Fall 2009

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Planning DePauw:
Campus Conversations on our Future Begin
F A L L 2 0 0 9
A message from
President Brian W. Casey
G reetings from the DePauw University campus,
As I write, it is a beautiful midsummer day in Greencastle, and
our community is eagerly awaiting the August influx of more than
700 young men and women comprising the large and talented Class
of 2013. Many of them are alumni legacies – about one in six of those
students will carry on direct family histories at this great institution.
Several became acquainted with DePauw at the urging of friends or

(Photo: Alex Turco ’10)

acquaintances who at one time called our campus home, and others
were directly recommended to our Office of Admission by DePauw
alumni. To those of you who helped bring these students to DePauw,
I extend my deepest gratitude.
Unlike many of our peer schools, DePauw is fortunate to have fulfilled its admission goal
for this fall’s incoming class. Economic challenges continue, however, to shape the plans of
many potential college students. Alumni assistance with recruitment has never been more
critically important than it is today. If you know young people who would benefit from the
DePauw experience – no matter when they will begin their college search – I strongly urge
you to bring them to the attention of our Office of Admission.
We are eager to hear from you, and I hope that you will take a few minutes to complete and
mail the postage-paid postcard included with this message, or to talk to one of our admission
staff members by phoning 765-658-4006 or 800-447-2495. You can also send suggestions
by e-mail to admission@depauw.edu. Please know your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Most sincerely,

Brian W. Casey
FALL 2009 • Volume 73 • No. 1

Larry G. Anderson, editor
Dian D. Phillips, art director-designer, director of publications

Graduates challenged to address needs of the world. Cultural Resource Center

Donna Grooms, class notes editor named in honor of Dorothy Brown. Horizon Lectureship celebrates centennial. Brad
Kelly A. Graves, designer, assistant director of publications
Richard Fields, University photographer Kelsheimer joins DePauw as vice president for finance and administration. DePauw
FALL 2009
Larry G. Ligget, editorial assistant
produces seven Fulbright recipients this year. Save the date for DePauw Discourse
Jennifer Clarkson Soster ’88, executive director of alumni relations
Lisa Hollander, vice president for development and alumni relations 2010. News briefs. Society of Professional Journalists 100th anniversary. Faculty
news. Lincoln’s DePauw biographers.

DePauw Alumni Association Officers
Janet L. Johns ’85, president
Marcus R. Veatch ’75, vice president LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
Sarah Roberts Houghland ’65, secretary
Alumni recall their days working at WGRE radio.
DePauw ContactS
Christopher J. Wells, interim vice president for admission and
financial aid
Ainlay ’73. Brockmann. Frobes ’62. Gulick ’44. Hall. Heckler ’85. Hershberger ’57.
christopherwells@depauw.edu Javernick ’60. LaDuke ’60. Nelsen ’64. Newman. Schwipps ’95. Straker ’44.

Alumni Relations
Jennifer Clarkson Soster ’88, executive director

Annual Fund
John R. Kuka, director President Brian W. Casey writes about a challenging M A G A Z I N E

johnkuka@depauw.edu year at the University. Admission: DePauw defies
S. Page Cotton Jr. ’71, director trend, enrolls more than 700 new students. Cam-
pagecotton@depauw.edu pus planning. Intellectual life. Faculty to consider
Career Services Center
Steve Langerud, director DePauw curriculum throughout the school year.
stevelangerud@depauw.edu Student spotlights: Graham Williams ’10 and
Class Notes
Donna Grooms Ganga Devaiah ’11. Faculty spotlights: Sherry Mou
765-658-4625 (fax)
and Greg L. Schwipps ’95. Planning DePauw:
Campus Conversations on our Future Begin

DePauw Magazine F A L L 2 0 0 9

Larry G. Anderson, editor
P.O. Box 37
Greencastle, IN 46135-0037
765-658-4628 ALUMNI PROGRAMS
765-658-4625 (fax)
www.depauw.edu/pa/magazine Janet Johns ’85 and Marcus Veatch ’75 are new president and vice president of the
Development and Alumni Relations
Lisa Hollander, vice president
Alumni Association. Celebration of DePauw Athletics. 2009 Community Leadership
lhollander@depauw.edu Award recipients. Alumni cyclists join students for Little 5 race. Alumni Reunion
Financial Aid
Craig A. Slaughter, director Weekend 2009 photographs. 2008-09 college fair representatives. Old Gold Weekend
craigslaughter@depauw.edu October 2-4, 2009. Host a Monon Bell telecast party in your area on Nov. 14. Xi
Media Relations
Ken Owen ’82, executive director Chapter of Sigma Chi to mark 150 years at DePauw. Alpha Chi Omega preparing to
kowen@depauw.edu celebrate 125th anniversary. Second annual National Month of Service photographs.
Registrar’s Office (transcripts)
Kenneth J. Kirkpatrick, registrar An Investment in Humanity: Edward Rector and his Historic Scholarship Program for
kjkirk@depauw.edu DePauw University.

Sports Information
Bill Wagner, director
Hotline (scores) CLASS NOTES
Web site
Jason C. Shore
Robert R. and Sally (Henning ’79) Carpenter ’78

Printed by Mignone Communications Inc., Huntington, Ind. www.depauw.edu/pa/magazine

News of the University

515 receive degrees in Class of 2009

Graduates challenged to
address needs of the world
“We have a great deal of work and quite a challenge ahead of us,” Matthew R. Jen-
nings told 514 fellow members of the Class of 2009 and their families at DePauw’s 170th
commencement in the Holton Memorial Quadrangle on Sunday, May 17. “I thank you for
the past four years and all the memories, experiences and friendships we have shared. All
that we need to do now is jump.”

(Photo: © Marilyn E. Culler)

Jennings told the audience about a rope swing in the Putnam County countryside that
his friends enjoyed jumping from, over a rocky area, and into a small lake below. At first
fearful of taking the plunge, Jennings was finally convinced by his pals to jump off the
“But if it [the challenge to
rope and into the water. The risk was well worth the reward, Jennings recalled, saying the
feeling of flinging himself from the swing into the water was “awesome.” solve world issues] had to

He added, “But believe it or not, rope swings on small lakes in rural Indiana aren’t the be given to one generation,
only things that evoke fear in this world.” Jennings reminded the students who sat before one graduating class, I’m
him in caps and gowns, “We live in a time of increased uncertainty, a time when major glad it is ours, the DePauw
corporations that were once the backbone of this country’s economy and the employer of
Class of 2009. I know that
thousands of people are now struggling to make payroll. We live in a time when issues
ranging from terrorism and war to climate change and global health crises are the main we can do it.”

headlines that dominate the nightly news and the morning paper.” – Matthew R. Jennings,
Walker Cup recipient
An Honor Scholar who double majored in French and political science and served as

Holton Memorial
Quadrangle was the
site of DePauw’s 170th
News of the University

The Class of 2009

posed for a
photo following

“ … in a thousand student body president, Jennings is the 2009 recipient of the Walker Cup, which recognizes
the senior student judged to have contributed the most to the University during his or her
different ways we wanted
four-year college career.
to give you the whole
Jennings told classmates that they should see the state of the world as an opportunity.
world, or the tools we “I challenge you, my classmates, to take the knowledge, work ethic and skill sets that your
thought you needed to family, friends, professors and mentors have instilled and shared with you throughout life
make your way.” and solve these issues. Is this a big challenge?” he asked. “Yep. But if it had to be given
– Brian W. Casey, to one generation, one graduating class, I’m glad it is ours, the DePauw Class of 2009. I
President of the University know that we can do it.”
DePauw’s 19th president, Brian W. Casey, spoke to the first graduating class under his
presidency and said, “Members of the great Class of 2009, there are a million things I want
to tell you about life and love and work and the way things are. That, of course, is not my
job here today and now. Besides, it’s always struck me as odd when a dean or president
would come to a podium at a commencement ceremony to tell the class the secrets of life,
as if the institution had somehow decided for some mysterious reason to withhold such
secrets from you for the past four years. But, in fact, this faculty and the deans and all the
staff have wanted nothing more than to give you all the secrets of life – whether they came
in the form of a poetry class, or a geochem lab, or a study session, or in the comments of
[Professor of English] Andrea Sununu’s papers – in a thousand different ways we wanted
to give you the whole world, or the tools we thought you needed to make your way.”
President Casey continued, “So now it’s time to make your way, and you’re ready.
The secret of life is to open your eyes, open your mind, open your heart. To be educated,
of course, is not to know everything. In fact, there’s very little we can know of the whole
world. But you can be ready for the world, ready to face it with bravery and courage right

News of the University
(Photo: © Marilyn E. Culler)

now if you’re ready to love its many expressions. For it’s love we’re talking about today, Above, a new
and wonder and joy. That is what I hope you’ve found here, and that is what I hope you tradition: DePauw
faculty members
bring to the world, the world waiting for you right now.” process through
In the ceremony’s principal address, John A. Dittmer, civil rights historian, Bancroft rows of graduates
on the way to the
Prize-winning author, distinguished lecturer for the Organization of American Historians commencement
and professor emeritus of history at DePauw, called upon the Class of 2009 to seize the ceremony.
historic opportunities they have to build a better nation and world.
(Photo: © Marilyn E. Culler)

“It may seem like cold comfort right now, but I believe that coming of age in an era of
adversity has provided you with an education you could not get in the classroom,” Dittmer
said. “I also believe that we are at a unique time and place in our history, where we have
John A. Dittmer the ability and the will to right many wrongs.”
He told the audience, “This is a festive occasion for all of us at DePauw – the graduat-
ing seniors and their families, as well as my colleagues on the faculty and staff. As it turns
out, today also has historical significance: 55 years ago, on May 17, 1954, at the Supreme
Court Building in our nation’s capital, Chief Justice Earl Warren was
handing down a unanimous decision, Brown v. Board of Education,
which declared that racially segregated public schools were inher-
ently unequal, in violation of the 14th Amendment, and therefore
“What has impressed me most about my two decades at DePauw
has been the willingness, the eagerness of so many students to take
what they have learned here and put it to work for the benefit of the
(Photo: © Marilyn E. Culler)

larger community, volunteering their talents to assist others in need,

and the Class of 2009 is continuing this tradition,” Dittmer said.
“And the University itself has made great progress. All we have to
do is look around at each other today to see that DePauw has come D. David Cryer ’58

News of the University

(Photo: © Marilyn E. Culler)

Above, from left, President Casey; honorary degree recipients John A. Dittmer and D. David
Cryer ’58; and R. David Hoover ’67, chairman of the board of trustees.

a long way since the Brown decision in attracting people of color to its student body, faculty
and administration. There is still a good distance to be traveled, but we are on the right
road, with next year’s entering class promising to be the most racially and internationally
diverse in our history.
“This country’s leaders are eager to confront long-festering problems in health care, in
education, the environment, and in climate change and nuclear proliferation, and they have
pledged to commit the resources to do so. Over the past century, there have been only two
periods in our history, the 1930s and the 1960s, where public policy and a commitment to
social justice have converged, and the stars may well be lined up the same way today.”
He concluded, “With all of the difficulties that beset us, then, this is also a time of great
opportunity. DePauw – and recent history – have prepared you to meet these challenges, to
make your contribution to a world where this nation might once again lead, not by military
might but through the power of its example, giving hope to all those who believe in the
possibilities of democracy.”
The University awarded honorary doctoral degrees to Dittmer and D. David Cryer ’58,
renowned performer on and off Broadway and a founding member of the American Conser-
vatory Theatre in San Francisco and Mirror Repertory Theater in New York City. Dittmer
received a Doctor of Humane Letters degree, and Cryer received a Doctor of Arts degree.
Two retiring DePauw faculty members also were recognized: Thomas D. Hall, Edward
Myers Dolan Professor of Anthropology and professor of sociology and anthropology,
who has taught at DePauw since 1989 will retire in June 2011, but the spring semester was
his last semester on campus; and Robert J. Stark, professor of biology, who came to the
University in 1981.

To read more about the 2009 commencement and

access video of the addresses, go to
Commencement photo galleries can be viewed at

News of the University

Cultural Resource Center

named in honor of Dorothy Brown
Dorothy Brown, who is known to several generations of DePauw students and faculty
members as well as the Greencastle community, has been honored for her contributions to the
college and city. The University’s Cultural Resource Center, located at 314 East Hanna Street,
was renamed in her honor.
Brown served as DePauw’s assistant director of minority affairs, taught in the education
department and has served as house mother for Phi Kappa Psi fraternity house on campus for
15 years.
Approximately 100 of Brown’s friends and admirers from DePauw and Greencastle gathered Dorothy Brown
at the Dorothy Brown Cultural Resource Center on March 31 for a
ceremony marking the facility’s rededication.

 Dorothy Chapman Brown was born in Tennessee and moved to
Greencastle in her teen years. She excelled in academics and track and
received a Bachelor of Science degree in education and then a master’s
degree in school administration from Indiana State University.
Brown was the first African-American to teach in Greencastle schools
and served as principal of Ridpath School. She taught in DePauw’s
education department from 1986-89.

She has been active in many local organizations, including
Greencastle Kiwanis, Putnam County Museum, NAACP, Gobin Me-
morial United Methodist Church and Girl Scouts. She has lectured and been discussion leader
for many multicultural programs and has been recognized for her hard work and dedication in
making the community a better place for all families to raise children.

Brown is an “an incredible inspiration who has made significant strides in her community,”
Nissy Stetson-Grace, assistant director of multicultural and community life, said.
Brown’s daughter, Charlene Shrewsbury, says her mother “makes us proud every day. I really
can’t think of a single act that would stand out more than all the rest because they’re all special.
She goes constantly, and she always has a busy day.” Shrewsbury is a captain in the DePauw
Public Safety department.

 At the event, DePauw senior Erik J. Lundorf, who is a member of Phi Kappa Psi, unveiled
a portrait of Brown, which will be displayed in the center that bears her name.

Dorothy Brown Cultural Resource Center is home to several affinity groups, including the
Committee for Latino Concerns, ASIA club and United DePauw.

See more photos from the Dorothy Brown Cultural

Resource Center rededication ceremony by going to the
photo gallery on the DePauw Web site at

News of the University

Horizon Lectureship
celebrates centennial
Guy Morrison Walker, Class of 1890, lived an extraordinary life and
had an exceptional impact upon DePauw. With family ties to DePauw
and Indiana Asbury University stretching back to before the Civil War,
Walker was an active and influential student, organizing one of the first
DePauw football teams in 1889. He went on to become a member of
the bar in six states, was an adviser to President McKinley on Chinese
affairs, and he successfully reorganized failed companies through his
own exceptional financial acumen.
DePauw alumni will easily recognize the Walker name due to his
endowment of the Walker Cup, presented annually to the outstanding
member of the senior class. However, in September 1909, well before
the Walker Cup was founded, Walker endowed another important
fund – the first lectureship at DePauw.
Searching for a way to provide a gift that “could be made to do the
most good and reach the largest number of students,” Walker decided
Guy Morrison Walker, Class of 1890 to establish a fund to bring exceptional speakers in political science or
history to campus on an annual basis. Walker named the new lecture-
(Photo: Larry Ligget)

ship The Horizon Lectures, saying, “I want the subjects selected and the lectures prepared with
the view of giving the hearing students the widest possible mental horizon.”
The first Horizon Lecturer was Professor Frank Fetter of Cornell University, who spoke in
1910. Fetter, an Indiana native, was an eminent economist whose work, The Principles of Econom-
ics, was a landmark text of the early 20th century.

“I hope that each series of lectures will succeed in fixing a new point in the mental

horizon of the students who hear them.”

– Guy Morrison Walker

The Horizon Lectureship twice hosted famed historian Will Durant – in 1927 and 1938.
Durant’s The Story of Philosophy was a bestseller in its time and is still found in bookstores today.
He and his wife, Ariel, went on to win the Pulitzer Prize for their highly popular series, The Story
of Civilization.
In the modern era, the Horizon Lectureship still attracts important scholars to DePauw. Most
recently, Christopher Achen of Princeton University, an expert in political methodology, delivered
the Horizon Lecture in February. The Walker family also continues the DePauw tradition; Chris-
tian B. Walker ’09 became the sixth generation of his family to graduate from DePauw when he
received his diploma in May.
In 1909 Guy Walker wrote, “I hope that each series of lectures will succeed in fixing a new
point in the mental horizon of the students who hear them.” Through many generations now,
The Horizon Lectures have done just that.

News of the University

Brad Kelsheimer joins DePauw as

vice president for finance and administration
Brad A. Kelsheimer was appointed vice president for finance and
administration, effective July 1. Kelsheimer came to DePauw from
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, where he worked since August
2000 and was associate vice president for financial affairs. He succeeded
Thomas A. Dixon, who served as DePauw’s interim vice president for
finance and administration through the end of the 2008-09 fiscal year.
“Brad is an experienced and well-regarded senior financial
administrator at a well-regarded academic institution. He has worked
closely with faculty members as well as the financial community in
service of Rose-Hulman’s mission,” DePauw President Brian W. Casey Brad A. Kelsheimer
said. “His ability to think strategically, along with his strong history of
solid financial oversight, will serve our institution very well. I’m delighted to welcome Brad to
DePauw University.”
Kelsheimer said, “I have been extraordinarily impressed with members of the DePauw
community that I’ve met, and I sense an energy on campus that is truly unique. This is an exciting,
transformational time for DePauw University. I feel very fortunate to be given an opportunity to
serve with a team that has embraced such an engaging dialog on the future that is built so solidly
on DePauw’s exceptional traditions and history.”
At Rose-Hulman, Kelsheimer developed an institution-wide initiative database and related
processes for matching faculty interests with potential funding sources as well as a financial reporting
package that provided timely, accurate and actionable data to campus leadership. Among his other
accomplishments, he helped guide the Institute’s board as Rose-Hulman Ventures (RHV) – which
links students with technology-based companies – was transformed from a grant-funded program
into a financially sustainable operation. He also oversaw and closed more than 50 private equity
transactions at RHV, resulting in returns that placed in the top 25 percent of all vintage 2000
venture funds. Kelsheimer also led efforts to secure federal funds and other grants, and created and
implemented the concept for the Terre Haute Innovation Alliance, a federally funded collaborative
partnership with Indiana State University.
Kelsheimer received a B.S. degree with high honors in accounting from the University of
Illinois, and he completed a M.S. degree in strategic management from Indiana University’s
Kelley School of Business in May.
He began his career at Price Waterhouse in Indianapolis in August 1990 as a staff/senior
auditor and then moved to General Housewares Corp. in Terre Haute (1995-2000), where he
served in several roles, including corporate controller and divisional chief financial officer. At
Rose-Hulman Ventures, Kelsheimer was business operations manager (August 2000 - February
2003) and vice president for administration and business affairs (February 2003-August 2005),
and he was associate vice president for financial affairs for Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
since March 2005.

News of the University

DePauw produces seven Fulbright recipients this year

Four students, one faculty member and two alumni received prestigious Fulbright awards
in the spring, bringing to a total of 25 the number of DePauw students, faculty members and
alumni who have been recipients of Fulbright awards during the last six years.
This year, three graduating seniors received international graduate study and research grants
through the 2009-10 Fulbright U.S. Student Program competition. They include:
• Ross A. Robinson ’09, who will spend the next academic year teaching English to young people
in Germany.
• Todd J. Schmid ’09, who will spend a year conducting sociolinguistic research in Paraguay.
• Jessica V. Strong ’09, who will spend a year conducting research in Germany about the effect
of music on an elderly population with dementia.
• Lauren A. Wendling ’09, who will travel to South Korea through an English Teaching Assistantship.
In addition, Rebecca L. Upton, associate professor of sociology and anthropology and coordi-
nator of the Conflict Studies Program, was selected to receive a 2009-10 U.S. Fulbright Scholar
award to conduct research on reproductive health, infertility and HIV/AIDS in Botswana and
help establish a HIV/AIDS Centre at the University of Botswana.
A 2007 graduate, Anne M. Schaufele, is the recipient of a Fulbright award to support a re-
search project in El Salvador, and Amanda J. Gebert ’08 will travel to France through an English
Teaching Assistantship as part of the Fulbright application process.
The Chronicle of Higher Education in its Oct. 24, 2008, edition listed DePauw among the
Top Producers of Fulbright Awards for U.S. Students. DePauw also ranks among the top 10
baccalaureate institutions in the nation for the total number of students who studied abroad in
2006-07, according to the 2008 Open Doors report.
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, the Fulbright U.S. Student Program is the
largest American international exchange program offering opportunities for students and young
professionals to undertake international graduate study, advanced research, university teaching,
and teaching in elementary and secondary schools worldwide.

Save the Date

DePauw Discourse
September 23-25
Please save the dates of Sept. 23-25 for DePauw Discourse 2010, a campus tradition that brings
together alumni and friends, distinguished guests, faculty members and students who engage in
conversation about pressing public issues and popular topics.
Previous DePauw Discourse participants have included Madeleine Albright, Lee H. Hamilton
’52, Vernon E. Jordan Jr. ’57, Paul Bremer, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and many other renowned
alumni and guests.
For more information, visit www.depauw.edu/discourse or contact
Steven J. Setchell ’96 at ssetchell@depauw.edu or 800-446-5298.

News Briefs

Record number of graduating seniors

commit to

Nineteen members of DePauw’s Class of 2009 committed to

Teach For America (TFA) for the next two years – a new record that Tigers win fourth consecutive
exceeds 2007’s total by four. In addition, a record 25 DePauw seniors SCAC President’s Trophy
were accepted for TFA. With about 4 percent of its graduating seniors DePauw won its fourth consecutive Southern Collegiate Athletic
entering TFA, DePauw is among the nation’s strongest contributors Conference President’s Trophy and its fifth in 11 years of conference
to the program. play. During the 2008-09 season, the Tigers captured five SCAC titles
A total of 70 DePauw students – 13.6 percent of the senior class in women’s cross country, men’s swimming, men’s tennis, women’s
– applied to Teach For America. That percentage slightly exceeded tennis and softball. DePauw teams were second in three sports: vol-
Ivy League participation rates. Among small colleges (2,999 or fewer leyball, women’s track and field, and women’s golf. Third-place finishes
undergraduates), only Barnard College (21) and College of the Holy came in six sports: men’s cross country, football, field hockey, women’s
Cross (20) had more graduating seniors commit to TFA than DePauw. basketball, women’s swimming and men’s golf.
Teach For America is the national corps of outstanding recent
college graduates of all academic majors who commit two years to
teach in urban and rural public schools and become lifelong leaders
in ensuring educational equity and excellence for all children.

Anthony M. Baratta ’11 and Taylor M. Cantril ’11

From left, Malisa Vongskul ’10, Erin M.
Donahue ’09 and Ashley M. Myers ’10 at Students extend environmental efforts
the Imagine Cup technology competition to international events
Sophomores Anthony M. Baratta and Taylor M. Cantril, both
First all-women technology team is members of the DePauw Environmental Policy Project (DEPP), were
first runner-up in Imagine Cup among 3,000 government delegates, scientists and environmental
A DePauw student team was the first all-women team to reach organization representatives who gathered in Bonn, Germany, from
the U.S. final round of the Imagine Cup, Microsoft Corp.’s annual June 1-12 for the United Nations Climate Change Talks. The Bonn
global student technology competition. Senior Erin M. Donahue, conference was the second of six major negotiation sessions leading up
junior Ashley M. Myers and former student Malisa Vongskul received to a final meeting in Copenhagen in December 2009. The agreement
the first runner-up prize for their project: an application they call a that emerges from the Copenhagen meeting will ultimately replace
Computer-Assisted Medication Regimen Adherence (CAMRA) that the Kyoto Protocol, which expires at the end of 2012.
provides a medication regimen directly to a patient’s personal mobile The two DePauw students also hope to travel to Copenhagen to
device. They won a choice of $4,000 cash or $8,000 toward a National participate in the completion of the negotiations.
Collegiate Inventor and Innovator’s Alliance e-team grant to support Editor’s note: Readers may remember that Baratta and Cantril were
further development of their project. The theme of the seventh annual both included in the feature section about sustainability at DePauw that
competition was solving world issues and problems outlined in the was printed in the spring issue of DePauw Magazine. Cantril also wrote
United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals. an essay for the feature section.

News Briefs

Senior is one of the top 20 Wide variety of internships

collegiate sports broadcasters for Management Fellows
Senior John R. Herrick was named one Management Fellows have the opportunity to gain hands-on experi-
of the top 20 collegiate sports broadcasters in ence in semester-long internships around the nation and world, usually
the country by Sportscasters Talent Agency during their junior year. Management Fellows and their internship
of America (STAA). Herrick, who has served sites this fall include: John R. Brickson and Michelle Wang, Brunswick
as sports director of student radio station Group, New York City; Bethany L. Harrod, Chip Shields and Travis K.
WGRE, broadcasts football, basketball, Sheppard, Cummins India, Pune, India; Stephen L. Kendrick, OFII,
baseball and softball, and hosts the sports-talk Washington, D.C.; Yavor S. Kovachev, Anova Group, Chicago; Courtney
John R. Herrick ’10
program, The Sports Reporters. N. Lauer, Watson Wyatt Financial Group, St. Louis; Justin Q. Quall and
John W. Scott, Independent Purchasing Cooperative, Miami; Hunter
DePauw’s graduation rate is fifth highest C. Schouweiler, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, White Plains,
in the nation N.Y.; Mischa A. Serlin, Food Services Inc., Minneapolis; Benjamin L.
DePauw has one of the highest graduation rates among America’s Stilwell, American Education Group, Grand Rapids, Mich.
institutions of higher education, according to a new, national report.
“Diplomas and Dropouts: Which Colleges Actually Graduate Their DePauw-hosted Relay for Life raised $160,000
Students (and Which Don’t)” was prepared for the American Enterprise Participants in the 2009 Putnam County Relay for Life met the
Institute on Public Policy based on data from the U.S. Department challenges posed by difficult economic times and raised $160,000
of Education. It found that DePauw’s graduation rate of 81 percent for the American Cancer Society, matching the total collected at the
is the fifth highest in the nation among “very competitive” schools, end of the 2008 Relay. The event, which took place at Blackstock
and it is number two in the Midwest. Stadium, annually brings together the DePauw and Putnam County
DePauw and the University of Notre Dame are the only two Indiana communities. A total of 1,417 individuals and 110 teams registered
colleges to place in the national top 10 list. for the event, and countless others were on hand for the festivities. The
When averaging all colleges and universities in the country, the 2009 Relay was co-chaired by seniors Raija M. Bushnell and Maribeth
research indicated that only 55 percent of students receive degrees A. Kupstas along with local resident Becky Barham.
within six years. The report compiled the federal government’s six-year The DePauw-hosted Relay has won several awards for being one
graduation rates for all the four-year undergraduate institutions in the of the best of its kind among American colleges and universities. The
United States. fundraiser was first held in 1998 and raised $20,000.

Bringing together groups from the DePauw campus and surrounding

communities, the 2009 Relay for Life took place at Blackstock Stadium
and raised $160,000 for the American Cancer Society.

News of the University

Society of Professional Journalists 100th Anniversary

Robert M. Steele ’69, Eugene S. Pulliam Distinguished Visiting Professor of Journalism at DePauw
and Poynter Institute faculty member, moderated a panel discussion on “Journalism in Times of
Peril and Promise” as part of the centennial celebration of the Society of Professional Journalists
on April 17. Panelists included Ken Paulson, who leads the Freedom Forum and Newseum and
is former editor of USA Today; Karen B. Dunlap, president of the Poynter Institute; Jan Schaffer,
executive director of J-Lab: The Institute for
Interactive Journalism; Suzanne McCarroll, a
reporter at KCNC-TV in Denver; Bob Edwards of XM Radio and NPR; Above, Bob Edwards
of XM Radio and NPR,
and Bruce Sanford, SPJ legal counsel and First Amendment attorney.
responds to a question
The session took place in Meharry Hall, up the stairs from the room in from the audience.
which SPJ was founded 100 years ago.

Jane Pauley presented

the Timothy and
Sharon Ubben
Lecture in Meharry
Hall in conjunction
with the Society
of Professional
Journalists 100th

Faculty Briefs

Tom Chiarella, visiting professor of Robert F. Dewey, assistant professor of history, was elected a
creative writing and fiction editor for Esquire, Fellow of the Royal Historical Society (RHS) in Great Britain. Dewey
joined other writers and editors of the magazine was honored for his recently published book, British National Identity
in receiving a 2009 National Magazine Award. and Opposition to Membership of Europe, 1961-63: The Anti-Marketeers.
The American Society of Magazine Editors Election to fellowship status is conferred on individuals who have made
Chiarella recognized them for “The Esquire Almanac “an original contribution to historical scholarship in the form of significant
of Steak,” which appeared in the September 2008 issue. published work.”
n n
Page Cotton, The Theodore Katula Director of Athletics, Orcenith G. Smith, professor of
director of recreational sports and professor of kinesiology, was selected music and music director of the DePauw
to represent NCAA Division III colleges on the National Sports Travel Orchestra, was invited to serve as a member
Task Force, which will work to address unique travel concerns inherent of the international jury at the Vienna Inter-
in the sports industry. Joining Cotton on the task force are leaders from national Youth and Music Festival held July
Major League Baseball, National Basketball Association, National Hockey Smith 11-14. Smith was the only American on the
League, National Football League, NFL Players Association, National five-member panel.
Collegiate Athletics Association and other organizations.

The 2009 Timothy and Sharon Ubben Society of Teacher-Scholars and Faculty Recognition
(Photo: © Marilyn E. Culler)

(Photo: © Marilyn E. Culler)

Robert J. Stark, professor of biology, is the 2009 recipient of the Mr. Bridget L. Gourley, John Price Durbin John Distinguished
and Mrs. Fred C. Tucker Jr. Distinguished Career Award. Above, Professor, professor of chemistry and biochemistry and chair of that
from left, Neal B. Abraham, executive vice president and dean of the department, is the inaugural recipient of the G. Bromley Oxnam
faculty, Stark, and President Brian W. Casey. Award for Service. Above, from left, Neal B. Abraham, executive vice
president and dean of the faculty, Gourley, and President Brian W.

At left, Deborah R. Geis, associate professor of English, and Thomas

D. Hall, Edward Myers Dolan Professor of Anthropology and
professor of sociology and anthropology, received the Edwin L.
Minar Jr. Scholarship Award for exceptional scholarly achievement.
From left, Neal B. Abraham, executive vice president and dean of the
faculty, Geis, Hall, and President Brian W. Casey.
(Photo: © Marilyn E. Culler)

News of the University

Lincoln’s DePauw biographers

By John T. Elliff ’63
Secretary, Lincoln Group of the District of Columbia

he Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial in 2009 is a time to recall DePauw alumni
who wrote early Lincoln biographies. Jesse W. Weik, Class of 1875, collabo-
rated with Lincoln’s law partner, William H. Herndon, to write Herndon’s
Lincoln (1889) and later produced The Real Lincoln (1922). Indiana Senator
Albert J. Beveridge, Class of 1885, wrote two volumes, Abraham Lincoln,
1809-1858 (1928), before his death.
Indiana Asbury University’s charismatic professor John Clark Ridpath, who played a key role
in renaming the University in honor of Washington C. DePauw, encouraged Weik’s first contact
with Herndon. After Lincoln’s assassination, Herndon interviewed and corresponded with people
who knew Lincoln, but was unable to assemble a biography. In the 1880s, Weik used Herndon’s
records and recollections to create a work once described as “the outstanding biography of all time.”
Their joint writing was done on hot summer days above the Weik family store in Greencastle.
Herndon’s Lincoln is famous for its accounts of Lincoln’s life in Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois
that became the stuff of American legend. Examples:
After the death of their mother little Abe and his sister Sarah began a dreary life
– indeed, one more cheerless and less inviting seldom falls to the lot of any child.
His chief delight during the day … was to lie down under the shade of some invit-
ing tree and to read and study.
Abe’s original and ridiculous stories not only amused the crowd, but the display of
his unique faculties made him many friends.
Some historians questioned the credibility of recollections gathered years after events, especially
accounts of Lincoln’s relationship with Ann Rutledge. In the early 1990s, however, meticulous
studies by Lincoln scholars Douglas L. Wilson and John Y. Simon confirmed the basic reliability
of the evidence. (Photo this page: Library of Congress)

News of the University

Wilson and his Knox College colleague, Douglas. That interpretation does injustice
Rodney O. Davis, published an annotated to Beveridge’s vividly detailed descriptions of
edition of Herndon’s Lincoln in 2006 that political forces in the 1850s as they would have
highlighted Weik’s literary achievement, and been perceived by Lincoln and Douglas.
in Herndon’s Informants (1998) they published Beveridge identifies a key turning point
all the source materials that Herndon and Weik in Lincoln’s development as a leader. His “first
gathered for the biography. Weik’s The Real great speech” in 1854 was a powerfully argued
Lincoln was edited by Michael Burlingame and attack on the repeal (sponsored by Douglas) of

(Photo: DePauw Archives and Special Collections)

published in 2002 with the annotated texts of the 1820 ban on slavery in the Kansas-Nebraska
Weik’s post-1891 sources. territory. “On that subject,” Beveridge says,
Weik contributed directly to Senator “no man in Illinois or the whole country was
Beveridge’s biography. They became friends better prepared than Lincoln. … Lincoln was
through DePauw connections, and Beveridge now in his forty-sixth year and this speech was
found the publisher for Weik’s 1922 book. In Jesse W. Weik wholly unlike any before made by him. Indeed,
turn, Weik made his and Herndon’s records if it and his public utterances thereafter were
available to Beveridge. (One account says this happened when Weik placed side by side with his previous speeches, and the authorship of
was editor of the DePauw Alumnal Register.) them were unknown, it would appear impossible that they had been
After his Senate terms ended, Beveridge wrote a biography of Chief written by the same man.”
Justice John Marshall and turned to Lincoln. For the first volume, he Beveridge helps us understand how a former one-term Illinois
combined oral history with contem- Congressman matured, mid-life, into the most effective leader of a
porary correspondence, government new political party at a time of national crisis. An adequate explanation
records, legal materials and newspaper requires the kind of immersion into the events, emotions, and partisan
(Photo: DePauw Archives and Special Collections)

reports to provide an in-depth portrait and judicial dynamics of the 1850s that Beveridge provides. Although
of Lincoln as youth, rising politician and used copies are available from online booksellers, a new critical edition
successful lawyer. Beveridge’s scholarly is needed.
discipline met academic standards, and Also needed, according to Michael Burlingame, is publication of
his political experience fed critical ob- the writings of another DePauw alumnus, Rev. J. Edward Murr, who
servations of Lincoln’s legislative and Senator Beveridge is cited in Beveridge’s first volume and in Burlingame’s comprehensive
electoral maneuvering. two-volume Abraham Lincoln: A Life (2008). DePauw archives hold
His second volume covering 1850-58 is controversial. Some historians articles and a typescript, The Wilderness Years of Abraham Lincoln,
interpret Beveridge as “demythologizing” Lincoln, overly generous to based on Rev. Murr’s interviews with Hoosier acquaintances of the
Southern views and more interested in Lincoln’s adversary, Stephen A. Lincoln family.

DePauw’s Lincoln
DePauw Archives has prepared more information about
DePauw’s Lincoln connections and Lincoln’s time in Indiana.


Letters to the Editor

morning coffee. The owner/operator of the diner always turned on

WGRE when I came in the door, so I could hear the station as I got my
shot of caffeine. Then, with minutes to go, I’d run back to the station,
and nobody was the wiser.
One morning, the diner owner suddenly jerked his head up, pointed
at the radio and, eyes wide, said, “Listen, listen!”
The turntable needle had stuck in the preacher’s sermon at :
spring 2009
INsIdE thIs IssuE: sustAINAbIlIty At dEpAuw
“Jesus Christ … Jesus Christ … Jesus Christ …”
Light Puddles
An award-winning painting by Barbara Fields Timm, part-time assistant professor of art,
inspired by the DePauw Nature Park. I never ran so fast in my life.
That was the only time I was glad for just those 10 WHOLE watts,
They were there at WGRE’s beginning which barely got the signal more than a few blocks from the studio.
Dear Editor: I can’t really say that my adventures in that first year of broadcast-
I read your story about WGRE and its 60th anniversary [spring ing are what put me on the path to a producing career in the local and,
2009 issue] with great interest. As a freshman, I was in that first group ultimately, national media, but it didn’t hurt, either.
of students who operated the station back in 1949, and I remember – Bruce B. Cox ’53
Betty Turnell with affection. Fort Collins, Colo.
Most of my work at the station was as an announcer and “rip and
read” newscaster. We didn’t do a lot of rewrites in those days. As I recall,
we’d sign the station on and off with:
Good morning and welcome to WGRE, your campus radio station.
WGRE is owned and operated by the trustees of DePauw University and
operates on a frequency of ___ with a power of 10 WHOLE watts. (You
can see where the emphasis went. The “WHOLE” was always a student Editor:
add-on until Miss Turnell heard it one night and quickly quashed it.) I really enjoyed the article [in the spring issue] about the 60th an-
Then, we’d play the national anthem and stumble into our first niversary of station WGRE. I was a student at DePauw from 1947-51.
program of the day. Our little transmitter was so small that it fit in a I was a speech major, but I also was very much involved with musical
closet just outside the announcer’s booth. groups as well.
There was the usual amount of tomfoolery in those days. Our My first experience with WGRE was a late-night [11 p.m.] DJ show.
announcers almost always stood while they read their copy, and if we I don’t know how long the show ran, but I remember that my theme
heard there was a tour coming through, one of us would come in and, song was “Jumpy Stumpy” by Les Brown & His Orchestra. My opening
at an appropriate moment, drop the announcer’s pants as the tour group line was “This is your Old Night Owl – who confidentially doesn’t give
went by. Or, we might take a cigarette lighter to the bottom of his script, a hoot.” I’m not claiming it was a great line, but that’s what it was.
which made for some very long pauses in the voice of the station. Poor During my senior year (1951), the studio had moved from Harrison
Betty, she really tried to keep us on the straight and narrow. Hall to the new Union Building. During my last broadcast, I received
The worst thing that ever happened to me takes a bit of setup to a phone call from a woman in Greencastle, who was the mother of one
tell. Back in 1949, before we ever owned a tape machine, we operated of the members of a Cub Scout group I had worked with for a year. She
most of the programming from one of two flanking turntables on either wanted to say good-bye and wished me good luck. My problem was
side of the disk jockey or break announcer. Half-hour shows would be that I had not become used to the new board, and I forgot to separate
converted onto 15-inch vinyl recordings by the producing organization my phone call from my microphone. Ms. Turnell [Betty J. Turnell, co-
and shipped to us by mail. We’d play them the same way you played an founder of WGRE radio in April 1949] was not very happy that our
individual musical selection. Stick the needle on ‘em and let ‘er rip. conversation was heard on WGRE.
I worked the Sunday morning shift – a lonely and thankless job. One of my DJ programs was aired shortly after Al Jolson died. My
Each Sunday I’d put on one of those church service programs, run down whole program was dedicated to his music. Ms. Turnell liked that pro-
the stairs and out the door to a nearby diner where I’d sit and have my gram. Not long after that, a famous big band leader died [who was not

Letters to the Editor

as famous as Jolson], and I dedicated another show to him. Ms. Turnell Today, I have a podcast that goes all over the world to business and
told me that she hoped no more famous musicians would die soon. sales teams. I also have an online video presence and speak all over the
Another memory that might be of interest to you is about a variety world. And each one of those disciplines was informed by WGRE and
show we aired on WGRE. The show had a theme song, “Remember competencies I learned while there.
When,” which was used both as a beginning and ending song. I wrote In a way, the WGRE experience had little to do with radio and the
the music, and Dave Gates [’54] and I wrote the words. Enclosed are technology – and more to do with the people that it allowed me to
copies of the song and the words. connect with.
– Leo V. Deal ’51 Never ever stop doing what you’re doing!
East Lansing, Mich. – William B. Caskey ’78
Carmel, Ind.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Thank you, Leo. We shared the music and words to
“Remember When” with both today’s WGRE and the University archives. The hog reports
Dear Editor:
I may have neglected to mention that often a role behind the mic
brings love and marriage!
The woman who would become my wife (Lauren Meurisse Johnson
’76) joined the WGRE staff sometime before we started dating, and
like many first timers, she was assigned to read the “hog reports” to
fulfill our public service obligation to the local farming community.
(Photo: DePauw Archives and Special Collections)

Of course, few if any DePauw students could ever get through those
smoothly since most were suburban kids whose only pig experience or
knowledge came at a petting zoo! It made for a good dose of humility
for many of us who didn’t stand a chance of getting it right and some
well-earned respect for the 4H kids among us who did!
The kicker is, our competition, the commercial Greencastle radio
Elizabeth Turnell, who taught speech communication and super- station, chose to read the names and illnesses of people in the Putnam
vised WGRE for 25 years, is pictured above in the radio station
with some former students in the 1970s. County hospital at the same hour as we did the hog reports. And the
Greencastle station consistently had a much bigger following!
– Richard “Dick” S. Johnson’76
WGRE also meant connections
Burr Ridge, Ill.
Dear Editor:
With all due respect to many great professors at DePauw in the ’70s,
WGRE had, by far, the biggest influence on my business life.
Today, what little success I’ve had in business started at WGRE.
Letters to the Editor Policy:
The DePauw Magazine welcomes letters from alumni on
From my work with fellow students (Dick Johnson and Eric Sorenson,
articles and University issues. All letters must be signed and
who both went on to be national broadcast celebs) to (current director)
may be edited for clarity and space.
Jeff McCall, many of my first connections came as a result of working
the beat. Address letters to: DePauw Magazine, DePauw University, 300
While there, I had a chance to interview Senator Richard Lugar E. Seminary St., P.O. Box 37, Greencastle, IN 46135-0037
when he spoke on campus. Fast forward 25 years – I was a guest of his E-mail: landersn@depauw.edu
in Washington for lunch, which would not have happened without the Fax: 765-658-4625
WGRE connection.

Recent Words

THOMAS “TAJ” E. AINLAY JR. ’73, The Seven Spices, (EZway Books, LLC – ISBN: 978-
0-9710484-0-9). Thomas Ainlay wrote most of The Seven Spices while living in Tokyo, where he
became acquainted with shichimi, a Japanese seasoning that contains seven spices – hence, the
title of his most recent book of poems. This collection of 44 poems, written on three continents
and more than a quarter century in the making, is arranged into seven illustrated sections. Ain-
lay reflects on the topics of love, nature, family, passion, self, death and spirit. Ainlay says he is
fortunate “to have lived a most delectably varied 57 years in Asia, Europe and North America.”
Richness of taste, he states, is not possible without mixtures challenging to the palate, and not all
of them are pleasurable. He also believes that richness in life is the same, and in The Seven Spices
he shares some bitter moments and some sweet ones, hoping that a little spice might be added
to readers’ lives.

NICOLE M. BROCKMANN, assistant professor of music, From Sight to Sound: Improvisa-

tional Games for Classical Musicians (Indiana University Press – ISBN: 978-0-253-22064-6). From
Sight to Sound provides practical and creative techniques for classical improvisation for musicians
of all levels and instruments, solo or in ensembles. The exercises in this text build aural and com-
municative skills, instrumental technique and musical understanding. When students use their
own instruments to execute and improvise on theoretical concepts, they make vivid connections
between abstract ideas and their own playing. This then allows the students to unite performance
with music theory, ear-training, historical style and context, chamber music skills and listening
skills. Many of the exercises in this book are designed for players working in pairs or small groups,
so performers also learn to communicate with one another and build an atmosphere of trust in
which creativity and spontaneity may flourish.

CAROLE “COBE” B. FROBES ’62, The Streets of Forest Highlands: Stories Behind the Names
(Forest Highlands Association). For more than a decade, Forest Highlands has been described by
Golf Digest as the number one golf location in Arizona, and it has also been ranked among the top
100 courses in the world by Golf Magazine. Interestingly, the streets of this golfing community
are named for some of Arizona’s most extraordinary characters – a number of them famous, and
some infamous – reflecting the history of Northern Arizona and its pioneers. In this quick read,
Carole “Cobe” Frobes tips her hat to these bygone figures by telling the stories behind the names.
Richard Kern cul-de-sac runs off of Griffiths Spring to the left of the 13th tee boxes on Canyon
Course and is named for the explorer, artist and topographer who – working mostly in water
color – was the first American to portray the peoples and cultures of the Southwest. Len Huck
road runs along the driving range leading to the Meadow Clubhouse and is named in honor of
banker, civic leader and philanthropist Leonard W. Huck ’44. The stories of 34 individuals as
told by Frobes are sure to inform, amuse and entertain.

M. LEWIS GULICK ’44, An Investment in Humanity: Edward Rector and His Historic Scholar-
ship Program for DePauw University (DePauw University – ISBN 978-0-936631-14-1). Edward
Rector’s involvement with DePauw University began in 1915, and ever since the ripples of his
philanthropy have expanded – and continue to expand – far, permeating well beyond our time
and place. Until recently, however, little has been published about Rector and the historic scholar-
ship program he funded for the University. In An Investment in Humanity: Edward Rector and His

Recent Words

Historic Scholarship Program for DePauw University, Gulick skillfully tells us not only about the
man but also about Rector’s endeavor to set up and maintain a scholarship program that would
attract to DePauw some of the best and brightest graduates from high schools throughout America,
and further to ensure that these gifted students could attend. This is the story of the fulfillment of
Rector’s dreams and the stresses and successes of the program that is so closely intertwined with
the history of DePauw itself. An Investment in Humanity pays homage to Edward Rector, whose
scholarship donation to DePauw in 1919 was the largest in history to an Indiana school and one
of the biggest ever to a small liberal arts college. For more information about this book and how
to order a copy, go to page 58.

THOMAS D. HALL, Edward Myers Dolan Professor of Anthropology and professor of so-
ciology and anthropology, and James V. Fenelon, Indigenous Peoples and Globalization, Resistance
and Revitalization (Paradigm Publishers – ISBN: 978-1-59451-657-3). The issues native peoples
face intensify with globalization. Through case studies from around the world, Hall and Fenelon
demonstrate how indigenous peoples’ movements can be understood only by linking highly localized
processes with larger global and historical forces. The authors show that indigenous peoples have
been resisting and adapting to encounters with states for millennia. Unlike other antiglobaliza-
tion activists, indigenous peoples primarily seek autonomy and the right to determine their own
processes of adaptation and change, especially in relationship to their origin lands and community.
The authors link their analyses to current understandings of the evolution of globalization.

DONNA A. HECKLER ’85 and Brian D. Till, The Truth About Creating Brands People
Love (FT Press – ISBN: 978-0-13-712816-7). What’s the secret to creating brands people love
– brands that people not only flock to buy, but brands that earn a place in the hearts and minds
of consumers? In The Truth About Creating Brands People Love, Donna Heckler and Brian Till,
leading brand experts, offer answers to these questions by providing marketers with 51 crucial
principles for successful branding. This book illustrates universal truths about brand management
that cover the range of brand-building activities. Marketers and business professionals will learn
how to define brand promise, name and position new brands, determine when, if and how to
reposition existing brands and much more. The Truth About Creating Brands People Love doesn’t
deliver abstract theory, it delivers quick, just-the-facts information that marketers can actually use.

JO PETRY HERSHBERGER ’57, Some Good Memory (Outskirts Press, Inc. – ISBN: 978-
1-4327-2513-6). In the fall of 1947, newcomer Kate Freeman feels like a social misfit until she
joins three seventh-grade classmates for an after-school bicycle ride to the local cemetery. On their
way home, the four girls share an experience that frightens them so badly that they vow never
to tell another soul. That pledge forms the foundation for a friendship that molds them into a
tight unit. When the four enter high school, circumstances beyond their control begin to crack
their solidarity. Reluctantly, they drift apart. Their close friendship, however, remains a cherished
memory – one that is strong enough to bring them together more than 50 years later when one
faces serious problems. Some Good Memory spans the jukebox years after World War II to the
somber days following the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. Full of the flavor of history,
it is most of all a story of lifelong friendship – one that makes the reader smile and recall, “I once
had a group like that.”

Recent Words

ELLEN WORK JAVERNICK ’60 and Kevin O’Malley, illustrator, The Birthday Pet (Marshall
Cavendish Children – ISBN: 978-0-7614-5522-6). One day Ellen Javernick was helping a young
boy to his feet after he collided with a boisterous puppy. Unhappy and with tears in his eyes, the
boy looked up and said, “I told them I wanted a turtle for my birthday, but they got me this dog.”
This incident provided the spark for Javernick’s delightful new rhyming book, The Birthday Pet,
beautifully illustrated by Kevin O’Malley. Danny, the young boy in the story, wants a pet turtle
for his birthday, but family members all have different ideas. As members of his family speak to
him, Danny is wearing things that look “turtleish.” The simple verse permits readers to anticipate
and complete the rhymes as each page is turned. In the end, everyone – including Danny – is
happy. There is a brief note in the front of the book that reminds readers that box turtles need
proper care. This is a wonderful read-aloud book.

A. JEANNE LaDUKE ’60 and Judy Green, Pioneering Women in American Mathematics:
The Pre-1940 PhD’s (American Mathematical Society – ISBN: 978-0-8218-4376-5). More than
14 percent of the Ph.D. degrees awarded in the United States during the first four decades of
the 20th century went to women, a proportion not achieved again until the 1980s. In Pioneer-
ing Women in American Mathematics, the authors identify all of the 228 American women who
earned Ph.D. degrees in mathematics before 1940, and they provide extensive biographical and
bibliographical information about each of them, revealing insight into the larger scientific and
cultural communities in which they lived and worked. The authors examine family backgrounds,
education, careers and other professional activities, discovering that many more women earned
Ph.D. degrees in mathematics before 1940 than is commonly thought.

ROGER B. NELSEN ’64 and Claudi Aisina, When Less Is More: Visualizing Basic Inequalities
(The Mathematical Association of America – ISBN: 978-0-88385-342-9). Inequalities permeate
mathematics from the Elements of Euclid to operations research and financial mathematics. Too
often, especially in secondary and collegiate mathematics, the emphasis is on things equal to one
another rather than unequal. While equalities and identities are without doubt important, they
don’t possess the richness and variety that one finds with inequalities. The objective of When Less
Is More is to illustrate how the use of visualization can be a powerful tool for better understanding
some basic mathematical inequalities. They show how to produce figures in a systematic way for
the illustration of inequalities and open new avenues to creative ways of thinking and teaching.

DAVID M. NEWMAN, professor of sociology, Sociology: Exploring the Architecture of Everyday

Life, Seventh Edition, (Pine Forge Press – ISBN: 978-1-4128-6152-3). The seventh edition of
Newman’s book invites students to delve further into the fascinating world of sociological thought.
Encouraging students to think more about how sociology applies to their everyday lives, this edi-
tion features updated coverage and fresh examples, including revamped micro-macro connections
to help students understand the link between individual lives and the structure of society. This
edition includes new and updated coverage throughout, including sections on Muslim-Americans,
global warming and sexual orientation. It also includes fresh examples and updated statistical
information throughout the text, along with recent exhibits and impactful visual essays.

Recent Words

Assistant Professor of English Gregory L. Schwipps ’95 read from his acclaimed new novel,
What This River Keeps (Ghost Road Press), followed by a booksigning at the Walden Inn
on April 29, 2009.
GREGORY L. SCHWIPPS ’95, assistant professor of English, What This River Keeps (Ghost
Road Press – ISBN: 978-0-9816525-5-9). Even though he grew up on a working farm on the
outskirts of Milan, Ind., Greg Schwipps says almost nothing in this novel is autobiographical,
but Schwipps’ roots – the farmland and the people he knows and loves so well – are an indelible
part of his first novel. The setting is the rolling hills of southern Indiana where an elderly couple
copes with the fear that their river bottom farm – the only home they’ve ever known – will be
taken from them through an act of eminent domain. The river flowing through their land and
the current the old man has fished nearly every day of his life may be dammed to form a reservoir.
Their son, slipping deeper into troubles of his own, struggles to define his place both in a new
romantic relationship and in the family heritage. This beautiful and heartfelt debut novel examines
what it means to love a place and a family, and the sometimes staggering cost of that affection.

MARY HELEN CLEARY STRAKER ’44, The Hills of Home: Five Generations of a Pioneer
Ohio Family (New Concord Press – ISBN: 978-1-887932-19-6). This historical novel chronicles
five generations of the Rich family, who were pioneers in the hills of Pennsylvania and southeastern
Ohio beginning in the mid-18th century with the arrival of Jacob Reich. The story begins with a
widow’s arrival from England during the last decade of the 18th century and continues to describe
the first Ohio expedition, a primitive camp in the winter of 1810-11. Accompanied throughout
by heartrending, poignant family letters, the second part of the book continues with the story of
farm life for the Rich family well into the 20th century. Mary Helen Straker was born in Iowa,
but she grew up in Zanesville, Ohio. After graduating from DePauw, she worked on the staff of
the New York-based magazine Two to Six, the Zanesville (Ohio) Signal and The Seattle Times.

2 Read more book reviews in previous issues of DePauw Magazine at


extraordinary year
at DePauw
By Brian W. Casey

The past year has been a remarkably challenging one for institutions of higher education,
as the global economic downturn put pressure on endowments and giving decreased. U.S.
colleges and universities nationwide faced difficult choices.
DePauw, too, faced decisions as we grappled with both the impact of the downturn and
the need to eliminate pressures on our operating budget caused by rising health insurance and
energy costs, increased costs of debt, and challenges resulting from Walden Inn operations.
Through a rigorous process of carefully reviewing and tightening the budgets for every division
of the University, combined with two special Board of Trustees committees that reviewed our
health insurance costs and the operations of the Walden Inn & Conference Center (chaired
by Michael L. Smith ’70 and Erik G. Nelson ’61, respectively), the Board of Trustees was able
to approve a 2009-10 operating budget that shows a small surplus.
Composing this budget required a number of difficult decisions, including:
• A reduction of 13 term-limited faculty positions and 17 staff positions through attrition
• No salary increases for faculty and staff members
• A reduction in the University’s contribution toward retiree healthcare
•One-time cuts in equipment and maintenance budgets
A balanced budget is a good first step. Unfortunately, continued economic uncertainty and
market volatility are likely to negatively affect the University’s finances for a number of years as
DePauw’s endowment, gifts and tuition revenue slowly recover from their lows. Continued cost-
saving measures will be required in the years ahead, and this will mean more difficult decisions
for DePauw.
In the next year, we will maintain our hiring freeze. This means, on the academic side of the
house, that as term appointments for non-tenured faculty come due, we will not renew these
positions. This will place increased burdens on the remaining faculty members, a situation that
we cannot tolerate for long without harming our academic enterprise. We will monitor this
situation very closely. We will also continue to review the operations of the Walden Inn and its
associated conference center and the institution’s benefit structure with the help of appropriate
faculty committees as well as special Board of Trustee committees.
I will continue to communicate with the campus and alumni community to let all know how
we are managing this situation. Know that every decision we make will be driven by the impact
on our students and the living and learning experience at DePauw. We will remain extremely
focused on this, our core mission.

There is a strong temptation during times of profound

uncertainty to put on the brakes, to retreat, to hunker down and

wait out the storm. The institutions that will emerge from this period

the strongest, however, will be those who take advantage of this

opportunity to assess their strengths and weaknesses, to review and

renew their commitment to their missions, and to ensure that every

dollar and every resource is spent in creating the most powerful and

effective educational experience possible for their students.

These are times that test the mettle of a school. There is a strong temptation during times of
profound uncertainty to put on the brakes, to retreat, to hunker down and wait out the storm.
The institutions that will emerge from this period the strongest, however, will be those who take
advantage of this opportunity to assess their strengths and weaknesses, to review and renew their
commitment to their missions, and to ensure that every dollar and every resource is spent in
creating the most powerful and effective educational experience possible for their students. We
must ensure that this is true for DePauw.
For this reason, we have identified a number of key strategic initiatives to pursue in the
years ahead.

• First, we will evaluate and re-invigorate our academic programs and curriculum, a pro-
cess that is already underway, spearheaded by the faculty. Operating under the banner of
“intellectual life discussions,” we are asking how we can ensure that DePauw continues to
be, simply, one of the most invigorating and exciting places to live and learn in the country.

Above, President Brian W. Casey takes questions during an Intellectual Life panel discussion
during Alumni Reunion Weekend in June.

• Second, with assistance from one of the top campus planning firms in the world, we
will examine our campus and the ways in which we use it, to be certain we are making the
most of our rich resources and the beauty of our environment. At a school like DePauw,
how we live and learn is very much dependent on the ways in which we encounter each
other. The campus must, as a whole, feel like a well-knit fabric. DePauw has built many
new structures over the last several years. It is time to look at the whole plan. We will not
build a new structure without first developing a plan that ensures that all capital projects
serve our students and our faculty.

• Finally, we will develop a coherent and powerful plan for communicating with the outside
world about what makes DePauw so special, beginning with our admission operations, so
that DePauw is more consistently in the thoughts and dreams for the future of intelligent
and talented students everywhere. A third special Board of Trustee Committee, chaired by
board member R. Lee Wilson ’76, is looking at how we can strengthen our outreach efforts.
I have said that DePauw is a jewel of a college; it cannot be a hidden jewel.

I encourage you to read more about these critical initiatives in the following stories in this
issue of DePauw Magazine.
DePauw’s alumni have welcomed me and sustained me through this challenging first year, and
I thank you for it. Your continued support of DePauw makes all the difference in the world; it
is, and always has been, one of the pillars of DePauw’s strength and success through the decades.
With your help, we will continue to press forward, demanding the best from ourselves and our
school, so that in future years a DePauw education is more widely recognized for what it is, one
of the very finest in the world.

DePauw defies trend, enrolls more than 700 new students

By Christopher J. Wells
Interim Vice President for Admission and Financial Aid

Admission offices at colleges and universities across the United States experienced an unusual
and challenging year. In the wake of a severe downturn in the global economy, predictions
of doom came fast and furious, with the media forecasting lowered numbers of applications,
lower yields on accepted students and increased financial need for students requiring financial
aid. Elite private colleges such as DePauw were expected to be affected especially hard because
students tend to set their sights lower during economic downturns and look toward less selec-
tive colleges and public universities.
In the end, many private institutions did indeed struggle to bring in their classes, including
a number of DePauw’s peer schools. DePauw defied the trend somewhat dramatically, however,
so we expect to greet a class of more than 700 first-year students this fall, a bumper crop of
talented young men and women. Defying expectations, the University actually received more
applications and yielded a higher percentage of accepted students during this challenging year
than in the preceding one, and the incoming class is academically strong, with ACT scores
higher than in previous years.
The class is also diverse, both domestically and internationally, continuing DePauw’s com-
mitment to prepare our students for the complex world of cultural differences they will face
upon graduation. Citizens of 20 countries, from Bangladesh to Zimbabwe, are members of
DePauw’s Class of 2013, as are residents from 31 states. The School of Music also recruited
a strong class, with a good mix of musicians; enrollment across instrumental areas will be the
most balanced it has been in years.
The work of admission and financial aid staff members was enhanced by a number of changes
designed to better showcase the strength of DePauw’s academic, intellectual and creative life:

• In fall 2008, DePauw launched a redesigned homepage, which offered visitors to the
Web site a more direct sense of the kinds of educational experiences offered to DePauw
students, and more direct evidence of the quality of our faculty members and their
dedication to teaching.

• A new series of blogs, regular journals
about the DePauw experience written by
current DePauw students, gave student
visitors an inside view of what it feels
like to be a DePauw student.

• DePauw worked to bring more prospec-

tive students to campus, increasing the
number of our visitors compared to
previous years. Campus visits are always
the best way to show families what is
special about DePauw.

• During a time when families are par-

ticularly concerned about the value
their education dollars are buying, many
families were comforted by President
Brian Casey’s appearances in front of
groups of visiting students, where he
explained the true value of a quality
liberal arts education and shared his
excitement about what is possible for
students at DePauw.

DePauw must build on successes of the past year in order to continue strong in the future.
National demographics are changing, and the competition for students among quality colleges
will become increasingly fierce.
Our students and their families also have been affected by the economic downturn, and
financial aid needs have risen. In this environment, alumni support of the DePauw Annual
Fund is even more crucial to bolstering DePauw’s efforts to recruit talented students and provide
them with the best possible experience during their years in Greencastle.

We must continue striving to ensure that a DePauw education is accessible to the kinds
of students DePauw has always attracted – bright, creative, courageous young people who
make a difference in the world. One of the most important ways in which alumni can sup-
port DePauw is to recommend qualified students to the Office of Admission.

Please take time to recommend prospective students on the enclosed postage-

paid postcard bound into this magazine.

Campus Planning
A well-designed campus is a key element to support the mission of DePauw as a liberal arts
college, and it enhances the intellectual, social and cultural fabric of both the University and city
of Greencastle. DePauw is working with one of the world’s top campus planning firms, Ayers
Saint Gross, to develop a campus plan that will enliven and enrich the current facilities, guide
future growth and provide a variety of designs, while strengthening DePauw’s relationship with
the town.
Colleges and universities must periodically and systematically evaluate their core assets and
consider the ways in which they are being used to serve their mission. Parallel to DePauw’s evalua-
tion of its intellectual life through a campus-wide review of the academic program and curriculum,
a review of the quality of spaces and facilities in which students and faculty work is underway.
This review is critical because the quality of the University’s environs is essential to a positive
experience for students and faculty members. The campus setting and experience also figure into
the decisions made by prospective students.

Perhaps the most pressing reason for the campus plan, however, is that after a period of con-
siderable expansion of the campus’s infrastructure, the University faces a number of significant
space issues. The scale and reach of the campus has been greatly expanded, yet the core of the
campus is marked by a number of large, ill-defined spaces. The entrance to the campus is unclear,
and current circulation patterns typically bring visitors and members of the community through
a maze of uninspiring spaces to reach central buildings. The current configuration of buildings
may not provide enough of the serendipitous encounters among students, or between students
and faculty members, that are the hallmark of a great liberal arts campus. Further, some buildings
appear underutilized, while others may not meet the needs of current students.
Solving several of DePauw’s space problems probably won’t require construction of new facilities,
because the campus has sufficient gross square footage to meet the needs of the current student,
faculty and staff population as well as existing academic and social programs. Instead, solutions
are likely to require careful and considered reuse of existing space as well as tactical interventions
in campus landscaping and community members’ circulation patterns to enhance the campus’s
appearance and use.
DePauw’s new plan to guide decisions about use of campus space will include recommenda-
tions about how to:
• Enhance the intellectual and social experience of the campus.
• Better connect the campus to the city of Greencastle.
• Enhance current “first encounters” with the campus as part of an overall admission strategy.
•Better integrate distant precincts of the campus into an integrated whole, including athletic
facilities, the DePauw Nature Park and The Janet Prindle Institute for Ethics.

Intellectual Life
Changing the academic structures and policies of a college or university can be a difficult
undertaking. Some institutions work long and hard on projects only to end up with little
change to show for their efforts. The difficulty lies in the complexity of contemporary educa-
tion. Academic programs must be responsive to the needs of students and faculty members
working in many different and constantly evolving disciplines, and we must consider both what
will best attract and serve students today, and what will prepare them for the decades that lie
ahead. Nevertheless, one of the great strengths of the American system of higher education is its
willingness to constantly examine itself, re-assessing its strengths and weaknesses, and healthy
institutions inevitably engage in this process, identifying and supporting what works well, and
enhancing what does not.
During the Faculty Institute (a special meeting of the faculty held each year just prior to
the start of classes) at the beginning of his first year in Greencastle, President Brian Casey asked
the faculty to consider the state of academic and intellectual life at DePauw by considering a
set of questions designed to begin a conversation with the faculty that could lead to a rigorous
process of self-assessment of DePauw’s educational program.
Based on faculty conversations at the Faculty Institute, President Casey issued a set of charges
to faculty members, asking that they specifically consider aspects of DePauw, including gradu-
ation requirements, Winter Term, use of campus space and role of internships in a DePauw
education. The full set of charges is available online at www.depauw.edu/acad/facgov. These
charges led to open meetings and discussions on campus that brought together the perspectives
and ideas of DePauw faculty, staff members and students.
Formal reports from faculty committees and student government were presented to the
Board of Trustees at its January meeting, and the board strongly expressed its enthusiasm for
the faculty’s continued work on these issues. Throughout the spring semesters, 40 proposals
related to the president’s charges were developed and discussed by faculty, staff members and
students. The proposals formed the basis for a series of straw polls at the faculty’s meeting in
May 2009 with additional online polls completed by students and staff. In parallel, the faculty
formed a summer working group to further develop proposals for concrete changes that will
start to be discussed by the faculty as a whole in the fall of 2009, beginning with the Faculty
Institute in August.
Alumni have an important perspective to offer to these discussions. As the faculty discussions
develop during the coming academic year, information will be made available via the DePauw
Web site.

Alumni who would like to share their thoughts and ideas about the future of De-
Pauw’s academic, intellectual and artistic programs before then are encouraged
to send them to intlife@depauw.edu.

Faculty to consider DePauw curriculum
throughout the school year
The classroom is the center of intellectual life at DePauw, but classroom work is carried into
the thoughts and discussions of the entire University community and enhanced by its diversity
of cultures, perspectives and experiences.
With that in mind, this summer a group of nine faculty members studied ways to heighten
the quality of intellectual life for both students and faculty members at DePauw. Based on
reading, talking with others, and extensive and vigorous discussions, they evaluated a host of
proposals that emerged from faculty discussions during the 2008-09 academic year. Then they
produced a report that offers a series of recommendations regarding academic, developmental
and lifelong learning goals that DePauw has for its graduates.
The working group’s recommendations,
if accepted by the full faculty, would revise
DePauw’s curriculum, which has not changed
substantially since the late 1970s. The group
argues in its report that any curricular changes
should emphasize students’ first two years at
DePauw as a time for foundational learning,
intensive exploration, and the teaching of
writing, speaking and problem-solving; give
students greater autonomy as they grow at
DePauw; reinvigorate Winter Term; and
recognize senior year as a time for deep ex-
ploration of a given subject and for synthesis
of the liberal arts education as a whole.
To achieve these goals, the summer work-
ing group offered these four proposals:

•A three-seminar sequence in which a Summer Working Group, seated from left: Nicole Brockmann,
Jeanette Pope and Rebecca Schindler. Standing, from left: David
revitalized First-Year Seminar leads into a
Gellman, Howard Brooks, Howard Pollack-Milgate, Bruce Sanders,
spring First-Year Practicum in which writing Joe Heithaus and Anne Harris.
and speaking are intentionally taught; and
then into a second-year Sophomore Seminar where students research, write and present ideas
in a small, discussion-based setting.

•Revised distribution requirements that better reflect what DePauw wants to accomplish
through the roughly two-thirds of students’ education outside the major. In general, the working
group recommended two courses in the sciences and mathematics, two courses in the social
sciences, and two courses in the humanities – or six courses, each of which must come from a
different department or program and completed by the end of the sophomore year. The current
quantitative reasoning competency course and language requirement would remain and would
be completed by the end of the second year.

•New approaches to Winter Term that increase its academic rigor, student-faculty contact
and relevance as well as ways to leverage this short, intensive time for a variety of intellectual
purposes linked to either fall or spring semester.

•A senior capstone requirement for a more ambitious, University-wide approach to the

senior year. Possibilities include a new system of departmental honors based on the quality of
senior thesis work and capstone presentations in the second half of the spring semester. These
would be the focus of a campus-wide celebration of student accomplishments and might include
paper and poster presentations, performances, readings and art exhibitions by seniors. The best
theses and projects would be presented at a reworked academic awards convocation.
The summer working group added other recommendations to enhance intellectual life at
DePauw. For example, group members encourage the University to foster more opportuni-
ties for intellectual, creative and artistic exchange between the College of Liberal Arts and
School of Music, which celebrates its 125th anniversary during the 2009-10 academic year.
The group’s primary focus on the curriculum gives the University community plenty to think
about, explore and debate.

“We believe that a University-wide The summer working group faculty participants included:

commitment to the curriculum will • Nicole N. Brockmann, assistant professor of music

reconnect us with each other, with • Howard L. Brooks, professor of physics and astronomy
our students, and with the values that
• David N. Gellman, associate professor of history
are at the core of the DePauw liberal
• Anne F. Harris, associate professor of art and director of the Honor
arts experience.”
Scholar Program

• Joe W. Heithaus, associate professor of English

• Howard M. Pollack-Milgate, associate professor of modern languages


• Jeanette K. Pope, associate professor of geosciences

• R. Bruce Sanders, coordinator of cataloging and processing for the


• Rebecca K. Schindler, associate professor of classical studies

To read more about intellectual life at DePauw, go to the University Web site at:


Student spotlight

Graham Williams ’10 makes the most of his

time at DePauw
Graham D. Williams ’10 will be among the first people that incoming freshmen will meet at DePauw this fall.
Beginning his second year in the campus mentoring program, Williams enjoys providing new students with the same
guidance that he received when he first came to DePauw.
“I had a really good first-year mentor when I came to DePauw, and I ended up getting close to those in my group,”
Williams says. “When I joined the mentoring program, I wanted to facilitate other students who are trying to get used
to the college atmosphere here. As a new student, having a group that you can get close with and make friends with is
really helpful.”
Williams remembers his biggest hurdle as a new college student.
“For me, it was the classes,” he says. “There was a big-time management difference, and it
was easy to feel overwhelmed. Now it’s just, well, I’ve got work to do, so I’m going to go do it.”
Williams may have been overwhelmed early on, but he quickly expanded his involvement
with a variety of academic programs. He started at DePauw as a member of the Information
Technology Associates Program (ITAP). Williams, a biochemistry major, saw ITAP as an op-
portunity to integrate computers with the science he would be studying.
As a sophomore, Williams again increased his workload, this time
by laterally entering into the Science Research Fellows (SRF) program.
“My heart was set on becoming a doctor, but then I realized that
doing research would be just as rewarding,” Williams says. “In my
first year in SRF, I did research with [Assistant Professor of Chemistry
and Biochemistry] Dan Gurnon on HTLV-1, a retrovirus that causes
leukemia and lymphoma.”
Williams also is co-president elect of the DePauw Global Health
Initiative, a student group that promotes the study of public health issues. The group has
brought numerous authorities on public health to campus, including James T. Morris, former “My heart was set on
president of the United Nations Global Food Programme, and Dr. Kenrad E. Nelson ’54, professor of epidemiology at becoming a doctor,
Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. Williams pursued his current ITAP internship as webmaster for the DePauw
but then I realized
Sustainability Initiative because he felt that the issues of sustainability and public health are directly related.
“In order to leave a better, healthier world for our children, we need to make it possible to have as little of a harmful that doing research

impact on the world as we can,” Williams explains. would be just as

During the summer, Williams continued his interest in research at Harvard’s Mucosal Immunology Laboratory, led rewarding.”
by W. Allan Walker ’59, where he studied cholera toxin and its effects on the intestinal tracts of infants.
Entering his senior year, Williams is thankful for his decision to attend DePauw. The opportunities open to students
with different interests, he says, are something that keeps the small campus diverse.
“I’ve met a lot of people who I wouldn’t have been around otherwise, and they’ve been awesome. There are more
than 100 clubs on campus. There are definitely ways for people to get involved, no matter what their interests.”

Faculty spotlight

Sherry Mou shares history of Chinese women

When Associate Professor of Asian Studies Sherry J. Mou came to DePauw in 2002, Chinese culture was still rela-
tively unknown to most Westerners. Since then, much has changed.
China’s continued transition to an open economy has raised its Gross Domestic Product at a rate greater than any
nation in the world, and in November 2008 China overtook Japan as the United States’ largest debt holder. A record
American television audience watched Chinese athletes win 51 gold medals at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, which
began with an unforgettable ceremony that demonstrated China’s seriousness in promoting its image worldwide. Now,
students come to Mou with hopes of getting a spot in one of her classes on Chinese culture.
“I get asked, when is your class? How can I get in?” Mou says. “Young people now immediately understand China’s
importance in their daily lives, and they want to learn more about the country.”
Mou, who is originally from Taiwan, has researched thousands of years of Chinese biographies and literature to ex-
amine the development of Chinese society, particularly the impact of Confucianism on the lives of women. Confucius,
a Chinese philosopher who lived in the 6th century BCE, developed a system of ethics and social responsibilities that,
even after China’s communist revolution of the 1940s, continues to guide the Chinese people. Mou believes that its
teachings also provided women with a great deal of power in a society governed by men.
“China is still very much Confucian, and the family is the basic unit of a Confucian society,” Mou says. “The
mother is very important because she deals with the family’s daily problems while the father is away. This role is held
in high regard in Confucianism, which places great emphasis on this world and the day-to-day activities of people.
“I think there was always an undercurrent of female influence that wasn’t apparent to non-Confucian societies.
Looking at Chinese literature from the outside, Western scholars typically don’t see women, but women played very
strong roles in the family and household, and therefore society. For example, in pre-modern China, when a father would
pass away, the son would return to mourn him for three years. But it was the mother who could say, ‘All right, you’ve
mourned enough, time to go back to your work.’ A mother has a big say in many of these cultural elements. If you
don’t see these elements because in your culture they aren’t as important, then women don’t seem important either.”
Outside of the family, Chinese women have been romanticized for a millennium by male authors, but not in the
way you might think. A genre of literature first seen in the 10th century CE has followed the lady knight-errant, a
wandering female warrior who travels the land in search of justice. While researching this literary tradition, Mou found
that the characters the stories depict are very much based on historical fact. Three thousand years ago, a woman named
Fu Hao commanded an army of thousands, making her the most powerful Chinese military leader of her time, male
or female. While teaching at Wellesley College, Mou was guest editor of the Winter 2001-2002 issue of Chinese Studies
in History, titled “Women Warriors in China,” which documents Fu
Hao and many other prominent female warriors in Chinese history.
The story of the lady knight-errant has continued in films such as
King Hu’s Come Drink With Me, and spread to American theatres with
Ang Lee’s Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Quentin Tarantino’s
Kill Bill series, which pays homage to Hong Kong’s Shaw Brothers film
studio. While working on a book about traditionalism in Chinese film,
Mou discovered a new female role that she believes is a combination
of the Confucian mother and the lady knight in these films.
“It’s interesting because the two seem to be contradictory,” Mou

says, “with one being a roaming seeker of justice, alone and independent with a sharp sense of
justice, and the other being maternal and rooted with her family. In past films, they seem to
be opposites. I think this character was created because of the growing market economy that
has been practiced in China for the past two decades. New kinds of crimes became rampant,
similar to what has happened on Wall Street, where wrongs have been done before there are
laws against those practices. This character is a creation to deal with these wrongs on screen
for a frustrated audience.”
While much of her research is now focused on China’s modern culture, Mou insists that
the country’s past holds the key to understanding its current affairs.
“Studying China is no different than studying the United States. If you truly want to un-
derstand China, you have to understand its history or you will misread modern events. I try
to pull out parts of the country’s tradition to help students understand modern China. More
“Young people now immediately than that, I want students to understand the relationship China has with America,” Mou says.
understand China’s importance in their

daily lives, and they want to learn more

about the country.”

For more information, go to:


Student spotlight

Ganga Devaiah ’11 is a documentarian

with a cause
She was named after one of India’s most sacred landmarks – one that was recently deemed the national river of
India and provides water for more than 400 million Indians. This same river also suffers from more pollution than any
other river in India, containing industrial sewage, dead bodies and household garbage. Ganga C. Devaiah ’11 wanted
to bring to life environmental concerns surrounding India’s most utilized body of water – the Ganges River.
“This river is special to Indians. It is the most holy river for Hindus, and people use it for every ritual, from mar-
riages to funerals,” Devaiah said. The river is a goddess in Hindu myth, and many people wash themselves and the
bodies of their loved ones to purify their souls. When people cannot afford proper burial or wood for cremation, she
says they sometimes dispense deceased loved ones into the river. Many superstitions about the river also lead to further
pollution, such as its reputed healing power for the ill, and sacred animals such as cows are placed in the river.
“They revere this river, but it’s so polluted that it’s killing them,” she said. The largest sources of pollution are un-
treated industrial and domestic waste. Organizations such as Eco Friends have been working with lawmakers to clean
the river by creating programs such as the Ganga Action Plan and pushing to ban the disposal of any pollutants into
the river. Devaiah joined in the cause by participating in a DePauw Winter Term Independent Study project through
Eco Friends, who helped her make a documentary on the subject.
“I was always interested in film and those kinds of mediums. It’s a good way to propagate your ideas,” she said. “I
really wanted to do something about this problem in the world, so this seemed like a good avenue for my interests.”
She decided to convey her message through film because it would reach out to a broader audience and allow others to
see the damage with their own eyes.
“If I just did research, I’d forget about the importance of the issue, and people won’t always see it,” Devaiah said.
“With film, people get to visually go there and see it for themselves. Environmental problems move around so easily,
from the air to water – it never stays in one place. It’s a cycle.”
Since she arrived on campus in 2007, Devaiah has been involved in D3TV and has served on its board of directors
as director of promotion and outreach as well as the director for scheduling and operations. She hails from Burma, now
officially called the Union of Myanmar, and has been studying in the United States for two years. She hopes to spread
awareness of environmental concerns outside of the United States to students at DePauw.
“I wanted to bring something to DePauw that was international. I wanted people to see something beyond America,”
she said. “Environmental issues are for everyone, not just people interested in the environment.”
Before becoming involved with D3TV, Devaiah had no prior film experience. She learned the ins and outs of film-
making from working at the D3TV station and her freshman Winter
Term course, Making a Scene.
“I had zero video experience before coming in,” she said. “Making
a Scene introduced me to all this video editing and filming.” With a
major in economics and minors in conflict studies and geosciences,
Devaiah looked at the project through a variety of lenses. She found
the documentary very interdisciplinary, involving conflict studies,
political science, anthropology, earth sciences, communication and
economics. Above, scenes from Ganga Devaiah’s documentary, The Dream for a River.

She chose to feature a number of perspectives on the issue but found that they converged on
the same idea: the river needs to be cleaned. Devaiah interviewed farmers, boatmen, a professor
working on the Ganga Action Plan, a priest, workers who perform cremations, her supervisors
and a chemist from a water treatment plant.
Devaiah plans to continue exploring environmental issues through film and hopes her
documentary will open people’s eyes to the problems and solutions at hand. “It’s our cultural
heritage. It’s essential to our Indian identity, and it’s being destroyed.”
During Earth Week, the DePauw Environmental Club featured her documentary in a
special showing, and the Information Technology Associates Program showed the film for its
culture series in late April. Director of Television Operations Larry Abed provided his insight
during the production process and helped Devaiah get the necessary equipment to shoot the
“With film, people get “As soon as I saw it, I thought she should enter it in a contest. For someone with little.
to visually go there and experience with shooting and editing, I thought it was done very, very well,” Abed said.
“She has a great ability to put you in that place through music and images. She not only
see it for themselves.
showed the problem/solution part, but she gave us insight to the country through the images
Environmental problems
she used, and it really added to the piece.”
move around so easily,

from the air to water – it

To view Devaiah and other students in a D3TV video about sustainability at
never stays in one place.
DePauw, go to:
It’s a cycle.” www.indianagreencampus.org/video/controversy-behind-use-of

Faculty spotlight

Greg L. Schwipps ’95 encourages students

to find their own voice
The first thing a student sees when walking into Professor of English Greg L. Schwipps’ office is a map of the state of
Indiana – a door-sized print of the state’s streams and lakes that resembles an illustration of the human circulatory system.
“I think it’s the campus’s largest map of Indiana,” Schwipps ’95 says, laughing. “I love to have it up because you can
see the town names. When students from Indiana come into my office, we can talk about where they’re from on the map.”
Schwipps was raised in the lower right of the map, in rural Milan, Ind., whose claim to fame is its 1954 state champion
basketball team, the inspiration for the film Hoosiers. (Unfortunately, more people are familiar with Hickory, Ind. – Milan’s
fictional counterpart in the film – than know of Milan.) When he left home to study at DePauw in 1991, he found that
years of farm life and catching catfish were a deep well of experience from which he could draw.
“I came to DePauw straight from the farm,” Schwipps says. “I knew I was going to go to college, but I didn’t know
what I was going to do when I got there. For a kid from a rural environment, it took me a while to realize that the stories
I had from the farm were different from other students, but they weren’t less important. Then I realized that not only
could I write about those things, but also I should because fewer people from my background had the same opportunity.
I wrote stories that stood out because, if nothing else, nobody was writing about catfish or cows.”
His recent novel, What This River Keeps, is a continuation of the same themes he wrote about as an undergraduate.
Schwipps points to the book as an example of his message to students: that their best writing is going to come from their
truest material.
“There can be a lot of pressure to portray yourself through your writing in a certain way. Even if students feel a bit odd
writing about something that isn’t popular, it’s absolutely crucial for them to write what they are most passionate about.”
The stories written by Schwipps’ students reflect how different their most heartfelt material can be.
“I have a student from a rough school in Indianapolis,” Schwipps tells. “She wrote a story about two warring female
gangs from her school and about the initiation rites, the ‘jump in’ where everybody would beat the heck out of a girl.
She’d seen one of these happen. That’s completely removed from my experience, and I’m so proud of her because it blew
the class away. That’s a world we hadn’t seen. It doesn’t matter if the story is fiction or nonfiction; you want a student to
bring a different world into class, and that’s exactly what she did.”
“Everyone has their own reason for writing,” Katherine E. Maclin ’09 says. “Some people keep their work private;
others choose to share it. I write to keep my grandfather’s World War II experience alive. This will be a piece of writing
that my family and I will cherish for the rest of our lives. I think that it’s important to share our stories or keep a record
for ourselves because we don’t realize how easily they can be forgotten.”
Whether or not his students plan to become writers, Schwipps wants
them to reflect back on what it is they’ve experienced and to learn about
what they really value. Carolyn E. Mueller ’09, another of his students,
agrees that writing can be as much about introspection as it is about
“I probably learn something about myself every time I write because
I am able to examine an event, or a place, or the person I am writing
about from a more intimate perspective,” she says. “It’s definitely a way
to sort through my thoughts.”

“Students are at such an interesting point in their lives,” Schwipps explains. “They come here, and in many ways,
they’re reinventing themselves.”
To broaden their college experience, Schwipps asks freshmen in his first-year seminar to write a piece of creative nonfic-
tion about something in Putnam County unrelated to DePauw. It’s a way for students – especially those who aren’t used
to rural life – to discover the local treasures that require a bit of exploration to find.
“When students come here,” Schwipps says, “it doesn’t take long for them to say, I wish we had a mall, or I wish we
had a club. I tell students that they don’t need to point out what we don’t have. What we could use are some students to
“Young people now
go out and find the things that are here. Tell us what we don’t know. Tell us about the off-beat business that just opened on
immediately understand
the square, or about the woman who raises herbs outside of Fillmore. Why not figure out what it means to live in a small
China’s importance in their town while you’re here? In some tiny way, I hope my map is telling students to look around – that this is ok, too.”
daily lives, and they want

to learn more about the

country.” To read more about Schwipps’ recent novel, What This River Keeps, go to Recent Words
on page 21 in this magazine.

Alumni Programs

Save the date!


JUNE 9-13, 2010

(Photo: © Marilyn E. Culler)

Alumni Programs

Alumni Reunion Weekend 2009

Go to pages 50-53 to see more pictures from the 2009 Alumni Reunion Weekend.

Alumni Programs

From the DePauw Alumni Association

Janet Johns ’85 and Marcus

Veatch ’75 are new president
and vice president
Greetings from the Alumni Association and Bartlett Alumni House! Janet L. Johns ’85
As executive director of alumni relations, I am delighted to introduce your new Alumni
Association officers. Janet L. Johns ’85 accepted the gavel from outgoing president Lisa Hen-
derson Bennett ’93 during Alumni Reunion Weekend. Marcus R. Veatch ’75, past chair of the
Development Committee, began his term as vice president and president-elect. Continuing as
secretary of the Alumni Association Board of Directors is Sarah Roberts Houghland ’65.
Bartlett Alumni Office staff members have the privilege of supporting this group of dedicated
alumni volunteers committed to promoting and supporting the welfare of our alma mater.
One of the great strengths of DePauw is our expansive network of dedicated alumni, parents
and friends – and each of us can play an important role in helping advance DePauw. Here are
Jennifer Clarkson
some ways in which you can continue to help us move forward: Soster ’88
• Make a gift to the Annual Fund today and help us achieve our participation goal
• Update your contact information in alumni e-Services (www.depauw.edu/e/alumni).
• Attend both on-campus and regional alumni events (www.depauw.edu/alumni).
• Recommend and recruit prospective students
• Nominate alumni for the Alumni Association Board of Directors and Distinguished
Alumni Achievement Awards (www.depauw.edu/alumni/BOD/nominations.asp).
• Remember DePauw in your will and estate plans (http://depauw.plannedgifts.org).
Both the Alumni Association Board of Directors and the Bartlett Alumni House staff hope
you are planning to join us for Old Gold Weekend Oct. 2-4, 2009. For more information, contact
the Office of Alumni Relations at alumnioffice@depauw.edu or toll-free at 877-658-2586.

Jennifer Clarkson Soster ’88

Executive Director of Alumni Relations

Alumni Programs

Six alumni inducted into Hall of Fame at first-ever

Celebration of DePauw Athletics
Six DePauw alumni comprised the 23rd class of inductees into the DePauw Athletic Hall of
Fame during the first-ever Celebration of DePauw Athletics on Saturday, May 2, at the Walden
Inn & Conference Center.
The new event recognizes the athletic accomplishments of both alumni and current student-
athletes. Previously, the Athletic Hall of Fame inducted new alumni members at an event in
the fall.
This year’s Hall of Fame inductees included:
• Harley “Skip” G. Collins ’65 (baseball and basketball)
• Charee Campbell Condict ’98 (swimming and diving)
• Peter G. Land ’90 (baseball and soccer)
• Carl Meditch ’59 (baseball and basketball)
• Melissa Terrill Spowal ’96 (field hockey)
• Jeffrey T. Voris ’90 (football)
Plaques in their honor were placed in the Hall of Fame area on the second floor of the Lilly
Physical Education and Recreation Center.
The Amy Hasbrook Award and Phil Eskew Award, which recognize the outstanding female
and male senior student-athletes, respectively, also were awarded during the Celebration of
DePauw Athletics. The awards are given to the senior student-athletes who best exemplify effort
and excellence in academics, athletics, leadership, integrity, dedication to the team, campus
involvement and community service. The recipients were:
• Michael P. McNelis ’09 (football) – Indianapolis
• Amanda M. Stier ’09 (swimming and diving) – Springboro, Ohio

Front row, from left: Melissa Terrill Spowal ’96, Amanda M. Stier ’09, Michael P. McNelis
’09 and Charee Campbell Condict ’98. Back row: Alumni “D” Association President Richard
J. Bonaccorsi ’85, President Brian W. Casey, Peter G. Land ’90, Harley “Skip” G. Collins
’65, Carl Meditch ’59, Jeffrey T. Voris ’90 and S. Page Cotton ’71, The Theodore Katula
Director of Athletics.

You can view photos from the Celebration of DePauw Athletics

by going to the photo gallery at
Read more about the DePauw Athletic Hall of Fame at www.depauw.edu/ath/hallfame.

Alumni Programs

2009 Community Leadership Award Recipients

Community Leadership Awards recognize DePauw alumni who are making a difference in
the communities where they live and work. The fourth annual awards were presented during
Alumni Reunion Weekend, June10-13, 2009. Congratulations to the following recipients:

Nancy Richards Davis ’44 • Board member, Museum of Northern James W. Rowlett ’54
• Cub Scout den mother and Girl Scout Arizona Endowment Fund • Recipient, 2007 Distinguished Senior
leader in White Plains, N.Y. Award for service in reducing poverty in
• Past president and member of the Dorothy Lami Magill ’49 the Traverse Bay, Mich., area
governing board of the Reston (Va.) • Designer of a Title I reading program • Co-chair, Traverse
Community Center for junior high and high school students Bay (Mich.)
• Past president and member of the • Wrote and implemented the Adult Poverty Reduction
Board of Friends of Reston Community Literacy Program for Crawford and Initiative
Center Lawrence counties (Ill.) • Member, Food
• Past president and member of the • Recipient, Illinois Women of Rescue Board
Reston Garden Club Achievement Award • Member, Maritime
• Member, National Areas Advisory • Board member, Marathon Oil Heritage Alliance
Committee, Reston Association Company • Member, Economic Club of Traverse
• Teacher-naturalist with the National • Board member, Lincoln Trail City
Wildlife Federation Foundation
• Coordinator of a five-week exchange • Board Member, Palestine (Ill.) Library Ellen Little Vanden Brink ’54
program for young people from • Board Member, Fife Opera House • Board member,
Kazakhstan to stay in the United States Foundation Disciples Seminary
Leonard W. Huck ’44 Betty Davis Givens ’54 • Past member,
• President, Scottsdale (Ariz.) Chamber of • Trustee and DePauw Board of
Commerce docent, Visitors
• President, Phoenix and Valley of the Indianapolis • President, Alpha
Sun Convention Bureaus Museum of Art Chi Omega Foundation
• President, Valley of the Sun United Way • Trustee, • National Panhellenic Conference,
• President, Scottsdale Boys Club Indianapolis past chair of the research committee,
• Recipient, Human Relations Award of Zoological Society recruitment process committee
the National Conference of Christians • President, Methodist Hospital Task • Recipient, Alpha Xi Delta Women’s
and Jews Corps Fraternity Distinguished Service Award
• Recipient, Torch of Liberty Award • Recipient, Kappa Alpha Theta Twin • Recipient, Kappa Delta Sorority’s Order
presented by the Anti-Defamation Star of the Diamond for Service to the
League • Member, The Children’s Museum Confernence
• Phoenix Man of the Year in 1978 Guild • Leader, Girl Scout, 4-H and PTA
• Past president, Arizona State University • President, Brebeuf Mothers Club
Foundation • President, Hamilton County (Ind.) William M. Cockrum ’59
• Board member, Goldwater Institute Women Republican Club • Teacher of finance, entrepreneurship
• Board member, Arizona Historical • Co-chair, Haunted House of The and investment ethics at UCLA
Foundation Children’s Museum of Indianapolis Anderson in the Harold and Pauline

(Community Leadership Awardee Photos: © Marilyn E. Culler and Richard Fields)

Alumni Programs

Price Center for Entrepreneurial Studies recognized on their Wall of History for • President, board
• Recognition as the top entrepreneurial service member and
professor in the nation in a Business • Member, Florida Trust for Historic volunteer for
Week survey, 1996 Preservation Alternative House,
• Board Member, Florida Historic a temporary shelter
Rae Lahti Donnelly ’59 Commission for runaway and
• Past president and • Vice President and main fundraiser, homeless youth.
board member, Micah’s Place (home for battered • Recipient, National Volunteer of the
Buck Hill (Pa.) Art women) Year award presented by the U.S.
Association Department of Health and Human
• Chair, Buck Hill Andrew J. Paine Jr. ’59 Services
Art Association • Past member, • Founding member, president and
collection DePauw Board of program chair, McLean Photography
committee and annual art show Visitors Club
• Author, Early Buck Hill, a Post Card • Past president, • Volunteer, McLean High School,
Tour of the Settlement DePauw teaching and mentoring students in
• Charter Member, Barrett Township University Alumni photography and computer arts
Historical Society Association Board • Recipient of the Northern Virginia
• Member, Buck Hill Community of Directors Photographic Society’s Joe Atchison
Services Committee • Trustee, DePauw University Award as a role model and inspiration
• Member, Pocono Arts Council • Member, Executive Council of Indiana to others
• Member, CAME (a local food pantry) University School of Business Alumni
• Member, Monroe County Historical Association Carolyn Hostetter Smith ’59
Association • Member, Indiana University Kelley • Member,
• AAUW Scholarship Chair School of Business Dean’s Advisory Massachusetts
• Member, Governor’s Prison Council Psychological
Commission • Director, Indiana University Association
Foundation Disaster Response
Susan Stirling Little ’59 • President, The International Violin Team
• Recipient, IRIS Competition of Indianapolis • Coordinator,
Award for efforts • Director, Indiana State Symphony Massachusetts Psychological Association
in teaching safety Society Disaster Response Team, Central
to children • Director, The Children’s Museum of Massachusetts area.
• Recipient, Indianapolis • Member, Worcester Area Mental Health
Outstanding • Past trustee, governor and chair, and Retardation Board
Teacher Award, Indianapolis Museum of Art • Member, Commission of Ministry for
Crestwood (Ga.) PTA the Episcopal Diocese
• First president, Fulton County (Ga.) William R. Prosser ’59 • Member, National Association of
Public Schools Foundation • Volunteer coach, boys and girls youth College Admissions Counselors, serving
• Member, Governor’s Ad Hoc soccer on national college fair committees and
Committee for State Standards in • Organizer, McLean (Va.) Youth Soccer the ad hoc committee on veteran affairs
Public Schools program and human relations
• Past president of the board, Amelia • Past president and board member of a • Past member, DePauw University
Island (Fla.) Museum of History, group foster home for boys Alumni Association Board of Directors
continued on next page

Alumni Programs

Maxine May Hubbard ’64 Lynn Reuss Bohmer ’69 Cheryl Mackey Colby ’69 [dec.]
• Board member • President, Putnam • Volunteer, St. Margaret’s Hospital Guild
and president, County (Ind.) in Indianapolis
Elementary Community • Active member of St. Margaret’s
School District 62 Foundation Hospital Guild for more than 30 years
Foundation • Board member • Past president, St. Margaret’s Hospital
• Board member, and president, Guild
Des Plaines (Ill.) Humane Society • Past finance committee chair,
Self Help Closet & Pantry of Putnam County St. Margaret’s Hospital Guild
• Past member, Des Plaines Mayor’s • Recipient, 2008 Greencastle (Ind.) • Past decorator chair, St. Margaret’s
Wellness Committee Citizen of the Year award Hospital Guild
• Board member, First Congregational • Member, United Way of Putnam • Past St. Margaret’s Hospital Guild
Church County representative for the Wishard
• Board member, Des Plaines Chamber • Member, Mental Health America of Foundation
of Commerce Putnam County • Leadership in numerous other
• Past board member, Des Plaines community and school organizations
Consumer Protection Commission Jean D. Brubeck ’69
• Board member, Barbara White Parker ’69
Thomas F. Sandblom ’64 Evansville • Member,
• President, Beaver Dam (Wis.) Chamber Museum of Arts, Indianapolis Junior
of Commerce Science & History League
• Chair, Beaver Dam Community • Past president, • Volunteer, Feeding
Hospitals Willard Library My Starving
• Chair, Morain Park Technical College Board Children
(Fond du Lac, Wis.) • Past president, Junior League of • Volunteer, Wayside
• Board member, Kiwanis Club of Beaver Evansville Cross Ministries
Dam • Past president, Evansville Museum • Volunteer, school classrooms
• President, Beaver Dam YMCA board Guild • Volunteer, school district communities
• Chair, United Way of Beaver Dam • President, Kennel Club • Organizer, parent support group for
• Recipient, Beaver Dam Citizen of the • Board member, Reitz Home Museum high school concert/show choir
Year Board • Leader, parent advocate group for
• Board member, Evansville Zoological advance programs for able students
James M. Callane ’64 Society • Mentor, youth groups and choirs
• Vice president, Kokomo-Center (Ind.) • Board member, Evansville Philharmonic • Leader, Christian education and local
School Board Orchestra mission projects
• Vice president, Kokomo Parks Advisory • Vanderburgh County Humane Society • Teacher, after school enrichment
Board fund-raising adviser programs
• Board member, Indiana Basketball Hall • Master Gardener fund-raising adviser • Liaison, working with new teachers
of Fame • Member, Department of Metropolitan through Chapman University in
• Board member, Indiana School Board Development Advisory Committee Orange, Calif.
Association • Evansville Philharmonic Guild, chair of
• Volunteer, Meals On Wheels special event fundraising Eleanor Neuhoff Berghausen ’74
• Member, Howard County (Ind.) • Board member and secretary, Hospice
Historical Society of Cincinnati
• Volunteer, Relay For Life

Alumni Programs

• Board member, • Board member, Regis Jesuit High Robin L. Olds ’84
Junior League of School • Executive director,
Cincinnati • Board member, Alliance for Choice in Hoosiers Against
• Board member, Education Gun Violence
Gamma Chapter/ • Board member, University of Colorado • Coordinator,
Alpha Phi House Denver Business School Drug and Alcohol
Corporation • Board member, Boy Scouts of America program, Marion
• Board member, Fernside: A Center for Executive Council of Denver County (Ind.)
Grieving Children Juvenile Court
• Board member, Hospice of Cincinnati Andrew B. Buroker ’84 • Member, National Association of Social
• President, Impact 100 • Board member, Workers
• Past chair, Beech Acres Parenting Center Indiana Opera • Board member, National Organization
Society for Women
Susan Leis Thiele ’79 • Board member, • Board member, Indiana Youth
• Past member, Indiana University Advocacy Program
DePauw Maurer School of • Board member, Common Cause
University Alumni Law Alumni Board
Association Board • Board member, American Heart Gregory A. Gelzinnis ’84
of Directors Association of Indianapolis • Past president, National Association
• Associate board • Chair, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Congregational Christian Churches
member, Dayton • Board member, Beta Theta Pi, DePauw High School Youth Program
Art Institute University • Past student member, DePauw Board of
• Volunteer, Dayton Children’s Hospital • Past chair, American Heart Association Trustees
TWIG Women’s Auxiliary • National board member, American • Past board member, DePauw University
• Volunteer, Oakwood City Schools Heart Association (7 years) Alumni Association Board of Directors
• Member, Indianapolis Metro Board of • Board member, Greater St. Charles (Ill.)
Elizabeth L. Hake ’79 Directors Lodging and Hospitality Association
• Director, rural medical clinic in • Board member and chair, Building • Past vice president, steering committee,
Honduras Owners and Managers Association Fireworks on the Mississippi
• Missionary in Honduras • Past board member, Illinois Special
• Worker, church planting team in J. Jeffrey Kauffman ’84 Event Network
Honduras • Board member, • Past board member, Illinois Association
American Ballet of Agricultural Fairs
Donald A.“Tony” Bolazina ’84 Theatre • Past chair, Easter Seal Society of
• Board member, • Board member, Southwestern Illinois
Marklund National • Board member, Alton Little Theatre
Children’s Home Foundation for • Board member, Harvest Ministry Team
• Volunteer, Advancement in • Board member, Drug Free Alton
Juvenile Diabetes the Arts • Board member, Gateway Confluence
Association • Board member, Museum of Arts & Wheelchair Sports Foundation
• Board member, Design
Colorado Symphony Orchestra • Past board member, American Red
• Board member, Downtown Denver, Cross, Darien/Stamford (Conn.) continued on next page
Inc. • Founding member, YoungARTS/New

Alumni Programs

Wallace J. Nichols ’89 • Recipient, Marilyn Simpson Ford Pi • Raise money for UNICEF
• Founder, Group Beta Phi Service Award, 2005 • Host, Haunted House
Tortuguero, • National historian, Delta Zeta Sorority • Participant, Relay for Life and bell-
dedicated to • Assembly member and vice chair, ringer for the Salvation Army
restoring Pacific DePauw University Greek Life Advisory • Host, Cultural Fair for Pike Township
sea turtles and Council (Ind.)
to sustaining
management of Muriel J. Collison ’99 Lindy Donia ’04
ocean fisheries • Founder, Kazapalooza – a charity event • Sergeant major of the USO Hope and
• Founder of WILDCOAST, devoted to to raise funds to aid orphanages in Freedom tour, traveling to Kuwait, Iraq
protection of coastal wilderness Kazakhstan and Afghanistan
• Senior research scientist at the Ocean • Board member, Northbrook Rotary • Band member (fiddle), group sponsored
Conservancy Club by USO
• Board member, Animal Alliance • Recipient, Congressional Angels in • Performer, numerous shows for U.S.
• Board member, Coastwalk Adoption Award troops, traveling to remote hospitals
• Board member, Drylands Institute • Member, Kane County (Ill.) Bar
• Board member, Oceana and Reef Association Krista M. Brucker ’04
Protection International • English/computer teacher at an
• Co-founder and director, Ocean Kara Quillico Paris ’99 orphanage in Honduras
Revolution • Founding member • Interpreter at a clinic on the island of
• Adviser to numerous nonprofit boards and secretary, Stop Roatan
and committees HD (Huntington’s • Community health educator working
Disease) with Spanish speaking immigrants
Susan Geeslin Woodhouse ’89 • Co-funding chair,
• Past president, Junior League of Huntington’s Darren E. Eblovi ’04
Indianapolis Disease Society • Worked for the Rural Health and
• Advisory board member, DePauw of America, Sanitation Program of the Peace Corps
chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta Indianapolis Chapter in El Salvador
• Board member, Meridian Street United • Formed a community health committee
Methodist Church Stefanie J. Chambers ’04 dealing with hygiene and sanitation
• Board member, Children’s Museum • Sponsor, Pike High School (Ind.) key education and HIV/AIDS education
Guild club • Peace Corps volunteer in the Republic
of Moldova
Jean Gileno Lloyd ’94
• Board member
and secretary, Community Leadership Awards
Center for the You can submit nominations of reunion-year alumni leaders in your own community
Study of College
or other communities with which you are familiar. For more information about the
Community Leadership Awards, contact the DePauw Alumni Relations Office
• Board member
and past president, at alumnioffice@depauw.edu or 877-658-2586.
treasurer, secretary for College Fraternity
Editors Association

Alumni Programs

Alumni cyclists join students for Little 5 race

For the third time in the history of the Little 5, an Alumni Bike Race was held in conjunc-
tion with student races.
The 53rd running of the Little 5 was held at Blackstock Stadium on Saturday, April 18.
For the second year in a row, the alumni race field consisted of 23 avid cyclists. Some alumni’s
interest in cycling was born from the Little 5, because that race was their first exposure to the
sport of competitive cycling. The 2009 race featured both the youngest and oldest competitors
ever: Katie E. Doogan ’08 and Jack F. Martin ’69.
The alumni race festivities started on Friday when a number of the riders went on an af-
ternoon training ride. The casual ride allowed alumni to catch up with some old friends and
to make new ones as they rode through the back roads of Putnam County.
Alumni Race director Kent A. Billingsley ’80 said, “The level of interest and support from
the alumni this year was outstanding. The Alumni Relations Office, Student Steering Com-
mittee and Professor [of communication and theatre] Kent Menzel were invaluable in helping
this year’s event be so successful. We had for the second consecutive year 23 racers, and half of
them were repeaters from the previous year.”
Alumni from both coasts of the country flew in to participate. The 50-minute race was scored
in four age categories: Masters 30 (for alumni under the age of 39), Masters 40, 50 and 60.
The overall winner of the race was Scott D. Kuiper ’83. The category winners were:
Masters 30 Masters 50
1st – Jesse W. Williams ’07 1st – James S. Cunning ’74
2nd – James J. Griffin ’96 2nd – Kent A. Billingsley ’80
3rd – Brandon T. Money ’07 3rd – Robert P. Janowski ’81

Masters 40 Masters 60
1st – Scott D. Kuiper ’83 1st– Peter M. Donahower ’70
2nd – Richard T. Born ’83 2nd – Jack F. Martin ’69
3rd – Stephen M. Smith ’87

Scott D. Kuiper The Alumni Bike Race is open to all alumni, and you do not have to be a former Little 5
rider. So if you have taken up the sport of cycling since leaving DePauw, consider joining the
race next year. Questions and inquires about the race should be directed to Kent Billingsley at

Alumni Programs

(Photo: © Marilyn E. Culler)

Alumni Reunion Celebration participants, from left: President Brian W. Casey; Janet L. Johns ’85, president of the Alumni Association; retiring
Alumni Association president, Lisa Henderson Bennett ’93; Joseph P. Allen IV ’59, 50th class speaker; Andrew B. Buroker ’84, 25th class speaker;
and Gretchen Person, director of spiritual life.

(Photo: © Marilyn E. Culler)

(Photo: © Marilyn E. Culler)

President Brian W. Casey addressed the Joseph P. Allen IV ’59 was the golden anni-
alumni gathered for the Reunion Celebra- versary speaker during the Alumni Reunion
tion convocation on Saturday morning. Celebration.

Above, Class of 1959 members unroll the banner announcing their 50th reunion gift to their alma mater.

Alumni Programs

Alumni Reunion Weekend 2009

(Photo: © Marilyn E. Culler)

Bert Matzke Buckman and William B. Blake were co-chairs of the Class
of 1959 reunion.
(Photo: © Marilyn E. Culler)
(Photo: © Marilyn E. Culler)

Vera Knauer Farber ’36 and and Robert H. Farber ’35, DePauw
vice president emeritus.



Above, varsity-letter athletes from the Class of 1959 were presented with a “D” blanket.

Alumni Programs
Alumni Reunion Weekend 2009

(Photo: © Marilyn E. Culler)

Above, Andrew B. Buroker ’84 was the silver

anniversary speaker during the Alumni Re-
union Celebration. Met & Married at DePauw: Jean T.
Stoops ’39 and Betty Mobberley
Stoops ’40

Above and right, the Kingston Trio per-

formed for the 1959 class in Meharry
Hall during the 2009 Alumni Reunion
Weekend in June.
(Photo: Larry Ligget)

(Photo: © Marilyn E. Culler)
Alumni Programs

Retiring Alumni Association board members were recognized. From left: Andre L. Brewer ’97, Gregory
J. Goetcheus ’90, Katy L. Keck ’77, Lisa Henderson Bennett ’93, Nadia T. Mitchem ’98, Bret A. Schoch
’86, Carolyn Hostetler Smith ’59, Eric M. Stisser ’94 and Stephen N. Combs ’87.

(Photo: © Marilyn E. Culler)

Janet L. Johns ’85 (left), new president of the
DePauw Alumni Association,with retiring presi-
dent Lisa Henderson Bennett ’93.
(Photo: Larry Ligget)

(Photo: Larry Ligget)

Above: Men’s Hall Association

Left: Class of 1959 members enjoyed visiting with former DePauw admission
director John J. Wittich ’44 (right).
(Photo: Larry Ligget)

Alumni Programs

2008-09 College Fair Representatives

During the 2008-09 academic year, 79 alumni and friends assisted the Admission Office by
representing the University at 87 college fairs in 22 states and three foreign countries. Without
the assistance of these loyal alumni and friends, it would not be possible to attract students to
DePauw from all regions of the country. The admission staff would like to express its sincere
thanks to the following persons who helped to enroll this fall’s incoming freshman class:
Alumni Representatives College Fair Site Alumni Representatives College Fair Site Alumni Representatives College Fair Site
Kristina M. Amarantos ’05 San Francisco Lynn Frazier Goldberg ’90 Tulsa, Okla. Sidney H. Showalter II ’64 Naples, Fla.
Sherri Modrak Ashby ’87 Merrillville, Ind. Michael M. Gonzalez Jr. ’04 Ft. Worth, Texas Sarah Gildea Sieradzki ’75 Brecksville, Ohio
Projjol Banerjea ’06 Kolkata, India Michelle Silkowski Glenn R. Silcott ’65 LaCanada Flintridge,
Brooke Barbee ’03 Rancho Santa Hackett ’88 Redondo Beach, Calif. Calif.
Margarita, Calif. Emily Collins Hallford ’03 Santa Monia Calif. Dale Gossard Stevenson ’89 Quincy, Ill.
Santa Ana, Calif. Angie Hamilton-Lowe ’00 Redondo Beach, Calif. Andrea Lewis Thibodeau ’83 Grosse Pointe, Mich.
Terri Tyler Black ’87 Gary, Ind. Santa Monica Calif. Susan Leis Thiele ’79 Beavercreek, Ohio
Carol Euken Bledsoe ’90 Fort Myers, Fla. Collette Engert Harlow ’85 Grand Rapids, Mich. Karen Curley Vowells ’94 Madison, N.J.
Barrett L. Boehm ’08 Kansas City, Mo. Jodi L. Harris ’90 Wooster, Ohio David C. & Ann
Liberty, Mo. J. Carter Hiestand III ’77 Cleveland Heights, (Triplett ’02) Warner ’00 Highland Heights, Ky.
Jeffrey G. Bogda ’96 Memphis, Tenn. Ohio Pamela Watts Mesa, Ariz.
Adam D. Brackemyre ’00 Fairfax, Va. Tyler S. Hollett ’05 Honolulu Evan B. Webeler ’07 Cincinnati
Andre L. Brewer ’93 Richfield, Minn. Edward C. Holub ’83 Durham, N.C. Nancy Weigley St. Louis
Howard L. Bull ’64 Mountain View, Calif. Katherine J. Hughey ’07 Overland Park, Kan. Darin E. Williams ’93 Franklin, Tenn.
Dr. Robert G. Burney ’58 Chantilly, Va. Ruth Russ Huneke ’68 Summit, N.J. W. Hunter Wolbach ’97 Kansas City, Mo.
Tobias J. Butler ’04 Atlanta Mark E. Hungate ’73 St. Petersburg, Fla. James W. Wright ’64 Anaheim, Calif.
Caryn O’Brien Callanan ’89 Bloomfield Hills, Mich. Kathryn Rohlf Johnson ’93 Moline, Ill. Corona, Calif.
Jack B. Campbell ’68 Denver Allyson Wylie Klak ’89 Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Costa Mesa, Calif.
Cynthia Ullem Christy ’91 Des Moines, Iowa Rebecca Wright Krausser ’02 Cincinnati Culver City, Calif.
Nancy Hilliger Coan ’69 Champaign, Ill. Jonathan D. Lau ’04 Bloomfield Hills, Mich. Cypress, Calif.
Virginia Colten-Bradley ’74 Cottleville, Mo. Edward E. Lehman ’82 Beijing, China Fullerton, Calif.
Marc E. Cooper ’76 Palo Alto, Calif. Stacy Goodwin Lightfoot ’99 Chattanooga, Tenn. Irvine, Calif.
Kerry A. Cragin ’08 Romeoville, Ill. Brian A. Logan ’95 Frankfort, Ky. Laguna Beach, Calif.
Elizabeth E. Crouch ’04 New York City Elizabeth McGroarty LaCanada, Calif.
Jonathan V. Cuevas ’97 Charlotte, N.C. Lucey ’98 Stamford, Conn. LaHabra, Calif.
Adam W. Czerwinski ’03 Aurora, Ill. Audrey K. Miller ’98 Houston, Texas Long Beach, Calif.
Luis Davila ’81 Beijing, China C. Shea Nickell ’81 Paducah, Ky. Rancho Santa
Susan Melberg Davis ’79 St. Louis, Mo. Jessica L. Oesch ’06 St. Louis, Mo. Margarita, Calif.
Meghan E. DeFreeuw ’06 Dallas Dr. Daniel P. Santa Ana, Calif.
Barrett T. Ellsworth ’08 Tulsa, Okla. Peabody III ’89 Wooster, Ohio Torrence, Calif.
Jacquelyn McElfresh Darlene Kane Reinhard ’85 San Antonio, Texas (2) Tustin, Calif.
Emperly ’82 Edmond, Okla. Stephanie Rivera ’05 Houston Villa Park, Calif.
Alison E. Frost ’69 Hong Kong, China Bellaire, Texas Costa Mesa, Calif.
Anita Mendoza Gretchen L. Roehm ’05 Toledo, Ohio Elizabeth Weidman
Garibovic ’98 Houston (2) James W. Rowlett ’54 Scottsville, Mich. Zuercher ’66 Irvine, Calif.
Gregory A. Gelzinnis ’84 Granite City, Ill. Traverse City, Mich. Laguna Beach, Calif.
David W. Gilbert ’65 Maplewood, N.J. Timothy L. Scott ’66 Ft. Worth, Texas Tustin, Calif.

Alumni Programs

Old Gold Weekend October 2-4, 2009

Weekend highlights include:
n DePauw Alumni Association Distinguished Alumni
Achievement Award dinner
n The Washington C. DePauw Society breakfast
n Real World DePauw: Career Networking Event
n Celebrate the DePauw School of Music125th anniversary
season. Events will include:
• PRISM concert on Saturday evening
• Tours of the Green Center for the Performing Arts
• Meet current and emeriti music faculty members

For more information and an up-to-date schedule of events, go to www.depauw.edu/alumni.


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Monon Bell live!

Host a telecast party in your area on Nov. 14
More than 1,900 enthusiastic alumni attended a record 66 Monon tion network HDNet. For up-to-date telecast details, check the DePauw
Bell telecast parties across the nation in 2008. This fall you can be part Alumni Relations Web site at www.depauw.edu/alumni/monon/index.asp.
of it and add even more to the fun by serving as a telecast party host in If you like to hang out with DePauw friends (and friendly Wabash
your area. alums, too), love Tiger football and would like to get some free stuff
The 2009 battle between the DePauw Tigers and Wabash Little from your alma mater, then you should host a Monon Bell telecast party
Giants is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 14, at 1:07 p.m. at DePauw’s on Nov. 14, or attend the party in your area!
own Blackstock Stadium. DePauw, which won last year’s clash 36-14 DePauw’s Office of Alumni Relations will create and e-mail telecast
at Byron P. Hollett Little Giant Stadium in Crawfordsville, is tied with party invitations for you. The office also will mail each party site a game-
Wabash 53-53-9 heading into the 116th Monon Bell Classic. day goodie box. Each host will receive a special token of our thanks for
This year’s Monon Bell game will be broadcast live on the high defini- your efforts. So, volunteer today!

If you are interested in hosting a telecast party in your area,

contact Dana Coffin Moell ’95, assistant director of alumni relations,
at 877-658-2586 or danamoell@depauw.edu.

Alumni Programs

Xi Chapter of Sigma Chi to mark 150 years at DePauw

This fall, Xi Chapter of the Sigma Chi Fraternity will celebrate 150 consecutive years on the
DePauw University campus. In order to commemorate the momentous occasion, the Sigma
Chi House Corporation, alumni brothers from around the country and the active members at
311 S. Locust St., Greencastle, Ind., will gather during Old Gold Weekend (Oct. 2-4, 2009) for
friendship and fellowship.
In addition to Old Gold Weekend activities and football game, the Xi Chapter will host several
other events, including:
Friday: 5 p.m. – Chapter house cookout
Saturday: 1 p.m. – Special seating at the football game vs. Millsaps
Saturday: 6 p.m. – Celebration dinner
Saturday: 8 p.m. – Entertainment
The celebration weekend also will include a Saturday alumni breakfast buffet at the chapter
(Photo: Larry Ligget)

house, a special Xi Chapter tailgate before the game and plenty of time to catch up with old
All the details for the 150-year celebration weekend will be updated on the alumni Web site,
Xi brothers from all generations are encouraged to attend this weekend-long
event. In order to have an accurate count for food, beverage and accommodations,
please R.S.V.P. at www.xisigs.org.
(Photo: Larry Ligget)

Alpha Chi Omega preparing to celebrate 125th anniversary

Attention, all Alpha Chi Omegas!
Oct. 15, 2010, will mark the 125th anniversary of our sisterhood. To celebrate this momentous
event, a committee is planning an unforgettable day of events, and all sisters are invited to attend.
More details will be announced as planning continues, but please mark your calendar for our
celebration. Events will be held on Saturday, Oct. 16, 2010, in Greencastle, Ind.
If you are interested in joining the committee or becoming a representative for your decade,
please contact the committee at axoalpha125@gmail.com. We hope to see you next fall.

Alumni Programs

Second annual National Month of Service

Alumni planned and participated in community service events in 13 cities during DePauw’s
second annual National Month of Service in May 2009. Below are photos from some of the
events around the country.

Los Angeles area

San Francisco


New York area

Columbus, Ohio

Alumni Programs

An Investment
in Humanity
Edward Rector and his Historic Scholarship Program
for DePauw University
By M. Lewis Gulick ’44

The Rector Scholarship program, established by Edward
Rector in 1919 with one of the largest gifts ever to a
small liberal arts college, has had a tremendous impact n Investment
on DePauw University. Author M. Lewis Gulick ’44, in Humanity
Edward Rector and his
himself a Rector Scholar, engagingly Historic Scholarship Program for DePauw University

relates the profound ways in which the Lewis Gulick

Rector Scholarship program has shaped

DePauw and produced alumni who
have enriched society in so many ways.

This book is a fascinating read and a

great gift for all DePauw alumni.

Price: $15 + shipping-handling M. Lewis Gulick ’44

Place orders by going to the DePauw Bookstore Web site

at www.depauw.bncollege.com
or by calling 765-658-4926.

March 5-6, 2010
DePauw Alumni
Attorneys and Physicians
Class Notes


Elizabeth Dye Walker was recognized as the
Mineral County (W. Va.) 2008 History Hero at the The class notes section of DePauw Magazine
West Virginia Cultural Center’s awards ceremony, allows DePauw alumni to keep their classmates and
March 5, 2009. She provided financial support the University current on their careers, activities
to purchase and renovate the outside of the Old and whereabouts.
Stone House in Burlington for the Mineral County All information for class notes should be sent
Historical Foundation. She donated two original to DePauw University, DePauw Magazine, 300
watercolors of the stone house and surroundings E. Seminary Street, P.O. Box 37, Greencastle, IN
to be used as fundraisers for the project. Elizabeth 46135-0037. You may also fax the information to
is author of The Old Stone House, “Traveller’s Rest”: 765-658-4625 or e-mail to dgrooms@depauw.edu.
A History in Bits and Pieces. The book is a col- Photographs will be used as space allows and
Photo: KIWI Photography

lection of her remembrances of life at Traveller’s cannot be returned. If you submit digital photos, the
Rest and a history of the property. Elizabeth lives images should be shot at the highest resolution on the
in Elkhart, Ind. digital camera. Images must be saved at the highest
resolution or 300 dpi minimum in JPEG format.
Alumni Reunion Weekend 2009 In the interest of privacy, we will publish home
Class of 1934 1939 and e-mail addresses only if an alumnus or alumna
Fanee Davis Schwartz is author of Gorham specifically requests us to do so.
Ronald W. Gilbert
House, a book about the home for the elderly in Class notes printed in DePauw Magazine will also
Gorham, Maine., where she has lived since 2003. be included in the online version of the magazine.
The book was written as a thank-you to the Gor- Please direct class note questions to Larry Ligget,
ham House staff. She spent three years and six editorial assistant, DePauw University, P.O. Box 37,
days writing the book, conducted 87 interviews 300 E. Seminary St., Greencastle, IN 46135-0037.
and compiled and researched the material that Phone: 765-658-4627; fax 765-658-4625; e-mail
includes 200 photos. Fanee is author of nine books larryligget@depauw.edu.
and is planning to write two more, which will be – Editor
concerned with theology.

Photo: KIWI Photography

1951 Philip Steinberg was one of the 2009 recipients

Dale E. Espich received the 2009 Donald J. of the Significant Sig Award, the highest honor for
Trap Human Service Award for volunteer service alumni achievement given by Sigma Chi fraternity.
during the Shiawassee (Mich.) County Children’s
Alumni Reunion Weekend 2009 Service Provider annual conference. Dale works as
Class of 1939 a business management consultant and finds time 1957
Mary Harriet Snyder Hornbacker, Jean T. to volunteer in his community. Nancy Ford Charles is co-secretary of the
Stoops League of Professional Theatre Women, a nonprofit
organization committed to promoting visibility and
increasing opportunities for women in professional
theatre. Nancy is an award-winning Broadway com-
poser. She composed the music for shows, including
I’m Getting My Act Together and Taking It On the Road,
The American Girls Revue and Anne of Green Gables.
Vernon E. Jordan Jr. delivered the keynote

For a schedule
of alumni events
information about
Old Gold Weekend
Photo: KIWI Photography

Monon Bell parties,

go to:
Alumni Reunion Weekend 2009 – Class of 1944
BettyJean “B.J.” Hendrickson Stroup, Ruth Burnet Schroeder, Margot Kleinke Walsh

Class Notes
address and received an honorary degree from the
University of the District of Columbia at the May
1958 Reich ’80 are both members of the St. Timothy
United Methodist Church Choir in Mandeville, La.
D. David Cryer, stage and screen actor, was
2009 commencement. He will be one of the 2010 one of the 2009 recipients of the Significant Sig In May 2009, the choir performed Mendelssohn’s
speakers for the Distinguished Lecturer Series of Award, the highest honor for alumni achievement Elijah in Athens, Greece. (See photo, page 66.)
Vero Beach, Fla. Vernon is senior managing director given by Sigma Chi fraternity. David received an Timothy H. Ubben was honored as a Posse
at Lazard Frères & Company LLC in New York City. honorary degree at DePauw’s commencement, Star by the Posse Foundation – in recognition of
Ann (Luttrell) and Thomas J. Grant ’56 May 17, 2009. his contributions to the organization – at the May
recently traveled to Japan, where they visited with Howard N. Greenlee Jr. is a member of the 20, 2009, gala event in New York City. Tim is a
DePauw trustee and classmate Hirotsugu “Chuck” Theatrical Motion Pictures nominating committee member of DePauw’s Board of Trustees.
Iikubo and his wife, Yoshiko. for the 16th annual Screen Actors Guild Awards
Frances Ott Allen is a member of the board of (SAG), to be held on Jan. 23, 2010, in Hollywood.
trustees of the Martha Kinney Cooper Ohioana Howard joined SAG in 1981 when he was living 1959
Library Association, which collects and publicizes in Arizona and earning roles in commercials and Richard K. Mallery is a senior partner at
cultural, literary, scientific, social and economic industrial films. Snell & Wilmer in Phoenix. The June 28, 2009,
achievements of Ohioans. Douglas A. Holmes and Diane Lippincott edition of The Arizona Republic featured an article
spotlighting Mallery’s years of work in civic affairs.
John T. Phipps was honored by the Cham-
paign (Ill.) County Bar Association, April 30,
2009, as a member of the Pillars of the Bar. John
has practiced law in downtown Champaign since
1965. He was named a Laureate of the Academy
of Illinois Lawyers in 2007 by the Illinois State Bar
Association. John is active in the Illinois State and
American Bar associations as well as a member of
the board of the Illinois Institute for Continuing
Legal Education.

Richard M. Bobb invites all Black Friars from
Photo: KIWI Photography

the Classes of 1950-60 to attend the special events

that will be offered by the Class of 1960 during
Alumni Reunion Weekend, June 9-13, 2010. The
events are now in the planning stage. For more
Alumni Reunion Weekend 2009 – Class of 1949 details, contact Richard at 106 Cypress Point, St.
Simons Island, GA 31522. Richard’s e-mail address
Row 1: Ellen Weathers Stevens, Mary Anne Quiter Truax, Dorothy Lami Magill, Donald K. Magill. is ptbobb@bellsouth.net.
Row 2: Shirley Swank Mitchem, Maureen Hubbard Cribbs, John P. Simon, Melvyn J. Huber. Charles C. Brown contributed an essay,
Photo: KIWI Photography

Alumni Reunion Weekend 2009 – Class of 1954

Row 1: Annichen Bohn Kassel, Anne Prindle Johnson, Jane Schwalm Miller, Marilyn Holtman Fetters, Betty Davis Givens, Marjorie Davis Morehead,
Marilyn Shanks Klingaman, Jerry L. Williams. Row 2: Robert L. Huffman, James M. Holland, Daniel F. Lynch III, Anne Emison Harmon, Joan Westmen
Battey, Ellen Little VandenBrink, Susan Healey Eynon, Loraine Loomis Cox. Row three: Howard E. Denbo, Timothy P. Garrigus, E. William Bergfeld Jr.,
Rod Petterson, Allen K. Billingsley, William A. Pendl, John “Jack” S. Trees, James W. Rowlett, Ronald K. Holmberg.

Class Notes
“Niebuhr’s Perspective on Aspects of American He lives in San An- tion award, the British Columbia National Award
Politics and Culture,” to a recent book titled, tonio, Texas. (See for Canadian Non-Fiction in December 2008.
Reinhold Niebuhr Revisited. Charles is a historian photo, left.) Mary also co-edited and published five volumes
and author of an earlier book on Niebuhr. He lives Richard H. of personal journals of Lucy Maud Montgomery.
in Grand Rapids, Mich. Tomey is a mem-
Dr. Ronald L. Gillum was recipient of Danville ber of the inaugu-
(Ill.) District 118 School Foundation’s David L. ral induction class 1962
Fields Outstanding Alumnus Award, April 2009. for Michigan City David L. Land-
He is a retired physician and professor. (Ind.) High School sittel is chairman of
A. Jeanne LaDuke is co-author of Pioneering Football Hall of the Committee of
Women in American Mathematics: The Pre-1940 Fame. Dick is head Sponsoring Orga-
PhD’s, published by the American Mathematical James E. Strayer ’60 football coach at San nizations (COSO),
Society. Jeanne is an associate professor at DePaul Jose State University. which provides
University in Chicago. (See Recent Words, page 20.) guidance dealing
James E. Strayer was installed as chair of the with controls, risk
board of directors of Alzafar Shriners in Janu- 1961 management and
ary 2009. Alzafar Shriners has more than 2,000 Mary Henley Rubio is author of a biography fraud deterrence
members in South Texas and is one of 191 Shriners about Lucy Maud Montgomery, the author who and is supported
temples that supports the 22 Shriners Hospitals wrote Anne of Green Gables. Rubio’s biography, David L. Landsittel ’62 by five professional
for Children in North America. Jim retired as a Lucy Maud Montgomery: The Gift of Wings, was accounting organi-
lieutenant colonel in the United States Air Force. short-listed for Canada’s largest literary nonfic- zations. (See photo, above.)
Photo: KIWI Photography

Alumni Reunion Weekend 2009 – Class of 1959

Row 1: Vivian Usher Ripley, Judith Hull Messick, Myrna Magnuson Trowbridge, Jayne Kuebler Lund, Carol Unterberg Merriam, Nancy Clemens Ulmer, Larry
L. Smiley, Alberta Matzke Buckman, William V. Blake III, Rae Lahti Donnelly, Ruth Eichelman McElwain, Nancy Spier Null, James S. McElwain, Thomas D.
Hession, Charlene Sorensen Ehlers, Theodore L. Megremis, Robert D. Sandine. Row 2: Patricia Shissler Stach, Elizabeth Beldon Meyer, Barbara Baxter Schip-
per, Frances Bagby Ray, Barbara Bretzman Stokes, Janet Jeffries Davidson, Sue Saeman Wheeler, James D. Beard, Patricia Brown Beard, Thomas R. Campbell,
Rosada Shaw Gonzales, Richard G. Bruehl, C. David Repp, Jerry J. Evans, Fred A. Maione. Row 3: Phyllis Brooks Taylor, Dianne Achor Johnston, Willis H.
“Bing” Davis, Christena Trusler Biggs, Eileen Matthews Barfknecht, Mary Walbaum Williams, John P. Williams, Thomas E. Lilly, Jerry A. Morgan, Win C.
Smith, Russell P. Peterson, Roy T. Smith, Marcia Novak Niemi, C. Sumpter Logan, A. Richard Gloor Jr. Row 4: Nancy Findley Bizal, Warren E. Buddenbaum,
Judith Shutt Rose, W. Allan Walker, Charles H. Watson, Rosanne Nelson Watson, Samuel H. “Jock” McFarlane, George T. Dodd, Fred B. Fisher, Ralph H.
Dude, Beverly Tansey Bryan, R. Elaine Degenhart, Marcia Meyer McCoy, Douglas R. Cahill, Donna K. Cunningham. Row 5: Kenneth L. Kirk, Joseph P. Al-
len IV, Thomas J. Spackman, Donna Stewart Spackman, Virginia Greenwald Logan, Lynn A. Snelson, John T. Mayhall, Robert B. Wessling, Allan R. Millett,
Robert M. Newburn, R. Bruce Hinely, unidentified, Carolyn Hostetter Smith, Marilyn Brier Hewitt, John “Jack” K. Miles, Richard B. Will. Row 6: Thea
Phelps Wellington, Barbara Pevlecke Jones, Barbara Lindley Schrier, Lillian Smith Cashman, Elizabeth Roys Beiser, Sharon Dahlheimer Kovac, Mary Morgan
Halfmann, Myrna McGreevy Newpart, Rachel Hampton Park, Barbara Herrick Hill, Nancy McCay Miles, Harry C. “Bud” Meyers, Richard H. Whited, Ronald
L. Longnecker, Thelma Hunter Harkness-Thompson, Robert A. Below. Row 7: Charles E. Racine, Susan Crabb Johnson, Sue Strickland Hirschman, George
E. Heidelbaugh Jr., W. Scott Wycoff III, Robert P. Godwin, R. Larry Thomas, Richard H. Sloan, Robert James “Jim” Current, David A. Uhrick, Wesley M.
Vietzke, J. Robert Knott, Evelyn Nesbitt Hartz, Robert L. Sieben, Charles G. Huizenga. Row 8: Janet Barton Dring, John T. Phipps, W. Larry Kinsey, Donald
L. Layton, Martha Feicht Neitman, Sue Huffman Hudelson, John W. Wagner, William R. Prosser, John S. Kemper, Andrew J. Paine Jr., Beverly Baker Baker,
Robert P. Little, Susan Stirling Little, Robert S. Julian. Row 9: Patricia Foley Siddiq, J. Baird Davis, Thomas M. McKenna Jr., Charles R. Epperson, James
R. Hartzer, Ann Lee Thompson, Whitney Fearer Morrill, Sonya Jones Nicely, Linda Sunkel Chittick, Patricia Kuhns McCormick, Patricia Williams French,
Elizabeth “Betty Kay” Oxnam Cullen, Patia Parker Findley, Joyce Bittner Wylie, Phillip A. Livengood. Row 10: Alice Trickey Swiatek, Shirley Pimlott Jay, Sue
Egbert Hovland, Ann Egbert Grundstrom, Mary Thompson Regenhardt, Jeanette Fletcher Robertson, Gerald H. Gruber, Joan Austin Goodwin, Anne Headley
Ziska, Charlotte Todd Linge, Barbara Griffiths Walters, Susanne Proud Kroeger, Loretta Zorn Rolston, Carol Anderson Beveridge.

Class Notes

Then and now

During Alumni Reunion Weekend 2009, members of the Class of 1959 gathered and restaged two group photos.

Mortar Board capping 1958 included, front row from left: Susan L. Stirling, 1958 Mortar Board attendees at Alumni Reunion Weekend 2009, front row
honorary member and assistant dean Nelle I. Barnhart, honorary member and from left: Susan Stirling Little, Rae Lahti Donnelly. Back row: Kay Halstead
assistant dean Lucile M. Scheuer, Rae A. Lahti. Back row: Kay E. Halstead, Elliott, Nancy McKay Miles, Ruth Eichelman McElwain, Sue Strickland
Nancy M. McCay, Ruth Eichelman, Sue C. Strickland, Barbara J. Herrick, Hirschman, Barbara Herrick Hill and Carolyn Hostetter Smith.
Carolyn J. Hostetter, Jean Miller and Jackie Reusser.

May Queen Court 1959 included, front row from left: Tucky Munroe, Barbara 1959 May Queen Court attendees at Alumni Reunion Weekend 2009, front
J. Herrick, Susan L. Stirling, Jean Miller. Second row: Ruth Eichelman, Rae row from left: Ruth Eichelman McElwain, Barbara Herrick Hill, Susan Stir-
A. Lahti, Joan L. Austin. Third row: Phyllis M. Brooks, Barb Stimson. Fourth ling Little and Joan Austin Goodwin. Second row: Phyllis Brooks Taylor, Rae
row: Mary E. Walbaum. Not included in the photo is Joyce M. Bittner. Lahti Donnelley and Joyce Bittner Wylie. Third row: Mary Walbaum Williams.

For a schedule of alumni events

or information about
Old Gold Weekend and Monon Bell parties,
go to: www.depauw.edu/alumni

Class Notes

1963 T. Stephen Phillips is a partner in the cor-

porate department of the Porter Wright law firm
Dr. Philip N. Eskew Jr. is past president of David L. Callies received a University of Ha-
the Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame. He was re- in Cincinnati. He focuses on estate planning and waii Regents Medal for Excellence in Teaching for
elected for a second term as a trustee at Indiana wealth preservation. 2008-09. David is the Benjamin A. Kudo Professor
University. He is a physician and retired director Bayard “Bud” H. Walters received the 2009 of Law at the university’s school of law.
of physician and patient relations at St. Vincent Broadcasters Foundation of America Ward L. Stephen E. Ewing is a member of the board of
Hospital in Indianapolis. He is a clinical professor Quaal Pioneer Award. He also received the Illinois directors of CMS Energy and Consumers Energy.
in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Broadcasters Association Vincent T. Wasilewski H. Scott Tonk is retired and lives at 770 Pon-
at the Indiana School of Medicine. Broadcaster of the Year award, June 17, 2009. Bud della Road, Apt. 164, North Fort Myers, FL 33903.
Charles A. Jarvis, Richard W. Pell, Morgan J. is founder and owner of Cromwell Group Inc., in His e-mail address is scotttonk@embarqmail.com.
Ordman and Rod Goodwin got together in Florida Nashville, Tenn., which includes 22 radio stations
in April 2009. (See photo, below) in four states. He is member of the DePauw Board
of Trustees. 1966
Dr. James N. Thompson received a Special
Recognition Award from the National Board of
1964 Medical Examiners. Thompson recently retired
James M. Callane is secretary of the Indiana president and chief executive officer of the Federa-
Basketball Hall of Fame for 2009-10. He is retired tion of State Medical Boards.
athletic director for Kokomo-Center (Ind.) School
Roger B. Nelsen is co-author of When Less is
More: Visualizing Basic Inequalities. He is a pro-
J. Richard Heys received the Melvin Calvin
fessor of mathematics at Lewis & Clark College Award given by the International Symposium
Charles A. Jarvis ’63, Richard W. Pell ’63 and in Portland, Ore. (See Recent words, page 20.) of the International Isotope Society. The award
Morgan J. Rodman ’63 met at the Villages in Florida is presented every three years for outstanding
to play golf in April 2009. contributions to the field of isotopes. Richard is
Photo: KIWI Photography

Alumni Reunion Weekend 2009 – Class of 1964

Row 1: James D. Birch, Mary Watson Anderson, Roma Williams Hess, Marilyn Schaaf Owen, Sandra Elles Hansen, Susan K. Arndt. Row 2: Stephen E. Davis,
Maxine May Hubbard, Maureen Sullivan Taylor, Janet Graves Teeguarden, Linda Howell Adams, Charles A. Adams. Row 3: Bruce A. Gastineau, Thomas R.
Gibson, Dolores M. Templeton, Mark E. English, William R. Spomer. Row 4: Lee E. Tenzer, Howard L. Bull, John “Jack” R. Anderson II, William Sheahan.

Don’t miss out on news from DePauw!

Post your e-mail address at: https://www.depauw.edu/e/alu/login.asp

Class Notes
co-author of a recently published book, Preparation tug boats, fishing boats and yachts. past presidents of scientific federations and societ-
of Compounds Labeled with Tritium and Carbon-14. Grace Roselyn Kerlin received an honorary ies. Bill is vice president of Occidental Chemical
He retired from AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals in doctoral degree in education from Taylor University Corporation in Dallas. He also serves as an adjunct
2005 but has been active in consulting, wrapping up in Upland, Ind. professor of chemistry at Indiana University. Bill is
research collaborations, publishing journal articles a member of the Science and Technology Advisory
and writing. He recently had time to pursue his Board at DePauw.
interest in artistic and utilitarian woodturning, 1971 I. Robert Emmerich Jr. is executive vice
and he shows his work in Litchfield, Conn.-area David L. Carlson is a commander in the United president and chief credit officer for First Com-
galleries, craft shops and craft fairs. States Navy Reserve Component. He serves in the monwealth Bank in Indiana, Pa.
Dental Corps and is assigned to the Naval Opera- Susan Schaefer Neville is Demia Butler
tions Center Denver. Professor of English at Butler University. Susan
1970 S. Page Cotton Jr., director of athletics at has taught at Butler for 25 years and founded
Dan L. Hen- DePauw, is a member of National Sports Associa- the school’s Visiting Writers Series 20 years ago.
d ri c k s is vice tion’s travel task force. The group was formed to Her book, Sailing the Inland Seas: On Writing,
chancellor for discuss the unique travel concerns inherent in the Literature, and Land, was named 2008 Best Book
advancement at sports industry. of Indiana-Nonfiction by the Indiana Sate Library.
Purdue Univer- Kathleen Fine Dare is co-editor of Border Cross-
sity Calumet. (See ings: Transnational Americanist Anthropology. She is
photo, right.) 1972 a professor of anthropology and women’s studies
Geoffrey A. M. Van Lefferdink is chief executive officer at Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colo. Kathleen
McGovern is presi- of the MVL Group, Inc., based in Jupiter, Fla. received Fort Lewis College’s first Distinguished
dent and owner Professor Award.
of Mobile Ship Elisa A. Turner is an art critic, writer and
Chandlery Inc., in Daniel L. Hendricks ’70 1973 journalist living in Miami. She contributed an
Mobile, Ala. He William F. Carroll Jr. is 2009 chair of the essay to two books, Supermix: Union of the Diverse
specializes in life raft service business for cruise lines, Council of Scientific Society Presidents, an orga- Contemporary Art in Miami and Outstanding Art:
deep water ships, offshore supply and workboats, nization of presidents, presidents-elect, and recent Outsider. Elisa writes an online column, Artcentric,
Photo: KIWI Photography

Alumni Reunion Weekend 2009 – Class of 1969

Row 1: Kerry P. Moskop, Mary Jane Glick Wilson, Ann Bauld Newton, Sharon Nelson Arendshorst, Rebecca Morris Tucker, Linda Greenhoe MacConnell,
Mary Petticrew Smalling, Sarah Jane Proctor Moore, Alison E. Frost, Barbara Heisel Manning. Row 2: Jean Denton Brubeck, Christine Kleemeier, Judith Land
Moore, Susan Campbell Foster, Vicki Crowden Schaffer, Jan Miltenberger Terry, Nancy Priess Heilman, Niki Lee Mott, Cynthia Croneigh Burrell, Catherine
Healy Hofmann, Barbara Zaring, John R. Current. Row 3: Ann Wiggers Verhaeghe, Dale H. Van Kirk, Mason P. Jett, Donald A. Coffin, Christopher J. Wurster,
Tom K. Heilman, Dennis R. Stuckey, Hugh Finson, Richard E. Wehnes, James E. Dirks. Row 4: John S. Marlatt, J. Denny Haythorn, David K. Deets, Derrick
L. Warner, Timothy B. Hornbacker, Duncan “Pat” N. Pritchett, Robert C. Moore, Tyler B. Somershield, Robert S. Tongren, Susanne Hanna MacTavish. Row
5: Robert M. Steele, Stephen C. Jones, Douglas B. McAlister, Larry R. Horning, Frederick “Rick” P. Velde, Alan M. Hux, Gregory M. “Mike” Boyer, John V.
Gambaiani, John “Jack” B. Gross Jr., Raymond W. Owens III, Teresa Kendall Owens. Row 6: Grey M. Emmons, James D. Putnam, Warren R. Onken Jr., Janet
Lam Gessert, Frederick W. Parker II, Barbara White Parker, Russell C. Sklenicka, Betsy Roberts Sklenicka, Karen Pratt Peiffer, Samuel A. Kocoshis, Ben A. Rich.
Row 7: David A. Bohmer, Ned E. Lee, Nancy Reynolds Fairchild, Gail Austin Siegers, Nancy VanSickle Kent, Sarah “Sally” Katterhenry Dutton, Thomas M.
O’Neil, William L. Holton, Frederick Tucker III, James M. Tomsic, Thomas F. Kyhos, William L. Crist.

Class Notes
at www.artcircuits.com. She and her husband, Eric
S. Smith ’72, have two children: a son, Grant S.
1976 College at Meramec. They have two daughters:
Allison, 16, and Caroline, 10. They live at 5001
Christopher L. Callahan is general manager
Smith ’08, and a daughter, Margaret. of the Porsche Academy at Porsche Cars North Annette Court, St. Louis, MO 63119.
Michael B. Wanchic is co-producer of John America. Porsche Cars is the North American Steven L. Reff
Mellencamp’s latest album, Love, Death, Live and importer and distributor for Porsche vehicles. retired from Inter-
Freedom. Mike has been part of Mellencamp’s Chris and his wife, Kathy Watson, live at 2828 national Business
band for more than 30 years. He plays guitar on Delcourt Drive, Decatur, GA 30033. Machines following
the recent release. W. Blaine Early III is chairman of the board 30 years of service.
of the central Kentucky planning group Bluegrass His e-mail address
Tomorrow, a coalition of interests dedicated to is shs72dpu77@
1975 achieving the highest quality of life and economic gmail.com. (See
David C. Carr vitality in the 14-county central Bluegrass region. photo, right.)
is executive director Blaine is an attorney with Stites & Harbison in Steven L. Reff ’77
of Montreat Col- Lexington, Ky.
lege Professional William A. Gray Jr. and David J. Brandvik
Development In- ’81 joined Raymond James & Associates, Inc.,
stitute in Montreat, to form Sagamore Advisors of Raymond James For a schedule
N.C. His group
develops custom-
& Associates. Each holds the title of senior vice
president of investments.
of alumni events
ized team-building
programs in areas
of leadership, com- 1977 information about
David C. Carr ’75 munity and innova- Barbara Kingsolver, author of several best-
tion for groups as selling novels, including The Poisonwood Bible,
Old Gold Weekend
small as five and as large as 300, both on and off
site. (See photo, above.)
has written a new book, The Lacuna, scheduled and
to be published in November 2009.
Mary L. Pierson is an equity portfolio manager John C. Lesch is owner and operator of John Monon Bell parties,
at Optimum Investment Advisors in Chicago. Lesch Design, a custom furniture design firm in St.
She was named co-portfolio manager of Aston- Louis. His work was recently included in the 2009 go to:
Optimum MidCap Fund. She and her husband,
William Wadden IV, have two children: Laura, a
Architectural Digest Home Design Show, AD 100 www.depauw.edu/
Rooms. His work can be viewed at johnleschdesign.
senior at Stanford University; and Jack, a sopho-
more at Williams College.
com. His wife, Betsy J. Morris ’80, is an associ- alumni
ate professor of fine art at St. Louis Community
Photo: KIWI Photography

Alumni Reunion Weekend 2009 – Class of 1974

Row 1: Judith Stone Snyder, Ann Meeks Erickson-Flesvig, Pamela J. Coburn, Debra Banzhaf York, Kathryn Fortune Hubbard, Portia Hinshaw-Fanning,
Margaret S. Milspaw, Florence E. Beatty, Mary Bennett Graub, Stephen W. Perkins. Row 2: Nancy W. Lovett, Thomas R. Mote, Bruce P. Grossnickle, James
S. Cunning, William R. “Rick” Niersbach Jr., Joyce Steele Hawkins, Christine Niles Cancelmo, Stephen B. Lewis, Nancy Milligan Frick, Gary L. Klotz. Row
3: Tod K. Beynon, John K. Flickinger, Gerald “Gerry” O. Sweeney Jr., Jeffrey O. Lewis, Suzanne L. Sinclair, Katherine Prestholdt Luzar, Catherine Bryan
Whitford, Lisa Cleveland Sylvester, Barbara J. Schwegman. Row 4: Steven S. Eich, Jeanette “Jan” M. Temple, Michael A. Terry, William G. Whitehead, Eleanor
Neuhoff Berghausen, Linda A. Frauenhoff, Susan Keller Vigorita, Terry A. Crone, Judson C. Green. Row 5: Larry J. Marfise, Marie A. “Toni” Alles, Larry E.
Scott, Timothy T. Glidden, Andrea Hannon Brown, Janet S. Henry, Barbara Carnahan West, Barbara N. Schweizer, Jack W. Wiley.

Class Notes

1978 of toxic chemicals.” Meg is an investigative health

reporter for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
Cheryl Justice Engerski earned a doctoral
degree in educational counseling from the Uni-
Janet Hayes Phillips received a Ph.D. degree from
Indiana University School of Nursing in Indianapolis Dr. J. Scott Wade is a member of the board versity of Mississippi. She is an associate professor
in February 2009. She teaches nursing at Indiana of directors of Centra. He is an infectious disease at Mississippi State University, teaching students
University School of Nursing in Indianapolis. Janet’s specialist and internist with Medical Associates of pursuing their master’s or doctoral degrees.
e-mail address is jphillipsrn@comcast.net. Central Virginia. Janet Risi Field was guest lecturer for The
Kenneth J. Kubat is vice president of business Robert C. McDermont Center Lecture Series, April
growth and innovation for GeoAnalytics® Inc. 7, 2009. Jan is president and chief operating officer
Mark A. Roesler, an attorney with expertise in 1980 of Independent Purchasing Cooperative in Miami.
trademarks and image licensing, was a speaker at the Dr. Stephen P. Elliott and his wife, Linda,
Indiana University Kelley School of Business com- operate Living with Intention, a confidential,
mencement, May 10, 2009, in Indianapolis. Mark private, wellness practice in Fishers, Ind. 1982
is chief executive officer of CMG Worldwide, Inc. Diane Lippincott Reich and Douglas A. Robert R. Torkelson was a presenter at the
Mark Small is author of Crime Pays!, a satire Holmes ’58, are both members of the St. Timothy North Bay Business Journal’s 2009 Wine Confer-
based on a true investment scam that took place United Methodist Church Choir in Mandeville, La.
in Kokomo, Ind., in the 1960s. Mark is a trial In May 2009, the choir performed Mendelssohn’s
attorney in Indianapolis. Elijah in Athens, Greece. Diane’s e-mail address is
diane845@gmail.com. (See photo, right.)

1979 1981
James R. Allen received a 2009 Significant Sig
Award, the highest honor for alumni achievement David J. Brandvik and William A. Gray Jr.
given by Sigma Chi fraternity. ’76 joined Raymond James & Associates, Inc.,
Kenneth Jackson is the business segment man- to form Sagamore Advisors of Raymond James
ager, home care for Gulf South Medical Supply, & Associates. Each holds the title of senior vice
for PSS World Medical. president of investments.
Margaret Kissinger Boynton was a 2009 Brian J. Isley is co-founder of Mobile Media
Pulitzer Prize finalist, honored for “investigative Networks, which focuses on utilizing the new
digital media concept Out Of Home Networks. Diane Lippincott Reich ’80 and Douglas A. Holmes
reporting for chronicling the lax federal oversight ’58 in front of the Byzantine Castle in Thessaloniki.
Brian and his wife, Alex, live in southern California.
Photo: KIWI Photography

Alumni Reunion Weekend 2009 – Class of 1979

Row 1: Glenn E. Davis, Susan Melberg Davis, Timothy W. Swift, Margaret “Meg” Kissinger Boynton, Katrina Sorenson Stallings, Pamela Kaczynski Blanken-
ship, Elizabeth “Betsy” L. Hake, Terri Gregory Brotze, Leslie Dustman Fenwick, Mary Helmen Kinsey, Melinda Helmen Schweer, Amy Daganhardt Whitlow.
Row 2: Paul A. Wright, Mark E. Hosking, Michael J. Best, Michael B. McCracken, Gilbert H. Reese, Thomas H. Ellis, Frank A. Hoffman, Steven L. Trulaske.
Row 3: James K. Schoen, Kyle E. Lanham, Jane Goebel Lahre, Anne Johnson Harris, Sue Mueller Lanter, Todd R. Stucky, Kerry E. Notestine, Douglas P.
Conner, Tracy Gibson Conner. Row 4: Trudi Miller Horner, Kathleen Robison Weiss, Karen Luce Branding, Leslie Bates Johnson, Susan Leis Thiele, Daniel
B. Kinsey, Timothy J. Bogue, Michael Sutton, Amy Breidenbach Johnston. Row 5: Donald M. Phelan, Maurie Jones Phelan, Jeffrey M. Bernacchi, Gary W.
Kriebel, Nicholas M. Tzakis, Lynn J. Brown, Stephen N. Smith, David A. Poggemeier, James H. Barrett, Ward M. Neff, Susan K. Mazzeo. Row 6: Carol Funk
Ives, Robert T. Ives, Elizabeth East Skalla, Linda L. Wiland, Jean Rudolph Scott, Anne O’Rourke Fry, Carolyn Kubec McClamroch, Elizabeth “Betsy” Gardner
Russell, Kathryn Johnson Moran, Sally Henning Carpenter, Sarah Harman Hunter, Catharine Crockett.

Class Notes
cacy Institute of the University of San Diego School
of Law award for Legislator of the Year 2008. David
is a member of the California Assembly.
Deborah Train Lackey and her husband,
Jeffrey, live in Carmel, Ind. They have three sons:
Nick, 18, a high school junior; Josh, 15, a high
school freshman; and Michael, 9, a third-grader.
Debbie’s e-mail address is dlackey5@hotmail.com.
Jeffrey W. Walkington is principal of University
Laboratory High School in Urbana, Ill.
Stacey Whittier McCarthy and her husband,
Dan, live in Chestnut Hill, Mass. They have two
sons: Drew, 11, and Colin, 9. Stacey’s e-mail ad-
dress is staceymccarthy@comcast.net.

Jeffrey J. Bowe is pursuing a doctoral degree
Members of the Pi Beta Phi class of 1983 at Lake Wawasee, Ind., included Diane Chiapelas Archibald ’83, in business administration in marketing with a
Julie Parker Stevenson ’83, Debra Markstone Castino ’83, Anne Gibbs Nostrand ’83, Betsy Baker Laskey research emphasis on sales ethics.
’83, Carrie Reavis Erzinger ’83 and Kelly Chapman Weadick ’83. Kathy Patterson Vrabeck has joined Legendary
ence, April 7. Bob is president and chief operating Members of the 1983 class of Kappa Alpha Pictures as a member of its digital programming
officer of Trinchero Family Estates, one of America’s Theta met for the Theta initiation ceremonies at development staff. Kathy is a member of DePauw’s
largest producers of wines. DePauw, March 13, 2009. (See photo, below.) Board of Trustees.
Sandra Matthys Roob was honored by the Alice H. Ripley was named best actress in a
Indiana Society of Professional Journalists’ Best in musical for her role as a bipolar housewife in the
1983 Indiana Journalism contest, April 24, 2009, winning Broadway show, Next to Normal, at the 63rd an-
nual Tony Awards.
Seven members of the Pi Beta Phi class of 1983 first place for Best Medical/Science Reporting. She is
gathered at Lake Wawasee, Ind., for a winter week- a reporter for WFYI radio in Indianapolis. She and Sava A. Vojcanin and his wife, Valerie, an-
end get-away in March 2009. (See photo, above.) a colleague also won the Best News Series – Metro nounce the birth of their son, George Andrew
Elizabeth Goodpaster Austin is a founding Radio award, given by the Indiana Associated Press Vojcanin, April 15, 2009. George joins brother
member of Keowee Chamber Music, a professional Broadcasters, for their work that aired in 2008. John, 5, and sister Elizabeth, 2, at their home in
ensemble and nonprofit organization. Elizabeth Lake Bluff, Ill. Sava’s e-mail address is svojcanin@
plays the cello. clausen.com.
David W. Hills 1984
is general coun- Susan Hoeppner Cristiano and her husband,
sel-Americas for Fernando, announce the birth of their twin sons, 1986
dunnhumbyUSA, Michael and Matthew, March 2, 2009. Michael Marcia S. Engel and Rhett Alden were mar-
an international and Matthew join sister Giana, 2, at 832 Glencoe ried, May 20, 2008, in Nantucket, Mass. DePauw
leader in building St., Glen Ellyn, IL 60137. Susan’s e-mail address alumni attending the wedding included Carol
sales and brand is susancristiano@yahoo.com. Breuhaus Kenney ’58, Joanne Royer Barnard,
value for consumer David E. Jones received the Children’s Advo- Stacy Hedges Champagne, Maureen Diercxsens
goods and retail
companies. He is
responsible for legal
David W. Hills ’83
affairs in North
America and Latin American. (See photo, above.)

For a schedule
of alumni events
or information about
Old Gold Weekend
Monon Bell parties,
go to: Members of the 1983 Kappa Alpha Theta class attended the 2012 Theta initiation ceremonies at DePauw. Those
attending included Jennifer Johnson ’83, Michelle Fischer Michelman ’83, Megan Cassidy Walls ’83, Margaret
www.depauw.edu/ McCarty Shelly ’83, Nancy Riker MacDonald ’83, Susan L. Collins ’83, Mary Matson Latta ’83, Debra
alumni Doyle Zablock ’83, Gayle Soderstrom Gaeth ’83, Julia Mathews Meneghin ’83, Laura Belfiglio Gold ’83, Anne
Spolyar Sellers ’83, Brynne Williams Shaner ’83, Stephanie Rychlak Stilson ’83, Jeri Lyday Hise ’83, Virginia
McCracken Vogel ’83, Lesley Nelson Reser ’83, Martha Kennedy Weiss ’83 and Susan McNichols Cassidy ’82.

Class Notes
Thompson, E. Lynn Bobbitt Mihevc, Jannie M.
Flook, Tiffany Renwick Riehle and Timothy C.
1987 volunteer service to the local community. Gina has
volunteered in her Fort Leavenworth community
Todd G. Gardner is vice president and general
Riehle. Marcia is director of Global Alliances, WW manager of Software & Information Industry As- since 2005 as a classroom mom and a member
Financial Services, at Microsoft. Marcia and Rhett sociation’s software division, the principal trade as- of the board of directors for the Frontier Army
live in Seattle. Marcia’s e-mail address is marciae1@ sociation for the software and digital content industry. Museum. She holds the position of chair for the
hotmail.com. (See photo, below.) Todd is a member of DePauw’s Board of Visitors. Tour of Historic Homes and Christmas Tour of
George B. Gill launched a Web site for his Homes. She was the Family Readiness Group leader
business called RentaBikeNow.com. The Web site for her husband’s border transition team while he
is North America’s only nationwide coast-to-coast was deployed 14 months to Iraq and community
bicycle rental resource and offers bike rentals, acces- coordinator for her Meade Avenue neighbors. (See
sories and tours in 150 cities across North America. photo,top next page.)
Juliana M. Overmier was winner of the 2009 John P. Rhodes and his wife, Tracy, announce
National Flute Association’s Convention Performer’s the birth of their son, Rex Palmer Rhodes, April
Competition in May, 2009. The competition was 21, 2009. Rex joins brother Cole and sister Josie
created to promote newly published flute music. at their home in Missoula, Mont. John’s e-mail
Juliana premiered a new work in August 2009 at address is john_rhodes@fd.org.
the National Flute Association’s annual convention
in New York City. She is an adjunct faculty member
at East Central University in Ada, Okla. 1988
Gina Pagano Redwine received the Margaret James M. Gladden is dean of Indiana Uni-
C. Corbin Award for volunteer excellence. It is the versity School of Physical Education and Tour-
highest level civilian award that the Training and ism Management at Indiana University-Purdue
Doctrine Command Commander can authorize, University in Indianapolis.
and it is presented to spouses of active duty or re- Mark B. Hamilton is general manager for
tired military personnel in recognition for superior luxury and showrooms for American Standard
Marcia S. Engel ’86 and Rhett Alden Brands.
Photo: KIWI Photography

Alumni Reunion Weekend 2009 – Class of 1984

Row 1: G. Jeffrey Elam, Jennifer Kneisley Ferguson, Stuart J. Ferguson, Mark A. Buening, Pamela J. Para, Lisa Michaels Carlson, Matthew T. Smith, Steven
A. Williams, John C. Feld. Row 2: Dirk E. Baker, Katherine “Kelly” Sparenberg Baker, John F. Dorenbusch Jr., Paul C. Soper, LeeAnn Runyan Biggs, Scott C.
Biggs, Paul M. Hershberger, David S. Hathaway, Donald A. “Tony” Bolazina, Amy Robb Bolazina, Stephen T. Schroer, Stuart B. Smith. Row 3: Jeffery W. Davis,
Eric M. Tate, Kenneth P. Geoghegan, George C. Miliotes, Thomas A. Biggs, Andrew B. Buroker, Dale E. Stackhouse, Joseph H. Rohs, Rick K. Mott, Marcia
Redmond Lehrman. Row 4: Binh Q. Nguyen, Julianne Cartmel Mershon, Debbie Train Lackey, Laura Cochran Reavis, Stacey Whittier McCarthy, Tracey
M. Trombino, Martha “Marty” Weddell Nicholson, Erin Buck Clark, Steven H. Kennett, J. Jeffery Kauffman, Thomas A. Noonan, Kathleen Betsill Dewey,
David S. Dewey. Row 5: Douglas R. New, Michael C. Lueder, Mary Peacock Rzeszutko, Susan Hoeppner Cristiano, Elizabeth “Betsy” Oakes Pegram, Janice
Amoroso Kershaw, Juliana Bialek McGrew, Thomas P. Callan, Jeffrey J. Cieply, Mary Burnham Curtis, Siri A. Loescher, Cindy Tibbetts Frey. Row 6: Joseph R.
Heerens, John C. Otteson, George J. “Skip” Koesterman, James E. Ransdell, D. Todd Dillon, David G. Martyn, Randall May, Kenneth L. Fellman, Barbara
Geiler, Holly Conreux Donnell, Stephen R. Donnell, Lynn Beimdiek Morris, Lark Morgan Stark. Row 7: Emily Elliott Browning, Kelly E. Naylor, Catherine
Cockerill Moran, Robin L. Olds, Linda Walker Thrapp, Jennifer Tracey Eisenheim, Carol Schussler Martin, Lisa Blair Banker, Karen Vrdolyak, Francesca P.
Runza, Katherine A. Mitchell, Gretchen A. Stiers, Gwendolyn Robbins Hays, Karen Schreier Paris, Kathleen Baldwin Leipprandt. Row 8: Elizabeth Copher
Browning, Teresa L. Creek, Janet M. Strain, Lisa A. Benham, Elizabeth Hughes Krebs, Susan A. Ellefson-Kurtz, Kathryn Senseman Laudick, Ellen Lipe Fliss,
Lee N. Polite, Michael D. Krauss, David M. Findlay, Brian D. Kluever, Claire Gilbert Kluever, Sally Nesting Eppert.

Class Notes
Karen Horvath Wulf and her husband, Matthew,
announce the birth of their daughter, Kathryn “Katie”
Rose Horvath Wulf, June 5, 2008. Karen is an assistant
professor of national security and interagency policy
at the National Defense University, Washington,
D.C. Her e-mail address is klhorvath@hotmail.com.
Anthony E. and Elizabeth (Ryan ’90) Kehoe
announce the birth of their son, Henry Clayton
Kehoe, March 24, 2009. “Hank” joins sisters
Rece, 5, and Liesel, 4. The family lives in Helsinki,
Finland. Anthony is global director of strategy for
UPM-Kymmene Corporation, a forest products
company. Anthony’s e-mail address is anthony.

Tiffany Madden Lundquist and her husband,
John, announce the birth of their daughter, Eleanor
Anne Lundquist, Dec. 8, 2008. Elly joins sister
Lieutenant General William B. Caldwell IV, Gina Pagano Redwine ’87, Lieutenant Commander Jim Redwine Madeline, 3, at their home in Baltimore. Tiffany
and Commander Sergeant Major Philip Johndrow. is acting state director for AARP in Maryland.
Tiffany has been re-connecting with DePauw
Collin B. Kebo lian Nicole Rank, March 9, 2009. Jennifer’s e-mail classmates on FaceBook.
is vice president of address is jen.gosnell@gmail.com. Jennifer Stafford Klinger and her husband,
financial planning Jeffrey F. Knupp is a director at Deutsche Bank James, announce the birth of their son, Jackson
and analysis for Securities, Inc., in the institutional client group in Patrick Klinger, Jan. 15, 2009. “Jack” joins sister
CDW Corpora- its global markets division. Katie, 11; brother Joey, 9; and sister Ellie, 6. The
tion. (See photo, Elizabeth (Ryan) and Anthony E. Kehoe ’92 family lives in Fort Wayne. Jennie’s e-mail address
right.) announce the birth of their son, Henry Clayton is klingers6@comcast.net.
John H. Keen- Kehoe, March 24, 2009. “Hank” joins sisters Rece, Scott A. Thompson is a staff member of Easton
an IV is manag- 5, and Liesel, 4. They live in Helsinki, Finland. Veterinary Clinic in Easton, Md.
ing director for Anthony is global director of strategy for UPM-
Jones Lang LaSalle Kymmene Corporation, a forest products company.
Americas, Inc., in Collin B. Kebo ’88 His e-mail is anthony.kehoe@upm-kymmene.com. 1994
Chicago. He was Stephen P. Summers is chair of the department Amy Tucker Ryan and her husband, Andy,
featured in People Magazine in an article titled of physical sciences at Seminole Community Col- announce the birth of their son, Joseph Delaney
“Heroes in Hard Times.” John is helping a single lege in Sanford, Fla. He also serves as board chair Ryan, June 5, 2009. The family lives in St. Louis.
mother and her two children with living expenses for The Orlando Chorale, a local arts organization. Amy is an attorney with Martin, Leigh, Laws and
for a year until she is able to find a job. John said, He lives at 1001 E. Marks St., Orlando, FL 32803. Fritzlen, P.C., where she practices bankruptcy law.
“Helping to put a family back on its feet is the His e-mail address is profsummers@yahoo.com. Her e-mail address is atr@mllfpc.com.
greatest feeling in the world. Creighton B. Wright Jr. is vice president of the
health and medical practice group at Colliers Turley
1989 Martin Tucker. His responsibilities include man-
Matthew A. Reinhard was chosen as a juror for agement of large institutionally owned health and For a schedule
the 2009 CLIO Awards, which are presented for cre-
ative excellence in advertising and design. Matthew
medical facilities and growth of the business line.
of alumni events
is executive creative director of DDB Los Angeles. or
Jane Probst Moore and her husband, Jason, information about
1990 announce the birth of their daughter, Alexis Samira
Old Gold Weekend
John W. Busey II was a member of a group that Moore, July 14, 2008. They live in Costa Rica.
traveled to Uzbekistan in April 2009 to establish a Jane’s e-mail address is janemoorecr@hotmail.com. and
Rotary Club in the capital city of Tashkent. They
also assisted A Full Life, an organization that Monon Bell parties,
works to provide support for orphans by teach- 1992 go to:
ing practical life skills. John is first vice president, W. Bret Baier was a recipient of the 2009
branch manager and senior investment consultant
at Robert W. Baird & Company in Racine, Wis.
Significant Sig Award, the highest honor for alumni
achievement given by Sigma Chi fraternity.
Jennifer M. Gosnell and her husband, Doug Joel D. Hand is deputy prosecutor in Carroll alumni
Rank, announce the birth of their daughter, Lil- County, Ind.

To update your address call 765-658-4205 or

e-mail jenniferhassler@depauw.edu or fax 765-658-4172.

Class Notes

1995 Cole G. and Christina (Martin ’99) Dunnick

announce the birth of their son, George William
at University of California at Los Angeles. Aaron
and his colleagues at The Wall Street Journal won
Laura Allport Hammack earned a Ph.D. degree
in educational leadership from Indiana State Univer- Dunnick, Nov. 22, 2008. They live in Chicago. in the breaking news category for their coverage
sity, May 9, 2009. She is an assistant superintendent Amy Harrold Hall is human resources director of “The Day That Changed Wall Street.” He is a
in Beech Grove City Schools in Beech Grove, Ind. for Delaware County, Ind. member of DePauw’s Advisory Board for the Pul-
Her e-mail address is lhammack@bgcs.k12.in.us. Stephanie Jones Cegielski is founder of Jill liam Center for Contemporary Media.
Susan Dinkel Jensen was honored by the Lamb Foundation, a nonprofit organization that Craig N. Owens is an associate professor in
Indiana Society of Professional Journalists’ Best helps families suffering from breast cancer and also the English department at Drake University in
in Indiana Journalism contest, April 24, 2009. educates the public concerning the risks of breast Des Moines, Iowa. He teaches courses in literary
Susan won second place for Best Television Elec- cancer. In November 2008 she was appointed to theory, performance studies, drama, British and
tion Night Coverage as well as second place for a two-year term as a Susan G. Komen Advocate Irish literature, play writing and aesthetics. He is
Best Television Newscast. She is a reporter for in Science. In December 2008 she was named the a member of Steinsemble Performance Group, a
WTHI-TV in Terre Haute, Ind. Colorado appointee to the United States Election troupe dedicated to the performance of under-
Gregory L. Schwipps, assistant professor of Assistance Commission Federal Standards Board. represented and under-theorized works of the
English at DePauw, is author of the novel, What In January 2008 she became the Colorado Voting European and American avant-garde as well as
This River Keeps. (See Recent Words, page 21.) Equipment Certification Program manager. editor of the volume, Pinter Et Cetera.
Renee Y. Little is a partner with the law firm
of Carlock Copeland & Stair, LLP, in Atlanta.
1996 She is secretary of the Gate City Bar Association. 1997
Gregory D. Binns is a trial attorney for the Aaron J. Lucchetti received a Loeb Award, Gene M. and Misty (Robinson ’98) DeClark
global law firm of Thompson & Knight LLP in one of the highest honors in business journal- announce the birth of their daughter, Maia Elise
Dallas. He was selected for inclusion on the list ism. The award was presented June 29, 2009, in DeClark, May 4, 2009. Maia joins brother Joshua
of Texas Rising Stars 2009. Manhattan by Anderson School of Management at their home in Kirkland, Wash. Gene is a senior
Photo: KIWI Photography

Alumni Reunion Weekend 2009 – Class of 1989

Row 1: Lisa Taylor Madonia, Amy Fredrick Fetterer, Deneen Troutman Brennan, Leslie Hughes Wainwright, Leanne Longstreth Batchelder, Mary L. Glen-
non, Kathryn Jeffery Orland, Dennis J. Stehlik, Melissa Straubinger Stehlik, Jeffrey L. Harmening, Janet Byrne Thabit, Debora Hewitt Neumeyer. Row 2:
Debra Bangert Gerardi, Susan Geeslin Woodhouse, Wendy A. Ellis-Gardner, Lauren Kiely Willis, Shelbi Wright George, Connie Haight Januzelli, Cynthia
Mayer Carr, Julie B. Byers, Cynthia Meyers Plate, Christine Szillat Messerschmidt, William J. Beggs, Lisa Morse Harmening, Kris Emens Gaziano. Row 3:
Charles A. Compton, Barbara Miller Compton, Robert R. Dixon, Julie A. Camarillo, Brian R. Neff, Michael S. Stewart, Bryan M. Webb, Brent E. St. John,
Franklin R. McGuire, Ann-Clore Jones Duncan. Row 4: Marilyn Combs Bisbecos, Daniel E. Nelson, Joseph E. “Ted” Ukrop, Dale Gossard Stevenson,
Ann-Marie Henry Myers, Douglas Hallward-Driemeier, Stephen B. Donson, Michael C. Randall, Rachael Andrew Boezi. Row 5: Rebecca Yaeger Kimbell,
David C. Kimbell, Wallace J. Nichols, Mary Card Harbaugh, Becky L. Relic, Caren T. Althauser, Scott B. Ullem, Jeffrey D. Hamilton, Michele Merrill
Betsill, Brian C. Betsill, John V. Hollensteiner. Roe 6: Kristin Jones Tegethoff, Elizabeth LeSourd Ehlers, Elizabeth “Betsy” E. Lawson, Julie C. Ferguson,
James G. Philip III, Douglas S. Dove, Joseph Webster Jr., Gabriel J. “Jay” Roses, Eric D. Wheeler, Dana C. Riess, Beth Hentze Owens. Row 7: John G.
Stevenson, Susan Oetting Haun, Susan Doyle Price, J. Brian Thornburg, Jamie Jones Cushing, Susan Belt Herrmann, Leslie Dexheimer Gleason, Timothy
J. Tindall, Scott A. Harkness, Nancy Palmeter Harkness, Brett D. Perks, Todd D. Bess, Nancy Fox Ardell.

For a schedule of alumni events and information about alumni services, go to:

Class Notes
software development engineer for Microsoft. Misty
is a marriage and family therapist in private practice.
Cheryl L. Heiss and Tim Mondi were mar-
ried Aug. 18, 2008, in River Forest, Ill. Cheryl is
a shareholder with Fisher Kanaris, PC, and Tim
is chief financial officer/chief operating officer for
Neal & Leroy, LLC. (See photo, left.)
Courtney Neuhauser Zavorski and her husband,
Joe, announce the birth of their twin daughters,
Paige Mimi and Brooke Elizabeth Zavorski, Dec.
19, 2008. They live in Chicago. Courtney’s e-mail
address is courtneycourtneyn856@hotmail.com.
Patrick A. Petro was named the 2009 Employee
Owner of the Year by The ESOP Association, the
national trade association for companies with
employee stock ownership plans. Patrick is an em-
ployee of Worm’s Way, Inc., in Bloomington, Ind.
Craig S. Remsen and his wife, Megan, an-
nounce the birth of their daughter, Ansley Michael
Remsen, April 13, 2009. Ansley joins brother
James, 2, at their home in Media, Pa. Craig works
for Logan Circle Partners, an institutional money
Cheryl L. Heiss ’97 and Tim Mondi wedding party. DePauw alumni attending the wedding included David management firm in Philadelphia.
E. Heiss ’93 (brother of the bride), Pamela Gerbosi Heiss ’94 (sister-in-law of the bride), Christopher B.
Schubert ’96, Mary Overlease Schubert ’97 (bridesmaid), Stacy Winans Melou ’97 (bridesmaid), Julie
Altman Artz ’97, Melinda Birger Devany ’97, Tina Breen Rees ’97, Amanda Meyer Clark ’98, Deborah
Katie (Elftmann) and Jeffrey L. Rader announce
Drenzyk Robins ’97, Deena McBain ’97 (bridesmaid), Tracy Bailey Coil ’97, Amy O’Donnell Eagan ’97, the birth of their son, Jack Andrew Rader, April 22,
Sarah Ragsdale Beck ’97 (bridesmaid) and Ben H. Beck ’97. 2009. Jack joins identical twin sisters, Lauren and
Photo: KIWI Photography

Alumni Reunion Weekend 2009 – Class of 1994

Row 1: Jean Gileno Lloyd, Jennifer Clark Hopkins, George F. Bashaw III, John R. Perkins II, Eric R. Mies. Row 2: Shawna Delaney Ross, Wendy Fletcher
Franzen, Andrew T. Claar. Row 3: Shannon Twiford Hoar, Katherine Gouthro Kiley, Sarah Brooks Hill Ward, Julie Tippett Simon, Sarah Francis Walsh. Row
4: Steven S. Hoar, Daniel L. Kiley, Todd E. Williams ’95, Nancy Brougher Benincasa, Amy O’Neal Aimonette. Row 5: Gregory C. Brubaker, Justin C. Dye,
Kevin R. Eskew, W. Gregory Aimonette. Row 6: Barbara Rowley Steele, R. Lee Steele, Kathy L. Beymer, Eric M. Stisser, Michael C. “Chris” Hetzel. Row seven:
Michael A. Giunta, Alison Baxter Giunta, Ellen Morrison Townsend, Edward J. Meier, Bradley R. Leak.

Class Notes
Caroline Rader, 3, at their home in Newport Beach, Ernesto, announce the birth of their son, Max Lauren is director of annual giving at The Out-of-
Calif. Kate and Jeff would enjoy hearing from DePauw Emiliano Castañeda, May 8, 2008. Angela is an Door Academy. Brian is education and outreach
classmates. Kate’s e-mail address is kate.rader@gmail. assistant professor of anthropology and Latin director at Asolo Repertory Theatre.
com. Jeff’s e-mail address is jlrader@gmail.com. American and Caribbean Studies at DePauw. Muriel J. Collison and Jeremiah F. Elrod an-
Jason T. Gardner and his wife, Michelle, Ernesto is an architect with Kirkwood Design nounce the birth of their son, Jack Collison Elrod,
announce the birth of their son, Mason Bryce Studio. They live in Bloomington, Ind. Angela’s Aug. 30, 2008. Jack joins sister Sophia Hope, 2,
Gardner, March 2, 2009. Jason is student athlete e-mail address is acastaneda@depauw.edu. at their home in Northbrook, Ill. Muriel received
success coordinator at Jefferson College in Hills- Alexandra (Rafferty) and D. Lee Tilghman a Congressional Award in recognition of her work
boro, Mo. They live in Arnold, Mo. Jason’s e-mail announce the birth of their daughter, Anne “Annie” supporting the orphans of Kazakhstan, at the
address is jgardner@jeffco.edu. Rafferty Tilghman, Dec. 24, 2008. Alexandra’s e- Angels in Adoption gala in Washington, D.C. The
Gregory A. and Laura (Cordes ’01) Gvozdas mail address is atilghman@thompsoncoburn.com. recipients of the award are chosen by members of
announce the birth of their son, Hayden Nicholas Lee’s e-mail address is lee.tilghman@usbank.com. the United States Congress. Muriel founded Ka-
Gvozdas, March 14, 2009. Hayden joins sister Misty (Robinson) and Gene M. DeClark ’97 zapalooza, a charity event through which families
Clara Noelle at their home in Ketchum, Idaho. announce the birth of their daughter, Maia Elise come together to celebrate the joy of adoption and
Their e-mail address is lcgvozdas@hotmail.com. DeClark, May 4, 2009. Maia joins brother Joshua to raise funds for charities that aid orphanages in
Ryan M. Hays is assistant dean of faculty at at their home in Kirkland, Wash. Misty is a marriage Kazakhstan. Their daughter, Sophia, was adopted
Princeton University. He earned doctoral degree and family therapist in private practice. Gene is a from Kazakhstan in 2007. Muriel is an attorney.
in psychoanalytic studies from Emory University. senior software development engineer for Microsoft. Her e-mail address is murielcollison@hotmail.com.
L. Paige Landreth McCaffrey and her husband, Misty’s e-mail address is mistydeclark@hotmail.com. Jerry’s e-mail address is jerryelrod@hotmail.com.
Sean, announce the birth of their son, Cade Mat- William “Fritz” F. Vandover and his wife, Stepha- Anne (Ewald) and Adam M. Dill announce
thew McCaffrey, Feb. 18, 2009. Paige is director nie, announce the birth of their daughter, Milena Kaye the birth of their son, Joshua Thomas Dill, April
of leadership and management at adidas, Inc., in Vandover, Nov. 7, 2008. They live in Minneapolis. 29, 2009. Joshua joins brother Charlie, 3, at their
Portland, Ore. Paige earned a J.D. degree from Fritz’s e-mail address is fritzvandover@gmail.com. home in Champaign, Ill. Anne’s e-mail address is
University of Oregon School of Law and M.B.A. annedill@hotmail.com. Adam’s e-mail address is
degree from Warsaw College of Sports Business of adill19@hotmail.com.
the University of Oregon. Sean is a manager for 1999 Edward M. Garnes Jr. was recipient of the Atlanta
Nike, Inc. The family lives in Portland, Ore. Paige’s Lauren (Bennett) and Brian M. Hersh an- Tribune’s 2009 Man of Distinction award for leader-
e-mail address is paigelandreth@hotmail.com. nounce the birth of their daughter, Lillian Rae ship and innovative work with From AfrosTo Shelltoes,
Angela Martin Castañeda and her husband, Hersh, Jan. 20, 2009. They live in Sarasota, Fla. a community-based organization that focuses on
Photo: KIWI Photography

Alumni Reunion Weekend 2009 – Class of 1999

Row 1: Dana R. Holdman, Kimberly Paradise Ridder, Elizabeth English Eckert, Lindsay Perry Sonnenberg, Anna Eidson Palmer, Ryan C. Palmer, Jessica
Collins South. Row 2: Elizabeth L. Martin, Catherine A. Lux, Amber L. Ewing, Elizabeth Laughlin Raymond, Benjamin L. Stewart, Jennifer Raney Kalmus,
Scott M. Kalmus, Molly McHugh Applegate, David J. Posegay, Jennifer Bachert Venutolo. Row 3: Christina Martin Dunnick, Lynn Martin DeHoyos,
Rebecca McConnell Cunningham, Kara Quillico Paris, David D. Mitchell, Anne S. Becker, Kelly M. Applegate, Ryan J. Danks, John H. Bankhurst,
Thomas J. Venutolo, Lori Bahleda Shattuck. Row 4: Jennifer L. Briscoe, Jaime W. Walker, Tara Carlson Daley, Emily Jones Knuth, Abigail L. Schoonaert,
Sharmila B. Isaiah, Marquitta D. Johnson, Tiffanee L. Woodard, Patricia A. Guagliardo, Paul M. Avilez, Brian A. White, Kenton B. Smith, Russell E.
Newton, Cheryl A. Gonzalez, Nicole B. Johnson, Corrie Klopcic Chumpitazi, Errolyn Yavorsky Healy, Bryan C. McNabb. Row 5: Leonica Keilman Parker,
Catharine L. Sprinkel, Melissa Kiefer Willis, Lynn M. Miller, Kirstin P. Rhinehart, Erica K. Amoni, Susan Cartwright Pearson, Jeffrey D. Mohl, Michael J.
Hays, Muriel J. Collison, Jeremiah F. Elrod, Greta Hickman Dutton, Megan Greves Klinginsmith. Row 6: Meredith E. Rumble, Robin Taylor Carpenter,
Jacob M. Carpenter, H. Cabot Bartlett Jr., Catherine Force Koczaja, Jason T. Bird, Christopher D. Clark, Matthew J. Tebbe, Perry J. Trowbridge, James
Trent Pearson, Krista Lutterman Hurt, Lathe E. Miller, Yong S. Choe, Steve M. Dellinger, Caroline E. Nagy, David J. Atteberry, Andrew J. Cornelius, Jim
S. Furman, Traci Close Anderson, Jared M. Anderson, Jonathan A. Klinginsmith.

Class Notes
cultural productions Matthew J. Walker, head football and baseball Chrissy’s e-mail address is chrissydugan@gmail.
that bridge genera- coach at DePauw, was honorary starter at the In- com. (See photo, top next page.)
tion gaps between dianapolis 500 practice, May 8, 2009. He waved
youth, elders and the the green flag to open practice and was interviewed
hip hop community. over the venue’s video-public address system. 2002
He was honored at Sarah E. Batterton and Les Flemming were
the Atlanta Tribune’s married Sept. 20, 2008, in Bloomington, Ind. They
second Annual Men 2000 live in Salt Lake City. Sarah completed her pediatrics
of the Year Recep- AngieLyn (Hamilton-Lowe) and Daniel residency at the University of Utah in June 2009.
tion, April 23, 2009. Hamilton-Lowe announce the birth of their son, She is a pediatrician in the Rapid Treatment Unit
Ed is a writer, educa- Hadley Hamilton-Lowe, Feb. 24, 2009. AngieLyn’s at Primary Children’s Hospital. Les is pursuing a
Edward M. Garnes Jr. ’99
tor, counselor and e-mail address is angielynh@yahoo.com. Daniel’s doctoral degree in mechanical engineering at the
activist and is founder of From Afros to Shelltoes: Art, e-mail address is daniel_lowe@yahoo.com. University of Utah. Sarah’s e-mail address is sebat-
Action, and Conversation. (See photo, above.) Blythe E. Janowiak ’00 and Richard Mulligan terton@yahoo.com. (See photo, center next page.)
Megan Greves Klinginsmith is principal of (University of Chicago) were married Oct. 18, James T. Hart is an associate at the law firm of
Carmel (Ind.) Elementary School. 2008, in Providence, R.I. Blythe received a doctoral Weltman, Weinberg & Reis Co., LPA. He works
Christina (Martin) and Cole G. Dunnick ’96 degree in biochemistry from the Medical College in the legal action recovery department of the
announce the birth of their son, George William of Wisconsin in 2005. She is a postdoctoral fellow Cincinnati office.
Dunnick, Nov. 22, 2008. They live in Chicago. in microbiology and molecular genetics at Harvard Daniel C. Mack is an associate with Taylor
Nichole Nicholson Wilson is director of Medical School. (See photo, below left.) Thompson & Brannon, PLLC, in Lexington,
rehabilitation services for Community Health Jonna L. McGinley and Daniel A. Reilly (Princ- Ky. He earned a J.D. degree from the University
Network in Indianapolis. eton University) were married April 18, 2009, in of Dayton School of Law. He concentrates his
Dakota L. Shultz is the co-founder of Agency Indianapolis. Jonna earned a J.D. degree from Indiana practice in the areas of insurance coverage and
360º, which helps businesses and not-for-profit University and is an attorney at Swanson, Martin & defense, bad faith and civil litigation.
groups market themselves. Bell LLP in Chicago. Dan is a finance manager with Michael P. Rossi was the subject of an article
Motorola and is pursuing a M.B.A. at Northwestern in the The Naperville (Ill.) Sun, April 16, 2009,
University’s Kellogg School of Business. They live in in the Sun’s Teacher Feature. The newspaper asked
Roscoe Village in Chicago. Jonna’s e-mail address is students in Naperville to nominate their favorite
jonna_reilly@yahoo.com. (See photo, below.) teacher who helped them achieve success in their
studies. Michael was nominated by a junior student
2001 who said, “he really cares about his students.” Mi-
Brock J. and Casey (Olsen ’03) Bowsher an- chael is a high school English teacher at Neuqua
nounce the birth of their daughter, Claire Leigh-Anne Valley High School in Naperville.
Bowsher, Feb. 19, 2009. They live in Indianapolis. Tiffany A. Schiffner was honored as a 2009
Laura (Cordes) and Gregory A. Gvozdas ’98 Posse Star at the Posse Foundation’s annual gala,
announce the birth of their son, Hayden Nicholas May 20, 2009, in New York City. Tiffany received
Gvozdas, March 14, 2009. Hayden joins sister the honor for “contributions to the organization
Clara Noelle at their home in Ketchum, Idaho. and the world of education.” Tiffany is a psychology
Their e-mail address is lcgvozdas@hotmail.com. resident at Duke University.
Christine L. Dugan and Jason M. Adams were
married Aug. 23, 2008, in Indianapolis. They live
in Columbus, Ohio. Chrissy is a pediatrician at 2003
Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Jason is complet- Michelle Dingus Wiegman and her husband,
Blythe E. Janowiak ’00 and Richard Mulligan ing a M.B.A. degree at The Ohio State University. Joel, announce the birth of their daughter, Mira
wedding party. DePauw alumni attending the wed-
ding included Laura Cluxton Howell ’01 and Lisa
Chamberlain Wagner ’00.

For a schedule
of alumni events
information about
Old Gold Weekend
Monon Bell parties,
go to:
www.depauw.edu/ Jonna L. McGinley ’00 and Daniel A. Reilly wedding party. DePauw alumni attending the wedding included
Jennifer A. Campbell ’00 (bridesmaid), Kate K. Donahue ’00 (reader), Kristen A. Magnes ’00 (reader), Courtney
alumni McIntire Reeves ’00 (mother of flower girl), Candace “Christi” Frates Garrison ’00, Brian R. Garrison ’00, Amy E.
Griffith ’00, Kelly L. Drane ’00, Abbie Pancoast Vollmar ’99, Daniel R. Arnett ’00 and Wesley D. Prieshoff ’00.

Class Notes
Jolie Wiegman, June 15, 2009. Mira joins brother
Cohen, 2, at their home in Columbus, Ohio.
Michelle is pursuing a degree in American Sign
Language Interpreting. Joel is a software developer
for Abercrombie & Fitch. Michelle’s e-mail address
is michelle_wiegman@yahoo.com.
Stanislaus P. Jastrzebski was honored by the
Indiana Society of Professional Journalists’ Best in
Indiana Journalism contest, April 24, 2009. Stan
placed first in Best Coverage of Children’s Issues
and for Best Radio Use of Sound, and he received
second place in Best Coverage of Government. He
is a reporter for WFIU radio in Bloomington, Ind.
Michael A. Montagano is an associate in the
Christine L. Dugan ’01 and Jason M. Adams wedding party. DePauw alumni attending the wedding included business and corporate finance practice in Baker
Ann Carper Dugan ’61 (mother of the bride), William M. Dugan Jr. ’60 (father of the bride), Nancy L. & Daniels LLP law office in South Bend, Ind.
Nicely ’01, Annette M. Blose ’00, Katy J. Brett ’01, Vivian Caro Cook ’99, Emily Short Babb ’01, Thomas Sarah E. Mordan-McCombs is an assistant
C. Dugan ’82, David W. Kroeger ’82, Michael J. Dugan ’85, Judith Dunipace Holt ’86, Robert W. Dugan professor at Franklin College in Franklin, Indiana.
’85, Deborah Dugan Morton ’86, Elizabeth A. Werner ’01, Sara Decker Huffer ’01 (matron of honor), She earned a doctoral degree from the University
Susan Stephanoff Decker ’75 and Cynthia Dugan Curnow ’88. of Notre Dame.
Casey (Olsen) and Brock J. Bowsher ’01 an-
nounce the birth of their daughter, Claire Leigh-Anne
Bowsher, Feb. 19, 2009. They live in Indianapolis.
Michael J. Runge and Kathryn E. Olivier
’05 were married Dec. 27, 2008, in Indianapolis.
Mike’s e-mail address is mjrunge@gmail.com.
Kate’s e-mail address is kathryn.olivier@gmail.
com. (See photo, top next page.)
Kathryn A. Thopy and Brad Herrick (Wa-
bash College) were married Sept. 13, 2008, in
Shelbyville, Ind. Katie’s e-mail address is kthopy@
gmail.com. (See photo, bottom left.)

Christopher R. May is executive director of the
Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame in New Castle, Ind.
Kathryn L. Welter and her father are working
to establish a community bank in Valparaiso, Ind.
Sarah E. Batterton ’02 and Les Flemming wedding party. DePauw alumni attending included Kiley J. Their efforts were featured in an article in News-
McQuinn ’02, Michelle L. Evans ’01, Elizabeth Morgan Burrows ’03, Skye McQuary O’Shaughnessy ’03, week in April 2009. Katy will serve as the bank’s
Candice Moore Tatum ’03, Laura Farrell Lambert ’02 (bridesmaid), Joshua C. Lambert ’03, Ryan P. Bezy executive vice president and chief financial officer.
’03, Jami Snodgrass Bezy ’03, Allison B. Gelvin ’02, Morgan D. Phillips ’02 and Jennifer Greene Roos ’02.

Brittany A. Bulleit is assistant prosecuting attor-
ney in Houghton County, Mich. She received a law
degree from Michigan State University College of Law.
Kathryn E. Olivier and Michael J. Runge
’03 were married Dec. 27, 2008, in Indianapolis.
Kate’s e-mail address is kathryn.olivier@gmail.com.
Mike’s e-mail address is mjrunge@gmail.com. (See
photo, top next page.)
Natalie (Shaffer) and Bret M. Govert an-
nounce the birth of their son, Evan Jeffrey Govert,
March 22, 2009.
Dr. Julie Verkamp Clary earned a medical degree
from Indiana University School of Medicine and is
a resident in internal medicine at Indiana University.

Kathryn A. Thopy ’03 and Brad Herrick wedding party. DePauw alumni attending the wedding included
Katherine Busch Schaffer ’03, Nancy E. Poikonen ’03, Sarah L. Plymate ’06, Molly C. Michalak ’03, 2006
Elizabeth Myers Plymate ’76, Laura Sandberg Clark ’75, Emily Collinsworth Wall ’03, Rebecca R. Cetta Daniel P. Bretscher is recipient of the USA
’03, Melissa Reyes ’03, Shannon Fimbel Abercrombie ’03, Anne Plymate Field ’03, Michael C. Field ’02, Triathlon’s 2008 Elite Rookie Athlete of the Year
Melanie Tchaou Spillbeller ’03, G. Todd Plymate ’75, Amy MacDoniels Rhodes ’04, Christopher V. Rhodes award. Dan won the 24th Terre Haute (Ind.) Tri-
’03, Elizabeth T. Kunz ’82, Brian C. Missey ’02, Kathryn A. Shaffer ’03 and Linda Berkey Herrick ’75. athlon, breaking the course record, May 30, 2009.

Class Notes
Catherine E. Calabro won a Zell Post-M.F.A.
Writing Fellowship at the University of Michigan.
The fellowship provides an opportunity for writ-
ers to stay in residence during the academic year
following graduation from Michigan’s M.F.A.
creative writing program. Catherine will have the
opportunity to complete her first manuscript of
poems as well as work on one significant initiative
to enhance the writing community in Ann Arbor.
Miriam C. Grays and Bill Hornbuckle were
married April 21, 2008, in Indianapolis. They held a
wedding reception in Indianapolis, April 25, 2009.
Miriam’s e-mail address is mhornbuckle08@gmail.
com. (See photo, top next page.)
Daniel M. Lewallen attended the 2009 Lin-
dau Meeting of Nobel Laureates and Students,
June 28-July 3, 2009, in Lindau, Germany. Dan
is a third-year doctoral chemistry student at the
University of Cincinnati.
Amanda C. Royalty is a real estate director
for Xscape, a family entertainment center in
Kathryn E. Olivier ’05 and Michael J. Runge ’03 wedding party. DePauw alumni attending the wedding
included Meredith I. Henry ’05 (bridesmaid), Abigail K. Poyser ’05 (bridesmaid), Meghan E. McNulty
’05, Ashley R. Holland ’05, Theresa R. Parish ’05, Jody M. Butts ’05, Dana Hudson Stone ’05, Ian M. 2007
Stone ’05, Jaclyn Blackwell McGrew ’05, Sara E. Stoner ’05, Ariane R. Jaskolka ’05, Rachel K. Hehner Janelle C. Amberg and Luis F. Davila were
’05, Anne Mahoney Jackson ’05, Stephanie Bewley Kress ’05, Daniel J. Kress ’05, Mark J. Farmer ’05, married Sept. 27, 2008, in Fort Wayne, Ind. (See
Brian T. Daniels ’04, Ben E. Hancock III ’03 and Lauren Keyes Fahey ’06. photo, next page.)
Photo: KIWI Photography

Alumni Reunion Weekend 2009 – Class of 2004

Row 1: Erin S. Hayne, Melinda R. Colbert, Deborah L. McPartlin, Meghan E. Freeman, Kathy Eagan McNamara, Corey L. Brackney, Abigail A. Huffer,
McKenna Roberts Goslee, Kelli J. Smith, Amy Baker Hale, R. Brandon Sokol, Natalie E. Yoder, John L. Stanley. Row 2: Elizabeth E. Crouch, Lauren M.
Songer, Tristan D. Glover, Megan Casey Glover, Jason E. Becker, Casey L. Brackney, David M. Trogden, Laurel Danner Marley, Daniel B. Matuszewski,
Craig P. S. Snyder, Samuel C. Forster, Matthew D. Abbott. Row 3: Michael W. Langellier, Marie Louise Crump Bowers, Carly Szentesy Brandenburg, Alexa
J. Trumpy, Sonia S. Olikara, Elizabeth M. Ross, Erica C. Amt, Rebecca D. Miller, Lauren M. Peoples, Mary Kathryn Hancock Starkey, Cody W. Rogowski,
Amy MacDoniels Rhodes, Carly R. Sutton. Row 4: Tobias J. Butler, Kelsey A. Milne, Erin E. Camin, Leslie A. Dahlen, Erin L. Dunn, Katharine M. Kruse,
Eric A. Wolfe, June W. Javens-Wolfe, Justin J. Tillis, Georgianne Siepka Mastison, Kady Clevenger Becker, Kelly J. Patterson. Row 5: Amy S. Martin,
Michael S. Bergerson, Robert C. Frederick, Kevin M. Dale, J. Blake Thomas, Tyson C. N. Becker, David V. Blackburn II, Jonathan C. Tatum, Matthew
J. Kleymeyer, Lauren J. Bohlander, Union M. Williams. Row 6: Renee L. Meyrose, Alison F. Vetter, Cory R. Johnson, Jane Schaadt-Johnson, Amanda Lee
Baker, Nita Shaw Douglas, Kodie K. Bonebrake, Keli A. Gentry, Kate Western O’Connell, Abby S. Dawkins, Abigail L. Lynn, Aaron L. Drake, Kyle L.
Allen. Row 7: Benjamin R. Murray, J. Oak Andrews ’05, Nathan C. Collins, Gregory T. Niemesh, Lindsey J. Holden, Matthew J. Arient, Joseph A. “A.J.”
Feeney-Ruiz, Michael A. McIlraith ’03, Charles W. Anness, Arthur D. Fisher Jr.

Class Notes
Lauren M. Hoffmann, a second lieutenant
in the United States Army, was accepted to the
Healthcare Professionals Scholarship Program.
After graduation from The Ohio State University
College of Veterinary Medicine, Lauren will be a
member of the Army Vet Corps.
Blair L. McCarthy has accepted a fellowship
in intellectual property with Rising Tide, Kft. in
Schaffhausen, Switzerland. Blair completed a man-
agement fellowship in hospital administration with
the firm’s sister company, Cancer Treatment Centers
of America, in June 2009. Upon completion of her
training, Blair will assume a position in intellectual
property and quality and risk management with
the firm’s new facility in Phoenix.
Anne M. Schaufele received a Fulbright United
States Student scholarship for 2009-10. She will
conduct her research project, titled “From Airport
to Barrio: Effective Programming to Reintegrate Miriam C. Grays ’06 and Bill Hornbuckle wedding reception. DePauw alumni attending the reception in-
Repatriated Salvadorans,” in El Salvador. cluded I. Jay Bennett ’91, Lisa Henderson Bennett ’93, Leslie Williams Smith ’03, Deonna N. Craig ’04,
Haley A. Schultheis is a contributing writer for Jessica Daniel Moore ’04, Madeline T. Mitchell ’05, Alysia C. Sargent ’05, Chanelle J. Henderson ’06,
PinkMemo, an online luxury magazine in Dallas, Rebecca L. Thompson ’06, Katrina R. Brent ’07, Vanessa N. McKenzie ’07, India L. Chambers ’09, Joy
and works in affiliate relations for HDNet and O. Oguntimein ’09, Amber L. Valverde ’09, Crystal K.A. Franklin ’06, Jerrell A. Horton ’09, Aiesha M.
HDNet Movies. Jones ’10, Francillia V. Samuel ’10 and Watchen Nyanue ’05.

Bailey S. Diveley is a member of the National
Civilian Community Corps, an AmeriCorps Pro-
gram. The AmeriCorps Program is a network of
national service programs created to improve the
environment, enhance education, increase public
safety and assist with disaster relief. Bailey completed
a month-long training program in October 2008
to prepare her 10 months of community service.

Ashley R. Clark is teaching at the elementary
school level for Teach For America in the Nashville, Janelle C. Amberg ’07 and Luis F. Davila ’07 wedding party. DePauw alumni and friends attending the wedding
Tenn., area. included C. Shea Nickell ’81 (officiant), Brandon T. Money ’07 (best man), Bryan J. Dobrik ’07 (grooms-
CoraLyn J. Newman Lowe and OlaJowon man), Dustin S. Hertel ’07 (groomsman), Jennifer Burress Hibben ’07 (bridesmaid), Molly E. McKelfresh ’08
Turentine were married May 18, 2009. DePauw (bridesmaid), Brittany L. Graves ’07 (bridesmaid), Deborah M. Davila ’05 (bridesmaid), Daniel A. Toleikis
alumni attending included Ellen A. Dollarhide ’09, ’07 (usher), Daniel Stauffer (usher), Jeffrey J. Dobrik ’07 (usher), Luis R. Davila ’81, Deborah White Davila
Jessica R. Merriweather ’09, Joy O. Oguntimein ’82, Donna White Meyer ’84, Carlos G. Davila ’80, Daniel J. White ’82, Richard J. Bonaccorsi ’85, Desiree
’09, Britani S. Hollis ’09, Jessica L. Howard ’09, Dimond Bonaccorsi ’85, Katherine N. Birge ’08, Ashley E. Alles ’08, Laura C. Link ’08, Jacob E. Federle ’07,
Sainabou M. Musa ’09, Cheetara A. Hudson ’09, Alexandra A. Keihner ’08, Hannah A. Bain ’08, Meredith A. Barnett ’07, Pamela M. Powers ’07, Allison C.
Ashleigh R. Watson ’09, Katrina A. Kawagoe ’09, Parish ’08, Andrea Jones Peeples ’07, Emmalynn Brown ’07, Erin L. Weaver ’07, Amanda M. Stoermer ’07,
Danetha N. Doe ’08, Joan C. Pankratz ’12, Mat- Kiersten A. Kamman ’07, Carly M. Hammel ’07, Susan S. Shim ’07, Elizabeth R. Polleys ’07, John “Jack”
thew K. Oware (associate professor of sociology F. Avery III ’05, Michelle King Hertel ’07, Stephanie L. Beneker ’08 and Aaron B. Dziubinskyj (DePauw
at DePauw) and Lindsay B. Stegman (assistant associate professor of modern languages and coordinator of the Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program).
director of the Annual Fund at DePauw). Cora-
Lyn’s e-mail address is theturentines@gmail.com.
Ross A. Robinson received an international
graduate study and research grant through the For a schedule of alumni events
2009-10 Fulbright United States Student Program
competition. Ross will spend the 2009-10 academic or information about
year in Germany teaching English to young people
and working on a documentary. Old Gold Weekend
Jessica V. Strong is recipient of a 2009-10
Fulbright Award. She will spend a year in Germany
conducting research. Her research project is “The
Effects of Music on Individuals with Dementia
Monon Bell parties,
and Depression.” go to: www.depauw.edu/alumni

Class Notes

Obituaries husband, Earl V. Pierce ’35. Her survivors include

a son, Ronald K. Pierce ’66.
J. Stimson Jr. ’68, and daughter-in-law, Nancy
Englehart Stimson ’68.
Elizabeth Lancaster Carsey ’30, April 12, 2009, Elizabeth Saltmarsh Harris ’35, May 27, 2009, Dr. David L. Buckles ’40, March 20, 2009, in
in Colorado Springs, Colo., at the age of 99. She was of Derby Line, Vt., at the age of 96. She was a Anderson, Ind., at the age of 92. He was a member
an English and Spanish teacher in public schools in homemaker and writer. She was preceded in death of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity. He was a physician.
New Mexico, Texas and Arizona. She was preceded by her husband, Dale B. Harris ’35. He was the first pathologist in Anderson, Ind., and
in death by her husband. Her survivors include a Oliver F. Siegmund ’35, Nov. 30, 2008, in established the pathology lab at St. John’s Hospital.
brother, Jonathan P. Lancaster ’38. St. Louis, at the age of 95. He was a member of He was preceded in death by his wife.
Antoinette Andrews Sharkey ’31, May 27, Men’s Hall Association. He was a Rector Scholar. William F. Hendrickson ’40, May 7, 2009, of
2009, in Fort Bragg, Calif., at the age of 99. She He retired as director of individual health insurance LaGrange Park, Ill. He was a member of Sigma Nu
was a secretary and a homemaker. She was preceded from General American Life Insurance Company fraternity. He retired as president of Hendrickson
in death by her husband, Harold A. Sharkey ’31. in 1974. He was preceded in death by his wife, M. Manufacturing in Lyons, Ill. His survivors include
Margaret Casey Chabot ’32, Feb. 7, 2009, of Katherine Lewis Siegmund ’35. his wife.
Gilroy, Calif., at the age of 99. She was a retired Jane Roemer ’36, May 4, 2009, in Saanen, Georgia Hillis Green ’40, March 31, 2009,
social worker. She was preceded in death by her Switzerland, at the age of 93. She was a movie actress of Scottsdale, Ariz., at the age of 90. She was a
husband; sister, Mabel Casey Christie ’28; and under the name of Jane Randolph. She appeared member of Alpha Phi sorority. She was a profes-
brother, Dahlgren E. Casey ’31. in Cat People and The Curse of the Cat in 1944. In sional artist and a homemaker. She was preceded
Mary E. Lyons ’32, June 2, 2009, in Attica, 1947 she appeared in Railroaded! and T-Men. Her in death by her husband.
Ind., at the age of 100. She was a member of Alpha other films included Dive Bomber, Manpower and Dr. Bruce W. Johnson ’40, Dec. 11, 2007, in
Gamma Delta sorority. She was a kindergarten Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein. Inverness, Fla., at the age of 89. He was a member
teacher for Attica grade school and later taught Russell P. Althaus ’37, Aug. 25, 2007, in of Sigma Nu fraternity. He was a physician in
music and art in the Indiana schools of Brownsburg, Cincinnati, at the age of 93. He was a member of private practice in Quincy, Ill., from 1954-89. He
Pendleton, Shelbyville and St. Joseph. Delta Chi and a Rector Scholar. He was for many was preceded in death by his wife.
Dr. James B. Seaman ’32, June 25, 2009, of years the editor and owner of the Bethel Journal in Gilbert C. McCleary ’41, April 2, 2009, of
Alpine, Texas, at the age of 98. He was a member Bethel, Ohio. He is survived by his three daughters, Evansville, Ind., at the age of 89. He was a member
of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. He was a retired Mary E. Althaus ’69, Fran A. Althaus ’72 and of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. He managed the
surgeon in private practice. He was preceded in Diane L. Althaus. He was preceded in death by McCleary Coach Lines from 1946-60 and then
death by his wife. his wife, Rachel. owned and operated it from 1960-79. From 1980-
Jean Hayden Campbell ’33, March 6, 2009, M. Katherine Farquhar Ford ’37, July 7, 2009, 88 he was transportation manager for C.A.P.E. and
of Cincinnati, at the age of 97. She was a mem- in St. Louis, at the age of 93. She was a member of superintendent of operations for Metropolitan
ber of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. She was a Alpha Chi Omega sorority. She was a homemaker Evansville Transport System from 1988-97. His
homemaker. She was preceded in death by her and a community volunteer. She was preceded in survivors include his wife and daughter, Elizabeth
husband, Roland P. Campbell ’33. Her survivors death by her husband, Paul C. Ford ’37. McCleary Davis ’68.
include two sons, Anthony H. Campbell ’64 and Elizabeth Smith Parker ’38, April 19, 2009, Lois Barner Krogh ’42, April 8, 2009, of Ko-
David W. Campbell ’68 and sister, Anne Hayden in Evanston, Ill., at the age of 92. She was a mem- komo, Ind., at the age of 88. She was a member of
VanRiper ’31. ber of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. She was a Alpha Omicron Pi sorority. She was a homemaker,
Ellen Rogers Kahlo ’34, April 27, 2009, of homemaker and community volunteer. She was secretary, office manager and human resources as-
Indianapolis, at the age of 95. She was a member of preceded in death by her husband; two sisters, sistant. She was preceded in death by her husband.
Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. She was a homemaker Marcia Smith Poucher ’34 and Grace E. Smith Max H. Forster ’42, June 27, 2009, of Clay-
and a community volunteer. She was preceded in ’40; and brother-in-law, George E. Poucher ’34. ton, Calif., at the age of 89. He was a member of
death by her husband. Her survivors include a daughter, Shirley Parker Sigma Chi fraternity. He was a Rector Scholar.
Arnold D. Albright ’35, April 10, 2009, in Gunckel ’64. He provided training and development expertise
Lexington, Ky., at the age of 96. He was a member Ruth Thele Voss ’38, Jan. 19, 2009, of Fuller- for manufacturing, research and banking corpora-
of Sigma Nu fraternity. He was a Rector Scholar. ton, Calif., at the age of 92. She was a homemaker. tions, retiring as vice president of training from
He was president of Northern Kentucky University She was preceded in death by her husband. Wells Fargo Bank. After retirement, he worked
from 1976-83. His survivors include his wife. Daniel C. Brautigam ’39, Feb. 23, 2007, in with Hibernia Bank and served as director of the
Jean Borchers Pierce ’35, June 22, 2009, Sidney, Ohio, at the age of 89. He was a Rector International School of Banking at St. Mary’s
of Greencastle, Ind., at the age of 96. She was a Scholar. He was a retired school teacher and worked College. His survivors include his wife.
member of Alpha Chi Omega sorority. She was in foundries. He owned and operated a tropical Julia Kinder Atherholt ’42, April 14, 2009, of
a homemaker. She was preceded in death by her fish store for 13 years. After retirement, he was a Pinehurst, N.C., at the age of 88. She taught high
columnist and a freelance writer. He was preceded school music and band at Noblesville, Ind., and,
Obituaries in DePauw Magazine include
in death by his wife. later, was a stewardess for American Airlines. Her
name of the deceased, class year, fraternity/
Dr. William J. Fink ’39, May 24, 2009, in survivors include his husband.
sorority/living unit, occupation and DePauw-
Fayetteville, Ark., at the age of 91. He was a member Robert A. Grimm ’43, Jan. 12, 2009, of Nash-
related activities and relatives.
of Sigma Nu fraternity. He was a Rector Scholar. ville, Tenn., at the age of 90. He was a member
When reporting deaths, please include
He was a physician and chief of surgical services of Sigma Nu fraternity. He worked in association
as much information as possible. Newspaper
at the Veterans Administration Medical Center in management with the National Electrical Contrac-
obituaries are very helpful.
Fayetteville, Ark., from 1953 until retirement in tors Association. His survivors include his wife.
Information should be sent to Alumni
1979. He was preceded in death by his first wife. Alvin H. Barrows ’44, June 9, 2009, of
Records, DePauw University, Charter House,
His survivors include his second wife. Cincinnati, at the age of 86, of congestive heart
300 E. Seminary Street, P.O. Box 37, Green-
John J. Stimson ’39, March 29, 2009, of India- failure. He was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon
castle, IN 46135-0037. You may also FAX us
napolis, at the age of 91. He was a member of Phi fraternity. He worked for U.S. Steel, retiring as a
the information at 765-658-4172 or e-mail
Kappa Psi fraternity. He retired as executive vice district manager of sales in 1983. He was a member
to jenniferhassler@depauw.edu.
president for Huntingburg Furniture Company of the DePauw Alumni Board of Directors and
Obituaries in DePauw Magazine do not
following 30 years of service. He was preceded in served as its president. He was preceded in death
include memorial gifts.
death by his wife. His survivors include a son, John by his father, Frederic I. Barrows ’97; mother,

Class Notes
Ruth Hull Barrows ’13; sister, Rosalind Barrows of River Forest, Ill., at the age of 84. She was a Cincinnati, at the age of 83. She was a member of
Chenoweth ’38; and uncle, C. Hollis Hull ’29. member of Alpha Chi Omega sorority. She was Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. She was a home-
His survivors include his wife and daughter, Amy a homemaker. She was preceded in death by her maker. She was preceded in death by her mother,
Barrows Nisonger ’73. husband and sister, Helen Harris Cola ’48. Clara Skillen Young ’20, and her husband, Albert
Ann Durham Weinrichter ’44, June 22, 2009, Mary Neal Pickel ’45, April 10, 2009, of H. Eyrich Jr. ’47.
in Portola Valley, Calif., at the age of 87. She was a Crawfordsville, Ind., at the age of 85. She was a Betty J. Williams ’48, April 7, 2009, of Gre-
member of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. She was a member of Alpha Phi sorority. She was a retired encastle, at the age of 82. She was a member of
lifetime member of The Washington C. DePauw school teacher. She was preceded in death by Delta Zeta sorority. She worked at DePauw until
Society. She was a homemaker. She was preceded her mother, Genevieve Cottrell Neal ’22; sister, her retirement. After retirement, she worked for
in death by her father, Andrew E. Durham Class Margaret Neal Jewell ’48; and brother, Robert Fidelity Real Estate and Waldron Company. She
of 1901; sisters, Mary Durham McGaughey ’32, C. Neal ’55. was preceded in death by her husband.
Jane Durham Anderson ’35 and Margaret Durham Margaret Walton Heister ’45, April 7, 2009, of Rose Britt Summers ’49, May 15, 2009, of
’36; and brother-in-law, William H. McGaughey Blue Bell, Pa., at the age of 85. She was a member St. Louis, at the age of 82. She was a member of
’35. Her survivors include her husband, Ralph M. of Alpha Gamma Delta sorority. From 1970-92 Alpha Omicron Pi sorority. She was a registered
Weinrichter ’47; brother, James F. Durham ’37; she was director of occupational and recreational clinical dietitian at Barnes Hospital in St. Louis.
and sister, Aura M. Durham ’46. therapy at St. Francis General Hospital in Pitts- She was preceded in death by her husband, Edwin
Dean W. Manley ’44, Sept. 27, 2008, in burgh, Pa. She was preceded in death by a brother, G. Summers ’50. Her survivors include a daughter,
Traverse City, Mich., at the age of 85. He was Robert O. Walton ’50. Carole Summers Shaw ’79, and granddaughter,
a member of Delta Upsilon fraternity. He was Patricia Dodd Ashworth ’46, Feb. 7, 2009, of Julia P. Shaw ’11.
a retired marketing executive from Ford Motor Edina, Minn., at the age of 84. She was a mem- Lois Fassnacht Haber ’49, March 21, 2009,
Company and, later, president of Dean Manley ber of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. She was a of South Bend, Ind., at the age of 81. She was a
and Associates, Inc., a market consulting business. homemaker as well as a part-time market researcher. member of Alpha Phi sorority. She was a member
Watson B. Metcalfe ’44, July 6, 2009, of She was preceded in death by her husband, James of Phi Beta Kappa. She was a newspaper writer
Venice, Fla., at the age of 86. He was a member E Ashworth ’48. and later was a caseworker for the Department
of Delta Tau Delta fraternity. He was president of Norma Gill Taylor ’46, May 15, 2009, in of Public Welfare of St. Joseph County in South
Kircher, Helton and Collett Advertising in Dayton, Port Clinton, Ohio, at the age of 84. She and her Bend, Ind., and was a homemaker. Her survivors
Ohio. His survivors include his wife and daughter, husband owned and operated a hardware store include her husband, Lewis S. Haber ’49.
Deborah Metcalfe Finnegan ’69. from 1949-68. She was preceded in death by her Nancy Lile Wise ’49, May 27, 2009, of Akron,
Eleanor Sammons Greenberg ’44, May 5, husband, Jack Taylor ’46. Ohio, at the age of 81. She was a member of Kappa
2009, in Dayton, Ohio, at the age of 86. She was Barbara Gravenhorst Kobylensky ’46, April 8, Kappa Gamma sorority. She was an elementary
a member of Delta Delta Delta sorority. She was a 2009, in Spokane, Wash., at the age of 84. She was school teacher in Akron Public Schools for more
buyer for Rikes department store in Dayton, Ohio, a homemaker. Her survivors include her husband. than 30 years and was a reporter for the Akron
and later was a buyer and manager for Woodward Dorothy Larsen Aldworth ’46, Jan. 1, 2009, Beacon Journal and a reporter and writer for Ma-
and Lothrop department store in Washington, of San Diego, at the age of 84. She was a member demoiselle magazine.
D.C. Her survivors include her husband; brother, of Alpha Phi sorority. She was a retired script su- Nancy Williams Stevens ’49, Dec. 29, 2008,
Robert C. Sammons ’57; and sister-in-law, Sandra pervisor for television and films. She was preceded of Corpus Christi, Texas, at the age of 81. She was
Swisher Sammons ’58. in death by her husband. a member of Alpha Omicron Pi sorority. She was
M. Virginia Shore Stout ’44, March 27, Frank T. LeBart ’46, Feb. 21, 2009, in Orleans, a homemaker and community volunteer. She was
2009, of Rochester, Ind., at the age of 86. She Mass., at the age of 84. He was a member of Sigma preceded in death by her husband.
was a member of Pi Beta Phi sorority. She was a Chi fraternity. He retired as president of advertising Robert W. Bresick ’50, Dec. 18, 2008, in
homemaker and professional Girl Scout district and public relations from John Hancock Insurance Naples, Fla., at the age of 80. He was a member
adviser, retiring in 1970. She was preceded in Company. His survivors include his wife. of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity. He was a dentist
death by her husband. Esther Steele Hyde ’46, March 14, 2009, in in LaGrange, Ind., from 1958-89. His survivors
Virginia Spikins Seifert ’44, July 29, 2008, Indianapolis, at the age of 85. She was a homemaker include his wife.
in Bettendorf, Iowa. She was a member of Alpha and community volunteer. She was preceded in Donald E. Kipley ’50, March 27, 2009, of
Gamma Delta sorority. She was a homemaker. She death by her brother, Otto S. Steele Jr. ’44. Her Quincy, Ill., at the age of 85. He was a member of
was preceded in death by her husband, Richard survivors include her husband. Beta Theta Pi fraternity. He worked for Gardner
M. Seifert ’43. Harriet Trotter Rothkoff ’46, June 25, 2009, Denver as president of Gardner Denver Industrial
Marion Stiles Vanderham ’44, Feb. 28, 2009, in Indianapolis, at the age of 85. She was a member Machinery Division for 33 years. Later, he was
of Holland, Mich., at the age of 86. She was a of Delta Zeta sorority. She was a substitute teacher executive vice president of operations at Cooper
member of Alpha Gamma Delta sorority. She for more than 30 years and was a homemaker and Industries, retiring in 1984. He was preceded in
was an elementary art teacher and homemaker. community volunteer. She was preceded in death death by his first wife. His survivors include his
Her survivors include her husband, Robert C. by her husband. second wife.
Vanderham ’45. Loraine McClelland Walker ’47, July 6, Joyce Delaney Martin ’51, Aug. 26, 2008,
Maryn Dash Johnson ’45, April 24, 2009, of 2009, in Wheaton, Ill., at the age of 83. She was of Alpharetta, Ga., at the age of 79. She was a
Arlington Heights, Ill., at the age of 85. She was a member of Delta Delta Delta sorority. She was member of Alpha Chi Omega sorority. She was
a member of Alpha Omicron Pi sorority. She was a homemaker and secretary. Her survivors include a homemaker. She was preceded in death by her
a homemaker and former business owner of By her husband, W. Bruce Walker ’48. mother, Eve McMahan Delaney ’26; brother, Will
Maryn, where she sold dollhouse miniatures. She Joan Phillips Harrison ’47, June 5, 2009, J. Delaney Jr. ’49; and husband, Robert C. Martin
was preceded in death by her husband, Thomas in Lakewood, Colo., at the age of 83. She was a ’52. Her survivors include a daughter, Catherine
P. Johnson Jr. ’45. member of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. She was Martin Leister ’76.
Clarlynn Figel Young ’45, April 20, 2009, a homemaker. She was preceded in death by her Marcel C. Urban Jr. ’51, June 10, 2009, of
in La Crosse, Wis., at the age of 85. She was a husband, Jack E. Harrison ’48; mother, Fern Brookhaven, Miss., at the age of 80. He was a
member of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. She was Phillips Phillips ’21; sister, Elizabeth Phillips member of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. He was
a homemaker. Her survivors include her husband. Applegarth ’49; and uncle, J. Stanley Phillips ’12. vice president of sales for Stahl-Urban Company
Loraine Harris McClevey ’45, July 7, 2008, Jean Young Eyrich ’47, April 15, 2009, of in Brookhaven, Miss.

Class Notes
Bertrand A. Handwork Jr. ’52, March 18, of Agriculture and Consumer Services Division father, George M. Lewis ’36; mother, Isabelle
2009, of South Bend, Ind., at the age of 81. He of Plant Industry in Gainesville. He published Turner Lewis ’34; and brother, George W. Lewis
was a member of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. numerous research articles in professional journals. ’55. Her survivors include her husband and nephew,
He was a colonel in the United States Army. He His survivors include his wife. John C. Lewis ’88.
was preceded in death by his father, Bertrand A. Richard A. Rathke ’54, May 6, 2009, in Sun Jan K. Merder ’61, April 2, 2009, of Tellico
Handwork ’25, and mother, Ianthe Cole Eichler Lakes, Ariz., at the age of 76. He was a member of Village in Loudon, Tenn., at the age of 70, from
’27. His survivors include his wife. Sigma Nu fraternity. He was a Rector Scholar and cancer. He was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon
James L. Kershaw ’52, May 13, 2009, of Eustis, member of Phi Beta Kappa. He retired as president fraternity. He retired as general manager from Dana
Fla., at the age of 77. He was a member of Sigma of Marshalltown Savings Bank in Marshalltown, Corporation in 2003, following 38 years of service.
Nu fraternity. He was an attorney and practiced Iowa, in 1998. His survivors include his wife. He was preceded in death by his father, Kenneth
law in both Indiana and Florida. He and his wife James Sykora II ’54, Dec. 8, 2008, in Bonita K. Merder ’35. His survivors include his wife, Joy
owned and operated Gal Friday Services, Inc., Springs, Fla., at the age of 76. He was a member Buckner Merder ’63.
in Lake County. His survivors include his wife. of Sigma Chi fraternity. He was president of Flo- Robert I. Wickersham ’61, Feb. 7, 2009, of
Jean Knecht Stewart ’52, March 22, 2009, in ralife, Inc., in Hinsdale, Ill., retiring in 2006. His Gainesville, Texas, from lung and brain cancer. He
Tucson. She was a homemaker. survivors include his wife. was a member of Delta Chi fraternity. He retired
Janet Marshall Boeh ’52, March 11, 2009, Lynne Wonderlin Rehder ’54, April 26, in 1999 from Alcatel USA. After retirement, he
in Bloomington, Ill., at the age of 79. She was a 2009, of Albuquerque, N.M. She was a member worked in real estate. He was preceded in death
member of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. She of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. She was a medi- by his mother, Iona Iddings Wickersham ’27.
was a dance teacher and choreographer. She was cal technologist, homemaker and later was a high His survivors include his wife and a sister, Janice
co-founder of McLean County Dance Association school English teacher. Wickersham Welty ’58.
in Bloomington, Ill., and was founder and direc- B. May Gilbert Edmunds ’56, Feb. 25, 2009, Dr. Dean L. Cook ’62, May 21, 2009, in Al-
tor of the Synergy dance group that performed in of Kirkwood, Mo., at the age of 74, from cancer. legan County, Mich., at the age of 68. He was a
area churches and schools. Her survivors include She was a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma member of Delta Chi fraternity. He was a Rector
her husband and daughter, Sarah M. Boeh ’77. sorority. She was a retired science teacher and lab Scholar. He was a retired radiologist with X-Ray
Charles C. Adams ’53, April 14, 2009, in technician as well as a homemaker. Her survivors Consultants in South Bend, Ind. His survivors
Davidson, N.C., at the age of 78, from esophageal include her husband, Robert W. Edmunds ’55. include his wife, Susan Correll Cook ’64, and
cancer. He was a member of Alpha Tau Omega Frank F. Hirschman ’58, March 21, 2009, in daughter, Deana Cook Gonyon ’90.
fraternity. He was a Rector Scholar and member Indianapolis, at the age of 72. He was a member Susan Fortune Zaiser ’64, May 1, 2009, of
of Phi Beta Kappa. He retired as senior industry of Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity. He was an Naples, Fla., at the age of 66. She was a member
consultant with IBM in Chicago in 1987. His officer for Inland Paperboard and Packaging for of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. She was a journalist
survivors include his wife, Marcia Terwilliger 39 years, retiring in 1999 as president of Inland in Indianapolis.
Adams ’53. Foundation. His survivors include his wife, Sue James C. Henry ’64, Oct. 23, 2008, in Lake-
George B. Blume ’53, Oct. 3, 2008, in Fort Strickland Hirschman ’59; son, John F. Hirschman wood, Colo., at the age of 66. He was a member of
Myers, Fla., at the age of 76. He was a member of ’91; and two brothers, Robert B. Hirschman ’56 Delta Upsilon fraternity. He was an attorney and
Men’s Hall Association. He was an attorney and and Richard R. Hirschman ’67. captain in the United States Air Force.
practiced law in Clearwater, Fla., and in North Grace Overdeer Zuehlke ’58, April 13, 2009, in Dewey D. Suster ’64, Aug. 20, 2008, of Chi-
Carolina. Colorado, at the age of 72, from cancer. She was a cago, at the age of 66. He was a member of Sigma
Ruth Kuester Ratcliff ’53, March 9, 2009, of teacher and librarian for the San Diego city schools, Nu fraternity. He was a self-employed lawyer in
Niles, Ill., at the age of 76. She was a member of retiring in 1991. She was preceded in death by her Chicago. His survivors include a brother, John E.
Alpha Gamma Delta sorority. She was a home- father, John H. Overdeer ’28, and her husband. Suster III ’62; sister-in-law, Susan Dodge Suster
maker. Her survivors include her husband, F. Rev. William K. Gros ’59, March 5, 2009, of ’62; and nephew, Bradley B. Suster ’90.
Drake Ratcliff ’53. Chicago, at the age of 72. He was a member of Phi Charles L. Beard Jr. ’65, May 23, 2009, of
Jane MacLean Mattson ’53, June 22, 2009, of Delta Theta fraternity. He was a Rector Scholar. Belton, Mo., at the age of 65. He was a member
Greenville, S.C., at the age of 77. She was a mem- He was a retired Episcopal priest. He was preceded of Delta Tau Delta fraternity. He was a Rector
ber of Pi Beta Phi sorority. She was a homemaker. in death by his mother, Jean Kramer Gros ’33. Scholar. He was an adjunct professor of voice at
Her survivors include her husband and sister, Ann Marilyn Manrose Clarkson ’60, March 2, the University of Missouri at Kansas City. His
MacLean Massie ’65. 2009, of North Little Rock, Ark., at the age of 71. survivors include his wife.
Victor A. Kassel ’54, March 30, 2009, of She was a member of Delta Gamma sorority. She Rev. William R. McSwegin ’68, April 18, 2009,
Centennial, Colo., at the age of 76. He was a was a certified public accountant and professor of in Dallas, at the age of 62, from mesothelioma.
member of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity. He retired accounting as well as a homemaker. Her survivors He was a Presbyterian minister, having served
from AT&T as general manager. His survivors include her husband. churches in North Carolina and West Virginia.
include his wife, Annichen Bohn Kassel ’54, and Rachel Byrne Kwong ’61, May 11, 2009, of His survivors include his wife.
son, Victor A. Kassel Jr. ’78. Redwood City, Calif., at the age of 69. She was a James Jackson ’69, May 16, 2009, in Phoenix,
Jack W. Lukemeyer ’54, March 16, 2009, homemaker and community volunteer. She was at the age of 63. He was vice president at Unity State
of Worthington, Ohio, at the age of 76. He was preceded in death by a brother, Louis Byrne ’52. Bank in Dayton, Ohio, and, later, was an assistant
a member of Delta Chi fraternity. He was dean Her survivors include her husband. branch manager at Lloyds Bank of California.
of allied health at Indiana University School of Donald E. Jesseman Jr. ’61, June 3, 2009, John D. Sacramento ’69, March 15, 2009, of
Medicine. Later, he was vice chancellor for health of Sugar Hill, N.H., at the age of 69. He was a Henderson, Nev., at the age of 61. He was a member
affairs for the State of Ohio. His survivors include member of Delta Chi fraternity. He was a staff of Phi Delta Theta fraternity. He was a physical
his wife, Nancy Plasket Lukemeyer ’56. claim analyst for Allstate Insurance for 30 years, education instructor and coach for Waukegan (Ill.)
John J. McRitchie ’54, May 24, 2009, of retiring in 1996. West High School, and later was co-owner of Club
Gainesville, Fla., after a long battle with Parkinson’s Sally Lewis Frohring ’61, June 4, 2009, of 18. After relocating to Henderson, Nev., he and
Disease. He was a member of Delta Tau Delta fra- Littleton, Mass., at the age of 69. She was a member his wife were owners of Windmill and Pecos Dairy
ternity. He was a professor of plant pathology and of Phi Beta Kappa. She was a stress management Queen. His survivors include his wife.
a consultant to garden centers. From 1971-99, he consultant and founder of Joyful Living Stress M. Pamela Motter Greenway ’72, March
was a plant pathologist for the Florida Department Management. She was preceded in death by her 28, 2009, of Warner Robins, Ga., at the age of

Class Notes
59. She was an attorney in Warner Robins, Ga., istry from DePauw at DePauw in 1981, and the fund has provided
for 34 years. Her survivors include her husband. after teaching from DePauw faculty numerous opportunities for pro-
R. Michael Craven ’74, April 28, 2009, of 1945-86. He spent fessional growth over the years. He was a lifetime
Crofton, Md., at the age of 58, from myelofibrosis. two sabbaticals at partner of The Washington C. DePauw Society. He
He was a member of Delta Tau Delta fraternity. the University of received an honorary degree, Doctor of Civil Law,
He was a furniture sales representative for Fairfield Washington,; a year from DePauw in 1981 as well as honorary degrees
Chair Company in Maryland and Virginia. at the National In- from Ball State University and Butler University.
Timothy J. Rosberg ’74, Aug. 20, 2008, of St. stitutes of Health, His survivors include his wife; sons, Jeffrey E. Fisher
Clair Shores, Mich., at the age of 56, from lung and a year with the ’68 and James A. Fisher ’68; grandson, M. Justin
cancer. He was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon customer service Fisher Jr. ’91; and nephew, Frederick C. Ball ’68.
fraternity. He was a marketing manager. His sur- laboratory at the John H. Owen Jr., Aug. 7, 2009, of Chicago,
vivors include his wife, Sally Slater Rosberg ’73. Howard B. Burkett ’38 Toshiba Corpora- at the age of 76. He had a long career as a financial
Edwin B. Wainscott ’75, March 28, 2009, in tion in Japan. His adviser at Bacon, Whipple & Company and Wil-
Phoenix, at the age of 55, from cancer. He was a work was published in the Journal of the American liam Blair & Co. Although a graduate of Michigan
member of Delta Chi fraternity. He was a Rector Chemical Society, Journal of Organic Chemistry State University, he had many DePauw friends. His
Scholar. He was a partner in the law firm of Quarles and Journal of the Chemical Society of London. He survivors include his wife, Lois Smisek Owen ’56,
& Brady in Phoenix. His survivors include his wife. received many honors during his teaching career, and son, Kenneth A. Owen ’82.
Nancy Lanigan Porter ’78, May 7, 2009, in La including Gridiron Best Teacher Award in 1966 Roberta Perry, April 6, 2009, in Tucson, at
Porte, Ind., at the age of 56, from cancer. She was and Outstanding Educator of America in 1975. the age of 72. She retired as secretary and support
a science and chemistry junior high school teacher When he retired, DePauw established the Burkett staff member for the International Studies and
in Brownsburg, Ind. She was owner of Celebrations Lecture Series to honor his contributions to the Chemistry Department at DePauw. Her survivors
to Go and creator of Nanny Jams Inc., and later University. His survivors include his wife and a include her husband.
was office manager for her husband’s dentist office. daughter, Nancee Burkett Dickson ’60. Floyd H. Peterson Jr., April 7, 2009, in
Her survivors include her husband. Moscow, Idaho, at the age of 80. He spent his
William N. Orn Jr. ’81, July 8, 2009, in career in higher education and was a teacher and
Dallas, at the age of 50. He was a member of Phi Friends of the University administrator at DePauw. He was director of the
Gamma Delta fraternity. He had a career in sales Walter A. Boynton, March 21, 2009, of school of music at the University of Idaho from
and entrepreneurial ventures. His survivors include Glenview, Ill., at the age of 89. He was a lifetime 1969 until his retirement in 1988. His survivors
a sister, Nancy Orn Grobengieser ’89. member of The Washington C. DePauw Society. include his wife.
Randall B. Bernier ’87, March 6, 2009, of Cary, He was executive vice president of I.S. Berlin Marvin Whitmore, April 17, 2009, in Catons-
Ill., at the age of 43, of cancer. He was a member of Press, a major Chicago printing company. Later, ville, Md., at the age of 90. He was a member of
Phi Delta Theta fraternity. He was a senior project he founded his own printing brokerage firm of the DePauw Board of Trustees from 1987-90. He
manager for OfficeMax Corporate Headquarters. Boynton & Associates in 1978, which remained in retired as assistant general manager of Bethlehem
His survivors include his wife. business until 2007. His survivors include his wife, Steel in Burns Harbor, Ind., following 41 years of
Shelby L. Evans ’11, June 7, 2009, of Carmel, Virginia Burns Boynton ’40; and two daughters, service. His survivors include his wife.
Ind., at the age of 21. She had just completed her Patricia Boynton Frey ’65 and Barbara Boynton
sophomore year at DePauw. She was an economics Connor ’71. Correction
major, Management Fellow, member of Pi Beta Phi John W. Fisher, June 28, 2009, of Muncie, Guy S. Proctor ’55, Dec. 13, 2008, at the
sorority and mentor to first-year students. Ind., after an extended battle with leukemia, at the age of 75. His place of death was incorrect in the
age of 93. He was a trustee at DePauw from 1966- Spring 2009 issue. He died in Portland, Ore. He
2009. He was former president and chairman of was a member of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity.
Faculty Ball Corporation in Muncie. He was chairman of He was a vice president in corporate insurance
Howard B. Burkett ’38, June 15, 2009, in Ball Brothers Foundation at the time of his death. with Johnson & Higgins. He was an Air Force
Greencastle, Ind., at the age of 93. He was a The Ball Memorial Hospital’s heart center was captain and flew helicopter support for the X-15
member of Men’s Hall Association. He was a Rector named in his honor, January 2009. He and his wife Project at Edwards Air Force Base. His survivors
Scholar. He retired as professor emeritus of chem- established the Fisher Faculty Development Fund include his wife.

Do you winter in a "snowbird" state?

Several thousand DePauw alumni spend time in Florida or Arizona each winter, and the Alumni
Office would like to be able to invite all of them to the alumni events held there. Please let us know
when and where you will be during the next season, so we can help you get together with fellow
alumni. You might be surprised to find an old (figuratively speaking) roommate or college friend
spending the winter near you!

If this message applies to you, please visit the DePauw Alumni Gateway at www.depauw.edu/e/alu/.
We can even forward DePauw Magazine and other class information to your seasonal address during
the months you are there.

DePauw Profile
Bob and Sally Carpenter give to
encourage tomorrow’s leaders
Robert R. and Sally (Henning ’79) Carpenter ’78 are enjoy-
ing an active early retirement, thanks to success in business and
their DePauw educations.
Bob, who majored in political science and history and was
“… we
a member of Delta Chi, became interested in international

affairs after participating in overseas programs in Vienna and
Budapest while a student at DePauw. After receiving a M.A.

a need
in Foreign Affairs from the University of Virginia and M.B.A.
degree from the Kellogg School at Northwestern University,

to support
he worked for 25 years for information technology services
companies doing business all over the world. He retired as CEO

of IHS (Information Handling Services).
“My DePauw education studying the politics, culture

for future
and history of countries left me exceptionally well prepared when we did business in those Robert R. and

Sally (Henning ’79)
places,” said Bob, who lives in Winnetka, Ill. “Many of our foreign business affiliates were Carpenter ’78
surprised I knew about the history and politics of their countries. It was a significant boost
to my business career.”
Sally, who also traveled to Vienna as a student, loved every aspect of DePauw’s liberal arts
–––––––––––– environment. An elementary education major and member of Kappa Kappa Gamma, she
made friends at DePauw who are still good friends 30 years later. Sally taught for 13 years,
with a break in the middle to raise their daughter, Kristen, and son, William, who is now a
sophomore at DePauw.
The Carpenters, who met in an oceanography class at DePauw, have been married almost
27 years. They are active helping nonprofits with strategic planning, distance learning and
community service. For example, Bob serves on the President’s Council of the Colonial Wil-
liamsburg Foundation, although he joked “they haven’t identified a character for me yet. I’m
too stout to be Jefferson.”
In the spirit of giving back, Bob and Sally have included in their will a bequest to benefit
the Rector Scholars Program.
“I received support from both the Rector Scholar and William Wallace Carson History
programs, and we felt a need to support DePauw for future genera-
A bequest in your will is perhaps the easiest way
tions,” Bob said. “It’s an acknowlegement of the wonderful academic
to ensure DePauw’s quality academic programs
and social experience we had at DePauw, as well as our belief in the
and talented faculty members are available and
importance and role of small universities in educating tomorrow’s
accessible to future generations of students. For
sample bequest language or information about
The Carpenters encourage other alumni to consider making a gift
other planned gifts, please visit our Web site at
to DePauw.
http://depauw.plannedgifts.org/index.php. You
“We stood on the shoulders of people who had come before us,”
may also contact Melanie J. Norton, director of
Bob said. “Mr. (Edward) Rector and Mr. (Washington C.) DePauw
gift planning, at 765-658-4216 or 800-446-
were incredibly generous and yet never saw the full fruits of their
5298, or send her an e-mail at melanienorton@
giving. We have a moral obligation to build on their investment and
continue that support for generations to come.”
DePauw University Non-Profit Organization
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300 E. Seminary St.
P.O. Box 37
Greencastle, IN 46135-0037 Huntington, IN
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DePauw welcomed 747 new students on Saturday, Aug. 22. The Class of 2013 is
shown above. See page 26 for more information about the incoming class and the
admission efforts at DePauw.

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