English For Nursing 2 MLG
English For Nursing 2 MLG
English For Nursing 2 MLG
Word administer (v) admission (n) a erg& (n) ana &se (v) Definition to give someone a drug or medica treatment t!e "rocess o# ta$ing someone into a !os"ita #or treatment% tests% or care a condition t!at ma$es &ou i '!en &ou eat% touc!% or (reat!e somet!ing British English to e)amine or t!in$ a(out somet!ing care#u & in order to understand it [= analyze American English] t!e "rocess in '!ic! a nurse ma$es a *udgement a(out a "erson+s !ea t! British English a container t!at is used #or carr&ing t!ings to ose ( ood (ecause o# an in*ur& a sma e ectronic t!ing t!at ma$es a (uPPing sound '!en &ou "ress it British English a " ace in a !os"ita % sc!oo % etcQ '!ere "eo" e can get mea s% usua & c!ea" & a nurse '!o is res"onsi( e #or t!e 'or$ done in a "articu ar "art o# a !os"ita someone '!ose *o( is to c ean (ui dings% !ouses% etcQ British English a doctor at a !os"ita '!o $no's a ot a(out a "articu ar area o# medicine a sma se"arate area in a room t!e da&% mont! and &ear &ou 'ere (orn on to ta$e action in order to so ve a "ro( em or ma$e sure t!at somet!ing is done "ro"er & to !e " a 'oman give (irt! to a (a(& t!e "art o# medica science t!at dea s 'it! s$in diseases a disease in '!ic! t!e (od& cannot contro t!e amount o# sugar in t!e ( ood Arabic
assessment (n) (ag (n) ( eed (v) (uPPer (n) canteen (n) c!arge nurse (n) c eaner (n) consu tant (n) cu(ic e (n) date o# (irt! (^OB) (n) dea 'it! ("!r v) de iver (v) dermato og& (n) dia(etes (n)
IJDDK BJDLE 4MNO TJRS T6VWE T7U/0E Y@TH -0MX@<E ZLD[ -C89@V4 B\DV] I@`4a -06D_> 481@TH Tb
Word disorder (n) doctor (n) e der & (ad*) emergenc& (n) #ami & doctor (n) #ami & name (n) #i in ("!r v) ji#t s!o" (n) !os"ita (n) inta$e (n) $idne& (n) oc$er (n) marita status (n) mid'i#e (n) nervous s&stem (n) neuro og& (n) ne)t o# $in (n "!r) occu"ation (n) o"eration (n) "aramedic (n)
Definition an i ness t!at "revents "art o# &our (od& #rom 'or$ing "ro"er & someone '!o is trained to treat "eo" e '!o are i [= Dr. written abbreviation] an e der & "erson is o d '!en a "atient is in urgent need o# treatment a doctor trained to treat t!e genera !ea t! "ro( ems o# "eo" e o# a ages t!e name someone s!ares 'it! ot!er mem(ers o# t!eir #ami & [= surname] to 'rite a t!e necessar& in#ormation on an o##icia document% #orm% etcQ a s!o" t!at se s sma t!ings t!at are suita( e #or giving as "resents a (ui ding '!ere sic$ or in*ured "eo" e receive medica treatment t!e amount o# #ood% drin$ etcQ t!at &ou ta$e into &our (od& one o# t'o organs in &our o'er (ac$ t!at se"arate 'aste ikuid #rom t!e ( ood a sma cu"(oard t!at oc$s% used to store va ua( es% sa#e & in a (ui ding i# someone is married or not q used es"ecia & on o##icia #orms a nurse trained to !e " 'omen '!en t!e& are !aving a (a(& t!e nerves in t!e (od&% toget!er 'it! t!e (rain% '!ic! a o' &ou to #ee "ain% !eat% etcQ and '!ic! contro s movement t!e scienti#ic stud& o# t!e nervous s&stem and its diseases t!e "erson '!o !as t!e c osest #ami & re ations!i" to &ou% #or e)am" e &our !us(and% 'i#e% or mot!er a *o( or "ro#ession '!en doctors cut into someone+s (od& to re"air or remove a "art t!at is damaged someone '!o usua & 'or$s in an am(u ance and is trained to !e " i or in*ured "eo" e% (ut is not a doctor or
-W2V@f ZLD[ 5 T7g Zi-Vh ZLD[ -01@hGE -CK -01@hGE Tl TFH fDb -0m.-4@ T789:; T.?iA o5 GDE n ?N-pE -0F@0E -rs86@YDE -0J@fGE -0\m@t -01RL3
Word "atient (n) "!armac& (n) "orter (n) "regnant (ad*) "riorit& (v) reaction (n) rece"tionist (n) re ative (n) res"onsi( e (ad*) scru( nurse (n) s"ecia ise (v) surger& (n) treat (v) triage (n) urgent (ad*) vending mac!ine (n) 'aiting room (n) ~ra& (n)
Definition nurse someone '!o is getting medica treatment #rom a doctor or in !os"ita a s!o" or a "art o# a s!o" '!ere &ou can get medicines British English someone '!o trans"orts "atients around a !os"ita i# a 'oman is "regnant% s!e !as an un(orn (a(& gro'ing in !er (od& t!e t!ing t!at &ou t!in$ is most im"ortant and t!at needs &our attention #irst i# &ou !ave a reaction to a drug or to somet!ing &ou !ave eaten% it ma$es &ou i someone '!ose *o( is to 'e come and dea 'it! "eo" e arriving at a !os"ita t!e ot!er mem(er(s) o# &our #ami & i# &ou are res"onsi( e #or somet!ing% &ou are in c!arge o# it or it is &our *o( to do it a nurse '!o is res"onsi( e #or oo$ing a#ter "atients during surger& and a#ter t!eir o"erations to stud& main & one su(*ect or do main & one activit& t!e " ace '!ere o"erations are done in a !os"ita to give someone medica treatment #or an i ness or in*ur& deciding '!o receives medica treatment #irst in (ased on !o' serious an in*ur& is st! t!at is urgent is ver& im"ortant and needs to (e dea t 'it! immediate & a mac!ine t!at se s drin$s% etcQ a room #or "eo" e to 'ait in% #or e)am" e% to see a doctor a "!otogra"! o# t!e inside o# someone+s (od&% ta$en using ~ra&s to see i# an&t!ing is 'rong
wV4[ T7Ui0 T6VWE T7@Y.] 0G\V@B 48zR{ sV-BE 41@0| <Vt n Z@Vh o0E -0LDb }V<E -rp8X@` x1E CDMDE
Unit 2 Pain
Word ac!e (n) acute (ad*) antiin# ammator& (ad*) a""endicitis (n) a""etite (n) arm (n) aromat!era"& (n) (ac$ (n) (ac$ac!e (n) c!ee$(one (n) c!iro"ractic (n) c!ronic (ad*) Definition a continuous "ain an acute sense or #ee ing is ver& strong somet!ing t!at decreases in# ammation an i ness in '!ic! &our a""endi) s'e s and causes "ain a desire #or to eat #ood one o# t!e t'o ong "arts o# &our (od& (et'een &our s!ou ders and &our !ands t!e use o# " easant sme ing " ant oi s to ma$e &ou #ee !ea t!& and re a)ed t!e "art o# &our (od& #rom &our nec$ and s!ou ders do'n to &our (ottom a "ain in &our (ac$ t!e (one *ust (e o' &our e&e t!e treatment o# "!&sica "ro( ems (& "ressing on and moving t!e (ones in someone+s (ac$ and *oints i# a "ro( em or i ness is c!ronic% it is serious and i$e & to continue #or a ong time a du "ain is not severe a sudden "ain#u #ee ing &ou get i# &ou accidenta & touc! e ectricit& q can (e used to descri(e a #ee ing o# sudden "ain a #ee ing suc! as ove% !ate or anger one o# t!e organs in &our (od& t!e& a o' &ou to see British English a t!ic$ cream t!at &ou s"read over &our #ace and eave on #or a s!ort time% in order to c ean and im"rove &our s$in Arabic
x0K T8i-vH B@> T@> -r08m@ -08m@ -0N-h.] -0./>4E mDE `@Y
Word #ore!ead (n) ginger (n) !eadac!e (n) !eat "atc! (n) !er( (n) !urt (v) !&drot!era"& (n) !&"not!era"& (n) insomnia (n) $idne& stones (n) a(our (n) eg (n) ie do'n ("!r v)
Definition t!e "art o# &our #ace a(ove &our e&es a ig!t (ro'n root 'it! a strong !ot taste t!at is used in coo$ing a "ain in &our !ead a sma "iece o# materia t!at "roduces !eat '!en it is stuc$ to an area o# &our (od& a " ant used to im"rove t!e taste o# #ood% or to ma$e medicine i# a "art o# &our (od& !urts% or i# somet!ing !urts it% &ou can #ee "ain in it t!e treatment o# "!&sica "ro( ems using 'ater t!e use o# !&"nosis to treat emotiona o# "!&sica "ro( ems t!e "ro( em o# not (eing a( e to s ee" a condition in '!ic! sma (a s o# !ard materia #orm in &our $idne&s t!e "rocess o# giving (irt! to a (a(& one o# t!e ong "arts o# &our (od& t!at &our #eet are *oined to to move into a "osition in '!ic! &our (od& is # at% usua & in order to s ee" or rest to s$i #u & contro or move somet!ing '!en &ou "ress and ru( someone+s (od& to reduce "ain or !e " t!em re a) an e)treme & (ad !eadac!e not severe or serious not severe medium one o# t!e "ieces o# # es! inside &our (od& t!at &ou use in order to move t!e treatment o# emotiona o# "!&sica "ro( ems using music
sLmE tp\LDH v.@Y 0RJE BV-`4E
mani"u ate (v) massage (n) migraine (n) mi d (ad*) moderate (ad*) musc e (n) music t!era"& (n)
a t&"e o# medicine t!at &ou ta$e (& s"ra&ing it t!roug! &our nose
fz@ 0lpS
Word nausea (n) "ain (n) "ain sca e (n) "ain#u (ad*) "ain$i er (n) "!&sica (ad*) "ins and need es (n " )
Definition t!e #ee ing t!at &ou !ave '!en &ou are going to vomit ((e sic$) t!e #ee ing &ou !ave '!en "art o# &our (od& !urts a sca e t!at medica "ro#essiona s use to assess "ain i# a "art o# &our (od& is "ain#u % &ou can #ee "ain in it a medicine t!at reduces "ain re ating to &our (od& rat!er t!an &our mind an uncom#orta( e #ee ing% o#ten in &our #oot or eg% '!ic! &ou get es"ecia & '!en &ou !ave not moved "art o# &our (od& #or a ong time% and t!e su"" & o# ( ood !as sto""ed # o'ing "ro"er & to reduce someone+s "ain a severe "ain or in*ur&% etcQ is ver& strong a s!ar" "ain is sudden and strong a "ain t!at moves kuic$ & in a "articu ar direction a condition in '!ic! &our sinuses s'e and (ecome "ain#u i# a "art o# &our (od& is "ain#u % &ou can #ee "ain in it a sta((ing "ain is ver& sudden and strong someone '!o is suicida #ee s i$e !e or s!e 'ants to $i !imse # or !erse # a "ro#essiona '!o treats a menta or "!&sica i ness over a ong "eriod o# time% es"ecia & 'it!out using drugs or o"erations i# a "art o# &our (od& t!ro(s% &ou get a regu ar #ee ing o# "ain in it i# &our s$in ting es% &ou #ee a s ig!t stinging in it
}D@ x0K TJD@ -c0K TU0K
5T7d g f.p3
-0i?N /-0MN
re ieve (v) severe (ad*) s!ar" (ad*) s!ooting (ad*) sinusitis (n) sore (ad*) sta((ing (ad*) suicida (ad*) t!era"ist (n)
-p8F@V4 T1@0|
p@fu pzN
-08m@ -0GitIDg
Definition somet!ing t!at is done to tr& to cure someone '!o is in*ured or i too "ain#u % un" easant% etcQ #or &ou to acce"t or dea 'it! t!e narro' "art in t!e midd e o# &our (od&
Y_ r 4F86H ?R V n
-0M: @p3 xo7D. -0dVfi wGL3 /Y@h3 T@>] oD6D@hDE 4./` L f69L Y. ZVO -0dK 5 4Mz:u
Word increase (v) in#ection (n) i#est& e (n) monitor (v) nicotine (n) o)&gen (n) "a m (n) "er minute ("re" "!rase) "u monar& (ad*) "u se (n) "u se o)imeter (n) "u se rate (n "!r) "um" (v) rate o# res"iration (n "!r) reading (n) record (v) rest (v) return (v) ro u" ("!r v) s eeve (n)
Definition i# &ou increase somet!ing% or i# it increases% it (ecomes (igger in amount% num(er or degree a disease in "art o# &our (od&% caused (& (acteria or a virus t!e 'a& t!at someone ives to care#u & 'atc! or measure someone to see !o' t!eir condition c!anges over a "eriod o# time t!e drug in to(acco t!at ma$es &ou 'ant to continue smo$ing a gas in t!e air t!at a iving t!ings need t!e sur#ace o# &our !and in '!ic! &ou !o d t!ings t!e num(er o# times eac! minute re ating to t!e ungs% or !aving an e##ect on t!e ungs t!e regu ar (eat t!at &our !eart ma$es as it "um"s ( ood around &our (od& a t&"e o# medica ekui"ment t!at monitors t!e o)&gen saturation o# a "atient+s ( ood t!e num(er o# !eart (eats "er minute i# ikuid or gas "um"s some'!ere% or i# &ou "um" it% it is #orced to move in a "articu ar direction !o' man& times a "erson (reat!es "er minute a num(er or amount s!o'n on a measuring instrument to 'rite do'n in#ormation or store it in a com"uter so t!at it can (e oo$ed at in t!e #uture to sto" 'or$ing or moving and re a) #or a "eriod o# time to come (ac$ or go (ac$ to a " ace to #o d &our s eeve u"'ard so &our arm is visi( e t!e "art o# a "iece o# c ot!ing t!at covers &our arm
CVYE -0MLu 4a
Word s"!&gmomanometer (n) sta( e (ad*) stet!osco"e (n) stress (n) ta$e (v) tem"erature (n) t!ermometer (n) tig!t (ad*) tongue (n) u" (adv% "re") u" and do'n (ad* "!r) var& (v) vein (n) vena cava (n) ventric e (n) ventric e (n) vita sign (n)
Definition a t&"e o# medica ekui"ment used to measure ( ood "ressure not i$e & to c!ange sudden & a "iece o# ekui"ment t!at doctors use to isten to &our !eart or (reat!ing a strong #ee ing o# 'orr& t!at "revents &ou #rom re a)ing to move somet!ing #rom one " ace to anot!er t!e tem"erature o# &our (od&% used as a sign o# '!et!er &ou are i a "iece o# ekui"ment t!at measures t!e tem"erature o# &our (od& attac!ed or "u ed ver& #irm &% so t!at not!ing can move t!e so#t "art inside &our mout! t!at &ou move and use #or tasting and s"ea$ing i# t!e amount or eve o# somet!ing is u"% it !as increased to a !ig!er "osition and t!en a o'er one% severa times to c!ange one o# t!e tu(es t!roug! '!ic! ( ood # o's to &our !eart #rom ot!er "arts o# &our (od& a arge vein t!at carries ( ood #rom t!e u""er !a # o# t!e (od& to t!e !eart+s rig!t atrium one o# t!e t'o s"aces in t!e (ottom o# &our !eart t!roug! '!ic! ( ood "um"s out to &our (od& one o# t!e t'o s"aces in t!e (ottom o# &our !eart t!roug! '!ic! ( ood "um"s out to &our (od& medica signs t!at s!o' someone is a ive% #or e)am" e (reat!ing and (od& tem"erature !o' !eav& someone is to "ut "a"er or c ot! over somet!ing t!e *oint (et'een &our !and and &our arm
TJD@ W -0. T78JV C6@YE =sm@> x? >`sE -0FV-`] TJD@ -0FV-`] TF 5 dK 07@ v1i> v1i>- iLiZ@
Unit 4 Symptoms
Word a(domina (ad*) anterior (ad*) ast!matic (n) attac$ (n) (ang (v) ( ac$ e&e (n) ( ood sugar (n "!r) (reat!e (v) (reat!e in ("!r v) (reat!e out ("!r v) (reat! ess (ad*) (ronc!ia tu(e (n) (ruise (n) c!o estero (n) co ic (n) Definition t!e "art o# &our (od& (et'een &our c!est and t!e to" o# &our egs% inc uding &our stomac! at or to'ards t!e #ront someone '!o su##ers #rom ast!ma a sudden and s!ort "eriod o# i ness to !it "art o# &our (od& against somet!ing a (ruise around t!e e&e t!e amount o# sugar in &our ( ood to ta$e air into &our ungs and send it out again to ta$e air into &our ungs to et air out o# &our ungs !aving di##icu t& (reat!ing one o# t!e tu(es t!at ta$es air into &our ungs a dar$ mar$ on &our s$in '!ere &ou !ave #a en% (een !it% etcQ a su(stance in &our (od& '!ic! doctors t!in$ ma& cause !eart disease "ain in t!e stomac! t!at (a(ies o#ten get an i ness a medica term #or a (ruise or (ruising i# &ou coug!% air sudden & comes out o# &our t!roat 'it! a s!ort oud sound% #or e)am" e (ecause &ou are i a 'ound t!at &ou get '!en somet!ing s!ar" (rea$s &our s$in Arabic
f2M n3
B@0E W V
471H w2b
Word diar& (n) di##icu t& (n) diPPiness (n) diPP& (ad*)
Definition a (oo$ in '!ic! &ou 'rite do'n t!ings t!at !ave !a""ened to &ou '!en somet!ing is not eas& to do #ee ing una( e to stand steadi & (ecause &ou are i #ee ing t!at &ou are osing &our (a ance% #or e)am" e (ecause &ou !ave (een s"inning around or &ou are i American English t!e "art o# a !os"ita '!ere "eo" e are ta$en '!en t!e& need urgent treatment [= casualty British English] to #a #rom an u"rig!t "osition a te e"!one num(er &ou can ca #or advice or in#ormation t!e (est t!at somet!ing cou d "ossi( & (e not ac!ieving t!e correct e##ect or resu t to give someone a disease a sma " astic tu(e containing medicine t!at &ou (reat!e in i# &ou su##er #rom ast!ma "!&sica !arm t!at someone gets in an accident or attac$ to ma$e a "art o# &our (od& sore a su(stance or materia t!at covers t!e inside o# "art o# t!e (od& to gradua & !ave ess (od& 'eig!t drugs given to "eo" e '!o are i a t!ic$ ikuid "roduced in "arts o# &our (od& a "o'der "roduced (& # o'ers% '!ic! is carried (& t!e 'ind or insects to ma$e ot!er # o'ers "roduce seeds at or to'ards t!e (ac$
><8V 4iTD@ v1ifE
TR@ f./-`
}V<E -02i-Vh
#a over ("!r v) !e " ine (n) idea (ad*) ine##ective (ad*) in#ect (v) in!a er (n) in*ur& (n) irritate (v) ining (n) ose 'eig!t (v "!r) medication (n) mucus (n) "o en (n)
? -067@Y.] YLV -0m@IS
TM 9 n JE
"osterior (ad*)
"u## (n)
(p76E (i-,
Word re"eat (v) res"irator& (ad*) severe (ad*) stressed (ad*) s'e (v) s'o en (ad*) s&m"tom (n) ti t (v) touc! (v) '!eePing (v) 'ind"i"e (n) 'orr& (v)
Definition to sa& or do somet!ing again re ating to (reat!ing or to &our ungs ver& (ad or serious so 'orried and tired t!at &ou cannot re a) to increase in siPe a "art o# &our (od& t!at is s'o en is (igger t!an usua due to an in*ur& or i ness somet!ing 'rong 'it! &our (od& or mind t!at s!o's &ou !ave a "articu ar i ness to move or ma$e somet!ing move into a "osition '!ere one side is !ig!er t!an t!e ot!er to "ut &our !and or #inger on somet!ing (reat!ing 'it! di##icu t&% ma$ing a noise in &our t!roat and c!est t!e tu(e t!roug! '!ic! air "asses #rom &our mout! to &our ungs to $ee" t!in$ing a(out a "ro( em or a(out somet!ing (ad t!at mig!t !a""en so t!at &ou do not #ee !a""& or re a)ed
YVe 46DH 4G6 4R.` v:DV YM. -08M: -0JRLE -0mi-hDE 4JG
4F8i YG; TV4u f@07dV pX@ }-h3 ZL Z@wE I6V4M@ `4@WDE /sL@ CV41E .i x0D@O
Word #ig!t (n) gain 'eig!t (v "!r) g ucometer (n) !arm#u (ad*) !eart attac$ (n) !ormone (n) immune s&stem (n) insu in (n) into erance (n) ac$ (v) actose (n) ancet (n) in$ to (v "!r) mea (n) minera (n) miss (v) o(ese (ad*) over'eig!t (ad*) "ac$et (n) "ancreas (n)
Definition t!roug! &our (od& '!at &our (od& does to "rotect itse # #rom disease or in#ection to increase in (od& 'eig!t a medica device t!at is used to measure t!e amount o# g ucose in a "atient+s ( ood causing !arm a serious medica condition in '!ic! &our !eart sudden & sto"s 'or$ing norma & a c!emica in &our (od& t!e s&stem in &our (od& t!at "rotects it against i ness a su(stance t!at contro s t!e eve o# sugar in &our ( ood an ina(i it& to eat "articu ar #oods 'it!out su##ering (ad e##ects to not !ave somet!ing or not !ave enoug! o# somet!ing a t&"e o# sugar #ound in mi $ a sma ver& s!ar" "ointed $ni#e 'it! t'o sma cutting edges% used (& doctors to cut s$in and # es! '!en one t!ing s!o's a connection to anot!er t!ing '!en &ou sit do'n to eat #ood or t!e #ood t!at &ou eat a natura su(stance suc! as iron t!at is in some #oods and is im"ortant #or good !ea t! to not do somet!ing% es"ecia & '!en &ou s!ou d ver& over'eig!t in a 'a& t!at is dangerous to &our !ea t! too !eav& #or &our !eig!t(ui d British English a sma container made o# "a"er or " astic t!at somet!ing is so d in [= pack American English] a g and inside &our (od&% near &our
TJ@/TE 4N4. -0iNp sm@t wD@ CdV -0. W@` -0MifE -0JGLDE VTi sm@t -06M@YE =p7i0Dg Y. -08F6H pJ{
ro8it T9V
Definition stomac!% t!at "roduces insu in and a ikuid t!at !e "s &our (od& use t!e #ood t!at &ou eat British English a "iece o# s"ecia materia t!at &ou stic$ on &our s$in to cover sma 'ounds [= Band Aid American English] an amount o# #ood #or one "erson to ma$e a sma !o e in t!e sur#ace o# somet!ing% using a s!ar" "oint a su(stance in #ood suc! as meat and eggs '!ic! !e "s &our (od& to gro' and (e !ea t!& to ma$e somet!ing sma er to ma$e somet!ing t!at is (ro$en or damaged satis#actor& again t!e in#ormation t!at &ou get #rom a medica test t!e "ossi(i it& t!at somet!ing (ad% un" easant% or dangerous mig!t !a""en a mi)ture o# vegeta( es eaten co d and usua & ra' t!e "art o# an e ectronic device '!ere t!e "icture or in#ormation a""ears a "art o# a #ruit t!at it natura & divides into to avoid somet!ing or not do somet!ing #ood t!at &ou eat (et'een mea s or instead o# a arge mea containing a ot o# starc! a t!in "iece o# somet!ing !aving a taste i$e sugar is inserted into a g ucometer 'it! a dro" o# ( ood and is used #or measuring t!e amount o# g ucose in t!e ( ood in or #rom t!e !ottest "arts o# t!e 'or d
reduce (v) re"air (v) resu t (n) ris$ (n) sa ad (n) screen (n) segment (n) s$i" (v) snac$ (n) starc!& (ad*) stic$ (n) s'eet (ad*) test stri" (n)
tro"ica (ad*)
Definition someone '!o does not eat meat or #is! a c!emica su(stance #ound in #ood t!at is necessar& #or good !ea t! a t!ic$ ikuid #ood made #rom mi $
pL@I3 <D8@TDg
oVC3 B6@ 49di oV4K 4M8J. TN4H `-hFE -01V 476 fzVis 0_C8z.@T -0i-B. 4GL B@<E ?\H T5 z\H
Definition &ou #ee em(arrassed t!e a(i it& to understand someone+s #ee ings and "ro( ems t!e num(er o# times t!at somet!ing !a""ens #ee ing im"atient or angr& (ecause &ou are una( e to do '!at &ou 'ant ma$ing &ou #ee im"atient or angr& (ecause &ou cannot do '!at &ou 'ant to "ut &our c ot!es on to ta$e care o# &our o'n a""earance (& $ee"ing &our !air and c ot!es c ean and tid& i# an in*ur& or (ro$en (one !ea s% or i# someone !ea s it% it (ecomes !ea t!& again #ee ing as!amed or stu"id ma$ing &ou #ee as!amed or stu"id "revents somet!ing #rom dr&ing out descri(es someone '!o can survive 'it!out t!e !e " o# ot!er "eo" e i# t'o t!ings *oin u" t!e& come toget!er and connect 'it! eac! ot!er British English a $idne&s!a"ed container used to 'as! co oured su(stances t!at &ou "ut on &our #ace to im"rove or c!ange &our a""earance a sma (rus! #or c eaning &our nai s a sme % es"ecia & an un" easant one [= odor American English] t!e "ractice o# $ee"ing &our teet! and mout! c ean in order to "revent diseases '!en &ou are a one and not seen or !eard (& ot!er "eo" e a s!ar" instrument #or removing !air
T9@`oE /s.-pDE IV>>
#rustrated (ad*) #rustrating (ad*) get dressed (ad* "!r) groom (n) !ea (v)
!umi iated (ad*) !umi iating (ad*) !&drating (ad*) inde"endent (ad*) *oin u" ("!r v) $idne& (asin (n) ma$eu" (n)
5Tm@ 5TmDg TVZ[ T78JH 4MK /Y@, oGi -09dH T78FV@I -08\6DH
nai (rus! (n) odour (n) ora !&giene (n) "rivac& (n) raPor (n)
<V@] xy@<V
?RivDE Ti -0F_wE
reassure (v)
sa ine so ution (n) s!a$e (v) s!ave (v) s!o'er c!air (n) soa" (n) suture (n) s'a( (n) ta"e (n) tig!ts (n)
toi etries (n " ) toot!(rus! (n) toot!"aste (n) urina (ott e (n) 'a $er (n)
Definition a(out somet!ing i# &ou res"ect someone+s 'is!es% rig!ts% customs% etcQ &ou are care#u not to do an&t!ing t!at t!e& do not 'ant% or t!at t!e& t!in$ is 'rong a medicine containing a mi)ture o# 'ater and sa t to move u" and do'n or #rom side to side 'it! kuic$ movements% or to ma$e somet!ing do t!is to cut o## !air #rom t!e s$in on &our #ace% egs% etcQ using a raPor a c!air #or "atients to sit on '!i e t!e& s!o'er a su(stance t!at &ou use to 'as! &ourse # 'it! a stitc! t!at is used to se' a 'ound toget!er a sma "iece o# materia % used to c ean 'ounds or do medica tests a narro' engt! o# " astic t!at is stic$& on one side and is used to stic$ t!ings toget!er a "iece o# 'omen+s c ot!ing t!at #its c ose & around t!e #eet and egs and u" to t!e 'aist [= pantyhose American English] t!ings suc! as soa" t!at &ou use '!en &ou 'as! &ourse # a sma (rus! #or c eaning &our teet! a su(stance used #or c eaning &our teet! a (ott e #or urination t!at is o#ten used (& "atients '!o can+t easi & get out o# (ed especially American English a meta #rame on '!ee s t!at o d or sic$ "eo" e use to !e " t!em 'a $ [= zimmer !rame British English] a #rame t!at is used to su""ort someone% es"ecia & an o d "erson% '!i e t!e& 'a $ a stic$ t!at is used to su""ort someone% es"ecia & an o d "erson%
TFGiA TGF3 @8N BG oVC3 -rC8F6@ v@fi ?D@ZE -0\ViB T7FE n V4 rv si-Vf Zi4GE
x>/@I -0MX@<E
Definition '!i e t!e& 'a $ a sma container used #or 'as!ing &our !ands and #ace American English a sma skuare c ot! used #or 'as!ing &our !ands and #ace [= !acecloth British English]
Bie -07DH w6@E 07H -0is
TM8:a xT1@,
I i =T7@ . YG3
xT1@, a device t!at trans"orts su(stances direct & into &our veins
Word a)ative (n) ikuid (ad*) oose (ad*) ma nutrition (n) morta it& (n) motion (n) "arasite (n) "neumonia (n) "oo (n) "us! (v) re#ugee cam" (n) re!&drate (v) re!&dration sa ts (n) stoo (n) urinate (v) urine (n) 'ater'or$s (n " ) 'ee (n) 'ido' (n)
Definition a medicine or somet!ing t!at &ou eat t!at ma$es &our (o'e s em"t& easi & to descri(e st! t!at is not so id or a gas% suc! as 'ater or mi $ not "ressed tig!t & toget!er in a so id mass a serious medica condition caused (& not eating enoug! good #ood t!e num(er o# deat!s during a "articu ar "eriod o# time or #rom a "articu ar cause so id 'aste materia t!at comes out '!en &ou em"t& &our (o'e s% used es"ecia & (& doctors and nurses a " ant or anima t!at ives on or in anot!er " ant or anima and gets #ood #rom it a serious disease o# t!e ungs so id 'aste #rom t!e (o'e s [= poop American English] to encourage or #orce tents or tem"orar& (ui dings #or "eo" e to sta& in '!o !ave (een #orced to eave t!eir countr& to su"" & someone 'it! 'ater a#ter t!e& !ave (een de!&drated a mi)ture o# c ean 'ater% sa t and sugar t!at can (e used to treat "atients 'it! moderate de!&dration a "iece o# so id 'aste #rom &our (o'e s to ma$e urine # o' out o# &our (od& ikuid 'aste t!at comes out o# &our (od& '!en &ou go to t!e toi et t!e organs in &our (od& t!roug! '!ic! urine is removed ]B" spoken] to urinate o#ten used (& or to c!i dren a 'oman '!ose !us(and !as died and '!o !as not married again
5TGDg C@hH T:d
-08m@ `hi
fV-t 4.<b T17dV -0_sDg
<F{ ZL3 @TH 4Uo. Yd@t@I C6@ f@0zVis w2@`] p1@ YJ@` 48\@/t
w2V] -01Dg
4_hK 48@fb
Word #rai (ad*) gra( (ar (n) !eat u" ("!r v) insta (v) eg (race (n) i#t (v) mat (n) mea time (n) neig!(our (n) nons i" (ad*) occu"ationa t!era"& (n) ointment (n) ort!o"aedics (n " ) out"atient (n) overt!ecounter (ad*) "!&siot!era"& (n)
Definition t!in and 'ea$ used to !o d on to #or su""ort and can (e insta ed in t!e !ome to ma$e coo$ed #ood !ot again a#ter it !as (ecome co d to "ut a "iece o# ekui"ment some'!ere and connect it so t!at &ou can use it used to strengt!en or su""ort t!e eg in order to aid mo(i it& to move somet!ing or someone to a !ig!er "osition a "iece o# t!ic$ materia t!at covers "art o# a # oor t!e usua time t!at &ou eat a mea someone '!o ives ne)t to &ou or near &ou [= neighbor American English ] a "iece o# ru((er t!at "revents s i""ing in t!e (at! or s!o'er t!e *o( o# an occu"ationa t!era"ist [to help people get better a!ter an illness by giving them activities to do] a su(stance t!at &ou ru( into &our s$in as a medica treatment re ating to t!e medica treatment o# "ro( ems t!at a##ect "eo" e+s (ones or musc es someone '!o goes to a !os"ita #or treatment (ut does not sta& t!ere a nig!t overt!ecounter drugs can (e o(tained 'it!out a "rescri"tion ( a 'ritten order) #rom a doctor a treatment t!at uses s"ecia e)ercises% ru((ing% !eat% etcQ to treat medica conditions and "ro( ems 'it! musc es an attac!ment #or a toi et t!at ma$es t!e toi et seat !ig!er and !e "s a "erson get on and o## t!e toi et to arrange #or somet!ing to !a""en at a di##erent time #rom t!e one t!at 'as
W1DS wD[ -T7@ 547zg 4L CM@> -07@ 4V<b C\@>]
T1@0\E TmMDE
"a nne d
sV-BE IJi4K -01X@ TVK -01_ -02LD13 f.ip /v:E TV4u ?@`s3
side e##ect (n) s i" (v) s"oon#u (n) sti## (ad*) su"" ement (n) su""ort grou" (n) s&ru" (n) ta( es"oon (n) ta( et (n) trans#er (v) tu(e (n) '!ee c!air (n)
Definition especially American English '!en a doctor "uts medicine into &our (od& using a need e [= in#ection$ #ab British English] an additiona e##ect t!at a drug !as on &our (od& as 'e as treating i ness or "ain to move accidenta & and a most #a t!e amount t!at a s"oon can !o d i# someone or a "art o# t!eir (od& is sti##% t!eir musc es !urt and it is di##icu t to move somet!ing t!at &ou add to somet!ing e se to im"rove it a grou" o# "eo" e '!o meet to !e " eac! ot!er 'it! a "articu ar "ro( em a t!ic$ stic$& ikuid made #rom sugar a arge s"oon% or t!e amount it !o ds (1 m ) a sma round "iece o# medicine t!at &ou s'a o' to move #rom one " ace to anot!er or to ma$e someone or somet!ing do t!is a container #or a so#t su(stance t!at &ou "ress (et'een &our #ingers to ma$e t!e su(stance come out a c!air 'it! arge '!ee s% used (& "eo" e '!o cannot 'a $
xV s@pL3