Chapter 1 For HR Kit

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CHAPTER 1: RECRUITMENT, SELECTION AND PLACEMENT One of the most important decisions you need to make in your business

is the choice of people you hire. The components of a good recruitment plan include the following: Identifying the required skills, knowledge, personality traits and motivations for the job, as well as the work and or educational background required Increasing your candidate base through the most effective and economical sourcing methods !sing the appropriate assessment tools "hoosing the candidate with the #best fit$, in keeping with your available resources

%. &ow to Identify the 'ob (equirements %.% The 'ob )escription is the first step in identifying the job requirements. %.%.% It contains: The job title (eporting relationships *eople +upervised ,if applicable The .eneral *urpose of the 'ob The +pecific 'ob (esponsibilities &ow *erformance will be measured for every job responsibility The +kills, /nowledge, Interpersonal 0bilities and *ersonal 1ualities (equired by the *osition 2ork 34perience and 3ducational 5ackground (equired %.%.6 The 'ob description can be created by: interviewing incumbents, supervisors of the position, customers of the role or an e4pert panel which may include &( and the foregoing. %.%.7 It is important to articulate the knowledge, skills, behaviors and personality traits ,referred to in &( lingo as #competencies$- required by the job. 34perience by itself does not guarantee that the person will do a good job. The 'ob +pecification 8orm allows a clearer articulation of the requirements of the position. 6. +ourcing 9ethodologies 9ore choices enable you to pick a suitable candidate. 0n effective sourcing strategy allows company to choose the most cost:effective methods from among the following: Internet 'ob postings ,paid sites like ' and 'obs); there are also free sites like the )O<3=s *hiljobnet. Internet job sites are a quick and relatively cost effective method. It is best for white:collar jobs: entry level, professional and technical and managerial jobs. ,e4cept for *hiljobnet, which has a good base of blue >collar job applicants-. Internet job posting is also not productive when the job requirements are so specific and unique to your industry company so that there will probably be very few candidates who will

read and apply to your ad. 0s in newspaper ads, you will get a lot of applications that do not hew to your requirements so a lot of screening is required. ?ewspaper ads: (elatively more e4pensive can be used to supplement internet postings, especially when you are hiring many people and a whole of half page enables you to advertise your company and the job. "ampus recruitment >for entry level positions; colleges and universities normally hold their job fairs from 'anuary:8ebruary. +chools charge a certain fee for participation in job fairs, where you are given the opportunity to present your company and interview or get contact details of potential graduates. This is helpful because many schools release the official list of graduates in 'une , when the most qualified are already employed. &ire +tudent On the 'ob Trainees who worked in your office , you have a good idea of how they work'ob 8airs (eferrals from business network, friends, and current or former employees: said to be one of the most effective ways of getting candidates with a good fit . +ome companies have a formal employee referral program, where employees get monetary reward for successful referrals. *3+O linkages > community:based recruitment offices of the )O<3 34ecutive and *rofessional +earch 8irms: relatively e4pensive but helpful when you need a third party to #sell$ your company and the job, when the requirement is urgent and you need a broader base to choose from. 9any firms work on a contingent basis ,you only pay for successful hires- and guarantee replacements so this may be cost:effective in the long run. +pecial +earch 9ethods such as inviting for a job interview a good salesman or customer service person one meets in business or elsewhere T@ ads on cable channel and radio ads can be used for provincial recruitment

7. 0ssessment 9ethods 7.% (esume screening to see if candidate has the basic skill and background required for the job. Aou also check the employee=s job stability ,is he a job jumperB )oes he show logical and progressive career patternsB - Aou do not necessarily eliminate a candidate based on the resume screening alone, but you can note questions you want to ask to clarify doubts in your mind. 7.6 Initial +creening: If you have an &( department, &( will do this to check for basic requirements ,communication and impact, basic e4perience and background required, job stability, and other basic traits > conscientiousness, responsibility, interpersonal skills-. ?otes should be taken and summariCed so that the hiring department has a better basis for asking more directed questions and there is no need to keep asking the same questions. 7.7 I1 and *sychological testing: 5asic I1 tests are most appropriate for entry level office and sales jobs. 7.7.% 5asic I1 tests refer to:

0bstract thinking , said to be an indication of #untrained intelligence$ or of how quickly person will learn on the job; it can also be an indication of ability to work with space and figures: as contrasted to language and numbers@ocabulary and (easoning through use of <anguage 5asic ?umerical 0bility and (easoning 9ental 0lertness: ability to shift from a language:based task to one which is numbers:based 7.7.6 Other mental ability tests which managers may be asked to take include: "ritical thinking measures a person=s ability to make inferences from verbal information 'udgment and "omprehension gives an indication of ability to understand and draw logical conclusions from verbal information 7.7.7 +upervisors and managers may also be asked to take tests which measure knowledge and actual practices related to management of tasks, people and or a work unit. 7.7.D *ersonality tests give an indication of a person=s temperament ,introvert vs. e4trovert-, achievement orientation, energy, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and other predispositions which are important in achieving work goals and working with other people. The validity of personality tests will depend on how well you have identified the right personality profile for a job. 8or instance, e4troversion ,specially the need to be in constant interaction with others- is not a good trait to have in a job which requires incumbent to concentrate and work alone for eight hours. It is however necessary in a sales job. The one trait that has been found to be a good predictor of performance or all levels and types of jobs is #conscientiousness.$ ,taking responsibilities and commitments seriously, delivering on promises , meeting deadlines etc..7.7.E *hilippine law provides that only qualified professionals should administer and interpret tests. 8irms which sell testing materials also require minimum qualifications and give qualifying e4ams to the company representative. 7.7.F 0ll assessment methods do not have %GGH validity. Therefore, testing results are only indications. +trong indications of a worrisome trait or lack of ability of course need to be taken seriously and should be the focus of in:depth interviewing and background check. 7.D Interview with the &iring 9anager: &iring department goes more in:depth into the technical competencies and other factors. 7.E 5ackground "heck is critical; ideally no hiring should be made before the results of a background check come in. In addition to asking the employee to submit an ?5I clearance, company may contract out the following to a background investigating firm to do the following:

?eighborhood background check

+chool check 3mployment background check

&( or the hiring manager can do employment background check over the phone, to verify Information provided by the applicant during the interview. D. 0s soon as a hiring decision is made and especially if you have found a very qualified candidate, a compensation package offer must be finaliCed and a job offer made in writing. E. 2hen the job offer has been accepted, successful candidate is asked to take medical e4ams ,chest 4:ray, stool and urine test, drug test etc...- and asked to submit all other pre: employment documents. 8illed up 0pplicant )ata +heet 0t least E I) pictures ,file, I), for *agibig formsTI? numbers for those without TI? numbers "opy of 5I( 8orm %IG6 or 67GE ,duly received by 5I( -, with photocopy of birth certificate ,if single- , birth certificate of employee and dependent if &ead of 8amily and birth certificate of ta4 payer, marriage contract and birth certificate of children if 9arried 5I( 8orm 67%F from previous employer in current year ,if applicable"lear copy of +++ 3% 8orm or photocopy of +++ I) "ard 0ccomplished *hilhealth 8orm 9%a 0ccomplished *agibig 8orm 9%6

F. The appointment papers are served and employee is asked to sign his conforme. J. The *ersonnel 0ction 9emo is created and sent to *ayroll and other departments who need to be informed of new hire. K. The employee undergoes orientation immediately, starting on the first day of work to: 0ssure him that he made the right decision in joining your company To reinforce and build on the high energies of a new employee To set clear e4pectations and set the parameters by which his performance will be evaluated To introduce him to his colleagues and to make him feel welcome To give him more information about the company, its vision, mission and values To e4plain the company culture , including the code of discipline and to ask him to sign such To e4plain the company benefits To give him the opportunity to ask questions &I(I?., (3"(!IT93?T, +3<3"TIO? L *<0"393?T *(O"3++ 8<O2



*ersonnel (equisition 8orm

Get management approval

'ob )escription 'ob )escription 8orm

Identify skills, knowledge, qualities and background

Source candidates

Screen resume First Shortlist

0pplication 8orm Interview .uide Interview (ating 8orm


'ob "andidate +tatus

Telephone Reference

Final Shortlist and !ackground "heck

Finali#e compensation offer



'ob Offer +heet

$repare %ob offer sheet

"reate &'( file of employee

3mployment "ontract

Serve appointment

*ersonnel 0ction 9emo

"reate $ersonnel ction )emo

*rientation of +ew ,mployee





)o not write below this line

APPROVED BY:__________________DATE:______________



3mployee ?ame *osition Title +ection (eports )irectly to : "ashier 5ookkeeper : 0ccounting : 0dministrative Officer )ate &ired *osition <evel +upervises : : ?on:+upervisory : ?ot 0pplicable

,Indicate position titles and number of direct reports supervised-

FUNCTION: *rimarily responsible for collecting and depositing check receivables from client companies, processing of disbursements and managing the petty cash fund. &e +he is also responsible for payrolling, benefits reporting and processing and maintenance of accounting records.
Key Res !" A#e$s I/ C$s0%e#%&1 "ollections %. Issues Official (eceipts for all collectible accounts 6. 9akes follow:up calls to companies with accounts for collection. 7. +chedules collection pick:ups to ensure that that these are included in the routing slips of 9essengers. D. "larifies questionable payments with concerned payors. )isbursements *rocessing %. *repares a calendar of payments for a specified period. )aily 0s often as necessary )aily . Target volume of collections within an established period is achieved. 0ll sponsorship collections are issued Official (eceipts and properly recorded in appropriate accounting records. D "%es $&' Res()&s%*%!%"%es F#e+ e&,y Key Pe#-)#.$&,e I&'%,$")#s

0s the need arises 2eekly

*rocessing of all disbursements is performed according to prescribed procedures.

Key Res !" A#e$s

D "%es $&' Res()&s%*%!%"%es 6. *repares checks for signature by authoriCed Officers +ignatories and sends out by messenger; makes personal delivery, if messengers are unavailable. 7. Issues cash and or check payments forr obligations of the company; ensures that all disbursements are supported by proper documents.

F#e+ e&,y )aily

Key Pe#-)#.$&,e I&'%,$")#s 0ll disbursements are properly recorded in appropriate accounting records. )isbursement documents transaction media are prepared correctly. *ayments are made according to payment schedule. 0ll disbursements are properly recorded. ?o irregularities in disbursements. 34pense reports of disbursements are complete and supported by proper documents.

)aily 0s the need arises

*etty "ash

%. 9anages and controls the petty cash fund , including verification, approval and proper recording of all disbursements. 6. *repares e4pense reports and supporting documents needed for replenishment of petty cash fund.



)eposits (enewals Other 5ank transactions

%. 9akes regular deposits of collections payments received to designated depository bank. 6. Transacts the roll:over of time deposit placements on specified renewal dates. 7. *repares the 5oard (esolution and other relevant communication for submission to depository banks for the change in authoriCed signatories.


9onthly 0nnually

"ollections are deposited on the same day , or the following morning ,if collected after bank cut:off 0ll bank transaction documents are properly filed and safekept.

Key Res !" A#e$s +taff *ayroll 0dministration "ompliance with .overnment (equirements

D "%es $&' Res()&s%*%!%"%es D. 9akes other bank transactions, as may be required by the 5oard. D. "oordinates with the 0ccountant for %. changes !pdates in time cards forand computation of deductions other deductions for tardiness. concerns pertinent to payroll. 6. .athers OT slips of staff and computes %. *repares and files +++ *hil&ealth overtime pay. *ag:Ibig reports and payments. 7. *repares +taff payroll and releases the 6. *rocesses and files documentary same. requirements on employee benefits and loans to appropriate government agencies, i.e., +++, *ag:Ibig, etc.

F#e+ e&,y 0s the need arises 0s the need 5i:monthly arises

Key Pe#-)#.$&,e I&'%,$")#s +atisfactorily of resolves all "omputation payroll:related regular payroll, including issues and concerns. overtime pay, is correct accurate 0ll +++, *agibig, *ay +lips are *hilhealth requirements are prepared distributed on satisfactorilyand filed transacted same day as payroll. within prescribed periods deadline. 0ll relevant documents that are prepared are: "orrectly accomplished +upported by appropriate attachments, if required +ubmitted within E days after employee has submitted all

9onthly 9onthly 1uarterly


COMPETENCIES TECHNICAL2 BUSINESS 0verage proficiency in 9+ Office and other applications related to the work. /nowledge of basic accounting principles /nowledge of guidelines and procedures on mandatory government requirements, particularly business licensing, 5I(, +++, and *ag:Ibig. .ood oral communication skills, in 3nglish and 8ilipino. "an e4plain payroll computations to employees.


"ollege graduate, preferably of a D:year business course *referably, with e4perience in clerical treasury functions, payroll and government > mandated benefits processing

Integrity 9ature in handling stressful situations interactions *atient in dealing with questions and complaints 0ccuracy and orderliness

Key Res !" A#e$s (ecords 9anagement

D "%es $&' Res()&s%*%!%"%es %. OrganiCes and files the following records for easy access and retrieval: %.% all accounting records, ledgers and other related documents %.6 6G% files %.7 +ponsorship records

F#e+ e&,y )aily 0s the need arises

Key Pe#-)#.$&,e I&'%,$")#s 8iles are well: organiCed, complete and labeled. 8ile folders are arranged in prescribed order in designated storage areas. 0ll accounting records are: "orrect accurate "omplete !pdated 5alanced

6. 9aintains, regularly updates and reconciles all general subsidiary ledgers.


I/ "urrent *osition


)ivision 'ob "ategory

+ection )epartment

, - +taff 9anager

, - +upervisory

, - Technical *rofessional

, -

*osition Title of Immediate +uperior:

'ob Objective *urpose:

3,0$#" -!)4
(eports to : Immediate +upervisor

+upervises <evel of +upervision

)oes this position supervise othersB MMMMMMMAes MMMMMMMMM ?o 2hat positions does incumbent superviseB MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM &ow many people does he she superviseB MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

Le5e! )- S (e#5%s%)& 1%5e& ") (e)(!e *e%&1 s (e#5%se' 1.0. .eneral > gives instruction without going over the details of the work 2.0. "lose: gives instruction and follow:up results to meet deadlines stipulated 3.0. @ery "lose: gives instructions, checks work progress requiring close coordination, orders revisions changes and evaluates work result ?ote: *lease put minimum requirements for the position and not your personal qualifcations. 'O5 )3+"(I*TIO?: (3.!<0( )!TA +T0T393?T % 6. 7. D. E. F. J. K. I. %G. %%. %6. %7. %D. %E. %F. %J.

%K. %I. 6G.


K. I. %G.

J)* C).(e"e&,%es: ,means the specific skills and the values required for the competent performance of the specific job duty. 34ample of skills are analytical, driving, mechanical, interviewing , etc. 34ample of values behavior are teamwork, punctuality, perseverance, etc.E' ,$"%)& ,please indicate the minimum education requirement for the position-

MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS S6%!!s2K&)4!e'1e V$! es2Be0$5%)#2A""%" 'e2T#$%"s

, - 3lementary .raduate , - &igh +chool .raduate , - 6 Ar "ollege and or @ocational , - "ollege .raduate with <icense required

A5e#$1e S"$y would mean the amount of office time the person is e4posed to his work assignment and its working conditions surroundings. 8or consistency, please indicate the average amount of stay in percentages of the work calendar of the year. The total of the percentages should equal to %GGH. ,34ample:KGH: office and 6GH : fieldP#e($#e' *y D$"e Re5%e4e' *y D$"e A((#)5e' *y D$"e


N$" #e )- C).. &%,$"%)& (elaying > <imited to giving and receiving, or e4changing well established or repetitive factual information according to standard procedures )iscussing: (equires the ability to discuss and rationaliCe to obtain understanding 8acilitating: (equires a high degree of diplomacy and tact in order to elicit assistance from others *ersuading: (equires ability to persuade to obtain desired results. This connotes that the person can commit the company to a position, or advocates the other party to accept the proposed position. E+ %(.e&" Use' ,*lease indicate equipment mac hines being operated 7)#6 Ass%1&.e&" ,*lease indicate the work assignment of the incumbent positi onN$.e26%&' F#e+ e&,y )- Use

P!$,e Office 8ield +hop Others

A5e#$1e S"$y, 89: , , , , -

E;()s #e ") &$5)%'$*!e 0$<$#'s

+ame-------------------------Soc.Sec. +o.-------------------$hone-------------------TI+ +o. ----------------------$resent dress-----------------------------------------------------------------------/Street0 /"ity0 /State0 /1ip0

2ate of !irth --------------------,mergency $erson3 ddress4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------/+ame0 /Relationship0 / ddress0 /$hone0

5ho referred you to this "orporation4-----------------------------------------------------/ 0$rivate $lacement gency / 0Reply to dvertisement / 0"ollege $lacement Service / 0$,S* / 05alk6 In / 0$ersonal "ontact

+ames of relatives employed in the "ompany ----------------------------------------------7ave you ever been charged or convicted of a crime8-----------------------------------------

$lease list all education3training /high school, college0 relevant to the position for which you are applying.

"lass Standing or Grade $oint Full +ame and 9ocation 7igh School "ollege *ther Graduate verage )a%or Sub%ects 2egree

+ame of Present of Last ,mployer Starting 2ate )onth :ear 9eaving 2ate )onth :ear Starting $ay

ddress Final $ay Reason for 9eaving

2ate ---------------------

2ate of last physical e;amination8 --------------------------------------------------------

9ist three references who are not relatives or former employers4

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/+ame0 / ddress0 /*ccupation0 /:ears <nown0

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/+ame0 / ddress0 /*ccupation0 /:ears <nown0

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/+ame0 / ddress0 /*ccupation0 /:ears <nown0

$osition/s0 desired--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

re there any e;periences , skills, or qualifications which you feel would specially fit you for work with this corporation /Including operation of office machines08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2o you hold any licenses or certificates8-------------2escribe--------------------------------


7ow much time are you willing to spend away from home if the position in which you are employed requires travel8-------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Father )other Siblings /!rothers and Sisters0

I hereby certify that my answers to the foregoing questions are true and correct, and that I have not knowingly withheld any fact or circumstances which would, if disclosed, affect application favourably. I fully understand that any misstatement in this form shall be a %ust cause for dismissal. I hereby authori#e you and3or your client company3s to conduct such inquiry as may be necessary to determine my fitness for employment.


pplicant=s Signature4------------------

I?T3(@I32 .!I)3 8O( 90?0.3(I0< *O+ITIO?+

%. 2hat was situation when you came in B The state of the business industry any problems that needed to be reversedB *rojects that needed to be completedB Opportunities that had to be taken advantage ofB Things that needed to be done to make things better or fasterB

6. 2hat did you need to doB 2hat were you hired to do or accomplishB 2hat were the mandates of management for youB

7. &ow would you rate the success of what you did , versus the objectives or mandates in number 6 aboveB 2hat were your key performance indicatorsB &ow well did you do on themB

/ey *erformance Indicator


0ctual performance


2hat did your boss have to say about your success lack of itB &ow about other people in the organiCationB

D. &ow did you achieve the successB 2hat were the challenges that you encounteredB &ow did you meet these challengesB





2hat do you think accounted for the limited successB ,or failure- 2hat did you learn from this e4perienceB &ow did you apply this learning to other situationsB

CANDIDATE SUMMARY ASSESSMENT FOR MANAGER Name of Candidate: XXXXX For the Po ition of ! C"ient Com#an$: %&man Re o&r'e Mana(er Inter)ie*er!Date:

S&mmar$ A e ment:

+ Stron( 'andidate + ,e""-re'ommended + Re'ommended + Re'ommended- ,ith re er)ation

Experience +S&ffi'ient amo&nt of meanin(f&" e.#erien'e + Con idera/"e re"ated e.#erien'e + E.'e""ent e.#erien'e for 0o/ re1&irement

T*ent$ $ear of %R e.#erien'e- *ith e.#o &re to mo t fa'et of %R2 Stren(th in ODem#"o$ee re"ation 3/&t no &nion e.#erien'e4 /a"an'ed 'ore'ard and re*ard de i(n for e.e'&ti)e "e)e"2 Good e.#erien'e in %R admin *or5 a *e"" E.#o &re to man&fa't&rin(- /an5in(- retai" and 6PO 37 $ear 42 6PO *a an IT 'om#an$ *ith 'ondition imi"ar to C"ient Com#an$2 3 need to o")e /a i' #ro/"em that 'a& ed "o* mora"eneed for 1&i'5 t&rn-aro&nd time in re'r&itment for IT #o ition 4 E.#erien'e *or5in( *ith Ameri'an and 6riti h- 'oa'hed Ameri'an e.e'&ti)e

Achievements + A)era(e + A/o)e A)era(e + E.'e#tiona"

%ad i(nifi'ant a'hie)ement a head of %R : in 6PO 'om#an$- in tit&ted 'omm&ni'ation $ tem to o")e "o* mora"e and "o* #rod&'ti)it$2 Im#ro)ement in #rod&'ti)it$ mea &re ho*ed &''e of initiati)e 2 Com#"eted a "eader hi# #ro(ram for mana(er in U5raine- *hi'h 'ontri/&ted to the im#ro)ement in #rod&'ti)it$ in the /ran'h2 De i(ned a ne* or(ani8ation and re*ard $ tem for e.e'&ti)e for ,---- a##ro)ed /$ to# mana(ement of the 'on("omerate Per &aded mana(ement to im#ro)e /enefit of ran5 and fi"e- a mode" that *a ado#ted /$ other 'om#anie in the 'on("omerate

Career Progression/development + A)era(e 'areer (ro*th + Pro(re ed at a tead$ rate- ho*n a/i"it$ to ta5e on in'rea in( re #on i/i"it$ +Career ad)an'ed )er$ 1&i'5"$- hand"e in'rea in( re #on i/i"it$ ea i"$ Job Stability + A)era(e + Good- & &a""$ did not 'han(e *itho&t )a"id rea on!a)era(e ta$ /etter than a)era(e + E.'e""ent- ne)er mo)ed *itho&t )a"id rea on! a)era(e ta$ i m&'h /etter than a)era(e

Ten $ear #e'ia"i8in( in OD *or5 /efore a &min( head of %R #o ition2 A##arent"$ had no diffi'&"t a &min( a ("o/a" ro"e in 6PO

I a 5ee#er- ta$ed at DMC for 9 $ear - at Cit$tr& t for : $ear and "eft APO 37 $ear 4 on"$ /e'a& e Phi"i##ine o#eration '"o ed do*n2

Motivation + Pro#er"$ Moti)ated + ,e""-moti)ated + ;er$ *e"" moti)ated

Management and eadership + A)era(e + A/o)e A)era(e + E.'e#tiona"

Sa$ he en0o$ed *or5 at 6PO!IT 'om#an$ < there ma$ /e (ood fit in '&"t&re C&rrent"$ in /et*een 0o/ /&t a$ he i /idin( her time ti"" he find a (ood o##ort&nit$2 Doe 'on &"tin( *or5 in trainin( o he ha the "&.&r$ of "oo5in( for a (ood 0o/ Seem to /e a/"e to *or5 *e"" *ith e.e'&ti)e 3'oa'hin( of #re ident im#ro)ed hi re"ation hi# *ith o*ner4 A/"e to (et mana(ement &##ort for initiati)e 3 /a"an'ed 'ore'ard4

!mpact and Communication + A)era(e + A/o)e A)era(e + E.'e""ent- e.'e#tiona"

Attra'ti)e and "i5ea/"e Pre ent her e"f *e""- f"&ent in en("i h


1. Knowledge and Skills- relevance of candidates knowledge, skills and experience in typical job duties involved in this kind of work c!uired knowledge and skills that would be of help in perfor"ing the work #elevant knowledge and skill gained in school, for"er jobs $. %"ploy"ent &attern- degree of stability in e"ploy"ent history 'ength of stay in previous jobs 'ogical or good reasons for "ove"ents &ossible indications of poor perfor"ance, inability to get along , chronic dissatisfaction (heck periods of une"ploy"ent and reasons ). chieve"ent &attern-observable achieve"ent that reflects level of deter"ination and "otivation and success pattern *rades and wards in school +ob &ro"otion, &ay raises, specific achieve"ents at work &ersonal achieve"ents- ex. ,eing a working student, i"proving econo"ic-social level as a result of "ove"ent up career ladder (ontributions- chieve"ents to &rofessional groups

.. /otivational 0it- %xtent to which job activities and conditions will satisfy interests and preferences of individual Kinds of Subjects liked and disliked in school Kinds of activities -aspects of the job that candidate likes or dislikes in current-past e"ploy"ent 1obbies and interests si"ilar to job (andidates preferences in ter"s of job activities and co"pany culture-si2e-industry etc.. if things were ideal #easons for applying

3. 4"pact and (o""unication Skill- fluency, articulateness and over-all i"pression bility to project the 5re!uired6 i"age , over-all i"pression as a result of groo"ing, appearance, de"eanor, speech 0luency and articulateness7 ability to speak without blocking bility to organi2e ideas

Employment Interview Rating Form- Entry evel! "ro#e$$ional! Te%&ni%al "o$ition$

0pplicant=s name Title of vacant position or kind of work applied for

Interviewer=s name )ate


/nowledge and +kills


)oes not appear well to have relevant qualified for knowledge L skills

&as knowledge and skills that are relevant in terms of

/nowledge and skill are very relevant to this type of work


knowledge L skills



'ob jumper; +hows a history raises very good

+hows a slightly worrisome employment

+hows a stable employment pattern

serious doubts pattern employment pattern



2ould probably be @ery good very unhappy motivational in this job

9ight be

34pected to be satisfied with this fit

somewhat unhappy unhappy in this type of work

this type of work



?o record of a 0chievement drive driven

<ittle evidence of determination and accomplishment successful

&as shown drive and achievement

+eems to be highly and person



&as very poor +eems to communication skill communicate

.enerally adequate

+eems to have good communication skill very well



"reates a very @ery *ositive

"reates an acceptable

.ood Impression

negative impression impression




?ot suited; not recommended (ecommended

9ight do well but I have some doubts

(ecommended for hiring


>*! " +2I2 T, ST T?S

+ ),--------------------------------------------------------------- $*SITI*+ "*+SI2,R,2 F*R----------------",99+?)!,R--------------

2 T,


R,S?9TS -----------------------------------------

---------------- T,9,$7*+, I+T,R@I,5 ---------------- S"R,,+I+G I+T,R@I,5

---------------- I+T,R@I,5 5IT7 7IRI+G ) + G,R ---------------------

---------------- ! "<GR*?+2 I+@,STIG TI*+ ---------------- $S:"7*9*GI" 9 A IB T,ST ---------------- $7:SI" 9 ,C )I+ TI*+


"TI*+4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Telephone Reference D RAF, $rof3Tech $osition

pplicant------------------------------ $erson "ontacted---------------"ompany------------------------------ Title --------------------------$hone +o.----------------------------(. 5as the applicant employed by you8 :es +o

&. 5hat were the dates of employment8 From-------------- To---------------E. 5hat was his %ob title8 -------------------------------------------------F. 7ow would you rate attendance8 -----------------------------------------G. 7ow would you rate punctuality8----------------------------------------H. 7ow would you rate %ob performance8------------------------------------I. 7ow would his performance compare to that of peers8-----------------------J. 5ere there any promotions8--------------------------------------------K. 5hat kind and what amount of supervision did he require8 --------------------('. 5hat strengths and weaknesses did he show in working with other people8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------((. 5hat was the reason for leaving8---------------------------------------(&. If it were not against company policy, would you rehire8 /If not, why not80-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Additional Comments

____________________ 2ate

__________________________ $ersonnel 2epartment


'anuary K,6G%G 9s. 9elissa (ivera %I (ey )rive +un +ubdivision , *aranaque "ity

)ear 9elissa, 2e are pleased to make you a job offer for the position of 9arketing Officer, at the monthly rate of *hp 6G,GGG.GG , all days of the month considered paid. The si4 month probationary period should provide both of us the opportunity to determine if you have the temperament, interest and skill to enter into a long term relationship with our company. Aour role in the ne4t F months has been designed to provide you with the sufficient e4perience , knowledge and insight to help us make that judgement; and will be focused on two key result areas: %. 9arketing (esearch ,JGH6. 3vents 9anagement ,7GH0s in any company, you of course may be required to perform other jobs, depending on the e4igencies of the situation and your own interest.

0lso attached are the mission, vision and values of 05" "ompany, which should provide you with an idea of what we e4pect from our employees and what they, in return can e4pect from us. 2e work 9ondays to 8ridays, and +aturdays from I am:%6noon. *lease sign on the space below if you accept our offer.

+incerely yours, "lara +antos &( 9anager I accept the job offer of 05" Inc.

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