English For Nursing 2 MLG

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The documents discuss various medical terms and definitions related to patient admissions and care.

Grab bars, leg braces, raised toilet seats, and wheelchairs are some of the medical equipment discussed for use at home.

Doctors, nurses, midwives, paramedics, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, and cleaners are some of the medical professionals mentioned.

Unit 1 Patient admissions

Word administer (v) admission (n) a erg& (n) ana &se (v) Definition to give someone a drug or medica treatment t!e "rocess o# ta$ing someone into a !os"ita #or treatment% tests% or care a condition t!at ma$es &ou i '!en &ou eat% touc!% or (reat!e somet!ing British English to e)amine or t!in$ a(out somet!ing care#u & in order to understand it [= analyze American English] t!e "rocess in '!ic! a nurse ma$es a *udgement a(out a "erson+s !ea t! British English a container t!at is used #or carr&ing t!ings to ose ( ood (ecause o# an in*ur& a sma e ectronic t!ing t!at ma$es a (uPPing sound '!en &ou "ress it British English a " ace in a !os"ita % sc!oo % etcQ '!ere "eo" e can get mea s% usua & c!ea" & a nurse '!o is res"onsi( e #or t!e 'or$ done in a "articu ar "art o# a !os"ita someone '!ose *o( is to c ean (ui dings% !ouses% etcQ British English a doctor at a !os"ita '!o $no's a ot a(out a "articu ar area o# medicine a sma se"arate area in a room t!e da&% mont! and &ear &ou 'ere (orn on to ta$e action in order to so ve a "ro( em or ma$e sure t!at somet!ing is done "ro"er & to !e " a 'oman give (irt! to a (a(& t!e "art o# medica science t!at dea s 'it! s$in diseases a disease in '!ic! t!e (od& cannot contro t!e amount o# sugar in t!e ( ood Arabic

45 123 -0./-, =>?@A (<3 -06789:;) B7@CDE 4FGH

assessment (n) (ag (n) ( eed (v) (uPPer (n) canteen (n) c!arge nurse (n) c eaner (n) consu tant (n) cu(ic e (n) date o# (irt! (^OB) (n) dea 'it! ("!r v) de iver (v) dermato og& (n) dia(etes (n)

IJDDK BJDLE 4MNO TJRS T6VWE T7U/0E Y@TH -0MX@<E ZLD[ -C89@V4 B\DV] I@`4a -06D_> 481@TH Tb

IG. Z[ -cTV@W -0\G.4E TVe -07dV


Word disorder (n) doctor (n) e der & (ad*) emergenc& (n) #ami & doctor (n) #ami & name (n) #i in ("!r v) ji#t s!o" (n) !os"ita (n) inta$e (n) $idne& (n) oc$er (n) marita status (n) mid'i#e (n) nervous s&stem (n) neuro og& (n) ne)t o# $in (n "!r) occu"ation (n) o"eration (n) "aramedic (n)

Definition an i ness t!at "revents "art o# &our (od& #rom 'or$ing "ro"er & someone '!o is trained to treat "eo" e '!o are i [= Dr. written abbreviation] an e der & "erson is o d '!en a "atient is in urgent need o# treatment a doctor trained to treat t!e genera !ea t! "ro( ems o# "eo" e o# a ages t!e name someone s!ares 'it! ot!er mem(ers o# t!eir #ami & [= surname] to 'rite a t!e necessar& in#ormation on an o##icia document% #orm% etcQ a s!o" t!at se s sma t!ings t!at are suita( e #or giving as "resents a (ui ding '!ere sic$ or in*ured "eo" e receive medica treatment t!e amount o# #ood% drin$ etcQ t!at &ou ta$e into &our (od& one o# t'o organs in &our o'er (ac$ t!at se"arate 'aste ikuid #rom t!e ( ood a sma cu"(oard t!at oc$s% used to store va ua( es% sa#e & in a (ui ding i# someone is married or not q used es"ecia & on o##icia #orms a nurse trained to !e " 'omen '!en t!e& are !aving a (a(& t!e nerves in t!e (od&% toget!er 'it! t!e (rain% '!ic! a o' &ou to #ee "ain% !eat% etcQ and '!ic! contro s movement t!e scienti#ic stud& o# t!e nervous s&stem and its diseases t!e "erson '!o !as t!e c osest #ami & re ations!i" to &ou% #or e)am" e &our !us(and% 'i#e% or mot!er a *o( or "ro#ession '!en doctors cut into someone+s (od& to re"air or remove a "art t!at is damaged someone '!o usua & 'or$s in an am(u ance and is trained to !e " i or in*ured "eo" e% (ut is not a doctor or


-W2V@f ZLD[ 5 T7g Zi-Vh ZLD[ -01@hGE -CK -01@hGE Tl TFH fDb -0m.-4@ T789:; T.?iA o5 GDE n ?N-pE -0F@0E -rs86@YDE -0J@fGE -0\m@t -01RL3

>`-CE -0\m@t -01RL3 -0JV4[ -c>p; TmME Y6GDE T7@Y. -02LD[

Word "atient (n) "!armac& (n) "orter (n) "regnant (ad*) "riorit& (v) reaction (n) rece"tionist (n) re ative (n) res"onsi( e (ad*) scru( nurse (n) s"ecia ise (v) surger& (n) treat (v) triage (n) urgent (ad*) vending mac!ine (n) 'aiting room (n) ~ra& (n)

Definition nurse someone '!o is getting medica treatment #rom a doctor or in !os"ita a s!o" or a "art o# a s!o" '!ere &ou can get medicines British English someone '!o trans"orts "atients around a !os"ita i# a 'oman is "regnant% s!e !as an un(orn (a(& gro'ing in !er (od& t!e t!ing t!at &ou t!in$ is most im"ortant and t!at needs &our attention #irst i# &ou !ave a reaction to a drug or to somet!ing &ou !ave eaten% it ma$es &ou i someone '!ose *o( is to 'e come and dea 'it! "eo" e arriving at a !os"ita t!e ot!er mem(er(s) o# &our #ami & i# &ou are res"onsi( e #or somet!ing% &ou are in c!arge o# it or it is &our *o( to do it a nurse '!o is res"onsi( e #or oo$ing a#ter "atients during surger& and a#ter t!eir o"erations to stud& main & one su(*ect or do main & one activit& t!e " ace '!ere o"erations are done in a !os"ita to give someone medica treatment #or an i ness or in*ur& deciding '!o receives medica treatment #irst in (ased on !o' serious an in*ur& is st! t!at is urgent is ver& im"ortant and needs to (e dea t 'it! immediate & a mac!ine t!at se s drin$s% etcQ a room #or "eo" e to 'ait in% #or e)am" e% to see a doctor a "!otogra"! o# t!e inside o# someone+s (od&% ta$en using ~ra&s to see i# an&t!ing is 'rong


TV4u vD.0DE p@wH -06V4u B@TH x/0i4E I:@YH TiyS -C8JL@A

wV4[ T7Ui0 T6VWE T7@Y.] 0G\V@B 48zR{ sV-BE 41@0| <Vt n Z@Vh o0E -0LDb }V<E -rp8X@` x1E CDMDE

Unit 2 Pain
Word ac!e (n) acute (ad*) antiin# ammator& (ad*) a""endicitis (n) a""etite (n) arm (n) aromat!era"& (n) (ac$ (n) (ac$ac!e (n) c!ee$(one (n) c!iro"ractic (n) c!ronic (ad*) Definition a continuous "ain an acute sense or #ee ing is ver& strong somet!ing t!at decreases in# ammation an i ness in '!ic! &our a""endi) s'e s and causes "ain a desire #or to eat #ood one o# t!e t'o ong "arts o# &our (od& (et'een &our s!ou ders and &our !ands t!e use o# " easant sme ing " ant oi s to ma$e &ou #ee !ea t!& and re a)ed t!e "art o# &our (od& #rom &our nec$ and s!ou ders do'n to &our (ottom a "ain in &our (ac$ t!e (one *ust (e o' &our e&e t!e treatment o# "!&sica "ro( ems (& "ressing on and moving t!e (ones in someone+s (ac$ and *oints i# a "ro( em or i ness is c!ronic% it is serious and i$e & to continue #or a ong time a du "ain is not severe a sudden "ain#u #ee ing &ou get i# &ou accidenta & touc! e ectricit& q can (e used to descri(e a #ee ing o# sudden "ain a #ee ing suc! as ove% !ate or anger one o# t!e organs in &our (od& t!e& a o' &ou to see British English a t!ic$ cream t!at &ou s"read over &our #ace and eave on #or a s!ort time% in order to c ean and im"rove &our s$in Arabic
x0K T8i-vH B@> T@> -r08m@ -08m@ -0N-h.] -0./>4E mDE `@Y

Z[ -01_ f@0N4i -012V4E

ymV n x0K -0XmV YXK -0isME -01_ -0D.i4 TNTg

du (ad*) e ectric s!oc$ (n)

}DV B@> v.TE omVfDE

emotion (n) e&e (n) #ace "ac$ (n)

-p:1@A YDg wM@ -0is

Word #ore!ead (n) ginger (n) !eadac!e (n) !eat "atc! (n) !er( (n) !urt (v) !&drot!era"& (n) !&"not!era"& (n) insomnia (n) $idne& stones (n) a(our (n) eg (n) ie do'n ("!r v)

Definition t!e "art o# &our #ace a(ove &our e&es a ig!t (ro'n root 'it! a strong !ot taste t!at is used in coo$ing a "ain in &our !ead a sma "iece o# materia t!at "roduces !eat '!en it is stuc$ to an area o# &our (od& a " ant used to im"rove t!e taste o# #ood% or to ma$e medicine i# a "art o# &our (od& !urts% or i# somet!ing !urts it% &ou can #ee "ain in it t!e treatment o# "!&sica "ro( ems using 'ater t!e use o# !&"nosis to treat emotiona o# "!&sica "ro( ems t!e "ro( em o# not (eing a( e to s ee" a condition in '!ic! sma (a s o# !ard materia #orm in &our $idne&s t!e "rocess o# giving (irt! to a (a(& one o# t!e ong "arts o# &our (od& t!at &our #eet are *oined to to move into a "osition in '!ic! &our (od& is # at% usua & in order to s ee" or rest to s$i #u & contro or move somet!ing '!en &ou "ress and ru( someone+s (od& to reduce "ain or !e " t!em re a) an e)treme & (ad !eadac!e not severe or serious not severe medium one o# t!e "ieces o# # es! inside &our (od& t!at &ou use in order to move t!e treatment o# emotiona o# "!&sica "ro( ems using music

sLmE tp\LDH v.@Y 0RJE BV-`4E


-061@0\E f@06@, -061@0\E f@08Mi4K -06M@ZD73

xVw BRi@I -0dG; /r>] C@ -rW2\@

mani"u ate (v) massage (n) migraine (n) mi d (ad*) moderate (ad*) musc e (n) music t!era"& (n)

41@0| I.0D v.@Y pR:3 ?:DS T18.A YGE -01_ f@06iCDJ;

nasa s"ra& (ad* "!r)

a t&"e o# medicine t!at &ou ta$e (& s"ra&ing it t!roug! &our nose

fz@ 0lpS

Word nausea (n) "ain (n) "ain sca e (n) "ain#u (ad*) "ain$i er (n) "!&sica (ad*) "ins and need es (n " )

Definition t!e #ee ing t!at &ou !ave '!en &ou are going to vomit ((e sic$) t!e #ee ing &ou !ave '!en "art o# &our (od& !urts a sca e t!at medica "ro#essiona s use to assess "ain i# a "art o# &our (od& is "ain#u % &ou can #ee "ain in it a medicine t!at reduces "ain re ating to &our (od& rat!er t!an &our mind an uncom#orta( e #ee ing% o#ten in &our #oot or eg% '!ic! &ou get es"ecia & '!en &ou !ave not moved "art o# &our (od& #or a ong time% and t!e su"" & o# ( ood !as sto""ed # o'ing "ro"er & to reduce someone+s "ain a severe "ain or in*ur&% etcQ is ver& strong a s!ar" "ain is sudden and strong a "ain t!at moves kuic$ & in a "articu ar direction a condition in '!ic! &our sinuses s'e and (ecome "ain#u i# a "art o# &our (od& is "ain#u % &ou can #ee "ain in it a sta((ing "ain is ver& sudden and strong someone '!o is suicida #ee s i$e !e or s!e 'ants to $i !imse # or !erse # a "ro#essiona '!o treats a menta or "!&sica i ness over a ong "eriod o# time% es"ecia & 'it!out using drugs or o"erations i# a "art o# &our (od& t!ro(s% &ou get a regu ar #ee ing o# "ain in it i# &our s$in ting es% &ou #ee a s ig!t stinging in it

}D@ x0K TJD@ -c0K TU0K

5T7d g f.p3

-0i?N /-0MN

re ieve (v) severe (ad*) s!ar" (ad*) s!ooting (ad*) sinusitis (n) sore (ad*) sta((ing (ad*) suicida (ad*) t!era"ist (n)

4z:S -c0K B@> .4. f@` w E -08m@ -0\Di TU0K ?2DV

-p8F@V4 T1@0|

T!ro((ing (ad*) ting ing (ad*)

p@fu pzN

tonsi itis (n)

an in#ection o# t!e tonsi s

-08m@ -0GitIDg

Word treatment (n) un(eara( e (ad*) 'aist (n)

Definition somet!ing t!at is done to tr& to cure someone '!o is in*ured or i too "ain#u % un" easant% etcQ #or &ou to acce"t or dea 'it! t!e narro' "art in t!e midd e o# &our (od&

Y_ r 4F86H ?R V n

Unit 3 Vital signs

Word an)iet& (n) aorta (n) a""ointment (n) arter& (n) atrium (n) (reat! (n) car(on dio)ide (n) cardiovascu ar (ad*) c!emica (n) circu ate (v) c i" (v) count (v) cu## (n) decrease (v) digita ( ood"ressure monitor (n) do'n (adv% "re") #ever (n) !eig!t (n) !ig! (adv) !umidit& (n) Definition t!e #ee ing o# (eing ver& 'orried a(out somet!ing t!e argest arter& t!at ta$es ( ood a'a& #rom &our !eart an arrangement #or a meeting at an agreed time and " ace% #or a "articu ar "ur"ose one o# t!e tu(es t!at ta$es ( ood #rom &our !eart to t!e rest o# &our (od& one o# t!e t'o s"aces in t!e to" o# &our !eart t!at "us! ( ood into t!e ventric es air t!at &ou ta$e into &our ungs t!e gas "roduced '!en "eo" e or anima s (reat!e out re ating to t!e !eart and t!e tu(es t!roug! '!ic! ( ood # o's in &our (od& a su(stance used in or "roduced (& a c!emica "rocess to move around 'it!in a s&stem% or to ma$e somet!ing do t!is to attac! somet!ing to somet!ing e se% using a c i" to measure t!e num(er o# times somet!ing !a""ens t!e end "art o# t!e arm o# a s!irt% '!ere it #astens to (ecome ess or to ma$e somet!ing do t!is a t&"e o# digita medica ekui"ment used to measure ( ood "ressure to or at a o'er rate or amount an i ness in '!ic! &ou !ave a ver& !ig! tem"erature !o' ta someone or somet!ing is at a va ue% amount% or eve t!at is a(ove t!e norma one t!e amount o# 'ater t!at is in t!e air Arabic
-0JG V4@ x/`Z3 TiY. V4@ -c4g

-0M: @p3 xo7D. -0dVfi wGL3 /Y@h3 T@>] oD6D@hDE 4./` L f69L Y. ZVO -0dK 5 4Mz:u

sm@t wD@ W -0. -0Vw63 x>p; B6 5; -`I:@ xYG; -0VZifE

Word increase (v) in#ection (n) i#est& e (n) monitor (v) nicotine (n) o)&gen (n) "a m (n) "er minute ("re" "!rase) "u monar& (ad*) "u se (n) "u se o)imeter (n) "u se rate (n "!r) "um" (v) rate o# res"iration (n "!r) reading (n) record (v) rest (v) return (v) ro u" ("!r v) s eeve (n)

Definition i# &ou increase somet!ing% or i# it increases% it (ecomes (igger in amount% num(er or degree a disease in "art o# &our (od&% caused (& (acteria or a virus t!e 'a& t!at someone ives to care#u & 'atc! or measure someone to see !o' t!eir condition c!anges over a "eriod o# time t!e drug in to(acco t!at ma$es &ou 'ant to continue smo$ing a gas in t!e air t!at a iving t!ings need t!e sur#ace o# &our !and in '!ic! &ou !o d t!ings t!e num(er o# times eac! minute re ating to t!e ungs% or !aving an e##ect on t!e ungs t!e regu ar (eat t!at &our !eart ma$es as it "um"s ( ood around &our (od& a t&"e o# medica ekui"ment t!at monitors t!e o)&gen saturation o# a "atient+s ( ood t!e num(er o# !eart (eats "er minute i# ikuid or gas "um"s some'!ere% or i# &ou "um" it% it is #orced to move in a "articu ar direction !o' man& times a "erson (reat!es "er minute a num(er or amount s!o'n on a measuring instrument to 'rite do'n in#ormation or store it in a com"uter so t!at it can (e oo$ed at in t!e #uture to sto" 'or$ing or moving and re a) #or a "eriod o# time to come (ac$ or go (ac$ to a " ace to #o d &our s eeve u"'ard so &our arm is visi( e t!e "art o# a "iece o# c ot!ing t!at covers &our arm


Y.i p6 -0FD@] 4V-w[

pDdiIDg xo7\Dg `-BE -0D.

<3 -0.wDJE `hi pLu TJD@ xo7\E -0.

CVYE -0MLu 4a

T1.A -08M: wV-,] 47\H 4? <8V] `-BE 4Vsb ( 6V (-0i Yg [email protected] oK 5

Word s"!&gmomanometer (n) sta( e (ad*) stet!osco"e (n) stress (n) ta$e (v) tem"erature (n) t!ermometer (n) tig!t (ad*) tongue (n) u" (adv% "re") u" and do'n (ad* "!r) var& (v) vein (n) vena cava (n) ventric e (n) ventric e (n) vita sign (n)

Definition a t&"e o# medica ekui"ment used to measure ( ood "ressure not i$e & to c!ange sudden & a "iece o# ekui"ment t!at doctors use to isten to &our !eart or (reat!ing a strong #ee ing o# 'orr& t!at "revents &ou #rom re a)ing to move somet!ing #rom one " ace to anot!er t!e tem"erature o# &our (od&% used as a sign o# '!et!er &ou are i a "iece o# ekui"ment t!at measures t!e tem"erature o# &our (od& attac!ed or "u ed ver& #irm &% so t!at not!ing can move t!e so#t "art inside &our mout! t!at &ou move and use #or tasting and s"ea$ing i# t!e amount or eve o# somet!ing is u"% it !as increased to a !ig!er "osition and t!en a o'er one% severa times to c!ange one o# t!e tu(es t!roug! '!ic! ( ood # o's to &our !eart #rom ot!er "arts o# &our (od& a arge vein t!at carries ( ood #rom t!e u""er !a # o# t!e (od& to t!e !eart+s rig!t atrium one o# t!e t'o s"aces in t!e (ottom o# &our !eart t!roug! '!ic! ( ood "um"s out to &our (od& one o# t!e t'o s"aces in t!e (ottom o# &our !eart t!roug! '!ic! ( ood "um"s out to &our (od& medica signs t!at s!o' someone is a ive% #or e)am" e (reat!ing and (od& tem"erature !o' !eav& someone is to "ut "a"er or c ot! over somet!ing t!e *oint (et'een &our !and and &our arm

TJD@ W -0. T78JV C6@YE =sm@> x? >`sE -0FV-`] TJD@ -0FV-`] TF 5 dK 07@ v1i> v1i>- iLiZ@

4z8GS /`4. -0i`4. -csiO f2 5 Dg f2 5 Dg Y_T@ BD@IDE

'eig!t (n) 'ra" (v) 'rist (n)

-0iNp 423 -0VC

Unit 4 Symptoms
Word a(domina (ad*) anterior (ad*) ast!matic (n) attac$ (n) (ang (v) ( ac$ e&e (n) ( ood sugar (n "!r) (reat!e (v) (reat!e in ("!r v) (reat!e out ("!r v) (reat! ess (ad*) (ronc!ia tu(e (n) (ruise (n) c!o estero (n) co ic (n) Definition t!e "art o# &our (od& (et'een &our c!est and t!e to" o# &our egs% inc uding &our stomac! at or to'ards t!e #ront someone '!o su##ers #rom ast!ma a sudden and s!ort "eriod o# i ness to !it "art o# &our (od& against somet!ing a (ruise around t!e e&e t!e amount o# sugar in &our ( ood to ta$e air into &our ungs and send it out again to ta$e air into &our ungs to et air out o# &our ungs !aving di##icu t& (reat!ing one o# t!e tu(es t!at ta$es air into &our ungs a dar$ mar$ on &our s$in '!ere &ou !ave #a en% (een !it% etcQ a su(stance in &our (od& '!ic! doctors t!in$ ma& cause !eart disease "ain in t!e stomac! t!at (a(ies o#ten get an i ness a medica term #or a (ruise or (ruising i# &ou coug!% air sudden & comes out o# &our t!roat 'it! a s!ort oud sound% #or e)am" e (ecause &ou are i a 'ound t!at &ou get '!en somet!ing s!ar" (rea$s &our s$in Arabic
f2M n3

xT@T3 TR@ f@0Vfi pifE

-`I2K o.TE BiA -01Dg

CdV -0. IM: m t <V TMJ2b -0M: -cpLi -0JRL3

o.TE oi078Vi0 T{

condition (n) contusion (n) coug! (v) cut (n)

B@0E W V
471H w2b

Word diar& (n) di##icu t& (n) diPPiness (n) diPP& (ad*)

Definition a (oo$ in '!ic! &ou 'rite do'n t!ings t!at !ave !a""ened to &ou '!en somet!ing is not eas& to do #ee ing una( e to stand steadi & (ecause &ou are i #ee ing t!at &ou are osing &our (a ance% #or e)am" e (ecause &ou !ave (een s"inning around or &ou are i American English t!e "art o# a !os"ita '!ere "eo" e are ta$en '!en t!e& need urgent treatment [= casualty British English] to #a #rom an u"rig!t "osition a te e"!one num(er &ou can ca #or advice or in#ormation t!e (est t!at somet!ing cou d "ossi( & (e not ac!ieving t!e correct e##ect or resu t to give someone a disease a sma " astic tu(e containing medicine t!at &ou (reat!e in i# &ou su##er #rom ast!ma "!&sica !arm t!at someone gets in an accident or attac$ to ma$e a "art o# &our (od& sore a su(stance or materia t!at covers t!e inside o# "art o# t!e (od& to gradua & !ave ess (od& 'eig!t drugs given to "eo" e '!o are i a t!ic$ ikuid "roduced in "arts o# &our (od& a "o'der "roduced (& # o'ers% '!ic! is carried (& t!e 'ind or insects to ma$e ot!er # o'ers "roduce seeds at or to'ards t!e (ac$

><8V 4iTD@ v1ifE

TR@ f./-`

emergenc& room (n)

}V<E -02i-Vh

#a over ("!r v) !e " ine (n) idea (ad*) ine##ective (ad*) in#ect (v) in!a er (n) in*ur& (n) irritate (v) ining (n) ose 'eig!t (v "!r) medication (n) mucus (n) "o en (n)

? -067@Y.] YLV -0m@IS

T@03 }DV <1@A

5 1. 4

TM 9 n JE

5 4m D| 5 TL 2 g <J. -0iNp >/-, Tz@ 5 BLi -0GJ@

"osterior (ad*)


"u## (n)

a sma amount o# air

(p76E (i-,

Word re"eat (v) res"irator& (ad*) severe (ad*) stressed (ad*) s'e (v) s'o en (ad*) s&m"tom (n) ti t (v) touc! (v) '!eePing (v) 'ind"i"e (n) 'orr& (v)

Definition to sa& or do somet!ing again re ating to (reat!ing or to &our ungs ver& (ad or serious so 'orried and tired t!at &ou cannot re a) to increase in siPe a "art o# &our (od& t!at is s'o en is (igger t!an usua due to an in*ur& or i ness somet!ing 'rong 'it! &our (od& or mind t!at s!o's &ou !ave a "articu ar i ness to move or ma$e somet!ing move into a "osition '!ere one side is !ig!er t!an t!e ot!er to "ut &our !and or #inger on somet!ing (reat!ing 'it! di##icu t&% ma$ing a noise in &our t!roat and c!est t!e tu(e t!roug! '!ic! air "asses #rom &our mout! to &our ungs to $ee" t!in$ing a(out a "ro( em or a(out somet!ing (ad t!at mig!t !a""en so t!at &ou do not #ee !a""& or re a)ed


oV` IM:73 ?2DV T\m. 48iVT


YVe 46DH 4G6 4R.` v:DV YM. -08M: -0JRLE -0mi-hDE 4JG

Unit 5 Food and n trition

Word a ergic (ad*) anti(od& (n) (a anced (ad*) BI ((od& mass inde)) (n) (ui d u" ("!r v) ca orie (n) canned (ad*) car(o!&drate (n) carton (n) c!eese (n) contain (v) dia(etic (ad*) diet (n) dis! (n) energ& (n) e)ercise (n) #ast #ood (n) #at (n) #i(re (n) Definition descri(es a (ad reaction caused (& a condition t!at ma$es &ou i '!en &ou eat% touc! or (reat!e somet!ing a su(stance "roduced (& &our (od& to #ig!t disease a diet 'it! a good mi)ture o# !ea t!& #ood a #ormu a used to ca cu ate i# a "erson+s 'eig!t is !ea t!& or not to gradua & increase in amount and siPe a unit #or measuring t!e amount o# energ& #ood "roduces American English canned #ood is "reserved in a round meta container [= tinned British English] a su(stance in #oods suc! as sugar% (read% and "otatoes t!at "rovides &our (od& 'it! !eat and energ& a (o) t!at contains #ood or drin$% made #rom sti## "a"er or " astic a so id #ood made #rom mi $% t!at is usua & '!ite or &e o' to !ave somet!ing inside a "erson '!o su##ers #rom dia(etes t!e $ind o# #ood t!at &ou eat eac! da& #ood coo$ed or "re"ared in a "articu ar 'a& t!e "!&sica and menta strengt! t!at ma$es &ou a( e to do t!ings "!&sica activit& t!at &ou do to sta& strong and !ea t!& #ood suc! as !am(urgers t!at is "re"ared and eaten kuic$ & in a restaurant a su(stance contained in #oods suc! as mi $% c!eese% (utter% etcQ t!e "arts o# " ants t!at &ou eat (ut cannot digest% '!ic! !e " #ood to move Arabic
TR@ f@0F7@CDE

s7K T@> T8i-Np

TUV o8GE -0\7K 4M6i C1V BV-V4 TF:i oVfiD.`@I

vM.iw oVIi sLg

4F8i YG; TV4u f@07dV pX@ }-h3 ZL Z@wE I6V4M@ `4@WDE /sL@ CV41E .i x0D@O

Word #ig!t (n) gain 'eig!t (v "!r) g ucometer (n) !arm#u (ad*) !eart attac$ (n) !ormone (n) immune s&stem (n) insu in (n) into erance (n) ac$ (v) actose (n) ancet (n) in$ to (v "!r) mea (n) minera (n) miss (v) o(ese (ad*) over'eig!t (ad*) "ac$et (n) "ancreas (n)

Definition t!roug! &our (od& '!at &our (od& does to "rotect itse # #rom disease or in#ection to increase in (od& 'eig!t a medica device t!at is used to measure t!e amount o# g ucose in a "atient+s ( ood causing !arm a serious medica condition in '!ic! &our !eart sudden & sto"s 'or$ing norma & a c!emica in &our (od& t!e s&stem in &our (od& t!at "rotects it against i ness a su(stance t!at contro s t!e eve o# sugar in &our ( ood an ina(i it& to eat "articu ar #oods 'it!out su##ering (ad e##ects to not !ave somet!ing or not !ave enoug! o# somet!ing a t&"e o# sugar #ound in mi $ a sma ver& s!ar" "ointed $ni#e 'it! t'o sma cutting edges% used (& doctors to cut s$in and # es! '!en one t!ing s!o's a connection to anot!er t!ing '!en &ou sit do'n to eat #ood or t!e #ood t!at &ou eat a natura su(stance suc! as iron t!at is in some #oods and is im"ortant #or good !ea t! to not do somet!ing% es"ecia & '!en &ou s!ou d ver& over'eig!t in a 'a& t!at is dangerous to &our !ea t! too !eav& #or &our !eig!t(ui d British English a sma container made o# "a"er or " astic t!at somet!ing is so d in [= pack American English] a g and inside &our (od&% near &our

TJ@/TE 4N4. -0iNp sm@t wD@ CdV -0. W@` -0MifE -0JGLDE VTi sm@t -06M@YE =p7i0Dg Y. -08F6H pJ{

ro8it T9V

4VIL f /sLE T1. <@I f.4g t-h. -0iNp YGLE



" aster (n)

"ortion (n) "ric$ (v) "rotein (n)

Definition stomac!% t!at "roduces insu in and a ikuid t!at !e "s &our (od& use t!e #ood t!at &ou eat British English a "iece o# s"ecia materia t!at &ou stic$ on &our s$in to cover sma 'ounds [= Band Aid American English] an amount o# #ood #or one "erson to ma$e a sma !o e in t!e sur#ace o# somet!ing% using a s!ar" "oint a su(stance in #ood suc! as meat and eggs '!ic! !e "s &our (od& to gro' and (e !ea t!& to ma$e somet!ing sma er to ma$e somet!ing t!at is (ro$en or damaged satis#actor& again t!e in#ormation t!at &ou get #rom a medica test t!e "ossi(i it& t!at somet!ing (ad% un" easant% or dangerous mig!t !a""en a mi)ture o# vegeta( es eaten co d and usua & ra' t!e "art o# an e ectronic device '!ere t!e "icture or in#ormation a""ears a "art o# a #ruit t!at it natura & divides into to avoid somet!ing or not do somet!ing #ood t!at &ou eat (et'een mea s or instead o# a arge mea containing a ot o# starc! a t!in "iece o# somet!ing !aving a taste i$e sugar is inserted into a g ucometer 'it! a dro" o# ( ood and is used #or measuring t!e amount o# g ucose in t!e ( ood in or #rom t!e !ottest "arts o# t!e 'or d



BRE /?N fV/IDg

reduce (v) re"air (v) resu t (n) ris$ (n) sa ad (n) screen (n) segment (n) s$i" (v) snac$ (n) starc!& (ad*) stic$ (n) s'eet (ad*) test stri" (n)

4z:u 4RG p8D\E ?2V C_ZE @E w7K Iz2; /sLE ?:D:E

p9i4E =vLb BGi V4 -r?8L@`

tro"ica (ad*)


Word vegetarian (ad*) vitamin (n) &og!urt (n)

Definition someone '!o does not eat meat or #is! a c!emica su(stance #ound in #ood t!at is necessar& #or good !ea t! a t!ic$ ikuid #ood made #rom mi $

pL@I3 <D8@TDg

[email protected]

Unit ! Personal care

Word a(sor(ent (ad*) anti(iotic (n) antimicro(ia (n) (at!ing (n) (rus! (v) (urn (n) c ean u" ("!r v) com( (n) commode (n) com" ain (v) cream (n) criticise (v) deodorant (n) disc!arge (v) dis"osa( e (ad*) dress (v) edge (n) em(arrassed (ad*) em(arrassing (ad*) Definition can ta$e in ikuids t!roug! its sur#ace a drug t!at is used to $i (acteria and cure in#ections $i s or "revents t!e gro't! o# micro(es 'as!ing &ourse # or someone e se in a (at! to c ean somet!ing or ma$e somet!ing smoot! and tid&% using a (rus! an in*ur& or mar$ caused (& #ire or !eat to ma$e a "erson or " ace c ean and tid& a#ter t!e& !ave (ecome dirt& a "iece o# " astic or meta 'it! a ro' o# t!in teet!% t!at &ou use to ma$e &our !air tid& a c!air 'it! a (ui t in toi et #or "atients 'it! "ro( ems moving around to sa& t!at &ou are not satis#ied 'it! somet!ing or not !a""& a(out somet!ing a t!ic$ smoot! su(stance t!at &ou "ut on &our s$in to ma$e it so#ter or ess "ain#u to e)"ress &our disa""rova o# someone or somet!ing% or to ta $ a(out t!eir #au ts a su(stance t!at &ou "ut under &our arms to sto" (od& odour to o##icia & a o' someone to eave some'!ere% #or e)am" e a !os"ita intended to (e used once or #or a s!ort time and t!en t!ro'n a'a& to "ut c ot!es on someone or on &ourse # t!e "art o# somet!ing t!at is #urt!est #rom t!e centre i# &ou #ee em(arrassed% &ou #ee nervous or uncom#orta( e a(out '!at ot!er "eo" e t!in$ o# &ou i# somet!ing is em(arrassing% it ma$es Arabic
T@ T@> BDi T@> 0G6DdV/f@ -C8F6@ pXS f@0:V@] BV n 4MXS T9 n

oVC3 B6@ 49di oV4K 4M8J. TN4H `-hFE -01V 476 fzVis 0_C8z.@T -0i-B. 4GL B@<E ?\H T5 z\H

Word em"at!& (n) #rekuenc& (n)

Definition &ou #ee em(arrassed t!e a(i it& to understand someone+s #ee ings and "ro( ems t!e num(er o# times t!at somet!ing !a""ens #ee ing im"atient or angr& (ecause &ou are una( e to do '!at &ou 'ant ma$ing &ou #ee im"atient or angr& (ecause &ou cannot do '!at &ou 'ant to "ut &our c ot!es on to ta$e care o# &our o'n a""earance (& $ee"ing &our !air and c ot!es c ean and tid& i# an in*ur& or (ro$en (one !ea s% or i# someone !ea s it% it (ecomes !ea t!& again #ee ing as!amed or stu"id ma$ing &ou #ee as!amed or stu"id "revents somet!ing #rom dr&ing out descri(es someone '!o can survive 'it!out t!e !e " o# ot!er "eo" e i# t'o t!ings *oin u" t!e& come toget!er and connect 'it! eac! ot!er British English a $idne&s!a"ed container used to 'as! co oured su(stances t!at &ou "ut on &our #ace to im"rove or c!ange &our a""earance a sma (rus! #or c eaning &our nai s a sme % es"ecia & an un" easant one [= odor American English] t!e "ractice o# $ee"ing &our teet! and mout! c ean in order to "revent diseases '!en &ou are a one and not seen or !eard (& ot!er "eo" e a s!ar" instrument #or removing !air

T9@`oE /s.-pDE IV>>

#rustrated (ad*) #rustrating (ad*) get dressed (ad* "!r) groom (n) !ea (v)

TF 5L n TF 5L n 4VI. T_f7 M. 4G8K

!umi iated (ad*) !umi iating (ad*) !&drating (ad*) inde"endent (ad*) *oin u" ("!r v) $idne& (asin (n) ma$eu" (n)

5Tm@ 5TmDg TVZ[ T78JH 4MK /Y@, oGi -09dH T78FV@I -08\6DH

nai (rus! (n) odour (n) ora !&giene (n) "rivac& (n) raPor (n)

<V@] xy@<V

#rom t!e (od&

B:- vFE -0:K `-hFE

?RivDE Ti -0F_wE

reassure (v)

to ma$e someone #ee ess 'orried


Word res"ect (v)

sa ine so ution (n) s!a$e (v) s!ave (v) s!o'er c!air (n) soa" (n) suture (n) s'a( (n) ta"e (n) tig!ts (n)

toi etries (n " ) toot!(rus! (n) toot!"aste (n) urina (ott e (n) 'a $er (n)

Definition a(out somet!ing i# &ou res"ect someone+s 'is!es% rig!ts% customs% etcQ &ou are care#u not to do an&t!ing t!at t!e& do not 'ant% or t!at t!e& t!in$ is 'rong a medicine containing a mi)ture o# 'ater and sa t to move u" and do'n or #rom side to side 'it! kuic$ movements% or to ma$e somet!ing do t!is to cut o## !air #rom t!e s$in on &our #ace% egs% etcQ using a raPor a c!air #or "atients to sit on '!i e t!e& s!o'er a su(stance t!at &ou use to 'as! &ourse # 'it! a stitc! t!at is used to se' a 'ound toget!er a sma "iece o# materia % used to c ean 'ounds or do medica tests a narro' engt! o# " astic t!at is stic$& on one side and is used to stic$ t!ings toget!er a "iece o# 'omen+s c ot!ing t!at #its c ose & around t!e #eet and egs and u" to t!e 'aist [= pantyhose American English] t!ings suc! as soa" t!at &ou use '!en &ou 'as! &ourse # a sma (rus! #or c eaning &our teet! a su(stance used #or c eaning &our teet! a (ott e #or urination t!at is o#ten used (& "atients '!o can+t easi & get out o# (ed especially American English a meta #rame on '!ee s t!at o d or sic$ "eo" e use to !e " t!em 'a $ [= zimmer !rame British English] a #rame t!at is used to su""ort someone% es"ecia & an o d "erson% '!i e t!e& 'a $ a stic$ t!at is used to su""ort someone% es"ecia & an o d "erson%


TFGiA TGF3 @8N BG oVC3 -rC8F6@ v@fi ?D@ZE -0\ViB T7FE n V4 rv si-Vf Zi4GE

x>/@I -0MX@<E

<V@] -cCM@ T1\i -cCM@ ts@sE 0G8LiA T9@4E

=Z@` -0693 YR@ -0693

'a $ing #rame (n) 'a $ing stic$ (n)

Word 'as!(o' (n) 'as!c ot! (n)

Definition '!i e t!e& 'a $ a sma container used #or 'as!ing &our !ands and #ace American English a sma skuare c ot! used #or 'as!ing &our !ands and #ace [= !acecloth British English]

Bie -07DH w6@E 07H -0is

Unit " #limination

Word active (v) (acteria (n) ( oated (ad*) (o'e (n) (o'e movement (n) consti"ation (n) cram" (n) dangerous (ad*) de#ecate (v) de!&dration (n) deve o"ing countr& (n) diarr!oea (n) diet (v) dro" (n) e ectro &te (n) incontinent (ad*) intermittent (ad*) intestine (n) intravenous dri" (n "!r) intravenous # uid Definition a 'a&s doing t!ings or moving around a ot ver& sma iving t!ings t!at sometimes cause disease #u o# ikuid% gas% #ood etc% so t!at &ou oo$ or #ee muc! arger t!an norma t!e "art inside &our (od& t!at carries so id 'aste #ood a'a& #rom &our stomac! and out o# &our (od& t!e act o# getting rid o# so id 'aste #rom &our (od& '!en someone is una( e to get rid o# so id 'aste easi & out o# t!eir (od& a (ad "ain in &our musc es t!at ma$es it di##icu t to move a( e or i$e & to !arm &ou to "ass so id 'aste #rom &our (od& an e)cessive oss o# (od& # uid a "oor countr& t!at is tr&ing to increase its industr& and trade and im"rove i#e #or its "eo" e an i ness in '!ic! 'aste #rom &our (o'e s is ver& 'ater& [= diarrhea American English] to imit t!e amount o# #ood t!at &ou eat% in order to (ecome t!inner a ver& sma amount o# ikuid a ikuid t!at a o's e ectricit& to "ass t!roug! it una( e to contro t!e "assing o# ikuid or so id 'aste #rom &our (od& sto""ing and starting o#ten and #or s!ort "eriods t!e tu(e in &our (od& t!at carries #ood #rom &our stomac! (n "!r) Arabic

TM8:a xT1@,

I i =T7@ . YG3


s:@O >/0E p@TDE


48Lb pX@ }-h3 0G8z7D w2V] =0d8V/0D TR@ f@07G T8J2b

xT1@, a device t!at trans"orts su(stances direct & into &our veins

t!e su(stance t!at is used in an intravenous dri"

-0FJg Yg ZV4 -0i`4. -0i`4. Ci-hH f@0FJg Yg ZV4

Word a)ative (n) ikuid (ad*) oose (ad*) ma nutrition (n) morta it& (n) motion (n) "arasite (n) "neumonia (n) "oo (n) "us! (v) re#ugee cam" (n) re!&drate (v) re!&dration sa ts (n) stoo (n) urinate (v) urine (n) 'ater'or$s (n " ) 'ee (n) 'ido' (n)

Definition a medicine or somet!ing t!at &ou eat t!at ma$es &our (o'e s em"t& easi & to descri(e st! t!at is not so id or a gas% suc! as 'ater or mi $ not "ressed tig!t & toget!er in a so id mass a serious medica condition caused (& not eating enoug! good #ood t!e num(er o# deat!s during a "articu ar "eriod o# time or #rom a "articu ar cause so id 'aste materia t!at comes out '!en &ou em"t& &our (o'e s% used es"ecia & (& doctors and nurses a " ant or anima t!at ives on or in anot!er " ant or anima and gets #ood #rom it a serious disease o# t!e ungs so id 'aste #rom t!e (o'e s [= poop American English] to encourage or #orce tents or tem"orar& (ui dings #or "eo" e to sta& in '!o !ave (een #orced to eave t!eir countr& to su"" & someone 'it! 'ater a#ter t!e& !ave (een de!&drated a mi)ture o# c ean 'ater% sa t and sugar t!at can (e used to treat "atients 'it! moderate de!&dration a "iece o# so id 'aste #rom &our (o'e s to ma$e urine # o' out o# &our (od& ikuid 'aste t!at comes out o# &our (od& '!en &ou go to t!e toi et t!e organs in &our (od& t!roug! '!ic! urine is removed ]B" spoken] to urinate o#ten used (& or to c!i dren a 'oman '!ose !us(and !as died and '!o !as not married again

5TGDg C@hH T:d

Ci, I4E -0i<D@



-08m@ `hi
fV-t 4.<b T17dV -0_sDg

41ie -07i-hH xT_ I1i4u -07i-hH

fV-t 48LiA fiA xY@, =?V@s -0LiA 48LiA x`TGE

Unit $ Patient disc%arge

Word am(u ation (n) a"" & (v) (andage (n) (at! i#t (n) (oo$ in ("!r v) cance ation (n) ca"su e (n) care#u (ad*) c!ec$u" ("!r v) con#irm (v) crutc!es (n " ) disc!arge (n) dro""er (n) dro'siness (ad*) drug (n) e)ceed (v) Definition getting around on #oot to "ut somet!ing suc! as "aint or a cream onto a sur#ace a ong "iece o# c ot! t!at &ou tie around a 'ound or in*ur& a device to !e " "eo" e get in and out o# t!e (at! to arrange an a""ointment #or someone a decision t!at an event t!at 'as " anned 'i not !a""en a ver& sma tu(e o# medicine t!at &ou s'a o' giving a ot o# t!oug!t and attention to somet!ing a routine e)amination (& a doctor to te someone t!at an arrangement is no' de#inite a "air o# stic$s t!at &ou ean on to !e " &ou 'a $ to o##icia & a o' someone to eave a " ace a s!ort g ass tu(e 'it! a !o o' ru((er "art at one end% t!at &ou use to measure ikuid one dro" at a time '!at &ou e)"erience '!en &ou are tired and a most as ee" a medicine or a su(stance #or ma$ing medicines to go (e&ond a "articu ar amount or eve s"ecia ikuid '!ic! &ou "ut into &our e&es (ecause t!e& are sore or dr&% or as a medica treatment to arrange '!at &ou do in a 'a& t!at is convenient #or ot!er "eo" e somet!ing t!at is done to ma$e sure t!at ear ier actions !ave (een success#u or e##ective Arabic
DV C 4b W6@>] `-<1E -0\7K YM. -rC8F6@ 4F\N TiY. =0@, oL7i0E TM8L

<F{ ZL3 @TH 4Uo. Yd@t@I C6@ f@0zVis w2@`] p1@ YJ@` 48\@/t

e&e dro"s (n) #it in ("!r v) #o o' u" ("!r v)

w2V] -01Dg

4_hK 48@fb

Word #rai (ad*) gra( (ar (n) !eat u" ("!r v) insta (v) eg (race (n) i#t (v) mat (n) mea time (n) neig!(our (n) nons i" (ad*) occu"ationa t!era"& (n) ointment (n) ort!o"aedics (n " ) out"atient (n) overt!ecounter (ad*) "!&siot!era"& (n)

Definition t!in and 'ea$ used to !o d on to #or su""ort and can (e insta ed in t!e !ome to ma$e coo$ed #ood !ot again a#ter it !as (ecome co d to "ut a "iece o# ekui"ment some'!ere and connect it so t!at &ou can use it used to strengt!en or su""ort t!e eg in order to aid mo(i it& to move somet!ing or someone to a !ig!er "osition a "iece o# t!ic$ materia t!at covers "art o# a # oor t!e usua time t!at &ou eat a mea someone '!o ives ne)t to &ou or near &ou [= neighbor American English ] a "iece o# ru((er t!at "revents s i""ing in t!e (at! or s!o'er t!e *o( o# an occu"ationa t!era"ist [to help people get better a!ter an illness by giving them activities to do] a su(stance t!at &ou ru( into &our s$in as a medica treatment re ating to t!e medica treatment o# "ro( ems t!at a##ect "eo" e+s (ones or musc es someone '!o goes to a !os"ita #or treatment (ut does not sta& t!ere a nig!t overt!ecounter drugs can (e o(tained 'it!out a "rescri"tion ( a 'ritten order) #rom a doctor a treatment t!at uses s"ecia e)ercises% ru((ing% !eat% etcQ to treat medica conditions and "ro( ems 'it! musc es an attac!ment #or a toi et t!at ma$es t!e toi et seat !ig!er and !e "s a "erson get on and o## t!e toi et to arrange #or somet!ing to !a""en at a di##erent time #rom t!e one t!at 'as

W1DS wD[ -T7@ 547zg 4L CM@> -07@ 4V<b C\@>]

/w IM@i0 -021@ s@` T@pb 0_pNr

T1@0\E TmMDE

"a nne d

raised toi et seat (n) resc!edu e (v)

sV-BE IJi4K -01X@ TVK -01_ -02LD13 f.ip /v:E TV4u ?@`s3

41D. s./0E w@Y.] B6@ =W@<DE TVI:1E

Word s!ot (n)

side e##ect (n) s i" (v) s"oon#u (n) sti## (ad*) su"" ement (n) su""ort grou" (n) s&ru" (n) ta( es"oon (n) ta( et (n) trans#er (v) tu(e (n) '!ee c!air (n)

Definition especially American English '!en a doctor "uts medicine into &our (od& using a need e [= in#ection$ #ab British English] an additiona e##ect t!at a drug !as on &our (od& as 'e as treating i ness or "ain to move accidenta & and a most #a t!e amount t!at a s"oon can !o d i# someone or a "art o# t!eir (od& is sti##% t!eir musc es !urt and it is di##icu t to move somet!ing t!at &ou add to somet!ing e se to im"rove it a grou" o# "eo" e '!o meet to !e " eac! ot!er 'it! a "articu ar "ro( em a t!ic$ stic$& ikuid made #rom sugar a arge s"oon% or t!e amount it !o ds (1 m ) a sma round "iece o# medicine t!at &ou s'a o' to move #rom one " ace to anot!er or to ma$e someone or somet!ing do t!is a container #or a so#t su(stance t!at &ou "ress (et'een &our #ingers to ma$e t!e su(stance come out a c!air 'it! arge '!ee s% used (& "eo" e '!o cannot 'a $


xV s@pL3


Td6H T\6iYE -0.YK

V@f TG1JE Z1@ wV 4M8JH xpLi oVC3 -061iwDg

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