Dehyquart C 4046
Dehyquart C 4046
Dehyquart C 4046
General characterisation
Che ical descri!tion Mixture of conditioning agent, fatty alcohol and nonionic emulsifier
&n$redient CASR*'o+ !""!2-2"-0# $%$$&-'%-2# !'()$-($-! E&'ECS,E"&'CS*'o 2!"00'! 2$&)(() polymer
Product !ro!erties
A!!earance D*H+,-A./0 C (0(! is a 1hite to yello1 1ax-li2e product 1hich is supplied in pellets E/a !le o% use 3n account of the com4ination of consistency gi5ing, conditioning and emulsifying ingredients the product is suited for the simple preparation of hair conditioning creams and emulsions /ypical application concentrations are ( - ' 6, depending on the desired 5iscosity of the final product /he most fa5ora4le conditioning and sta4ility properties are o4tained in a pH range 4et1een ) - (
Characteristic 0alues
/he specifications stated in the paragraphs 7,uality control data7 and 7Additional product descripti5e data7 finally and conclusi5ely descri4e the properties of the 8roduct Qualit. control data (Data 1hich is used for 9uality release and is certified for each 4atch ) Appearance conforms to standard 3dour conforms to standard Cationic surfactant (M: '00) Acid 5alue pH 5alue (& 6 sol ) 22 - 2' 6 max $ 20-(0 ;<3 2'"%mod (8ulcra '0&0) ;<3 ()%(-%$"" (8ulcra '0%') ;<3 ()%!-%$"" (8ulcra '22')
Additional !roduct descri!ti0e data (Data 1hich is pro5en statistically 4ut not determined regularly ) Dimethyl sulfate = % ppm Melting range &) - &"> C
All products in the text mar2ed 1ith an 0 are trademar2s of the Cognis group /he information on product specifications pro5ided herein is only 4inding to the extent confirmed 4y Cognis in a 1ritten <ales Agreement C3?@;< *A8.*<<B+ D;<CBA;M< A@+ .*<83@<;C;B;/+ D3. /H* <-;/AC;B;/+ 3D /H* 8.3D-C/< D3. A@+ <8*C;D;C 3. 8A./;C-BA. 8-.83<*< ;@/*@D*D C+ /H* -<*. <uggestions for the use and application of the products and guide formulations are gi5en for information purposes only and 1ithout commitment <uch suggestions do not release CognisE customers from testing the products as to their suita4ility for the customerFs intended processes and purposes Cognis does not assume any lia4ility or ris2 in5ol5ed in the use of its products as the conditions of use are 4eyond its control /he user of the products is solely responsi4le for compliance 1ith all la1s and regulations applying to the use of the products, including intellectual property rights of third parties