Experiment - 1: AIM: Apparatus For Measuring Force Due To Impact of Jet On Different Type

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AIM: Apparatus for measuring force due to Impact of Jet on different type of vanes To determine the force of jet nozzle on vanes of different types .The study of impact of water is very essential to understand the principle of Pelton Wheel Turbine. The equipment consists of 8mm nozzles, fitted to !mm dia pipe with a ".#. "lo$e %alve to control the gate pressure so that the jet stri&e the vanes vertically. 'y controlling the velocity of jet can $e regulated, as the entire pressure energy is converted into velocity energy at the nozzle .The assem$ly is enclosed with transparent cylinder. The vanes are fitted to vertical shaft with spring load weights which $alances the upward force of the jet. The level is adjusted $y loading weight mechanism, types of vanes are flat and curved. The unit is mounted on a sump. The discharge of water is collected $y a collecting tan& of size ()*m+,().*m+,().!m+.The tan& is provided with scale fitting and a drain valve. ".#. vanes are provided with shapes are flat and semi circular. Experiment: Jet on Vane Apparatu !e "ription: The apparatus consists of a water jet from a nozzle which is connected to a high pressure pump main or a overhead tan&. All the pressure head of the water is converted into velocity head $y the nozzle, which discharges the water in the atmosphere. The jet then stri&e the vane. The lifting force can $e measured with the help of dead weights. Theor#: -et ./0 $e the head of water in meter $efore the nozzle as shown $y the pressure gauge. Assuming the coefficient of discharge as unity the velocity head % 1 g 2 / $R

gH The velocity of the jet v 2 The angle of inclination of the plate to the jet 2 ) The discharge $e weight measured with the help of collecting tan& 2 4 5litre1sec

The lifting force 2 6hange of momentum per sec in vertical direction 72

F = WV g WV sin g

6ase I8 7or flat plate 6ase II8 for semi circular plate
= 9) + 9)
WV g


Pro"e%ure: 3 7it the required vane on the lever. 'alance the shaft system $y means of counter weight for no loading. * :lace a small weight on the shaft. ; <pen the gate valve and adjust the jet, so that the weight is $alanced. ! 6ollect water in the collecting tan& & Note: The pressure gauge reading The weight placed Time for !cm rise in the collecting tan& 7our num$er of weights are provided = 6alculate the discharge $y weight 8 6alculate the vertical force 9 6hange the weights on the shaft and repeat the same e,periment. 3) Ta&e different sets of readings.

TA'()AR *$)(MN AN! *A)*()ATI$N: +)AT P)ATE VANE, ,.I. Pr. Va"uum Wei.h !i "har Velo"it# ;Q No. -au.e -au.e t .e V = 2 7 d /0.1"m mm o4 /.m3 6/m 1 e 3 5. "3 3 * ; 3. >ischarge ?3 2( l$h+1t 4here g2gravity constant Area 2

; d =

+/0.3 a821.

Time 4or 9"m ri e /t3

().))8+ = !.) x3) ! m

72A% %2?1A m1sec. ? 2 (l$h+ 1 t %2?1A

,EMI *IR*()AR VANE, ,.I. Pr. Va"uum Wei.ht !i "har.e Velo"it# +/0.3 No. -au.e -au.e /.m3 6/m71 e"3 V = ;Q a821. d /0.1"m23 mm o4 5. 3 * ; 7 2 A% @in 1 g 2 9))

Time 4or 9"m ri e /t3

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