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The Unified Software Development Process

Technieche Universal Darmstadt FACHBEREICH IN-FORMAHK


Ivar Jacobson Grady Booch James Rumbaugh

Rational Software Corporation

tnventar-NSr.: Sachgebiete: Siandort:

T ADDISON-WESLEY An Imprint of Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.

Reading, Massachusetts Harlow, England Menlo Park, California Berkeley, California Don Mills, Ontario Sydney Bonn Amsterdam Tokyo Mexico City




Part I: The Unified Software Development Process Chapter 1: The Unified Process: Use-Case Driven, Architecture-Centric, Iterative, and Incremental 3
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 The Unified Process in a Nutshell 4 The Unified Process Is Use-Case Driven 5 The Unified Process Is Architecture-Centric 6 The Unified Process Is Iterative and Incremental The Life of the Unified Process 8 1.5.1 The Product 9 1.5.2 Phases within a Cycle 11 An Integrated Process 13




Chapter 2: The Four Ps: People, Project, Product, and Process in Software Development 15
2.1 People Are Crucial 16 2.1.1 Development Processes Affect People 16 2.1.2 Roles Will Change 17 2.1.3 Turning "Resources" into "Workers" 18 Projects Make the Product 19 Product Is More Than Code 20 2.3.1 What Is a Software System? 20 2.3.2 Artifacts 21 2.3.3 A System Has a Collection of Models 21 2.3.4 What Is a Model? 22 2.3.5 Each Model Is a Self-Contained View of the System 2.3.6 Inside a Model 23 2.3.7 Relationships between Models 23 Process Directs Projects 24 2.4.1 Process: A Template 24 2.4.2 Related Activities Make Up Workflows 25 2.4.3 Specializing Process 26 2.4.4 Merits of Process 27 Tools Are Integral to Process 28 2.5.1 Tools Impact Process 28 2.5.2 Process Drives Tools 28 2.5.3 Balance Process and Tools 29 2.5.4 Visual Modeling Supports UML 29 2.5.5 Tools Support the Whole Life Cycle 30 References 31

2.2 2.3





Chapter 3: A Use-Case-Driven Process

3.1 3.2




Use-Case-Driven Development in Brief 35 Why Use Cases? 37 3.2.1 To Capture the Value Adding Requirements 37 3.2.2 To Drive the Process 38 3.2.3 To Devise the Architecture and More... 39 Capturing the Use Cases 40 3.3.1 The Use-Case Model Represents the Functional Requirements 40 3.3.2 Actors Are the Environment of the System 41 3.3.3 Use Cases Specify the System 41 Analysis, Design, and Implementation to Realize the Use Cases 3.4.1 Creating the Analysis Model from the Use Cases 43 3.4.2 Each Class Must Fulfill All Its Collaboration Roles 48




3.5 3.6 3.7

3.4.3 Creating the Design Model from the Analysis Model 48 3.4.4 Subsystems Group Classes 51 3.4.5 Creating the Implementation Model from the Design Model Testing the Use Cases 55 Summing Up 57 References 57


Chapter 4: An Architecture-Centric Process

4.1 4.2


Architecture in Brief 60 Why We Need Architecture 62 4.2.1 Understanding the System 62 4.2.2 Organizing Development 63 4.2.3 Fostering Reuse 63 4.2.4 Evolving the System 64 4.3 Use Cases and Architecture 65 4.4 The Steps to an Architecture 69 4.4.1 The Architecture Baseline Is a "Small, Skinny" System 69 4.4.2 Using Architecture Patterns 71 4.4.3 Describing Architecture 74 4.4.4 The Architect Creates the Architecture 76 4.5 Finally, an Architecture Description! 77 4.5.1 The Architectural View of the Use-Case Model 78 4.5.2 The Architectural View of the Design Model 78 4.5.3 The Architectural View of the Deployment Model 81 4.5.4 The Architectural View of the Implementation Model 83 4.6 Three Interesting Concepts 83 4.6.1 What Is Architecture? 83 4.6.2 How Is It Obtained? 83 4.6.3 How Is It Described? 83 4.7 References 84

Chapter 5: An Iterative and Incremental Process

5.1 Iterative and Incremental in Brief 86 5.1.1 Develop in Small Steps 87 5.1.2 What Iteration Is Not 88 Why Iterative and Incremental Development? 5.2.1 Mitigating Risks 89 5.2.2 Getting a Robust Architecture 91 5.2.3 Handling Changing Requirements 91 5.2.4 Allowing for Tactical Changes 92 5.2.5 Achieving Continuous Integration 92 5.2.6 Attaining Early Learning 93








5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9

The Iterative Approach is Risk-Driven 94 5.3.1 Iterations Alleviate Technical Risks 95 5.3.2 Management Is Responsible for Nontechnical Risks 5.3.3 Dealing with Risks 97 The Generic Iteration 98 5.4.1 What an Iteration Is 98 5.4.2 Planning the Iterations 100 5.4.3 Sequencing the Iterations 100 The Result of an Iteration Is an Increment 101 Iterations over the Life Cycle 102 Models Evolve from Iterations 105 Iterations Challenge the Organization 106 References 106


Part II: The Core Workflows

6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5

109 111

Chapter 6: Requirements Capture: From Vision to Requirements

Why Requirements Capture Is Difficult 112 The Purpose of the Requirements Workflow 113 Overview of Requirements Capture 113 The Role of Requirements in the Software Life Cycle 118 Understanding the System Context Using a Domain Model 6.5.1 What Is a Domain Model? 119 6.5.2 Developing a Domain Model 121 6.5.3 Use of the Domain Model 121 6.6 Understanding the System Context Using a Business Model 6.6.1 What Is a Business Model? 122 6.6.2 How to Develop a Business Model 124 6.6.3 Find Use Cases from a Business Model 126 6.7 Supplementary Requirements 128 6.8 Summary 130 6.9 References 130



Chapter 7: Capturing the Requirements as Use Cases

7.1 7.2 Introduction 131 Artifacts 133 7.2.1 Artifact: Use-Case Model 133 7.2.2 Artifact: Actor 134 7.2.3 Use Case 135 7.2.4 Artifact: Architecture Description (View of the Use-Case Model) 139




7.2.5 Artifact: Glossary 139 7.2.6 Artifact: User-Interface Prototype 140 7.3 Workers 140 7.3.1 Worker: System Analyst 140 7.3.2 Worker: Use-Case Specifier 141 7.3.3 User-Interface Designer 142 7.3.4 Worker: Architect 142 7.4 Workflow 143 7.4.1 Activity: Find Actors and Use Cases 144 7.4.2 Activity: Prioritize Use Cases 153 7.4.3 Activity: Detail a Use Case 153 7.4.4 Activity: Prototype User Interface 160 7.4.5 Activity: Structure the Use-Case Model 166 7.5 Summary of the Requirements Workflow 171 -7.6 References -172

Chapter 8: Analysis
8.1 8.2



\ fl

Introduction 173 /^ X Analysis in Brief 176 ^ rs^-^ 8.2.1 Why Analysis Is not Design or Implementation 176 8.2.2 The Purpose of Analysis: Summary 177 8.2.3 Concrete Examples of When to Employ Analysis 178 8.3 The Role of Analysis in the Software Life Cycle 179 8.4 Artifacts 181 8.4.1 Artifact: Analysis Model 181 8.4.2 Artifact: Analysis Class 181 8.4.3 Artifact: Use-Case RealizationAnalysis 186 8.4.4 Artifact: Analysis Package 190 8.4.5 Artifact: Architecture Description (View of the Analysis Model) 193 8.5 Workers 194 8.5.1 Worker: Architect 194 8.5.2 Worker: Use-Case Engineer 194 8.5.3 Worker: Component Engineer 195 8.6 Workflow 196 8.6.1 Activity: Architectural Analysis 196 8.6.2 Activity: Analyze a Use Case 203 8.6.3 Activity: Analyze a Class 207 8.6.4 Activity: Analyze a Package 211 8.7 Summary of Analysis 213 8.8 References 214


Chapter 9: Design


9.1 Introduction 215 9.2 The Role of Design in the Software Life Cycle 216 9.3 Artifacts 217 9.3.1 Artifact: Design Model 217 9.3.2 Artifact: Design Class 218 9.3.3 Artifact: Use-Case RealizationDesign 221 9.3.4 Artifact: Design Subsystem 224 9.3.5 Artifact: Interface 226 9.3.6 Artifact: Architecture Description (View of the Design Model) 9.3.7 Artifact: Deployment Model 227 9.3.8 Artifact: Architecture Description (View of the Deployment Model) 228 9.4 Workers 229 9.4.1 Worker: Architect 229 9.4.2 Worker: Use-Case Engineer 230 9.4.3 Worker: Component Engineer 230 9.5 Workflow 231 9.5.1 Activity: Architectural Design 232 9.5.2 Activity: Design a Use Case 249 9.5.3 Activity: Design a Class 255 9.5.4 Activity: Design a Subsystem 263 9.6 Summary of Design 265 9.7 References 266


Chapter 10: Implementation


10.1 Introduction 267 10.2 The Role of Implementation in the Software Life Cycle 10.3 Artifacts 269 10.3.1 Artifact: Implementation Model 269 10.3.2 Artifact: Component 269 10.3.3 Artifact: Implementation Subsystem 272 10.3.4 Artifact: Interface 274 10.3.5 Artifact: Architecture Description (View of the Implementation Model) 275 10.3.6 Artifact: Integration Build Plan 276 10.4 Workers 277 10.4.1 Worker: Architect 277 10.4.2 Worker: Component Engineer 277 10.4.3 Worker: System Integrator 279 10.5 Workflow 279 10.5.1 Activity: Architectural Implementation 280 10.5.2 Activity: Integrate System 283



10.5.3 Activity: Implement a Subsystem 285 10.5.4 Activity: Implement a Class 288 10.5.5 Activity: Perform Unit Test 289 10.6 Summary of Implementation 293 10.7 References 293

Chapter 11: Test


11.1 Introduction 295 11.2 The Role of Testing in the Software Life Cycle 11.3 Artifacts 297 11.3.1 Artifact: Test Model 297 11.3.2 Artifact: Test Case 297 11.3.3 Artifact: Test Procedure 300 11.3.4 Artifact: Test Component 302 11.3.5 Artifact: Plan Test 302 11.3.6 Artifact: Defect 302 11.3.7 Artifact: Evaluate Test 302 11.4 Workers 303 11.4.1. Worker: Test Designer 303 11.4.2 Worker: Component Engineer 303 11.4.3 Worker: Integration Tester 303 11.4.4 Worker: System Tester 304 11.5 Workflow 304 11.5.1 Activity: Plan Test 305 11.5.2 Activity: Design Test 306 11.5.3 Activity: Implement Test 309 11.5.4 Activity: Perform Integration Test 310 11.5.5 Activity: Perform System Test 311 11.5.6 Activity: Evaluate Test 311 11.6 Summary of Testing 313 11.7 References 313

Part III: Iterative and Incremental Development Chapter 12: The Generic Iteration Workflow

315 317

12.1 The Need for Balance 318 12.2 The Phases Are the First Division of Work 319 12.2.1. Inception Phase Establishes Feasibility 319 12.2.2 Elaboration Phase Focuses on "Do-Ability" 320 12.2.3 Construction Phase Builds the System 321 12.2.4 Transition Phase Moves into the User Environment





12.3 The Generic Iteration Revisited 322 12.3.1 Core Workflows Repeat in Each Iteration 322 12.3.2 Workers Participate in the Workflows 323 12.4 Planning Precedes Doing 324 12.4.1 Plan the Four Phases 325 12.4.2 Plan the Iterations 326 12.4.3 Think Long Term 327 12.4.4 Plan the Evaluation Criteria 327 12.5 Risks Affect Project Planning 328 12.5.1 Manage a Risk List 328 12.5.2 Risks Affect the Iteration Plan 329 12.5.3 Schedule Risk Action 329 12.6 Use-Case Prioritization 330 12.6.1 Risks Specific to a Particular Product 331 12.6.2 Risk of Not Getting the Architecture Right 331 12.6.3 Risk of Not Getting Requirements Right 332 12.7 Resources Needed 333 12.7.1 Projects Differ Widely 334 12.7.2 A Typical Project Looks Like This 335 12.7.3 Complex Projects Have Greater Needs 335 12.7.4 New Product Line Calls for Experience 336 12.7.5 Paying the Cost of the Resources Used 337 12.8 Assess the Iterations and Phases 338 12.8.1 Criteria Not Achieved 338 12.8.2 The Criteria Themselves 339 12.8.3 The Next Iteration 339 12.8.4 Evolution of the Model Set 340

Chapter 13: Inception Launches the Project


13.1 The Inception Phase in Brief 341 13.2 Early in the Inception Phase 342 13.2.1 Before the Inception Phase Begins 342 13.2.2 Planning the Inception Phase 343 13.2.3 Expanding the System Vision 344 13.2.4 Setting the Evaluation Criteria 344 13.3 The Archetypal Inception Iteration Workflow 346 13.3.1 Introduction to the Five Core Workflows 346 13.3.2 Fitting the Project into the Development Environment 13.3.3 Finding Critical Risks 348 13.4 Execute the Core Workflows, Requirements to Test 348 13.4.1 Capture the Requirements 350 13.4.2 Analysis 352





13.6 13.7 13.8

13.4.3 Design 353 13.4.5 Test 354 Make the Initial Business Case 354 13.5.1 Outline Business Bid 354 13.5.2 Estimate Return on Investment 356 Assess the Iteration(s) in the Inception Phase 356 Planning the Elaboration Phase 357 The Deliverables for the Inception Phase 358

Chapter 14: The Elaboration Phase Makes the Architectural Baseline 359
14.1 The Elaboration Phase in Brief 359 14.2 Early in the Elaboration Phase 360 14.2.1 Planning the Elaboration Phase 361 14.2.2 Building the Team 361 14.2.3 Modifying the Development Environment 361 14.2.4 Setting Evaluation Criteria 361 14.3 The Archetypal Elaboration Iteration Workflow 362 14.3.1 Capture and Refine Most of the Requirements 363 14.3.2 Develop the Architectural Baseline 364 14.3.3 Iterate While the Team Is Small 364 14.4 Execute the Core WorkflowsRequirements to Test 364 14.4.1 Capture the Requirements 365 14.4.2 Analysis 367 14.4.3 Design 372 14.4.4 Implementation 374 14.4.5 Test 376 14.5 Make the Business Case 377 14.5.1 Prepare the Business Bid 378 14.5.2 Update Return on Investment 378 14.6 Assess the Iterations in the Elaboration Phase 378 14.7 Planning the Construction Phase 379 14.8 The Key Deliverables 380

Chapter 15: Construction Leads to Initial Operational Capability

15.1 The Construction Phase in Brief 382 15.2 Early in the Construction Phase 382 15.2.1 Staffing the Phase 383 15.2.2 Setting the Evaluation Criteria 383 15.3 The Archetypal Construction Iteration Workflow





15.4 Execute the Core WorkflowsRequirements to Testing 385 15.4.1 Requirements 387 15.4.2 Analysis 388 15.4.3 Design 389 15.4.4 Implementation 390 15.4.5 Test 391 15.5 Controlling the Business Case 393 15.6 Assess the Iterations and the Construction Phase 393 15.7 Planning the Transition Phase 393 15.8 The Key Deliverables 394

Chapter 16: Transition Completes Product Release


16.1 The Transition Phase in Brief 396 16.2 Early in the Transition Phase 397 16.2.1 Planning the Transition Phase 397 16.2.2 Staffing the Transition Phase 399 16.2.3 Setting the Evaluation Criteria 399 16.3 The Core Workflows Play a Small Role in this Phase 400 16.4 What We Do in the Transition Phase 401 16.4.1 Getting the Beta Release Out 401 16.4.2 Installing the Beta Release 402 16.4.3 Responding to the Test Results 402 16.4.4 Adapting the Product to Varied User Environments 403 16.4.5 Completing the Artifacts 404 16.4.6 When Does the Project End? 404 16.5 Completing the Business Case 405 16.5.1 Controlling Progress 405 16.5.2 Review of the Business Plan 405 16.6 Assess the Transition Phase 406 16.6.1 Assess the Iterations and the Phase 406 16.6.2 Postmortem of the Project 407 16.7 Planning the Next Release or Generation 407 16.8 The Key Deliverables 407

Chapter 17: Making the Unified Process Work


17.1 The Unified Process Helps You Deal with Complexity 17.1.1 The Life Cycle Objectives 410 17.1.2 The Life Cycle Architecture 410 17.1.3 Initial Operational Capability 411 17.1.4 Product Release 411



17.2 The Major Themes 411 17.3 Management Leads Conversion to Unified Process 17.3.1 The Case for Action 413 17.3.2 The Reengineering Directive Persuades 413 17.3.3 Implementing the Transition 414 17.4 Specializing the Unified Process 416 17.4.1 Tailoring the Process 416 17.4.2 Filling in the Process Framework 417 17.5 Relate to the Broader Community 418 17.6 Get the Benefits of the Unified Process 418 17.7 References 419


Appendix A: Overview of the UML


A.1 Introduction 421 A.1.1 Vocabulary 422 A.1.2 Extensibility Mechanisms 422 A.2 Graphical Notation 423 A.2.1 Structural Things 423 A.2.2 Behavioral Things 424 A.2.3 Grouping Things 425 A.2.4 Annotational Things 425 A.2.5 Dependency Relationships 425 A.2.6 Association Relationships 425 A.2.7 Generalization Relationships 426 A.2.8 Extensibility Mechanisms 426 A.3 Glossary of Terms 426 A.4 References "433

Appendix B: The Unified Process-Specific Extensions of the UML

B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4 B.5 Introduction 435 Stereotypes 435 Tagged Values 438 Graphical Notation 439 References 439


Appendix C: General Glossary

C.1 Introduction' C.2 Terms 441 441




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