Jerusalem Priest Hood of God

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According to the esoteric theology of the Jerusalem priesthood God was a divine man with a black body, called

in the Hebrew Bible rpel which means literally thick blackness! According to this priestly theology, God at creation was originally a divine man of pure light, with a body of pure light called his kab"d or #Glory$! Because the intensity of this light threatened to burn the material world, %ahweh&'lohim, the (reator&God of )srael*the Bible, cloaked his luminous body, kab"d, with an e+ternal black body, rpel! ,his black body served as a $veil$ to his luminous body, refracting the intense light so as to not burn up creation! ,his was the esoteric theology of the Jerusalem priesthood who were responsible for the Hebrew Bible as we know it! Around the -st century A., a particular circle of priests left the temple and revolted against the faith of their ancestors! ,hese renegade priests would become the earliest developers of the #Gnostic myth/ as classically defined! Gnosticism was a religious*philosophical movement of the -st & 0th centuries A.! ,hough this movement was made up of various groups, the earliest formed around this group of Jewish priests who, ama1ingly, developed a disgust for the God of )srael! Gnostic te+ts such the Apocraphon of John, the Hypostasis of the Archons, and 2n the 2rigin of the 3orld leave no doubt as to why4 it was the material blackness of this God, or his body, that this group of priests revolted against! ,hey had come under the spell of Greek philosophy! 5articularly influential on their thinking was the 5ythagorean ,able of 2pposites! According to 5ythagoras, that which is characteri1ed by light, spirit, and maleness was good, and that characteri1ed by darkness, materiality, and femininity was bad6 the two groups were antithetical! ,he Gnostics thus #split/ the God of )srael in two! ,hey worshiped as the supreme God the luminous anthropos of .ay 2ne of Genesis with his brilliant light&body, usually called phos, which name is Greek and means both #light/ and #man!/ ,he Gnostics separated this luminous man 7phos8 from his black material #veil!/ ,he latter was e+clusively identified with the God of the Bible, whom they demoni1ed and re9ected because of his creation of a material 7and thus evil8 world! 3ith his black material body, the God of the Bible 7%ahweh&'lohim8 was seen as evil and even e:uated with the devil at times! Because materiality was associated with femininity according to the 5ythagorean ,able of 2pposites, these early Gnostics represented %ahweh&'lohim/s black material body as a black goddess, ;ophia& Achamoth 7see image8! ,his is part of the history of the Black mother Goddess that you wont get from .an Brown/s .a<inci (ode! = with (urtis >ichardson and >asaki %esufu&?uhammad!

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