UX Is Not UI
UX Is Not UI
UX Is Not UI
UX has become a neologism. When something has good UX it is an implied meaning of having the core components of UX (research, maybe a persona, IA, interaction, interface, etc etc). Its not really necessary or desirable to tack the word design onto the end anymore. Its a distraction and leads people down a parallel but misguided path the path to thinking that UX = User Interface Design. I was inspired to write this post after viewing Elisabeth Huberts (@lishubert) presentation at the Future of Web Design 2012 conference in Prague. She says in the presentation quite clearly:
the word user altogether and just go by Experience Architect/Engineer/Strategist. I think this is partially to help keep them from being marginalized as only interface designers, and partially as a result of the broadening nature of UX. You could be a researcher and persona writer in a senior UX role and never touch an interface design (or even have the skills to). So what does UX actually mean? The various UX roles that a person can fulfill are plentiful. Some are whole jobs, some whole careers, and others are tactical roles we all dip in and out of.
Field research Face to face interviewing Creation and administering of tests Gathering, organizing, and presenting statistics Documentation of personas and findings Product design Feature writing Requirement writing Graphic arts Interaction design Information Architecture Usability Prototyping Interface layout Interface design Visual design Taxonomy creation Terminology creation Copy writing
Presentation and speaking Working tightly with programmers Brainstorm coordination Company culture evangelism Communication to stakeholders
Field research Face to face interviewing Creation and administering of tests Gathering, organizing, and presenting statistics Documentation of personas and findings Product design Feature writing Requirement writing Graphic arts Interaction design Information Architecture Usability Prototyping Interface layout Interface design Visual design Taxonomy creation Terminology creation Copy writing Presentation and speaking Working tightly with programmers Brainstorm coordination Company culture evangelism Communication to stakeholders
UI design is a huge part of UX. I would say that in a good majority of cases the UX designer does in fact design the interface. But UX is not UI. This is where the education of others comes in. Helping people understand just what UX is and the invaluable role it plays is illustrated beautifully with the UX Umbrella.
The UX Umbrella
In a presentation that Dan Willis (@uxcrank) did for the DC Startup Weekend in 2011, he had a phenomenal image that really shows what UX encompasses:
The items that are sheltered by the umbrella have two purposeful omissions user experience design and interface design. User experience design is omitted because it is the loose term that encompasses all of the various disciplines. Youre never really doing any user experience design that isnt just a combination of one or more of the things under the umbrella. User interface design is omitted because it is the crossover between visual design (look and feel) and the interaction design (how the look and feel work). Combine those two and you have an interface. The interface is the result of the solution design that came before it. A skillful interface designer understands the importance of providing the user with a solution to a defined problem.
3. With an idea of ways to solve the problem, some rapid experiments are carried out to validate the assumptions with the personas. 4. Some IA work is done to break out the product/site into the logical areas and hierarchies. 5. Various wireframes and sketches are drawn to start to organize where things could go on the screen. 6. With all the preceding research material and UX work, now mockups with UI included can be made with confidence. 7. With mockups and a UI designed, they are user tested and iterated on through some prototypes or experiments. 8. After the mockups have been vetted, its now time to code up the interface UI Design! 9. Once the usability of the UI has been honed, you can move it on to production the place that people usually think of as the singular UI. Thats quite an idealized journey. Not every step has to be taken depending on time and resources. Theres also nothing to stop it from going pretty fast; a matter of days even. Ive designed countless UIs straight from my head to the screen without following those steps, but thats not UX. I believe they call it design malpractice. Good UI is not trivial or simple solid UX, killer visuals, and effective interaction are all part of the formula.