Calorimetry Lab Report
Calorimetry Lab Report
Calorimetry Lab Report
aria"les: #nitial temperature of solutions$ %alorimeter heat %apa%ity Hypothesis: The solutions' temperatures ill %han&e in a%%ordan%e to Hess's La 'afety E(uipment and Pro%edures: 'afety E(uipment: )o&&les$ apron$ %hemi%al*resistant &loves 'afety Pro%edures: +ash hands thorou&hly "efore leavin& la"oratory ,aterials: Chemicals -mmonia solution$ .H3 $ /00 ,$ 10 mL 'odium hydro2ide solution$ .a3H$ /00 , 100 mL -mmonium %hloride solution$ .H4Cl$ /00 ,$ 10 mL +ater$ distilled or deioni5ed Hydro%hlori% a%id solution$ HCl$ /00 ,$ 100 mL Equipment 6ea7er$ /10*mL Calorimeter and lid 8/ 'tyrofoam %ups and %over9 Deioni5ed or distilled ater Di&ital thermometer )raduated %ylinder$ 10*mL Hot plate ,a&neti% stirrer and stirrin& "ar Timer or stop at%h Date: 10/1/13
Pro%edures: Part 1. Determine the Heat Capacity of the Calorimeter 10 'et up a %alorimeter of t o nested 'tyrofoam %ups /0 ,easure 1000 mL of distilled ater in a 10*mL &raduated %ylinder and pour the ater into the %alorimeter0 30 Pla%e the %alorimeter assem"ly on a ma&neti% stirrer$ add a ma&neti% stirrin& "ar$ and set the "ar spinnin& slo ly0 40 ,easure and re%ord the temperature of the ater in the Part 1 Data Ta"le0 10 Heat appro2imately :1 mL distilled to a"out :0 ;C in a /10*mL "ea7er0 <0 ,easure 1000 mL of the :0 ;C distilled ater in a 10*mL &raduated %ylinder0 :0 ,easure and re%ord the temperature of the hot ater in the Part 1 Data Ta"le0 =0 #mmediately pour the hot ater into the room temperature ater in the %alorimeter0 >0 Cover the %alorimeter$ insert the thermometer$ and stir the ater0 100 ?e%ord the temperature every /0 se%onds for a total of 3 minutes in the Part 1 Data Ta"le0 110 Empty the %alorimeter and dry the inside of %alorimeter hen finished0 Part 2. Determine the Heats of Reaction Reaction 1: HCl 8a(9 @ .a3H 8a(9 A .aCl 8a(9 @ H/3 8l9 10 ,easure 1000 mL of a /00 , HCl in a 10*mL &raduated %ylinder and transfer to %alorimeter /0 ?e%ord the temperature of the HCl in the Part / Data Ta"le0 30 ?inse the 10*mL &raduated %ylinder ith distilled ater0
40 10 <0 :0 =0
,easure 100* mL of a /00 , .a3H in the Part / Data Ta"le0 ?e%ord the temperature of the .a3H in the Part / Data Ta"le0 Put a ma&neti% stirrin& "ar into the %alorimeter and start the "ar spinnin& slo ly in the HCl Bui%7ly add the 1000 mL of /00 .a3H to the %alorimeter$ %over$ and insert the thermometer0 ?e%ord the temp0 after /0 se%onds$ then /0 se%onds for 3 minutes$ in the Part / Data Ta"le0
Reaction 2: .H4 Cl @ .a3H A .H3 @ .aCl @ H/3 >0 ?inse and dry the %alorimeter$ thermometer$ and &raduated %ylinder used for ?ea%tion 100 ?epeat steps 1*= of Part / usin& /00 , .H4 Cl and /00 , .a3H0 Reaction 3: .H3 8a(9 @ HCl 8a(9 A .H4Cl 8a(9 110 Thorou&hly rinse and dry the %alorimeter$ thermometer$ stirrer "ar$ and &raduated %ylinder used for rea%tion /0 1/0 ?epeat steps 1*= of Part / usin& /00 , .H3 solution and /00 , HCl solution0 ?esults/-nalysis: Data Table 1 Determination of the Heat Capacity of the Calorimeter
42 41.5 41 40.5 40 39.5 39 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Reaction 2
23.75 23.7 23.65 23.6 23.55 23.5 23.45 23.4 23.35 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Dis%ussion: The &raphs sho that ener&y 8in the form of heat9 is lost in time0 Con%lusion: 6e%ause the &iven e(uations 1$ / and 3 are related$ and ere e2perimentally sho n to "e related$ Hess's La proves to "e an a%%urate depi%tion of the "ehavior of enthalpy in the rea%tion of li(uid solutions0