Part C: Production Techniques (ME C342) Open Book
Part C: Production Techniques (ME C342) Open Book
Part C: Production Techniques (ME C342) Open Book
Open book
&!te$ 14-12-2006 N'te$ Ass(me s(it!)*e +!*(es i, -e.ess!r/
Q 1 A cuboid mold of 100 cm side is to be filled by a parting line gate (mid way in one of the sides) of 10 cm2 !otal height of the sprue is "# cm $etermine the filling time of the mold neglecting frictional losses %&'
Q 2 A washer ha(ing internal and e)ternal diameters as #2 mm and "4 mm respecti(ely is to be made from a * # mm thic+ steel strip using a 0r'1ressi+e 2ie !he cutting is complete at *0, of the punch tra(el !he ultimate shear strength of the strip steel is ##0 2 /ind the shear to be pro(ided (assume e0ual shear on both the processes) in order to bring the 1ob within the capacity of a 100 +- press a(ailable in the shop %"'
Q * 2n a wire drawing operation3 initial wire diameter is # # mm and the final wire diameter is # mm $ie angle is 1403 die land is * mm and the co-efficient of friction is 0 1# /ind the drawing load Assume tensile yield strength (4y) 5 200 -.mm2 %&'
Q 4 !he ma)imum power capacity of a broaching machine is 1 # +6 7sing this machine3 a circular hole of diameter 20 mm in a *0 mm thic+ mild steel plate is to be enlarged to a diameter of 2# mm A cut per tooth of 0 0# mm is used and the ra+e angle pro(ided to the broach teeth is 100 Assuming the co-efficient of friction and shear stress to be 0 # and 400-.mm2 respecti(ely3 find out the minimum possible time in which one part can be machined 7se 8ee9s and :haffer9s shear angle relationship ;;;;;;; 374
Production Techniques (ME C342)
Comprehensive Examination !"m !r#s$ %0
C osed book
&!te$ 14-12-2006 N'te$ Be s(..i-.t, -' .re2it 5i** )e 1i+e- ,'r !m)i1('(s !-s5ers St!rt !-s5eri-1 e!.6 7(esti'- '- ! -e5 0!1e Q1 i) 6hat are the differences between a casting and its pattern other than shrin+age allowance3 machining allowance and draft< Also3 write the factors which guide us in deciding a pattern material for a gi(en 1ob ii) iii) i() () (i) $ifferentiate between impregnating and infiltration in powder metallurgy Also3 write the ad(antages and applications of both processes $ifferentiate between true centrifugal and semi centrifugal casting processes $iscuss (arious factors which reduce roll separating force in a rolling operation 6rite important process parameters of 7:= process 6ith the help of suitable figures3 show the effect of these parameters on material remo(al rate 6ith the help of a simple figure3 e)plain the wor+ing of a rotational molding process conducting material (iii) >)plain the mechanics of >$= process %&?*524' (ii) 6ith the help of a suitable figure3 e)plain the wor+ing of a plasma arc welding of a non-
$eri(e a relation of optimum cutting speed for minimum cost for a simple turning operation Assume constant feed and other rele(ant data for simplicity ;;;;;;; %6'