National Income
National Income
National Income
National Income
National Income
National income is the measurement of flow of services and goods in economic system. The national wealth is the measurement of present assets available on a given time while the National income is the measurement of the production power of economic system in a given time period. The figures of National income are based on the financial year (i.e. from 1st April to 31st March). The base of one year is taken for calculating National income which is called base year, as all the seasons come in a year. The data of estimation of Indias National income are issued by Central Statistical Organisation (CSO).
Concepts of National Income The important concepts of national income are: 1. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 2. Gross National Product (GNP) 3. Net National Product (NNP) at Market Prices 4. Net National Product (NNP) at Factor Cost or National Income 5. Personal Income 6. Disposable Income Let us explain these concepts of National Income in detail.
First, it measures the market value of annual output of goods and services currently produced. This implies that GDP is a monetary measure. Secondly, for calculating GDP accurately, all goods and services produced in any given year must be counted only once so as to avoid double counting. So, GDP should include the value of only final goods and services and ignores the transactions involving intermediate goods. Thirdly, GDP includes only currently produced goods and services in a year. Market transactions involving goods produced in the previous periods such as old houses, old cars, factories built earlier are not included in GDP of the current year. Lastly, GDP refers to the value of goods and services produced within the domestic territory of a country by nationals or non-nationals. Comment
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Gross Domestic Product An estimated value of the total worth of a countrys production and services, calculated over the course on one year
Gross National Product GDP (+) total capital gains from overseas investment (-) income earned by foreign nationals domestically Total value of Goods and Services produced by all nationals of a country (whether within or outside the country) GNP = GDP + NR (Net income from assets abroad (Net Income Receipts)) Business, Economic Forecasting
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Layman Usage
Total value of products & Services produced within the territorial boundary of a country
GDP = consumption + investment Formula for + (government spending) + Calculation (exports imports) Uses Business, Economic Forecasting
NNP is the market value of all final goods and services after providing for depeciation. That is, when charges for depreciation are deducted from the GNP we get NNP at market price. Therefore NNP = GNP Depreciation Depreciation is the consumption of fixed capital or fall in the value of fixed capital due to wear and tear. Comment
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Personal Income
Personal income is the sum of all incomes actually received by all individuals or households during a given year. In National Income there are some income, which is earned but not actually received by households such as Social Security contributions, corporate income taxes and undistributed profits. On the other hand there are income (transfer
payment), which is received but not currently earned such as old age pensions, unemployment doles, relief payments, etc. Thus, in moving from national income to personal income we must subtract the incomes earned but not received and add incomes received but not currently earned. Therefore, Personal Income = National Income Social Security contributions corporate income taxes undistributed corporate profits + transfer payments Disposable Income: From personal income if we deduct personal taxes like income taxes, personal property taxes etc. what remains is called disposable income. Thus, Disposable Income = Personal income personal taxes Disposable Income can either be consumed or saved. Therefore, Disposable Income = consumption + saving
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