A Beginner's Guide To Making Your First Video Game PDF

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The passage recommends starting small with a simple game mechanic or prototype to learn the basics of game development. It also warns that the first game likely won't be polished and will involve learning through failures and improvements.

Twine, RPG Maker, and GameMaker Studio are recommended as they have low barriers to entry, allow a wide variety of games to be made, and can produce prototypes quickly.

Multiplayer functions, online scoreboards, and 3D are some things recommended to avoid including in a first game in order to keep the scope small and manageable.

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1/28/13 2:00pm (http://kotaku.com/5979539/a-beginners-guide-to-making-your-first-video-game) 300,885 15 306 2

A Beginner's Guide To Making Your First Video Game (http://kotaku.com/5979539/abeginners-guide-to-making-your-rst-videogame)


Game development has exploded over the last few years, and now it seems like everyone is making a video game. Y ou've got big studios full of hundreds of people. Y ou've got small teams making incredible games. There are more people in independent game development than ever. This is an amazing thing, because everyone brings their unique experience and sensibilities to game design. The more people who we can get making games and sharing their individual voices, the more we will see games evolve in new and exciting directions. Believe it or not, this can involve you. Do you have an idea for a game you wish you could play rolling around in your head? And no one is making it? I've got good news for you: there are more tools and support than ever to help people who have no experience with coding or development start to learn how to create the games of their dreams. If no one is making what you want to play, why not learn how to make it yourself?

Start small, and be ready to fail.

Before you get too excited, please realize that, as with any other skill, learning how to design and develop games takes time and practice. Y our first game won't look like the polished games you're used to playing, much like your first drawing won't come out looking like Monet. This is absolutely fine. My first game has a huge bug in it that causes it to break for about half of its users. I was unable to figure out how to fix it. Y ou should shoot for what developers call a prototype: a smaller version of your idea with a few working mechanics, a prototype that lets you see how your game plays, allows you to improve the design, and forms the foundation that you can later build upon to make a full game. As you make your first game, you will also experience the same thing every other developer has: "feature creep" or issues with scope. Y ou will likely want to put too much into your first gametoo many mechanics, too much content. Y our ambition will push your toward any number of traps. This is okay, as long as you fix it or "scope down". For your first game, distill what you'd like to see into a single mechanic and try to create that one thing. Go with a simple mechanic like "navigate a story by selecting your actions from a menu" or "keep an object from dropping". Think Pong, not Call of Duty . It likely won't be the

next big thing, but it will be a prototype, and it will be something you can build on in the future, if you desire. Some specific things you may want to avoid putting in to your first game include multiplayer functions, online scoreboards, or working in 3D.

Choose your tools.

So you have your idea, distilled down into a manageable, simple game. Now what? This is where those tools I mentioned come into play. There are an enormous variety of them, and more are being created all the time. This guide is primarily for those who have absolutely no computer science skills, have never programmed anything in their life and think that it's beyond their ability to do so.
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The following tools will help you go from no coding or development experience to having finished your first prototype. Most of them come prepackaged with sample games, and one of

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apart, and see how they work. I've chosen to focus on these three tools because they've got the least-steep learning curve, they can produce a wide variety of games, and they can produce a prototype fairly quickly (so you can have the satisfaction of having something playable sooner). They're all either free or have free versions, meaning you won't have to drop a couple hundred dollars to figure out if this is something you want to pursue.

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1. Twine
Twine (http://gimcrackd.com/etc/src/) is a fairly new and free program that allows you to make choose-your-own-adventure style games and spit them out into an html file that you can easily share with the world. It uses a visual editor with easy-to-grasp codes and syntax. Y ou enter your story text and commands into a series of linked nodes. If you have absolutely no experience with coding or any sort of programming, Twine might be an excellent place to start. Not only is it very easy to pick up and use, but it will also teach you the basic principles of programming: if-then statements, variable manipulation, and other concepts that form the core of understanding how to do things with code.



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If you have experience with coding or web development, you can easily scale Twine games into more complex programs. The fact that Twine outputs html files means you can embed anything you would into any web page, including photos, music, and even other flash games.

Twine has already been used for a variety of purposesgames, poetry, and even interviews with game developers (http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2012/06/20/choose-your-own-annaanthropy-interview/). The main weakness of it is that, if you're looking to do anything more complex than if-then statementssay, random or timed eventsyou'll have to write your own code. That kind of thing isn't natively supported by Twine. Also, if you're looking to make anything action-based (such as a platformer or shooter), you will want to choose a different engine. Games made in Twine: Howling Dogs (http://aliendovecote.com/uploads/twine/howling%20dogs.html#2m), Afterward (http://afterward-story.tumblr.com/1)

start-1523503065) The Internet Reacts To Little Mac's Smash Bros. Reveal (http://kotaku.com/the-inernet-reacts-tolittle-macs-smash-bros-reveal-1522848928) Thousands Of People Are Playing A Single Game of Pokmon Together (http://kotaku.com/thousands-of-people-areplaying-a-single-game-of-pokemo-1522948338) The Five Best Anime of 2013 (http://kotaku.com/the-ve-best-anime-of-20131489380623) DayZ Delivers the Visceral Realism of Opening a Can of Baked Beans (http://kotaku.com/dayzdelivers-the-visceral-realism-of-opening-a-can-of1523628548) Kotaku 'Shop Contest: Sonic Bust: The Winners (http://kotaku.com/kotaku-shop-contest-sonicbust-the-winners-1523656412) Sniper Elite's Kill-Cam Keeps Getting More Gruesome (http://kotaku.com/sniper-elites-killcam-keeps-getting-more-gruesome-1523161714) TotalBiscuit Fights Against Total Boneheads [Update] (http://tay.kotaku.com/totalbiscuitghts-against-total-boneheads-update1523253478) The 9 Best Games For The PlayStation 4 (http://kotaku.com/the-best-games-for-theplaystation-4-1500350643) Titanfall Server Problems Keeping Many From Playing, Microsoft Fixing (http://kotaku.com/titanfall-server-problemskeeping-many-from-playing-mi-1523266702)

This tutorial (http://www.auntiepixelante.com/twine/) by Anna Anthropy will have you up and running with Twine in as little as half an hour. I definitely suggest starting here. If you want to go further, Porpentine has a list of amazing resources including code snippets, documentation, and other useful links here (http://aliendovecote.com/?page_id=4047).

2. Stencyl
Another recently-created tool, Stencyl (http://www.stencyl.com/) has a very user-friendly graphical interface that will help you make a wide variety of games. Stencyl uses a Lego-like approach to coding, where you arrange code "blocks" and snap them into logic statements. If you're starting to get the hang of coding, you can switch to a mode that will let you view and edit the code in these "blocks," allowing you to tweak or even create code from scratch that will work with everything else in the program. The tool also comes pre-packaged with several sample games, which you can modify to your heart's content. Viewing and editing the code in these blocks is also a way to begin to understand Actionscript3, which you can then apply to making flash games and apps without the aid of Stencyl.

Since Stencyl games are output to a .swf (flash) file, this makes it easy to share your games with others. If you don't have web hosting of your own, you can upload your game to Stencyl's site and share the link from there. Another advantage of Stencyl is its in-program asset server, which allows you to download and share art assets, code blocks, and even entire games right in Stencyl. Stencyl does have a few drawbacks. Since the program is relatively new, it's still got a few bugs. A bug I've encountered has erased most of my work, so if you're going to use this tool I highly recommend saving multiple copies of what you're making. Save often. The base program comes free, but the pro version (which offers more customizations and access to private forums) is $79 dollars a year. If you want to port your games to iOS it's another $149 a year. Games made in Stencyl: Handheld Video Game (http://www.stencyl.com/game/play/14175), The Brim (http://www.stencyl.com/game/play/12775) Y ou can see a handy video tutorial on making Stencyl games here (http://www.stencyl.com/stencyl/video/), though the program has a very good crash course built into it. Additional info is available on their fairly-comprehensive site, Stencylpedia (http://www.stencyl.com/help).

3. GameMaker
GameMaker (http://www.yoyogames.com/gamemaker/windows) is very similar to Stencyl, but has some key differences. GameMaker's free version only exports to executable files (.exes or .dmgs) with watermarks on them. It offers more formats and features if you purchase one of the paid versions (Standard for $49.99, Professional for $99.99, and Master for $499.99). GameMaker uses a similar drag-and-drop interface approach to code, but uses its own language that only works in GameMaker. However, GameMaker has been used to produce high-profile indie games such as the original versions of Spelunky (http://spelunkyworld.com/original.html) and Stealth Bastard (http://www.stealthbastard.com/).

GameMaker, like Stencyl, has a very useful tutorial that comes packaged with the program. I highly suggest running through it on your first time to get a feel for how things work and how to navigate the interface. Once you've done that, Y oY o Games has a ton of tutorials (http://sandbox.yoyogames.com/make/tutorials) that might help you make the specific kind of game you're hoping for. GMLscripts (http://www.gmlscripts.com/) is a wonderful site full of free scripts you can use in your game, and TIGsource has a thread for tutorials (http://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=3142.0) and open-source GameMaker games (http://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=15906.0). Those are the three tools that I would suggest to total beginners who have little to no coding experience. They are far from the only ones available. There are more advanced and powerful development environments such as Unity (http://unity3d.com/unity/), code frameworks such as Flixel (http://flixel.org/) and Flashpunk (http://flashpunk.net/), and highly-specialized tools for making a specific kind of game. Two of those are Adventure Game Studio (http://www.adventuregamestudio.co.uk/) and Inform7 (http://inform7.com/). This is just the tip of the icebergif you can think of a specific sort of game you'd like to make, you can likely find a code library or program that will help you make it.

Get some graphics. Get some sounds.

If you're worried about coming up with art assets, music, sound, and other things that make your game more polished, don't worry. Freesound.org (http://www.freesound.org/) has tons of open-source sounds, OpenGameArt.org (http://opengameart.org/) can cover your art, and you can search music sites like SoundCloud for open-source music. If you use anything that was created by someone else, be sure you're using something under Creative Commons, and do credit them in your game. Supporting other artists is what keeps things like this happening.

Find an honest person to play your game. Observe this brave individual.
So you've prototyped your first gamenow what? Share it! Y ou can learn so much about the design of your game by sitting down someone who hasn't played itand ideally isn't a relative or significant otherand having them play your game. See what they instinctively do, what they understand and what they don't. Get as many people to play your game as you can, and try to find out what worked and what didn't. Then, iterate on your design as much as possible.

So much of making a game is iteration. Don't be afraid to try things and be wrong. No game is ever perfect, and nothing ever feels completely finished. But don't let this stop you from ever declaring your game is done and moving on to the next one. Y ou need to iterate on yourself as a game designer as much as you need to iterate your individual games. Don't fuss with a single prototype forever. Don't try to force a design that just isn't working. Don't be afraid to move on.

Do all of this again, and you'll probably do it better.

Finish your game (http://makegames.tumblr.com/post/1136623767/finishing-a-game), then make another.

The most important thing you can do after making your first game, playtesting it, refining it, and releasing it is to make another one. Getting involved with other game developers is a great way to do this. Our numbers are growing every day. Y ou can get help on specific issues or just gain inspiration from working with your peers. Game Jams (http://blogs.crikey.com.au/gameon/2012/01/31/a-little-bit-of-challenge-is-good-surviving-melbournes-game-jam/) are an especially-wonderful aspect of this. Jams are frenzied game development events where you have to make a prototype in a limited amount of time, sometimes with the constraints of a common theme or specific toolset. These Jams are a great way to hone your skills, forge new ones, and work with interesting people who you might not have the chance to otherwise. Once you've made your first game, the next goal should be to make a good game.

Do some research. That doesn't just mean "Playing games."

Studying game design is something I'd suggest for anyone who loves games, not just those who want to make them. It's a complex skill with many aspects, and thankfully there is a lot of material you can check out on the matter. The GDC Vault (http://www.gdcvault.com/free) has a lot of free talks on myriad subjects. There are tutorials on how to make physical prototypes of games using paper (http://blog.unthinkmedia.com/2011/02/07/creating-paperprototypes-for-digital-games/), and even lists of things you should NOT do as a game designer (http://www.designersnotebook.com/Design_Resources/No_Twinkie_Database/no_twinkie_ database.htm). Plenty of individual developers offer talks on aspects of game design on their sites. Check out the contributions from Anna Anthropy (http://www.auntiepixelante.com/?cat=6), Chris Hecker (http://chrishecker.com/Category:Lectures), and Steve Swink (http://www.steveswink.com/category/articles/), to name a few. If you prefer to study things in dead-tree format, check out books like "How To Do Things With Videogames (http://www.amazon.com/How-Things-Videogames-ElectronicMediations/dp/081667647X?&tag=kotakuamzn-20&ascsubtag= [referrer|www.google.es[type|link[postId|5979539[asin|081667647X[authorId|572431932534 7612106)" and "Extra Lives (http://www.amazon.com/Extra-Lives-Video-GamesMatter/dp/0307474313?&tag=kotakuamzn-20&ascsubtag= [referrer|www.google.es[type|link[postId|5979539[asin|0307474313[authorId|5724319325347 612106)."

With these tools and resourcesplus thousands more available with a bit of Googlinganyone can start making and sharing games. Hopefully this guide will get you to turn an idea into a prototype. Game development doesn't have to be an insurmountable task only accomplished by experienced programmers or teams of hundreds. Everyone brings something uniquely "them" to game developmentwhat kinds of things will you make?
Zoe Quinn (https://twitter.com/ZoeQuinnzel) is an independent game developer, co-founder of Dames Making Games, fire performer, and future skeleton. She has 99 problems and being a decaying organism aware of it's own mortality in a society run by money that she can't escape from is one.

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38 participants Gazp (http://gazp.kinja.com)


22 participants Zoe Quinn -Silver- (http://silver.kinja.co



Sorry for the wall, but if anyone is feeling charitable, I'm in need of some help here: For someone that does have some amount of "computer science skills" (such as JAVA/Javascript; HTML; bit of Flash and overall understanding on how coding works) as well as a good grasp on the visual and audio design front (being a multimedia design studdent), should I go with Gamemaker? The thing is, this next semester is my last one, so arrives THE final project. Since I want to get into game development once I graduate, I think that making one myself from top to bottom would be the best way to show my potential to employers in the near future. I only have 4 or so months, starting on the 25th of February, and during that time I'll also have classes and internship hours, so I won't be able to devote all my time to the game. My last experience with game making wasn't the best. It was a group project where we had to use Flash with Actionscript2. "Feature creep" wasn't the biggest problem, has our scope was mostly realistic from the start, but unlike other programs, for some reason I just didn't seem to find what I needed any time I looked for something more specific code wise. We ended up with an almost finished prototype, thanks to time constraints. This is another reason why I'm thinking about using a tool like Gamemaker where hopefully I can spend more time thinking about the way the game plays, feels and looks rather than "how the fuck do I get this thing to work?". I do have a lot of game ideas that I've written down from time to time, but I'm having a hard time thinking of something more feasible regarding the programming part of development and the time I'll have. This time around, I won't have the luxury of ending up with something unfinished, so I need to think this through as best as I can before I start doing anything. For everything I do, I try to create something as different as I can. I obviously would like to do that as well with this project, but I have so many doubts about what I can and can't do, I feel locked in place.

Advice for artists out there making their own game: Halve your textures. Then consider halving them again. That was my main issue when I started - aiming too high with details. I use Construct as my game engine. Both Construct Classic and Construct 2 are free to use, and are incredibly flexible. Perfect if, like me, you can draw but too many numbers at once threaten to make your head implode: https://www.scirra.com/ Construct 2 is also free on Steam, voted up there through Greenlight =)

1/28/13 2:40pm (http://kotaku.com/advice-for-artists-out-there-making-their-ow

Ginja (http://ginja.kinja.com)



It should be noted that the Free version has limitations, that the paid versions do not have - as is always the case with these editors.

1/28/13 2:45pm (http://kotaku.com/it-should-be-noted-that-the-free-version-ha

-Silver- (http://silver.kinja.co

Except Construct Classic (which I use). 9 participants That's completely free with no limitations. Ginja (http://ginja.kinja.com) Zoe Quinn

1/28/13 2:56pm (http://kotaku.com/except-construct-classic-which-i-use-thatsfallouthirteen and 18 others... (/posts/454186502/reply)

While I applaud the effort and meaning behind this article, it should also be stated that all of this, is still only scratching the thinnest surface layer of what it means to make video games. Accompanying all this is the fact that with making video games being more open-ended and available to more people, means that competition will go on the rise, as will the flood of the amount of titles that will be released, which can in turn affect a portion of the market (values or amounts being arguable).

1/28/13 2:33pm (http://kotaku.com/while-i-applaud-the-effort-and-meaning-be

Pione (http://pione.kinja.com)



It is an article for beginners, after all. It does a great job covering the basics for anyone looking at how to start making games.

1/28/13 2:36pm (http://kotaku.com/it-is-an-article-for-beginners-after-all-it-doe

1/28/13 4:47pm (http://kotaku.com/sorry-for-the-wall-but-if-anyone-is-feeling-charitable-454186599)

Ginja (http://ginja.kinja.com)


Sanbai (http://sanbai.kinja.c


I completely concede to that, people just have a tendency to take information like this, and assume "it's just that easy" in a 8 participants manner of speaking...

Hey Gazp, I know the feeling of being "paralyzed by anxiety" - especially about something you're really passionate about! I've worked on a pair of student projects that put out decent "student" games (one a team of 7, the other a team of 20), and I was honored to be the Producer/Co-Director on both projects. Since you sound like primarily an artist with a bit of programming jive, my first advice to you is simple - you need a full programmer. Find someone who is reliable and open to ideas, and who is just as excited about your project as you are. Y ou will find a lot of flakes - shop around until you find someone who is going to stick through to the end and isn't an emotional drain when it comes to collaborative work. Trust me, having someone who knows what they're doing beats scrolling for hours looking for that odd code bit that will make your build work. It's even better when they show initiative and are willing to make it their baby - it becomes "theirs" and ownership is an irresistible draw to completing the project. My second bit of advice is being honest with yourself - what are you willing to do? Seriously, break down your time and think on average how many hours you will spend on this project per week, while still budgeting for sleeping/class/recreation etc. Make a schedule and plan out having weekly meetings with your team - even if you're stuck and getting no-where, meeting just to talk about the game is crucial. Also important - are you detail oriented or big-picture oriented? If you're more the detail oriented, and prefer working on the textures or the 3D assets, then you really need to find either another artist, programmer or another student in (*gasp*) any major that is a "big picture" person who can keep their head above the water and point the team in the right direction. A good producer is someone with minimal ego and an even keel personality who listens, brings people together who're having a fight/disagreement with the work, runs meetings, injects passion and enthusiasm and just plain keeps the project on track for your goals. While I was producer I also doubled as the sound fx and music junkie, so a producer naturally wears a variety of hats. If you ARE this person, then congrats! Y ou'll probably just need another artist then. Long story short, having attempted a game already puts you leagues ahead of a lot of hopefuls who haven't even started. And unless you're doing this project at DigiPen, I'm pretty sure that any working alpha you can put out will still stun and amaze the people you have evaluate it. Seriously, we

1/28/13 2:37pm (http://kotaku.com/i-completely-concede-to-that-people-just-h bakana (http://bakana.kinja.

2 (/posts/454186639/reply) ThisSpaceForRent and 5 others...

Game maker was also the tool used for the release version of Hotline Miami, which is a good example of it being used for something beyond simple protoyping and freeware.

1/28/13 6:59pm (http://kotaku.com/game-maker-was-also-the-tool-used-for-the

dstein (http://dstein.kinja.co

I was pleasantly surprised when my friend and I were looking this game up when it came out and saw that. All you need is a means to an end. If that fits in the parameters of Game Maker or any other equivalent then it's not something to put your nose up at.

1/28/13 7:53pm (http://kotaku.com/i-was-pleasantly-surprised-when-my-friend-

bakana (http://bakana.kinja.


I teach a Game Making class with kids where we use that as our tool (it's what's already installed on their school computers). Part of me wishes HLM wasn't so insanely age appropriate because it would be cool to show kids a critically acclaimed game made using the same tool they use in class (but if it were, I probably wouldn't love the game as much as I do). I suppose there's always Super Crate Box. 9 participants xhrit (http://xhrit.kinja.com) Ryusui and 4 others...

1/28/13 8:02pm (http://kotaku.com/i-teach-a-game-making-class-with-kids-whe

Zoe Quinn


A well written design document is one of the most valuable tools a developer can have when starting work on a new project. http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/3 224/creating_a_great_design_document.ph p

1/28/13 3:56pm (http://kotaku.com/a-well-written-design-document-is-one-of-

Jamesbiff (http://jamessmith


This. Unless you have every single detail written down and discussed dont even consider starting work. Making something as

creative types are the worst critics for our work, so don't beat yourself up! Y ou sound like you really have a good head for the work - all you need is a couple of passionate friends like yourself, and you'll be surprised at what you can do. Good Luck! (PS - We built everything in the free version of Unity - it's a little tough, but it makes good-looking games once you get over the three week learning period. Give it a go!)

complex as a game without a pre written manual for how everything will work is a recipe for disaster. Make the GDD and stick to it.

1/28/13 6:21pm (http://kotaku.com/this-unless-you-have-every-single-detail-wr

PixelSnader (http://thepixels


No. Make a half page description. Make a quick prototype.

1/28/13 7:54pm (http://kotaku.com/hey-gazp-i-know-the-feeling-of-being-paralyzed-by-anx-454186654)

zoequinn (http://zoequinn.ki

Make a 5 page expansion. Expand your prototype. Etc. Make sure the super-ultra-core-basic fundamentals get implemented and tested straight away. Otherwise you will have to rework your design halfway through production and that wastes a ton of time. 14 participants And by 'quick prototype' I mean it can be seriously simple. Like, this simple crybabyred (http://crybabyre (https://dl.dropbox.com/u/448525/test_00 4.swf). (a movement/combat prototype; (/posts/454186577/reply) press and hold to move, swipe[with mouse Any suggestions on what tool to use if I pressed] to attack, drag cube for spells) want to make a Fire Emblem type of game? (By Fire Emblem type of game I mean a 2d RPG dstein with turn-based combat. I just started and 5 others... playing Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones and I'm quite absorbed in it, and yet I can't help think how simple it is too.)

Y ou'd be perfect with something like GameMaker then. Run through the tutorial that comes packaged with it and see how it feels. Since GameMaker has stuff like GMScripts and tons of things you can essentially plug in to your game and mess around with, it should be pretty good for making a small game. 4 months can absolutely be enough - just don't aim too big. Actionscript2 kinda blows, sorry you had to go through it. That was actually what I was messing around with my first game in, and I ran in to similar problems. If you like, shoot me an email at zoe (at) beesgo (dot) biz and I'd be happy to answer more specific questions, and if you can send me an overview of the kind of game you'd like to make I can figure out which specific 8 participants tool might be the easiest for you. BestShiryu of luck! (http://shiryu.kinja.co

1/28/13 7:09pm (http://kotaku.com/no-make-a-half-page-description-make-a-q

1/28/13 4:07pm (http://kotaku.com/any-suggestions-on-what-tool-to-use-if-i-wa

RevolutionZero (http://revolu

1/28/13 8:15pm (http://kotaku.com/youd-be-perfect-with-something-like-gamemaker-then-run-454186657)


dstein and 34 others...

Try RPGmaker. Y ou can download a free trial on their website. http://www.rpgmakerweb.com/

1/28/13 4:39pm (http://kotaku.com/try-rpgmaker-you-can-download-a-free-tria

BurkusCat (http://burkuscat.

If anyone needs music, give me a shout: http://shiryumusic.no.sapo.pt/

I think RPGMaker would be perfect for you. It is a fantastic tool, lots of power and you can build a game using pretty much just your mouse :) Also, if you aren't interested in art/sound design then it has tons of premade stuff so you can just design the game and story.

1/28/13 4:42pm (http://kotaku.com/http-youtu-be-piej-f3r-6q-if-anyone-needs-music-giv-454186592)

GrislyGrotto (http://jklkjljkljkl

1/28/13 5:19pm (http://kotaku.com/portucale-454186611)

4 participants There is also Ruby programming support but

it isn't that great. faceofthechange (http://face

1/28/13 4:42pm (http://kotaku.com/i-think-rpgmaker-would-be-perfect-for-you

Shiryu (http://shiryu.kinja.co 3 participants



Sincerely... thank you for this!! I work as a clinical data manager... lots of programming, and database designing. So, while i am familiar with programming; it's never been any language that has really been viable for game making (SAS, SQL, Medidata Rave, and Oracle Clinical). I love

thiagolee and 10 others...

Portugal. tristenkw5 (http://tristenkw 1/28/13 5:32pm (http://kotaku.com/portugal-454186614)

GrislyGrotto and 4 others...


It's a shame the web series "Extra Credits" over on Penny Arcade TV wasn't mentioned in the list of game design talk resources. I understand not everyone can be mentioned, but I've learned so much from that series, not to mention how entertaining it is without being dry and by the books. Google it, and learn.

my job, and i wouldn't really WANT to work for a video-game company (my soon to be father-in-law is a lead program designer at Bethesda!). So, i'd like to work at my own pace, and now i have places to start!! I've always WANTED to make games. I feel like i have things to say through the medium (i've had this idea for an RPG centering on Middle-Eastern mythology forEVER). But "making a game" has always seemed daunting an inaccessible. I HAVE tried editing ROMs of existing games... Ogre Battle (SNES), Final Fantasy (NES), and Pool of Radiance (DOS)... but i think it would be even more fun to CREATE something. Let's see how all this goes...

1/28/13 7:17pm (http://kotaku.com/its-a-shame-the-web-series-extra-credits-over-on-penn-454186648)

classykeyser (http://johncas

That is such a great resource and I can't say enough good things about it. He really knows what he's talking about, so much so that even his opinions sound like absolute fact. I thought I knew everything about JRPGs until I watched the three-parter about it. Fascinating stuff and everyone even remotely interested in games should watch them.

1/31/13 4:01pm (http://kotaku.com/sincerely-thank-you-for-this-i-work-as-a-clini

zoequinn (http://zoequinn.ki


1/02/14 8:17pm (http://kotaku.com/that-is-such-a-great-resource-and-i-cant-say-enough-goo-1493557319)

Y ou can do it! And your idea sounds awesome :)

Melzas (http://kinada.kinja.c

2/01/13 5:11pm (http://kotaku.com/you-can-do-it-and-your-idea-sounds-awesom

faceofthechange (http://face

7 participants They are a great resource for more than just game design as game design covers so many I Still Dream (http://istilldrea talked about other disciplines that they have things that would affect writers and artists (/posts/454186597/reply) alike. I love that series. So, a related question:

Thanks for the encouragement! :D

2/04/13 2:09pm (http://kotaku.com/thanks-for-the-encouragement-d-45418675

Wizminkey (Time Lord, Esq.) and one other... 1/03/14 12:01am (http://kotaku.com/they-are-a-great-resource-for-more-than-just-game-desig-1493675345)

I have a fair bit of experience as a

tristenkw5 playwright/screenwriter (I've had one play

produced profesionally and another given a staged reading by a pro company) and, as someone who likes games (particularly story-driven RPG's), I want to explore writing for video games as something that I might be good at. I was, for a little while, head writer (as well as designing the acheivement system) for a sequel to a fan game that I play, but I had to drop out of the project due to a combination of academic stress and a serious family crisis, and I haven't been able to find another project to work on since. Would trying to make an RPG-maker or Twine-based game on my own be a good way of demonstrating my skill as a writer and getting future opportunities? My concern is that, while I think I'd do pretty well at things related to writing, like developing a plot and working out multiple paths based on the player's choices, I don't have much of an eye for the visuals, and I have no expereince (save as a player with opinions) with how to set up a gameplay system.
1/28/13 4:45pm (http://kotaku.com/so-a-related-question-i-have-a-fair-bit-of-experienc-454186597)

Jamesbiff (http://jamessmith

It depends on what you want those opportunities to be. If youre looking for something similar to your old project, it would be an ideal way to get your name out there. If on the other hand youre looking for something semi-professional to pay the bills, well, it gets harder. Because of the nature of the games industry, a lot of it is a who-you-know kinda game. HR will get plenty of CVs and portfolios put over their desks daily and you need to be shit hot to stand out (speaking as an artist). A better way to do it, is to reach out. Make some stuff/write some stuff and start making a name for yourself, attend conventions/conferences with a USB full of your stuff and just give it to anyone who will listen. Get a tumblr or make a website and start hanging around places like Reddit posting up new stuff as often as you can. Again, what you want to do is an extremely competitive field, if its just writing youre interested in, you got some leeway there. If its specifically for games then i recommend developing another skill along side it. Y oull find many people in the industry dont just specialise in one area, the way the dev pipeline works its invaluable to be able to move people around during projects as one phase ends and another starts.
1/28/13 6:32pm (http://kotaku.com/it-depends-on-what-you-want-those-opportunities-to-be-454186634)

PixelSnader (http://thepixels

I just want to say this: writing for a game is not like writing for passive media like TV or stage. A -lot- of the story should be conveyed though the world, visuals, and gameplay interaction, with only very little cutscenes and dialog. A very good example is Journey; no spoken strong story. A really good 'bad example' is Dear Esther; almost no interactivity, and a whole lot of voiceover.

A new Kinja experience is coming soon! Preview the update (?tiger=on) words, barely any cutscenes, but a very

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1/28/13 7:16pm (http://kotaku.com/i-just-want-to-say-this-writing-for-a-game-is-not-like-454186647)

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