Pregnancy Prayers
Pregnancy Prayers
Pregnancy Prayers
Om "adhavi #anathale Potri $. Om Parabbrahmaswaroo iniye Potri %. Om Padhma eedam &higa'hbavale Potri (. Om Parameswariye Potri 1). Om Pasanghushaye Potri 11. Om #edhikaikku Arul *eithavale Potri 12. Om Karu Kakkum Annaiye Potri 13. Om Kamala "ugathinale Potri 14. Om "aga eru &harubavale Potri 15. Om Kankanda +heivame Potri 1!. Om "ullaivanathu "udhalviye Potri 1$. Om *anthana ,akshmiye Potri 1%. Om #amadhevan -da uram Amarndhavale Potri 1(. Om Poo.aikku uriyavale Potri 2). Om Karuvarai Kadhiroliye Potri 21. Om *oundhariya Nayagiye Potri 22. Om "angala +eviye Potri 23. Om Aadi "adha Nayagiye Potri 24. Om Ambalavanan &hunaiye Potri 25. Om *andhana /'hile Potri 2!. Om *hambiviye Potri 2$. Om &her 0eri #arubavale Potri 2%. Om #amsam #alar avalae Potri 2(. Om Kalyaniye Potri 3). Om &hamirai &halinaiye Potri 31. Om /esanin -naiye Potri 32. Om Karumbanaiyale Potri 33. Om Pan1haraniya Parvathiye Potri 34. Om 2arbha uriyale Potri 35. Om vuruvai &higa'hbavale Potri 3!. Om Parugamudhe Potri 3$. Om Karuvai Niraibavale Potri 3%. Om Alangaravalliye Potri 3(. Om Nalvarin &halaiviye Potri 4). Om *andhanavasathinale Potri 41. Om Adhisayam *eibavale Potri 42. Om "okshanayagiye Potri 43. Om Abhaya Karathinale Potri 44. Om #aradha +eviye Potri 45. Om Parvadha Putriye Potri 4!. Om Angayarkanniye Potri
4$. Om /eshwariye Potri 4%. Om 3lagammaiye Potri 4(. Om Kanakambikaiye Potri 5). Om *hiva 0oga Nayagiye Potri 51. Om Auvshadhamanavale Potri 52. Om *hivanandha #alliye Potri 53. Om *hakthisswaroo iniye Potri 54. Om &hri urasundariye Potri 55. Om &hirunilai Nayagiye Potri 5!. Om "angaliye Potri 5$. Om +ee a #ilake Potri 5%. Om Kar agakaruve Potri 5(. Om Karunai Kadalae Potri !). Om 4agadeeshwariye Potri !1. Om *haila utriye Potri !2. Om +hukka Nivariniye Potri !3. Om "angala 5oo iniye Potri !4. Om "aheshwariye Potri !5. Om 6agawathiye Potri !!. Om 3ma +eviye Potri !$. Om #ara +evadhaiye Potri !%. Om Nithyaye Potri !(. Om 2ayathriye Potri $). Om "andhira #adive Potri $1. Om &handhira vuruve Potri $2. Om 0endhira Amaive Potri $3. Om 0oginiye Potri $4. Om 5a.eshwariye Potri $5. Om #ishveshwariye Potri $!. Om Kalyana +haadhriye Potri $$. Om +ivya 5oo iniye Potri $%. Om *umangaliye Potri $(. Om Kulam Ka avale Potri %). Om Puniyam tharubavale Potri %1. Om Aram valarkum Nayagiye Potri %2. Om 7handrakalavathiye Potri %3. Om Kashtanivariniye Potri %4. Om *ankatanasiniye Potri %5. Om *hankariye Potri %!. Om Kumkuma Nayagiye Potri %$. Om #i.ayaye Potri %%. Om 2owriye Potri %(. Om "adhankiye Potri (). Om #aageeshwariye Potri (1. Om 6hairaviye Potri (2. Om *hri 7hakra #asiniye Potri
(3. Om *hooliniye Potri (4. Om 4ayanthiye Potri (5. Om &hiri ura *undariye Potri (!. Om Narayaniye Potri ($. Om Navarathri Nayagiye Potri (%. Om *undariye Potri ((. Om #indhya #asiniye Potri 1)). Om &hayal Nayagiye Potri 1)1. Om Ammaiye Potri 1)2. Om "adhavi #aneeshwariye Potri 1)3. Om "allikarinyeshwariye Potri 1)4. Om 6havaniye Potri 1)5. Om Aarogyam Arulbavale Potri 1)!. Om 7hidanandhiye Potri 1)$. Om 2uhanandhiye Potri 1)%. Om 2arbharaksha ureeshwariye Potri On1e in an1ient days8 lived a 1ommon man 9A1h1hudha Kala ar9 in Pennaadum 8 *outh Ar1ot distri1t. :e was des erately longing ;or a baby ;or so many years and he told about his worries to a andit 9*agalaakama Pandit98 &he Pandit read the hold book <+evaram< and 1ame out with this rayer. 4ust as the Pandit had advised A1h1hudha Kala ar and his wi;e rea1hed the la1e 9&hiruvenkaadu9 and then took a holy bath and rayed with sole devotion to ,ord *hiva residing at &hiruvenkaadu. &he ,ord answered their rayers and blessed them with a baby boy who grew u as <"eikandaar<8 one o; the rominent *hiva devotees. &he ;ollowing verses has been blessed by the ,ord *hiva devotee <&hirugnana *ambandhar<. 5e1ite them in the morning and evening ;or 4% days and ray with sin1ere devotion to ,ord *iva. +uring those 4% days it is good to ;eed a 1ow with grass or ;ruits. P5/2NA70 P5A0/5 &O ,O5+ *:-#A kan kaatum nudhalaanung8 kanal kaattum kaiyaanum en kaatum uruvaanum irai kaatum sadaiyaanum an kaatum isaiyaanum ayir kaatum uyalaanum venkaatil uraivaanum vidai kaatum kodiyaaney= ei adaiya irivu eidhum illaiyinodu ulla ninaivu aayinavey varam eruvur aiyura vaenda ondrum vaeyana tho'h umai angan venkaatu mukkula neer thoi vinaiyaar avar thammaith thoyavaam thee vinayae mannoda neer anal kaaloda aagayum madhi iravi ennil varum iyamaanun ihabaramum en dhisaiyum enninodu aan erumaiyodu sirumaiyumam aeraalan vinnavar kon va'hi ada venkaadu idama virumbinaney vidamunda midutru annal venkaatin than uravin madal vinda mudhath tha'hai malar ni'halaik kuruhu endru thada mandu thuraikendai thamarai>in oo maraiya kada vinda kadhir mutha nahai kaatum kat1hiyadhey vaelaimali thankaanal ven kaataan thiruvadi ke'h
malaimali vansaandhal va'hi adu nun maraiyavun than mael adar vengaalan uyir vinda inai naman thoodhar aala midatraan adiyaar endru adara an.uvarey sakkaram maarku eendhaanum salandharanai i'handhaanum akkarai mael asaithaanum adaindha ayiraavadhum aniya mikku adhanukku aru'h surakkum venkaadum vinai thurakkum mukkulam nangu udaiyaanum mukkan udai iraivaney an moitha inimo'hiyaa'l bayam eidha malai edutha un maththan uram nerithu andra aru'h seidhaan uraikovil kan moitha karu mangngai nadamaadak kadal mu'hanga vin moitha o'hil vari vandu isai muralum venkaadey ka'h'haar sengamalathaan kadal kidandhaan ena ivargal ollanmai kolarkku odi uyarndhu aalndhum unarvariyaan vellaanai dhavum seiyum maedhahu venkaattaan endru ulladi urugaadhaar unarvudaimai unaromey bodhiyarkal indiyargal mindu mo'hi orul ennum edhaiyargal avar8 irimin arivudaiyeer idhu kaenmin vedhiyargal virumbiya seer viyan thiru venkaataan endru odhiyavar yaadhum oru theedhu ilar endru unaruminey than o'hil soo'h sanbaiyur kon thami'h gnana sambandhan vin oli ven irai1h 1henni vihirdhan urai venkaatai an oli sentami'h maalai aadiya athu ivai vallaar man oliya vaa'hndhavar oi vaan oilya uhuvarey= &:-537:7:-&55A"6A,A" *anais1hara 3va1ha?> ,ord *ani told?> 6hagawan deva devesa kru aya thwam .agat rabho 8 vamsakhya kava1ham broohi mahyam sishyaya they anagha yasya rabhavath devesa8 #amso vrudhir .ayathe8 Oh 2od 8 Oh god o; gods8 Oh ,ord o; the universe8 lease be kind enough to tell that Armour to this ;aultless dis1i le o; yours 8 whi1h deals about ;amily and by the ower o; whi1h 8 the ;amily will grow. *oorya 3va1ha?> @,ord *un said?> *runu uthra ravakshyami 8 vamsakhyaam kava1ham shubham8 *anthana vrudhir8 yath adath 2arbha raksha sada nrunam. 1 :ear what - narrate my son8 whi1h is the armour dealing with ;amily8 And would result in more 1hildren8 rote1tion o; regnan1y and the ;oetus. #andhya i labhathe uthram kaka vandhya suthair yadha8 "rutha vathsa su uthra asyath sravath 2arbha sthira ra.a. 2 *he who 1annot 1on1eive 1hildren would get sons8 *he who has only one 1hild would get more 1hildren8 *he who delivers dead 1hildren would get good 1hildren8 And her regnan1y would always be rote1ted and8 :er delivery would always be sa;e. A ush a ush inee yasaya 8 dharanas1ha sukha rasoo8
Kanya ra.a uthreeni yethath sthothram rabhavatha. 3 Aith the ower o; this rayer8 All regnan1ies would lead to sa;e delivery8 2irls who do not ;lower will ;lower8 And women with only girl 1hildren8 Aould be1ome mother o; male 1hildren. 6hootha rathadhi.a bhadha8 ya bhadha kali dhosha.a8 2raha bhadha 8 deva bhadha bhadha shathru krutha 1ha yaa. 4 6hasmee bhavathi sarvasthaa 8 kava1hasya rabhavatha8 *arva rogo vinasyanthi sarve bala grahas1ha yea. 5 Problems 1reated by ghosts and 1or ses8 Problems 1reated by Kali 8 lanets and devas8 And roblems 1reated by our enemies8 Aould 1om letely be1ome ashes 8 +ue to the ower o; this armour8 All diseases would be 1ured8 And all homes will have 1hildren. Poorva rakshathu #arahee8 1ha agneyam ambika swayam8 +akshine 7handika raksheth nairuthya hamsa vahini. ! ,et the east be rote1ted by #araahee8 ,et the south east be rote1ted by Ambika hersel;8 ,et the south be rote1ted by 7handika8 And let the south west be rote1ted by she who rides the swan. #arahe as1hime raksheth8 vayavyam 1ha maheswari8 3thare #aishnavi raksheth 8 eesanyam simha vahini. $ ,et the west be rote1ted by #arahee8 ,et the North Aest be rote1ted by 2reat goddess8 ,et the north be rote1ted by #aishnavi8 And the north east be rote1ted by she who rides the lion. Oordhwam thu sharadha raksheth8 adho rakshathu Parvathi8 *hakambharee shiro raksheth8 mukham rakshathu bhairavi. % ,et the overhead be rote1ted by *haradha8 ,et the down side be rote1ted by Parvathi8 ,et *hakhambaree rote1t my head8 And let 6hairavee rote1t my ;a1e. Kantam rakshathu 7hamunda8 hrudayam rakshatha1hiva8 /esani 1ha bhu.ou raksheth8 kukshim nabhim 1ha kalika. ( ,et my ne1k be rote1ted by 7hamunda8 ,et my heart be rote1ted by 1onsort o; *hiva8 ,et my arms be rote1ted by eeshani8 ,et my belly and navel be rote1ted by Kalika. A arna hyudaram raksheth katim bhasthim *hiva Priya8 Ooru rakshathu kaumari8 .aya .anu dhwayam thadha. 1) ,et my stoma1h be rote1ted by A arna8 ,et my hi and waist be rote1ted by darling o; *hiva8 ,e my thigh be rote1ted by Kaumari8
,et my air o; knees be rote1ted by 4aya. 2ul hou adou sada raksheth 6rahmani Parameshwari8 *arvangani sada raksheth durga durgarthi nasini. 11 ,et my ankle and ;eet be rote1ted by the goddess o; all 6rahmani8 And let all my body arts be always rote1ted by +urga 8 the destroyer o; ills. Namo devyai maha devyai durgai sathatham nama8 Puthra soukhyam dehi dehi 2arbha raksham kurushwa na. 12 *alutations to holy goddess 8 the great goddess8 And salutations always to 2oddess +urga Please give and give me leasure o; a son8 And lease also rote1t my regnan1y. Om :reem. :reem hreem8 sreem sreem sreem8 -ym 8 -ym 8 -ym "ahakali . "aha ,akshmi 8 "aha *araswathi roo ayai8 nava koti moorthyai8 +urgayai nama8 hreem8 hreem8 hreem. Om :reem. :reem hreem8 sreem sreem sreem8 -ym 8 -ym 8 -ym *he ho is o; the ;orm o; 2reat Kali8 great ,akshmi and 2reat *araswathi8 Aho has billions o; newer and newer ;orms8 *alutations to +urga8 hreem8 hreem8 hreem. +urgarthi nasini *anthana soukhyam dehi dehi Oh +urga8 destroyer o; all roblems8 give and give me leasure o; 1hildren #andhyathwam mrutha vathsathwam hara hara +estroy the ossibility o; 1hildlessness and ossibility o; dead 1hildren 2arbha raksham kuru kuru Prote1t and rote1t my regnan1y. *akalam bhadham krutham akrutham 1ha nasaya nasaya +estroy and destroy all sort o; roblems arising out o; ;amily8 ;rom outside8 And due to a1tions done and not done. *arva 2athrani raksha raksha ,et all my body be rote1ted and rote1ted. 2arbham oshaya oshaya :el my regnan1y to grow8 and to grow8 *arvo adhravam soshaya soshaya swaha8 ,et all roblems be weakened and weakened. Anena kave1hanangam sa tha varabhi manthritham8 5ithu snano .alam eethwa bhaveth garbhavathi druvam. 13 &hose sinless who without ;ail 1hant this armour ;or seven days8 And &aking bath a;ter the eriods 8 they would be1ome regnant ;or sure. 2arbha atha bhaye eethwa druda 2arbha ra.ayathe 14 &o those who are a;raid o; abortions a ;irm regnan1y would set. Anena kava1henaadha mar.itha yaa nisagame8 *arva badha vinirmuktha garbhinee syath na samsaya. 15 5e eating without sin the armour with a 1leansed mind at onset o; darkness8 One would get rid o; all roblems and would no doubt be1ome regnant. Anena kava1heneha grandhitham raktha dorakam8 Kati dese darayanthi su uthra sukha bhagini8 Asootha uthramindrani .ayanthamyath rabhavatha. 1! &he sinless one a;ter reading the armour several times8
Over a red thread and ties it on her hi 8 Aould surely be1ome a mother o; a son without roblems8 And that son in his rowess will win over even -ndra. 2uru adhishtam vamsakhyam kava1ham thadhidham sada8 2uhyath guhyathara 1hedham na rakasyam hi sarvatha8 +haranath atanadhasya vamsa1hedho na 1.ayathe. 1$ &his Armour as er tea1hings o; 2uru should be learned by heart8 Bor it is more se1ret than the se1ret and should not be 1ut or made known8 And wearing or reading this will ensure that ;amily is never 1ut. -thi *ri 4nana 6haskare #amsa #rudhikaram +urga kava1ham. &his is the armour o; +urga whi1h romotes ;amily ;rom 4nana 6:askara 6y 6rahmasri *engali uram Anantha 5ama +eekshithar *ri 2arbharakshamgai song? @5e eat the 1st stan'a a;ter every stan'aC *ri "adhavi kananasye>2arbha8 5akshambike ahi bhaktham sthuvantham. -n the ;orest o; sa1red .asmine8 devotees ray8 Prote1t us Oh rote1tor o; regnan1y #a i thate vama bhage8 vama +evasya devi sthidha thwam8 "anyaa varenyaa vadaanya8 ahi8 2arbhasya .anthun thadha bhktha lokaan. 1 -n the shore o; the ond8 you are8 *ituated on the le;t side o; the 2od8 Oh res e1ted goddess8 Oh giver o; boons8 Oh 2oddess who s eaks with gra1e8 Prote1t all animals and devotees during regnan1y. *ri 2arbha raksha ure yaa8 divya8 *oundarya yuktha8 sumangalya gathri8 +hathree8 .anithri .anaanaam8 divya8 5oo aam +hayardraam manognaam bha.e thaam. 2 Oh 2oddess o; the town o; rote1tion o; regnan1y8 Aho is blessed with divine beauty8 who 1arries a good mangalyaD8 Aho gives every one8 who is the mother o; all8 Aho is retty8 who melts with mer1y8 - sing about you. D&he mangal *uthra>-t 1ould also mean a god with blessed ;orm Aashada mase su unye8 shukra8 #aare sugandhena gandhena li tha8 +ivyambaraa kal a veshaa8 va.a8 Peyadhi yagasya bhakthasya sudrushtaa. 3 -n the month o; AshadaD8 on Bridays8 0ou are 1overed with s1ented sandal aste8 And dressed in divine 1loths and o;;ered8 6y lu1ky devotees8 the #a.a eya sa1ri;i1e.
D 4uly>August o; the *ouramana :indu 1alendar Kalyana dhathrim namasye8 #edi8 Kang1ha *thriyaa 2arbha raksha kareem thwaam8 6aalai sada sevithaangri82arbha 5akshartha8 maaraa dhu e thaiu ethaam. 4 - salute her who gives all that is good8 who8 Prote1ts #edi1 undits and regnan1y o; women8 Bor she always rote1ts 1hildren in regnan1ies8 Ahen the delivery time 1omes very near ;or them. 6rahmothsava vi ra veedhyaam8 #aadhya8 2osheena thushtaam radhena sannivishtaam8 *arvartha dhatrim bha.eham8 deva8 #rundaira eedaayaam 4agan matharam thwam. 5 +uring the 6rahmothsava8D along with sound o; musi18 *itting on a 1hariot you go round the streets o; 6rahmins8 And - ray you8who is the giver o; all that is good8 Aho removes the roblems o; grou s o; gods8 And is the mother o; the entire universe. DAnnual ;estival 0ethad krutham stotra rathnam8 +eekshitha8 Anantha ramena devyaa thusta1hyai8 Nithyam adethyasthu bhakthya8 uthra8 Pothradhi bhagyam 6:avethasya nithyam. ! &his .ewel o; rayer8 1om osed by Anantha 5ama +eekshithar8 Bor the sake o; leasing the goddess8 -; read daily with devotion8 Aould lead to sons8 grand sons and daily lu1k. -thi 6rahma sri Anantharama +eekshitha vira1hitham 2arbha rakshambikaa stotram *Am oornam. &hus ends the rayer addressed to 2arbha 5akshambika8 7om osed by *ri Anantha 5ama +eekshithar. &ranslated by P. 5. 5ama1hander 2arbha 5aksha *totram8 6y *age *ounaka. @Please re1ite a11ording to the months8 details given belowC /hyehi 6hagawan 6rahman8 Pra.a kartha8 ra.a athe8 Pragruhsheeniva balim 1ha imam8 Aaa athyaam raksha garbhineem. 1 Please a11e t this sa1red O;;ering8 ,ord 6rahma8 Aho 1reates eo le8 And who is the lord o; the eo le8 And be leased to rote1t8 &his lady who is in the ;amily way8 Brom all dangers. Aswini deva devesou8
Pragrhneethaam balim dwimam8 *aa athyaam 2arbhineem 1ha imam8 7ha 5akshatham oo.a yanaya. 2 Oh Aswini +evas8 Aho are the do1tors o; 2ods8 Please a11e t this sa1red o;;ering8 And be leased to rote1t8 &his lady who is in the ;amily way. 6e1ause o; this worshi o;;ered to you. Brom all dangers. 5udraas1ha ekaadasa rokthaa8 Pragruhananthu balim dwimam8 0ushmaakam reethaye vrutham8 Nithyam rakshathu 2arbineem. 3 Oh :oly 5udras who are eleven8 Please a11e t this sa1red o;;ering8 Ahi1h has been made as er your wish8 &o get your mer1y and blessing8 And be leased to rote1t daily8 &his lady who is in the ;amily way. Aadhithya dwadasa rokthaa8 Pragrahneethwam balim dwimam8 0ushmagam the.asaam vrudhya8 Nithyam rakshatha garbhineem. 4 Oh :oly *un 2ods who are twelve8 Please a11e t this o;;ering8 *o that your great luster in1reases8 6e leased to a11e t this sa1red o;;ering8 And be leased to rote1t daily8 &his lady who is in the ;amily way. #inayaka 2anadhyaksha8 *hiva Puthra "aha 6ala8 Pragrahneeshwa balim 1ha imam8 *a athyam raksha garbhineem. 5 Oh #inayaka8 Oh 2anesa8 Oh *on o; ,ord *hiva8 Oh 2od who is very strong8 Please a11e t this sa1red o;;ering8 And be leased to rote1t8 &his lady who is in the ;amily way. Brom all dangers. *kanda *hanmukha +evesa8 Puthra reethi vivardhana8 Pragrahneeshwa 6alim 1ha imam8 *a athyaam raksha 2arbhineem. ! Oh *kanda8 Oh 2od with siE heads8
Oh 2od who is the 1hie; o; devas8 Oh 2od who in1reases the love ;or our sons8 Please a11e t this sa1red o;;ering8 And be leased to rote1t8 &his lady who is in the ;amily way8 Brom all dangers. Prabhaasa8 Prabhavassyama8 Prathyoosho maruth nala8 +ruvoo dhura dhuras1haiva 8 #asavoshtou rakeerthitha8 Pragrahnee thwam 6alim 1ha imam8 Nithyam raksha garbhineem. $ Oh Prabhasa8 Oh Prabhava8 Oh *yama8 O; Prathyusha8 Oh "arutha8 Oh Anala8 Oh +hruva8 Oh +huradhura8 Aho are the eight sa1red #asus8 Please a11e t this sa1red o;;ering8 And be leased to rote1t daily8 &his lady who is in the ;amily way. Pithur devi8 Pithusreshte8 6ahu uthri8 maha bale8 6hootha sreshte Nisa vase8 Nirvruthe8 sounaka riye8 Pragrahneeshwa balim 1ha imam8 *a athyam raksha garbhineem. % Oh 2oddess o; my manes8 Oh 2oddess who is greater than my manes8 Oh 2oddess who has all women as daughters8 Oh 2oddess who is very strong8 Oh 2oddess who is greater than all beings8 Oh 2oddess who rote1ts us at night8 Oh 2oddess8 who does not have any blemishes8 Oh 2oddess who was worshi ed by *ounaka8 Please a11e t this sa1red o;;ering8 And be leased to rote1t8 &his lady who is in the ;amily way8 Brom all dangers. 5aksha 5aksha "ahadeva8 6aktha anugraha Karaka8 Pakshi vahana 2ovinda8 *a athyam raksha 2arbhineem. ( Oh 2od who is greatest8 6e leased to rote1t and rote1t8 Oh 2od who showers blessing on his devotees8 Oh 2ovinda8 who rides on a bird8
6e leased to rote1t8 &his lady who is in the ;amily way8 Brom all dangers. +aily chant these slokas thinking of Sri Garbharakshambigai and have her picture with you in the prayer room and with you. It will give you a confidence that she is protecting you and your child always. 1.+uring the se1ond month read the ;irst two slokas daily as many times as 1anF 2.+uring the third month read the ;irst three slokas daily as many times as 1anF 3.+uring the ;ourth month read the ;irst ;our slokas daily as many times as 1anF 4.+uring the ;i;th month read the ;irst ;ive slokas daily as many times as 1anF 5.+uring the siEth month read the ;irst siE slokas daily as many times as 1anF !.+uring the seventh month read the ;irst seven slokas daily as many times as 1anF $.+uring the eighth month read the ;irst eight slokas daily as many times as 1anF %.+uring the ninth month read all the nine slokas daily as many times as 1anF -t is believed that this would ensure sa;e delivery. Bor sa;e regnan1y and sa;e delivery o; the baby :ey sangara *hamarahara PramadhaadhiNaadhari "annaadha shaamba sasisuda :arithiri*ulin sambo suga rasava kiruthbavame dhayaalo :ey"aadhavi#anesa Paalayamaam Namasthe &o 2ain blessings o; 2arbarakshambigai ;or sa;e delivery o; the baby8 re1ite the below slogam ;or 1)% times everyday? :amavath yuthare Paar1hve shuradhaa naama yakshini +hasyaa *hmarana "aathrena visalyaa 2arbinibavedhu *wayamvara arvathi "antra? Om Hreem Yoginim Yogini Yogeswari Yoga Bhayankari Sakala Sthavara Jangamasya Mukha Hridayam Mama Vasam akarsha Akarshaya Namaha *anthana 2o ala "antra @1)% times a day till the date o; deliveryC Om +evaki *udha 2ovinda #asudeva 4agath Pathe +ehimey &hanayam Krishna &hwamaham *aranam Kadhahaa +eva +eva 4agannatha 2othra #ridhi Kara Prabho +ehimey &hanayam *heegram Ayushmandham 0ashashreenam 2arbarakshambigai sloka to 1on1eive and to revent abortion. Aum devendhiraani namosthubyam +hevendhira iriya baamini #ivaaha baakyam aarokyam uthra laabam sadhehime Padhim dhehi sudham dhehi *oubaakyam dhehime subhe *oumaangalyam subam 2nayanam +hehime 2arbarakshake
Kaathyaayini mahaamaaye "aha yoginya dhisvari Nandhagoba seedham dhevam Padhim "egurudhe Namah 2arbha rakshambigai 2ayathri @to 1on1eive... also to revent abortionC Om 2arbharakshambigai vithmahe "anggala devatheye dhimahe &hanno devi rosothayat Other "antras to 1on1eive a male baby @sonC *arvabadhabinirmukto dhanadhanyasutanvitah "anushyo tat rasaden bhavishyati na samshayah "oola "antra to 1on1eive and to revent abortion Om hrim la..a ..alyam thah thah lah om hrim svaha &o revent abortion Pumansam Patram 4aney &am Pumananu 4ayatam 6hagvati Putranam "ata 4atanam 4amyashyam 0an< > atharvana veda Other slokas +evakisutam 2ovindam #asudevam 4agat atim +ehime&anayam Krishna twam>aham *haranagatah.
Paamban sreemath kumaraguru daasa swamigal arul seitha vear ku'havee veatkai Pathine londrumvi'hai seiyya aatha molida nan mathi oan maamaimuga manda lamba kukkanagung kathiye verku'havee ninnaik kaadha laatra'huva nithiye vaaraayo kaiga neellu kindranave 1 seevi mudithasigai sem or sutti nan ku'haigal mevu muru uni'hal seiya vaadum verku'havee yeval kodutharulla venni yenmun vaaraayo koovai verutha kanga li1hai kollu kindranave 2 aave run.savaiyar me1hi aadum verku'havee seve run avalath theiva vaayai yethirandhu thoove rinkaraiga lingu1h 1holla vaarayo
kove yenseviga li1hai kollu kindrave 3 onnaar kandasara nangu oonda thangavo'hik konnaar vearku'havee nalla kovvai ninitha'hai yennaar vantheera vingu nalga vaarayo unnaa runnilaiyum vaayu mooru kindranave 4 yenne rum alayi lendra vealbi diththasaiyung kanye sengu'havee yendran kanga naanda'hage thanee rumvadhana muththan thaaro yo irithu nannaa vennullandhaa ninnai naadu kindratharoo 5 muthe maamaniye mullai vet1hi nankadambu vaithaa na unaindhen munnar vaara yovu'halun. sithaar verku'havee yu1hi sevvan moandhukolla vithe yenmooki ni1hai meeru kindratharoo ! -yaar nallaraiyir onva danga laadavu'hal vaiyaar verku'havee yingu vaara yogaalgal maiyaar kanmalarga llinbu malga moandhu kolla meyyaa yenmooki ni1hai meeru kindratharoo $ on oan meniyile nalla booma nangama'hum inbe verku'havee yingu vaaraa yoviriyaa anbaar unmuruval seiyyu maarvir alla'hagen thunbee rambenavee nen.1hand thullu kindratharoo % kallaar sengkarumbe kandu thene yinnamudhun killaai verku'havee yenbar kealle maathumaiyaal illaai kanniyondru nall etbe naanraruven thalla thekoallarken munnar vaaraa yodhakaiye ( maanbaar sandhamuni yinba vaa'hve nine'hilaik kaanbaar vera'hagu minguk kaanbaar kollonaan oonbaa dan.iyunai nangu kaanbaa nindruvandhen veenboo kaadha adi yinggan vaaraai verku'havee 1) %. *5// *365A:"AN0A A*&AKA"G KA5A#A,A"6:A" :e *waaminaatha Karunaakara +eena 6andho *ree Paarvateesha "ukha Panka.a Padma 6andho *ree /eshaadi +evagana Poo.ita Paada adma #allee /esanaatha "ama +ehi Karaavalambam. +evaadi +evasuta +evaganaadi Naatha +evendra #andya "rudu anka.a "an.u aada +evarshi Naarada "uneendra *ugeeta Keerte #allee /esanaatha "ama +ehi Karaavalambam. Nityaannadaana Niradaakhila 5ogahaarin 6haagya Pradaana Pari oorita 6haktakaama *hrutyaagama Pranava #aa1hya Ni.aswaru a #allee /esanaatha "ama +ehi Karaavalambam. Kraun1ha Asoorendra Parikhantana *hakti *hule
7haa aadi *hastra Parimandita +ivya aane *ree Khantaleesha +ruta &unda *hikheendra #aaha #allee /esanaatha "ama +ehi Karaavalambam. +evaadi +eva 5athamandala "addhyametya +evendra Peetanagaram +ruda 7haa ahasta *hooram Nihatya *oora Kotibhireedyamaana #allee /esanaatha "ama +ehi Karaavalambam. :aaradi 5atna #ara 0ukta Kireeta :aara Keyoora Kundala ,asat Kava1haabhiraama :e #eera &aaraka 4ayaamara 6runda #andya #allee /esanaatha "ama +ehi Karaavalambam. Pan1haaksharaadi "anu "antrita 2aanga &oyai? Pan1haamrutai? Pramuditendra "ukhair "uneendrai? Pattaabhishikta :ariyukta #araasanaatha #allee /esanaatha "ama +ehi Karaavalambam. *ree Kaartikeya Karunaamruta Poorna +rushtyaa Kaamaadiroga Kalusheekruta +ushta 7hittham *hiktvaa &u "aamava Kalaadhara Kaanti Kaantyaa #allee /esanaatha "ama +ehi Karaavalambam. *ubramanya Ashtakam Punyam 0e attanti +wi.ottama? &e *arve "uktimaayaanti *ubramanya Prasaadata? *ubramanya Ashtakam -dam Praathar 3tthaaya 0a? Pattet Koti 4anma Krutam Paa am &at Kshannaateva Nashyati
"aha Kali Namosthuthe *alutations to "aha Kali8 Aho is the great goddess8 the great 1om anion o; ,ord *hiva8 Aho is well known as 2auri and Kaushiki. &ara +evi @*he is blue in 1olour 8 wears a ne1kla1e o; 1or ses . *he has only one head stand on ,ord *hiva . *he is su osed to shower motherly instin1t and is the 2oddess o; knowledge . *he is su ose to give wisdom8 ro;it in business and is su ose to be e;;e1tive against 2uru +oshaC 2."unda mala vibhooshithe neela ru inee 8 0eka .ata neela *araswathi nama #ikhyathe8 &ara devi namosthuthe. *alutations to 2oddess &ara 8 Aho wears the ne1kla1es o; dead bodies8 Aho is blue in 1olour 8 Aho is well known as 0eka 4ata and Neela *araswathi. 7hinna mastha @ &he very ;ero1ious ;orm o; the goddess. *he is red in 1olour 8 with severed head 8 drinks blood and stands on a 1ou le in 1o ulation. *he is su osed to grant 1ourage to ;ight with enemies. "agi1ians also worshi her to 1ause harm to someone.C 3.5udhira ana riye 8 khaditha *iro ru ini8 5akthakesi 8 1hinnabala nama vikhyathe 8 7hinnamastha namosthuthe *alutations to 2oddess 7hinnamastha 8 Aho likes to drink blood 8 who a ears without head8 Aho is well known as 5akthakesi and 7hinna bala. *hodasi or ,aitha "aha &ri ura *undari *he is o; golden 1olour and is normally de i1ted together with ,ord *hiva. *itting on a throne or seat with ;our legs. *he is the su reme goddess and removes the dosha due to 6udha. 4.*hodasa Kala ari oorne AAdhya *hakthi roo ini 8 *ri #idhya Pan1ha vakthra nama #ikhyathe 8 *hodasi namosthuthe *alutations to the 2oddess *hodasi 8
Aho has 1om leted siEteen years o; age 8 Aho has the l8ook o; the rimeval ower 8 Aho is well known as *rividhya and Pan1havakthra 6huvaneswari *he is the goddess o; the universe. *he is normally de i1ted with ;our hands8 with goad8 ro e and the other two showing giving boons and another rote1tion. *he removes 7handra +osha. 58Pasankusa dari durgam asura samharini8 *hatakshi sakambari nama #ikhyathe 8 6:uvaneswari namosthuthe. *alutations to 2oddess 6:uvaneswari8 Aho holds the ro e and the goad 8 Aho kills very ;ero1ious asuras 8 Aho is well known as *hatakshi and *akambari 6hairavi *he is mother to the good eo le terror to bad ones. *he is seen holding book8 rosary8 and making ;ear>dis elling and boon>1on;erring gestures. *he is also known as 6aala or &ri urabhairavi. !.Arunambara dari 8 ranava roo ini 8 0ogeeswari 8 3ma nama vikhyathe 8 &ri ura 6:airavi Namosthuthe *alutations to 2oddess &ri ura 6:airavi 8 Aho wears 1loths o; the red ur le 1olour8 Aho has the ;orm o; letter HOmI8 Aho is well known as 0ogeswari and 3ma +hoomavathi +humavati re resents the ;earsome as e1t o; +evi8 the :indu +ivine "other. *he is o; smoky 1olour 8 an old8 ugly widow @-8e Aithoutr *hivaC and is asso1iated with things 1onsidered inaus i1ious and unattra1tive in :induism8 su1h as the 1row and the 7haturmas eriod. &he goddess is o;ten de i1ted on a horseless 1hariot or riding a 1row8 usually in a 1remation ground.*he is su osed to remove 5ahu +osha. $.+ushta abi1hara dwamsini 8 kaka dwa.a 5adha roode8 *uthara thamasi nama #ikhyathe 8 +hoomavathi namosthuthe
*alutations to 2oddess +hoomavathi 8 Aho destroys the atta1k o; bla1k magi1 8 Aho rides on a 1hariot with ;lag o; 1row 8 Aho is well known as *uthara and &hamsi 6agalamukhi 6agalamukhi has a golden 1om leEion and her dress is yellow. *he sits in a golden throne in the midst o; an o1ean o; ne1tar ;ull o; yellow lotuses. A 1res1ent moon adorns her head. *he is believed to have the ower to remove Ku.a +osha8 %.Pitambara dari shathru bhaya nivarini8 4walamuki #aishhnavi nama #ikhyathe 8 6agala "ukhi namosthuthe *alutations to 2oddess 6:agalamuki 8 Aho wears yellow silk 1loths 8 Aho removes ;ear as well as enemies 8 Aho is well known as 4walamukhi and #aishnavi "atangi *he is 1onsidered as the &antri1 ;orm o; *arasvati8 the goddess o; musi1 and learning. ,ike *arasvati8 "atangi governs s ee1h8 musi18 knowledge and the arts. :er worshi is res1ribed to a1Juire su ernatural owers8 es e1ially gaining 1ontrol over enemies8 attra1ting eo le to onesel;8 a1Juiring mastery over the arts and gaining su reme knowledge.. &hose with ;amily roblems worshi her to get ea1e . (.Ardha 1handra dhari 8 Kadamba vana vasini8 #aagdevi *araswathi nama #ikhyathe 8 "atangi namosthuthe. *alutations to goddess "atangi8 Aho wears the 1res1ent and lives in a garden o; Kadamba trees8 Aho is well known as #aagdevi and *araswathi Kamalathmika *he is o; golden 1om leEion8 sits on a lotus ;lower and is bathed by ;our ele hants8 *he removes the *hukra dosha. 1).*uvarna kanthi samanvithe 8 maha #ishnu saha1harini 8 6:argavi "ahalakshmi nama vikhyathe 8 Kamala Namosthuthe *alutations to 2oddess Kamala8 Aho has a golden aura and is 1om anion o; "aha #ishnu 8 Aho is well known as 6haragavi and "ahalakshmi
1.Kalika @Kalika is ;earless8 lives in 1remation ground8 horrible to look at 8 naked8 wearing garland o; skulls8 and has a long toungue ro.e1ting outside. *he is su osed to have great maternal a;;e1tion. 0ou would get 1ourage 8 wealth 8 ower 8 health and liberation by raying to her *Ayaa 1hina siraa8 sri annam abhayam hasthair varam bibratheem8 2horasyam shirasaam suru 1hiraa mun muktha keshavallem8 *rukkyaa sruk ravahaam smasana nithyaam sruthyoho shavalankrithim8 *hyamaangeem krutha mekhalam shavakai devim bha.e Kalikam. - sing about Kalika 8 whose head is 1ut o;; 8 who holds a sword in one hand 8 Aho shows sign o; rote1tion8 who has a dread;ul and terri;ying head8 Aho de1orates hersel; with a garland o; skulls 8 who has disheveled hair8 Aho has blood ;lowing ;rom her mouth 8 who daily lives in the 1remation ground8 Aho de1orates her ears with 1or ses8 who has bla1k body and girdle o; hands o; 1or ses. 2.&ara @*he is the energy that hel ed ,ord *hiva to digest the Kala Koota oison. *he sits stret1hing her right leg and ;olding her le;t leg. *he holds a blue lotus ;lower 8 a skull 8 sword and other wea ons in her hands. Prayer her would hel one get oeti1 ability 8 royal honour and wealth .C #iswa vyaa aka 8 varee "adhya vilasath swetambu .anma sthithaabhyaam8 Karthree khadga ka ala neela nalinai raa.athkaraam neelaabhaam8 Kan1hi kundala hara kankana lasad keyura man.eerakaam8 Aa tair nagavarair vibhoosgitha thanoo8 marakatha nethra thrayaam8 Pingograika .ataam lasad su rasaanaam damshtraa karaala ananam8 7harma dwai ivaraam katou vidathreem 8 swethasthi attalikaam8 Akshoyena viraa.a maana sirasaam 8 smeraanana amboruhaam8 &aaraam shava hridaasanaam dridha ku1haam ambaam trilokya smareth. - meditate on the mother goddess who is s read all over the world 8 Aho sits on the ;ully o ened white lotus ;lower whi1h is on the water8 Aho is the doer holding a sword 8 skull and blue lotus8 who is o; blue 1olour8 Aho wears girdle 8 ear globes 8 garland 8 bangles 8 bra1elets and anklets8 Ahose body is 1oiled by great ser ents 8 who has three emerald like eyes 8 Aho has reddish brown hair8 who sits on a golden throne 8 Aho has a ;ear;ul ;a1e with rotruding teeth 8 who wears a skin o; a tiger on her waist8 Aho is in the white desert land 8 Aho de1orates her head with bones 8 Aho has smiling lotus like ;a1e and Aho is the ;irm breasted &ara seated on the 1hest o; the 1or se.
3.6hairavi @6:airavi is su osed to have been born when ,ord 6rahma meditated on her to get the ability to do 1reation. *he wears garland o; skulls 8 has three eyes8 wears a gem studded 1rown 8 de1orated by the moonKs 1res1ent. *he holds a book as well as rosary. "editating on her is su osed to ward o;; all misha s and dangers.C 3dyatht bhanu sahasra kanthim arunakshoumam siro maalikaam8 5aktha li tha ayodharaam .a a varaam vidhyaam abhithim varam8 :asthab.air dadatheem 8 trinethra vilasad 8 vakthravinda sriyaam8 +eveem badha himamshu rathna makutaam 8 vande su mandasmithaam. - salute her with a retty smile 8 who has brillian1e o; thousand suns8 Aho wears a red dress and a garland over her head 8 who has blood stained breasts8 Aho meditates8 grants knowledge and ;earlessness and holds a lotus ;lower8 Aho has lotus like ;a1e with three eyes and wears the moon on her 1rown. 4.+hoomavathi @+hoomavathi is o; the 1olour o; smoke. *he rides on a 1row 8 has a winnow in one hand and estle in another. *he is su osed to 1om letely eradi1ate ignoran1e.8 makes one ;ree o; ;ear and over1ome negative emotions like anger8 .ealousy et1.C #ivarnaa 1han1hala dushtaa deega1ha malinambaraa8 #imuktha kunthala rookshaa vidhavaa viraala dvi.aa 8 Kaaka dwa.astharoodaa vilambitha ayodharaa8 *hoor a hasthathi rakthaakshee drutha hasthaa varanvithaa8 Pravrudha ghonaa thu brusam kutilaa kutilekshhanaa 8 Kshuth i asa aaraditha nithya8 bhayadhaa kalahass adaa. - salute the 2oddess who is dis1olored8 who is ;i1kle8 Aho has wi1ked eyes8 who wears dirty 1loths8 Aho has untied hair8 who is rugged 8 who is a widow8 who has uneven teeth8 Aho rides on a 1hariot with 1row as a ;lag8 who has hanging breasts 8 Aho holds winnow in her hand 8 who has blood red eyes8 who has ;ast hand to give boons8 Aho wears torn 1loths8 who is 1rooked and has a 1urved and 1rooked eyes8 Aho is su;;ering ;rom hunger and thirst 8 who makes one s1ared and Juarrelsome. 5.7hinna mastha @*he a ears holding her 1ut o;; head whi1h drinks the blood whi1h 1omes out o; her trunk 8 surrounded by her ;riends #arinee and +aakinee. *he holds the sakthi wea on on her le;t hand and 1ut head on her right hand. "editation is su osed to hel the devotee get anything that he desires8 in1luding 1hildren8 wealth and salvation.C Naabohu *hubraa 8 *aro.a vakthra vilasath bandhooka ush a arunaam8
6haaswath 6haskara mandalaam 8 thad u are thad yoni 1hakram mahath8 &han madhye vi areetha maithuna ratha radyumnasathkaminee 8 Prushtasthaam tharunarka koti vilasath the.a swaroo aam shivaam8 #aame 1hina shirodharaam thad ithare anou mahath karthikaam8 Paratyaaleedha adaam digantha vasanumuktha kesha vru.aam8 7hinnathmeeya sirah samu1halad asrugdharaam ibantheem araam8 6aladithya sama rakasha vilasanethra thrayod bhasineem. - salute the goddess in has a ure navel whi1h shines like a lotus ;lower and is like the red 6andhooka ;lower8 Aho shines like the sun and has over her a great 0oni 7hakra8 And in the middle o; it that greatly assionate one is seen in the osture o; reverse 1ohabitation8 Aho is shining like billions o; torrid burning suns 8 Aho is the s arkling wi;e o; ,ord *hiva8 Aho holds her 1ut head in her le;t hand and a big sword in the other hand8 Ahose legs are drawn ba1k 8 who is naked with disheveled hair8 Aho is drinking the blood gushing out o; her own body in to the 1ut head8 Aho has shine o; the early morning sun and who has three 1lear eyes !.&ri ura or *rividhya @*he holds the goad 8 noose 8 ;ive ;lower arrows8 sugar 1ane and the bow 2reat Power as well as knowledge is bestowed on her devotees.C *a kunkuma vile anaa malli kasthurikaam8 *Amandha hasithe kshanaam sa sara 1ha a asangusaam 8 Asesha .ana mohineem aruna malya bhooshambaram8 4a a kusuuma basuraam .a a vidhou smaradembikaam. "editate on her8 Aho a lies sa;;ron on her body8 Aho a lies musk whi1h is attra1ts bees on her8 Aho has a beauti;ul smile8 Aho has with her bows8 arrows and ro e and a goad8 Aho attra1ts all the souls8 Aho wears red garland8 Aho wears great dresses and ornaments8 And who is o; the 1olour o; the red hibis1us8 $.6huvaneswari @*he is in the ;orm o; rising sun 8 has three eyes8 wears the 1res1ent o; the moon .*he holds noose8 and the goad *he gives her devotees wealth leasure 8 high osition and o ularity.C
Kala vyaktha vibhaakaraam itha nibhaam bhavya radhaam bharatheem8 /esath hulla mukambu.a smitha kariahi aashaabavanda aham8 Pasaan1ha abhaya m ankusam 1ha varadaam sabibratheem bhoothidhaam8 6ra.antheem 1hathurambu.akrithi karaihi bhakthyaa tham easwareem. - salute the 2oddess with devotion who has the limitless shine o; the sun8 8 Aho gives gra1ious boons 8 who is goddess o; learning 8 Aho removes the darkness the desire and avari1e by the smile o; her lotus like ;a1e8 Aho holds the noose 8 goad in her hands as well shows sign o; blessing and rote1tion by them8 And who shines like ;ire with her ;our hands resembling lotus ;lowers. %.6agalamukhi @*he 1ontrols the toungue o; the enemy and bestows vi1tory on us.C *ouvarnasana samasthithaam trinayanaa8 eethaam 8 sukho ullasineem8 :emabhanga ru1him sasanka makutaam sa1ham aka sragyuthaam8 :asthar mudgara asha va.ra rahanaa hasaam bibratheem bhooshyanihi8 #ya thaann geem bagalamukheem tri.agatham samsthambhineem 1hinthayeth. - think o; 6hagalamukhi 8 who looks a;ter all the three worlds 8 Aho sits on a golden throne 8 Aho has three eyes 8 Aho is yellow in 1olour 8 Aho en.oys leasures 8 Aho shines like gold 8 Aho kee s the moon on her 1rown8 Aho wears garland o; 7ham aka ;lowers 8 Aho holds in her hands8 A ma1e 8 a noose 8 a thunderbolt and also a girdle8 And whose every art o; the body is de1orated with ornaments. (."athangi @*he is the minister o; 5a.ara.eswari.*he has two hand maids 1alled #agvadhini and ,akuli . *he is 1a able o; making your enemy in an argument as dumb..*he is o; green 1olour and lays on the lute. +evotees get greatness in art by ro itiating her.C 2hana shyamalangi sthithaam rathna eete8 *ukasyodithaam srunvatheem 5aktha vasthraam8 *ura ana mathaam 8 saro. a sthithaam sreem8 6ha.a vallakim vadayantheem 8 mathangim. - sing about "atangi 8 who looks like dark bla1k 1louds 8 who sits on a gem studded lat;orm8 Aho listens to rattle o; arrots 8 who wears 1loths o; red blood 1olour8 Aho is in the state o; intoEi1ation o; al1oholi1 drinks8 Aho sits on a lotus ;lower8 And who is ;ound laying musi1 on a bamboo ;lute.
1).Kamalathmika @*he a ears 1heer;ul but holding various wea ons. *he grants beauty8 wealth and greatness in ;ine arts to her devotees.C 6alarka dyuthi mindu kanda vilasath koteera haro.walaam8 5athnakal a vibhooshithaam ku1ha nathaam salai karair man.areem8 Padmam Kousthubha rathna ma yaviratham sambibratheem susmitham8 Phullambo.a vilo1hana thrata yuthaam dhyayeth araam devathaam. - meditate on the divine goddess 8 Aho has the shine o; rising sun 8 Aho shines like a ie1e o; moon with great ne1kla1es and gem studded 1oronets8 Aho is slightly bent due to heavy breasts8 Aho is holding a bun1h o; ;lowers8 ,otus ;lower 8 noose and kausthubha in her hands 8 who s orts a very leasant smile8 And who has three en1hanting eyes similar to ;ully o ened ;lowers.
&ranslated by P.5.5ama1hander
Introduction" Adi Sankara had once given his consent to a cruel Kapalika to take his head and offer it as a sacrifice to Goddess Kali in order to win favours from her. Kapalikas were followers of a particular Saiva sect (the left-hand order) who always carried human skulls wore them as garlands around their necks and even ate and drank from these maca!re vessels. "ord Siva himself is hailed as Kapali. #he "ord of the famous temple in $ylapore in %hennai is worshipped as Kapaliswara& why is another story. #his Kapalika had !een nursing a grievance against Adi Sankara whom he viewed as a potential threat to his faith and sect. 'e took the Acharya to a near!y cave made necessary arrangements for the sacrifice-ritual and prepared himself to !ehead Adi Sankara. #he Acharya was all along in a trance.
'owever when the Kapalika lifted his sword and readied himself to chop off his head Sankara(s disciple )admapada (also known as Sanandana) envisioned this murderous scheme in his mind. 'e rushed to the cave in a trice. *n an (avesa( (possessed with divine powers) of "ord +arasimha he verily !ecame the man-lion "ord himself temporarily. 'e had attained +arasimha mantra siddhi and !ecoming frightfully ferocious caught hold of the villainous Kapalika and tore him to pieces. Sankara ,i-aya pu!lished !y the .amakrishna $ath in %hennai descri!es how )admapada leapt into the sky scattering away the clouds with a slash of his mane and literally flew into the cave stunning all !eholders. *t was a re-enactment of the +arasimha incarnation once again when the demon 'iranyakasipu was disem!owelled !y the "ord with his leonine claws. Adi Sankara hearing the thunderous roars of a lion awoke from his trance and witnessed the gory scene. )admapada(s !ody was smeared with the !lood of the vile Kapalika while his face glowed with divine splendour like a gala/y of suns. #he Acharya saw !efore him the awesome "ord +arasimha himself and pacified him with soothing and overflowing devotion. 0n another occasion Adi Sankara(s hands got !urnt (the Amaruka episode) !ut he was cured !y e/tolling "ord +arasimha through the famous hyms the 12-verse "akshmi +arasimha Karavalam!a Stotram (also known as "akshmi +arasimha Karunarasa Stotram(). #hese hymns are so titled !ecause each of these verses ends with the same refrain ("akshmi +arasimha mama dehi karavalam!am( (0 "ord +arasimha please lend me your helping hand). *t is !elieved that fervent recitation of these hymns on "ord +arasimha (one of the two stotras Adi Sankara composed on 'im) will always help one smoothly get over difficulties with the "ord(s helping hand. Salagrama the sacred stone found only in the Kandaki river in +epal and worshipped !y ,aishnavites in their homes is used in the pu-a of Sri Kanchi Kamakoti )eetam. #his is said to !e specially sacred to "ord +arasimha and is !elieved to have !een given to Adi Sankara !y "ord +arasimha himself. . Srinivasan # "$his masterly introduction by Mr.%.Srivasan is taken from
Srimat payonidhi nikethana chakra pane& Bhogeendra Bhoga mani ra'itha punya moorthe& (ogeesa saswatha saranya Bhabdhi potha& )akshmi *rsimha Mama Dehi +aravalambam. ,
-h Great God )akshmi *rsimha& .ho lives in the ocean of milk& .ho holds the holy wheel as weapon& .ho wears the gems of the head& -f dhisesha as ornaments& .ho has the form of good and holy deeds& .ho is the permanent protection of sages& nd who is the boat which helps us cross& $his ocean of misery called life& !lease give me the protection of your hands.
Brahmendra& %udra
Sangattithangri kamala mala kanthi kantha& )akshmi lasath kucha saroruha ra'a hamsa& )akshmi *rsimha Mama Dehi +aravalambam. /
-h Great God )akshmi *rsimha& .hose feet is touched by the crowns & -f Brahma& Indra& Shiva and Sun& .hose shining feet adds to his effulgence& nd who is the royal swan playing& *ear the breasts of Goddess )akshmi& !lease give me the protection of your hands.
Samsara gora gahane charathe murare& Marogra bheekara Mruga pravardhithasya& arthasya mathsara nidha chain peedithasya& )akshmi *rsimha Mama Dehi +aravalambam. 0
-h Great God )akshmi *rsimha& -h )ord who killed the sura called Mura& I have been traveling in the dark forests of day to day life& .here I have been terrified by the lion called desire& nd scorched by the heat called competition & and so& !lease give me the protection of your hands.
Samsara koopam adhi ghora Magadha moolam& Samprapya dukha satha sarpa samakulasya&
-h Great God )akshmi *rsimha& I have reached the very dangerous and deep& Bottom of the well of day to day life& nd also being troubled by hundreds& -f miseries which are like serpents& nd am really miserable and have& %eached the state of wretchedness and so& !lease give me the protection of your hands.
Samsara Sagara vishala karala kala& *akra graham grasana nigraha vigrahasya& Vyagrasya raga rasanormini peedithasya& )akshmi *rsimha Mama Dehi +aravalambam. 2
-h Great God )akshmi *rsimha& I have reached this wide unfathomable ocean of day to day life& nd I have been caught by black deadly& 3rocodiles called time which are killing me nd I am also afflicted by waves of passion& nd attachments to pleasures like taste and so&
Samasra Vrukshamagha bhee'a manantha karma& Sakha satham karana pathramananga pushpam& roohasya dukha phalitham pathatho dayalo& )akshmi *rsimha Mama Dehi +aravalambam. 4
-h Great God )akshmi *rsimha& I have climbed the tree of worldly life& .hich grew from the seed of great sin& .hich has hundreds of branches of past karmas& .hich has leaves which are parts of my body& .hich has flowers which are the result of Venus& nd which has fruits called sorrow& But I am falling down from it fast and so& !lease give me the protection of your hands.
Samsara sarpa Ghana vakthra bhyogra theevra& Damshtra karala visha daghdha vinashta murthe& *aagari vahana sudhabhdhi nivasa soure& )akshmi *rsimha Mama Dehi +aravalambam. 5
-h Great God )akshmi *rsimha& -h & )ord who rides on the enemy of snakes& -h& )ord who lives in the ocean of nectar& $he serpent of family life has opened& Its fearful mouth with very dangerous& 6angs filled with terrible venom& .hich has destroyed me and so& !lease give me the protection of your hands.
Samsara dava dahanathura Bheekaroru& 7wala valee birathi dhighdha nooruhasya& $hwat pada padma sarasi saranagathasya& )akshmi *rsimha Mama Dehi +aravalambam. 8
-h Great God )akshmi *rsimha& I have been scarred badly by the fire of daily life& nd even every single hair of my body& 9as been singed by its fearful flames& nd I have taken refuge in the lake of your lotus feet& and so& !lease give me the protection of your hands.
Samsara 7ala pathithasya 7agan nivasa& Sarvendriyartha badisartha 'ashopamasya& !roth Ganditha prachoora thaluka masthakasya& )akshmi *rsimha Mama Dehi +aravalambam. :
-h Great God )akshmi *rsimha& I have been caught in this net of daily life& nd all my organs are caught in that web& nd the five senses which is the hook& $ears apart my head from me& and so& !lease give me the protection of your hands.
Samsara bheekara kareeendra karabhigatha& *ishpishta marmma vapusha sakalarthi nasa& !rana prayana bhava bhhethi samakulasya& )akshmi *rsimha Mama Dehi +aravalambam. ,;
-h Great God )akshmi *rsimha& I have been struck by the fearful king of elephants& .hich is the worldly illusion& and my vital parts&
9ave been completely crushed&and I suffer& 6rom thoughts of life and death & and so& !lease give me the protection of your hands.
ndhasya me viveka maha danasya& 3horai prabho bhalibhi rindriya nama deyai& Mohanda koopa kuhare vinipathathasya& )akshmi *rsimha Mama Dehi +aravalambam. ,,
-h Great God )akshmi *rsimha& I have become blind because & the sense of discrimination& 9as been stolen from me by the thieves of <senses=& nd I who am blind & have fallen in to the deep well of passion.& and so& !lease give me the protection of your hands.
Baddhvaa gale yamabhataa bahutar'ayantah& +arshhanti yatra bhavapaashashatairyutam maam. >kaakinam paravasham chakitam dayaalo )akshmi *rsimha Mama Dehi +aravalambam.
-h Great God )akshmi *rsimha& I have been tied by the soldiers of the God of death& By numerous ropes of worldly attachments&
nd they are dragging me along by the noose around the neck& nd I am alone& tired and afraid& and so -h merciful one& !lease give me the protection of your hands.
)akshmi pathe +amala nabha suresa vishno& Vaikunta +rishna Madhu soodhana pushkarksha& Brahmanya kesava 'anardhana vasudeva& Devesa dehi krupanasya karavalambam. ,0
-h king of devas& .ho is the )ord of )akshmi& who has a lotus on his belly& .ho is Vishnu& the lord of all heavenly beings& who is Vaikunta& .ho is +rishna & who is the slayer of Madhu& .ho is one with lotus eyes& .ho is the knower of Brahman& .ho is +esava& 7anardhana& Vasudeva& !lease give me the protection of your hands.
>kena chakramaparena karena shamkha? Manyena sindhutanyaaamavalambya tishhthan& Vaame karena varadaabhayapadmachihnam& )akshmi *rsimha Mama Dehi +aravalambam.
.ho holds Sudarshana& the holy wheel in one hand& .ho holds the conch in the other hand& .ho embraces the daughter of ocean by one hand& nd the fourth hand signifies protection and boons& and so& !lease give me the protection of your hands.
Samsaara saagara nima''ana muhyamaanam diinam vilokaya vibho karunaanidhe maam& prahlaada kheda parihaara paraavataara )akshmi *rsimha Mama Dehi +aravalambam. ,2
-h Great God )akshmi *rsimha& I am drowned in the ocean of day to day life& !lease protect this poor one& oh& )ord& -h treasure of compassion& 7ust as you took a form to remove the sorrows of !rahlada& and so& !lease give me the protection of your hands.
!rahlaada naarada paraashara pundariika? vyaasaadi bhaagavata pungavah rinnivaasa & Bhaktaanurakta paripaalana paari'aata& )akshmi *rsimha Mama Dehi +aravalambam.
-h Great God )akshmi *rsimha& .ho dwells in the hearts of great sages like !rahlada&
*arada& !arashara& !undarika and Vyasa& .ho loves his devotees and is the wish giving tree& $hat protects them& and so& !lease give me the protection of your hands. )akshhminrisimha charana ab'a madhuvratena Stotram kritam shubhakaram bhuvi shankarena & (e tatpathanti manu'aa haribhakti yuktaa? Ste yaanti tatpada saro'a makhandaruupam.
$his prayer which blesses earth with good things& Is composed by Sankara who is a bee& Drinking deeply the honey from the lotus feet of )akshmi *rsimha& nd those humans who are blessed with devotion to 9ari& .ill attain the lotus feet of the Brahman.
Sri )akshmi *rsimha !adarpanamasthu Dedicated to the feet of )ord )akshmi *rsimha. @$here are two more versions of this great stotra. In the one printed by Giri $raders& Madras StanAas ,1 and ,2 do not appear. In the compilation by %.S.Vadhyar and sons !alakkad& the stanAa ,, is followed by stanAa ,0 and is followed by the following stanAa as ,0th stanAaB?
(an mayor'itha vapu prachura pravaha& Magnathra mathra nivahoru karavalambham& )akshhminrisimha charana ab'a madhuvratena Stotram kritam shubhakaram bhuvi shankarena. ,0
$his prayer which provides helping hand to those in need& Is composed by Sankara who is a bee& Drinking deeply the honey from the lotus feet of )akshmi *rsimha& nd removes the veil of illusion and the tides of births.
!.S. I am indebted to nand 9udli who first posted a translation of this great stotra.