Narrative Report Group 2
Narrative Report Group 2
Narrative Report Group 2
Clement Jophet Gonzales Wendell lores rances Leigh Lonzame Ru!y Ruthe Hermio Janne "icole Garcia #ariell #arbella
$n the %&th day o' "o!ember (&)%, *e conducted our 'irst laboratory acti!ity entitled +#agnetism,- . day be'ore our laboratory acti!ity, #a/am Tinay as0ed us to bring a magnet and a pile o' metal, Since #a/am Tinay *as not around during our laboratory acti!ity, *e are as0ed to per'orm on our o*n, We per'ormed a lot o' trials, 'irst using the t*o magnets and using the magnet and the piece o' metal, .t the end o' the day, *e *ere able to de'ine the three terms1 the magnet, the magnetic 'ield and the magnetic 'orce, .lso, *e *ere able to dra* the magnetic lines around a permanent magnet,
2ur laboratory acti!ity 'or today is about series and parallel circuit, #a/am Tinay said to us to bring magnet, *ires, and batteries, 2ur main ob3ecti!e is to ma0e an impro!ised parallel and series circuit and to be able to measure the !oltage and the current, We also compared the similarities and di''erences bet*een a parallel and series circuit, We used the multimeter in measuring the needed 4uantities, We learned that parallel circuit has di''erent 'lo* o' electricity compared to the series circuit *hich has only one *ay o' 'lo* , there'ore i' one bulb is not *or0ing in the parallel circuit , the other bulb *ill still *or0 unli0e the series circuit, the others *ont *or0, We ha!e 0no*n that opposite charges attract and same charges repel, We connected the *ires to the positi!e side and the negati!e side in order 'or them to *or0 properly,
2ur laboratory acti!ity *as held last 5ecember 678, (&)%and it *as entitled +Series and 9arallel Circuit,- We *ere as0ed to ma0e our impro!ised circuit, or us to be able to accomplish the said acti!ity, *e needed to di!ide the labor to the other members o' the group to ensure the circuits to *or0 properly, We 'irst created the series circuit and it *or0ed, We ha!e spent more time in ma0ing the parallel circuit due to the de'iciency in manpo*er, When #a/am e:tended the time 'or the submission o' this laboratory acti!ity, and because o' that, *e *ere able to 'inish the parallel circuit, The cooperation o' our group helped us to acie!e our goals to 'inish and pass our output on time, Time #anagement and proper di!ision o' labor *ere obser!ed in this Laboratory .cti!ity,