Context-Free Grammars Example Grammar: Arithmetic Expressions

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CS 326 Lecture 3 Context Free Grammars

CS 326 Lecture 3 Context Free Grammars

Context-free Grammars
Def: A Context-free Grammar (CFG) is a 4-tuple G=(N, !, P, S) where: 1. N is a finite, nonempty set of symbols (non-terminals) 2. ! is a finite set of symbols (terminals) 3. N * ! =+ 4. V, N$ ! (vocabulary) 5. S & N (Goal symbol or start symbol) 6. P is a finite subset of N - V* (Production rules). Sometimes written as G=(V, !, P,S), N = V \ !.

Example Grammar: Arithmetic Expressions

G = (N, !, P, E) where: N = { E, T, F} ! = { (, ), +, *, id} P = { E "T E"E+T T"F T " T*F F " id F " (E) } Note: P # NxV*, where V = N $ ! = { E,T,F,C,(,),+,*,id} Note: (A, % ) & P is usually written A"% or A :: = % or A : %

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CS 326 Lecture 3 Context Free Grammars

CS 326 Lecture 3 Context Free Grammars

Derivations of a Grammar
Directly Derives or ': If % and ( are strings in V* (vocabulary), then % directly derives ( (written % ' () iff there is a production A") s.t. A is a symbol in % Substituting string ) for A in % produces the string ( Canonical Derivation Step: The above derivation step is called rightmost if A is the rightmost nonterminal in %. (Similarly, leftmost.) A rightmost derivation step is also called canonical.

Derivations and Sentential Forms

Derivation: A sequence of steps %0 ' %1 ' %2 ' ' %n where %0 = S is called a derivation. It is written S '* %n If every derivation step is rightmost, then this is a canonical derivation. Sentential Form Each %i in a derivation is called a sentential form of G. Sentences and the Language L(G) A sentential form %i consisting only of tokens (i.e., terminals) is called a sentence of G. The language generated by G is the set of all sentences of G. It is denoted L(G).
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CS 326 Lecture 3 Context Free Grammars

CS 326 Lecture 3 Context Free Grammars

Parse Trees of a Grammar

A Parse Tree for a grammar G is any tree in which: The root is labeled with S Each leaf is labeled with a token a (a & !) or . (the empty string) Each interior node is labeled by a non-terminal. If an interior node is labeled A and has children labeled X1Xn , then A " X1Xn is a production of G If A " . is a production in G, then a node labeled A may have a single child labeled . The string formed by the leaf labels (left to right) is the yield of the parse tree.

Parse Trees (continued)

An intermediate parse tree is the same as a parse tree except the leaves can be non-terminals. Notes: Every % & L(G)is the yield of some parse tree. Why? Consider a derivation, S ' %1 ' %2 ' ' %n , where %n & L(G) For each %i, we can construct an intermediate parse tree. The last one will be the parse tree for the sentence %n . A parse tree ignores the order in which symbols are replaced to derive a string.

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CS 326 Lecture 3 Context Free Grammars

CS 326 Lecture 3 Context Free Grammars

Derivations and Parse Trees

id * id

Uniqueness of Derivations
Derivations and Parse Trees Every parse tree has a unique derivation: Yes? No? Every parse tree has a unique rightmost derivation: Yes? No? Every parse tree has a unique leftmost derivation: Yes? No? Derivations and Strings of the Language Every u & L(G) has a unique derivation: Yes? No? Every u & L(G) has a unique rightmost derivation: Yes? No? Every u & L(G) has a unique leftmost derivation: Yes? No?

E ' T ' T * F ' T * id



F * id


id * id

* id

id * id

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CS 326 Lecture 3 Context Free Grammars

CS 326 Lecture 3 Context Free Grammars

Def. A grammar, G, is said to be unambiguous if / u & L(G), 0 exactly one canonical derivation S '* u. Otherwise, G is said to be ambiguous. E.g., Grammar: E " E + E | E * E | ( E ) | id Two parse trees for u = id + id * id

Order of Evaluation of Parse Tree

Note: These are conventions, not theorems Code for a non-terminal is evaluated as a single block I.e., cannot partially execute it, then execute something else, then evaluate the rest A different parse tree would be needed to achieve that E.g. 1: Non-terminal T enforces precedence of * over + E.g. 2: E " E + T enforces left-associativity, E " T + E enforces right-associativity. Parse tree does not specify order of execution of code blocks Must be enforced by the code generated for parent block. Obey:
* id

E E id +

E E E id

E E + id

id * id

These are different syntactic interpretations of the input code

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Operator (e.g, +) cannot be evaluated before operands Associativity rules

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CS 326 Lecture 3 Context Free Grammars

CS 326 Lecture 3 Context Free Grammars

Detecting Ambiguity
Caution: There is no mechanical algorithm to decide whether an arbitrary CFG is ambiguous. But one common kind of ambiguity can be detected: If a symbol, A & N is both left-recursive (I.e., A '+ A%, |%| 1 0) and rightrecursive (i.e., A '+ (2, |(| 1 0), then G is ambiguous, provided that G is reduced (i.e., has no redundant symbols).

Removal of Ambiguity: Example 1

1. Enforce higher precedence for * E"E+E|T T " T * T | id | (E) 2. Eliminate right-recursion for E " E + E and T " T * T. E"E+T|T T " T * id | T * (E) | id | ( E )



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CS 326 Lecture 3 Context Free Grammars

Removal of Ambiguity: Example 2

The Infamous Dangling-Else Grammar: Stmt " if expr then stmt | if expr then stmt else stmt | other Solution: Introduce new non-terminals to distinguish matched then/else Stmt " matched_stmt | unmatched_stmt matched_stmt " if expr then matched_stmt else matched_stmt | other unmatched_stmt " if expr then stmt | if expr then matched_stmt else unmatched_stmt
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