Principles of Management
Principles of Management
Principles of Management
Suggest when and where these two conce ts effectively in cor orate. !nswer" Centralisation is the rocess by which the activities of an organisation# articularly those regarding lanning and decision-$a%ing# beco$e concentrated within a articular location and&or grou . '( %ee ing all of the i$ ortant decision$a%ing owers within head office or the center of the organisation. Advantages of Centralisation
)ffective utilisation of talents of the to $anage$ent. *t reduces co-ordination roble$s as a unifying force integrates all o erations. *t allows the develo $ent of a strong co-ordinates to $anage$ent tea$. +here is unifor$ity of olicies and lans across the organisation. ,entralisation organisations are best suited where resources and infor$ation has to $ove swiftly# es ecially in e$ergencies. -u lication of functions and facilities is $ini$ised which in turn reduces costs. -ue to the fact that all decisions are $ade at the to it $ight result in delays in decision-$a%ing and co$$unication. ,entralised ower and authority $ight be abused. -oesn.t give an o s%ills. ortunity to lower level $anagers&su ervisors to develo their $anagerial
,entralised organisation faces the roble$ of lower $otivation levels a$ong wor%force. +he success of organisation de ends on the co$ etence of to e/ecutives which $ight be 0uite ris%y.
Disadvantages of Centralisation
-ue to the fact that all decisions are $ade at the to it $ight result in delays in decision-$a%ing and co$$unication. ,entralised ower and authority $ight be abused. -oesn.t give an o s%ills. ortunity to lower level $anagers&su ervisors to develo their $anagerial
,entralised organisation faces the roble$ of lower $otivation levels a$ong wor%force. +he success of organisation de ends on the co$ etence of to e/ecutives which $ight be 0uite ris%y.
Decentralisation *n a decentralised structure# decision-$a%ing is s read out to include $ore 1unior $anagers in the hierarchy# as well as individual business units or trading locations. 2ood e/a$ les of businesses which use a decentralised structure include the $a1or su er$ar%et chains li%e 3M Morrison and +esco. )ach su er$ar%et has a store $anager who can $a%e certain decisions concerning areas li%e staffing# sales ro$otions. +he store $anager is res onsible to a regional or area $anager. 4otel chains are articularly %een on using decentralised structures so that local hotel $anagers are e$ owered to $a%e on-the-s ot decisions to handle custo$er roble$s or co$ laints. Advantages of Decentralisation
-ecentralisation reduces the wor%load of to e/ecutives. *t i$ roves 1ob satisfaction and $orale of lower level $anagers by satisfying their needs for inde endence# artici ation and status. -ecision $a%ing is 0uic%er. *t facilitates growth and diversification. !s each roduct division is given sufficient autono$y for innovation and creativity. *t gives o ortunity to subordinates to e/ercise their own 1udg$ent. +hey develo $anagerial s%ills which will be useful to the organisation in the longer run. -ecentralisation re0uires wider s an of control and fewer levels of organisation. *t s eeds u co$$unication. -ecentralisation increases the ad$inistrative e/ enses and each division or de art$ent has to be sufficient in ter$s of hysical facilities and trained ersonnel. !s each de art$ent or division en1oys substantial autono$y it $ight lead to co-ordination roble$s. +here $ight be lac% of unifor$ity and inconsistent rocedures as each de art$ent $ight have the authority to for$ulate its own olicies and rocedures.
Disadvantages of Decentralisation
-ecentralisation increases the ad$inistrative e/ enses and each division or de art$ent has to be sufficient in ter$s of hysical facilities and trained ersonnel. !s each de art$ent or division en1oys substantial autono$y it $ight lead to co-ordination roble$s. +here $ight be lac% of unifor$ity and inconsistent rocedures as each de art$ent $ight have the authority to for$ulate its own olicies and rocedures.
Centralization And Perfor ance 'ne of the core functions for ublic $anagers is the creation of a ro riate structures that can rovide syste$ stability and institutional su ort for a host of other internal organizational ele$ents# such as values and routines. +he degree to which decision-$a%ing is centralized or decentralized is a %ey
indicator of the $anner in which an organization allocates resources and deter$ines olicies and ob1ectives. *t is# $oreover# an issue that has long been recognized as a critical area of research on organizational structure. 5or organizational theorists# the relative degree of centralization within an organization is signified by the hierarchy of authority and the degree of artici ation in decision$a%ing# as these as ects of structure reflect the distribution of ower across the entire. *ndeed# a large nu$ber of studies of organizational structure in the ublic# rivate and non rofit sectors $easure the e/tent of centralization by assessing both of these di$ensions of centralization. 4ierarchy of authority refers to the e/tent to which the ower to $a%e decisions is e/ercised at the u er levels of the organizational hierarchy# while artici ation in decision-$a%ing ertains to the degree of staff involve$ent in the deter$ination of organizational olicy. ! centralized organization will ty ically have a high degree of hierarchical authority and low levels of artici ation in decisions about olicies and resources6 while a decentralized organization will be characterized by low hierarchical authority and highly artici ative decision-$a%ing. +hus# where only one or a few individuals $a%e decisions# an organizational structure $ay be described as highly centralized. 7y contrast# the least centralized organizational structure ossible is one in which all organization $e$bers are res onsible for and involved in decision-$a%ing. Decentralisation! *s decentralization good for natural resource use and $anage$ent? +heories tell us that decentralization can lead to a nu$ber of ositive outco$es 8Schults and 9agh$our# :;;<=. So$e of these ositive outco$es include de$ocratisation and artici ation# rural develo $ent# ublic service erfor$ance and overty alleviation. Most of the local benefits fro$ decentralization are believed to co$e fro$ increased o ular artici ation# which in turn# leads to increases in de$ocracy# efficiency and e0uity 8!grawal and (ibot# >??? and (ibot# :;;:=. @i%e decentralization advocates# natural rersources theorists and ractitioners also e$ hasize the need for local artici ation as a $eans for increasing $anage$ent effectiveness and e0uity 8Schults and 9agh$our# :;;<= *t is i$ ortant to note that the conce ts and theories of decentralization have also been evolving with challenges they face throughout the world. +he $odern case for decentralized govern$ent is well re resented by 3ol$an 8in 7ennet# >??;=. 3ol$an grou s his argu$ents concerning decentralization under two $ain headings" )fficiency Aalues and 2overnance Aalues. )fficiency Aalues co$ rise the ublic choice 1ustification for decentralization# where efficiency is understood as the $a/i$ization of social welfare. 2overnance Aalues co$ rise 3ol$anBs second grou ing# in which he includes" 8i= res onsiveness and accountability# 8ii= diversity# and 8iii= olitical artici ation. +he first values# res onsiveness and accountability# are the $ost i$ ortant of these and co$ rise the olitical arallel to the argu$ent about efficiency detailed above. +he three $a1or for$s of ad$inistrative decentralization -- deconcentration# delegation# and devolution -each have different characteristics. Deconcentration" -econcentration --which is often considered to be the wea%est for$ of decentralization and is used $ost fre0uently in unitary states-- redistributes decision $a%ing authority and financial and $anage$ent res onsibilities a$ong different levels of the central govern$ent. *t can $erely shift res onsibilities fro$ central govern$ent officials in the ca ital city to those wor%ing in regions# rovinces or districts# or it can create strong field ad$inistration or local ad$inistrative ca acity under the su ervision of central govern$ent $inistries.
Delegation" -elegation is a $ore e/tensive for$ of decentralization. +hrough delegation central govern$ents transfer res onsibility for decision-$a%ing and ad$inistration of ublic functions to se$iautono$ous organizations not wholly controlled by the central govern$ent# but ulti$ately accountable to it. 2overn$ents delegate res onsibilities when they create ublic enter rises or cor orations# housing authorities# trans ortation authorities# s ecial service districts# se$i-autono$ous school districts# regional develo $ent cor orations# or s ecial ro1ect i$ le$entation units. Csually these organizations have a great deal of discretion in decision-$a%ing. +hey $ay be e/e$ t fro$ constraints on regular civil service ersonnel and $ay be able to charge users directly for services. Devol#tion" ! third ty e of ad$inistrative decentralization is devolution. 3hen govern$ents devolve functions# they transfer authority for decision-$a%ing# finance# and $anage$ent to 0uasi-autono$ous units of local govern$ent with cor orate status. -evolution usually transfers res onsibilities for services to $unici alities that elect their own $ayors and councils# raise their own revenues# and have inde endent authority to $a%e invest$ent decisions. *n a devolved syste$# local govern$ents have clear and legally recognized geogra hical boundaries over which they e/ercise authority and within which they erfor$ ublic functions. *t is this ty e of ad$inistrative decentralization that underlies $ost olitical decentralization. More centralization and decentralization will either increase the burden of the $anage$ent or reduce the $onitoring source of the $anage$ent. +o e0ual distribution should be $aintained. 'rganisations should follow a well established structure so as to %ee both centralization and decentralization on trac% and a ly whenever and wherever necessary. +his will hel to $anage$ent to have a better trac% record a$ong their e$ loyees and also ensure artici ation of the $anage$ent.
Q<. M7' is a $otivating factor or controlling techni0ue. ,ritically evaluate this state$ent. ,o$ are contrast between M7' and M7). !nswer" Manage ent $% o$&ectives 8M'O=# also %nown as anage ent $% res#lts 8M'R=# is a rocess of defining ob1ectives within an organization so that $anage$ent and e$ loyees agree to the ob1ectives and understand what they need to do in the organization in order to achieve the$. +he ter$ D$anage$ent by ob1ectivesD was first o ularized by Eeter -ruc%er in his >?F< boo% The Practice of Management. +he essence of M7' is artici ative goal setting# choosing course of actions and decision $a%ing. !n i$ ortant art of the M7' is the $easure$ent and the co$ arison of the e$ loyee.s actual erfor$ance with the standards set. *deally# when e$ loyees the$selves have been involved with the goal setting and choosing the course of action to be followed by the$# they are $ore li%ely to fulfill their res onsibilities. (ni)#e feat#res and advantages of t*e M'O +rocess 7ehind the rinci le of Manage$ent by 'b1ectives 8M7'= is for e$ loyees to have a clear understanding of the roles and res onsibilities e/ ected of the$. +hen they can understand how their activities relate to the achieve$ent of the organizationBs goal. !lso laces i$ ortance on fulfilling the ersonal goals of each e$ loyee.
So$e of the i$ ortant features and advantages of M7' are" >. Motivation G *nvolving e$ loyees in the whole rocess of goal setting and increasing e$ loyee e$ ower$ent. +his increases e$ loyee 1ob satisfaction and co$$it$ent. :. 7etter co$$unication and coordination G 5re0uent reviews and interactions between su eriors and subordinates hel s to $aintain har$onious relationshi s within the organization and also to solve $any roble$s. 3. ,larity of goals <. Subordinates tend to have a higher co$$it$ent to ob1ectives they set for the$selves than those i$ osed on the$ by another erson. F. Managers can ensure that ob1ectives of the subordinates are lin%ed to the organizationBs ob1ectives. H. ,o$$on goal for whole organization $eans it is a directive rinci le of $anage$ent. Ste+s In Manage ent '% O$&ectives Planning !, >. 2oal setting" +he first hase in the M7' rocess is to define the organizational ob1ectives. +hese are deter$ined by the to $anage$ent and usually in consultation with other $anagers. 'nce these goals are established# they should be $ade %nown to all the $e$bers. *n setting ob1ectives# it is necessary to identify DIey-(esult !reasB 8I(!=. :. Manager-Subordinate involve$ent" !fter the organizational goals are defined# the subordinates wor% with the $anagers to deter$ine their individual goals. *n this way# everyone gets involved in the goal setting. 3. Matching goals and resources" Manage$ent $ust ensure that the subordinates are rovided with necessary tools and $aterials to achieve these goals. !llocation of resources should also be done in consultation with the subordinates. <. *$ le$entation of lan" !fter ob1ectives are established and resources are allocated# the subordinates can i$ le$ent the lan. *f any guidance or clarification is re0uired# they can contact their su eriors. F. (eview and a raisal of erfor$ance" +his ste involves eriodic review of rogress between $anager and the subordinates. Such reviews would deter$ine if the rogress is satisfactory or the subordinate is facing so$e roble$s. Eerfor$ance a raisal at these reviews should be conducted# based on fair and $easurable standards. 7asic rinci les of M7'" >. ,larification of organizational ob1ective. :. S ecific ob1ective to each $e$ber. 3. Eartici ative decision $a%ing. <. )/ licit ti$e eriod. F. Eerfor$ance evaluation and feedbac%.
-or./ Res+onsi$ilit% and Delegation *t $ay be difficult for you and your $anagers to let go of ortions of the decision-$a%ing ower G and es ecially so for $any owners of s$all businesses. *t is necessary to achieve a fine balance. 9ou should retain o erating control so that the business can continue to run s$oothly without your being resent. !t the sa$e ti$e# you should delegate sufficient res onsibility and concurrent authority to subordinates so that the business functions s$oothly on a day-to-day basis and subordinates feel that they are art of your business. +he roble$ of delegation re0uires consideration of several i$ ortant factors. 87ruce and (obert# :;;J= 01 It is ost i +ortant for %o# and %o#r anagers to $e a2are of t*e $#siness goals and see t*at t*e% are $eing et" +his i$ lies the necessity for develo ing controls and a syste$ to rovide accurate feedbac% of infor$ation. 5eedbac% $ust be ti$ely so that corrective action can be ta%en before a situation gets out of control. 9ou $ust orient yourself to $anage$ent by e/ce tion and to lanning and control. 8Ioontz#'B-onnell# and 3eihrich# :;;K= 31 S#fficient a#t*orit% s*o#ld $e delegated to get t*e &o$ done/ to allo2 .e% e +lo%ees to ta.e initiative/ and to .ee+ o+erations oving in %o#r a$sence" 3hen delegating res onsibility# it also is necessary to delegate sufficient authority to do the 1ob. 4ence# the li$its of authority should be clearly definedGes ecially in those areas involving e/ enditures of funds 8a roving overti$e and $a%ing urchases=. 41 5o# and %o#r anagers cannot $eco e involved in details at all levels of t*e o+eration" +here are not sufficient hours in the day. 9ou $ust s end $uch ti$e in lanning and seeing that the lans are $et. 9ou need to have de endable hel to attend to the details. 9ou $a%e sure they are acco$ lished# but let others to do the wor%. 8Mannan# :;;?= 61 T*e $est anagers are not necessaril% t*e $est teac*ers" Managing $ay so$eti$es involve instruction and coaching# but the best $anagers tell e$ loyees what to do and when to do it# not how. 2ood $anagers are good score%ee ers# but they need not be good teachers. 9ou $ust learn to %ee scoreG to see who is erfor$ing# who is $a%ing the rofits for you. 71 T*ere is no 8$est9 anage ent s%ste " 'ne style $ay wor% well for you# but not for your subordinates. 2ood $anagers do not i$ ose $anage$ent styles or 1udge erfor$ance on whether the 1ob was done the way the $anager would have done it. (esults# in ter$s of rofitable out ut# are the goals worth $easuring and rewarding. :1 C*annel %o#r energies to eet %o#r a$ilities/ $#t .ee+ score on ever% activit%" )ach of us has s ecial interests and abilities. 9ou should ca italize on these as a $anager and let your subordinates do the sa$e. 4owever# if your flair is for $ar%eting and you# therefore# elect to delegate financial duties# it is absolutely necessary for you to establish financial control syste$s that you understand co$ letely and can $onitor fre0uently. +he reverse is also true# if finance is your ri$ary interest. -elegation need not i$ ly loss of ulti$ate res onsibility. 8,arnegie# :;;H= ;1 T*ose +ersons to 2*o %o# delegate res+onsi$ilit% and a#t*orit% #st $e .no2ledgea$le and co +etent in t*e tec*nical area for 2*ic* %o# *old t*e acco#nta$le . !lso# they $ust be honestG ersons of integrity. 'ther 0ualities of i$ ortance include initiative# interest# self-$otivation# i$agination# drive# and decisiveness. ,hoose $anagers with these ri$ary 0ualities in $ind. <1 Managers #st $e anagers" So$e $anagers will avoid $a%ing decisions by bringing roble$s to you. *n fact# so$e eo le dee their 1obs by always being at the center of a crisis and thereby getting attention. 'ne way to sto this is to re0uire a $anager to rovide three feasible alternate solutions to any roble$ he or she brings to you. +his# at $ini$u$ assures you that the roble$ will be well thought out# and usually solved# before reaching you. 9ou want the eo le who wor% for you to bring you solutions# not roble$s. =1 Peo+le li.e to .no2 e>actl% 2*at is e>+ected of t*e " ,onse0uently# it is every i$ ortant for you to re are a list of 1ob duties for each erson and es ecially for $anagers# which clearly defines his or her area of control and authority. Ere aration of these osition descri tions has an added advantage of hel ing you to avoid overla s. *t will aid you in coordination of all 1ob activities and thereby increase
roductivity. +here should be no doubt as to who is res onsible for s ecific 1obs and who should ta%e corrective action if it is necessary. 85ried$ann# J.# :;;F= 0?1 A +ri ar% res+onsi$ilit% of ever% anager is to train *is or *er re+lace ent" +his rocess should start at the ti$e a $anager is laced in a osition. !t any ti$e there should be at least one erson trained to ta%e over each $anager.s osition# and that $ust include your own. +his ongoing training avoids crises and Eer$its $anagerial fle/ibility and growth. +he list of ossible re lace$ents for each 1ob should be %e t in a ersonnel file# as well as *n the 7usiness Elan Eersonnel Section# and should be u dated annually. 83eihrich# 4.# and 7uhler# -.# :;;?= 001 Good co #nication@$ot* *orizontal and vertical @ is essential to %o#r $#siness" 7oth 5acts and the thin%ing of you and your e$ loyee $ust be conveyed. 5eedbac% is essential if you are to be a good record-%ee er# and one ri$ary characteristic of a good $anager is the ability to listen. 8+aylor# S.# :;;F= -elegate while retaining o erating control. Iee score on everything. Measure rofit fre0uently. 4old your $anagers accountable for rofits. Ma%e your $anagers $anageGdon.t do their wor%. Manage ent $% E>ce+tion is a style of business $anage$ent that focuses on identifying and handling cases that deviate fro$ the nor$. Manage$ent by e/ce tion has both a general business a lication and a business intelligence a lication. 2eneral business e/ce tions are cases that deviate fro$ the nor$al behavior in a business rocess and need to be cared for in a uni0ue $anner# ty ically by hu$an intervention. +heir cause $ight include" rocess deviation# infrastructure or connectivity issues# e/ternal deviation# oor 0uality business rules# $alfor$ed data# etc. Manage$ent by e/ce tion here is the ractice of investigating# resolving and handling such occurrences by using s%illed staff and software tools. 2ood $anage$ent can contribute to efficiency of business rocesses. 'ften in these cases the rocess will be called e/ce tion $anage$ent# as e/ce tional cases are not the sole focus of the $anagerial olicy# and e/ce tion $anage$ent 8as o osed to $anage$ent by e/ce tion= denotes a $ore $oderate a lication of the rocess. Process of M'E! >. *dentify and s ecify the %ey results. :. Setting standards and outlining er$issible deviations. 3. ,o$ aring actual results with the standards. <. ,o$ uting and analyzing deviations. F. *dentifying non- er$issible# that is# critical deviation. H. Strategizing and ta%ing corrective action. Ao2 is M'E I +le entedB *f a co$ any is going to i$ le$ent M7)# they need to first set u a basic fra$ewor% which will identify ite$s that vary fro$ lan to lan. +hese are the critical things that $ust be in lace to $a%e M7) wor%" >. !n a ro riate budget to $easure erfor$ance against. +his budget $ust be well designed# so that the business will $eet its strategic ob1ectives if the lan is confor$ed with. :. ! $atri/ of e/ce tion a$ounts and who will be notified. +he degree of variance allowed in different categories needs to be defined in advance# along with the a ro riate level8s= of $anage$ent who will res ond to the variance in 0uestion. *n so$e cases# different levels of variance will be brought to the attention of different levels of $anage$ent. 5or e/a$ le# a
LF#;;; variance $ight be re orted to a de art$ent $anager# while a LF;#;;; variance is brought to the attention of the functional A.E. 3. ! ti$ely and accurate re orting syste$. *nfor$ation needs to be accurately ca tured and co$ ared to the overall budget on a regular basis. )/ce tions need to be noted so that infor$ation can be sent to the correct tea$ $e$bers. 'nce these ite$s are resent# the rocess can be rolled out to all staff. !nything that falls outside the budget by an a$ount as defined in the $atri/ of e/ce tions will be sent to the a ro riate level8s= of $anage$ent for review and action. 'therwise# staff is in charge of decision $a%ing. -*at are t*e advantages of M'EB So$e advantages of M7) would include"
+he rocess focuses $anage$ent ti$e and attention on the $ost critical variances# which should be a $ore efficient use of ti$e. +he rocess allows staff to handle daily o erations er the business lan inde endent of $anage$ent6 $anagers only ste in when variances reach the threshold. +his should give $anage$ent $ore ti$e for other functions# such as strategic lanning.
T%+es of e>ce+tions +here are two ty es of e/ce tions which are identified and $anaged through M7)" >. Eroble$s G below standard erfor$ance and results 8need to be strategized and solved in ti$e= :. ' ortunities G above standard erfor$ance and results 8need to be identified and ta ed=.