I cry "t nightA So)ething 7rong could +e right3 I he"r you s"y to )e I don,t 7"nt to see you "g"in3 As you turned your +"c/ on )e@ You hid the light o1 d"y3 I didn,t h"ve to 8l"y "t +ein +ro/en<he"rted3 I /no7 th"t l"ter on "1ter love,s +een "nd gone@ I,ll still he"r so)eone s"y I don,t 7"nt to see you "g"in3
I %on,t 6"nt To S8oil The 9"rty > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? I don,t 7"nt to s8oil the 8"rty so I,ll go3 I 7ould h"te )y dis"88oint)ent to sho73 There,s nothing 1or )e here@ So I 7ill dis"88e"r I1 the turns u8 7hile I,) gone 8le"se let )e /no73 I,ve h"d " drin/ o1 t7o "nd I don,t c"re3 There,s no 1un in 7h"t I do i1 she,s not there3 I 7onder 7h"t 7ent 7rong@ I,ve 7"ited 1"r too long3 I thin/ I,ll t"/e " 7"l/ "nd loo/ 1or her3 Though tonight she,s )"de )e s"d@ I still love her3 I1 I 1ind her I,ll +e gl"d@ I still love her3 I don,t 7"nt to s8oil the 8"rty so I,ll go3 I 7ould h"te )y dis"88oint)ent to sho73 There,s nothing 1or )e here@ So I 7ill dis"88e"r I1 the turns u8 7hile I,) gone 8le"se let )e /no73 Though tonight she,s )"de )es"d@ I still love her3 I1 I 1ind her I,ll +e gl"d@ I still love her3 I,ve h"d " drin/ o1 t7o "nd I don,t c"re3 There,s no 1un in 7h"t I do i1 she,s not there3 I 7onder 7h"t 7ent 7rong@ I,ve 7"ited 1"r too long3 I thin/ I,ll t"/e " 7"l/ "nd loo/ 1or her3
I 0eel 0ine > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? B"+y,s good to )e@ you /no7@ She,s h"88y "s c"n +e@ you /no7@ She s"id so@ I,) in love 7ith her "nd I 1eel 1ine3 B"+y s"ys she,s )ine@ you /no7@ She tells )e "ll the ti)e@ you /no7@ She s"id so@ I so gl"d th"t she,s )y little girl She,s so gl"d she,s telling "ll the 7orld Th"t her +"+y +uys her things@ you /no73 e +uys her di")ond rings@ you /no73 She s"id so@ She,s in love 7ith )e "nd I 1eel 1ine3
I Need You > '3 "rrison ? You don,t re"liCe ho7 )uch I need you@ Love you "ll the ti)e "nd never le"ve you3 9le"se co)e on +"c/ to )e3 I,) lonely "s c"n +e@ I need you3 S"id you h"d " thing or t7o to tell )e3 o7 7"s I to /no7 you 7ould u8set )eA I didn,t re"liCe As I loo/ed in your eyes You told )e@ 2h@ yes@ you told )e@ You don,t 7"nt )y lovin, "ny )ore3 Th"t,s 7hen it hurt )e And 1eeling li/e this I =ust c"n,t go on "ny )ore3 9le"se re)e)+er ho7 I 1eel "+out you@ I could never re"lly live 7ithout you@ So@ co)e on +"c/ "nd see 5ust 7h"t you )e"n to )e I need you3 You told )e@ You don,t 7"nt )y lovin, "ny )ore3 Th"t,s 7hen it hurt )e And 1eeling li/e this I =ust c"n,t go on "ny )ore3 9le"se re)e)+er ho7 I 1eel "+out you@ I could never re"lly live 7ithout you@ So@ co)e on +"c/ "nd see 5ust 7h"t you )e"n to )e I need you3 I need you3 I need you3
I S"7 er St"nding There > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? 6ell@ she 7"s =ust seventeen@ you /no7 7h"t I )e"n3 And the 7"y she loo/ed 7"s 7"y +eyond co)8"re3 So@ ho7 could I d"nce 7ith "nother@ 2h@ 7hen I s"7 her st"nding thereA 6ell@ she loo/ed "t )e "nd I@ I could see Th"t +e1ore too long I,d 1"ll in love 7ith her3 She 7ouldn,t d"nce 7ith "nother@ 2h@ 7hen I s"7 her st"nding there3 6ell@ )y he"rt 7ent Coo) 6hen I crossed th"t roo) And I held her h"nd in )ine; 2h@ 7e d"nce through the night And 7e held e"ch other tight And +e1ore too long I 1ell in love 7ith her3 No7 I,ll never d"nce 7ith "nother@ 2h@ since I s"7 her st"nding there3 6ell@ )y he"rt 7ent Coo) 6hen I crossed th"t roo) And I held her h"nd in )ine; 2h@ 7e d"nce through the night And 7e held e"ch other tight And +e1ore too long I 1ell in love 7ith her3 No7 I,ll never d"nce 7ith "nother@ 2h@ since I s"7 her st"nding there3 2h@ since I s"7 her st"nding there3 2h@ since I s"7 her st"nding there3
I Should "ve 4no7n Better > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? I should h"ve /no7n +etter 7ith " girl li/e you@ Th"t I 7ould love ev,rything th"t you do@ And I do@ ey@ hey@ hey@ And I do3 6ho"@ oh@ I never re"liCed 7h"t " /iss could +e@ This could only h"88en to )e@ C"n,t you see@ C"n,t you see@ Th"t 7hen I tell you th"t I love you@ 2h@ you,re gonn" s"y you love )e too@ oo@ hoo@ hoo@ hoo@ 2h@ "nd 7hen I "s/ you to +e )ine@ You,re gonn" s"y you love )e too@ You love )e too@ You love )e too3
I 6"nn" Be Your M"n > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? I 7"nn" I 7"nn" I 7"nn" I 7"nn" +e your lover@ +"+e@ +e your )"n3 +e your lover@ +"+e@ +e your )"n3
Love you li/e no other@ +"+e@ Li/e no other c"n3 Love you li/e no other@ +"+e@ Li/e no other c"n3 I 7"nn" I 7"nn" I 7"nn" I 7"nn" +e your )"n@ +e your )"n@ +e your )"n@ +e your )"n3
Tell )e th"t you love )e@ +"+e@ Tell )e you underst"nd3 Tell )e th"t you love )e@ +"+e@ I 7"nn" +e your )"n3 I 7"nn" I 7"nn" I 7"nn" I 7"nn" I 7"nn" I 7"nn" I 7"nn" I 7"nn" I 7"nn" I 7"nn" I 7"nn" I 7"nn" +e your lover@ +"+e@ +e your )"n3 +e your lover@ +"+e@ +e your )"n3 +e your )"n@ +e your )"n@ +e your )"n@ +e your )"n3 +e your lover@ +"+e@ +e your )"n3 +e your lover@ +"+e@ +e your )"n3
Love you li/e no other@ +"+e@ Li/e no other c"n3 Love you li/e no other@ +"+e@ Li/e no other c"n3 I 7"nn" I 7"nn" I 7"nn" I 7"nn" +e your )"n@ +e your )"n@ +e your )"n@ +e your )"n3
I 6"nt To old Your "nd > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? 2h@ ye"h@ I,ll tell you so)ething I thin/ you,ll underst"nd@ Then I,ll s"y th"t so)ething I 7"nn" hold your h"nd@ I 7"nn" hold your h"nd@ I 7"nn" hold your h"nd3 2h 8le"se s"y to )e You,ll let )e +e your )"n@ And 8le"se s"y to )e You,ll let )e hold your h"nd@ No7 let )e hold your h"nd@ I 7"nn" hold your h"nd3 And 7hen I touch you I 1eel h"88y inside@ It,s such " 1eeling Th"t )y love I c"n,t hide@ I c"n,t hide@ I c"n,t hide3 Ye"h@ you got th"t so)ething@ I thin/ you,ll underst"nd@ 6hen I 1eel th"t so)ething I 7"nn" hold your h"nd@ I 7"nn" hold your h"nd@ I 7"nn" hold your h"nd3 And 7hen I touch you I 1eel h"88y inside@ It,s such " 1eeling Th"t )y love I c"n,t hide@ I c"n,t hide@ I c"n,t hide3 Ye"h@ you got th"t so)ething@ I thin/ you,ll underst"nd@ 6hen I 1eel th"t so)ething I 7"nn" hold your h"nd@ I 7"nn" hold your h"nd@ I 7"nn" hold your h"nd3
I 6"nt To Tell You > '3 "rrison ? I 7"nt to tell you My he"d is 1illed 7ith things to s"y3 6hen you,re here All those 7ords they see) to sli8 "7"y3 6hen I get ne"r you The g")e +egin to dr"g )e do7n3 It,s "ll right@ I,ll )"/e you )"y+e ne:t ti)e "round3 But i1 I see) to get un/ind@ It,s only )e@ it,s not )y )ind@ Th"t is con1using things3 I 7"nt to tell you I 1eel hung u8 "nd I don,t /no7 7hy3 I don,t )ind@ I could 7"it 1orever@ I,ve got ti)e3
I 6"nt You > She,s So e"vy? > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? I 7"nt you@ I 7"nt you so +"d3 I 7"nt you@ I 7"nt you so +"d3 It,s driving )e )"d@ It,s driving )e )"d3 I 7"nt you3 I 7"nt you so +"d@ +"+e3 I 7"nt you@ I 7"nt you so +"d@ It,s driving )e )"d@ It,s driving )e )"d3 I 7"nt you@ I 7"nt you so +"d3 I 7"nt you@ I 7"nt you so +"d3 It,s driving )e )"d@ It,s driving )e )"d3 I 7"nt you3 I 7"nt you so +"d@ +"+e3 I 7"nt you@ I 7"nt you so +"d@ It,s driving )e )"d@ It,s driving )e )"d3 She,s so he"vy3 She,s so he"vy3
I 6ill > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? 6ho /no7s ho7 long I,ve loved you@ You /no7 I love you still3 6ill I 7"it " lonely li1eti)e@ I1 you 7"nt )e to@ I 7ill3 0or i1 I ever s"7 you@ I didn,t c"tch your n")e3 But it never re"lly )"ttered@ I 7ill "l7"ys 1eel the s")e3 Love you 1orever "nd 1orever@ Love you 7ith "ll )y he"rtB Love you 7henever 7e,re together@ Love you 7hen 7e,re "8"rt3 And 7hen "t l"st I 1ind you@ You song 7ill 1ill the "ir3 Sing it loud so I c"n he"r you@ M"/e it e"sy to +e ne"r you 0or the things you do ende"r you to )e@ You /no7 I 7ill@ I 7ill3
I1 I 0ell > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? I1 I 1ell in love 7ith you 6ould you 8ro)ice to +e true And hel8 )e underst"nd ,C"use I,ve +een in love +e1ore And I 1ell it love 7"s )ore 6hen =ust hold in h"nds3 I1 I give )y he"rt to you@ I )ust +e sure 1ro) very st"rt Th"t you 7ould love )e )ore th"t her3 I1 I trust in you@ 2h@ 8le"se don,t run "nd hide3 I1 I you too@ 2h@ 8le"se don,t hurt )y 8ride li/e her3 ,C"use I couldn,t st"y in 8"in And I 7ould +e s"d i1 our ne7 love 6"s in v"in3 So I ho8e you see Th"t I 7ould love to love you@ And th"t see 7ill cry 6hen she le"rns 7e "re t7o@ ,C"use I couldn,t st"y in 8"in And I 7ould +e s"d i1 our ne7 love 6"s in v"in3 So I ho8e you see Th"t I 7ould love to love you@ And th"t see 7ill cry 6hen she le"rns 7e "re t7o@ I1 I 1ell in love 7ith you3
I1 I Needed So)eone > '3 "rrison ? I1 I needed so)eone to love@ You,re the one th"t I,d +e thin/ing o1@ I1 I needed so)eone3 I1 I h"d so)e )ore ti)e to s8end@ Then I guess I,d +e 7ith you )y 1riend@ I1 I needed so)eone3 "d you co)e so)e other d"y then It )ight not h"ve +een li/e this3 But you see no7 I,) too )uch in love3 C"rve your nu)+er on )y 7"ll "nd M"y+e you 7ill get " c"ll 1ro) )e@ I1 I needed so)eone3 I1 I h"d so)e )ore ti)e to s8end@ Then I guess I,d +e 7ith you )y 1riend@ I1 I needed so)eone3 "d you co)e so)e other d"y then It )ight not h"ve +een li/e this3 But you see no7 I,) too )uch in love3 C"rve your nu)+er on )y 7"ll "nd M"y+e you 7ill get " c"ll 1ro) )e@ I1 I needed so)eone3
I,ll Be B"c/ > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? You /no7 i1 you +re"/ )y he"rt I,ll go@ But I,ll +e +"c/ "g"in@ ,C"use I told you once +e1ore good+ye@ But I c")e +"c/ "g"in3 I love you so 2h@ I,) the one 7ho 7"nts you@ Yes I,) the one 7ho 7"nts you@ oh ho@ oh ho@ 2h@ you could 1ind +etter things to do Th"t to +re"/ )y he"rt "g"in@ This ti)e I 7ill try to sho7 th"t I,) Not trying to 8retend3 I thought th"t you 7ould re"liCe th"t I1 I r"n "7"y 1ro) you Th"t you 7ould 7"nt )e too@ But I,ve got " +ig sur8rise@ oh ho@ oh ho@ 2h@ you could 1ind +etter things to do Th"t to +re"/ )y he"rt "g"in@ This ti)e I 7ill try to sho7 th"t I,) Not trying to 8retend3 I 7"nn" go But I h"te to le"ve you@ You /no7 I h"te to le"ve you@ oh ho@ oh ho@ 2h@ you@ i1 you +re"/ )y he"rt I,ll go@ But I,ll +e +"c/ "g"in3
I,ll Cry Inste"d > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? I,ve got ev,ry re"son on e"rth to +e )"d@ ,C"use I,ve =ust lost the only girl I h"d3 I1 I could get )y 7"y@ I,d get )ysel1 loc/ed u8 tod"y@ But I c"n,t So I cry inste"d3 I,ve got " chi8 on )y shoulder th"t,s +igger th"n )y 1eet@ I c"n,t t"l/ to 8eo8le th"t I )eet3 I1 I could see you no7@ I,d try to )"/e you s"y it so)eho7@ But I c"n,t So I cry inste"d3 %on,t 7"nt to cry 7hen there,s 8eo8le there@ I get shy 7hen they st"rt to st"re@ I,) gonn" hide )ysel1 "7"y@ "y h"yB But I,ll co)e +"c/ "g"in so)e d"y3 And 7hen I do you,d +etter hide "ll the girls@ I,) gonn" +re"/ their he"rts "ll ,round the 7orld3 Yes@ I,) gonn" +re"/ the) in t7o@ And sho7 you 7h"t your lovin, )"n c"n do@ Until then I,ll cry inste"d3 %on,t 7"nt to cry 7hen there,s 8eo8le there@ I get shy 7hen they st"rt to st"re@ I,) gonn" hide )ysel1 "7"y@ "y h"yB But I,ll co)e +"c/ "g"in so)e d"y3 And 7hen I do you,d +etter hide "ll the girls@ I,) gonn" +re"/ their he"rts "ll ,round the 7orld3 Yes@ I,) gonn" +re"/ the) in t7o@ And sho7 you 7h"t your lovin, )"n c"n do@ Until then I,ll cry inste"d3
I,ll 0ollo7 The Sun > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? 2ne d"y you,ll loo/ To see I,ve gone@ 0or to)orro7 )"y r"in@ So I,ll 1ollo7 the sun3 So)e d"y you,ll /no7 I 7"s the one3 But to)orro7 )"y r"in@ So I,ll 1ollo7 the sun3 And no7 the ti)e "s co)e@ And so@ )y love I )ust go3 And though I lose " 1riend In the end You 7ill /no7 oh@ 2ne d"y you,ll 1ind Th"t I h"ve gone3 But to)orro7 )"y r"in@ So I,ll 1ollo7 the sun3
I,ll 'et You > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? 2h ye"h@ 2h ye"h@ 2h ye"h@ 2h ye"h; I)"gine I,) in love 7ith youB It,s e"sy ,c"use I /no7 I,ve i)"gined I,) in love 7ith you M"ny@ )"ny@ )"ny ti)es +e1ore3 It,s not li/e )e to 8retend@ But I,ll get you@ I,ll get you in the endB Yes@ I 7ill@ I,ll get you in the end3 2h@ ye"h@ oh@ ye"h; I thin/ "+out you night "nd d"yB I need you "nd it,s true@ 6hen I thin/ "+out you I c"n s"y@ I,) never@ never@ never@ never +lue@ So I,) telling you@ )y 1riend Th"t I,ll get you@ I,ll get you in the endB Yes@ I 7ill@ I,ll get you in the end3 2h@ ye"h@ oh@ ye"h; 6ell@ there,s gonn" +e " ti)e 6hen I,) gonn" ch"nge your )ind3 So@ you )ight "s 7ell resign yoursel1 to )e3
I,) A Loser > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? I,) " loser@ I,) " loser@ I,) not 7h"t "88e"r to +e3 21 "ll the love I h"ve 7on or h"ve lost@ There is one love I should never h"ve crossed3 She 7"s " girl in " )illion@ )y 1riend@ I should h"ve /no7s she 7ould 7in in the end3 I,) " loser@ And I lost so)eone 7ho,s ne"r to )e3 I,) " loser@ And I,) not 7h"t I "88e"r to +e3 Although I l"ugh "nd I "ct li/e " clo7n@ Bene"th this )"s/ I ") 7e"ring " 1ro7n3 My te"rs "re 1"lling li/e r"in 1ro) the s/y@ Is it 1or her or )ysel1 th"t I cry3 I,) " loser@ And I lost so)eone 7ho,s ne"r to )e3 I,) " loser@ And I,) not 7h"t I "88e"r to +e3 6h"t h"ve I done to deserve such " 1"te@ I re"liCe I h"ve le1t it too l"te3 And so it,s true@ 8ride co)es +e1ore " 1"ll@ I,) telling you so th"t 7on,t lose "ll3 I,) " loser@ And I lost so)eone 7ho,s ne"r to )e3 I,) " loser@ And I,) not 7h"t I "88e"r to +e3
I,) %o7n > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? You tell lies thin/ing I c"n,t see@ You don,t cry ,cos you,re l"ughing "t )e3 I,) do7n@ I,) do7n@ I,) do7n@ o7 c"n you l"ugh 7hen you /no7 I,) do7nA M"n +uys ring@ 7o)"n thro7 it "7"y@ S")e old thing h"88en every d"y3 I,) do7n@ I,) do7n@ I,) do7n@ o7 c"n you l"ugh 7hen you /no7 I,) do7nA 6e,re "ll "lone "nd there,s no+ody else3 You still )o"n@ E4ee8 your h"nds to yoursel1E I,) do7n@ I,) do7n@ I,) do7n@ o7 c"n you l"ugh 7hen you /no7 I,) do7nA I s"id I,) do7n@ I,) re"lly do7n@ I,) re"lly do7n@ I,) re"lly do7n@ 2o@ oo@ Ye"h@ ye"h@ ye"h@ ye"h ;
I,) "88y 5ust To %"nce 6ith You > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? I don,t 7"nn" /iss or hold your h"nd@ I1 it,s 1unny try "n, underst"nd@ There is re"lly nothing else I,d r"ther do@ ,C"use I,) h"88y =ust to d"nce 7ith you3 I don,t need to hug or hold you tight@ I =ust 7"nn" d"nce 7ith you "ll night@ In this 7orld there,s nothing I 7ould r"ther do@ ,C"use I,) h"88y =ust to d"nce 7ith you3 5ust to d"nce 7ith you is ev,rything I need3 Be1ore this d"nce is through I thin/ I,ll love you too@ I,) so h"88y 7hen you d"nce 7ith )e3 I,) so)e+ody tries to t"/e )y 8l"ce@ Let,s 8retend 7e =ust c"n,t see his 1"ce@ In this 7orld there,s nothing I 7ould r"ther do@ ,C"use I,) h"88y =ust to d"nce 7ith you3 5ust to d"nce 7ith you is ev,rything I need3 Be1ore this d"nce is through I thin/ I,ll love you too@ I,) so h"88y 7hen you d"nce 7ith )e3 I,) so)e+ody tries to t"/e )y 8l"ce@ Let,s 8retend 7e =ust c"n,t see his 1"ce@ In this 7orld there,s nothing I 7ould r"ther do@ ,C"use I,) h"88y =ust to d"nce 7ith you3 2h@ oh@ ,C"use I,) h"88y =ust to d"nce 7ith you3 2h@ oh@ oh@ oh@ oh3
I,) In Love > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? I,ve got so)ething to tell you I,) in love@ I,ve +een longing to tell you I,) in love3 You,ll +elieve )e 7hen I tell you I,) in love 7ith you3 You,re )y /ind o1 girl@ You )"/e )e 1eel 8roud@ You )"/e )e 7"nt to shout "loud3 Yes@ I,) telling "ll )y 1riends I,) in love3 Ev,ry night I c"n,t slee8 thin/ing o1 you@ And ev,ry little thing th"t you do3 Yes@ I,) telling "ll )y 1riends I,) in love3 2h@ yes@ I,) sittin, on to8 o1 the 7orld@ I,) in love 7ith " 7onder1ul girl3 And I never 1elt so good +e1ore I1 this is love give )e )ore )ore )ore )ore3 Ev,ry night I c"n,t slee8 thin/ing o1 you@ And ev,ry little thing th"t you do3 Yes@ I,) telling "ll )y 1riends I,) in love3
I,) Loo/ing Through You > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? I,) loo/ing through you@ 6here did you goA I thought I /ne7 you@ 6h"t did I /no7A You don,t loo/ di11,rent@ But you h"ve ch"nged3 I,) loo/ing through you@ You,re not the s")e3 Your li8s "re )oving@ I c"nnot he"rB Your voice is soothing@ But the 7ords "ren,t cle"r You don,t sound di11,rent@ I,ve le"rned the g")e I,) loo/ing through you@ You,re not the s")e3 6hy@ tell )e 7hy did you not tre"t )e rightA Love h"s " n"sty h"+it o1 dis"88e"ring overnight3 You,re thin/ing o1 )e The s")e old 7"y3 You 7ere "+ove )e@ But not tod"y3 The only di11,rence Is you,re do7n there3 I,) loo/ing through you@ And you,re no7here3 6hy@ tell )e 7hy did you not tre"t )e rightA Love h"s " n"sty h"+it o1 dis"88e"ring overnight3 I,) loo/ing through you@ 6here did you goA I thought I /ne7 you@ 6h"t did I /no7A You don,t loo/ di11,rent@ But you h"ve ch"nged3 I,) loo/ing through you@ You,re not the s")e3
I,) 2nly Slee8ing > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? 6hen I 7"/e u8 e"rly in the )orning@ Li1t )y he"d@ I,) still ="7ning3 6hen I,) in the )iddle o1 " dre")@ St"y in +ed@ 1lo"t u8 stre")3 9le"se don,t 7"/e )e@ no don,t sh"/e )e@ Le"ve )e 7here I ") I,) only slee8ing3 Ev,ry+ody see)s to thin/ I,) l"Cy@ I don,t )ind@ I thin/ they,re cr"Cy3 -unning ev,ry7here "t such " s8eed ,Til they 1ind there,s no need3 9le"se don,t s8oil )y d"y@ I,) )iles "7"y And "1ter "ll I,) only slee8ing3 4ee8ing "n eye on the 7orld going +y )y 7indo7@ T"/ing )y ti)e@ Lying there "nd st"ring "t the ceiling@ 6"iting 1or " slee8y 1eeling3 9le"se don,t s8oil )y d"y@ I,) )iles "7"y And "1ter "ll I,) only slee8ing3 6hen I 7"/e u8 e"rly in the )orning@ Li1t )y he"d@ I,) still ="7ning3 6hen I,) in the )iddle o1 " dre")@ St"y in +ed@ 1lo"t u8 stre")3 9le"se don,t 7"/e )e@ no don,t sh"/e )e@ Le"ve )e 7here I ") I,) only slee8ing3
I,) So Tired > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? I,) so tired@ I h"ven,t sle8t " 7in/@ I,) so tired@ My )ind is on the +lin/3 I 7onder should I get u8 "nd 1i: )ysel1 " drin/@ no@ no@ no3 I,) so tired@ I don,t /no7 7h"t to do@ I,) so tired@ My )ind is set on you3 I 7onder should I c"ll you +ut I /no7 7h"t you 7ould do3 You s"y I,) 8utting you on@ But it,s no =o/e@ It,s doing )e h"r)@ You /no7 I c"n,t slee8@ I c"n,t sto8 )y +r"in@ You /no7 it,s three 7ee/s@ I,) going ins"ne@ You /no7 I,d give you ev,rything I,ve got 0or " little 8e"ce o1 )ind3
In My Li1e > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? There "re 8l"ces I,ll re)e)+er All )y li1e@ though so)e h"ve ch"nged@ So)e 1orever@ not 1or +etter@ So)e h"ve gone "nd so)e re)"in3 All these 8l"ces h"d their )o)ents 6ith lovers "nd 1riends I still c"n rec"ll3 So)e "re de"d "nd so)e "re living@ In )y li1e I,ve loved the) "ll3 But o1 "ll these 1riends "nd lovers@ There,s no one co)8"res 7ith you@ And these )e),ies lose their )e"ning 6hen I thin/ o1 love "s so)ething ne73 Though I /no7 I,ll never lose "11ection 0or 8eo8le "nd things th"t 7ent +e1ore@ I /no7 I,ll o1ten sto8 "nd thin/ "+out the)@ In )y li1e I,ll love you )ore3 Though I /no7 I,ll never lose "11ection 0or 8eo8le "nd things th"t 7ent +e1ore@ I /no7 I,ll o1ten sto8 "nd thin/ "+out the)@ In )y li1e I,ll love you )ore3 In )y li1e I,ll love you )ore3
The Inner Light > '3 "rrison ? 6ithout going out o1 )y door I c"n /no7 "ll things on e"rth3 6ithout loo/ing out on )y 7indo7 I could /no7 the 7"ys o1 he"ven3 The 1"rther one tr"vels the less one /no7s@ the less one /no7s3 6ithout going out o1 )y door You c"n /no7 "ll things on e"rth3 6ithout loo/ing out on )y 7indo7 You could /no7 the 7"ys o1 he"ven3 The 1"rther one tr"vels the less one /no7s@ the less one /no7s3 Arrive 7ithout tr"veling@ See "ll 7ithout loo/ing3
It 6on,t Be Long > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? It 7on,t +e long@ Ye"h@ ye"h@ ye"h@ It 7on,t +e long@ Ye"h@ ye"h@ ye"h@ It 7on,t +e long@ Ye"h@ till I +elong to you3 Ev,ry night 7hen ev,ry+ody h"s 1un@ ere ") I sitting "ll on )y o7n3 It 7on,t +e long@ Ye"h@ ye"h@ ye"h@ It 7on,t +e long@ Ye"h@ ye"h@ ye"h@ It 7on,t +e long@ Ye"h@ till I +elong to you3 Since you le1t )e@ I,) so "loneB No7 you,re co)ing@ you,re co)ing on ho)e@ I,ll +e good li/e I /no7 I should3 You,re co)ing ho)e@ you,re co)ing ho)e3 Ev,ry night the te"rs co)e do7n 1ro) )y eyes@ Ev,ry d"y I,ve done nothing +ut cry3 It 7on,t +e long@ Ye"h@ ye"h@ ye"h@ It 7on,t +e long@ Ye"h@ ye"h@ ye"h@ It 7on,t +e long@ Ye"h@ till I +elong to you3 Since you le1t )e@ I,) so "loneB No7 you,re co)ing@ you,re co)ing on ho)e@ I,ll +e good li/e I /no7 I should3 You,re co)ing ho)e@ you,re co)ing ho)e3 Ev,ry d"y 7e,ll +e h"88y I /no7@ No7 I /no7 th"t you 7on,t le"ve )e no )ore3 It 7on,t +e long@ Ye"h@ ye"h@ ye"h@ It 7on,t +e long@ Ye"h@ ye"h@ ye"h@ It 7on,t +e long@ Ye"h@ till I +elong to you3
It,s All Too Much > '3 "rrison ? 6hen I loo/ into your eyes@ Your love is there 1or )e3 And the )ore I go inside@ The )ore there is to see3 It,s "ll too )uch 1or )e to t"/e The love th"t,s shining "ll "round you3 Ev,ry7here it,s 7h"t you )"/e 1or us To t"/e it,s "ll too )uch3 0lo"ting do7n the stre") o1 ti)e@ 0ro) li1e to li1e 7ith )e3 M"/es no di11,rence 7here you "re 2r 7here you,d li/e to +e3 It,s "ll too )uch 1or )e to t"/e The love th"t,s shining "ll "round you3 All the 7orld is +irthd"y c"/e So t"/e " 8iece@ +ut not too )uch S"il )e on " silver sun@ 6here I /no7 th"t I,) 1ree3 Sho7 )e th"t I,) ev,ry7here And get )e ho)e 1or te"3 It,s "ll too )uch 1or )e to t"/eF There,s 8lenty there 1or ev,ry+ody3 The )ore you give the )ore you get@ The )ore it is "nd it,s too )uch3 It,s "ll too )uch3
It,s 0or You > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? I,d s"y so)e d"y I,) +ound to give )y he"rt "7"y 6hen I do this 1or you3 They s"id th"t love 7"s " lie@ Told )e th"t I Should never try to 1ind So)e+ody 7ho,d +e /ind@ 4ind to only )e3 You love@ true love See)s to +e "ll I,) thin/ing o1@ But it,s true@ it,s 1or you3 So I =ust tell the) they,re right 6ho 7"nts " 1ightA Tell the) I Duite "gree No+ody,d love )e Then I loo/ "t you3 And love co)es@ love sho7s@ I give )y he"rt "nd no one /no7s Th"t I doB it,s 1or you
It,s 2nly Love > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? I get high 7hen I see you go +y@ )y@ oh@ )y; 6hen you sigh )y )y inside =ust 1lies@ +utter1lies@ 6hy ") I so shy 7hen I,) +eside youA It,s only love "nd th"t is "ll@ 6hy should I 1eel the 7"y I doA It,s onBy love "nd th"t is "ll@ But it,s so h"rd loving you3 Is it right th"t you "nd I should 1ight ev,ry nightA 5ust the sight o1 you )"/es night<ti)e +right@ very +right3 "ven,t I the right to )"/e it u8 girlA It,s only love "nd th"t is "ll@ 6hy should I 1eel the 7"y I doA It,s only love "nd th"t is "ll@ But it,s so h"rd loving you@ Yes@ it,s so h"rd loving you@ loving you3
I,ve 'ot A 0eeling > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? I,ve got " 1eeling@ " 1eeling dee8 inside@ oh ye"h@ oh ye"h3 I,ve got " 1eeling@ " 1eeling@ I c"n,t hide@ oh no@ oh no@ oh no@ ye"h@ ye"h3 I,ve got " 1eeling@ ye"h3 2h@ 8le"se +elieve )e I,d h"te to )iss the tr"in@ oh ye"h@ oh ye"h3 And i1 you le"ve )e I 7on,t +e l"te "g"in@ oh no@ oh no@ ye"h@ ye"h3 I,ve got " 1eeling@ ye"h3 All these ye"rs I,ve +een 7ondering "round 7ondering ho7 co)e no+ody told )e3 And th"t I 7"s loo/ing 1or 7"s so)e+ody 7ho loo/ed li/e you3 I,ve got " 1eeling th"t /ee8s )e on )y toes@ oh ye"h@ oh ye"h3 I,ve got " 1eeling I thin/ th"t every+ody /no7s@ oh ye"h@ oh ye"h@ ye"h@ ye"h3 I,ve got " 1eeling@ ye"h3 Ev,ry+ody h"d " h"rd ye"r@ Ev,ry+ody h"d " good ti)eB Ev,ry+ody h"d " 7et dre")@ Ev,ry+ody s"7 the sunshine3 2h ye"h@ oh ye"h@ oh ye"h3 Ev,ry+ody h"d " good ye"r@ Ev,ry+ody let their h"ir do7n@ Ev,ry+ody 8ulled their soc/s u8@ Ev,ry+ody 8ut their 1oot do7n3 2h ye"h@ oh ye"h@ oh ye"h3
I,ve 5ust Seen A 0"ce > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? I,ve =ust seen " 1"ce I c"n,t 1orget the ti)e or 8l"ce 7here 7e does )et@ She,s =ust the girl 1or )e "nd I 7"nt "ll the 7orld to see 7e,re )et3 M) )) )) )) )) ))3 "d it +een "nother d"y I )ight h"ve loo/ed the other 7"y And I,d h"ve never +een "7"re +ut "s it is I,ll dre") o1 her tonight3 %" d" d" d" d" d"3 0"lling@ yes I ") 1"lling@ And she /ee8s c"lling )e +"c/ "g"in3 I h"ve never /no7n the li/e o1 this@ I,ve +een "lone "nd I h"ve )issed Things "nd /e8t out o1 sight 1or other girls 7ere never Duite li/e this3 M) )) )) )) )) ))3 0"lling@ yes I ") 1"lling@ And she /ee8s c"lling )e +"c/ "g"in3 0"lling@ yes I ") 1"lling@ And she /ee8s c"lling )e +"c/ "g"in3 I,ve =ust seen " 1"ce I c"n,t 1orget the ti)e or 8l"ce 7here 7e does )et@ She,s =ust the girl 1or )e "nd I 7"nt "ll the 7orld to see 7e,re )et3 M) )) )) )) )) ))3 0"lling@ yes I ") 1"lling@ And she /ee8s c"lling )e +"c/ "g"in3 0"lling@ yes I ") 1"lling@ And she /ee8s c"lling )e +"c/ "g"in3
5uli" > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? "l1 o1 7h"t I s"y is )e"ning less But I s"y is =ust to re"ch you@ 5uli"3 5uli"@ 5uli"@ oce"nchild@ c"lls )e3 So I sing " song o1 love@ 5uli"3 5uli"@ se"shell eyes@ 7indy s)ile@ c"lls )e3 So I sing " song o1 love@ 5uli"3 er h"ir o1 1lo"ting s/y is shi))ering@ 'li))ering in the sun3 5uli"@ 5uli"@ )orning )oon@ touch )e3 So I sing " song o1 love@ 5uli"3 6hen I c"nnot sing )y he"rt I c"n only s8e"/ )y )ind@ 5uli"3 5uli"@ slee8ing s"nd@ silent clouds@ touch )e3 So I sing " song o1 love@ 5uli"3 M) )) )) c"lls )e3 So I sing " song o1 love@ 5uli"@ 5uli"@ 5uli"3
L"dy M"donn" > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? L"dy M"donn"@ children "t your 1eet 6onder ho7 you )"n"ge to )"/e ends )eetA 6ho 1inds the )oney 7hen you 8"y the rent@ %id you thin/ th"t )oney 7"s h"ven,t sentA 0rid"y night "rrives 7ithout " suitc"se@ Sund"yn )orning cree8ing li/e " nun@ Mond"y,s child h"s le"rned to tie his +oo1l"ce3 See ho7 they run3 L"dy M"donn"@ +"+y "t your +re"st 6onder ho7 you )"n"ge to 1eel the restA See ho7 they run3 L"dy M"donn" lying on the +ed@ Listen to the )usic 8l"ying in your he"d3 Tuesd"y "1ternoon is never ending@ 6ednesd"y )orning 8"8ers didn,t co)e@ Thursd"y night your stoc/ing needed )ending3 See ho7 they run3 L"dy M"donn"@ children "t your 1eet 6onder ho7 you )"n"ge to )"/e ends )eetA
Let It Be > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? 6hen I 1ind )ysel1 in ti)es o1 trou+le Mother M"ry co)es to )e@ S8e"/ing 7ords o1 7isdo)@ let it +e3 And in )y hour o1 d"r/ness She is st"nding right in 1ront o1 )e@ S8e"/ing 7ords o1 7isdo)@ let it +e3 Let it +e@ let it +e@ Let it +e@ let it +e@ 6his8er 7ords o1 7isdo)@ let it +e3 And 7hen the +ro/en<he"rted 8eo8le Living in the 7orld "gree@ There 7ill +e "n "ns7er@ let it +e3 0or though they )"y +e 8"rted There is still " ch"nce th"t they 7ill see@ There 7ill +e "n "ns7er@ let it +e3 Let it +e@ let it +e@ Let it +e@ let it +e@ There 7ill +e "n "ns7er@ let it +e3 And 7hen the night is cloudy There is still " light th"t shines on )e@ Shine until to)orro7@ let it +e3 I 7"/e u8 to the sound o1 )usic Mother M"ry co)es to )e@ S8e"/ing 7ords o1 7isdo)@ let it +e3 Let it +e@ let it +e@ Let it +e@ let it +e@ 6his8er 7ords o1 7isdo)@ let it +e3 Let it +e@ let it +e@ Let it +e@ let it +e@ 6his8er 7ords o1 7isdo)@ let it +e3
Little Child > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? Little child@ little child@ Little child@ 7on,t you d"nce 7ith )eA I,) so s"d "nd lonelyB B"+y@ t"/e " ch"nce 7ith )e3 Little child@ little child@ Little child@ 7on,t you d"nce 7ith )eA I,) so s"d "nd lonelyB B"+y@ t"/e " ch"nce 7ith )e3 I1 you 7"nt so)eone to )"/e you 1eel so 1ine@ Then 7e,ll h"ve so)e 1un 7hen you,re )ine@ "ll )ine3 So co)e on@ co)e on@ co)e on3 Little child@ little child@ Little child@ 7on,t you d"nce 7ith )eA I,) so s"d "nd lonelyB B"+y@ t"/e " ch"nce 7ith )e3 6hen you,re +y )y side you,re the only oneB %on,t you run "nd hide@ =ust co)e on@ co)e on3 So co)e on@ co)e on@ co)e on3 Little child@ little child@ Little child@ 7on,t you d"nce 7ith )eA I,) so s"d "nd lonelyB B"+y@ t"/e " ch"nce 7ith )e3 2h@ ye"h; B"+y@ t"/e " ch"nce 7ith )e3
The Long And 6inding -o"d > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? The long "nd 7inding ro"d th"t le"ds to your door@ 6ill never dis"88e"r I,ve seen th"t ro"d +e1ore@ It "l7"ys le"ds )e here Le"d )e to your door3 The 7ild "nd 7indy night th"t the r"in 7"shed "7"y "s le1t " 8ool o1 te"rs crying 1or the d"y 6hy le"ve )e st"nding here Let )e /no7 the 7"y3 M"ny ti)es I,ve +een "lone And )"ny ti)es I,ve cried Any7"y you,ll never /no7 The )"ny 7"ys I,ve tried +ut Still they le"d )e +"c/ to the long 7inding ro"d You le1t )e st"nding here " long long ti)e "go %on,t le"ve )e 7"iting here Le"d )e to your door3
Long@ Long@ Long > '3 "rrison ? It,s +een " long@ long@ long ti)e o7 could I ever h"ve lost you 6hen I loved you3 It too/ " long@ long@ long ti)e No7 I,) so h"88y I 1ound you No7 I love you3 So )"ny te"rs I 7"s se"rching So )"ny te"rs I 7"s 7"sting@ oh@ oh3 No I c"n see you@ +e you No7 c"n I ever )is8l"ne you o7 I 7"nt you 2h@ I love you You /no7 th"t I need you 2h@ I love you
Love You To > '3 "rrison ? E"ch d"y =ust goes so 1"st@ I turn "round@ it,s 8"st@ You don,t get ti)e to h"ng " sing on )e3 Love )e 7hile you c"n@ 2r I,ll get " 8l"n3 A li1eti)e is so short@ A ne7 one c"n,t +e +ought@ And 7h"t you,ve got )e"ns such " lot to )e3 M"/e love "ll d"y long@ )"/e love singing songs3 M"/e love "ll d"y long@ )"/e love singing songs3 There,s 8eo8le st"nding ,round 6ho,ll thro7 you in the ground3 They,ll 1ill you in 7ith "ll the things you,ll see3 I,ll )"/e love to you i1 you 7"nt )e to3
Lucy In The S/y 6ith %i")onds > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? 9icture yoursel1 in " +o"t on " river 6ith t"ngerine trees "nd )"r)"l"de s/ies3 So)e+ody c"lls you@ you "ns7er Duite slo7ly A girl 7ith /"leidosco8e eyes3 Celo8h"ne 1lo7ers o1 yello7 "nd green@ To7ering over your he"d3 Loo/ 1or the girl 7ith the sun in her eyes "nd she,s gone3 Lucy in the s/y 7ith di")onds@ Lucy in the s/y 7ith di")onds@ Lucy in the s/y 7ith di")onds3 0ollo7 her do7n to " +ridge +y " 1ount"in 6here roc/ing horse 8eo8le e"t )"rsh)"llo7 8ies3 Ev,ryone s)iles "s you dri1t 8"st the 1lo7ers Th"t gro7 so incredi+ly high3 Ne7s8"8er t":is "88e"r on the shore@ 6"iting to t"/e you "7"y3 Cli)+ in the +"c/ 7ith your he"d in the clouds "nd you,re gone3 Lucy in the s/y 7ith di")onds@ Lucy in the s/y 7ith di")onds@ Lucy in the s/y 7ith di")onds3 9icture yoursel1 on " tr"in in " st"tion 6ith 8l"sticine 8orters 7ith loo/ing<gl"ss ties3 Suddenly so)eone is there "t the turnstile@ The girl 7ith /"leidosco8e eyes3 Lucy in the s/y 7ith di")onds@ Lucy in the s/y 7ith di")onds@ Lucy in the s/y 7ith di")onds@ A"""h@ Lucy in the s/y 7ith di")onds@ Lucy in the s/y 7ith di")onds@ Lucy in the s/y 7ith di")onds@ A"""h@ Lucy in the s/y 7ith di")onds@ Lucy in the s/y 7ith di")onds@ Lucy in the s/y 7ith di")onds3
M"rth" My %e"r > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? M"rth"@ )y de"r@ though I s8end )y d"ys In covers"tion 8le"se re)e)+er )e@ M"rth"@ )y love@ %on,t 1orget )e@ M"rth"@ )y de"r3 old your he"d u8@ you silly girl@ Loo/ 7h"t you,ve done3 6hen you 1ind yoursel1 in the thic/ o1 it@ el8 yoursel1 to " +it 21 7h"t is "ll "round you3 Silly girl@ T"/e " good loo/ "round you@ T"/e " good loo/ you,ve +ound to see Th"t you "nd )e 7ere )e"nt to +e 0or e"ch other@ silly girl3
M":7ell,s Silver "))er > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? 5o"n 7"s DuiCCic"l@ Studied 8"t"8hysic"l Science in the ho)e3 L"te nights "ll "lone 7ith " test tu+e@ 2h@ oh@ oh@ oh3 M":7ell Edison@ M"=oring in )edicine@ C"lls her on the 8hone3 EC"n I t"/e you out to the 8ictures@ 5o<o<o<o"nAE But@ "s she,s getting re"dy to go@ A /noc/ co)es on the door3 B"ng; B"ng; M":7ell,s silver h"))er c")e do7n u8on her he"d3 Cl"ng; Cl"ng; M":7ell,s silver h"))er )"de sure th"t she 7"s de"d3 B"c/ in school "g"in@ M":7ell 8l"ys the 1ool "g"in@ Te"cher gets "nnoyed3 6ishing to "void An un8le"s"nt sce<e<e<ene3 She tells M": to st"y 6hen the cl"ss h"s gone "7"y@ So@ he 7"its +ehind3 6riting 1i1ty ti)es@ EI )ust not +e so<o<o<o3E But@ 7hen she turns her +"c/ on the +oy@ e cree8s u8 1ro) +ehind3 B"ng; B"ng; M":7ell,s silver h"))er c")e do7n u8on her he"d3 Cl"ng; Cl"ng; M":7ell,s silver h"))er )"de sure th"t she 7"s de"d3 93C3 Thirty one S"id@ E6e,re c"ught " dirty one3E M":7ell st"nds "lone3 9"inting testi)oni"l 8ictures@ 2h@ oh@ oh@ oh3 -ose "nd G"lerie@ Scre")ing 1ro) the g"llery@ S"y he )ust go 1ree3 The =udge does not "gree And he tells the) so<o<o<o3 But@ "s the 7ords "re le"ving his li8s@ A noise co)e 1ro) +ehind3 B"ng; B"ng; M":7ell,s silver h"))er c")e do7n u8on his he"d3 Cl"ng; Cl"ng; M":7ell,s silver h"))er )"de sure th"t he 7"s de"d3
Me"n Mr3 Must"rd > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? Me"n )r3 Must"rd slee8s in the 8"r/@ Sh"ves in the d"r/@ trying to s"ve 8"8er3 Slee8s in " hole in the ro"dB S"ving u8 to +uy so)e clothesB 4ee8s " ten +o+ note u8 his nose3 Such " )e"n old )"n@ Such " )e"n old )"n3 is sister 9") 7or/s in " sho8@ She never sto8s@ she,s " go getter3 T"/es hi) out to loo/ "t the HueenB 2nly 8l"ce th"t he,s ever +een3 Al7"ys shouts out so)ething o+scene3 Such " dirty old )"n@ %irty old )"n3
Michelle > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? Michelle@ )" +elle These "re 7ords th"t go together 7ell@ My Michelle3 Michelle@ )" +elle Sont les )ots Dui vont tres +ien ense)+le@ Tres +ien ense)+le3 I love you@ I love you@ I love you@ Th"t,s "ll I 7"nt to s"y@ Until I 1ind " 7"y I 7ill s"y the only 7ords I /no7 Th"t you,ll underst"nd3 Michelle@ )" +elle Sont les )ots Dui vont tres +ien ense)+le@ Tres +ien ense)+le3 I need to@ I need to@ I need to@ I need to )"/e you see 2h 7h"t you )e"n to )e@ Until I do I,) ho8ing you 7ill /no7 6h"t I )e"n3 I love you3 I 7"nt you@ I 7"nt you@ I 7"nt you@ I thin/ you /no7 +y no7@ I,ll get to you so)eho7 Until I do I,) telling you So you,ll underst"nd3 Michelle@ )" +elle Sont les )ots Dui vont tres +ien ense)+le@ Tres +ien ense)+le3 I 7ill s"y the only 7ords I /no7 Th"t you,ll underst"nd@ My Michelle3
Misery > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? You,ve +een tre"ting )e +"d@ Misery3 I,) the /ind o1 guy 6ho never used to cry@ But no7 you,re tre"ting )e +"d@ Misery3 I,ve lost you no7 I,) sure@ I 7on,t see you no )ore3 It,s gonn" +e " dr"g@ Misery3 I re)e)+er "ll the little things 7e,ve done3 You,ll re)e)+er "nd you,ll +e the lonely one@ lonely one3 9le"se co)e +"c/ to )e@ ,C"use ev,ryone c"n see 6ithout you I 7ill +e in )isery3
The Night Be1ore > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? 6e s"id our good+yes@ Love 7"s in your eyes@ No7 tod"y I 1ind You h"ve ch"nged you )ind Tre"t )e li/e you did the night +e1ore3 6ere you telling liesA 6"s I so un7iseA 6hen I held you ne"r You 7ere so sincere@ Tre"t )e li/e you did the night +e1ore3 L"st night is the night I 7ill re)e)+er you +y 6hen I thin/ o1 things 7e did It )"/es )e 7"nn" cry3 6e s"id our good+yes@ Love 7"s in your eyes@ No7 tod"y I 1ind You h"ve ch"nged you )ind Tre"t )e li/e you did the night +e1ore3 6hen I held you ne"r You 7ere so sincere@ Tre"t )e li/e you did the night +e1ore3 L"st night is the night I 7ill re)e)+er you +y 6hen I thin/ o1 things 7e did It )"/es )e 7"nn" cry3 6ere you telling liesA 6"s I so un7iseA 6hen I held you ne"r You 7ere so sincere@ Tre"t )e li/e you did the night +e1ore@ Li/e the night +e1ore3
No -e8ly > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? This h"88ened once +e1ore 6hen I c")e to your door@ No re8ly@ They s"id it 7"sn,t you But I s"7 you 9ee8 through your 7indo73 I s"7 the light@ I s"7 the light3 I /no7 th"t you s"7 )e ,C"use I loo/ed u8 to see your 1"ce3 I tried to tele8hone@ They s"id you 7ere not ho)e@ Th"t,s " lie@ ,C"use I /no7 7here you,ve +een@ I s"7 you 7"l/ in you door3 I ne"rly died@ I ne"rly died@ ,C"use you 7"l/ed h"nd in h"nd 6ith "nother )"n In )y 8l"ce3 I1 I 7ere you I,d re"liCe Th"t I love you )ore th"t "ny other guy@ And I,ll 1orgive Th"t I he"rd +e1ore 6hen you g"ve )e no re8ly3 I tried to tele8hone@ They s"id you 7ere not ho)e@ Th"t,s " lie@ ,C"use I /no7 7here you,ve +een@ I s"7 you 7"l/ in you door3 I ne"rly died@ I ne"rly died@ ,C"use you 7"l/ed h"nd in h"nd 6ith "nother )"n In )y 8l"ce3 No re8ly@ no re8ly3
No+ody I 4no7 > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? No+ody I /no7 could love )e )ore th"t you3 You c"n give )e so )uch love it see)s untrue3 Listen to the +ird 7ho sings it to the tree And then 7hen you,ve he"rd hi) see i1 you "gree3 No+ody I /no7 could love you )ore th"n )e3 Ev,ry7here I go the sun co)es shining through3 Ev,ryone I /no7 is sure it shines 1or you3 Even in )y dre")s I loo/ into your eyes@ Suddenly it see)s I,ve 1ound " 8"r"dise3 Ev,ry7here I go the sun co)es shining through3 It )e"ns so )uch to +e " 8"rt o1 " he"rt o1 " 7onder1ul one3 6hen other lovers "re gone@ 6e,ll live on@ 7e,ll live on3 No+ody I /no7 could love )e )ore th"t you3
Nor7egi"n 6ood > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? I once h"d girl@ 2r should I s"y@ She once h"d )eB She sho7ed )e her roo)@ Isn,t it good@ Nor7egi"n 7oodA She "s/ed )e to st"y "nd she told )e to sit "ny7here3 So I loo/ed "round "nd I noticed there 7"sn,t " ch"ir3 I s"t on " rug@ Biding )y ti)e@ %rin/ing her 7ine@ 6e t"l/ed until t7o@ And then she s"id@ EIt,s ti)e 1or +ed3E She told )e she 7or/ed in the )orning "nd st"rted to l"ugh3 I told her I didn,t "nd cr"7led o11 to slee8 in the +"th3 And 7hen I "7o/e@ I 7"s "lone@ This +ird h"d 1lo7nB So I lit " 1ire@ Isn,t it good@ Nor7egi"n 7oodA
Not A Second Ti)e > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? You /no7 you )"de )e cry@ I see no use in 7ond,ring 7hy3 I cried 1or you3 And no7 you,ve ch"nged your )ind@ I see no re"son to ch"nge )ine3 I cried@ it,s through3 2h@ you,re giving )e the s")e old line@ I,) 7ond,ring 7hy3 You hurt )e then@ You,re +"c/ "g"in3 No@ no@ no@ Not " second ti)e3 You /no7 you )"de )e cry@ I see no use in 7ond,ring 7hy3 I cried 1or you3 And no7 you,ve ch"nged your )ind@ I see no re"son to ch"nge )ine3 I cried@ it,s through3 2h@ not " second ti)e3
No7here M"n > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? e,s " re"l no7here )"n@ Sitting in his no7here l"nd@ M"/ing "ll his no7here 8l"ns 1or no+ody3 %oesn,t h"ve " 8oint o1 vie7@ 4no7s not 7here he,s going to@ Isn,t he " +it li/e you "nd )eA No7here )"n@ 8le"se listen@ You don,t /no7 7h"t you,re )issing@ No7here )"n@ the 7orld is "t your co))"nd3 e,s " +lind "s he c"n +e@ 5ust sees 7h"t he 7"nts to see@ No7here )"n c"n you see )e "t "llA No7here )"n@ don,t 7orry@ T"/e your ti)e@ don,t hurry@ Le"ve it "ll till so)e+ody else lends you " h"nd3 %oesn,t h"ve " 8oint o1 vie7@ 4no7s not 7here he,s going to@ Isn,t he " +it li/e you "nd )eA No7here )"n@ 8le"se listen@ You don,t /no7 7h"t you,re )issing@ No7here )"n@ the 7orld is "t your co))"nd3 e,s " re"l no7here )"n@ Sitting in his no7here l"nd@ M"/ing "ll his no7here 8l"ns 1or no+ody@ M"/ing "ll his no7here 8l"ns 1or no+ody@ M"/ing "ll his no7here 8l"ns 1or no+ody3
2+<L"<%i 2+<L"<%" > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? %es)ond h"s " +"rro7 in the )"r/et 8l"ce3 Molly is " singer in " +"nd3 %es)ond s"ys to Molly girl I li/e your 1"ce And Molly s"ys this "s she t"/es hi) +y the h"nd3 2+l"di o+l"d" li1e goes on +r" L"l" ho7 the li1e goes on3 2+l"di o+l"d" li1e goes on +r" L"l" ho7 the li1e goes on3 %es)ond t"/es " trolley to the =e7ellers stores@ Buys " t7enty c"r"t golden ring3 T"/es it +"c/ to Molly 7"iting "t the door And "s he gives it to her she +egins to sing3 2+l"di o+l"d" li1e goes on +r" L"l" ho7 the li1e goes on3 2+l"di o+l"d" li1e goes on +r" L"l" ho7 the li1e goes on3 In " cou8le o1 ye"rs they h"ve +uilt A ho)e s7eet ho7e 6ith " cou8le o1 /ids running in the y"rd 21 %es)ond "nd Molly 5ones3 "88y ever "1ter in the )"r/et 8l"ce %es)ond lets the children lend " h"nd3 Molly st"ys "t ho)e "nd does her 8retty 1"ce And in the evening she still sings it 7ith the +"nd3 2+l"di o+l"d" li1e goes on +r" L"l" ho7 the li1e goes on3 2+l"di o+l"d" li1e goes on +r" L"l" ho7 the li1e goes on3 In " cou8le o1 ye"rs they h"ve +uilt A ho)e s7eet ho7e 6ith " cou8le o1 /ids running in the y"rd 21 %es)ond "nd Molly 5ones3 "88y ever "1ter in the )"r/et 8l"ce Molly lets the children lend " h"nd3 %es)ond st"ys "t ho)e "nd does his 8retty 1"ce And in the evening she,s " singer 7ith the +"nd3 2+l"di o+l"d" li1e goes on +r" L"l" ho7 the li1e goes on3 2+l"di o+l"d" li1e goes on +r" L"l" ho7 the li1e goes on3 And i1 you 7"nt so)e 1un < T"/e o+l"di o+l"d"3
2cto8us,s '"rden > -3 St"r/ey ? I,d li/e to +e under se" In "n octo8us,s g"rden in the sh"de3 e,d let us in /no7s 7here 7e,ve +een In his octo8us,s g"rden in the sh"de3 I,d "s/ )y 1riends to co)e "nd see An octo8us,s g"rden 7ith )e3 I,d li/e to +e under se" In "n octo8us,s g"rden in the sh"de3 6e 7ould +e 7"r) +elo7 the stor) In our little hide "7"y +ene"th the 7"ves3 -esting our he"ds on the se" +ed In "n octo8us,s g"rden ne"r " c"ve3 6e 7ould sing "nd d"nce "round Bec"use 7e /no7 7e c"n,t +e 1ound3 I,d li/e to +e under se" In "n octo8us,s g"rden in the sh"de3 6e 7ould shout "nd s7i) "+out The cor"l th"t lies +ene"th the 7"ves3 2h 7h"t " =oy 1or ev,ry girl "nd +oy 4no7ing they,re h"88y "nd they,re s"1e3 6e 7ould +e so h"88y you "nd )e@ No one there to tell us 7h"t to do3 I,d li/e to +e under se" In "n octo8us,s g"rden 7ith you3 In "n octo8us,s g"rden 7ith you3 In "n octo8us,s g"rden 7ith you3
2h; %"rling > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? 2h; %"rling@ 9le"se +elieve )e@ I,ll never do you no h"r)@ Believe )e 7hen I tell you I,ll never do you no h"r)3 2h; %"rling@ I1 you le"ve )e@ I,ll never )"/e it "lone3 Believe )e 7hen I +eg you@ %on,t ever le"ve )e "lone3 6hen you told )e you didn,t need )e "ny )ore@ 6ell@ you /no7 I ne"rly +ro/e do7n "nd cried3 6hen you told )e you didn,t need )e "ny )ore@ 6ell@ you /no7 I ne"rly +ro/e do7n "nd died3 2h; %"rling@ I1 you le"ve )e@ I,ll never )"/e it "lone3 Believe )e 7hen I tell you@ I,ll never do you no h"r) 6hen you told )e you didn,t need )e "ny )ore@ 6ell@ you /no7 I ne"rly +ro/e do7n "nd cried3 6hen you told )e you didn,t need )e "ny )ore@ 6ell@ you /no7 I ne"rly +ro/e do7n "nd died3 2h; %"rling@ 9le"se +elieve )e@ I,ll never let you do7n3 Bellieve )e 7hen I tell you@ I,ll never do you no h"r)3
2ne A1ter !$! > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? My +"+y s"ys she,s tr"v,ling on the one "1ter !$!3 I s"id )ove over honey I,) tr"velling on th"t line3 I s"id )ove over once@ )ove over t7ice@ Co)e on +"+y don,t +e cold "s ice3 I s"id I,) tr"v,ling on the one "1ter !$!3 I +egged her not to go "nd I +egged her on )y +ended /nees3 You,re only 1ooling "round@ you,re only 1ooling "round 7ith )e3 I s"id )ove over once@ )ove over t7ice@ Co)e on +"+y don,t +e cold "s ice3 I s"id I,) tr"v,ling on the one "1ter !$!3 I,ve got )y +"g@ -un to the st"tion3 -"il)"n s"ys You,ve got the 7rong loc"tion3 I,ve got )y +"g@ -un right ho)e3 Then I 1ind I,ve got the nu)+er 7rong3 I s"id I,) tr"v,ling on the one "1ter !$!3 I s"id )ove over honey I,) tr"velling on th"t line3 I s"id )ove over once@ )ove over t7ice@ Co)e on +"+y don,t +e cold "s ice3 I s"id I,) tr"v,ling on the one "1ter !$!3 I,ve got )y +"g@ -un to the st"tion3 -"il)"n s"ys You,ve got the 7rong loc"tion3 I,ve got )y +"g@ -un right ho)e3 Then I 1ind I,ve got the nu)+er 7rong3 My +"+y s"ys she,s tr"v,ling on the one "1ter !$!3 I s"id )ove over honey I,) tr"velling on th"t line3 I s"id )ove over once@ )ove over t7ice@ Co)e on +"+y don,t +e cold "s ice3 I s"id I,) tr"v,ling on the one "1ter !$!3
2nly A Nothern Song > '3 "rrison ? I1 you,re list,ning to this song You )"y thin/ the chords "re going 7rong3 But they,re not3 e =ust 7rote it li/e th"t3 6hen you,re list,ning l"te "t night@ You )"y thin/ the +"nds "re not Duite right3 But they "re3 They =ust 8l"y it li/e th"t3 It doesn,t re"lly )"tter 7h"t chords I 8l"y@ 6h"t 7ords I s"y or ti)e o1 d"y it is@ As it,s only " Northern Song3 It doesn,t re"lly )"tter 7h"t clothes I 7e"r 2r ho7 I t"re or i1 )y h"ir is +ro7n@ 6hen it,s only " Northern Song3 I1 you thin/ the h"r)ony Is " little d"r/ "nd out o1 /ey@ You,re correct@ There,s no+ody there3 And I told you there,s no one there3
9"8er+"c/ 6riter > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? %e"r Sir or M"d") 7ill you re"d )y +oo/A It too/ )e ye"rs to 7rite@ 7ill you t"/e " loo/A B"sed on " novel +y " )"n n")ed Le"r And I need " =o+ so I 7"nt to +e " 8"8er+"c/ 7riter@ 8"8er+"c/ 7riter3 It,s the dirty story o1 " dirty )"n@ And his clinging 7i1e doesn,t underst"nd3 is son is 7or/ing 1or the %"ily M"il@ It,s " ste"dy =o+@ +ut he 7"nts to +e " 8"8er+"c/ 7riter@ 8"8er+"c/ 7riter3 It,s thous"nd 8"ges@ give or t"/e " 1e73 I,ll +e 7riting )ore in " 7ee/ or t7o3 I c"n )"/e it longer i1 you li/e the stile@ I c"n ch"nge it ,round "nd I 7"nt to +e " 8"8er+"c/ 7riter@ 8"8er+"c/ 7riter3 It you re"lly li/e it you c"n h"ve the things@ It could )"/e " )illion 1or you overnight3 I1 you )ust return it you c"n send it here@ But I need " +re"/ "nd I 7"nt to +e " 8"8er+"c/ 7riter@ 8"8er+"c/ 7riter3
9enny L"ne > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? 9enny L"ne there is " +"r+er sho7ing 8hotogr"8hs 21 ev,ry he"d he,s h"d the 8le"sure to /no73 And "ll the 8eo8le th"t co)e "nd go sto8 "nd s"y hello3 9enny L"ne is in )y e"rs "nd in )y eyes3 6et +ehind the +lue su+ur+"n s/ies I sit "nd )e"n7hile +"c/ 2n the corner is " +"n/er 7ith " )otor c"r3 The little children l"ugh "t hi) +ehind his +"c/3 And the +"n/er never 7e"rs " E)"cE in the 8ouring r"in@ very str"nge3 9enny L"ne is in )y e"rs "nd in )y eyes3 6et +ehind the +lue su+ur+"n s/ies I sit "nd )e"n7hile +"c/ In 9enny L"ne there is " 1ire)"n 7ith "n hour gl"ss3 And in his 8oc/et is " 8ortr"it o1 the Dueen3 e li/es to /ee8 his 1ire engine cle"n@ it,s " cle"n )"chine3 9enny L"ne is in )y e"rs "nd in )y eyes3 0ull o1 1ish "nd 1inger 8ies In su))er )e"n7hile +"c/ In 9enny L"ne the +"r+er sh"7es "nother custo)er3 6e see the +"ner sitting@ 7"iting 1or " trend3 And then the 1ire)"n rushes in 1ro) the 8ouring r"in@ very str"nge 9enny L"ne is in )y e"rs "nd in )y eyes3 6et +ehind the +lue su+ur+"n s/ies I sit "nd )e"n7hile +"c/ 9enny L"ne is in )y e"rs "nd in )y eyes3 6et +ehind the +lue su+ur+"n s/ies@ 9enny L"ne3
9le"se Mr3 9ost)"n > oll"nd ? 6"it oh yes 7"it " )inute )r3 9ost)"n 6"it 7"it )r3 9ost)"n3 Mr3 9ost)"n@ loo/ "nd see@ 2h@ ye"h@ is there " letter in your +"g 1or )e 9le"se@ 8le"se )r3 9ost)"n I,ve +een 7"iting long@ long ti)e 2h@ ye"h@ since I he"rd 1ro) th"t girl o1 )ine3 There )ust +e so)e )"il tod"y 0ro) )y girl1riend so 1"r "7"y 9le"se )r3 9ost)"n@ loo/ "nd see@ I1 there " letter@" letter 1or )e I,ve +een st"nding here 7"iting )r3 9ost)"n so 8"tienly 0or =ust " c"rd or =ust " letter S"ying she,s returning ho)e to )e3 9le"se )r3 9ost)"n@ Mr3 9ost)"n@ loo/ "nd see@ 2h@ ye"h@ is there " letter in your +"g 1or )e 9le"se@ 8le"se )r3 9ost)"n I,ve +een 7"iting long@ long ti)e 2h@ ye"h@ since I he"rd 1ro) th"t girl o1 )ine3 So )"ny d"ys you 8"ssed )e +y See the te"rs st"nding in )y eyes3 You didn,t sto8 to )"/e )e 1eel +etter By le"rning )e " c"rd or " letter3 9le"se )r3 9ost)"n@ Mr3 9ost)"n@ loo/ "nd see@ Is there " letter@oh@ ye"h@ in your +"g 1or )e I,ve +een 7"iting such long@ long ti)e 2h@ ye"h@ since I he"rd 1ro) th"t girl o1 )ine3 You gott" 7"it " )inute@ 7"it " )inute@ oh@ ye"h@ 6"it " )inute@ 7"it " )inute@ oh@ ye"h3 You gott" 7"it " )inute@ 7"it " )inute@ oh@ ye"h3 Chec/ it "nd see )e )ore ti)e 1or )e3 You gott" 7"it " )inute@ 7"it " )inute@ oh@ ye"h@ 6"it " )inute@ 7"it " )inute@ oh@ ye"h3 Mr3 9ost)"n@ oh@ ye"h@ %eliver the letter@ the sooner the +etter3 You gott" 7"it " )inute@ 7"it " )inute@ oh@ ye"h@ 6"it " )inute@ 7"it " )inute@ oh@ ye"h3 You gott" 7"it " )inute@ 7"it " )inute@ oh@ ye"h@ 6"it " )inute@ 7"it " )inute@ oh@ ye"h3
9le"se@ 9le"se Me > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? L"st night I s"id these 7ords to )y girl I /no7 you never even try girl Co)e on@ co)e on@ co)e on@ co)e on@ 9le"se@ 8le"se )e@ 2h ye"h@ li/e I 8le"se you3 You don,t need )e to sho7 the 7"y love 6hy do I "l7"ys h"ve to st"y love Co)e on@ co)e on@ co)e on@ co)e on@ 9le"se@ 8le"se )e@ 2h ye"h@ li/e I 8le"se you3 I don,t 7"nt to sound co)8l"ining But you /no7 there,s "l7"ys r"in in )y he"rt I do "ll the 8le"sing 7ith you It,s so h"rd to se"son 7ith you 2h@ ye"h@ 7hy do you )"/e )e +lue L"st night I s"id these 7ords to )y girl I /no7 you never even try girl Co)e on@ co)e on@ co)e on@ co)e on@ 9le"se@ 8le"se )e@ 2h ye"h@ li/e I 8le"se you3
9olythene 9") > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? 6ell@ you should see 9olythene 9")@ She,s so good loo/ing +ut she loo/s li/e " )"n3 6ell@ you should see her in dr"g@ dressed in her 8olythene +"g3 Yes you should see 9olythene 9")3 Ye"h@ ye"h@ ye"h3 'et " dose o1 her in ="c/+oot "nd /ilt@ She,s /iller<diller 7hen she,s dressed to the hilt3 She,s the /ind o1 " girl th"t )"/es the Ne7s 21 The 6orld@ Yes@ you could s"y she 7"s "ttr"ctively +uilt3 Ye"h@ ye"h@ ye"h3
9o7er To The 9eo8le > 53 Lennon ? 9o7er to the 8eo8le right on3 You s"y you 7"nt " revolution@ 6e,d +etter get on right "7"y3 6ell let,s get on your 1eet@ end o1 the street@ singing3 A )illion 7or/ers 7or/ing 1or nothing@ You +etter give the) 7h"t they re"lly o7nB 6e gott" 8ut you do7n 7hen 7e co)e into to7n@ singing3 I gonn" "s/ you co)r"des "nd +rothers@ o7 do you tre"t your old 7o)"n +"c/ ho)e@ She,s gott" +e hersel1 so she c"n give us hel8@ singing3
93S3 I Love You > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? As I 7rite this letter Send )y love to you -e)e)+er th"t I,ll "l7"ys Be in love 7ith you3 Tre"sure these 1e7 7ords Till 7e,re together 4ee8 "ll )y love 1orever 93S I love you@ You@ you@ you3 I,ll +e co)ing ho)e "g"in to you love And till the d"y I do love 93S3 I love you@ You@ you@ you3 As I 7rite this letter Send )y love to you -e)e)+er th"t I,ll "l7"ys Be in love 7ith you3 Tre"sure these 1e7 7ords Till 7e,re together 4ee8 "ll )y love 1orever 93S I love you@ You@ you@ you3 As I 7rite this letter Send )y love to you -e)e)+er th"t I,ll "l7"ys Be in love 7ith you3 I,ll +e co)ing ho)e "g"in to you love And till the d"y I do love 93S3 I love you@ You@ you@ you3 You@ you@ you@ I love you3
-"in > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? I1 the r"in co)es they run "nd hide their he"ds The night "s 7ell +e de"d I1 the r"in co)es@ I1 the r"in co)es3 6hen the sun shines@ they slee8 in the sh"de And si8 their le)on"de 6hen the sun shines@ 6hen the sun shines3 -"in@ I don,t )ind@ Shine@ the 7e"ther,s 1ine3 I c"n sho7 you th"t 7hen it st"rts to r"in Everything,s the s")e I c"n sho7 you@ I c"n sho7 you3 -"in@ I don,t )ind@ Shine@ the 7e"ther,s 1ine3 C"n you he"r )e th"t 7hen to r"ins And shines it,s =ust " st"te C"n you he"r )e@ C"n you he"r )e3
-evolution > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? You s"y you 7"nt " revolution@ 6ell@ you /no7@ 7e "ll 7"nt to ch"nge the 7orld3 You tell )e th"t it,s evolution@ 6ell@ you /no7@ 7e "ll 7"nt to ch"nge the 7orld3 But 7hen you t"l/ "+out destruction@ %on,t you /no7 th"t you c"n count )e out %on,t you /no7 it,s gonn" +e "lright3 You s"y you got " re"l solution@ 6ell@ you /no7@ 7e,d "ll love to see the 8l"n3 You "s/ed )e 1or " contri+ution@ 6ell@ you /no7@ 7e,re doing 7h"t 7e c"n3 But 7hen you 7"nt )oney 1or 8eo8le 7ith )inds th"t h"te@ All I c"n tell you is +rother you h"ve to 7"it3 %on,t you /no7 it,s gonn" +e "lright3 You s"y you,ll ch"nge the constitution@ 6ell@ you /no7 7e "ll 7"nt to ch"nge your he"d3 You tell )e it,s the institution@ 6ell@ you /no7 you +etter 1ree your )ind inste"d3 But i1 you go c"rrying 8ictures o1 Ch"ir)"n M"o@ You "in,t going to )"/e it 7ith "nyone@ "nyho73 %on,t you /no7 it,s gonn" +e "lright3
-oc/,n,-oll Music > Chuc/ Berry ? 5ust let )e he"r so)e o1 th"t -oc/,n,roll )usic Any old 7"y you choose it It,s got " +"c/ +e"t you c"n,t lose it Any old ti)e you use it It,s gott" +e roc/,n,roll )usic I1 you 7"nn" d"nce 7ith )e@ I1 you 7"nn" d"nce 7ith )e3 I,ve got no /ic/ "g"inst )odern ="CC Unless they try to 8l"y it too d"rn 1"st And ch"nge the +e"ty o1 the )elody Until they sound =ust li/e " sy)8hony3 Th"t,s 7hy I go 1or th"t -oc/,n,roll )usic Any old 7"y you choose it It,s got " +"c/ +e"t you c"n,t lose it Any old ti)e you use it It,s gott" +e roc/,n,roll )usic I1 you 7"nn" d"nce 7ith )e@ I1 you 7"nn" d"nce 7ith )e3 I too/ )y loved one over,cross the tr"c/s So she c"n he"r )y )"n " 7"il " s": I )ust "d)it they h"ve " roc/ing +"nd M"n@ they 7ere going li/e " hurric"n3 Th"t,s 7hy I go 1or th"t -oc/,n,roll )usic Any old 7"y you choose it It,s got " +"c/ +e"t you c"n,t lose it Any old ti)e you use it It,s gott" +e roc/,n,roll )usic I1 you 7"nn" d"nce 7ith )e@ I1 you 7"nn" d"nce 7ith )e3 6"y do7n south they h"d " =u+ilee The =o/ey 1ol/s they h"d ="in+oree They,re drin/ing ho)e +re7 1ro) " 7"ter cu8 The 1ol/s d"ncing got "ll choo/ u8 And st"rted 8l"ying th"t -oc/,n,roll )usic Any old 7"y you choose it It,s got " +"c/ +e"t you c"n,t lose it Any old ti)e you use it It,s gott" +e roc/,n,roll )usic I1 you 7"nn" d"nce 7ith )e@ I1 you 7"nn" d"nce 7ith )e3 %on,t c"re to he"r ,e) 8l"y " t"ngo I,) in the 7ood to he"r " )")+o It,s 7"y too e"rly 1or " congo So /ee8 " roc/ing th"t 8i"no Th"t,s 7hy I go 1or th"t -oc/,n,roll )usic
Any old 7"y you choose it It,s got " +"c/ +e"t you c"n,t lose it Any old ti)e you use it It,s gott" +e roc/,n,roll )usic I1 you 7"nn" d"nce 7ith )e@ I1 you 7"nn" d"nce 7ith )e3
-oc/y -"ccoon > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? -oc/y -"ccoon chec/ed into his roo) only to 1ind 'ideon,s Bi+le3 -oc/y h"d co)e eDui88ed 7ith " gun to shoot o11 the legs o1 his riv"l3 is riv"l it see)s h"d +ro/en his dre")s +y ste"ling the girl o1 his 1"ncy3 er n")e 7"s M"gill@ she c"lled hersel1 Lil@ +ut ev,ryone /ne7 her "s N"ncy3 No7 she "nd her )"n 7ho c"lled hi)sel1 %"n 7ere in the ne:t roo) "s the sho7 do7n3 -oc/y +urst in "nd grinning " grin he s"id@ E %"nny +oy@ this is " sho7 do7n3E But %")el 7"s hot@ he dre7 1irst "nd shot "nd -oc/y coll"8sed in the g"rden3 No7 the doctor c")e in stin/ing o1 gin "nd 8roceeded to lie on the t"+le3 e s"id@ E-oc/y 3333333E And -oc/y s"id@ E%oc@ it,s only " scr"tch@ "nd I,ll +e +etter@ I, +e +etter@ %oc@ "s soon "s I,) "+le3E No7 -oc/y -"ccoon@ he 1ell +"c/ his roo) only to 1ind 'ideon,s Bi+le3 'ideon chec/ed out "nd he le1t it no dou+t to hel8 7ith good -oc/y,s re"d Bi+le3
-oll 2ver Beethoven > Chuc/ Berry ? 6ell@ I,) " 7rite " little letter@ gonn" )"il into )y loc"l %353 Yes@ it,s " =u)8ing little record I 7"nt )y =oc/ey to 8l"y -oll over Beethoven@ I gott" he"r it "g"in tod"y You /no7 )y te)8er"tures rising "nd the =u/e +o: +lo7ing " 1use My he"rt,s +e"ting rhyth) "nd )y soul /ee8s " singing the +lues -oll over Beethoven "nd tell )e Tch"i/o7s/y she ne7s3 I got the roc/ing 8neu)oni" I need " s/ol o1 rhyth) "nd +lues I c"ught the rolling "rthri1ic sitting do7n "t " rhyth) revie7 -oll over Beethoven@ they,re roc/ing in t7o +y t7o3 6ell@ i1 you 1eel you li/et@ go get your lover Then reel "nd roc/ it roll it over Then )ose on u8 =ust " tri11le +urther Then reel "nd roc/ 7ith one "nother -oll over Beethoven@ did ther rhyth) "nd +lues3 You /no7 )y te)8er"tures nising "nd the =u/e +o: +lo7ing " 1use My he"rt,s +e"ting rhyth) "nd )y soul /ee8s " singing the +lues -oll over Beethoven "nd tell )e Tch"i/o7s/y she ne7s3
-un 0or Your Li1e > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? I,d r"ther see you de"d@ little girl th"n to +e 7ith "nother )"n3 You,d +etter /ee8 your he"d@ little girl@ or I 7on,t /no7 7here I ")3 You +etter run 1or your li1e i1 you c"n@ little girl@ ide your he"d in the s"nd@ little girl@ C"tch you 7ith "nother )"n@ th"t,s the end@ little girl3 6ell you /no7 th"t I,) " 7ic/ed guy "nd I 7"s +orn 7ith " =e"lous )ind3 And I c"n,t s8end )y 7hole li1e tryin, to )"/e you toe the line3 You +etter run 1or your li1e i1 you c"n@ little girl@ ide your he"d in the s"nd@ little girl@ C"tch you 7ith "nother )"n@ th"t,s the end@ little girl3 Let this +e " ser)on@ I )e"n ev,rything I s"id3 B"+y@ I,) deter)ined "nd I,d r"ther see you de"d3 You +etter run 1or your li1e i1 you c"n@ little girl@ ide your he"d in the s"nd@ little girl@ C"tch you 7ith "nother )"n@ th"t,s the end@ little girl3 I,d r"ther see you de"d@ little girl th"n to +e 7ith "nother )"n3 You,d +etter /ee8 your he"d@ little girl@ or I 7on,t /no7 7here I ")3 You +etter run 1or your li1e i1 you c"n@ little girl@ ide your he"d in the s"nd@ little girl@ C"tch you 7ith "nother )"n@ th"t,s the end@ little girl3
Sgt3 9e88er,s Lonely e"rts Clu+ B"nd > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? It 7"s t7enty ye"rs "go tod"y@ Sgt3 9e88er tought the +"nd to 8l"y3 They,ve +een going in "nd out o1 style@ But they,re gu"r"nteed to r"ise " s)ile3 So )"y I introduce to you The "ct you,ve /no7n 1or "ll these ye"rs Sgt3 9e88er,s lonely he"rts clu+ +"nd3 6e,re sgt3 9e88er,s lonely he"rts clu+ +"nd@ 6e ho8e you 7ill en=oy the sho73 6e,re sgt3 9e88er,s lonely he"rts clu+ +"nd@ Sit +"c/ "nd let the evening go3 Sgt3 9e88er,s lonely@ sgt3 9e88er,s lonely@ Sgt3 9e88er,s lonely he"rts clu+ +"nd3 It,s 7onder1ul to +e here@ It,s cert"inly " thrill@ You,re such " lovely "udience@ 6e,d li/e to t"/e you ho)e 7ith us@ 6e,d love to t"/e you ho)e3 I don,t re"lly 7"nt to sto8 the sho7 But I thought th"t you )ight li/e to /no7 Th"t the singers going to sing " song And he 7"nts you "ll to sing "lone3 So let )e introduce to you The one "nd lonely Billy She"rs And sgt3 9e88er,s lonely he"rts clu+ +"nd3
Se:y S"die > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? Se:y S"die 7h"t h"ve you love You )"de " 1ool o1 ev,ryone@ you /no7@ You )"de " 1ool o1 ev,ryone3 Se:y S"die@ oh@ 7h"t h"ve you doneA Se:y S"die@ you +ro/e the rules@ You l"id it do7n 1or "ll to see@ You l"id it do7n 1or "ll to see3 Se:y s"die@ oh@ you +ro/e the rules3 2ne sunny d"y the 7orld 7"s 7"iting 1or " lover3 She c")e "long to turn on ev,ryone3 Se:y S"die@ the gre"test o1 the) "ll@ Se:y S"die3 No7 did you /no7 The 7orld 7"s 7"iting =ust 1or you@ The 7orld 7"s 7"iting =ust 1or you@ Se:y S"die3 2h@ ho7 did you /no7A Se:y S"die@ You,ll get yours yet3 o7ever +ig you thin/ you "re@ o7ever +ig you thin/ you "re3 Se:y S"die@ 2h@ you,ll get yours yet3 6e g"ve her ev,rything 7e o7ned =ust to sit "t her t"+le@ 5ust " s)ile 7ould lighten ev,rything3 Se:y S"die@ the gre"test o1 the) "ll3
She C")e In Through The B"throo) 6indo7 > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? She c")e in through the +"throo) 7indo7@ 9rotected +y " silver s8oon3 But no7 she suc/s her thu)+ "nd 7onders By the +"n/s o1 her o7n l"goon3 %idn,t "ny+ody tell herA %idn,t "ny+ody seeA Sund"y,s on the 8hone to Mond"yB Tuesd"y,s on the 8hone to )e3 She s"id she,d "l7"ys +een " d"ncer@ She 7or/ed "t 1i1teen clu+s " d"y3 And though she tought I /ne7 the "ns7erB 6ell@ I /ne7 th"t I could not s"y3 And so I Duit the 8olice de8"rt)ent@ An1 got )ysel1 " ste"dy =o+3 And though she tried her +est to hel8 )eB She could ste"l@ +ut she could not ro+3 %idn,t "ny+ody tell herA %idn,t "ny+ody seeA Sund"y,s on the 8hone to Mond"yB Tuesd"y,s on the 8hone to )e3
She Loves You > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? You thin/ you,ve lost your love@ 6ell I s"7 her yesterd"y<yi<y"y3 It,s you she,s thin/ing o1@ And she told )e 7h"t to s"y<yi<y"y3 She s"ys she loves you And you /no7 th"t c"n,t +e +"d@ Yes@ she loves you And you /no7 you should +e gl"d3 2o@ she loves you@ ye"h@ ye"h@ ye"h@ She loves you@ ye"h@ ye"h@ ye"h@ And 7ith love li/e th"t@ You /no7 you should +e gl"d3 She s"id you hurt her so She "l)ost lost her )ind3 And no7 she s"ys she /no7s You,re not the hurting /ind3 She s"ys she loves you And you /no7 th"t c"n,t +e +"d@ Yes@ she loves you And you /no7 you should +e gl"d3 2o@ she loves you@ ye"h@ ye"h@ ye"h@ She loves you@ ye"h@ ye"h@ ye"h@ And 7ith love li/e th"t@ You /no7 you should +e gl"d3 You /no7 it,s u8 to you@ I thin/ it,s only 1"ir@ 9ride c"n hurt you too@ A8ologiCe to her Bec"use she loves you And you /no7 th"t c"n,t +e +"d@ Yes@ she loves you And you /no7 you should +e gl"d3 2o@ she loves you@ ye"h@ ye"h@ ye"h@ She loves you@ ye"h@ ye"h@ ye"h@ And 7ith love li/e th"t@ You /no7 you should +e gl"d3
She S"id She S"id > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? She s"id@ EI /no7 7h"t it,s li/e to +e de"d3 I /no7 7h"t it is to +e s"d3E And she,s )"/ing )e 1eel li/e I,ve never +een +orn3 I s"id@ E 6ho 8ut "ll those things in your h"ir3 Things th"t )"/e )e 1eel th"t I,) )"d3 And you,re )"/ing )e 1eel li/e I,ve never +een +orn3E She s"id@ EYou don,t underst"nd 7h"t I s"id3E I s"id@ ENo@ no@ no you,re 7rong3 6hen I 7"s " +oy Ev,rything 7"s right@ Ev,rything 7"s right3E I s"id@ EEven tho, you /no7 7h"t you /no73 I /no7 th"t I,) re"dy to le"ve ,C"use you,re )"/ing )e 1eel li/e I,ve never +een +orn3E She s"id@ EYou don,t underst"nd 7h"t I s"id3E I s"id@ ENo@ no@ no you,re 7rong3 6hen I 7"s " +oy Ev,rything 7"s right@ Ev,rything 7"s right3E I s"id@ EEven tho, you /no7 7h"t you /no73 I /no7 th"t I,) re"dy to le"ve ,C"use you,re )"/ing )e 1eel li/e I,ve never +een +orn3E
She,s A 6o)"n > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? My love don,t give )e 8resents@ I /no7 th"t she,s no 8e"s"nt@ 2nly ever h"s to give )e love 1orever "nd 1orever@ My love don,t give )e 8resents3 Turn )e on 7hen I get lonely 9eo8le tell )e th"t she,s only 1oolin,@ I /no7 she isn,t3 She don,t give +oys the eye@ She h"tes to see )e cry@ She is h"88y =ust to he"r )e s"y Th"t I 7ill never le"ve her@ She don,t give +oys the eye3 She 7ill never )"/e )e =e"lous@ 'ives )e "ll her ti)e "s 7ell "s lovin,@ %on,t "s/ )e 7hy3 She,s " 7o)"n 7ho underst"nds@ She,s " 7o)"n 7ho loves her )"n3 My love don,t give )e 8resents@ I /no7 th"t she,s no 8e"s"nt@ 2nly ever h"s to give )e love 1orever "nd 1orever@ My love don,t give )e 8resents3 Turn )e on 7hen I get lonely 9eo8le tell )e th"t she,s only 1oolin,@ I /no7 she isn,t3 She,s " 7o)"n 7ho underst"nds@ She,s " 7o)"n 7ho loves her )"n3 She don,t give +oys the eye@ She h"tes to see )e cry@ She is h"88y =ust to he"r )e s"y Th"t I 7ill never le"ve her@ She don,t give +oys the eye3 She 7ill never )"/e )e =e"lous@ 'ives )e "ll her ti)e "s 7ell "s lovin,@ %on,t "s/ )e 7hy3 She,s " 7o)"n@ she,s " 7o)"n3
She,s Le"ving o)e > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? 6edn,sd"y )orning "t 1ive o,cloc/ "s the d"y +egins@ Silently closing her +edroo) door@ Le"ving the note th"t she ho8ed 7ould s"y )ore3 She goes do7n st"irs to the /itchen clutching her h"nd /erchie13 Huetly turning her +"c/ door /ey@ Ste88ing outside she is 1ree3 She > 6e g"ve her )ost o1 our lives ? Is le"ving > S"cri1iced )ost o1 our lives ? o)e > 6e g"ve her ev,rything )oney could +uy ? She,s le"ving ho)e "1ter living "lone 1or so )"ny ye"rs3 0"ther snores "s his 7i1e gets into her dressing do7n3 9ic/ u8 the letter th"t,s lying there@ St"nding "lone "t the to8 o1 the st"irs3 She +re"/s do7n "nd cries to her hus+"nd E%"ddy@ our +"+y,s gone3 6hy 7ould she tre"t us so thoughtlessly@ No7 could she do this to )e3E She > 6e never thought o1 ourselves ? Is le"ving > Never " thought o1 ourselves ? o)e > 6e struggled h"rd "ll our lives to get +y ? She,s le"ving ho)e "1ter living "lone 1or so )"ny ye"rs3 0rid"y )orning "t nine o,cloc/ she is 1"r "7"y3 6"iting to /ee8 the "88oint)ent she )"de@ Meeting " )"n 1ro) the )otor tr"de3 She > 6h"t did 7e do th"t 7"s 7rong ? Is h"ving > 6e didn,t /no7 it 7"s 7rong ? 0un > 0un is the one thing th"t )oney c"n,t +uy ? So)ething inside th"t 7"s "l7"ys denied 1or so )"ny ye"rs3 She,s le"ving ho)e@ +ye@ +ye3
So)ething > '3 "rrison ? So)ething in the 7"y she )oves Attr"cts )e li/e no other lover3 So)ething in the 7"y she 7oos )e I don,t 7"nt to le"ve her no7 You /no7 I +elieve "nd ho73 So)ething in her s)ile she /no7s Th"t I don,t need no other lover3 So)ething in her style th"t sho7s )e I don,t 7"nt to le"ve her no7 You /no7 I +elieve "nd ho73 You,re "s/ing )e 7ill )y love gro7@ I don,t /no7@ I don,t /no73 You stic/ "round no7 it )"y sho7@ I don,t /no7@ I don,t /no73 So)ething in the 7"y she /no7s And "ll I h"ve to do is thin/ o1 her3 So)ething in the thing she sho7s )e I don,t 7"nt to le"ve her no7 You /no7 I +elieve "nd ho73
Ste8 Inside Love > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? Ste8 inside@ love@ let )e 1ind you " 8l"ce 6here the c"res o1 the d"y 6ill +e c"rried "7"y +y the s)ile on your 1"ce3 6e "re together no7 "nd 1orever@ co)e )y 7"y3 Ste8 inside@ love "nd st"y@ ste8 inside@ love3 Ste8 inside@ love@ ste8 inside@ love@ I 7"nt you to st"y3 You loo/ tired love@ let )e turn do7n the light@ Co)e in out o1 the cold@ -est your he"d on )y shoulder "nd love )e tonight3 I,ll "l7"ys +e here i1 you should need )e@ night "nd d"y3 Ste8 inside@ love "nd st"y@ ste8 inside@ love3 Ste8 inside@ love@ ste8 inside@ love@ I 7"nt you to st"y3 6hen you le"ve )e@ s"y you,ll see )e "g"in@ 0or I,ll /no7 in )y he"rt 6e 7ill not +e "8"rt "nd I,ll )iss you till then3 6e,ll +e together no7 "nd 1orever@ co)e )y 7"y3 Ste8 inside@ love "nd st"y@ ste8 inside@ love3 Ste8 inside@ love@ ste8 inside@ love@ I 7"nt you to st"y3
Str"7+erry 0ields 0orever > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? Let )e t"/e you do7n ,c"use I,) going to str"7+erry 1ields3 Nothing is re"l@ "nd nothing to get hung "+out Str"7+erry 1ields 1orever3 Living is e"sy 7ith eyes closed3 Misunderst"nding "ll you see3 It,s getting h"rd to +e so)eone +ut it "ll 7or/s out It doesn,t )"tter )uch to )e3 Let )e t"/e you do7n ,c"use I,) going to str"7+erry 1ields3 Nothing is re"l@ "nd nothing to get hung "+out Str"7+erry 1ields 1orever3 No one I thin/ is in )y tree I )e"n it )ust +e high or lo73 Th"t is you /no7 you c"n,t tune in +ut it,s "ll right Th"t is I thin/ it,s not too +"d3 Let )e t"/e you do7n ,c"use I,) going to str"7+erry 1ields3 Nothing is re"l@ "nd nothing to get hung "+out Str"7+erry 1ields 1orever3 Al7"ys /no7@ so)eti)es thin/ it,s )e3 But you /no7 I /no7 "nd it,s " dre")3 I thin/ I /no7 o1 thee@ "h@ yes +ut it,s "ll 7rong3 Th"t is I thin/ I dis"gree3 Let )e t"/e you do7n ,c"use I,) going to str"7+erry 1ields3 Nothing is re"l@ "nd nothing to get hung "+out Str"7+erry 1ields 1orever@ Str"7+erry 1ields 1orever@ Str"7+erry 1ields 1orever3
Sun 4ing > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? ere co)e the Sun 4ing@ ere co)e the Sun 4ing3 Ev,ry+ody,s l"ughingB Ev,ry+ody,s h"88y3 ere co)e the Sun 4ing3 Hu"ndo 8"r")ucho )i ")ore de 1elice cor"Con3 Mundo 8"8"r"CCi )i ")ore chic/" 1erdy 8"r" sol3 Cuesto o+rig"do t"nt" )ucho Due c"n e"t it c"rousel3
T":)"n > '3 "rrison ? Let )e tell you ho7 it 7ill +e3 There,s one 1or you@ nineteen 1or )e3 ,C"use I,) the t":)"n@ Ye"h@ I,) the t":)"n3 Should 1ive 8ercent "88e"r too s)"ll3 Be th"n/1ul I don,t t"/e it "ll3 ,C"use I,) the t":)"n@ Ye"h@ I,) the t":)"n3 I1 you 1rive " c"r I,ll t": the street3 I1 you try to sit I,ll t": you se"t3 I1 you get too cold I,ll t": the he"t3 I1 you t"/e " 7"l/ I,ll t": your 1eet3 T":)"n; %on,t "s/ )e 7"t I 7"nt it 1or@ I1 you don,t 7"nt to 8"s so)e )ore ,C"use I,) the t":)"n@ Ye"h@ I,) the t":)"n3 No7 )y "dvice 1or those 7ho dieF Be7"re the 8ennies on your eye3 ,C"use I,) the t":)"n@ Ye"h@ I,) the t":)"n3 And you,re 7or/ing 1or no one +ut )e3
Tell Me 6h"t You See > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? I1 you let )e t"/e your he"rt@ I 7ill 8rove to you@ 6e 7ill never +e "8"rt@ I1 I,) 8"rt o1 you3 28en your eyes no7; Tell )e 7h"t you see3 It is no sur8rise no7@ 6h"t you see is )e3 Big "nd +l"c/ the clouds )"y +e3 Ti)e 7ill 8"ss "7"y3 I1 you 8ut your trust in )e@ I,ll )"/e +right your d"y3 Loo/ into these eyes no7; Tell )e 7h"t you see3 %on,t you re"liCe no7@ 6h"t you see is )e@ Tell )e 7h"t you see3 Listen to )e one )ore ti)e@ o7 c"n I get through@ C"n,t you try to see th"t I,) Tryin, to get to you3 28en your eyes no7; Tell )e 7h"t you see3 It is no sur8rise no7@ 6h"t you see is )e3 Tell )e 7h"t you see3 Listen to )e one )ore ti)e@ o7 c"n I get through@ C"n,t you try to see th"t I,) Tryin, to get to you3 28en your eyes no7; Tell )e 7h"t you see3 It is no sur8rise no7@ 6h"t you see is )e3
Tell Me 6hy > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? Tell )e 7hy you cried@ And 7hy you lied to )e3 Tell )e 7hy you cried@ And 7hy you lied to )e3 6ell@ I g"ve you ev,rything I h"d@ But you le1t )e sitting on )y o7n@ %id you h"ve to tre"t )e oh@ so +"dA All I do is h"ng )y he"d "nd )o"n3 Tell )e 7hy you cried@ And 7hy you lied to )e3 Tell )e 7hy you cried@ And 7hy you lied to )e3 I1 it,s so)ething th"t I,ve s"id or done@ Tell )e 7h"t "nd I,ll "8ologiCe3 I1 you don,t I re"lly c"n,t go on olding +"c/ these te"rs in )y eyes3 Tell )e 7hy you cried@ And 7hy you lied to )e3 Tell )e 7hy you cried@ And 7hy you lied to )e3 6ell@ I +eg you on )y +ended /nees@ I1 you,ll only listen to )y 8le"s@ Is there "nything I c"n doA ,C"use I re"lly c"n,t st"nd it I,) so in love 7ith you3 Tell )e 7hy you cried@ And 7hy you lied to )e3 Tell )e 7hy you cried@ And 7hy you lied to )e3
2hh@ ohh@ You +e good to )e@ you )"de )e gl"d 7hen I 7"s +lue3 And etern"lly I,ll "l7"ys +e in love 7ith you3 And "ll I gott" do is th"n/ you girl@ th"n/ you girl3 Th"n/ you girl 1or lovin, )e the 7"y th"t you do@ Th"t,s the /ind o1 love th"t is too good to +e true And "ll I gott" do is th"n/ you girl@ th"n/ you girl3 I could tell the 7orld " thing or t7o "+out our love3 I /no7 little girl only " 1ool 7ould dou+t our love3 And "ll I gott" do is th"n/ you girl@ th"n/ you girl3 Th"n/ you girl 1or lovin, )e the 7"y th"t you do@ Th"t,s the /ind o1 love th"t is too good to +e true And "ll I gott" do is th"n/ you girl@ th"n/ you girl3 2hh@ ohh@ You +e good to )e@ you )"de )e gl"d 7hen I 7"s +lue3 And etern"lly I,ll "l7"ys +e in love 7ith you3 And "ll I gott" do is th"n/ you girl@ th"n/ you girl3 ohh@ ohh@ohh ohh@ ohh@ohh ohh@ ohh@ohh
There,s A 9l"ce > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? There there,s " 8l"ce 6here I c"n go 6hen I 1eel lo7 6hen I 1eel +lueB And it,s )y )ind And there,s no ti)e 6hen I,) "lone3 I I thin/ o1 you And things you do 'o round )y he"d The things you,re s"id Li/e I love only you3 In )y )ind there,s no sorro7 %on,t you /no7 th"t it,s so There,ll +e no s"d to)orro7 %on,t you /no7 th"t it,s so3 There oh there " 8l"ce 6here I c"n go 6hen I 1eel lo7 6hen I 1eel +lueB And it,s )y )ind And there,s no ti)e 6hen I,) "lone3 There,s " 8l"ce@ There,s " 8l"ce3
Things 6e S"id Tod"y > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? You s"y you 7ill love )e I1 I h"ce to go3 You,ll +e thin/ing o1 )e@ So)eho7 I 7ill /no73 So)ed"y 7hen I,) lonely 6ishing you 7eren,t so 1"r "7"y@ Then I 7ill re)e)+er Things 7e s"id tod"y3 You s"y you,ll +e )ine girl ,Til the end o1 ti)e These d"ys such " /ind girl See)s so h"rd to 1ind3 So)ed"y 7hen 7e,re dre")ing %ee8 in love not " lot to s"y@ Then 7e 7ill re)e)+er Things 7e s"id tod"y3 Me@ I,) =ust the luc/y /ind@ Love to he"r you s"y th"t love is love3 And though 7e )"y +e +lind Love is here to st"y And th"t,s enough To )"/e you )ine girl@ Be the only one3 Love )e "ll the ti)e girl@ 6e,ll go on "nd on3 So)ed"y 7hen 7e,re dre")ing %ee8 in love not " lot to s"y@ Then 7e 7ill re)e)+er Things 7e s"id tod"y3 Me@ I,) =ust the luc/y /ind@ Love to he"r you s"y th"t love is love3 And though 7e )"y +e +lind Love is here to st"y And th"t,s enough To )"/e you )ine girl@ Be the only one3 Love )e "ll the ti)e girl@ 6e,ll go on "nd on3 So)ed"y 7hen 7e,re dre")ing %ee8 in love not " lot to s"y@ Then 7e 7ill re)e)+er Things 7e s"id tod"y3
Thin/ 0or Yoursel1 > '3 "rrison ? I,ve got " 7ord or t7o To s"y "+out the things th"t you do3 You,ve telling "ll those lies A+out the good things th"t 7e c"n h"ve i1 7e close our eyes3 %o 7h"t you 7"nt to do@ And go 7here you,re going to3 Thin/ 1or yoursel1 ,c"use I 7on,t +e there 7ith you3 I le1t you 1"r +ehind The ruins o1 the li1e th"t you h"d in )ind3 And though you still c"n,t see@ I /no7 your )ind,s )"de u8@ you,re gonn" c"use )ore )isery3 %o 7h"t you 7"nt to do@ And go 7here you,re going to3 Thin/ 1or yoursel1 ,c"use I 7on,t +e there 7ith you3 Although your )ind,s o8"Due@ Try thin/ing )ore i1 =ust 1or your o7n s"/e3 The 1uture still loo/s good And you,ve got ti)e to recti1y "ll the things th"t you should3 %o 7h"t you 7"nt to do@ And go 7here you,re going to3 Thin/ 1or yoursel1 ,c"use I 7on,t +e there 7ith you3 %o 7h"t you 7"nt to do@ And go 7here you,re going to3 Thin/ 1or yoursel1 ,c"use I 7on,t +e there 7ith you@ Thin/ 1or yoursel1 ,c"use I 7on,t +e there 7ith you3
This Boy > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? Th"t +oy too/ )y love "7"y3 2h@ he,ll regret it so)e d"y@ But this +oy 7"nts you +"c/ "g"in3 Th"t +oy isn,t good 1or you3 Though he )"y 7"nt you too@ This +oy 7"nts you +"c/ "g"in3 2h@ "nd this +oy 7ould +e h"88y =ust to love you@ But oh )y<yi<yi<yi@ th"t +oy 7on,t +e h"88y Till he,s seen you cry hi<hi<hi3 This +oy 7ouldn,t )ind the 8"in@ 6ould "l7"ys 1eel the s")e I1 this +oy gets you +"c/ "g"in3 This +oy@ this +oy3
Tic/et To -ide > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? I thin/ I,) gonn" +e s"d3 I thin/ it,s tod"y@ ye"h; 'irl th"t,s driving )e )"d is going "7"y3 She,s got " tic/et to ride@ She,s got " tic/et to ri<hi<hide@ She,s got " tic/et to ride@ But she don,t c"re3 She s"id th"t living 7ith )e is +ringing her do7n@ ye"h; She 7ould never +e 1ree 7hen I 7"s "round3 She,s got " tic/et to ride@ She,s got " tic/et to ri<hi<hide@ She,s got " tic/et to ride@ But she don,t c"re3 I c"re@ )y +"+y don,t /no7 7hy she,s riding so high3 She ought to thin/ right@ She ought to do right +y )e3 Be1ore she gets to st"ying good+ye3 She ought to thin/ right@ She ought to do right +y )e3 I thin/ I,) gonn" +e s"d3 I thin/ it,s tod"y@ ye"h; 'irl th"t,s driving )e )"d is going "7"y3 She,s got " tic/et to ride@ She,s got " tic/et to ri<hi<hide@ She,s got " tic/et to ride@ But she don,t c"re3 She s"id th"t living 7ith )e is +ringing her do7n@ ye"h; She 7ould never +e 1ree 7hen I 7"s "round3 She,s got " tic/et to ride@ She,s got " tic/et to ri<hi<hide@ She,s got " tic/et to ride@ But she don,t c"re3 My +"+y don,t c"re3
Ti8 21 My Tongue > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? 6hen I 7"nt to s8e"/ to you I1 so)eti)es t"/es " 7ee/ or t7o To thin/ o1 things I 7"nt to s"y to you3 But 7ords =ust st"y on the ti8 o1 )y tongue3 6hen the s/ies "re not so +lue There,s nothing le1t 1or )e to do 5ust thin/ o1 so)ething ho7 to s"y to you3 But 7ords =ust st"y on the ti8 o1 )y tongue3 9eo8le s"y I,) lonely@ 2nly you /no7 th"t,s not true3 You /no7 I,) 7"iting 1or " ch"nce to 8rove )y love to you3 Soon enough )y ti)e 7ill co)e@ And "1ter "ll is s"id "nd done I,ll )"rry you "nd 7e 7ill live "s one3 6ith no )ore 7ords on the ti8 o1 )y tongue@ no )ore@ No 7ords on the ti8 o1 )y tongue3
To)orro7 Never 4no7s > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? Turn o11 your )ind@ rel":@ "nd 1lo"t do7 stre")@ It is not dying@ it is not dying3 L"y do7n "ll thoughts@ surrender to the void@ It is shining@ it is shining3 Yet you )"y see the )e"ning o1 7ithin@ It is +eing@ it is +eing3 Love is "ll "nd love is ev,ryone@ It is /no7ing@ it is /no7ing3 And ignor"nce "nd h"te )ourn the de"d@ It is +elieving@ it is +elieving3 But listen to the color o1 your dre")s@ It is not le"ving@ it is not le"ving3 So 8l"y the g")e EE:istenceE to the end 21 the +eginning@ o1 the +eginning@ 21 the +eginning@ o1 the +eginning3
T7o 21 Us > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? T7o o1 us riding no7here@ S8ending so)eone,s h"rde")ed 8"y3 You "nd )e sund"y driving@ Not "riving on our 7"y +"c/ ho)e@ 6e,re on our 7"y ho)e@ 6e,re on our 7"y ho)e@ 6e,re going ho)e3 T7o o1 us sending 8ostc"rds@ 6riting letters on )y 7"ll3 You "nd )e +urning )"tches@ Li1ting l"tches on our 7"y +"c/ ho)e@ 6e,re on our 7"y ho)e@ 6e,re on our 7"y ho)e@ 6e,re going ho)e3 You "nd I h"ve )e)ories Longer th"n the ro"d th"t stretches out "he"d3 T7o o1 us 7e"ring r"inco"sts@ St"nding solo in the sun3 You "nd )e ch"sing 8"8er@ 'etting no7here on our 7"y +"c/ ho)e3 6e,re on our 7"y ho)e@ 6e,re on our 7"y ho)e@ 6e,re going ho)e3 You "nd I h"ve )e)ories Longer th"n the ro"d th"t stretches out "he"d3 T7o o1 us 7e"ring re"inco"sts@ St"nding solo in the sun3 You "nd )e ch"sing 8"8er@ 'etting no7here on our 7"y +"c/ ho)e3 6e,re on our 7"y ho)e@ 6e,re on our 7"y ho)e@ 6e,re going ho)e3
6"it > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? It,s +een " long ti)e@ no7 I,) co)ing +"c/ ho)e3 I,ve +een "7"y no7@ oh@ ho7@ I,ve +een "lone3 6"it till I co)e +"c/ to your side@ 6e 1orget the te"rs 7e criedB But i1 your he"rt +re"/s@ don,t 7"it@ turn )e "7"y3 And i1 your he"rt,s strong@ hold on@ I 7on,t del"y3 6"it till I co)e +"c/ to your side@ 6e 1orget the te"rs 7e criedB I 1eel "s though you ought to /no7 Th"t I,ve +een good@ "s good "s I c"n +e3 And i1 you do I,ll trust in you And /no7 th"t you 7ill 7"it 1or )e3 It,s +een " long ti)e@ no7 I,) co)ing +"c/ ho)e3 I,ve +een "7"y no7@ oh@ ho7@ I,ve +een "lone3 6"it till I co)e +"c/ to your side@ 6e 1orget the te"rs 7e criedB I 1eel "s though you ought to /no7 Th"t I,ve +een good@ "s good "s I c"n +e3 And i1 you do I,ll trust in you And /no7 th"t you 7ill 7"it 1or )e3 But i1 your he"rt +re"/s@ don,t 7"it@ turn )e "7"y3 And i1 your he"rt,s strong@ hold on@ I 7on,t del"y3 6"it till I co)e +"c/ to your side@ 6e 1orget the te"rs 7e criedB It,s +een " long ti)e@ no7 I,) co)ing +"c/ ho)e3 I,ve +een "7"y no7@ oh@ ho7@ I,ve +een "lone3
6e C"n 6or/ It 2ut > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? Try to see it )y 7"y@ %o I h"ve to /ee8 on t"l/ing till I c"n,t go onA 6hile you see it your 7"y@ -un the ris/ o1 /no7ing th"t our love )"y soon +e gone3 6e c"n 7or/ it out@ 6e c"n 7or/ it out3 Thin/ o1 7h"t you,re s"ying@ You c"n get it 7rong "nd still you thin/ th"t it,s "lright3 Thin/ o1 7h"t I,) s"ying@ 6e c"n 7or/ it out "nd get it str"ight or s"y goodnight3 6e c"n 7or/ it out@ 6e c"n 7or/ it out3 Li1e is very short "nd there,s no ti)e 0or 1ussing "nd 1ighting@ )y 1riend3 I h"ve "l7"ys thought th"t it,s " cri)e So I 7ill "s/ you once "g"in3 Try to see it )y 7"y@ 2nly ti)e 7ill tell i1 I ") right or I ") 7rong3 6hile you see it your 7"y@ There,s " ch"nce th"t 7e )ight 1"ll "8"rt +e1ore too long3 6e c"n 7or/ it out@ 6e c"n 7or/ it out3 Li1e is very short "nd there,s no ti)e 0or 1ussing "nd 1ighting@ )y 1riend3 I h"ve "l7"ys thought th"t it,s " cri)e So I 7ill "s/ you once "g"in3
6h"t 'oes 2nA > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney@ -3 St"r/ey ? 6h"t goes on in your he"rtA 6h"t goes on in your )indA You "re te"ring )e "8"rt 6hen you tre"t )e so un/ind3 6h"t goes on in your )indA The other d"y I s"7ed "s I 7"l/ed "long the ro"d@ But 7hen I s"7 hi) 7ith you I could 1eel )y 1uture 1old3 It,s so e"sy 1or " girl li/e you to lie Tell )e 7hy3 6h"t goes on in your he"rtA 6h"t goes on in your )indA You "re te"ring )e "8"rt 6hen you tre"t )e so un/ind3 6h"t goes on in your )indA I )et you in the )orning@ 7"iting 1or the tides o1 ti)e@ But no7 the tide is turn )e I c"n see th"t I 7"s +lind3 It,s so e"sy 1or " girl li/e you to lie Tell )e 7hy3 6h"t goes on in your he"rtA I used to thin/ o1 no+ody else +ut you 7ere =ust the s")e@ You didn,t even thin/ o1 )e "s so)eone 7ith " n")e3 %id you )e"n to +re"/ )y he"rt "nd 7"tch )e die3 Tell )e 7hy3 6h"t goes on in your he"rtA 6h"t goes on in your )indA You "re te"ring )e "8"rt 6hen you tre"t )e so un/ind3 6h"t goes on in your )indA
6h"t You,re %oing > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? Loo/ 7h"t you,re doing@ I,) 1eeling +lue "nd lonely 6ould it +e too )uch to "s/ o1 you 7h"t you,re doing to )eA You got )e running "nd there,s no 1un in it 6hy should it +e too )uch to "s/ o1 you 7h"t you,re doing to )eA I,ve +een 7"iting here 1or you@ 7ond,ring 7h"t you,re gonn" do3 Should you need " love th"t,s true@ it,s )e3 9le"se sto8 your lying@ you got )e crying girl 6hy should it +e too )uch to "s/ o1 you 7h"t you,re doing to )eA I,ve +een 7"iting here 1or you@ 7ond,ring 7h"t you,re gonn" do3 Should you need " love th"t,s true@ it,s )e3 9le"se sto8 your lying@ you got )e crying girl 6hy should it +e too )uch to "s/ o1 you 7h"t you,re doing to )eA 6h"t you,re doing to )eA 6h"t you,re doing to )eA
6hen I 'et o)e > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? 6ho"h@ 7ho"h@ I got " 7hole lot o1 things to tell her@ 7hen I get ho)e3 Co)e on@ I,) on )y 7"y I,) " gonn" see )y +"+y tod"y I,ve gott" 7hole lot o1 things I,ve gott" s"y to her 6ho"h@ 7ho"h@ I got " 7hole lot o1 things to tell her@ 7hen I get ho)e3 Co)e on@ i1 you 8le"se@ I,ve got no ti)e 1or trivi"lly ties I,ve gott" girl 7ho,s 7"iting ho)e 1or )e tonight 6ho"h@ 7ho"h@ I got " 7hole lot o1 things to tell her@ 7hen I get ho)e3 6hen I,) getting ho)e tonight@ I,) gonn" hold her tight@ I,) gonn" love her till the co7s ho)e3 I +et I,ll love her )ore till I 7"l/ out th"t door "g"in3 Co)e on@ less I do@ I,ve got so )"ny things I,ve gott" to I,ve gott" +us,ness +eing here 7ith you this 7"y3 6ho"h@ 7ho"h@ I got " 7hole lot o1 things to tell her@ 7hen I get ho)e3 6ho"h@ 7ho"h@ I got " 7hole lot o1 things to tell her@ 7hen I get ho)e3
6hen I,) Si:ty 0our > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? 6hen I get older losing )y h"ir M"ny ye"rs 1ro) no7@ 6ill you still +e sending )e " v"lentine@ Birthd"y greeting@ +ottle o1 7ine3 I1 I,d +een out till Du"rter to three@ 6ould you loc/ the doorA 6ill you still need )e@ 7ill you still 1eed )e@ 6hen I,) si:ty 1ourA You,ll +e older too@ Ah@ "nd i1 you s"y the 7ord@ I could st"y 7ith you3 I could +e h"ndy )ending " 1use 6hen your lights h"ve gone3 You c"n /nit " s7e"ter +y the 1ire side@ Sund"y )ornings@ go 1or " ride3 %oing the g"rden@ digging the 7eeds@ 6ho could "s/ 1or )oreA 6ill you still need )e@ 7ill you still 1eed )e@ 6hen I,) si:ty 1ourA Ev,ry su))er 7e c"n rent " cott"ge on the Isle o1 6ight I1 it,s not too de"r3 6e sh"ll scri)8 "nd s"ve3 Ah@ gr"ndchildren on your /nee@ Ger"@ Chuc/ "nd %"ve3 Send )e " 8ostc"rd@ dro8 )e " line St"ting 8oint o1 vie73 Indic"te 8recisely 7h"t you )e"n to s"y@ You,re sincerely 7"sting "7"y3 'ive )e your "ns7er@ 1ill in " 1or)@ Mine 1orever )ore@ 6ill you still need )e@ 7ill you still 1eed )e@ 6hen I,) si:ty 1ourA
6hile My 'uit"r 'ently 6ee8s > '3 "rrison ? I loo/ "t you "ll see the love there th"t,s slee8ing 6hile )y guit"r gently 7ee8s3 I loo/ "t the 1loor "nd I see it needs s7ee8ing Still )y guit"r gently 7ee8s3 I don,t /no7 7hy no+ody told you No7 to untold your love I don,t /no7 ho7 so)eone controlled you They +ought "nd sold you3 I loo/ "t the 7orld "nd I notice it,s turning 6hile )y guit"r gently 7ee8s3 I 7ith every )ist"/e 7e )ust surely +e le"rning Still )y guit"r gently 7ee8s3 I don,t /no7 ho7 you 7ere diverted you 7ere 8erverted too I don,t /no7 ho7 you 7ere inverted no one "lerted you3 I loo/ "t you "ll see the love there th"t,s slee8ing 6hile )y guit"r gently 7ee8s3 I loo/ "t you "ll Still )y guit"r gently 7ee8s3
6ith A Little el8 0ro) My 0riends > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? 6h"t 7ould you thin/ i1 I s"ng out o1 tune@ 6ould you st"nd u8 "nd 7"l/ out on )eA Lend )e your e"rs "nd I,ll sing you " song And I,ll try not to sing out o1 /ey@ 2h@ I get +y 7ith " little hel8 1ro) )y 1riends@ M)@ I get high 7ith " little hel8 1ro) )y 1riends@ M)@ I,) gonn" try 7ith " little hel8 1ro) )y 1riends3 6h"t do I do 7hen )y love is "7"y@ %oes it 7orry you to +e "loneA o7 do I 1eel +y the end o1 the d"y@ Are you s"d +ec"use you,re on your o7nA No@ I get +y 7ith " little hel8 1ro) )y 1riends@ M)@ I get high 7ith " little hel8 1ro) )y 1riends@ M)@ I,) gonn" try 7ith " little hel8 1ro) )y 1riends3 %o you need "ny+odyA I need so)e+ody to love3 Could it +e "ny+odyA I 7"nt so)e+ody to love3 6ould you +elieve in " love "t 1irst sightA Yes@ I,) cert"in th"t it h"88ens "ll the ti)e3 6h"t do you see 7hen you turn out the lightA I c"n,t tell you +ut I /no7 it,s )ine3 2h@ I get +y 7ith " little hel8 1ro) )y 1riends@ M)@ I get high 7ith " little hel8 1ro) )y 1riends@ M)@ I,) gonn" try 7ith " little hel8 1ro) )y 1riends3 %o you need "ny+odyA I does need so)eone to love3 Could it +e "ny+odyA I 7"nt so)e+ody to love3
6ithin You 6ithout You > '3 "rrison ? 6e 7ere t"l/ing "+out the s8"ce +et7een us "ll And the 8eo8le 7ho hide the)selves +ehind " 7"ll o1 illusion@ Never gli)8se the truth@ then it,s 1"r too l"te 7hen they 8"ss "7"y3 6e 7ere t"l/ing "+out the love 7e "ll could sh"re@ 6hen 7e 1ind it to try our +est to hold it there 6ith our love@ 7ith our love 7e could s"ve the 7orld3 Try to re"liCe it,s "ll 7ithin yoursel1 no one else c"n )"/e you ch"nge3 And to see you,re re"lly only very s)"ll "nd li1e 1lo7s on 7ithin you "nd 7ithout you3 6e 7ere t"l/ing "+out the love th"t,s gone so cold And the 8eo8le 7ho g"in the 7orld "nd lose their soul They don,t /no7@ they c"n,t see3 Are you one o1 the)A
The 6ord > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? S"y the 7ord "nd you,ll +e 1ree@ S"y the 7ord "nd +e li/e )e3 S"y the 7ord I,) thin/ing o1 "ve you he"rd the 7ord is loveA It,s so 1ine@ it,s sunshine@ It,s the 7ord love3 In the +eginning I )isunderstood@ But no7 I,ve got it@ the 7ord is goodB S"y the 7ord "nd you,ll +e 1ree@ S"y the 7ord "nd +e li/e )e3 S"y the 7ord I,) thin/ing o1 "ve you he"rd the 7ord is loveA It,s so 1ine@ it,s sunshine@ It,s the 7ord love3 Ev,ry7here I go I he"r it s"id@ In the good "nd the +"d +oo/s th"t I h"ve re"d@ S"y the 7ord "nd you,ll +e 1ree@ S"y the 7ord "nd +e li/e )e3 S"y the 7ord I,) thin/ing o1 "ve you he"rd the 7ord is loveA It,s so 1ine@ it,s sunshine@ It,s the 7ord love3 No7 th"t I /no7 7h"t I 1eel )ust +e right3 I )e"n to sho7 ev,ry+ody the light3 'ive the 7ord " ch"nce to s"y Th"t the 7ord is =ust the 7"y3 It,s the 7ord I,) thin/ing o1 And the only 7ord is love It,s so 1ine@ it,s sunshine@ It,s the 7ord love3 S"y the 7ord@ love3 S"y the 7ord@ love3
6orld 6ithout Love > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? 9le"se loc/ )e "7"y "nd don,t "llo7 the d"y here inside 6here I hide 7ith )y loneliness3 I don,t c"re 7h"t they s"y@ I 7on,t st"y in " 7ord 7ithout love3 Birds sing out o1 tune "nd r"in dro8s hide the )oon3 I,) 2343 ere I,ll s"y 7ith )y loneliness3 I don,t c"re 7h"t they s"y@ I 7on,t st"y in " 7ord 7ithout love3 So I 7"it "nd in " s)ile I 7ill see )y true love s)ile3 She )"y co)e@ I /no7 not 7hen@ 7hen she does I,ll /no7@ So +"+y until then@ loc/ )e "7"y "nd don,t "llo7 the d"y here inside 6here I hide 7ith )y loneliness3 I don,t c"re 7h"t they s"y@ I 7on,t st"y in " 7ord 7ithout love3
Yello7 Su+)"rine > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? In the to7n 7here I 7"s +orn Lived " )"n 7ho s"iled to se"@ And he told us o1 his li1e In the l"nd o1 su+)"rines@ So 7e s"iled u8 to the sun Till 7e 1ound the se" o1 green And 7e lived +ene"th the 7"ves In our yello7 su+)"rine3 6e "ll live in " yello7 su+)"rine@ Yello7 su+)"rine@ yello7 su+)"rine3 6e "ll live in " yello7 su+)"rine@ Yello7 su+)"rine@ yello7 su+)"rine3 And our 1riends "re "ll on +o"rdB M"ny )ore o1 the) live ne:t doorB And the +"nd +egins to 8l"y3 6e "ll live in " yello7 su+)"rine@ Yello7 su+)"rine@ yello7 su+)"rine3 6e "ll live in " yello7 su+)"rine@ Yello7 su+)"rine@ yello7 su+)"rine3 As 7e live " li1e o1 e"se@ Ev,ryone o1 us h"s "ll 7e need3 S/y o1 +lue "nd se" o1 green In our yello7 su+)"rine3 6e "ll live in " yello7 su+)"rine@ Yello7 su+)"rine@ yello7 su+)"rine3 6e "ll live in " yello7 su+)"rine@ Yello7 su+)"rine@ yello7 su+)"rine3 6e "ll live in " yello7 su+)"rine@ Yello7 su+)"rine@ yello7 su+)"rine3 6e "ll live in " yello7 su+)"rine@ Yello7 su+)"rine@ yello7 su+)"rine3
Yer Blues > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? Yes@ I,) lonely3 6"nn" die3 Yes@ I,) lonely3 6"nn" die3 I1 I "in,t de"d "lre"dy3 'irl@ you /no7 the re"son 7hy3 In the )orning 7"nn" die3 In the evening 7"nn" die3 'irl@ you /no7 the re"son 7hy3 My )other 7"s o1 the s/y3 My 1"ther 7"s o1 the e"rth3 But I ") o1 the universe And you /no7 7h"t it,s 7orth3 Yes@ I,) lonely3 6"nn" die3 Yes@ I,) lonely3 6"nn" die3 I1 I "in,t de"d "lre"dy3 'irl@ you /no7 the re"son 7hy3 The e"gle 8ic/s )y eye The 7or)@ he lic/s )y +one3 I 1eel so suicid"l 5ust li/e %yl"n,s Mister 5ones3 Yes@ I,) lonely3 6"nn" die3 Yes@ I,) lonely3 6"nn" die3 I1 I "in,t de"d "lre"dy3 'irl@ you /no7 the re"son 7hy3 The +l"c/ cloud crossed )y )ind Blue )ist ,round )y soul3 I 1eel so suicid"l@ Even h"te )y roc/ "nd roll3 Yes@ I,) lonely3 6"nn" die3 Yes@ I,) lonely3 6"nn" die3 I1 I "in,t de"d "lre"dy3 'irl@ you /no7 the re"son 7hy3
Yes It Is > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? I1 you 7e"r )e tonight@ -e)e)+er 7h"t I s"id tonight@ 0or red is the color th"t )y +"+y 7ore And 7h"t,s )ore it,s true@ yes it is3 Sc"rlet 7ere the clothes she 7ore@ Ev,ry+ody /no7,s I,) sure3 I 7ould re)e)+er "ll the things 7e 8l"nned Underst"nd it,s true@ yes it is@ it,s true@ yes it is3 I could +e h"88y 7ith you +y )y side I1 I could 1orget her@+ut it,s )y 8ride3 Yes it is@ yes it is@ oh@ yes it is@ ye"h3 9le"se don,t 7e"r red tonight@ This is 7h"t I s"id tonight@ 0or red is the color th"t 7ill )"/e )e +lue In s8ite o1 you it,s true@ yes it is@ it,s true@ yes it is@ it,s true3
Yesterd"y > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? Yesterd"y "ll )y trou+les see)ed so 1"r "7"y3 No7 it loo/ "s though they,re here to st"y@ 2h@ I +elieve in yesterd"y3 Suddenly@ I,) not h"l1 the )"n I used to +e3 There,s " sh"do7 h"nging over )e@ 2h@ yesterd"y@ c")e suddenly3 6hy she h"d to go@ I don,t /no7@ she 7ouldn,t s"y3 I s"id so)ething 7rong@ no7 I long 1or yesterd"y3 Yesterd"y love 7"s such "n e"sy g")e to 8l"y@ No7 I need " 8l"ce to hide "7"y@ 2h@ I +elieve in yesterd"y3 6hy she h"d to go@ I don,t /no7@ she 7ouldn,t s"y3 I s"id so)ething 7rong@ no7 I long 1or yesterd"y3 Yesterd"y love 7"s such "n e"sy g")e to 8l"y@ No7 I need " 8l"ce to hide "7"y@ 2h@ I +elieve in yesterd"y3
You C"n,t %o Th"t > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? I got so)ething to s"y th"t )ight c"use you 8"inB I1 I c"tch you t"l/ing to th"t +oy "g"in@ I,) gonn" let you do7n "nd le"ve you 1l"t@ Bec"use I told you +e1ore@ 2h@ you c"n,t do th"t3 6ell@ it,s the second ti)e I,ve c"ught you t"l/ing to hi)3 %o I h"ve to tell you one )ore ti)e I thin/ it,s " sinA I thin/ I,ll let you do7n "nd le"ve you 1l"t@ Bec"use I,ve told you +e1ore@ 2h@ you c"n,t do th"t3 Ev,ry+ody,s green ,C"use I,) the one 7ho 7on your love But i1 it,s seen You,re t"l/ing th"t 7"y@ they,d l"ugh in )y 1"ce3 So@ 8le"se listen to )e i1 you 7"nn" st"y )ine3 I c"n,t hel8 )y 1eeling@ I,ll go out o1 )y )ind3 I /no7 I,ll let you do7n "nd le"ve you 1l"t@ Bec"use I,ve told you +e1ore@ 2h@ you c"n,t do th"t3
You Li/e Me Too Much > '3 "rrison ? Though you,re gone "7"y this )orning@ you,ll +e +"c/ "g"in tonight@ Telling )e there,s +e no ne:t ti)e i1 I =ust don,t tre"t you right3 You,ll never le"ve )e "nd you /no7 it,s true@ ,C"use you li/e )e too )uch "nd I li/e you3 You,ve tried +e1ore to le"ve )e +ut you h"ven,t got the nerve To 7"l/ out "nd )"/e )e lonely 7hich is "ll th"t I desrve3 You,ll never le"ve )e "nd you /no7 it,s true@ ,C"use you li/e )e too )uch "nd I li/e you3 I re"lly do@ And it,s nice 7hen you +elieve )e@ I1 you le"ve )e@ I 7ill 1ollo7 you "nd +ring you +"c/ 7here you +elong ,C"use I couldn,t re"lly st"nd it3 I "d)it th"t I 7"s 7rong@ I 7ouldn,t let you lee )e ,c"use it,s true@ ,C"use you li/e )e too )uch "nd I li/e you3 ,C"use you li/e )e too )uch "nd I li/e you3 I re"lly do@ And it,s nice 7hen you +elieve )e@ I1 you le"ve )e@ I 7ill 1ollo7 you "nd +ring you +"c/ 7here you +elong ,C"use I couldn,t re"lly st"nd it3 I "d)it th"t I 7"s 7rong@ I 7ouldn,t let you lee )e ,c"use it,s true@ ,C"use you li/e )e too )uch "nd I li/e you@ ,C"use you li/e )e too )uch "nd I li/e you3
You Never 'ive Me Your Money > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? You never give )e your )oney@ You only give )e your 1unny 8"8er@ And in the )iddle o1 negoti"tions@ you +re"/ do7n3 I never give you )y nu)+er@ I only give you )y situ"tion3 And in the )iddle o1 investig"tions@ I +re"/ do7n3 2ut o1 college@ )oney s8ent@ See no 1uture@ 8"y no rent@ All the )oney,s gone@ no7here to go3 Any =o++er got the s"c/@ Mond"y )orning turning +"c/@ Yello7 lorry slo7@ no7here to go3 But@ oh@ th"t )"gic 1eeling no7here to go@ 2h@ th"t )"gic 1eeling no7here to go@ No7here to go3 2ne s7eet dre")@ 8ic/ u8 the +"gs@ "nd get in the li)ousine3 Soon@ 7e,ll +e "7"y 1ro) here@ ste8 on the g"s "nd 7i8e th"t te"r "7"y3 2ne s7eet dre") c")e true tod"y@ C")e true tod"y@ C")e true tod"y3
You 6on,t See Me > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? 6hen I c"ll you u8@ your line,s eng"ged3 I h"ve h"d enough@ so get your "ge3 6e h"ve lost the ti)e th"t 7"s so h"rd to 1ind@ And I 7ill lose )y )ind i1 you 7on,t see )e@ You 7on,t see )e3 I don,t /no7 7hy you should 7"nt to hide3 But I c"n,t get through@ )y h"nds "re tied3 I don,t 7"nt to st"y@ I don,t h"ve )uch to s"y@ But I c"n turn "7"y "nd you 7on,t see )e@ You 7on,t see )e3 Ti)e "1ter ti)e you re1use to even listen3 I 7ouldn,t )ind i1 I /ne7 7h"t I 7"s )issin,3 Though the d"ys "re 1e7@ they,re 1illed 7ith te"rs3 And since I lost you it 1eels li/e ye"rs3 Yes it see)s so long girl since you,ve +een gone@ And I =ust c"n,t go on i1 you 7on,t see )e@ You 7on,t see )e3 Ti)e "1ter ti)e you re1use to even listen3 I 7ouldn,t )ind i1 I /ne7 7h"t I 7"s )issin,3 Though the d"ys "re 1e7@ they,re 1illed 7ith te"rs3 And since I lost you it 1eels li/e ye"rs3 Yes it see)s so long girl since you,ve +een gone@ And I =ust c"n,t go on i1 you 7on,t see )e@ You 7on,t see )e3
Your Mother Should 4no7 > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? Let,s "ll get u8 "nd d"nce to " song Th"t 7"s " hit +e1ore your )other 7"s +orn3 Though she 7"s +orn " long long ti)e "go@ Your )other should /no7@ Your )other should /no73 Sing it "g"in3 Let,s "ll get u8 "nd d"nce to " song Th"t 7"s " hit +e1ore your )other 7"s +orn3 Though she 7"s +orn " long long ti)e "go@ Your )other should /no7@ Your )other should /no73 Li1t u8 your he"rts "nd sing )e " song Th"t 7"s " hit +e1ore your )other 7"s +orn3 Though she 7"s +orn " long long ti)e "go@ Your )other should /no7@ Your )other should /no7@ Your )other should /no7@ Your )other should /no73 Sing it "g"in3 Though she 7"s +orn " long long ti)e "go@ Your )other should /no7@ Your )other should /no7@ Your )other should /no7@ Your )other should /no73
You,re 'oing To Lose Th"t 'irl > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? You,re going to lose th"t girl@ You,re going to lose th"t girl3 I1 you don,t t"/e her out tonight She,s going to ch"nge her )ind3 And I 7ill t"/e her out tonight@ And I 7ill tre"t her /ind3 You,re going to lose th"t girl@ You,re going to lose th"t girl3 I1 you don,t tre"t her right@ )y 1riend@ You,re going to 1ind her gone@ ,C"use I 7ill tre"t her right "nd then You,ll +e the lonely one3 You,re going to lose th"t girl@ You,re going to lose th"t girl@ You,re gonn" lose3 I,ll )"/e " 8oint o1 t"/ing her "7"y 1ro) you Ye"h; The 7"y you tre"t het@ 7h"t else c"n I doA You,re going to lose th"t girl@ You,re going to lose th"t girl@ You,re gonn" lose3 I,ll )"/e " 8oint o1 t"/ing her "7"y 1ro) you Ye"h; The 7"y you tre"t het@ 7h"t else c"n I doA I1 you don,t t"/e her out tonight She,s going to ch"nge her )ind3 And I 7ill t"/e her out tonight@ And I 7ill tre"t her /ind3 You,re going to lose th"t girl@ You,re going to lose th"t girl@ You,re going to lose th"t girl3
You,ve 'ot To ide Your Love A7"y > 53 Lennon@ 93 McC"rtney ? ere I st"nd 7ith he"d in h"nd@ Turn )y 1"ce to the 7"ll3 I1 she,s gone I c"n,t go on 0eeling t7o 1eet s)"ll3 Ev,ry7here 8eo8le st"re E"ch "nd ev,ry d"y3 I c"n see the) l"ugh "t )e And I he"r the) s"y@ E ey@ you,ve got to hide your love "7"y; ey@ you,ve got to hide your love "7"y;E o7 c"n I ever tryA I c"n never 7in@ e"ring the)@ seeing the) In the st"te I,) in3 o7 could she s"y to )e@ ELove 7ill 1ind "7"yAE '"ther ,round "ll you clo7ns Let )e he"r you s"y@ E ey@ you,ve got to hide your love "7"y; ey@ you,ve got to hide your love "7"y;E N"chtr"g Sie Lie+t %ich >LennonIMcC"rtney? Sie lie+t dich Sie lie+t dich Sie lie+t dich %u gl"u+st sie lie+t nur )ichA 'estern h"+, ich sie gesehen3 Sie den/t =" nur "n dich@ Und du solltest Cu ihr gehen3 2h@ =" sie lie+t dich3 SchJner /"nn es g"r nicht sein3 5"@ sie lie+t dich@ Und d" solltest du dich 1reu,n3 %u h"st ihr 7eh get"n@ Sie 7usste nicht 7"ru)3 %u 7"rst nicht schuld d"r"n@ Und drehtest dich nicht u)3 2h@ =" sie lie+t dich3 3 3 3 Sie lie+t dich Sie lie+t dich %enn )it dir "llein /"nn sie nur glKc/lich sein3 %u )usst =etCt Cu ihr gehen@ Entschuldigst dich +ei ihr3 5"@ d"s 7id sie verstehen@ Und d"nn verCeiht sie dir3 Sie lie+t dich
Sie lie+t dich %enn )it dir "llein /"nn sie nur glKc/lich sein3 A T"ste o1 oney >ScottIM"rlo7? A t"ste o1 honey333 t"sting )uch s7eeter th"n 7ine3 I dre") o1 your 1irst /iss@ "nd then@ I 1eel u8on )y li8s "g"in@ A t"ste o1 honey333 t"sting )uch s7eeter th"n 7ine3 I 7ill return@ yes I 7ill return@ I,ll co)e +"c/ 1or the honey "nd you3 Yours 7"s the /iss th"t "7o/e )y he"rt@ There lingers still@ ,though 7e,re 1"r "8"rt@ Th"t t"ste o1 honey333 t"sting )uch s7eeter th"n 7ine3 I 7ill return@ yes I 7ill return@ I,ll co)e +"c/ >he,ll co)e +"c/? 1or the honey >1or the honey? "nd you3 Ann" >'o 6ith i)? >Ale:"nder?
Ann"@ You co)e "nd "s/ )e@ girl@ To set you 1ree@ girl@ You s"y he loves you )ore th"n )e@ So I 7ill set you 1ree@ 'o 7ith hi)3 'o 7ith hi)3 Ann"@ 'irl@ +e1ore you go no7@ I 7"nt you to /no7@ no7@ Th"t I still love you so@ But i1 he loves you )o,@ 'o 7ith hi)3 All o1 )y li1e@ I,ve +een se"rchin, 1or " girl To love )e li/e I love you3 2h@ no733 But every girl I,ve ever h"d@ Bre"/s )y he"rt "nd le"ves )y s"d3 6h"t ") I@ 7h"t ") I su88osed to do3 Ann"@ 5ust one )ore thing@ girl3 You give +"c/ your ring to )e@ "nd I 7ill set you 1ree@ 'o 7ith hi)3 Chorus Ann"@ 5ust one )ore thing@ girl3 You give +"c/ your ring to )e@ "nd I 7ill set you 1ree@ 'o 7ith hi)3 %o You 6"nt to 4no7 " Secret >LennonIMcC"rtney? You,ll never /no7 ho7 )uch I re"lly love you3
You,ll never /no7 ho7 )uch I re"lly c"re3 Listen@ %o you 7"nt to /no7 " secret@ %o you 8ro)ise not to tell@ 7ho" oh@ oh3 Closer@ Let )e 7his8er in your e"r@ S"y the 7ords you long to he"r@ I,) in love 7ith you3 Listen@ %o you 7"nt to /no7 " secret@ %o you 8ro)ise not to tell@ 7ho" oh@ oh3 Closer@ Let )e 7his8er in your e"r@ S"y the 7ords you long to he"r@ I,) in love 7ith you3 I,ve /no7n the secret 1or " 7ee/ or t7o@ No+ody /no7s@ =ust 7e t7o3 Listen@ %o you 7"nt to /no7 " secret@ %o you 8ro)ise not to tell@ 7ho" oh@ oh3 Closer@ Let )e 7his8er in your e"r@ S"y the 7ords you long to he"r@ I,) in love 7ith you3 As/ Me 6hy >LennonIMcC"rtney? I love you@ ,c"use you tell )e things I 7"nt to /no73 And it,s true th"t it re"lly only goes to sho7@ Th"t I /no7@ Th"t I@ I@ I@ I should never@ never@ never +e +lue3 No7 you,re )ine@ )y h"88iness still )"/es )e cry3 And in ti)e@ you,ll underst"nd the re"son 7hy@ I1 I cry@ It,s not +ec"use I,) s"d@ +ut you,re the only love th"t I,ve ever h"d3 I c"n,t +elieve it,s h"88ened to )e I c"n,t conceive o1 "ny )ore )isery3 As/ )e 7hy@ I,ll s"y I love you@ And I,) "l7"ys thin/ing o1 you3 I love you@ ,c"use you tell )e things I 7"nt to /no73 And it,s true th"t it re"lly only goes to sho7@ Th"t I /no7@ Th"t I@ I@ I@ I should never@ never@ never +e +lue3 As/ )e 7hy@ I,ll s"y I love you@ And I,) "l7"ys thin/ing o1 you3 I c"n,t +elieve it,s h"88ened to )e3 I c"n,t conceive o1 "ny )ore )isery3
As/ )e 7hy@ I,ll s"y I love you@ And I,) "l7"ys thin/ing o1 you3 oney %on,t >9er/ins? 6ell ho7 c"n you s"y you 7ill 7hen you 7on,t@ S"y you do@ +"+y@ 7hen you don,tA Tell the truth no7@ is love re"lA But oh 7ell honey don,t@ 7ell honey don,t@ oney don,t@ honey don,t@ honey don,t I s"y you 7ill 7hen you 7on,t@ oh oh honey@ don,t3 6ell I love you@ +"+y@ "nd you ought to /no7 I li/e the 7"y you 7e"r your clothes@ Everything "+out you is so doggone s7eet@ You got th"t s"nd "ll over your 1eet3 L2h@ roc/ on 'eorge@ one ti)e 1or )e3M S2L2 LI 1eel 1ine3M LI,) s"d3M 6ell so)eti)es I love you on " S"turd"y night@ Sund"y )orning you don,t loo/ right3 You,ve +een out 8"inting the to7n@ uh +"+y@ +een ste88ing "round3 L2h@ roc/ on 'eorge@ 1or -ingo one ti)e3M MedleyF >"?F 4"ns"s City >Lei+erIStoller? >+?F ey@ ey@ ey@ ey >9enni)"n? Ah 4"ns"s City 'oing to get )y +"+y +"c/ ho)e I,) going to 4"ns"s City 'oing to get )y +"+y +"c/ ho)e 6ell its " long long ti)e too My +"+y,s +een gone Ah@ 4"ns"s City 'oing get )y +"+y one ti)e I,) going to 4"ns"s City 'oing get )y +"+y one ti)e Its " =ust " #<&<(<*@ .<6<7<8<! ey hey hey hey >hey hey hey hey? ey@ +"+y >hey@ +"+y? 2oh no7 girl >ye"h@ ye"h? I s"id ye"h no7@ huh >girl@ girl? No7 no7 no7 no7 tell )e +"+y 6h"t,s +een 7rong 7ith you ey hey hey hey
>hey hey hey hey? ey no7 +"+y >hey +"+y? 2oh no7 girl >ye"h@ ye"h? I s"id ye"h no7@ huh >girl@ girl? No7 no7 no7 no7 tell )e +"+y 6h"t,s +een 7rong 7ith you I s"id +ye >+ye +ye +ye +ye? Bye +ye +"+y +ye +ye >+ye +ye +ye +ye? So long >so long so long? Bye +ye +"+y I,) gone >+ye +ye +ye +ye? I s"id +ye +ye +"+y Bye@ +ye@ +ye@ +ye Bye no7 +ye >+ye +ye +ye +ye? Bye no7 +"+y +ye >+ye +ye +ye +ye? 0ree As A Bird >LennonIMcC"rtneyI "rrisonISt"r/ey? 0ree As A Bird@ It,s the ne:t +est thing to +e 1ree "s " +ird3 o)e@ ho)e "nd dry Li/e " ho)ing +ird I 1ly@ "s " +ird on 7ings 6h"tever h"88ened to the li1e th"t 7e once /ne7 C"n 7e re"lly live 7ithout e"ch other 6here did 7e lose the touch Th"t see)ed to )e"n so )uch It "l7"ys )"de )e 1eel so 0ree "s " +ird@ It,s the ne:t +est thing to +e 1ree "s " +ird3 o)e ho)e "nd dry Li/e " ho)ing +ird I 1ly<<" +ird on 7ing 6h"tever h"88ened to the li1e th"t 7e once /ne7 Al7"ys )"de )e 1eel soooo 0ree 0ree "s " +ird It,s the ne:t +est thing to +e 0ree "s " +ird 0ree "s " +ird 0ree "s " +ird -e"l Love >5ohn Lennon? All )y little 8l"ns "nd sche)es Lost li/e so)e 1orgotten dre") See)s li/e "ll I re"lly 7"s doing 6"s 7"iting 1or you 5ust li/e little girls "nd +oys 9l"ying 7ith their little toys See)s li/e "ll they re"lly 7ere doing
6"s 7"iting 1or you %on,t need to +e "lone No need to +e "lone It,s re"l love It,s re"l@ yes it,s re"l love It,s re"l 0ro) this )o)ent on I /no7 E:"ctly 7here )y li1e 7ill go See)s th"t "ll I re"lly 7"s doing 6"s 7"iting 1or love %on,t need to +e "1r"id No need to +e "1r"id It,s re"l love It,s re"l@ yes it,s re"l love It,s re"l Thought I,d +een in love +e1ore@ But in )y he"rt I 7"nted )ore See)s li/e "ll I re"lly 7"s doing 6"s 7"iting 1or you %on,t need to +e "lone No need to +e "lone It,s re"l love Yes it,s re"l@ yes it,s re"l love It,s re"l@ yes it,s re"l love333 B"+y It,s You >%"vidI6illi")sIB"ch"r"ch? Sh" l" l" l" l" l" l" l" Sh" l" l" l" l" l" l" l" Sh" l" l" l" l" l" l" l" Sh" l" l" l" l" It,s not the 7"y you s)ile th"t touched )y he"rt3 >sh" l" l" l" l"? It,s not the 7"y you /iss th"t te"rs )e "8"rt3 Uh@ oh@ )"ny@ )"ny@ )"ny nights go +y@ I sit "lone "t ho)e "nd I cry over you3 6h"t c"n I do3 C"n,t hel8 )ysel1@ ,c"use +"+y@ it,s you3 B"+y@ it,s you3 You should he"r 7h"t they s"y "+out you@ Eche"t@E Eche"t3E They s"y@ they s"y you never never never ever +een true3 >che"t che"t? Uh oh@ It doesn,t )"tter 7h"t they s"y@ I /no7 I,) gonn" love you "ny old 7"y3 6h"t c"n I do@ "nd it,s true3 %on,t 7"nt no+ody@ no+ody@ ,c"use +"+y@ it,s you3 >sh" l" l" l" l" l" l"? B"+y@ it,s you3 >sh" l" l" l" l" l" l"? Uh oh@ It doesn,t )"tter 7h"t they s"y@
I /no7 I,) gonn" love you "ny old 7"y3 6h"t c"n I do@ 7hen it,s true3 %on,t 7"nt no+ody@ no+ody@ ,c"use +"+y@ it,s you3 >sh" l" l" l" l" l" l"? B"+y@ it,s you3 >sh" l" l" l" l" l" l"? %on,t le"ve )e "ll "lone333 4o))@ 'i+ Mir %eine "nd >LennonIMcC"rtney? 2h@ /o)) doch@ 4o)) Cu )ir@ %u ni))st )ir den Gerst"nd3 2h@ /o)) doch@ 4o)) Cu )ir@ 4o)) gi+ )ir deine "nd3 4o)) gi+ )ir deine "nd3 4o)) gi+ )ir deine "nd3 2h@ du +ist so schJn@ SchJn 7ie ein %i")"nt@ Ich 7ill )it dir gehen@ 4o)) gi+ )ir deine "nd3 4o)) gi+ )ir deine "nd3 4o)) gi+ )ir deine "nd3 In deinen Ar)en +in ich glKc/lich und 1rohB %"s 7"r noch nie +ei einer "ndern Ein)"l so3 Ein)"l so3 Ein)"l so3 2h@ /o)) doch@ 3 3 3 In deinen Ar)en +in ich glKc/lich und 1rohB 3 3 3 2h@ du +ist so schJn@ 3 3 3 Every+ody,s Trying to +e My B"+y >9er/ins? 6ell they too/ so)e honey 1ro) the tree@ dressed it u8 "nd they c"lled it )e3 Every+ody,s trying to +e )y +"+y@ every+ody,s trying to +e )y +"+y@ Every+ody,s trying to +e )y +"+y no73 6o/e u8 l"st night@ h"l1 8"st 1our@ 6ic/ed 7o)"n /noc/ing "t )y door3 6ent out l"st night@ I didn,t st"y l"te@ C"lled her ho)e@ h"d " nice teen d"te3 You -e"lly 'ot " old on Me >-o+inson? I don,t li/e you But I love you See th"t I,) "l7"ys Thin/ing o1 you 2h@ oh@ oh@ You tre"t )e +"dly I love you )"dly You,ve re"lly got " hold on )e You,ve re"lly got " hold on )e@ +"+y I don,t 7"nt you@
But I need you %on,t 7"nt to /iss you But I need you 2h@ oh@ oh You do )e 7ring no7 My love is strong no7 You,ve re"lly got " hold on )e You,ve re"lly got " hold on )e@ +"+y I love you "nd "ll I 7"nt you to do Is =ust hold )e@ hold )e@ hold )e@ hold )e I 7"nt to le"ve you %on,t 7"nt to st"y here %on,t 7"nt to s8end Another d"y here 2h@ oh@ oh@ I 7"nt to s8lit no7 I =ust c"n Duit no7 You,ve re"lly got " hold on )e You,ve re"lly got " hold on )e@ +"+y I love you "nd "ll I 7"nt you to do Is =ust hold )e@ hold )e@ hold )e@ hold )e You,ve re"lly got " hold on )e You,ve re"lly got " hold on )e