Sip Guidelines 2013

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XIMJ Summer Internship Programme (SIP 2013)

General Guidelines
01. For each area of specialization, a group of faculty members will be assigned with one of them as the coordinator of the group. Thus, there will be four groups of faculty members for the four areas of specialization. 02. The group leader will coordinate the activities of the group and also guide the students specializing in the respective area. 03. The following are the specific responsibilities of each group: a) Have a discussion with the respective students and find out their fields of interest within the overall area of specialization; b) Group the students on the basis of their broad interest and form groups of three to five; c) According to the number of groups of students, identify suitable organizations and carry out the initial negotiations with these organizations; d) Get the official letter from the Placement Coordinator, if that is required and send it to the Organizations; e) Orient and guide the students to carry out the SIP; f) Ensure that every student is under the guidance of one particular Faculty member, who will guide, monitor and assist the student in his/her SIP work and finally assess the performance. 04. The assignment for SIP will be in groups of three to five, as far as possible. However, each student is expected to work independently on one topic that has been approved by the guide and the respective organization. 05. In order to groom the students well to meet the challenges of the corporate or development world and to enable them to carry out their SIP with full attention and concentration, no student will be permitted to take up SIP in or around ones own home town. 06. The Coordinator of each group will keep the Director & Placement Coordinator informed of the progress of the work of the Students under the care of that group. 07. On April 10 & 11, 2013 broad orientation will be given on specific issues related to the field of specialization. The orientation aims to make the students confident in handling the SIP. 08. The Guides will make themselves familiar with the guidelines and adhere strictly to these guidelines, while guiding the students. 09. The students will collect the Organizational Profile and the relevant data on the research topic, during the orientation period, with the help of the guide. 10. During the SIP, in case someone has a problem or doubt, he/she can consult his/her immediate guide in the organization and for academic inputs he/she can consult the faculty guide through emails or phone calls. 11. The students should be in touch with their respective guides continuously, through emails & telephone. Students should send weekly progress report to their guides through e-mails or by post. A record of the number of contacts will be kept by the respective guides. The minimum number of email contact is: Eight. 12. For the field work, the students will be guided by the respective Organization and they will carry out the field work strictly on the basis of the expectations of the





Organization. At the same time, they will gather data for writing the SIP Report on their return to the Institute. The students are expected to spend a total of 2 Months on the field for the Summer Internship Programme, commencing on April 15, 2013 and the students will remain on the field till June 15, 2013, thereafter they will go for their summer vacation only after taking permission from their respective guide. The students should obtain a completion certificate from the HR head of the organization on the letterhead and also a feedback form duly filled and sealed by his/her immediate supervisor in the organization before leaving. The third Semester commences on July 01, 2013 and the students are expected to arrive in the hostel on June 30, 2013. Immediately after their return (within two or three days by July 03, 2013 evening), they will submit a report of their activities in the field to their respective guide. From July 04, 2013 onwards, they will begin their report-writing work, under the supervision of their respective guide. The students are expected to meet their guides regularly during the time of report-writing. The minimum number of visits to the guide is: Four (initial discussion, submission of the outline, first draft, second draft). The final report should be submitted to the Guide on or before July 18, 2013 by 5.00 pm.

Academic Guidelines
The Objectives The Summer Internship Programme (SIP) aims at widening the student's perspective by providing an exposure to real management organizational and environmental situations. Positioned between the first year and the second year, this programme is the most effective aid in enabling the students to relate management theory to practice. The main objectives of SIP are as follows: 01. To help the student apply the knowledge and techniques learnt in the first year to real business problems and to test out and enrich ones understanding, knowledge and skills; 02. To help the student gain an insight into the real working of the organizations and to gain deeper understanding of specific functional areas; 03. To help the students to appreciate the linkages among different functions and develop a realistic managerial perspective about organizations in their totality; 04. To help the student in exploring career opportunities in their areas of interest; 05. To sensitize the students towards management/organizational issues and to help them identify the constraints and opportunities for development; 06. To provide the students an opportunity to get an in-depth study of the management/organizational issues; 07. To link the theoretical inputs given during classroom sessions with a practical exposure, during which the students conduct field-based scientific and empirical research; 08. To provide the students an opportunity for the practice of research skills, especially, the formulation of research questions and hypothesis, data collection, data analysis, critical reflection on the available data and research report writing;

09. To enable the students to develop their analytical, critical, creative, innovative, communicative and decision-making skills in the development field; 10. To teach the students the methodology and importance of the process of documentation (photo, audio, video); 11. To help the students to learn to prepare, implement, and monitor management/ development related projects on burning issues; 12. To identify and develop success stories/case studies. The Procedure During the Orientation Classes, the students will be given inputs and practical exercises on the Basics of Research Methodology and its links with different Functional Area of Management existing in organizations -- Human Resource, Marketing, Finance and Rural Management. The faculty will guide the students keeping in mind his/her area of specialization, research methodology and the organisations where they do their SIP. The entire aim of this exercise is to promote critical and analytical thinking among students. In the Organization, the student works, either individually or in a team, under the counsel of an executive (Project Guide/HR Manager) who supervises and evaluates the performance of the student during his/her SIP period and sends a feedback on the same to the Institute. The student prepares and submits a report to his/her respective Organization and gives a presentation to the organization, if necessary, keeping in mind the requirements of that Organization. The Components of the SIP Report The SIP report should be a "reflection" paper, which broadly describes the work experience of the student. The following components are to be included: 1. A brief description of the organization -- its history, vision-mission, organizational culture, administration, functional areas of work; 2. Description of the study of an issue or a problem or a challenge the organization faces, as directed by the management of that organization; 3. Where possible, relating the study to relevant classroom experiences or the theoretical inputs; 4. Reflections on the usefulness or relevance of the theoretical inputs for the field work carried out during the SIP. Important Point to be kept in Mind by the Guides and the Students This report should be a completely personalized one, without blindly copying from any existing source, except for relevant references and quotations. Any report which is not original and personalized will not be approved. It is the responsibility of the Guide to ensure that the report is prepared according to this prescription.

No of Pages for Different Sections

Title Page (one page) Declaration by the Student (one page) Declaration by the Guide (one page) Acknowledgement (one page) Contents (one page) List of Tables (one page) List of Figures and Charts (one page) Executives Summary (Two pages) Introduction (Max 3 pages) 1. Background of the Study; 2. Need/Rationale of the Study; 3. Objectives; 4. Section details. Methodology (Max 2 pages) 1. Research design -- Research Techniques; Research Tools 2. Sampling design 3. Source & Type of data Qualitative; Quantitative 4. Method of Data Analysis 5. Constraints of the Study, if any Organizational Profile (Max 5 pages) 1. Vision & Mission 2. Goal 3. Activities 4. Physical/Geographical boundaries 5. Political boundary 6. Basic Demographic profile of the people residing in the area Analysis and Discussion (Max 10 pages) Summary and Conclusion (Max 3 pages) References (Max 1 page) Annexure Maps; Questionnaire/Schedules; Photographs (Max 7 pages) Total Max 40 pages (including Annexures)

Instruction regarding the style of the Report

Page Number: At bottom right Font size: 12 for the Text and 16 for the Main Titles and 14 for the Sub-titles Type: Times Roman Alignment: Right Justified Spacing: 1.5 Reference Style Books: Surname, First name, Title of the Book (in Italics), edition, and Publishers name, Place of publication, Year of publication, Page no. Articles: Surname, First name, title of the article (within inverted commas), Title of the Journal (in Italics), Volume, No, Year of publication, Pages. Internet: Surname, First name, Title of the Article/e-article (within inverted commas), title of the book or Journal (in Italics), Year of publication. Retrieved on date.<http://www.>

[TITLE / FRONT PAGE] A Report on [Name of the SIP Report]

Submitted to XIMJ Xavier Institute of Management, Jabalpur

As Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Post Graduate Diploma in Management [Month and Year]

Under the Guidance of [Name of the Guide]

Submitted by [Name of the student]

XIMJ Mandla Road, Tilheri, Jabalpur (MP)

Each Certificate/Declaration has to be printed in a separate page. The Certificate by the Guide has to be in the Institutes Letterhead

Certificate by the Guide This is to certify that [Name of the Student] has carried out this project report titled [Title of the Report], as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Post Grad uate Diploma in Management (2012-14), under my guidance during the academic session 2012-13. It is also certified that the report presented embodies the original work of the student. The present report can be forwarded for evaluation. [Name of the Guide] Signature



Declaration by the Student I hereby declare that this project report titled [Name of the Report] has been submitted by me for the award of the degree of Post Graduate Diploma in Management, as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Post Graduate Diploma in Management (2012-14). This is the result of original work carried out by me. This report has not been submitted anywhere else for award of any other degree/diploma. [Name of the student] Signature of the Student: Date:

Assessment Format by the SIP Organization Basic Information 1. Name of the Organization: 2. Name of the Person in-charge of the SIP Student: 3. Name of the Student: 4. Number of days of SIP assignment:

Performance Assessment (Kindly assess the performance of the student on the basis of the following scale, in which 0 = the lowest and 9 = the highest) 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Punctuality in reporting for duty Manner of carrying out the work assigned Regularity in reporting to the Supervisor English Language capability Personal conduct and behaviour Analytical capability Objectivity in making assessment and judgments Team spirit Clarity of thought and expression Managerial ability Proficiency in the field of specialization Personal maturity Reliability in carrying out ones responsibility Time Management in completing the work Quality of the field work Report Presentation Quality of the Report

Signature of the Supervisor/person in-charge: Date:

SIP Assessment Format

No 01 02 03 05 06 07 Areas of Assessment Assessment Report from the OT Organizations Contact with the Faculty Guide during field work Consultation with the Guide while writing the Report Field Research Report -- Content Field Research Report -- Language Viva on the Report Total Maximum 10 10 10 35 15 20 100 Actual

SIP Guides for Different Specialisation (2013)

Human Resource:

1. Nivedita Abraham (Head) 2. Kamna Michael 4. Fr. Bernard Bara, SJ 5. Dr. Uma Saha 6. Anchal Mishra 1. Fr. Sanjay Kujur, SJ (Head) 2. Ankit Khare 3. Pawan Paharia 4. Ritesh Singh 1. Dr. Namrata Vasudeo Jasrotia (Head) 2. Ashish Khalkho 3. Dr. Shabeen Ara 4. Cecil Anthony



Rural Management:

1. Mehul Chauhan (Head) 2. Dr. J. R. Jha 3. Fr. Sebastian Lakra, SJ 4. Dr. Jogendra Pathak 5. Ansu Abraham

Total number of Students for Different Specializations (2013)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Human Resource: Finance: Marketing: Rural Management: Telecom Management: 15 17 11 19 01


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