HS Students Opinion On Cyber Crime

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Mr. Chair and the members of this house, Goodmorning.

I would like to rebut on the following points of the previous speaker... Now on to my speech. I as the 2nd speaker from the negative side would like to emphasi e on two points about this motion. !irst, I would like to discuss on the non necessity of the law since it does not invade the privacy of a person. "econd, it does not curtail the freedom of e#pression of the internet users as it provides measures on what crimes are to be penali ed and the steps to be taken in proving the commission of this crime. $n my first point, the anti cybercrime law does not invade the privacy of a person. %he law provides that there will be different law enforcers on the cyberworld in the &hilippines such as the cybercrime unit. %heir duty is to prevent illegal and immoral acts in the cyberworld. $ther people say that these enforcers violate human rights to privacy because they gather data regarding a certain person. Mr. Chair and the members of this house, %hey don't violate the right of privacy of a person. %hese law enforcers or cybercrime units with due cause are authori ed to collect or record traffic data of the internet. %he collected traffic data only refer to the communication's origin, destination, route, time, date, si e, or type of underlying service, but not content nor identity of the person. (ll other data to be collected, sei ed, or disclosed will re)uire a court warrant. %herefore, the law enforcement of the cybercrime law does not violate human rights to privacy *add a statement na related dun sa reasons mo like . *IN"+,% -I%C.ING .+,+. /.01 G(N2( NG &$IN% M$ 2,+.... "(&34..., &uwede mo kasi sabihin na kumbaga, kakasuhan ka lang naman ng libel or prostitution and stuff pag yung mismong taong na offend mo ay ihahabla ka. /hat's wrong with that eh 4ibel has long been a crime. G+N+,(440 ang papakialaman lang ng government directly ay yung 5C$44+C%+2 %,(!!IC 2(%(, the rest would still be personal acts.... ".I% (NG (NG(" M$. %(+N(.. Naaanaly e mo yun1 ("%IG6 7 Now on to my 2nd point. %he cybercrime law does not hinder the freedom of speech of internet users. ( lot of people are complaining because they thought that liking and commenting something on facebook will imprison them. Mr. Chair and the members of this house, %hat argument is invalid. +very person still have the right to post, comment, or 5like8 something in social networking sites. 0ou will not get imprisoned for doing such acts. %hese acts per se are not in itself penali ed by the anti cybercrime law. %he anti cybercrime law was intended to lessen different cybercrime offenses such as libel and prostitution, but not to hinder freedom of speech of a person. %his freedom of speech is tantamount to the e#pression of opinions or thoughts of a certain person. +very person has the right to e#press his9her own thoughts about a certain sub:ect. -ut in some cases, people abuse their freedom of speech. 4et us set cyber; s)uatting as an e#ample. Cyber;s)uatting is rampant these days in social networking sites like facebook and twitter. %his act is an ac)uisition of a domain name over the internet with an intention to destroy the reputation, confidentiality, and integrity of a person. (ccording to ,(

no. <=<>? Chapter II@ "ection IA, $ffenses against confidentiality, integrity, and availability of computer data and systems are punishable by this law. %hat is the only time wherein you accuse a person of a cybercrime and not because the liked or commented something on facebook. +rgo, the freedom of speech of the people is still maintained by this law provided that you don't offend any person, religion, culture, and specific belief. %o substantiate all these points. I say that cybercrime law is really needed in our country today because of the crimes that are related to the cyberworld. It is not necessary to abolish the cybercrime law because no specific law state offenses that are contrary to this law. (fter all these points Mr. Chair and the members of this house, I say that our team had won over our unworthy opponents in this debate. (nd with that I end my speech. %hank you. B(/$2. "+,0$"$ %$ N$ -I(". .3%(+N( (NG G(N2( NG "&++C. M$ C2 ID4I(N M$ ,+-3%%(4 M$. Dailangan maideliver mo to ng buo C2 A+,0 &,$32 $! 0$3E

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