Themes Robinson Crusoe
Themes Robinson Crusoe
Themes Robinson Crusoe
universal ideas explored in a literary work. The Ambivalence of Mastery Crusoes success in mastering his situation, overcoming his obstacles, and controlling his environment shows the condition of mastery in a positive light, at least at the beginning of the novel. Crusoe lands in an inhospitable environment and makes it his home. His taming and domestication of wild goats and parrots with Crusoe as their master illustrates his newfound control. Moreover, Crusoes mastery over nature makes him a master of his fate and of himself. arly in the novel, he fre!uently blames himself for disobeying his fathers advice or blames the destiny that drove him to sea. "ut in the later part of the novel, Crusoe stops viewing himself as a passive victim and strikes a new note of self#determination. $n building a home for himself on the island, he finds that he is master of his life%he suffers a hard fate and still finds prosperity. "ut this theme of mastery becomes more complex and less positive after &ridays arrival, when the idea of mastery comes to apply more to unfair relationships between humans. $n Chapter ''$$$, Crusoe teaches &riday the word ()m*aster+ even before teaching him (yes+ and (no,+ and indeed he lets him (know that was to be )Crusoes* name.+ Crusoe never entertains the idea of considering &riday a friend or e!ual%for some reason, superiority comes instinctively to him. ,e further !uestion Crusoes right to be called ()m*aster+ when he later refers to himself as (king+ over the natives and uropeans, who are his (sub-ects.+ $n short, while Crusoe seems praiseworthy in mastering his fate, the praiseworthiness of his mastery over his fellow humans is more doubtful. .efoe explores the link between the two in his depiction of the colonial mind. The Necessity of Repentance Crusoes experiences constitute not simply an adventure story in which thrilling things happen, but also a moral tale illustrating the right and wrong ways to live ones life. This moral and religious dimension of the tale is indicated in the /reface, which states that Crusoes story is being published to instruct others in 0ods wisdom, and one vital part of this wisdom is the importance of repenting ones sins. ,hile it is important to be grateful for 0ods miracles, as Crusoe is when his grain sprouts, it is not enough simply to express gratitude or even to pray to 0od, as Crusoe does several times with few results. Crusoe needs repentance most, as he learns from the fiery angelic figure that comes to him during a feverish hallucination and says, (1eeing all these things have not brought thee to repentance, now thou shalt die.+ Crusoe believes that his ma-or sin is his rebellious behavior toward his father, which he refers to as his (original sin,+ akin to 2dam and ves first disobedience of 0od. This biblical reference also suggests that Crusoes exile from civili3ation represents 2dam and ves expulsion from den. &or Crusoe, repentance consists of acknowledging his wretchedness and his absolute dependence on the 4ord. This admission marks a turning point in Crusoes spiritual consciousness, and is almost a born#again experience for him. 2fter repentance, he complains much less about his sad fate and views the island more positively. 4ater, when Crusoe is rescued and his fortune restored, he compares himself to 5ob, who also regained divine favor. $ronically, this view of the necessity of repentance ends up
-ustifying sin6 Crusoe may never have learned to repent if he had never sinfully disobeyed his father in the first place. Thus, as powerful as the theme of repentance is in the novel, it is nevertheless complex and ambiguous. The Importance of Self-Awareness Crusoes arrival on the island does not make him revert to a brute existence controlled by animal instincts, and, unlike animals, he remains conscious of himself at all times. $ndeed, his island existence actually deepens his self#awareness as he withdraws from the external social world and turns inward. The idea that the individual must keep a careful reckoning of the state of his own soul is a key point in the /resbyterian doctrine that .efoe took seriously all his life. ,e see that in his normal day#to#day activities, Crusoe keeps accounts of himself enthusiastically and in various ways. &or example, it is significant that Crusoes makeshift calendar does not simply mark the passing of days, but instead more egocentrically marks the days he has spent on the island6 it is about him, a sort of self#conscious or autobiographical calendar with him at its center. 1imilarly, Crusoe obsessively keeps a -ournal to record his daily activities, even when they amount to nothing more than finding a few pieces of wood on the beach or waiting inside while it rains. Crusoe feels the importance of staying aware of his situation at all times. ,e can also sense Crusoes impulse toward self#awareness in the fact that he teaches his parrot to say the words, (/oor 7obin Crusoe. . . . ,here have you been8+ This sort of self#examining thought is natural for anyone alone on a desert island, but it is given a strange intensity when we recall that Crusoe has spent months teaching the bird to say it back to him. Crusoe teaches nature itself to voice his own self#awareness. Motifs Motifs are recurring structures, contrasts, or literary devices that can help to develop and inform the texts ma-or themes. o!ntin" an# Meas!rin" Crusoe is a careful note#taker whenever numbers and !uantities are involved. He does not simply tell us that his hedge encloses a large space, but informs us with a surveyors precision that the space is (9:; yards in length, and 9;; yards in breadth.+ He tells us not simply that he spends a long time making his canoe in Chapter '<$, but that it takes precisely twenty days to fell the tree and fourteen to remove the branches. $t is not -ust an immense tree, but is (five foot ten inches in diameter at the lower part . . . and four foot eleven inches diameter at the end of twenty#two foot.+ &urthermore, time is measured with similar exactitude, as Crusoes -ournal shows. ,e may often wonder why Crusoe feels it useful to record that it did not rain on .ecember =>, but for him the necessity of counting out each day is never !uestioned. 2ll these examples of counting and measuring underscore Crusoes practical, businesslike character and his hands#on approach to life. "ut .efoe sometimes hints at the futility of Crusoes measuring%as when the carefully measured canoe cannot reach water or when his obsessively kept calendar is thrown off by a day of oversleeping. .efoe may be subtly poking fun at the urge to !uantify, showing us that, in the end, everything Crusoe counts never really adds up to much and does not save him from isolation. $atin" ?ne of Crusoes first concerns after his shipwreck is his food supply. ven while he is still wet from the sea in Chapter <, he frets about not having (anything to eat or drink to comfort me.+ He soon provides himself with food, and indeed each new edible
item marks a new stage in his mastery of the island, so that his food supply becomes a symbol of his survival. His securing of goat meat staves off immediate starvation, and his discovery of grain is viewed as a miracle, like manna from heaven. His cultivation of raisins, almost a luxury food for Crusoe, marks a new comfortable period in his island existence. $n a way, these images of eating convey Crusoes ability to integrate the island into his life, -ust as food is integrated into the body to let the organism grow and prosper. "ut no sooner does Crusoe master the art of eating than he begins to fear being eaten himself. The cannibals transform Crusoe from the consumer into a potential ob-ect to be consumed. 4ife for Crusoe always illustrates this eat or be eaten philosophy, since even back in urope he is threatened by man#eating wolves. ating is an image of existence itself, -ust as being eaten signifies death for Crusoe. %r#eals at Sea Crusoes encounters with water in the novel are often associated not simply with hardship, but with a kind of symbolic ordeal, or test of character. &irst, the storm off the coast of @armouth frightens Crusoes friend away from a life at sea, but does not deter Crusoe. Then, in his first trading voyage, he proves himself a capable merchant, and in his second one, he shows he is able to survive enslavement. His escape from his Moorish master and his successful encounter with the 2fricans both occur at sea. Most significantly, Crusoe survives his shipwreck after a lengthy immersion in water. "ut the sea remains a source of danger and fear even later, when the cannibals arrive in canoes. The 1panish shipwreck reminds Crusoe of the destructive power of water and of his own good fortune in surviving it. 2ll the life#testing water imagery in the novel has subtle associations with the rite of baptism, by which Christians prove their faith and enter a new life saved by Christ. Symbols 1ymbols are ob-ects, characters, figures, or colors used to represent abstract ideas or concepts& The 'ootprint Crusoes shocking discovery of a single footprint on the sand in Chapter '<$$$ is one of the most famous moments in the novel, and it symboli3es our heros conflicted feelings about human companionship. Crusoe has earlier confessed how much he misses companionship, yet the evidence of a man on his island sends him into a panic. $mmediately he interprets the footprint negatively, as the print of the devil or of an aggressor. He never for a moment entertains hope that it could belong to an angel or another uropean who could rescue or befriend him. This instinctively negative and fearful attitude toward others makes us consider the possibility that Crusoe may not want to return to human society after all, and that the isolation he is experiencing may actually be his ideal state. The ross Concerned that he will (lose )his* reckoning of time+ in Chapter <$$, Crusoe marks the passing of days (with )his* knife upon a large post, in capital letters, and making it into a great cross . . . set)s* it up on the shore where )he* first landed. . . .+ The large si3e and capital letters show us how important this cross is to Crusoe as a timekeeping device and thus also as a way of relating himself to the larger social world where dates and calendars still matter. "ut the cross is also a symbol of his own new existence on the island, -ust as the Christian cross is a symbol of the Christians new life
in Christ after baptism, an immersion in water like Crusoes shipwreck experience. @et Crusoes large cross seems somewhat blasphemous in making no reference to Christ. $nstead, it is a memorial to Crusoe himself, underscoring how completely he has become the center of his own life. r!soe(s )ower ?n a scouting tour around the island, Crusoe discovers a delightful valley in which he decides to build a country retreat or (bower+ in Chapter '$$. This bower contrasts sharply with Crusoes first residence, since it is built not for the practical purpose of shelter or storage, but simply for pleasure6 (because $ was so enamoured of the place.+ Crusoe is no longer focused solely on survival, which by this point in the novel is more or less secure. Aow, for the first time since his arrival, he thinks in terms of (pleasantness.+ Thus, the bower symboli3es a radical improvement in Crusoes attitude toward his time on the island. $sland life is no longer necessarily a disaster to suffer through, but may be an opportunity for en-oyment%-ust as, for the /resbyterian, life may be en-oyed only after hard work has been finished and repentance achieved.