The Primary (Deciduous) Teeth: We Have Learned The Detailed Description of Each Permanent Tooth For A
The Primary (Deciduous) Teeth: We Have Learned The Detailed Description of Each Permanent Tooth For A
The Primary (Deciduous) Teeth: We Have Learned The Detailed Description of Each Permanent Tooth For A
1. Introduction We have learned the detailed description of each permanent tooth for a period of time from now on we are going to learn the detailed description of each primary tooth. The primary teeth are 20 in number !0 in each "aw and they are classified as follows# four incisors two canines and four molars in each "aw. $eginning with the median line the teeth are named in each "aw on each side of the mouth as follows# central incisor lateral incisor canine the first molar and the second molar. The postnatal period of development of the primary dentition spans !%2 about 2 years. This primary dentition remains intact until a child is about & years of age when the transition to the permanent dentition begins. The primary molars are replaced by permanent premolars. There are no premolars in the primary set and there are no teeth in the deciduous set that resemble the permanent premolars. 'owever the crowns of the primary ma(illary first molars resemble the crowns of the permanent premolars as much as they do any of the permanent molars. The deciduous mandibular first molar is uni)ue in that it has a crown form unli*e that of any permanent teeth. These two primary teeth differ from any teeth in the permanent set when crown forms are compared in particular. The formation of the teeth development of dentition and growth of the craniofacial comple( are closely related in the prenatal as well as the postnatal development period. +t birth there are usually no teeth visible in the mouth but many teeth in various stages of development are found in the "aws. ,n clinical practice the notation system divides the arches into )uadrants with the entire dentition notated as
Thus for a single tooth such as the left ma(illary central incisor the designation is +. -or the mandibular right second molar the notation is given as .. 2. Major Contrasts between Primary and Permanent Teeth ,n comparison with their counterparts in the permanent dentition the primary teeth are smaller in overall si/e and crown dimensions. They have mar*edly more prominent cervical ridges are narrower at their 0nec*s 1 are lighter in color and have roots that are more widely flared2 in addition the buccolingual diameter of primary molar teeth is less than that of permanent teeth. 3ore specifically in comparison with their following difference are noted#
!. 4i/e# The primary teeth are much smaller than the permanent teeth 2. 5olor# The primary teeth are usually less pigmented and are whiter in appearance than the permanent 6. 5rown# The crowns of primary anterior teeth are wider mesiodistally in comparison with their crown length than are the permanent teeth. The buccal and lingual surfaces of primary molars are flatter above the cervical curvatures than those of permanent molars thereby narrowing the occlusal surfaces. The cervical ridges of enamel of the anterior teeth are more prominent. These bulges must be considered seriously when they are involved in any operative procedure. The cervical ridges buccally on the primary molars are much more pronounced especially on the first molars ma(illary and mandibular. 7. 5ervical# The crowns and roots of primary molars at their cervical portions are more slender mesiodistally. 8. 9oot# The roots of primary anterior teeth are narrower and longer comparatively. :arrow roots with wide crowns present an arrangement at the cervical third of crown and root that differs mar*edly from the permanent anterior teeth. The roots of primary molars accordingly are longer are more slender and flare more e(tending out beyond pro"ected outlines of the crowns. This flare allows more room between the roots for the development of permanent tooth crowns. 3. Clinical of the primary teeth +fter the eruption of the primary mandibular central incisor in si(th month the primary dentition is complete at about 2!%2 years of age. Then the first permanent molar will erupt in & years old and the primary ma(illary second molar is replaced by permanent premolar in !2 years old. Thus the longest primary tooth will stay in mouth for !0 years. There should be no )uestion of the importance of preventing and treating dental decay and providing the children with a comfortable functional occlusion of the deciduous teeth. !. The susceptibility to dental caries is a function of e(posure time to the oral environment and morphological type. The high pea* for caries attac* occurs when the children are in their developmental period. The premature loss of primary teeth because of caries may not only reflect an unfortunate lac* of *nowledge as to the course of the disease but also establishes a negative attitude about preventing dental caries in the adult dentition. ;oss of primary teeth may lead to lac* of space for the
permanent dentition. ,t is sometimes assumed by laypersons that the loss of primary teeth which are sometimes referred to as 0baby teeth1 or 0mil* teeth1 is of little conse)uence because they are only temporary. 'owever the primary dentition may be in use from the age of 2 to 2!%2 years until the age of < or about 8 years in all. 4ome of the teeth are in use until !2 years of age. Thus these primary teeth are in use and contributing to the health and well being of the individual during the greatest development physically and mentally. 2. + completely primary dentition plays an important part in mastication. ,t is important to the children=s development of body. 6. The increase in prevalence of dental caries among the tooth types reverses their order of eruption. The transition from primary to permanent dentition begins about & years of age with the eruption of the first permanent molars The timing of the shedding of the primary teeth has an effect on the emergence of the permanent teeth i.e. early shedding of primary teeth advances the emergence of the permanent teeth. 8. + lac* of space associated with premature loss of deciduous teeth is a significant factor in the development of malocclusion2 the development of ade)uate spacing is a significant positive factor in the development of occlusal relations in the permanent dentition. Premature loss of primary teeth retention of primary teeth congenital absence of teeth dental anomalies and insufficient space are considered important factors in the initiation and development of an abnormal occlusion. Premature loss of primary teeth from dental neglect is li*ely to cause a loss of arch length with conse)uent tendency for crowding of the permanent dentition. &. There are permanent tooth crowns in front of the anterior primary tooth roots and under the primary molar roots. We should pay more attention to them when we are treating the primary teeth 4. !etailed !escription of "ach Primary Tooth 5rown# ;abial aspect# ,n the crown of the primary central incisor the mesiodistal diameter is greater than the cervicoincisal length. The mesioincisal angle is a right angle but the distalincisal angle is round ,ncisor edge is nearly straight 5ervical ridge is obvious Developmental grooves are not seen and the labial surface is very smooth ;ingual aspect# The lingual aspect of the crown shows well >developed marginal ridges and highly developed cingulum ;ingual fossa is small and divided into two parts by lingual a(is ridge 3esial and distal aspect#
The mesial and distal aspects of the primary ma(illary central incisors are similar triangle# the cervical aspect is thic*er when the incisal aspect is thinner. The crown appears thic* at the middle third and even down toward the incisal third. The curvature of cervical line which represents the cementoenamel "unction is distinct curving toward the incisal ridge. ,ncisal aspect# ,t is relatively straight and the labial surface is much broader and smoother than the lingual surface 9oot# ,t=s cone shaped and the cross section is triangle ,t turns to labial aspect
Developmental grooves are not seen Developmental grooves are not seen obvious Developmental grooves are not seen
Cervical ridge is