Uwezo Fund Application
Uwezo Fund Application
Uwezo Fund Application
This form is to be completed in Triplicate, (Original to be sent to Constituency Committee y, a copy for the group and a processed copy sent to the National Secretrariat)
1. GROUP DATA Group name: P.O. ...BoxCode..Town... Date of Registration.Reg. No./Serial No.. Bank.Branch Bank A/C..No. 2. i) LOCATION OF THE GROUP County: .Sub County/constituency. Ward..Location:Sublocatioin.. Name of Chief/Asst. Chief: Tel:. I certify that I know the members of the group and that they are of good conduct to access public funds. Signature Official stamp.. (Mandatory) ii) LOCATION OF BUSINESS Township/Estate/Village .Plot No./Street Nearest Church/Mosque/Primary School to the business 3. MEMBERSHIP PROFILE Gender Male Female Total
No. of Members
4. BRIEF BACKGROUND OF THE GROUP (i) Purpose/Objective (e.g.) improve Economic well-being of members. (ii) Key activities .. (iii) Achievements . (iv)Challenges .. 5. AMOUNT OF LOAN APPLIED FOR Loan Applied for Kshs NB (Refinancing is subject to repayment of the first loan)
This form is not for sale but can be copied, printed and photocopied Ahadi Yetu- Kazi kwako
6. STATE THE TYPE OF PROPOSED BUSINESS. Is it start up or expansion? a. Business type (Tick ) (i) Start up (New). ii) Expansion.. b. Does the group have a joint/common business? (Tick one) Yes. No.. c. If NO, state whether you want to start one jointly or each individual will own his or her business. 7. BUSINESSES INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS PROPOSE TO UNDERTAKE. Complete the table below. S/No Name of owner ID No Nature of Mobile Next of Relationship Mobile Business kin Eg Jane okumu xxxxxxx Retail grocery 0721xxxxxx John Husband 0722xxxxxx Okumu 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 8. LOAN CONDITIONS i) Repayment period .Months (max 24 months) ii) ..Administration Fee( 3% of loan disbursed Please attach 3current signed minutes of group meeting(s) showing members monthly contributions and attendance 9. OTHER MEMBERS GUARANTEE AND COMMITMENT TO LOAN REPAYMENT (MANDATORY) We, the undersigned are jointly and severally liable for repayment of loan in the event of default and shall not be eligible for additional loans unless the amount in default has been cleared in full. Name ID. NO Tel No. Signature 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
This form is not for sale but can be copied, printed and photocopied Ahadi Yetu- Kazi kwako
10. LOAN TERMS & CONDITIONS BEFORE DISBURSEMENT We, the undersigned, being the validly elected leaders of the group hereby commit the group individually and jointly to repay the loan amount disbursed plus..Administrative Fee to the appointed Account inequal installments after themonths grace period. We also confirm that the above information is true and authorize the Fund to: i) Share information of our credit history with Credit Reference Bureaus ii) Confirm bank details with our bankers as and when necessary a) Chairperson:ID.No..Tel No...Signaturedate. b) Secretary:.ID.No..Tel No...Signaturedate........ a) Treasurer:.ID.No..Tel No...Signaturedate NB: Please attach 3current signed minutes of group meeting(s) that agreed to the terms and conditions of the borrowing.
Application No:.. Date Recommended: .... Date received: .. Date sent to Nairobi:
This form is not for sale but can be copied, printed and photocopied Ahadi Yetu- Kazi kwako