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Staying on Track
KEY PASSAGE: Proverbs 3:1-6 | SuPPorTINg SCrIPTurE: Joshua 1:7-8 | Psalm 1:1-3; 27:14; 103:19 Isaiah 64:4 | Matthew 6:25-34 | Mark 1:35 | Luke 6:38; 24:49 | John 14:2-3, 15-18, 21, 23 | Romans 8:28, 38-39 2 Corinthians 5:17 | Hebrews 9:27

We do not have to be uncertain about how to live godly lives because our Father provided direction in His Word.
After salvation, many Christians sincerely intend to live godly lives, but before long, something unexpected happens. Perhaps discouragement, personal problems, or old habits harass them or lead them astray. This problem is not unique to new believers. Some people attend church for decades and still wonder why they arent growing spiritually or bearing fruit. When were born again, we begin new lives that are radically different from those we knew before. In fact, the Bible describes each of us as a new creature in Christ(2 Cor. 5:17). However, unless someone tells us how the Christian life works, we wont know how to live the way God desires. I received Jesus as my Savior whenIwas twelve years of age, but it took many years for me to discover a way to measure where I am and how Im doing in my walk with Christ. I think of it this wayGods paths for us are like railroad tracks. As long as a train stays on the track, itll keep moving and eventually arrive at its destination. But if it runs out of rails or jumps off of them, it becomes useless. The same can be said of believers. Our paths are composed of several basic principles, and if we faithfully put them into practice, well experience the blessings God has for those who stay on course.

Laying Down a Spiritual Track
If you wish to follow the Fathers commands and truly grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ, you must:

Make prayer and meditation on Gods Word daily priorities (Ps. 1:1-3). Meditation simply means reading a passage from the Bible and talking to the Lord about it, asking Him questions and seeking understanding, direction, or encouragement. Since the Lord knows what youre going to face each day, its best to do this in the morning so youll be strengthened for whatever lies ahead. In fact, this was the pattern that Jesus followed, rising early in the morning to be alone with His Father (Mark 1:35). If you diligently ll your mind with the Word each day, the Lord will equip you for whatever Hes called you to do (Josh. 1:7-8), and you will be able to better discern His will for your life.

bey God and leave all the consequences O to Him (Rom. 8:28). The only way to stay on the Lords course for your life is to follow His directions. If you decide to chart your own path, youll lose your way. Remember, theres no way to improve His plan because His way is always best, even though its not always easy. At times, you may not like what Hes telling you to do. Obedience may even result in pain, rejection, or hardship, but He promises to use everything for your benet.


Trust God in every circumstance (Prov. 3:5). Is the Lord trustworthy? Were usually quick to say yesuntil He tells us to do something that looks risky or illogical. We then have to make a choice either to rely on our own understanding or acknowledge that the Lord has the wisdom, power, and right to direct our lives.
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greed, and covetousnessall of which can lead us astray. Instead of being derailed by envy and self-centeredness, givers look for those who need help. They are happier people because theyve learned to accept whatever God gives them and to pass it on to others. Recognize that God is in absolute control (Ps. 103:19). Knowing that the Lord is sovereign means that we have no cause for worry or fear. Since we know that God loves us, we can be sure He knows exactly what we need and is willing to provide for us (Matt. 6:25-34). Our problem is that we dont always trust Him, so we come up with our own plans, leave His perfect track, and end up stuck in the mud.
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Wait upon the Lord for His direction (Ps. 27:14). In His omniscience, God sees whats up ahead, and sometimes Hell tell you to wait. If you ignore His warning, you will get derailed and end up losing time, blessings, and fellowship with the Lord. Hes always acting on our behalf and has both perfect knowledge of every detail and the power to carry out His plans (Isa. 64:4). All we must do is patiently wait for His guidance and timing.

Depend on the Holy Spirit to equip you (John 14:16-18). God knows that we dont have the ability to lead godly lives in an ungodly world. Even Christs disciples, who walked with Him for three years, couldnt do it. Thats why Jesus told them to wait until the Holy Spirit arrived to empower them (Luke 24:49). On Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came to reside in all of them, and since then, Hes dwelt inside every believer. Whenever we give Him control of our lives, He guides, protects, and strengthens us each day. Hes even given believers spiritual gifts that enable us to do the work Hes assigned. Remember that God loves His children unconditionally (Rom. 8:38-39). Because we all face discouragement, hurt, and rejection at times, everyone needs the security of Gods unconditional love to stay on track. It has nothing to do with how we feel or whether we think were worthy. Its a fact that we accept by faith. Those who doubt this will continually search for love from other sources and will eventually lose their way. Give generously to the Lord (Luke 6:38). Have you ever wondered why Jesus made a point of telling people to give? It was because He knew generosity is the cure for selshness,

Keep the destination in sight (John 14:2-3). Jesus promised us that our nal destination is a home in heaven. He is preparing a mansion for each of us, and we will be with Him eternally. We must always remember that salvation through Christ is our guarantee that well reach that goal, and when we nally arrive, Jesus will be there to welcome us.

We are all going to die once, and the moment we do, we will arrive at our eternal destination (Heb. 9:27). Today is the day to make sure you are on the right track. Remember, there are just two possible destinations on the trip of lifeheaven or helland you only have this lifetime to decide which route youre going to take. After death, theres no turning back and no second chance to choose the right path. If youre wise, youll trust Christ as your Savior and set your course to live a godly life.

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Staying on Track

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