Sophos Redds Na
Sophos Redds Na
Sophos Redds Na
If your business has small branch ofces, Sophos RED offers you a centrally managed appliance that makes it easy and affordable to connect branch ofces back to your headquarters and keep their Internet access secure.
RED 10
Ethernet Tunnel
RED 50
Deployment scenario of Sophos RED
Central Ofce
Your Benets
Fast mass roll out, up to 100 appliances per day No local IT knowledge required at the remote site Reduce total cost of ownership (TCO) by more than 80% No maintenance and no recurring costs for branch ofces Strong UTM security Only one global security policy required Extend wireless coverage throughout the company by adding Sophos Access Points
Sophos RED
Treating my off-site locations as if they were just another department in house is a brilliant idea.
Mario Techel, CEO, Cobotec
Sophos RED
Sophos RED
User Interface
Every companys network and operating mode is different. We provide you with a number of add-ons you can select and combine to suit your needs.
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