Tech. Specs. For 11 KV DP Structure

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: POL Depot Cochin : IBP Co. Limited. : B%lme& L%'&ie ( Co. Ltd.

Volume - 2 DOC. NO. POL E-! Tech. "pec). *o& !! +V DP "t&uctu&e

Tech. Specs. for 11 KV DP Structure


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: POL Depot Cochin : IBP Co. Limited. : B%lme& L%'&ie ( Co. Ltd.

Volume - 2 DOC. NO. POL E-! Tech. "pec). *o& !! +V DP "t&uctu&e

1#$#$ 1.1.0

GENERAL REQUIREMENTS This sub-section is intended to cover all equipment, materials and services required for supply and installation of 11 K , !-pole structure for receiving po"er from local supply authority and interconnection bet"een the purchaser#s $T brea%er and &'$ line in !-pole structure by $T cable. The quantities of the various items, required to complete the entire "or% in all respect, shall be estimated by the tenderer based on the dra"ing 'document furnished "ith this specification. The !-pole po"er receiving structure and materials covered under this section, unless other"ise stated, shall be designed, erected, tested and commissioned in accordance "ith the practice of local supply authority, )** and )ndian +lectricity ,ules "ith latest amendments. The equipment and services to be provided by the Tenderer are broadly classified belo". The specific requirement for design and construction are given in the subsequent .lauses. i/ ii/ 11 K over head line conductor. )*01-!00 steel structure 2!-pole, suitable for receiving local supply authorities overhead feeder and mounting all overhead protective and isolating devices/ )*0. cross members, bracing, stay sets etc. 3ine )nsulators "ith hard"are &verhead line and terminal equipment li%e 4ir brea% )solating s"itches, 3ightning arrestors, 5ropout fuses, Trifurcating cable end bo6es suitable for 11 K 27+/ 83P+ cable termination. 9ecessary materials for cradle guards, if necessary. 4ll erection consumables li%e bric%, sand, cement, stone chips etc. for foundation of poles etc. 9ecessary earthing materials including :) pipes, conductors etc. for earthing of poles and allied equipment. 0iscellaneous items li%e danger plate, barbed "ires, anti climbing devices, paints etc.
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iii/ iv/ v/

vi/ vii/ viii/ i6/


: POL Depot Cochin : IBP Co. Limited. : B%lme& L%'&ie ( Co. Ltd.

Volume - 2 DOC. NO. POL E-! Tech. "pec). *o& !! +V DP "t&uctu&e

6/ 6i/

.omplete erection, testing and commissioning of the 11K receiving arrangement. 4ll relevant dra"ings, data, test certificates.


%#$#$# SPECIFIC REQUIREMENT %#1#$ a/ b/ c/ &er'e() *+ne con)uctor (n) con)uctor ,o+nts The type of conductor shall be 4.*, The conductor code "ord shall be ;5&:# .opper equivalent area of the conductor shall be <= *q. mm 20.1 *q. inch/ having stranding 2in number/ and "ire diameter 2in mm/ of <'-.7! 24luminium/ and 7'1.=7 2steel/ appro6imately. 4ppro6imate ultimate tensile strength of conductor shall be (!>> Kgs.

d/ %#%#$

Mu*t+-*e structur(* .r(c+n/ )n conformity "ith the established practice in po"er distribution system, the follo"ing steel members are recommended for structure. i/ ii/ iii/ iv/ v/ $ori?ontal 0ember @lat for clamps .ross 0embers :asset Plate 1olt A 9uts 100 6 =0 6 < mm steel channel 100 6 10 mm 0* @lat 7= 6 7= 6 < mm angle

0* Plate 10 mm 1< mm dia

The steel material shall conform to )* B C0C-1><- and shall be free from scale and rust. The steel members shall be given t"o 2!/ coats of high quality red o6ide primer and finally t"o 2!/ coats of aluminium paint. 4ll bolts and nuts shall be hot dip galvanised. %#0#$ St(1 Set :alvanised steel rod shall be used for stay rods. The minimum diameter and tensile strength of these rods shall not be less than 1< mm and -! Kgf'sq. mm respectively. $ard dra"n galvanised steel stranded "ire shall be used as stay "ires.

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: POL Depot Cochin : IBP Co. Limited. : B%lme& L%'&ie ( Co. Ltd.

Volume - 2 DOC. NO. POL E-! Tech. "pec). *o& !! +V DP "t&uctu&e


Insu*(tor (n) Insu*(tor 3(r)4(re

!.-.1. The )nsulator shall be highest grade porcelain, free from defects, thoroughly vitrified, smoothly gla?ed, completely non absorbent. @ollo"ing types of insulator shall be provided B a/ b/ Pin type 5isc type B B This shall be used mainly for conductor support. This shall be used mainly for stringing the conductor from the *+1#s 5P structure to )1P#s 5P'-P structure

!.-.!. *pindles for Pin )nsulator B This shall have an ultimate strength of !000 lbs. i.e. C00 lbs. 2(<0 %gs/ as "or%ing load "ith !.= factor of safety and shall be hot dip galvanised. The forged pins shall be of steel complying "ith .lass ! of )* !000 21><!/ and nuts shall be of steel class -.C of )* B 1(<7 21><7/. !.-.(. *train .lamps for 5isc. )nsulator 5isc type insulator shall have strain .lamps for conductor. The bolted types are recommended. )t is essential that the slip strength of the strain clamp must be a little over the ma6imum "or%ing tension of the conductor and at least -0D more than the rated ultimate strength of the conductor. The bolted type clamps shall be malleable iron hot dip galvanised complete "ith aluminium liner. !.-.-. )nsulator 1inding 0aterial B 4luminium armour rod is preferred for binding 4.*, conductor "ith insulator. %#5#$ G(n/ -er(te) Iso*(t+n/ S4+tc'es

The isolators shall be -00 4mp. 11K triple-pole, off load, outdoor, vertical mounted type air brea% isolator "ith earthing s"itch and complete "ith mounting channels and hard"are. 0echanical interloc% shall be provided bet"een this isolator and the $T brea%er of the purchaser so that isolator can not be operated "hen the $T brea%er is in ;&9# condition. %#8#$ L+/'tn+n/ Arrestor
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: POL Depot Cochin : IBP Co. Limited. : B%lme& L%'&ie ( Co. Ltd.

Volume - 2 DOC. NO. POL E-! Tech. "pec). *o& !! +V DP "t&uctu&e

The lightning arrestor shall be distribution type single pole and shall be rated for = K4 and suitable for 11K system voltage 2line to line/.


E(rt'+n/ o: structure 4ll metal structures shall be permanently and efficiently earthed. @or this purpose a continuous earth "ire shall be provided and securely fastened to each non current carrying metallic parts and connected to earth. 4ll stay "ires shall be effectively earthed. The cross sectional area of the earth conductor shall not be less than != mm! galvanised iron. +arth pits or earth electrodes depending on soil condition shall be provided at each earthing point. The resistance of earth system shall not be more than one 21/ ohms.


Erect+on The erection of 11K po"er receiving structure covered under this specification shall essentially consist of the follo"ing maEor activities "hich, unless specifically stated hereunder, shall be performed as per the code of practice stipulated in )** "ith due considerations of ).+. ,ules and other regulations prevailing at the place of activities B

!.C.1. +6cavation for foundation of poles a/ b/ The foundation shall be e6cavated in the direction of the overhead line. 1ased on the soil condition and the height and type of pole, the si?e of e6cavated hole shall be determined and during e6cavation, care shall be ta%en to avoid oversi?ing of holes. 1efore the above e6cavation, positioning of stay anchor shall be determined considering its distance from the foot of the pole to be not less than 1'-th of the height of support from the ground to the point of attachment of stay.


!.C.!. @illing up of e6cavated holes 4fter the foundation, concrete is fully matured and shuttering removed, the e6cavated area around the foundations shall be properly bac% filled "ith earth. !.C.(. .ement .oncrete "or%s for pole'stay foundation @or cement concrete "or%s, sand, cement, stone-chips of approved quality shall be mi6ed in desired proportion approved by the Purchaser. Proportioning and mi6ing

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: POL Depot Cochin : IBP Co. Limited. : B%lme& L%'&ie ( Co. Ltd.

Volume - 2 DOC. NO. POL E-! Tech. "pec). *o& !! +V DP "t&uctu&e

shall be properly done. The Purchaser may at his discretion ta%e sample of the mi6 and test the compressive strength of the cube. !.C.-. *etting of *tay The angle bet"een the pole and stay shall be normally -= degree but "here it is not possible, the minimum angle of (0 degree must be maintained. )t is important to ensure that "hen the stay is set the same must have correct inclination relative to the ground and the "hole scre"ed portion of stay rod shall protrude 1!7 mm above the ground. 4t the determined position, the stay rod shall be given correct inclination and the stay "ith anchor shall be embedded in concrete foundation. !.C.=. +rection of *tay a/ 1o6 type clamp for stay shall be fitted to the region of the center of conductors loading, "hich normally shall be 0.<1 meter belo" from the pole top. )t is essential that t"o2!/ numbers of stay sets shall be used for the 5P structure. )t is important to ensure that "hen the stay is finally lightened up prior to stringing and pulling up line conductor, the pole to "hich the stay attached shall be leaning slightly to"ards the stay.


!.C.<. $andling and erection of 4.*, conductor a/ *pecial care shall be ta%en in handling and erecting 4.*, conductor. *%illed "or%men along "ith properly designed tools shall be employed for this Eob. 4luminium conductor should be over tensioned initially and me maintained as long as convenient before adEusting to the final sag and binding in at insulator. 4 tension of = to CD for all 4.*, conductor above the pre-determined erection value is recommended. )n all straining, tensioning, Eagging operation, it is essential that sag tables or charts should be consulted.


c/ d/

!.C.7. )nsulator binding arrangement The binding of conductor to insulator shall be sufficiently firm and tight to ensure that no intermittent contracts develop. The ends of binding "ire shall be tightly t"isted in a close speed spiral around the conductor to ensure good electrical contact and to strengthen the conductor.
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: POL Depot Cochin : IBP Co. Limited. : B%lme& L%'&ie ( Co. Ltd.

Volume - 2 DOC. NO. POL E-! Tech. "pec). *o& !! +V DP "t&uctu&e

The conductor shall be given a helical layer of round section of armour rod at the point of attachment to insulators and binding in "ith aluminium binding "ire.

!.C.C. *afety 5evices a/ 4nticlimbing 5evices on lines To guarded against unauthorised climbing barbed "ire having - barbeds per 7< mm of 1!.- %g'm "rapped helically spaced 7< mm around the limb of supports, bracing, stays etc. shall be provided. b/ c/ Protection from moving road vehicles Protection from @ire ha?ards

!.C.>. .aution board *uitable danger'caution notice board shall be fitted at conspicuous position of the t"o pole structural supports. 0#$#$ DRAWINGS, D CUMENTS T !E SU!MITTED !" C NTRACT R

The contractor shall furnish the follo"ing along "ith bid and also for approval after a"ard of contract B i/ ii/ iii/ :4 of a !-pole structure sho"ing clearances from Plant 1oundary',oad 1ill of materials ,ange',ating, 0a%e, Type etc. for 4ir brea% s"itches, 3ightning 4rresstor, 5rop out fuses, .onductors and various insulators, cable terminating %its etc.

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