Behavioural Theories Applied To Online Communities: (Social Psychology) Presented By: Nanfang Zhao
Behavioural Theories Applied To Online Communities: (Social Psychology) Presented By: Nanfang Zhao
Behavioural Theories Applied To Online Communities: (Social Psychology) Presented By: Nanfang Zhao
(Social Psychology)
● Need are shaped over time by our experiences over time. Most of these fall into three
general categories of needs:
• Achievement (nAch)
• Affiliation (nAff)
• Power (nPow)
● People will tend have one of these needs that affects us more powerfully than others
and thus affects our behaviors
● Achievers seek to excel and appreciate frequent recognition of how well they are
doing. They will avoid low risk activities that have no chance of gain. They also
will avoid high risks where there is a significant chance of failure
● Affiliation seekers look for harmonious relationships with other people. They will
thus tend to conform and shy away from standing out. The seek approval rather
than recognition
● Power seekers want power either to control other people (for their own goals) or
to achieve higher goals (for the greater good). They seek neither recognition nor
approval from others -- only agreement and compliance
Cognitive Evalution Theory
● There are actually two motivation systems: intrinsic and extrinsic that
correspond to two kinds of motivators:
● intrinsic motivators: Achievement, responsibility and competence.
motivators that come from the actual performance of the task or
job -- the intrinsic interest of the work
● extrinsic: pay, promotion, feedback, working conditions -- things
that come from a person's environment, controlled by others.
● For a given individual, one of these may be a more powerful motivator
than another.
● If people think they will be able to complete the task, they will be
intrinsically motivated to complete the task, requiring no further
external motivation. So When you ask someone to do something, if
you want them to be motivated then ensure that it falls within their
current level of competency
Two Factor Theory
Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory