Section 8 Zoning Scheme Regulations
Section 8 Zoning Scheme Regulations
Section 8 Zoning Scheme Regulations
Unless the context otherwise indicates, the undermentioned words shall have the
Iollowing meanings:
A. Additional dwelling units means dwelling units that may be erected with the
consent oI the Council on a land unit in agricultural zone I or residential zone I;
provided that the units shall remain on the same cadastral unit as the primary unit;
provided Iurther that in residential zone I the unit shall be smaller than the primary
unit and that in agricultural zone I one additional unit in all cases and Iurther units
with a density oI one unit per 10 ha up to a maximum oI Iive additional units per land
unit may be allowed, and that no such unit shall be erected within 1 km oI the high-
water mark oI the sea.
Advertise has the meaning assigned thereto in the Ordinance.
Agricultural industry means an enterprise or concerns Ior the processing oI
agricultural products on a Iarming unit owing to the nature, perishableness and
Iragility oI such agricultural products and includes, inter alia, wineries and Iarm pack
stores, but does include service trades.
Agriculture means the cultivation oI land Ior crops and plants or the breeding oI
animals, or the operation oI a game Iarm on an extensive basis on the natural veld or
land, and includes only such activities and buildings as are reasonably connected
with the main Iarming activities oI the Iarm, but does not include the consent uses
applicable to agricultural zone I.
Authority usage means a use which is practised by a public authority and oI which
the locality Iactors are such that it cannot be classiIied or deIined under other uses in
these regulations, and includes uses practised by -
(a) the State, such as military training centres and installations, telecommunication
Iacilities, police stations and jails;
(b) the Province, such as road stations and road camps, and
(c) a local authority, such as Iire services, sewage Iarms, dumping grounds,
reservoirs, composting installations and water puriIication works.
B. Basement means that portion oI a building, the Iinished Iloor level oI which is at
least 2 m below, or the ceiling oI which is at most 1 m above, a level halIway
between the highest and lowest natural levels oI the ground immediately contiguous
to the building.
Bottle-store means a shop in which mainly alcoholic beverages are sold in the retail
trade and includes an oII-sales Iacility which is under the same management as a
licensed hotel.
Building means, in addition to the meaning assigned thereto in paragraphs (a) and (b)
oI section 2(viii) oI the Divisional Councils Ordinance, 1976 (Ordinance 18 oI 1976),
any structure or erection whatsoever, irrespective oI its nature or size.
Building line means the line delimiting the area measured Irom the boundary oI a
land unit, or Irom a setback, iI any, within which no building or other structure
except a boundary Ience may be erected.
Business premises means a site or building or structure on or in which business is
done and includes shops, oIIices, Iinancial institutions or restaurants or sites,
buildings or structures Ior similar uses, but does not include places oI assembly or
entertainment, institutions, service stations, public garages, industries, noxious
trades, bottle-stores or supermarkets.
C. Camping site means a property or part oI a property which is utilised Ior the
erection oI tents or the parking oI caravans and includes ablution, cooking, barbecue
and other Iacilities which, together with the amenity oI the site, serve as Ieatures oI
Caravan means any vehicle permanently Iitted out Ior use by people Ior living or
sleeping purposes, whether or not such vehicle is a trailer.
Conservation usage means any use oI a building or site or part thereoI which, in the
opinion oI the council or, on appeal or objection, the Administrator, whose decision
shall be Iinal, is worthy oI preservation.
Council means the council oI the local authority to whose area oI jurisdiction these
regulations apply.
Coverage means the total percentage area oI a site that may be covered by buildings
that are covered by a rooI or projection, as measured over the exterior walls thereoI;
provided that the area covered by the Iirst metre (as measured Irom the outside oI the
exterior wall concerned) oI an eave or other projection shall not be included in the
calculation oI the permissible coverage.
D. Departure has the meaning assigned thereto in the Ordinance.
Dwelling-house means a detached building containing only one dwelling unit.
Dwelling unit means a selI-contained interleading group oI rooms with not more than
one kitchen, used only Ior the living accommodation and housing oI a single Iamily,
together with such outbuildings as are ordinarily used therewith.
E. Existing use means the use or uses which, in the opinion oI the council, is or are
practised actually and lawIully on or in a property, structure or building or part
F. Farmstall means a building or structure which does not exceed 100 m in Iloor
space, including storage Iacilities, where a Iarmer sells products produced and
processed on his Iarm (in other words not products which are purchased), whether to
his own employees or to the general public.
Farmstore means a building or structure which does not exceed 100 m in Iloor
space, including storage Iacilities, where a Iarmer sells goods, whether to his own
employees or to the general public.
Flats means a building containing three or more dwelling units Ior human habitation,
together with such outbuildings as are ordinarily used therewith; provided that in
those zones where Ilats are permissible, Iewer than three dwelling units shall also be
permissible, whether or not with the special consent oI the council, in a building
approved Ior other purposed than Ior Ilats.
Floor factor means the Iactor (expressed as a proportion oI 1) which is prescribed Ior
the calculation oI the maximum Iloor space oI a building or buildings permissible on
a land unit; it is the maximum Iloor space as a proportion oI the net erI area.
Floor space in relation to any building or structure means the area covered by a rooI,
slab or projection, excluding a projection not exceeding 1 m over an exterior wall or
a similar support; provided that the area which is covered by a canopy or projection
on the street side oI business premises in business zones I to V shall not be regarded
as Iloor space. Floor space shall be measured Irom the outer Iace oI the exterior
walls or similar supports oI such building or structure, and where a building or
structure consists oI more than one storey, the total Iloor space Ior the purposes oI
the deIinition oI "maximum Iloor space" shall be the sum oI the Iloor space oI all the
storeys, including that oI basements.
G. Cross parking space means an area or areas which incorporates or incorporate
one parking bay plus circulation and landscaping space Ior one parking bay.
Cround floor means the lowest Iloor oI a building which is not a basement.
Croup house means a dwelling unit which Iorms part oI a group housing scheme.
Croup housing means a group oI separate and/or linked dwelling units planned,
designed and built as a harmonious architectural entity and arranged around or inside
a communal open space in a varied and ordered way, oI which every dwelling unit
has a ground Iloor; such dwelling units may be cadastrally subdivided.
Croup housing site means one or more land units on which a group housing scheme
has been or is to be erected.
H. Holiday accommodation means a harmoniously designed and built holiday
development in a unique natural environment with an inIormal clustered layout
which may include the provision oI a camping site, mobile homes or dwelling units,
whether in private or public ownership, which comprises a single enterprise and
which shall only be marketed by means oI short-term renting or time sharing, but
does not include a hotel or motel.
Holiday housing means a harmoniously designed and built holiday development
with an inIormal clustered layout which may include the provision oI a camping site,
mobile homes or dwelling units, and where the housing may be rented out or may be
separately alienated by means oI time sharing, sectional title division, the selling oI
block shares or the subdivision oI the property on condition that a home owners'
association be established, but does not include a hotel or motel.
H. House of worship means a church, synagogue, mosque, temple, chapel or other
place Ior practising religion, and includes any building in connection therewith, but
does not include a Iuneral parlour with related chapel.
I. Industrial caf means a building or structure which does not exceed 100 m in
Iloor space, including storage Iacilities, and where delicacies and Iast Ioods are sold
to employees only.
Industry means an enterprise as deIined in the regulations made in terms oI section
35 oI the Machinery and Occupational SaIety Act, 1983 (Act 6 oI 1983), which is not
included under the deIinition oI "service trade" or "noxious trade", and includes a
caretaker's dwelling, an oIIice, an industrial caIe and any other use incidental to an
Institution means a building or portion oI a building utilised or intended to be
utilised as a social or welIare institution or Ior the administration thereoI and
includes a hospital, clinic, reIormatory or place oI detention, whether private or
public, but does not include a jail.
Intensive-feed farming means the keeping, Ieeding and breeding oI animals or
poultry on an intensive basis.
L. Land has the meaning assigned thereto in the Ordinance.
Land unit has the meaning assigned thereto in the Ordinance.
Land use restriction has the meaning assigned thereto in the Ordinance.
Licensed hotel means a building designed to comply with the requirements oI a hotel
as laid down in the Hotels Act, 1965 (Act 70 oI 1965), but does not include an
oII-sales Iacility.
Linked, in relation to the deIinitions oI "town housing" and "group housing", means
to be connected by means oI a boundary wall or garage.
M. Maximum floor space means the greatest total Iloor space which is allowed Ior
a building or buildings with all its or their Iloors on a site; such Iloor space is
calculated by multiplying the Iloor Iactor by the net erI area oI the site or that portion
oI the site which is situated within a particular zone; provided that where a site is
situated within two or more zones to which diIIerent Iloor Iactors apply, the
maximum Iloor space Ior the whole site shall be the total oI the maximum Iloor space
Ior each portion oI the site; provided Iurther that, in determining the permissible
Iloor space oI a building -
(a) any area, including a basement, which is reserved solely Ior the parking oI
vehicles, shall be excluded;
(b) any area required Ior external Iire escapes shall be excluded;
(c) subject to (d) below, any balconies, terraces, stairs, stairwells, verandahs,
common entrances and common passages covered by a rooI shall be included,
except in the case oI a residential building on a residential site, where it shall be
(d) any stairwells, liItwells or other wells, in the case oI multi-storey buildings,
shall only be calculated once, and
(e) any arcade, with a minimum width oI 2 m, which at all times provides access
through the building concerned Irom public parking or a pavement or a public
road, street or open space to other public parking or some other pavement or
some other public road, street or open space and which at all times is open to
the public by means oI a servitude, as well as any other covered walkway, the
rooI oI which allows light to pass through, shall be excluded.
Mining means an enterprise which practises the extraction oI raw materials, whether
by means oI surIace or underground methods, and includes the removal oI stone,
sand, clay, caolin, ores, minerals or precious stones.
Mobile home means a Iactory-constructed structure, approved by the council and
with the necessary service connections, which is designed so that it can be used as a
permanent dwelling.
Motel means a licensed hotel which is specially adapted Ior the convenience oI the
motoring public by means oI the provision oI parking Iacilities at every unit and
includes other Iacilities oI a hotel.
Motor vehicle means a vehicle designed or intended Ior propulsion by other than
human or animal power and includes a motor cycle and a trailer or caravan, but does
not include a vehicle moving exclusively on rails.
N. Aature reserve means a national park, or some other nature park which is in the
ownership oI a public authority or has been declared as such in terms oI legislation
and remains in private ownership; it consists oI an area which is utilised as a game
park or reserve Ior Iauna or Ilora in their natural habitat and includes accommodation
Iacilities Ior tourists or holidaymakers.
Aet erf area means the total area oI a land unit, excluding all land zoned or needed
Ior public purposes.
Aoxious trade means an oIIensive use or another use which constitutes a nuisance as
envisaged in regulations which are promulgated Irom time to time in terms oI
sections 33 and 34 oI the Health Act, 1977 (Act 63 oI 1977), read with paragraphs (I)
and (g) oI the deIinition oI "nuisance" in section 1 oI the said act, and includes the
operation oI a scheduled process, as deIined in section 1 oI the Air Pollution
Prevention Act, 1965 (Act 45 oI 1965), and the manuIacture oI explosives, as deIined
in section 1 oI the Explosives Act, 1956 (Act 26 oI 1956).
Aursery means a property or part thereoI which is utilised Ior the sale oI plants and
gardening products.
O. Occupant means any person who physically inhabits a building, a structure or
land unit.
Occupation practice means the practising oI an occupation, or a trade, or the
conducting oI an enterprise Irom a dwelling unit by one or more occupants oI the
dwelling unit concerned and his or their assistants, without disturbances such as
noise, traIIic congestion, air pollution, the congregation oI people, excessive traIIic
generation or a lowering oI aesthetics being caused; provided that a general medical
practitioner shall be exempt Irom the condition with regard to occupancy.
Offices means a room or set oI rooms or a building utilised Ior the perIormance oI an
administrative Iunction or the conducting oI an enterprise and includes a post oIIice,
magistrate's oIIices or proIessional usage.
Outbuilding means a structure, whether attached to or separate Irom the main unit,
which is designed to be normally utilised Ior the housing oI servants, Ior the garaging
oI motor vehicles and Ior storage purposes in so Iar as these uses are usually and
reasonable required in connection with the main structure, but does not include
additional dwelling units.
P. Parking bay means an area measuring not less than 5,5 m by 2,5 m which is
clearly outlined and demarcated Ior the parking oI one motor vehicle and which is
accessible to the satisIaction oI the local authority.
Parsonage means a dwelling-house Ior the accommodation oI a spiritual leader, who
is a Iull-time employee oI an organisation which practises religion in a house oI
worship, including the accommodation oI the spiritual leader's Iamily, and includes a
monastery or convent.
Place of assembly means a public hall, a hall Ior social Iunctions, a music hall, a
concert hall or an exhibition hall which is not directly related to a commercial
undertaking, or a town hall or civic centre.
Place of entertainment means a theatre, a cinema, a dance hall, an amusement park,
a sports centre, a billiard-room, a skating rink or a similar place.
Place of instruction means a creche, pre-primary school, primary school, high
school, college, technikon, university, research centre, convent, public library, public
art gallery, or museum or some other centre which is utilised Ior instruction purposes
and includes a hostel appertaining thereto, but does not include a building or land
unit which is mainly utilised as a certiIied reIormatory or industrial school or as an
Private open space means any land which has been set aside in this scheme Ior
utilisation primarily as a private site Ior sports, play, rest or recreational Iacilities or
as an ornamental garden or a pleasure garden and includes public land which is or
will be leased on a long-term basis and a cemetery, whether public or private.
Private parking means a site or building or part oI a building which is utilised Ior
parking purposes under the control oI a private individual or agency.
Professional usage means such type oI use as is normally and reasonably associated
with proIessional people such as doctors, dentists, architects, engineers and town
planners, where the rendering oI a service, as against the carrying on oI a business, is
one oI the distinguishing Iactors.
Public authority means a State department, local authority or semi-state agency or
the Provincial Administration, the South AIrican Transport Services or the
Department oI Posts and Telecommunications.
Public garage means a business or concern where motor vehicles are provided with
Iuel Ior payment or reward and includes trading in motor vehicles, oil, tyres or motor
spares, the repair or overhauling oI motor vehicles, a restaurant or caIe,
spraypainting, panel beating, blacksmithery or body work.
Public housing means dwelling units which are erected with Iunds voted by a State
department or the Provincial Administration or a council.
Public open space means land which is under or will be under the ownership oI a
local authority, which is not leased nor will it be leased on a long-term basis, and
which is utilised or will be utilised as an open space or a park, garden, picnic area,
playground or square and includes a public place.
Public parking means land or a building or part thereoI that is accessible to the
general public Ior parking purposes.
Public place has the meaning assigned thereto in the Ordinance.
Public road means any road or street Ior public use or any land intended Ior such
Public street has the meaning assigned thereto in the Ordinance.
Publish in the press has the meaning assigned thereto in the Ordinance.
R. Register has the meaning assigned thereto in the Ordinance.
Residential building means a building (other than a dwelling-house, group house,
town house or Ilats) Ior human habitation, together with such outbuildings as are
normally used therewith, and includes a boarding-house, residential rooms, a licensed
hotel (excluding an oII-sales Iacility), an old age home, a children's home and a
hostel, but does not include buildings mentioned, whether by means oI inclusion or
exclusion, in the deIinitions oI "place oI instruction" or "institution".
Resort shop means a shop which does not exceed 100 m in Iloor space, including
storage space.
Retirement village means group housing (iI permitted in residential zone II) or town
housing (iI permitted in residential zone III) that conIorms to the Iollowing additional
(a) Each dwelling unit shall only be occupied by an elderly person or by a Iamily
oI which at least one member is an elderly person;
(b) a Iull spectrum oI care and other recreational Iacilities shall be provided to the
satisIaction oI the council, and
(c) land use restrictions other than those applicable in residential zone II or
residential zone III, as the case may be, may in respect oI a retirement village
be determined by the council.
Riding school means a place or enterprise Ior hiring out horses Ior payment and
includes the care and stabling oI such horses.
S. Scheme regulations has the meaning assigned thereto in the Ordinance.
Scrapyard means a building or land which is utilised Ior one or more oI the
Iollowing purposes:
(a) The storing, depositing or collecting oI junk or scrap material or articles the
value oI which depends mainly or entirely on the material used in the
manuIacture thereoI;
(b) the dismantling oI second-hand vehicles or machines to recover components or
material, and
(c) the storing or sale oI second-hand pipes, poles, steel sections, wire, lumber,
tyres, bricks, containers or other articles which are suitable to be leIt in the
open without any serious damage being incurred.
Service station means a business or concern where motor vehicles are provided with
Iuel Ior payment or reward and includes trading in motor vehicles, oil, tyres or motor
spares, the repair or overhauling oI motor vehicles, or a restaurant or caIe, but does
not include spraypainting, panel beating, blacksmithery or body work.
Service trade means the utilisation oI a building or oI premises Ior an enterprise
which is primarily involved in the rendering oI a service Ior the local environs and
employs at most ten people and which is exempted Irom section 2 oI the Physical
Planning Act, 1967 (Act 88 oI 1967), but does not include an abattoir, a brickmaking
site, sewage works, a service station or a public garage.
Setback means the line delimiting the area measured Irom the centre line oI a
particular street, within which no building or other structure, including a boundary
Ience, may be erected.
Shop means a site or building or structure utilised Ior the purpose oI carrying on a
retail concern and includes a nursery, restaurant, launderette, dry-cleanette or retail
concern where goods which are sold in such concern are manuIactured or repaired;
provided that the Iloor space relating to such manuIacture or repair shall not
comprise more than one-third oI the Iloor space oI the shop; "shop" does not include
an industry or a public garage, service station, bottle-store or supermarket.
Side boundary means any boundary oI a land unit which does not constitute a
common boundary oI such land unit and a public street or public road.
Special usage means a use which is such, or in respect oI which the land use
restrictions are such, that it is not catered Ior in these regulations, and which is set out
in detail, and in respect oI which the land use parameters are set out in detail, by
means oI conditions oI approval or by means oI conditions applicable to the special
zone, and includes a conservation usage.
Storey means a single level oI a building, excluding a basement, which does not
exceed a height oI 4 m, measured Irom Iinished Iloor level to Iinished Iloor level or
to the ceiling in the case oI the top storey.
Street boundary means the common boundary oI a site or land unit and a street;
provided that where a portion oI a site or land unit is reserved Ior purposes oI a new
street or street widening in terms oI the zoning scheme or any other law, the street
boundary oI the site or land unit shall be the boundary oI such proposed new street or
proposed street widening.
Subdivide and subdivision have the meanings assigned thereto in the Ordinance.
Subdivisional area means land contemplated by section 22(1)(a) oI the Ordinance
which, in terms oI section 14(4), 16 or 18 and subject to -
(a) a density requirement;
(b) the conditions and stipulations contained in these regulations;
(c) the planning stipulations oI any applicable structure plan, and
(d) any other conditions laid down at the time oI the approval oI the rezoning,
has been rezoned to a subdivisional area.
Supermarket means a retail concern with a net retail Iloor space oI not less than
350 m, which is utilised Ior sales on a basis oI selI-service and where the goods Ior
sale Iall in one or more oI the Iollowing categories:
(i) FoodstuIIs;
(ii) toiletries, and
(iii) household cleansing agents.
T. 1he Ordinance means the Land Use Planning Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinance 15 oI
1ourist facilities means amenities Ior tourists such as lecture rooms, restaurants, giIt
shops and restrooms permitted by the council as a consent use, but does not include
overnight accommodation.
1own house means a dwelling unit which Iorms part oI a town housing scheme.
1own housing means a row or group oI linked and/or attached dwelling units
planned, designed and built as a harmonious architectural entity, oI which every
dwelling unit has a ground Iloor; such dwelling units may be cadastrally subdivided.
1own housing site means one or more land units on which a town housing scheme
has been or is to be erected.
1ransport usage means a transport undertaking based on the provision oI a transport
service and includes public and private undertakings.
W. Warehouse means a site, building or room where goods are stored or a
wholesale business or service trade is conducted.
Z. Zone used both as a noun and a verb has the meaning assigned thereto in the
Zoning has the meaning assigned thereto in the Ordinance.
Zoning map has the meaning assigned thereto in the Ordinance.
Zoning scheme has the meaning assigned thereto in the Ordinance.
2.1 Area of zoning scheme
The extent oI the zoning scheme is indicated on the zoning map(s) in so Iar as the
zoning scheme is mapped.
Zoning according to utilisation
Notations on the zoning map are intended to indicate land use and not land
ownership. Land falling under the ownership of a public authority shall only
be included in the authority zone if the utilisation thereof is such that no other
zone in Table B is appropriate. f any other zone in Table B is appropriate,
the land shall be indicated for that purpose, whether or not it is owned by a
public authority.
Components of the zoning scheme
This zoning scheme consists of three components: the scheme regulations,
the zoning map(s) in so far as the scheme is mapped, and the register in so
far as any departures exist.
Zoning of land as specified use zones
The land shown on the zoning map, as indicated in column 2 or 3 of Table A,
is zoned for the respective purposes set out in column 1 of Table A and shall,
subject to any provisions to the contrary in the Ordinance and these
regulations, not be utilised for any other purpose.
1 2 3
Zoning Colour notation Monochrome notation
Agricultural zone I Yellow-green outline
Agricultural zone II Yellow-green
Residential zone I Yellow
Residential zone II Yellow with black hatching
Residential zone III Yellow with black cross-line hatching
Residential zone IV Orange
1 2 3
Zoning Colour notation Monochrome notation
Residential zone V Orange with black hatching
Business zone I Blue
Business zone II Blue with black hatching
Business zone III Blue with black cross-line hatching
Business zone IV Blue-purple
Business zone V Blue-purple with black hatching
Industrial zone 1 Red-purple
Industrial zone II Red-purple with black hatching
Industrial zone III Red-purple with black cross-line hatching
Institutional zone I Grey
Institutional zone II Grey with black hatching
Institutional zone III Grey with black cross-line hatching
Resort zone I Pink
Resort zone II Pink with black hatching
Open space zone 1 Dark green
Open space zone II Dark green with black hatching
Open space zone III Dark green outline
Transport zone I Dark-brown
Transport zone II Light-brown
Transport zone III Light-brown with black hatching
Authority zone Red
1 2 3
Zoning Colour notation Monochrome notation
Special zone Blue-green
Undetermined Blue-green with blue-purple outline
Subdivision area
Local Authority boundary
2.5 Erection of buildings and utilisation of land in specified use zones
The purposes, called primary uses, Ior which land may be utilised in the various
zones indicated in column 1 oI Table B are shown in column 2 oI Table B. The
purposes, called consent uses, Ior which land may be utilised or buildings may be
erected with the consent oI the council in the various zones indicated in column 1 oI
Table B are set out in column 3 oI Table B. Any use not reIlected in column 2 or 3
shall, subject to any provisions to the contrary in the Ordinance and these
regulations, not be permitted in the zone concerned.
In the case oI land that was vacant on 1 July 1986, the utilisation thereoI shall, Ior
purposes oI zoning as contemplated by section 14(1) oI the Ordinance, be deemed to
be the use which is permitted in terms oI title conditions imposed by the
Administrator, or, where more than one use is so permitted, one oI such uses as
determined by the council concerned.
It must be noted that the buildings and uses which are permitted in terms oI Table B
or may be approved with the consent oI the council may be subject to departures,
which may in eIIect make the right attached to a land unit more or less restricted than
is apparent Irom the notation on the map. In such cases the relevant inIormation
relating to the land unit shall be recorded in the register kept Ior this purpose (see
regulation 2.3).
1 2 3
Zoning Primary use Consent Uses
Agricultural zone I Agriculture Additional dwelling units,
Iarmstore, Iarmstall,
intensive-Ieed Iarming,
riding school, nursery,
service trade,
tourist Iacilities
Agricultural zone II Agricultural industry Tourist Iacilities,
Residential zone I Dwelling-house Additional dwelling unit
Residential zone II Group house Dwelling-house,
retirement village
Residential zone III Town house Dwelling-house,
retirement village
Residential zone IV Flats Dwelling-house,
group house, town house,
public housing,
proIessional usage
Residential zone V Residential building Group house, town house,
Ilats, public housing,
proIessional usage,
place oI assembly
Business zone I Business premises Town house, Ilats,
residential building,
place oI assembly,
place oI entertainment,
place oI instruction,
institution, bottle-store,
supermarket, service trade
1 2 3
Zoning Primary use Consent Uses
Business Zone II Shop Town house, Ilats,
residential building,
place oI assembly,
oIIices, supermarket
Business zone III OIIices Town house, Ilats,
residential building,
place oI assembly,
place oI entertainment,
Business zone IV Warehouse Place oI assembly,
place oI entertainment,
place oI instruction,
transport usage,
Business zone V Service station Public garage
Industrial zone I Industry Warehouse, public garage,
transport usage, scrapyard
Industrial zone II Noxious trade Industry, warehouse,
public garage, scrapyard
Industrial zone III Mining None
Institutional zone I Place oI instruction Place oI assembly
Institutional zone II House oI worship Parsonage,
place oI assembly
Institutional zone III Institution Place oI assembly
Resort zone I Holiday accommodation Resort shop,
tourist Iacilities
1 2 3
Zoning Primary use Consent Uses
Resort zone II Holiday housing Motel, licensed hotel,
tourist Iacilities,
resort shop
Open space zone I Public open space None
Open space zone II Private open space None
Open space zone III Nature reserve None
Transport zone I Transport usage None
Transport zone II Public road None
Transport zone III Public parking None
Authority zone Authority usage None
Special zone Special usage None
Undetermined zone None None
The Iollowing provisions shall apply in the relevant zones:
3.1.1 Colour notation. yellow-green outline.
Primarv use. agriculture.
Consent uses. additional dwelling units, Iarmstore, Iarmstall, intensive-Ieed Iarming,
riding school, nursery, service trade, tourist Iacilities.
3.1.2 Land use restriction
Street building line. at least 30 m.
Side building line. at least 30 m.
3.1.3 The provisions contained in a relevant guide plan that is in Iorce in terms oI section
6A oI the Physical Planning Act, 1967 (Act 88 oI 1967), shall mutatis mutandis apply
as additional land use restrictions in this zone.
3.1.4 No Iarmstore, Iarmstall, nursery, service trade or tourist Iacilities shall be approved
in this zone within 5 km oI the border oI Bophuthatswana, Transkei or Ciskei without
the consent oI the government oI such state.
3.2.1 Colour notation. yellow-green.
Primarv use. agricultural industry.
Consent uses. tourist Iacilities, Iarmstore.
3.2.2 Land use restrictions
Street building line. at least 30 m.
Side building line. at least 30 m.
Parking. at least one parking bay per 200 m oI the total Iloor space.
3.2.3 Loading and unloading
For the purpose oI loading and unloading vehicles, at least two bays shall be
provided Ior every 500 m or part thereoI oI the area used Ior the industry.
3.2.4 Additional conditions
With the rezoning oI land to agricultural zone II, the council may prescribe any
special conditions in respect oI permissible uses, parking and loading requirements,
access, Iencing and aesthetic treatment so that the concern will have the minimum
impact on the environment.
3.2.5. The provisions contained in a relevant guide plan that is in Iorce in terms oI section
6A oI the Physical Planning Act, 1967 (Act 88 oI 1967), shall mutatis mutandis apply
as additional land use restrictions in this zone.
3.2.6 No Iarmstore or tourist Iacilities shall be approved in this zone within 5 km oI the
border oI Bophuthatswana, Transkei or Ciskei without the consent oI the government
oI such state.
3.3.1 Colour notation. yellow.
Primarv use. dwelling-house.
Consent use. additional dwelling unit.
3.3.2 Land use restrictions
Coverage. at most 50.
Height. at most two storeys.
Street building line. at least 4 m, subject to regulation 3.3.3.
Side building line. at least 2 m, subject to regulation 3.3.3.
Parking. at least one parking bay per land unit, on the land unit.
3.3.3 Notwithstanding regulation 3.3.2 -
(a) the street building line shall be at least 3 m where the average depth oI a land
unit (measured at right angles to any street boundary oI such land unit) does not
exceed 20 m;
(b) an eaves projection may exceed the prescribed street or side building line by at
most 1 m, and
(c) the council may approve the erection oI an outbuilding or additional dwelling
unit which exceeds a side building line, subject to -
(i) compliance with the street building line;
(ii) such building not exceeding a height oI one storey;
(iii) no doors or windows being permitted in any wall oI such building which
Ironts onto the side boundary concerned, and
(iv) the provision oI an access way, other than through a building and at least
1 m wide, Irom a street to every vacant portion oI the land unit
concerned, other than a court-yard.
3.3.4 Additional dwelling unit
Notwithstanding regulations 3.3.2, the Iollowing land use restrictions shall be
applicable with regard to an additional dwelling unit over and above the other land
use restrictions which apply, and shall prevail iI the last-mentioned land use
restrictions are in conIlict therewith:
Coverage. together with all other buildings, at most 66.
Total floor space. at most 120 m.
Parking. one additional parking bay on the land unit.
Height. at most one storey.
3.4.1 Colour notation. yellow with black hatching.
Primarv use. group house.
Consent uses. dwelling-house, retirement village.
3.4.2 Land use restrictions
Densitv. as laid down by the council up to a maximum oI twenty units per gross
hectare or a 3:1 ratio with regard to the gross density oI surrounding dwelling units,
whichever permits the smaller number oI units.
Communal open space. at least 80 m per dwelling unit.
Private outdoor space. at least 40 oI the gross Iloor space oI the unit concerned, in
a Iorm which shall not exceed a ratio oI 2:1 (length to width).
Combined open space. where there is no distinction between communal open space
and private outdoor space, the above-mentioned communal open space and private
outdoor space requirements shall be replaced by a combined open space requirement
oI at least 130 m per dwelling unit.
Height. at most two storeys.
Street building line. zero, subject to regulation 3.4.4(b).
Side building line. zero, subject to regulation 3.4.4(c).
Parking. at least two parking bays per group house; both may be provided at such
group house, or part oI the required number oI parking bays at some oI the group
houses and the remainder in the Iorm oI communal parking Ior the group housing
scheme concerned, or the entire requirement in the Iorm oI communal parking.
Street width. normally at least 10 m, or 8 m in a cul-de-sac or loop road oI limited
length which serves only a Iew group houses.
3.4.3 The objectives reIlected in the deIinition oI "group housing" shall be closely
Iollowed and implemented.
3.4.4 Additional provisions
(a) In addition to the private outdoor space or the combined open space, as the case
may be, a service yard oI an adequate area and screened by a wall Irom the
view oI anyone else than the occupant(s) oI the dwelling unit concerned, shall
be provided to the satisIaction oI the council.
(b) Despite the zero street building line, a street building line oI 2 m may be
required to ensure saIe traIIic circulation or Ior other reasons such as
development in the area, and a driveway shall have an adequate area to allow
conIortably Ior the parking oI a large motor car thereon.
(c) Despite the zero side building line, adequate side building lines may be
required Ior Iire-Iighting purposes, and a 3 m side building line shall apply
where a residential zone II abuts on another zone.
(d) Garages and carports shall be excluded in the calculation oI Iloor space Ior the
purpose oI determining the area oI the private outdoor space.
(e) No group housing site may have an area greater that 2 ha, and no group housing
site shall abut on another group housing site.
3.5.1 Colour notation. yellow with black cross-line hatching.
Primarv use. town house.
Consent uses. dwelling-house, group house, retirement village.
3.5.2 Land use restrictions
Densitv. as laid down by the council up to a maximum oI 50 units per gross hectare.
Coverage. at most 50.
Height. at most two storeys.
Street building line. zero, subject to regulation 3.5.3(a).
Side building line. zero, subject to regulation 3.5.3(b).
Parking. at least two parking bays per town house; both may be provided at such
town house, or part oI the required number oI parking bays at some oI the town
houses and the remainder in the Iorm oI communal parking Ior the town housing
scheme concerned, or the entire requirement in the Iorm oI communal parking.
3.5.3 Additional building line requirements
(a) Despite the zero street building line, a street building line oI 2 m may be
required to ensure saIe traIIic circulation or Ior other reasons such as
development in the area, and a driveway shall have an adequate area to allow
comIortably Ior the parking oI a large motor car thereon.
(b) Despite the zero side building line, adequate side building lines may be
required Ior Iire-Iighting purposes, and a 3 m side building line shall apply
where a residential zone III abuts on another zone.
3.6.1 Colour notation. orange.
Primarv use. Ilats.
Consent uses. dwelling-house, group house, town house, public housing,
proIessional usage.
3.6.2 Land use restrictions
Floor factor. at most 1,0.
Coverage. at most 40.
Setback. at least 6,5 m.
Height. at most Iour storeys.
Street building line. at least 8 m.
Side building line. at least 4 m or halI the height oI the building, whichever is the
greater, subject to regulation 3.6.3(a).
Parking. at least 1,25 parking bays per Ilat; 25, or more, iI so required by the
council, oI the required number oI parking bays shall be provided uncovered on the
site and shall be clearly demarcated an properly indicated by means oI a notice board
to the satisIaction oI the council Ior the exclusive use oI visitors.
3.6.3 Notwithstanding regulation 3.6.2 -
(a) the council may approve the erection oI an outbuilding which exceeds a side
building line, subject to -
(i) compliance with the street building line;
(ii) such outbuilding not exceeding a height oI one storey;
(iii) no doors or windows being permitted in any wall oI such outbuilding
which Ironts onto the side boundary concerned, and
(iv) the provision oI an access way, other than through a building and at least
1 m wide, Irom a street to every vacant portion oI the land unit
concerned, other than a courtyard, and
(b) the Iollowing additional parking requirement shall be applicable with regard to
proIessional usage in this zone: three parking bays per proIessional person, oI
which at least two parking bays per proIessional person shall be reserved Ior
patients or clients. These parking bays shall be clearly indicated and tarred or
paved to the satisIaction oI the council.
3.7.1 Colour notation. orange with black hatching.
Primarv use. residential building.
Consent uses. group house, town house, Ilats, public housing, proIessional usage,
place oI assembly.
3.7.2 Land use restrictions
Floor factor. at most 1.0.
Coverage. at most 40.
Height. at most Iour storeys.
Setback. at least 6.5 m.
Street building line. at least 8 m.
Side building line. at least 4 m or halI the height oI the building, whichever is the
greater, subject to regulation 3.7.3(a).
Parking. at least 0,7 parking bay per bedroom, subject to regulation 3.7.3(b).
3.7.3 Notwithstanding regulation 3.7.2 -
(a) the council may approve the erection oI an outbuilding which exceeds a side
building line, subject to -
(i) compliance with the street building line;
(ii) such outbuilding not exceeding a height oI one storey;
(iii) no doors or windows being permitted in any wall oI such outbuilding
which Ironts onto the side boundary concerned, ,and
(iv) the provision oI an access way, other than through a building and at least
1 m wide, Irom a street to every vacant portion oI the land unit
concerned, other than a court-yard;
(b) the Iollowing Iloor Iactor, coverage and parking requirements shall be
applicable to licensed hotels:
Floor factor. at most 2.0.
Coverage. at most 80.
Parking. at least 0,7 parking bay per bedroom plus an additional twenty
parking bays which shall be provided uncovered on the site and shall be clearly
demarcated and properly indicated by means oI a notice board to the
satisIaction oI the council Ior use by visitors who are non-paying guests, and
(c) the Iollowing additional parking requirement shall be applicable with regard to
proIessional usage in this zone: three parking bays per proIessional person, oI
which at least two parking bays per proIessional person shall be reserved Ior
patients or clients. These parking bays shall be clearly indicated and tarred or
paved to the satisIaction oI the council.
3.8.1 Colour notation. blue.
Primarv use. business premises.
Consent uses. town house, Ilats, residential building, place oI assembly, place oI
entertainment, place oI instruction, institution, bottle-store, supermarket, service
3.8.2 Land use restrictions
Floor factor. at most 3.0.
Coverage. 100.
Setback. at least 6,5 m.
Street building line. zero.
Side building line. zero; provided that the council may lay down side building lines
in the interest oI public health or in order to enIorce any law or right.
Parking. at least one parking bay per 25 m oI the total Iloor space.
3.8.3 Additional provisions
(a) Alternative parking requirements
(i) As an alternative to the parking requirement reIerred to in regulation
3.8.2, the owner may, with the consent oI the council, where it is oI the
opinion that it is undesirable or impractical Irom a planning point oI
view to provide the required parking space on the site, acquire the
prescribed area oI land Ior the parking Iacilities concerned elsewhere in
a position approved by the council; provided that he shall register a
notarial deed against such land to the eIIect that the council and public
shall have Iree access thereto Ior the purpose oI parking, and the owner
shall be bound to level this land and surIace and maintain it to the
satisIaction oI the council; the cost oI registration oI the servitude shall
be borne by the owner.
(ii) As an alternative to regulation 3.8.3(a)(i), the owner may, with the
consent oI the council, pay a cash sum to the council, equal to the
estimated market value per m oI the land on which the building is
erected, multiplied by the area in m oI the land which is required to be
provided in terms oI regulation 3.8.2, in which event the council itselI
shall be responsible Ior acquiring the necessary land Ior such parking
purposes when and where the council desires.
(b) Further parking and site access requirements
(i) The vehicular access and exit ways shall be restricted to not more than
one each per site per street abutting on the site.
(ii) The vehicular access and exit ways shall be restricted to a maximum
total width oI 6 m where they cross the street boundary.
(iii) II the corner at a street intersection is not splayed, vehicular access or
exit ways shall not be closer than 10 m to such corner.
(iv) II the corner at a street intersection is splayed, vehicular access or exit
ways shall not be closer than 10 m to such corner or 5 m measured Irom
the point where the splay reaches the road boundary, whichever is the
greater distance Iorm the corner.
(v) Such parking areas shall be duly constructed to the satisIaction oI the
(vi) Such parking areas shall be used exclusively Ior the parking oI vehicles
which are lawIully allowed on them and shall not be used Ior trading or
any other purposes.
(vii) The way in which it is intended that vehicles should park in and gain
access to or exit Irom such parking areas shall be indicated on a plan
which shall be submitted to the council, which may approve or reject it
or lay down any conditions deemed necessary by it.
(viii) The council may lay down more restrictive requirements than those in
regulation 3.8.3(b)(i) to (vii) iI deemed necessary Irom any traIIic point
oI view.
(c) Basements
Subject to the provisions oI section 190(17) oI the Divisional Councils
Ordinance, 1976 (Ordinance 18 oI 1976), the building line restrictions need not
be complied with in so Iar as basements are concerned.
(d) Profections
In this zone, projections, excluding advertising signs approved by the council in
accordance with the provisions oI any other law, over streets and building lines
shall be limited to minor architectural Ieatures and one cantilevered open
canopy to within 0,5 m oI the pavement edge; provided that no portion oI a
projection shall be less than 3 m above the pavement and there shall be no
access Irom the building to the canopy.
3.8.4 Places of assemblv
Notwithstanding regulation 4.8, the Iollowing land use restrictions shall be applicable
with regard to places oI assembly over and above the other land use restrictions
which apply, and shall prevail iI the last-mentioned land use restrictions are in
conIlict therewith:
Street building line. at least 4,5 m.
Parking. at least one parking bay per eight seats that are provided in the building.
3.8.5 Flats and residential buildings
Notwithstanding regulation 4.8, the Iollowing land use restrictions shall be applicable
with regard to Ilats and residential buildings over and above the other land use
restrictions which apply, and shall prevail iI the last-mentioned land use restrictions
are in conIlict therewith:
Floor factor. at most 1,0.
Coverage. at most 75.
Height. at most two storeys.
Parking. at least 1,25 parking bays per Ilat or, in the case oI residential buildings, at
least 0,7 parking bay per bedroom. In the case oI Ilats, 25 oI the required number
oI parking bays, or a greater number than the required number, iI so required by the
council, and, in the case oI residential buildings which are licensed hotels, at least
twenty additional parking bays, shall be provided uncovered on the site and shall be
clearly demarcated and properly indicated by means oI a notice board to the
satisIaction oI the council Ior the exclusive use oI visitors.
3.9.1 Colour notation. blue with black hatching.
Primarv use. shop.
Consent uses. town house, Ilats, residential building, place oI assembly, oIIices,
supermarket, restaurant.
3.9.2 Land use restrictions
Floor factor. at most 1,5.
Coverage. 100.
Height. at most two storeys.
Setback. at least 6,5 m.
Street building line. zero.
Side building line. zero; provided that the council may lay down side building lines
in the interest oI public health or in order to enIorce any law or right.
Parking. at least one parking bay per 25 m oI the total Iloor space.
3.9.3 Additional provisions
(a) Alternative parking requirements
(i) As an alternative to the parking requirement reIerred to in regulation
3.9.2, the owner may, with the consent oI the council, where it is oI the
opinion that it is undesirable or impractical Irom a planning point oI
view to provide the required parking space on the site, acquire the
prescribed area oI land Ior the parking Iacilities concerned elsewhere in
a position approved by the council; provided that he shall register a
notarial deed against such land to the eIIect that the council and public
shall have Iree access thereto Ior the purpose oI parking, and the owner
shall be bound to level this land and surIace and maintain it to the
satisIaction oI the council; the cost oI registration oI the servitude shall
be borne by the owner.
(ii) As an alternative to regulation 3.9.3(a)(i), the owner may, with the
consent oI the council, pay a cash sum to the council, equal to the
estimated market value per m oI the land on which the building is
erected, multiplied by the area in m oI the land which is required to be
provided in terms oI regulation 3.9.2, in which event the council itselI
shall be responsible Ior acquiring the necessary land Ior such parking
purposes when and where the council desires.
(b) Further parking and site access requirements
(i) The vehicular access and exit ways shall be restricted to not more than
one each per site per street abutting on the site.
(ii) The vehicular access and exit ways shall be restricted to a maximum
total width oI 6 m where they cross the street boundary.
(iii) II the corner at a street intersection is not splayed, vehicular access or
exit ways shall be not closer than 10 m to such corner.
(iv) II the corner at a street intersection is splayed, vehicular access or exit
ways shall be not closer than 10 m to such corner or 5 m measured Irom
the point where the splay reaches the road boundary, whichever is the
greater distance Irom the corner.
(v) Such parking areas shall be duly constructed to the satisIaction oI the
(vi) Such parking areas shall be used exclusively Ior the parking oI vehicles
which are lawIully allowed on them and shall not be used Ior trading or
any other purposes.
(vii) The way in which it is intended that vehicles should park in and gain
access to or exit Irom such parking areas shall be indicated on a plan
which shall be submitted to the council, which may approve or reject it
or lay down any conditions deemed necessary by it.
(viii) The council may lay down more restrictive requirements than those in
regulation 3.9.3(b)(i) to (vii) iI deemed necessary Irom any traIIic point
oI view.
(c) Basements
Subject to the provisions oI section 190(17) oI the Divisional Councils
Ordinance, 1976 (Ordinance 18 oI 1976), the building line restrictions need not
be complied with in so Iar as basements are concerned.
(d) Profections
In this zone, projections, excluding advertising signs approved by the council in
accordance with the provisions oI any other law, over streets and building lines
shall be limited to minor architectural Ieatures and one cantilevered open
canopy to within 0,5 m oI the pavement edge; provided that no portion oI a
projection shall be less than 3 m above the pavement and there shall be no
access Irom the building to the canopy.
3.9.4 Places of assemblv
Notwithstanding regulation 4.8, the Iollowing land use restrictions shall be applicable
with regard to places oI assembly over and above the other land use restrictions
which apply, and shall prevail iI the last-mentioned land use restrictions are in
conIlict therewith:
Street building line. at least 4,5 m.
Parking. at least one parking bay per eight seats that are provided in the building.
3.9.5 Flats and residential buildings
Notwithstanding regulation 4.8, the Iollowing land use restrictions shall be applicable
with regard to Ilats and residential buildings over and above the other land use
restrictions which apply, and shall prevail iI the last-mentioned land use restriction
are in conIlict therewith:
Floor factor. at most 1,0.
Coverage. at most 75.
Height. at most two storeys.
Parking: at least 1,25 parking bays per Ilat or, in the case oI residential buildings, at
least 0,7 parking bay per bedroom. In the case oI Ilats, 25 oI the required number
oI parking bays, or a greater number than the required number, iI so required by the
council, and, in the case oI residential buildings which are licensed hotels, at least
twenty additional parking bays shall be provided uncovered on the site and shall be
clearly demarcated and properly indicated by means oI a notice board to the
satisIaction oI the council Ior the exclusive use oI visitors.
3.10.1 Colour notation. blue with black cross-line hatching.
Primarv use. oIIices.
Consent uses. town house, Ilats, residential building, place oI assembly, place oI
entertainment, supermarket.
3.10.2 Land use restrictions
Floor factor. at most 1,5.
Coverage. at most 50.
Height. at most Iour storeys.
Setback. at least 8 m.
Street building line. at least 5 m.
Side building line. at least 3 m.
Parking. at least one parking bay per 25 m oI the total Iloor space.
3.10.3 Additional provisions
(a) Alternative parking requirements
(i) As an alternative to the parking requirement reIerred to in regulation
3.10.2, the owner may, with the consent oI the council, where it is oI the
opinion that it is undesirable or impractical Irom a planning point oI
view to provide the required parking space on the site, acquire the
prescribed area oI land Ior the parking Iacilities concerned elsewhere in
a position approved by the council; provided that he shall register a
notarial deed against such land to the eIIect that the council and public
shall have Iree access thereto Ior the purpose oI parking, and the owner
shall be bound to level this land and surIace and maintain it to the
satisIaction oI the council; the cost oI registration oI the servitude shall
be borne by the owner.
(ii) As an alternative to regulation 3.10.3(a)(i), the owner may, with the
consent oI the council, pay a cash sum to the council, equal to the
estimated market value per m oI the land on which the building is
erected, multiplied by the area in m oI the land which is required to be
provided in terms oI regulation 3.10.2, in which event the council itselI
shall be responsible Ior acquiring the necessary land Ior such parking
purposes when and where the council desires.
(b) Further parking and site access requirements
(i) The vehicular access and exit ways shall be restricted to not more than
one each per site per street abutting on the site.
(ii) The vehicular access and exit ways shall be restricted to a maximum
total width oI 6 m where they cross the street boundary.
(iii) II the corner at a street intersection is not splayed, vehicular access or
exit ways shall not be closer than 10 m to such corner.
(iv) II the corner at a street intersection is splayed, vehicular access or exit
ways shall not be closer than 10 m to such corner or 5 m measured Irom
the point where the splay reaches the road boundary, whichever is the
greater distance Irom the corner.
(v) Such parking areas shall be duly constructed to the satisIaction oI the
(vi) Such parking areas shall be used exclusively Ior the parking oI vehicles
which are lawIully allowed on them and shall not be used Ior trading or
any other purposes.
(vii) The way in which it is intended that vehicles should park in and gain
access to or exit Irom such parking areas shall be indicated on a plan
which shall be submitted to the council, which may approve or reject it
or lay down any conditions deemed necessary by it.
(viii) The council may lay down more restrictive requirements than those in
regulation 3.10.3(b)(i) to (vii) iI deemed necessary Irom any traIIic point
oI view.
(c) Basements
Subject to the provisions oI section 190(17) oI the Divisional Councils
Ordinance, 1976 (Ordinance 18 oI 1976), the building line restrictions need not
be complied with in so Iar as basements are concerned.
(d) Profections
In this zone projections, excluding advertising signs approved by the council in
accordance with the provisions oI any other law, over streets and building lines
shall be limited to minor architectural Ieatures and one cantilevered open
canopy to within 0,5 m oI the pavement edge; provided that no portion oI a
projection shall be less than 3 m above the pavement and there shall be no
access Irom the building to the canopy.
3.10.4 Places of assemblv
Notwithstanding regulation 4.8, the Iollowing land use restrictions shall be applicable
with regard to places oI assembly over and above the other land use restrictions
which apply, and shall prevail iI the last-mentioned land use restrictions are in
conIlict therewith:
Street building line. at least 4.5 m.
Parking. at least one parking bay per eight seats that are provided in the building.
3.10.5 Flats and residential buildings
Notwithstanding regulation 4.8, the Iollowing land use restrictions shall be applicable
with regard to Ilats and residential buildings over and above the other land use
restrictions which apply, and shall prevail iI the last-mentioned land use restrictions
are in conIlict therewith:
Floor factor. at most 1,0.
Coverage. at most 75.
Height. at most two storeys.
Parking. at least 1,25 parking bays per Ilat or, in the case oI residential buildings, at
least 0,7 parking bay per bedroom. In the case oI Ilats, 25 oI the required number
oI parking bays, or a greater number than the required number , iI so required by the
council, and, in the case oI residential buildings which are licensed hotels, at least
twenty additional parking bays shall be provided uncovered on the site and shall be
clearly demarcated and properly indicated by means oI a notice board to the
satisIaction oI the council Ior the exclusive use oI visitors.
3.11.1 Colour notation: blue-purple.
Primary use: warehouse.
Consent uses: place of assembly, place of entertainment, place of
instruction, transport usage, supermarket.
3.11.2 Land use restrictions
Floor factor: at most 1,5.
Coverage: at most 75%.
Setback: at least 8 m.
Street building line: zero.
Side building line: zero; provided that the council may lay down side building
lines in the interest of public health or in order to enforce any law or right.
Parking: at least one parking bay per 200 m of floor space.
3.11.3 Loading and unloading
For the purpose of loading and unloading vehicles, the following space or
spaces shall be provided on site to the satisfaction of Council:
Total floor space of building Required loading and
(to the nearest m) unloading area
0 - 2 500 m 1 bay
2 501 - 5 000 m 2 bays
5 001 - 10 000 m 3 bays
Every additional 10 000 m 1 additional bay
or portion thereoI
Such loading bays shall have vehicular access to a street (which shall be to the
satisIaction oI the Council and be not less than 5 m wide and, iI carried through a
building, not less than 3 m in height).
3.11.4 Fencing
The Council may require any land used in connection with a builder's yard or
transport business to be completely or partly Ienced to its satisIaction.
3.12.1 Colour notation. blue-purple with black hatching.
Primarv use. service station.
Consent uses. public garage.
3.12.2 Land use restrictions
Floor factor. at most 1,5.
Coverage. at most 75.
Height. at most two storeys.
Setback. at least 6,5 m.
Street building line. zero; provided that a 3,5 m building line shall apply iI Iuel
pumps are to be erected.
Side building line. zero; provided that the council may lay down side building lines
in the interest oI public health or in order to enIorce any law or right.
Parking. at least one parking bay per 50 m oI the total Iloor space; provided that
the parking bays be clearly indicated Ior visitors.
3.12.3 Notwithstanding regulation 3.12.2, the Iollowing Iloor Iactor and coverage
requirements shall be applicable with regard to public garages:
Floor factor. at most 0,5.
Coverage. at most 30.
3.12.4 Additional provisions
(a) The vehicular access and exit ways to and Irom the premises oI a service
station or public garage shall, where they cross the road boundary, be not more
than 10 m wide, and a wall at least 100 mm thick and 200 mm high shall be
erected on the road boundary between the points oI access and exit. The wall
shall be continued along such boundary unless the premises are otherwise
enclosed. The vehicular access and exit ways to and Irom motor vehicle Iuel
pumps shall be restricted to one each Ior every continuous stretch oI Irontage oI
30 m which the premises whereon such pumps are erected have on the
boundary oI a public street or public road.
(b) In an urban area the vehicular access and exit ways to and Irom the premises oI
a service station or public garage, where they cross the road boundary, shall -
(i) be not less than 30 m Irom the point nearest to where a declared road,
proclaimed road or prospective main road intersects any other road oI a
like status, or the nearest point oI an intersection where traIIic is
controlled, or is proposed to be controlled, by a traIIic signal or traIIic
(ii) be not less than 1,5 m Irom the side boundary oI the premises, or
(iii) in the case oI an intersection other than one reIerred to in paragraph (i),
iI the corner oI the intersection is not splayed, be not less than 10 m Irom
such corner, or iI the corner at the intersection is splayed, be not less
than 10 m Irom such corner or 5 m Irom the point where the line oI splay
meets the road boundary, whichever is the greater distance Irom the
(c) In an area other than an urban area the vehicular access and exit ways to and
Irom the premises oI a service station or public garage shall, where they cross
the road boundary, be not less than 500 m Irom the point nearest to -
(i) where a declared road, proclaimed road or prospective main road
intersects any other road oI a like status;
(ii) an intersection where traIIic is controlled, or is proposed to be
controlled, by a traIIic signal or traIIic island, or
(iii) where any vehicular access and exit ways cross the road boundary to and
Irom motor vehicle Iuel pumps on the premises oI another service station
or public garage on the same side oI the road.
(d) Any part oI the premises oI a service station or public garage which is used Ior
the storage oI disused motor vehicles or parts oI motor vehicles, empty
containers such as oil drums and packing cases, or any other scrap whatsoever,
or Ior the assembly, repair, painting or dismantling oI motor vehicles shall,
unless it is enclosed by buildings at least 2 m high, be enclosed with a suitable
brick or concrete screen wall at least 2 m high.
3.13.1 Colour notation. red-purple.
Primarv use. industry.
Consent uses. warehouse, public garage, transport usage, scrapyard.
3.13.2 Land use restrictions
Floor factor. at most 1,5.
Coverage. at most 75.
Setback. at least 8 m.
Street building line. zero.
Side building line. zero; provided that the council may lay down side building lines
in the interest oI public health or in order to enIorce any law or right.
Parking. at least one parking bay per 200 m oI Iloor space.
3.13.3 Loading and unloading
For the purpose oI loading and unloading vehicles, the Iollowing space or spaces
shall be provided on site to the satisIaction oI the council:
Total floor space of building Required loading and
(to the nearest m) unloading area
0 - 2 500 m 1 bay
2 501 - 5 000 m 2 bays
5 001 - 10 000 m 3 bays
Every additional 10 000 m 1 additional bay
or portion thereoI
Such loading bays shall have vehicular access to a street (which shall be to the
satisIaction oI the council and be not less than 5 m wide and, iI carried through a
building, not less than 3 m in height).
3.13.4 Fencing
The council may require any land used in connection with a scrapyard, builder`s yard
or transport business to be completely or partly Ienced to its satisIaction.
3.13.5 Public garages
Notwithstanding regulation 4.8, the land use restrictions which are applicable to
public garages in business zone V shall be applicable to public garages in this zone.
3.14.1 Colour notation. red-purple with black hatching.
Primarv use. noxious trade.
Consent uses. industry, warehouse, public garage, scrapyard.
3.14.2 Land use restrictions
Floor factor. at most 1,5.
Coverage. at most 75.
Setback. at least 8 m.
Street building line. zero.
Side building line. zero; provided that the council may lay down side building lines
in the interest oI public health or in order to enIorce any law or right.
Parking. at least one parking bay per 200 m oI Iloor space.
3.14.3 Loading and unloading
For the purpose oI loading and unloading vehicles, the Iollowing space or spaces
shall be provided on site to the satisIaction oI the council:
Total floor space of building Required loading and
(to the nearest m) unloading area
0 - 2 500 m 1 bay
2 501 - 5 000 m 2 bays
5 001 - 10 000 m 3 bays
Every additional 10 000 m 1 additional bay
or portion thereoI
Such loading bays shall have vehicular access to a street (which shall be to the
satisIaction oI the council and be not less than 5 m wide and, iI carried through a
building, not less than 3 m in height).
3.14.4 Fencing
Any land used in connection with a scrapyard, builder's yard or transport business
shall be enclosed completely with a wall or Ience approved by the council and to a
height prescribed by the council.
3.14.5 Public garages
Notwithstanding regulation 4.8, the land use restrictions which are applicable to
public garages in business zone V shall be applicable to public garages in this zone.
3.15.1 Colour notation. red-purple with black cross-line hatching.
Primarv use. mining.
Consent uses. none.
3.15.2 This zone shall be subject to all relevant statutory restrictions which apply to the
exploitation oI raw materials.
3.16.1 Colour notation. grey.
Primarv use. place oI instruction.
Consent uses. place oI assembly.
3.16.2 Land use restrictions
Coverage. at most 50.
Street building line. at least 10 m.
Side building line. at least 10 m.
Parking. as required by the council.
3.17.1 Colour notation. grey with black hatching.
Primarv use. house oI worship.
Consent uses. parsonage, place oI assembly.
3.17.2 Land use restrictions
Coverage. at most 50.
Street building line. at least 10 m.
Side building line. at least 10 m.
Parking. at least one parking bay per eight seats.
3.17.3 Notwithstanding regulation 3.17.2, the Iollowing land use restrictions shall apply to a
(a) Coverage. at most 50.
(b) Height. at most two storeys.
(c) Street building line. at least 4 m, subject to regulation 3.3.3.
(d) Side building line. at least 2 m, subject to regulation 3.3.3.
(e) Parking. at least one parking bay per land unit, on the land unit.
3.18.1 Colour notation. grey with black cross-line hatching.
Primarv use. institution.
Consent uses. place oI assembly.
3.18.2 Land use restrictions
Coverage. at most 50.
Street building line. at least 10 m.
Side building line. at least 10 m.
Parking. as required by the council.
3.19.1 Colour notation. pink.
Primarv use. holiday accommodation.
Consent uses. resort shop, tourist Iacilities.
3.19.2 Land use restrictions
(a) The parameters oI the existing lawIul development shall apply as land use
restrictions with regard to land which is deemed to be zoned as a resort zone I
with eIIect Irom the date oI commencement oI the Ordinance.
(b) With the rezoning oI land to resort zone I, conditions shall be laid down with
regard to density, layout, landscaping, building design, etcetera., and a layout
plan shall be approved by and Iiled with the local authority, clearly indicating
the position oI all structures, stands and internal roads.
3.20.1 Colour notation. pink with black hatching.
Primarv use. holiday housing.
Consent uses. motel, licensed hotel, tourist Iacilities, resort shop.
3.20.2 Land use restrictions
(a) The parameters oI the existing lawIul development shall apply as land use
restrictions with regard to land which is deemed to be zoned as a resort zone II
with eIIect Irom the date oI commencement oI the Ordinance.
(b) With the rezoning oI land to resort zone II, conditions shall be laid down with
regard to density, layout, landscaping and building design, and a layout plan
shall be approved by and Iiled with the local authority, clearly indicating the
position oI all structures, stands and internal roads.
3.21.1 Colour notation. dark green.
Primarv use. public open space.
Consent uses. none.
3.21.2 No structure shall be erected or use practised except such as is compatible with
"public open space", as deIined.
3.21.3 The provisions contained in a relevant guide plan that is in Iorce in terms oI section
6A oI the Physical Planning Act, 1967 (Act 88 oI 1967), shall mutatis mutandis apply
as additional land use restrictions in this zone.
3.22.1 Colour notation. dark green with black hatching.
Primarv use. private open space.
Consent uses. none.
3.22.2 No structure shall be erected or use practised except such as is compatible with
"private open space", as deIined.
3.22.3 The provisions contained in a relevant guide plan that is in Iorce in terms oI section
6A oI the Physical Planning Act, 1967 (Act 88 oI 1967), shall mutatis mutandis apply
as additional land use restrictions in this zone.
3.23.1 Colour notation. dark green outline.
Primarv use. nature reserve.
Consent uses. none.
3.23.2 The relevant authorities shall in each case, depending on unique circumstances,
stipulate land use restrictions and additional provisions.
3.23.3 The provisions contained in a relevant guide plan that is in Iorce in terms oI section
6A oI the Physical Planning Act, 1967 (Act 88 oI 1967), shall mutatis mutandis apply
as additional land use restrictions in this zone.
3.24.1 Colour notation. dark brown.
Primarv use. transport usage.
Consent uses. none.
3.24.2 Land use restrictions
Floor factor. at most 1,0.
Coverage. at most 80.
Height. at most two storeys.
Street building line. zero.
Side building line. zero, except where a transport zone I abuts on another zone, in
which case the side building line oI the latter zone shall also apply to the transport
zone I.
Parking. as required by the council.
3.25.1 Colour notation. light brown.
Primarv use. public road.
Consent uses. none.
3.25.2 No structure shall be erected or use practised except such as is compatible with
"public road", as deIined.
3.26.1 Colour notation. light brown with black hatching.
Primarv use. public parking.
Consent uses. none.
3.26.2 No structure shall be erected or use practised except such as is compatible with
"public parking", as deIined.
3.27.1 Colour notation. red.
Primarv use. authority usage.
Consent uses. none.
3.27.2 The land use restrictions and additional provisions applicable to this zone shall apply
as Ior every site or use or type oI building approved by the Administrator or, iI
authorised thereto by the Administrator, the council.
3.28.1 Colour notation. blue-green.
Primarv use. special usage.
Consent uses. conservation usage.
3.28.2 II special Iactors justiIy the creation oI a new zone on the zoning map Ior a site or
sites without justiIying the creation oI a new zone in the scheme regulations, such
site shall be zoned as a special zone on the zoning map. Every such portion oI land
which has been zoned as such and in respect oI which the land use restrictions diIIer
Irom those oI other land which has been zoned as such shall be given a separate
number on the zoning map. A special zone may consist oI diIIerent portions oI land,
provided the land use restrictions are the same. Each special zone in respect oI
which the land use restrictions diIIer Irom those oI other special zones shall be given
a separate number (Irom 1 onwards), and each number with the accompanying land
use restrictions shall be described as a separate special zone in an annexure to these
scheme regulations.
3.29.1 Colour notation. blue-green with blue-purple outline.
Primarv use. none.
Consent uses. none.
3.29.2 Subject to the provisions oI section 14(8) oI the Ordinance, no building may be
erected in this zone and no use reIerred to in Table B in regulation 2.5 oI these
regulations may be practised in this zone.
4.1 Utilisation of zoned land
4.1.1 No person shall damage or destroy zoned land so as to destroy or impair its
utilisation Ior the purpose Ior which it is zoned, provided that the council may
consent to the deposit on such land oI waste materials or reIuse.
4.1.2 In giving its consent under this regulation, the council may impose such conditions as
it may deem Iit.
4.1.3 Subject to the provisions oI any other law, nothing in this regulation contained shall
be construed as prohibiting the reasonable Iencing oI land.
4.2 Reservation of remainder
Where the coming into operation oI a provision oI the zoning scheme involves the
acquisition by the council oI a portion oI a land unit, the provision may be applied by
the council to the remainder oI the land unit, iI -
4.2.1 in the opinion oI the council, the remainder will be too small to develop as a
separate entity, or
4.2.2 the development oI the remainder will be undesirable.
4.3 Imposed conditions
Where permission to erect a building or execute any works or to utilise a building or
land Ior any particular purposes or to perIorm any other activity has been granted
under this zoning scheme and conditions have been imposed, such conditions shall
have the same Iorce and eIIect as iI they were part oI this scheme.
4.4 Compliance with regulations
Nothing in these regulations contained shall be deemed to grant exemption Irom
compliance with any oI the council's regulations.
4.5 Aon-conforming sites
BeIore written authority is granted in terms oI section 96(1) oI the Municipal
Ordinance, 1974 (Ordinance 20 oI 1974), or section 96(1) oI the Divisional Councils
Ordinance, 1976 (Ordinance 18 oI 1976), or a licence is issued by the council with
regard to a site Ior which there is no valid licence on the date oI coming into
operation oI these scheme regulations, or when a building is extended or changed, the
council may require that all the buildings on the site and the site itselI be brought into
line with the land use restrictions contained in these regulations, with the by-laws oI
the council, and with any other laws which are applicable.
4.6 Applications for consent use
4.6.1 Subject to the provisions oI regulation 4.7 oI these regulations, the council may,
where application is made to it Ior its consent to the erection or utilisation oI a
building in a zone in which a building oI the type proposed may be erected and
utilised only with the council's special consent, grant or reIuse its consent, and shall
in granting its consent be entitled to impose such restrictive conditions as it may
deem Iit governing the erection or utilisation oI such building.
4.6.2 In considering such application, regard shall be had to the question whether the use
Ior which the building is intended or designed, or the proposed building, is likely to
mar the amenity oI the neighbourhood, including marring owing to the emission oI
smoke, Iumes, dust, noise or smells.
4.7 Advertisement of intended application for consent use
4.7.1 Any person intending to make application to the council Ior its consent to the
erection or utilisation oI a building or to the utilisation oI land, whether wholly or
partly, Ior any purposes requiring the council's special consent, shall, iI the council is
oI the opinion that any landowner may have an interest in the matter, Iirst advertise
the application concerned.
4.7.2 The council shall take into consideration any objections received within the period
reIerred to in the advertisement and shall notiIy the applicant and the persons, iI any,
Irom whom objections were received, oI its decision.
4.7.3 Any decision oI the council given in terms oI this paragraph shall be by special
resolution oI the council as deIined in the Municipal Ordinance, 1974 (Ordinance 20
oI 1974), or the Divisional Councils Ordinance, 1976 (Ordinance 18 oI 1976).
4.8 Conditions applicable to consent uses
Consent uses, as listed in Column 3 oI Table B, shall be subject to the Iollowing
4.8.1 Any consent use in a particular zone which is a primary use in any other zone
shall be subject to the same conditions applicable to the primary use in the
other zone, unless special land use restrictions apply in respect thereoI.
4.8.2 Any consent use in a particular zone which is not a primary use in another
zone shall be subject to the same conditions as the primary use in the zone in
which it is a consent use, unless special land use restrictions apply in respect
4.8.3 The council may in both oI the abovementioned cases lay down other
considerations with regard to any speciIic property.
4.9 Occupational practice and other rights
4.9.1 Without prejudice to any powers oI the council under any other law, nothing in a
zoning scheme contained shall be construed as prohibiting or restricting, or enabling
the council to prohibit or restrict, the Iollowing:
(a) The letting, subject to the council's regulations relating to boarding houses and
hostels, by any occupant oI a dwelling-house oI any part oI such dwelling-
(b) the occasional utilisation oI a place oI public worship, place oI instruction or
institution as a hall Ior social Iunctions, or
(c) the utilisation oI a portion oI a dwelling unit Ior purposes oI occupational
4.9.2 The Iollowing conditions shall apply where a portion oI a dwelling unit is utilised Ior
purposes oI occupational practice:
(a) Such dwelling-house, Ilat or residential building or any portion thereoI shall
not be used Ior purposes oI a shop, business premises, an industry or a noxious
(b) no goods Ior sale shall be publicly displayed;
(c) no advertising sign shall be displayed other then an unilluminated sign or
notice not projecting over a street and not exceeding 2 000 cm in area and
indicating only the name and proIession or occupation oI the occupant, and
(d) no activities shall be carried on which are or are likely to be a source oI
disturbance or nuisance to occupants oI other dwelling units or portions
4.9.3 II anybody is oI the opinion that any condition reIerred to in regulation 4.9.2 or the
deIinition oI "occupational practise" is contravened, such person may lodge a written
complaint with the council requesting action in terms oI section 39(1)(b) oI the
4.10 Combined-use buildings
Where more than one primary and/or consent use is approved in the same building in
a particular zone, the requirements with regard to Iloor Iactor, height and coverage,
as prescribed Ior the primary use oI the zone concerned, shall be applicable, and the
Iollowing conditions shall apply with regard to all other land use restrictions:
4.10.1 Where a use which is permitted in a combined-use building in a particular
zone is a primary use in another zone, the use concerned shall be subject to
the same conditions, except those with regard to Iloor Iactor, height and
coverage, applicable to the primary use in the other zone.
4.10.2 Where a use which is permitted in a combined-use building in a particular
zone is not a primary use in any other zone, the use concerned shall be totally
subject to the conditions applicable to the primary use in the zone in which
the use concerned is permitted.
4.11 External appearance of buildings
Any person intending to erect any building shall Iurnish the council Ior its
consideration, iI it so requires (in addition to any plans and particulars required to be
submitted under any oI the council's regulations), with drawings or some other
suIIicient indication oI the external appearance oI the proposed building, including a
description oI the building materials to be used Ior that purpose. The drawings shall
be upon suitable and durable material to a scale oI 1:100, except that where the
building is so extensive as to render a smaller scale necessary, the drawings may be
to a scale oI 1:200. The council may require such alteration to the external
appearance and building materials as it may deem necessary.
4.12 Loading and unloading facilities
4.12.1 Except in business zone IV, industrial zone I and industrial zone II, the council may,
Ior the purpose oI preventing the obstruction oI traIIic on any street or proposed
street on which a proposed building will Iront or abut, require the owner to submit
Ior its approval proposals Ior ensuring, to the council's satisIaction, suitable and
suIIicient space on the site Ior any loading, unloading or Iuelling oI vehicles which
the utilisation oI the building is likely to entail normally.
4.12.2 No owner or occupant oI the building in respect oI which proposals under this
regulation have been required shall undertake or knowingly permit the continued
loading or unloading or Iuelling oI vehicles otherwise than in accordance with
approved proposals.
4.13 Utilisation of outbuildings
No outbuilding may be utilised Ior any purpose other than that Ior which the plans
have been approved by the council, and no such outbuilding may be utilised until the
main buildings are completed or occupied, unless otherwise resolved by the council.
4.14 Carports
Subject to the council's approval, a carport which will exceed a street or side building
line may be erected subject to the Iollowing conditions:
4.14.1 The width oI the carport, measured parallel to the street boundary, shall be
not more than 6 m.
4.14.2 The carport shall be supported by metal, wooden, brick or cement poles or
pillars. These poles or pillars may have a maximum measurement oI
350 mm horizontal gauge (or 350 mm diameter in the case oI piping), and at
most Iour poles or pillars may be provided on one side oI the carport.
4.14.3 No walls, except boundary walls, shall be constructed so as to enclose the
4.14.4 The height oI the carport, measured Irom the Iloor to the top oI the rooI, shall
not exceed 3 m.
4.14.5 The sides oI the rooI shall be neatly Iinished with a Iascia not exceeding a
depth oI 250 mm.
4.14.6 The Iacade oI the carport shall be not closer than 300 mm to the street
4.14.7 No gates which open onto the pavement shall be permitted.
4.14.8 Standard provision shall be made Ior the collection and run-oII oI rainwater
Irom the carport.
4.14.9 Written conIirmation Irom the adjoining owner(s), iI a side building line will
be exceeded, and the owner(s) oI both adjoining land units, iI a street
building line will be exceeded, to the eIIect that they have no objection
against the proposed carport shall be obtained.
4.15 Council's duties
The council shall allow any person at any reasonable time to examine any scheme
regulations, zoning map or register, as contemplated by sections 9, 10 and 12
respectively oI the Ordinance, which are or is kept in the oIIice oI the council;
provided that any inIormation in connection with the zoning scheme which is given
to any person shall only be valid iI it is in writing and signed by the oIIicial duly
authorised thereto by the council.
4.16 Service of documents
The provisions oI section 211 oI the Municipal Ordinance, 1974 (Ordinance 20 oI
1974), and section 213 oI the Divisional Councils Ordinance, 1976 (Ordinance 18 oI
1976), shall mutatis mutandis apply to this zoning scheme.
4.17 1ownships and minor subdivisions in terms of the 1ownships Ordinance, 1934
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these regulations contained, conditions
oI ownership imposed by the Administrator upon the approval oI townships and
minor subdivisions in terms oI the Townships Ordinance, 1934 (Ordinance 33 oI
1934), shall be applicable in so Iar as such conditions are more restrictive than the
provisions oI the zoning scheme.
4.18 Aesthetics and landscaping
Where paving, landscaping, other treatment or any aesthetic requirement is deemed
necessary by the council, or the Administrator iI the matter is considered by him, in
order to prepare land Ior development, it may be required by the council or the
Administrator, as the case may be, and such requirement shall be carried out to the
satisIaction oI the council or the Administrator, as the case may be, at the cost oI the
5.1 Departures
5.1.1 A council may, in terms oI section 15(1)(b) oI the Ordinance grant or reIuse an
application Ior a departure, or in terms oI section 15(5) determine an extended
period, aIter which such departure shall lapse; provided that, where the council
authorises the utilisation oI land on a temporary basis as contemplated by section
15(1)(a)(ii), such concession shall be granted Ior a period oI at most Iive years, with
the exception oI a departure Ior which a permit is required in terms oI section 6B oI
Act 88 oI 1967, in which case the concession may be granted Ior such number oI
years as is related to the expected liIe time oI the mine concerned.
5.2 Subdivisions
5.2.1 A council may grant or reIuse an application Ior the subdivision oI land in terms oI
section 25(1) oI the Ordinance within, and subject to the conditions applicable to, a
subdivisional area, as well as an application Ior the subdivision oI land involving no
change in zoning.
5.2.2 Whenever a council has granted a subdivision in terms oI section 25(1) oI the
Ordinance, it may act in terms oI section 30 oI the Ordinance.
5.2.3 In the process oI the creation oI new streets in any subdivision in terms oI these
regulations, the general principles in regard to layout, street intersections and
gradient, as set out in parr. 3, 4.4, 4.5, 10.7.1 and 11 oI Part B oI the document
"Guidelines Ior the Provision oI Engineering Services in Residential Townships",
published by the Iormer Department oI Community Development and as amended
Irom time to time, shall be complied with. The Iollowing additional requirements
shall also be met:
(a) Any street intersection shall be so located, with due regard to topography, that
there is sight distance in all directions oI at least 40 m Irom such intersection.
(b) The transverse gradient oI any street shall not be steeper than 1 in 6 (that is the
gradient oI the land beIore construction).
(c) The longitudinal gradient oI any portion oI a street shall not be steeper than 1 in
8 (that is the gradient oI the land beIore construction).
(d) The weaving distance (distance between intersections in diIIerent directions),
that is between the nearest corners oI the streets concerned, shall be at least
40 m.
(e) The angle oI intersection oI streets shall be at least 70.
5.2.4 The granting oI an application Ior subdivision in terms oI section 25(1) oI the
Ordinance with a view to permitting two or more attached dwelling units to be held
under separate title shall be subject to the Iollowing conditions which shall be
complied with beIore the issuing oI a written authority by the council as
contemplated by section 31(1) oI the Ordinance:
(a) Where restoration or improvement is considered necessary by the council, the
buildings shall be Iully restored or improved to its satisIaction, and
(b) where considered necessary by the council, one parking bay shall be provided
and constructed to the satisIaction oI the council on each oI the land units.
5.2.5 Subsequent to the granting oI a subdivision in terms oI section 25(1) oI the
Ordinance with a view to permitting two or more attached dwelling units to be held
under separate title, the person who at any time is the owner oI any land unit directly
involved in the subdivision shall -
(a) maintain such part oI any retaining wall, rooI, pipe, gutter, wiring or other
structure or thing as is common to such land unit and any other land unit;
(b) maintain every part oI such wall, rooI, pipe, gutter, wiring or other structure or
thing which is on or traverses such land unit;
(c) permit access to such land unit Ior the purposes oI maintaining, cleaning,
renovating, repairing, renewing, altering and adding to any wall, rooI, pipe,
gutter, wiring or other structure or thing, and shall not do anything which will
prevent or hinder any such access or work Irom being done, and
(d) not make alterations or additions to or demolish any part oI the buildings
erected on such land unit, including boundary walls and Iences, or change the
exterior colour scheme or materials oI such buildings without the written
consent oI the council, or permit the exterior oI the buildings to deteriorate and
become untidy or dirty.
5.2.6 Subsequent to the granting oI a subdivision in terms oI section 25(1) oI the
Ordinance, the person who at any time is the owner oI any land unit directly involved
in the subdivision shall be required, without compensation -
(a) to allow gas mains, electricity, telephone and television cables and/or wires,
main and/or other waterpipes and Ioul sewers and stormwater pipes, ditches or
channels oI any other land unit or units to be conveyed across the land unit
concerned, and surIace installations such as mini-substations, meter kiosks and
service pillars to be installed thereon, iI considered necessary by the council
and in such manner and position as may Irom time to time be reasonably
required; this shall include the right oI access to the land unit at any reasonable
time Ior the purpose oI constructing, altering, removing or inspecting any
works connected with the above, and
(b) to receive such material or permit such excavation on the land unit as may be
required to allow use oI the Iull width oI an abutting street and provide a saIe
and proper slope to its bank necessitated by diIIerences between the level oI the
street as Iinally constructed and the level oI the land unit, unless he elects to
build retaining walls to the satisIaction oI and within a period to be determined
by the council.
5.2.7 In terms oI section 31(2) oI the Ordinance, a council may permit a building or
structure to be erected on a land unit Iorming part oI a subdivision which has not
been conIirmed.
5.3 Removal of restrictions
Notwithstanding regulations 5.1 and 5.2 oI these regulations, all conditions
restricting subdivision, the number oI buildings that may be erected or the utilisation
oI the land, or any other restrictive conditions which may have a bearing on the
subdivision or departure applied Ior and registered against the land unit shall, where
applicable, Iirst be removed prior to an application being granted.