Fulfilling A Dream

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Fulfilling a Dream By Jacob Ayers

FADE IN: INT. FANCY RESTAURANT - DAY A young attractive waitress, KAYLA, likely in her mid to late twenties starts walking towards a table that she is waiting on. KAYLA (V.O.) This is where my life has led me. CUT TO: MONTAGE: KAYLAS LIFE INT. CLASSROOM - DAY A young Kayla raises her hand when her teacher asks her a question related to Paleontology in AP Biology. KAYLA (V.O.) In high-school my future seemed very promising. CUT TO: INT. KAYLAS ROOM - DAY She sets up her college degree on her wall. The Degree is a major in Paleontology. KAYLA(V.O.) That hopefulness continued on through college too. She looks at the Paleontology degree with pride. KAYLA(V.O.) Though it was all out of my strong passion for dinosaurs. CUT BACK TO: INT. FANCY RESTAURANT - DAY Kayla reaches the table. The customer at the table is MR. CHAMBERS a brown haired man in his mid forties to early fifties, whose hair is beginning to gray.




KAYLA (V.O.) Which is why I am here. KAYLA May I start you off with something to drink? MR. CHAMBERS I would like a glass with 1/3 preferably green tea and lemonade, 1/3 ice, and 1/3 sprite. KAYLA Alright. Kayla heads back and grabs a large glass and puts together the mixture. She looks at it for a moment with curiosity. She grabs a water cup and puts together a miniature version of the mixture. She takes a small sip of it. KAYLA (to herself) Holy shit. She quickly downs the rest of it and takes the larger glass to Mr. Chambers. KAYLA Here you are. MR. CHAMBERS Thank you very much. KAYLA Have you decided on what you want to eat? MR. CHAMBERS Well I recommended the drink to you. Now you should recommend what I eat. KAYLA What? MR. CHAMBERS I am sure that you have never had someone order that drink before, and you decided to try it. You needed to at some point.




KAYLA How do you know? MR. CHAMBERS I took you for a curious-type. But mostly a hunch. What did you think of it? Kayla appears to be very confused. MR. CHAMBERS Well? KAYLA It was very good. MR. CHAMBERS Alright. Well what would you recommend from this place? KAYLA I havent been working here long enough to be able to offer an opinion on the food. MR. CHAMBERS Right... Well if you were able to choose anything from this menu. What would it be? Kayla looks over the menu. KAYLA The lobster macaroni. MR. CHAMBERS That sounds great. KAYLA Is there anything else that I can get for you? MR. CHAMBERS A Paleontologist. KAYLA What? MR. CHAMBERS You heard what I said. I am going to assume that, that "What" was filler while you were processing what I said. (CONTINUED)



Kayla appears to be even more confused, and a bit uncomfortable. MR. CHAMBERS You may be off now. The sound of lobster macaroni got me hungry and I am in a bit of a hurry. Kayla walks off trying to process what is going on. CUT TO: INT. FANCY RESTAURANT - LATER Kayla walks out carrying the lobster macaroni, but finds that Mr. Chambers is no longer at his table. She goes over to the table and finds a to-go box, a $100 dollar bill, and a note. She pockets the $100 dollar bill and grabs the note to read it. TEXT: There is more where this came from. And yes I still do want a paleontologist. Enjoy the lobster macaroni and once you get off call me at 555-653-7268. FADE BLACK TO: EXT. KAYLAS PARENTS HOUSE - LATE AFTERNOON Kayla approaches her house with the to go box in one hand and a bag of groceries in the other. She knocks on the door and her mother lets her in. INT. KAYLAS PARENTS HOUSE - LATE AFTERNOON KAYLAS MOTHER How was work today? KAYLA Fine. Kayla makes her way towards the kitchen counter and unloads her groceries. She pulls out tea, lemonade, and sprite from the bag. Kayla quickly puts together the drink that Mr. Chambers introduced to her and makes her way upstairs and then begins to chow down on her lobster macaroni. Kayla grabs her cell phone and dials the number that Mr. Chambers left on the note.




MR. CHAMBERS Surprised that it took you so long. Hows the lobster macaroni? KAYLA Quite delectable, now I want to know why you would need a paleontologist. MR. CHAMBERS Well that will be revealed later. First you must take a test. KAYLA Test on what? MR. CHAMBERS That is not for me to decide. KAYLA Then who is doing the deciding? MR. CHAMBERS Youll see tomorrow. KAYLA Tomorrow wont work for me. I have a job. MR. CHAMBERS If everything works out properly, you will never need to work again. KAYLA What? MR. CHAMBERS You really must cut it out with those filler "whats". KAYLA Sorry. MR. CHAMBERS There isnt anything to be sorry about. Just stop by at my address 115 Lily Way tomorrow at anytime you please. KAYLA Will do.




MR. CHAMBERS One more thing before I hang up. See if you can come up with a nickname for my drink. KAYLA AlriMr. Chambers hangs up before she can finish. CUT TO: EXT. MR. CHAMBERS MANSION - DAY Kayla approaches Mr. Chambers mansion fairly cautiously. She double checks the curb to make sure that she has the right address. She goes and knocks on the front door. Mr. Chambers opens it up and greets Kayla. MR. CHAMBERS Come in come in. INT. MR. CHAMBERS MANSION - DAY MR. CHAMBERS (CONTD) I hope that you are ready for your test. KAYLA Yeah, whats the test on? MR. CHAMBERS Patience. Did you come up with a nickname for my drink? KAYLA Oh right... I was thinking Spritzle. MR. CHAMBERS Of course, why didnt I think of that? Now wait here for a moment while I check if your test is ready. Mr. Chambers heads off screen leaving Kayla to just ponder at the fancy home. He comes back roughly a minute later. MR. CHAMBERS Everything appears to be in order, would you follow me? (CONTINUED)



Mr. Chambers starts leading Kayla to another room. Kayla appears to be nervous. MR. CHAMBERS There is no reason to be nervous. There is no way that you can fail. KAYLA How so? MR. CHAMBERS The same answer to all of your other questions. Youll see. They finally reach the room and Mr. Chambers shows her in. He closes the door behind her. Kayla is met by a person that is sitting in a large chair with the back of the chair facing towards her. The person isnt tall enough to see their head while sitting in the chair. The person in the chair swivels around and is revealed to be HANNAH a little girl around the age of ten that looks like a miniature version of Kayla. HANNAH Hello. KAYLA (confused) Hi. HANNAH Lets start you off. What were the three eras in which the dinosaurs existed? KAYLA Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous. Is this the test? HANNAH What was it that I just asked you? Kayla is confused by the question at first. KAYLA A question. HANNAH And what are on tests? KAYLA Questions?




HANNAH Correct, so no shit this is the test. KAYLA Is your fatherHANNAH He doesnt give a shit if I curse. Are you ready to continue? One could say that you are stalling. KAYLA What is there to stall for? HANNAH Are you just trying to tick me off now? KAYLA No. HANNAH Well you are good at doing things that you dont intend to do. Kayla doesnt have a response to the statement. HANNAH Well since you dont have anything to say I guess that we should get on with the test. KAYLA Fine. HANNAH Alrighty then, when did the Triassic era begin? KAYLA Roughly 250 million years ago. HANNAH And when did it end? KAYLA Roughly 150 million years ago. HANNAH When did large carnivorous creatures mainly begin to emerge?




KAYLA The Cretaceous era. HANNAH Good. KAYLA Is that it. HANNAH Do you remember taking state tests when you were younger? KAYLA Of course. HANNAH Remember when you were starting off the new section and it would have the example questions? KAYLA Yes. HANNAH Think of the questions that I just gave you as that. KAYLA Alright. HANNAH You are coming up with every kind of confirmation word or phrase there is arent you? Kayla doesnt respond. HANNAH Oh look now that I called you on it you dont want to speak out the newest one that you came up with. KAYLA Guess so. HANNAH Ah, there it is. KAYLA What did you find?




HANNAH Your new confirmation phrase. KAYLA (confused) Okay. HANNAH Lets just move on with your test. KAYLA (In a playful manner) Sounds good. Hannah gives her the stink eye before she grabs a large textbook on paleontology. She slams it on the desk. HANNAH Time for you to show your worth. CUT TO: INT. INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY MONTAGE: Hannah testing Kayla on paleontology from questions that she finds inside of the Paleontology textbook. CUT TO: INT. MR. CHAMBERS HOUSE - DAY Kayla comes out of the interview room and is met by Mr. Chambers and ADAM who appears to be in his early thirties. MR. CHAMBERS How was it? KAYLA Challenging. Hannah follows soon after. MR. CHAMBERS How was she? HANNAH Shell do.




MR. CHAMBERS Great. Kayla I would like to introduce you to Adam. KAYLA Hello ADAM Pleasure to meet you. MR. CHAMBERS Oh a pleasure is it? KAYLA What? Adam shoots an unamused look towards Mr. Chambers. Hannah giggles a little bit. KAYLA So what did you bring me here for? Mr. Chambers points towards Adam. MR. CHAMBERS Adam, go to the garage and show her. ADAM Will do. Adam shifts his attention towards Kayla. ADAM Come with me. Adam and Kayla make their way away from Mr. Chambers and Hannah. Towards the large garage. ADAM I am assuming that you are still in the "What the hell is going on" phase? KAYLA Yup. ADAM You will probably continue to be there for a little while longer.


CONTINUED: KAYLA How long is a "Little While Longer" to you people? ADAM Based on my experiences with the two. Generally with Mr. Chambers it can be either a minute to a week. With Hannah it is generally ten minutes. For me right now, around five minutes. You? KAYLA I dont know. ADAM Why would you ask someone a question like that if you werent able to answer it yourself? KAYLA Well wait a little while longer and I will tell you. Adam chuckles a little. KAYLA (CONTD) So how did Mr Chambers get to afford all of this? ADAM Stocks and a lot of luck. KAYLA No kidding. ADAM Surely this house doesnt tell lies. KAYLA Guess not. ADAM So tell me as much as you know about the end of the Cretaceous era. KAYLA Is this what you need a Paleontologist for? It seems that Hannah would be able to explain this to you... or Google.





ADAM Mr. Chambers is running the operation, I am just getting payed to make things fall into place. And in a little while so will you. So would you kindly tell me what you know about the ending of the Cretaceous era? KAYLA Nothing is a hundred percent certain. But we believe that it ended roughly 65 million years ago and that it was likely from a large asteroid that impacted the Yucatan peninsula in modern Mexico. ADAM Good, now depending on about to show and tell may not continue to be the hell is going on?" what I am you may or in the "What phase.

They finally reach the garage. Adam unlocks the door and they make their way in. INT. MR. CHAMBERS GARAGE - DAY The interior of the garage is covered in wires and in the center is a device that has a large circular metal platform raised about a staircase step high. Four tall Slender rectangular poles are raised equidistant from each other. The contraption takes up the majority of the space within the garage. It also has a computer plugged into it for Adams use. Kayla is very intrigued by the large device. ADAM I have one more question. Tell me what you know about time travel. Kayla is speechless. ADAM (CONTD) Oh and if you think that you are a know-it-all of time travel because you have watched Doctor Who... That is how you get on my bad side rather quickly. Kayla practically ignored what he just said while thinking about the question.




KAYLA Absolutely nothing. I figure that it is impossible. ADAM Have you ever heard the saying "Nothing is impossible?" KAYLA Yeah. ADAM Have you ever heard the saying "Where there is a will, there is a way?" KAYLA Yes. ADAM Well heres my twist on it. Where theres potential for money, there is a will, therefore there is a way. Mr. Chambers happens to have the money and will. I happen to have the way. KAYLA How? ADAM Well there is no way that we can just sit down and have a little chat about how it works exactly. Though I can explain what I do to make it work. Follow me to the computer. Adam sits down at the desk with the computer. He turns the computer on and lines of code start to run across the monitor. When it stops it shows the latitude, longitude, and date of the time machines current position. ADAM (CONTD) It is all controlled from right here. From this computer I can set set many variables such as date, time, location, and even variables of a persons characteristics. They make their way away from the computer.




KAYLA Wow this is a lot to take in at once. ADAM No kidding. It is still hard for me to get a handle on what I have created. KAYLA I am still wondering what you need me for. ADAM Well I am assuming you were able to infer that Hannah is a bit of a dinosaur enthusiast. KAYLA Mhmm. ADAM Basically Mr. Chambers and I go back and now he has payed me to go back in time to the near-end of the Cretaceous era to... get his daughter a pet dinosaur. KAYLA (LAUGHING IN DISBELIEF) No way. ADAM (LAUGHING WITH HER) Way. The man is very rich. They are both laughing their asses off. ADAM (CONTD) So you and I have to go back in time repeatedly to get as close to the mass extinction as we can... without dying and catch a small dinosaur that would have normally died from the extinction and not have had any impact on the future. KAYLA Wow. How dangerous is that? ADAM Well if my hypothesis is correct. Even if we make a mistake that would have an impact on the future we would be altering our so called (MORE) (CONTINUED)



ADAM (contd) time-line. Since that time-line has already taken place, any change that we create may create an alternate universe in which is impacted and not our own. KAYLA Sounds like a bit of a stretch. ADAM No it is definitely a lot of a stretch. Adam shifts his attention over towards the computer and sees a piece of paper on top of the computer that he hadnt noticed before. He grabs it. ADAM (CONTD) Thats odd. Did you place this here? KAYLA No. Adam takes a moment to read what the paper says. He seems to be put into shock after reading it for a bit. ADAM Wait here a moment. Adam makes his way towards the exit of the garage. Right before he leaves he has one last remark. ADAM (CONTD) Dont touch anything. KAYLA Wasnt planning on it. INT. MR. CHAMBERS KITCHEN - DAY Mr. Chambers and Hannah are sitting at the kitchen table drinking Spritzles. MR. CHAMBERS How is she doing? ADAM Fine. You need to read this.




HANNAH Want a Spritzle? ADAM Not now. MR. CHAMBERS Must be pretty important then. Adam hands the paper to Mr. Chambers. He takes a moment to read it. MR. CHAMBERS (CONTD) (a bit disheartened) Well I guess that we best get to work. HANNAH About time. The three of them make their way back towards the garage. INT. MR. CHAMBERS GARAGE - DAY The three of them enter the garage with what looks like hiking equipment. Adam grabs his laptop and plugs a cable, that normally runs from the time machine to the computer, into the laptop. ADAM Everyone hop onto the platform. KAYLA I thought that only you and I were supposed to go. ADAM Change of plans. HANNAH If time travel is involved, I am involved. KAYLA She knows? HANNAH Based on what I just said, you should be able to infer that yes indeed I know.




Mr. Chambers gives a proud smile. Adam looks at the piece of paper as he quickly types in lines of code into his laptop. Adam then hops onto the platform himself along with what looks like a miniature version of the time machine. He presses enter on his laptop. A bright blue light flashes and they vanish. EXT. MIDDLE OF OPEN FIELD - DAY They all appear out of thin air. They are all hysterical that it worked. They look into the air and see what looks like a large star that is roughly 1/10th of the size of what the sun looks like. MR. CHAMBERS Adam, how long do you estimate it will take that asteroid to impact? ADAM A week. KAYLA What is that device that you brought with us? ADAM Miniature version of what you saw inside of the garage. It requires less energy to use but it can only send one of us at a time. MR. CHAMBERS You two go and do whatever time traveler stuff that must be done. Hannah and I are going to go for a walk. ADAM So be it. KAYLA Make sure you stay within the blast radius of the asteroid so that you only alter the organisms that dont have any lasting effects on the future. ADAM We dont know whether doing anything could alter the future or not.


CONTINUED: KAYLA Well it isnt worth the risk either way. ADAM Dont you mean the chance of the risk? HANNAH That was unnecessary Adam. You saying that shows understanding in what she meant. KAYLA She does that to everyone? HANNAH Yes I do. MR. CHAMBERS Aaaand... Were off. Hannah and Mr. Chambers head off. KAYLA So what do you need me to do? ADAM As of right now, nothing. Just absorb the view. I am going to get this thing operational real quick.


Kayla sits on the grass, looks in the distance, and sees a pterodactyl soaring through the sky. It is so relaxing that she shuts her eyes for a little while. She is awoken by Adams voice. ADAM Kayla come over here for a moment and step on this device. I need to test something real quick. KAYLA Alright. She gets up off of the grass and starts making her way towards Adam. CUT TO: Mr. Chambers and Hannah have now entered a forest. They come across a small makeshift crate that has a small carnivorous dinosaur trapped inside.




HANNAH What? MR. CHAMBERS Dont worry dear. CUT BACK TO: Kayla steps on the miniature time machine. ADAM Pardon, I just need to make a quick calibration. KAYLA No problem. Adam hits enter on the keyboard and Kayla disappears. He then types in some new code and steps on the device himself. Adam hits enter once again and disappears with the laptop but the device remains. CUT TO: EXT. MR. CHAMBERS MANSION - DAY Adam appears out of thin air. He pulls a piece of paper out of his pocket. He makes his way around to an alternate entrance into the garage and sets the piece of paper down on his computer and quickly makes his way out. Kayla and Adam then enter the garage. ADAM I have one more question. Tell me what you know about time travel. CUT TO: EXT. LARGE CORPORATE BUILDING - NIGHT A younger looking Mr. Chambers makes his way out of the building. No one else is around. He starts walking across the street on the still night. Out of nowhere a little girl appears across the street and he goes to rush to her aid. She is a 3-5 year old Hannah. CUT BACK TO:


EXT. MR. CHAMBERS MANSION - DAY Adam waits outside of the garage. A blue light flashes out of the garage, cuing him to go inside. Adam plugs the time machine into the computer, sets a piece of paper down on the time machine, and types in more code. He then presses enter. CUT TO: EXT. MIDDLE OF OPEN FIELD - DAY OVER THE SHOULDER: ADAM Over in the distance Kayla is taking her nap. Adam goes down on his knees to plug something into the time machine. Under the machine there is a slip of paper that wasnt there before. He grabs it and it says: It must be done now. Adam gets off of his knees and looks towards Kayla. ADAM Kayla come over here for a moment and step on this device. I need to test something real quick. FADE OUT: CREDITS While the credits are rolling Adam is burning all of his blue prints for the time machine in a fireplace.

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