Impact of CRM Practices On Customers' Behaviors: Rameeza Ejaz, Mirza Ashfaq Ahmed Zahoor Ahmad
Impact of CRM Practices On Customers' Behaviors: Rameeza Ejaz, Mirza Ashfaq Ahmed Zahoor Ahmad
Impact of CRM Practices On Customers' Behaviors: Rameeza Ejaz, Mirza Ashfaq Ahmed Zahoor Ahmad
ABSTRACT : In recent era customers have become more sophisticated and they are enjoying more alternative
options of brands. Thus satisfying and retaining such customers is increasingly becoming more difficult for the organizations. Customer satisfaction can only be attained by continuously sensing the changing needs and preferences of customers, and by providing them with solutions that can better fulfill their need. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is regarded as one among the best approaches in achieving goals of customer satisfaction and loyalty. However contemporary literature and publications on the subject of CRM may portrait it as a strategy that can bring fruitful results in any context. There are contradicting views of researchers; in literature about the effectiveness of CRM practices and policies. Unfortunately, very little empirical data is there to prove the effectiveness of CRM practices in different industries. Therefore it becomes crucial for practitioners to clearly understand that how changes in the level of CRM practices and their effectiveness influence customer satisfaction and loyalty. Purpose of this research is to check how CRM affects customer behavior, in the industries where switching cost is very low, like hotels and restaurants. A well-structured selfadministered questionnaire has been used for data collection. For the data analysis, and testing of hypothesis Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) has been employed. Data was collected from 400 customers of two major fast food chains in two different cities. Results indicate that CRM has only indirect impact on customer loyalty and word of mouth. No relationship was found between CRM and customer loyalty and between CRM and word of mouth. CRM have a positive impact on customer satisfaction and customer experience, which have impact on customer loyalty. Customer loyalty has a direct impact on word of mouth. It was found that customer experience also have a direct impact on customer satisfaction. Although, CRM dont have direct impact on Word of Mouth (WOM), it is a very influential contributor in convincing the satisfied and loyal customers to guarantee WOM.
KEY WORDS: Customer Relationship management, Customer satisfaction, Customer loyalty, Customer
experience, Word of mouth, Fast food restaurants.
After air and water, food is the third most essential element for life. It has been critical contributor to health, a determinant of pleasure or stress and the greatest category for spending money, across the world (Rozin, et al 1999). Increasingly, todays complex food system, from production -to-consumption has made food more safe, delicious, healthy, varied, convenient and more readily available (John et al, 2010). According a report by La Trobe University (2009),food sector is one of the biggest sectors as compared to the traditional industries. Food industry is as big as to cater the activities form growing and cultivation of food to proceed and cooked food retailers like restaurants (Report by La Trobe University,2009). Pakistan is the worlds eighth largest country for food consumption, where people spend 42% of their income on food. Within the country, food is found to be the second biggest industry, contribute 16% of employment in production (Express Tribune, 2012). A number of researches conduced in different countries, including Pakistan have reported remarkable changes in food consumption patterns and that there is an increasing trend of fast food, and dining out in restaurants,(Bahaduran et al, 2012, Baig at el. 2012, Banwell et al 2010, Sa et al 2012).Not only adults are the customers of these restaurants but children also want to celebrate their memorable events out in restaurants (Shamoon et al, 2012). So the target market of these restaurants is young people and children from the age of 6 to 35. Out of 170 million of population 104 million people are estimated to be below the age of 30. In the 58 years of time span, urban population has increased seven-fold.Per capita real income has also grown 1% more in 2011-12 than the previous year i.e. 2.3%, where consumers spend almost half of their expenditure on food and beverage. It is also reported that middle class is growing and is 25% of the total population. Food inflation in country has decreased to 11.1 % in the current year compare to 18.8% in previous year (Economic Survey of Pakistan, 2011-12). All these facts collectively have created a golden opportunity for all fast food restaurants to expand their business in Pakistan.
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Research conducted by Nelson, Pakistan for MPOC Research conducted by Nelson, Pakistan for MPOC
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H1: CRM practices have a significant positive relationship with customer satisfaction H2: CRM practices have a significant positive relationship with customer experience H3: Ccustomer experience has a significant positive relationship customer satisfaction H4: CRM satisfaction has a significant positive relationship customer loyalty H5: Customer experience has a significant positive relationship with customer loyalty
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4.1.Reliability of Scale: As the scale used for data collection is a Licktert scale, so, in order to check its reliability, high quality reliability test is required. Normally, an index of reliability, alpha is used, for this purpose. It is a measure of internal consistency. Reliability estimates and ranges from 0 to 1. Higher the score of the index higher the reliability of the instrument designed. Alpha below 0.59 is not reliable. If alpha have a value of 0.6 it is not very much reliable, however a value of 0.7 or above is considered to be sufficiently reliable. The present research has used five constructs and the questionnaire is having a five point Likert scale, so alpha has been used to check the internal consistency reliability. The measurement scale for this study is showing a very good value of alpha, that is 0.898. This means that the developed scaled is 89.8% reliable in measuring the constructs. 4.2.Descriptive statistics: Table 1: Percentages of Demographic Variables Gender Male 61.7 Marital Status Married 36.1 Under metric 1.9 Metric 5.4 Rural 12.7 Education Intermediate Graduation 14.9 39.9 Residential Area Single 63.9 Masters 35.8 Urban 87.3 MPhil 1.3 PhD .3 Female 38.3
Descriptive statistics showed that majority of these fast food restaurant customers is male, that is 61.1%. Females are only 38.3% of total customers. Similarly 63.9% of total customers are unmarried and remaining are married. Majority of the customers have, or are currently persuading either graduation or masters degree, i.e. 39.9% and 35.8% respectively. However 14.9% of customers have an intermediate degree. Further it was also found that most of the customers of these restaurants are residents of urban areas. Only 12.7% customers came there, belonged to rural areas and remaining 87.3 were the residents of cities. So, the main market of these restaurants is residents of those cities, and most of them single, came with friends for enjoyment. Majority of the customers are male, but females are also a good part of customers pool. 4.3.Confirmatory Factor Analysis: Initially there were 9 questions in the scale for Customer Relationship Management. Through CFA, 3 questions were identified those were confirmed in factor analysis but as per there very low values, were not much important in measuring the construct of CRM. So, 6 items were finalized to measure the construct of CRM. Out of these 6 itmes, 3 items, namely, Variety of items in Manu, Quality of food, and Reason of priority, with the values of 0.804, 0.754 and 0.715 respectively are most important items. In the construct of Customer Satisfaction, six items were included, which all were confirmed by CFA. 3415 however items namely Quality of food, satisfaction with the overall services, level of customer comfort and meeting customer expectations,( 0.822, 0.787, 0.729, 0.715 respectively) are the most important contributors of customer satisfaction. Next, in measuring Customer Loyalty, all seven items were confirmed by CFI. First priority (0.866), View about next visit (0.730), and Reason of priority, (0.755), are most strongly affecting the customer loyalty. Similarly in measuring WOM, items namely, frequently tell friends about excellent services and I recommend this restaurant to my friends and family, having values of 0.918 and 0.725 are more important than others. Initially there were five items in this construct but one item due to having very low value was excluded from the scale. 4.4.Parameter Estimates: Structural equation modeling is a multivariate statistical technique that helps to understand interactions between different variables simultaneously. As it checks the all relationships simultaneously it is considered to be the best in testing mediation mechanism.Goodness of fit between various variables and model is tested through a number of fit indices. There is a general believe that a single measure of goodness should not be used
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Path 1: CRM*CS*CL*WOM = 0.28*0.78*0.430 = 0.093912 Path 2: CRM*CE*CS*CL*WOM = 0.629*0.568*0.78*0.430=0.1198 Path 3: CRM*CE*CL*WOM= 0.629*0.293*0.430=0.07924 Thus most strong path to affect word of mouth is Path 2 i.e. CRM practices, customer experience, customer loyalty and word of mouth.
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Findings of this research provide insights into the mechanism that impact the customer behavior. Research has investigated the impact of CRM practices on different customer attitudes and behaviors. The empirical results of the study proved that CRM does not have any direct impact on customer loyalty. These results are consistent with the results of previous researches, (Zali&Heydarian, 2012). Similarly no direct relation was found between CRM and word of mouth. Research has failed to find any relationship of Customer satisfaction and customer experience with CRM. However CRM does have a direct and positive relationship with customer satisfaction and customer experience. Customer experience also has a positive relationship with customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction and experience affects the customer loyalty and loyalty in turn results in word of mouth. As majority customers of these restaurants are the urban citizens, dinning out frequently has become a part of their life style. It is not a luxurious thing anymore. So the CRM practices neither make these customers loyal nor get them to speak for these restaurants. However these practices provide them a good and memorable experience and get them satisfied. This satisfaction and good experience, in turn, positively impact the customer loyalty. Customer loyalty however has an impact on WOM.
Results indicate that in the context of Pakistan, it is hard to make customers loyal. However certain steps can be taken to improve the satisfaction and loyalty of customers. Increasingly, dining out is becoming the part of the life style of urban population. People have number of option open to try for. So, they talk less about the good experience of a restaurant , and try more. However, bad experiences have long lasting impact. That is why research has failed to find any relationship between CRM practices and word of mouth. So, CRM practices are less likely to generate any PWOM, if they are not delivering a good experience and not satisfy customers. So, it becomes crucial for the managers of these restaurants to design such practices and policies to createexceptionally good experience and get customers satisfy. The customer satisfaction and good experience will lead customer to loyalty and they will choose the same restaurant every time they plan to dine out.The restaurant managements must have to reexamine their relation building activities. They should focus on behavioral aspect of CRM rather than analytical aspect. They should understand the psychological underpinning of service interaction and response quickly. There are some other factors that affect customer satisfaction, that include variety of menu and cleanliness. These restaurants should conduct regular customer survey and response to the suggestion, in order to get a loyal customer base.
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Customer Loyalty
Word of Mouth
Customer Satisfaction CRM Practices Customer Experience Customer Loyalty Word of Mouth
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