C N 3 4 / C N 2 4: Digital Piano
C N 3 4 / C N 2 4: Digital Piano
C N 3 4 / C N 2 4: Digital Piano
Aut he nt i c Touch,
Be aut i f ul S ound,
I ns p i r i ng Fe at ure s ,
Re nowne d Qua l i t y.
the new standard in digital piano
value and performance.
earning to play a musical instrument can have a life-changing efect on an
individual. From students performing better in school to adults relaxing after
work, studies suggest that music has a tremendously positive infuence on a
persons wellbeing.
Te resurgence of musical education in recent years has seen many children
and adults opting to learn the piano. Enthusiastic students progress rapidly,
however, and quickly outgrow an inferior digital piano or keyboard purchased
as a trial instrument.
Investing in a quality acoustic piano is considered the best choice, however
purchasing and maintaining such an instrument can be very costly and
impractical when neighbors live too close-by. A quality digital piano can
overcome such complexities, while still ofering the many benefts of a fne
acoustic piano.
Kawais latest CN Series models feature a realistic, 88-note keyboard, beautiful
grand piano sounds, and headphone jacks to avoid troubling neighboring
residents all within an attractive, afordable instrument that will never
require tuning.
n addition to faithfully recreating the touch and tone of an acoustic piano,
the CN Series instruments boast a variety of additional features suitable for
diferent playing abilities. Te convenient lesson function allows aspiring
pianists to learn piano with songs from the popular Alfred course books, while
Concert Magic encourages even non-players to enjoy making music by simply
tapping the keyboard with a steady, rhythmical beat.
More experienced players can enjoy the Dual and Split keyboard modes, and
experiment playing songs with a range of additional instrument sounds, while
those keen to capture and share their performances will appreciate MIDI
connectors, LINE-level audio jacks and convenient recorder features such as
the ability to save MP3 fles directly to USB memory.
With 85 years of knowledge and experience crafting outstanding acoustic
pianos, the Kawai family name is highly respected among prominent educators
and professional pianists throughout the world. And as Kawai instruments, the
CN Series observe the companys proud reputation for quality and attention to
detail, ensuring peace of mind and many years of musical enjoyment.
Rrsvoxsivr Haxxrn II rsnoann acriox
Te new CN Series class-leading Responsive Hammer II keyboard action recreates
the supreme touch of an acoustic grand piano, with its realistic movement and
rigid, springless design providing a smooth and natural piano playing experience.
Te actions modern, triple-sensor key detection system enhances responsiveness
and accuracy, with structural reinforcements throughout the action assembly
helping to minimize horizontal key wobble during staccato and fortissimo passages.
Te weight of the keyboard is appropriately graded to mirror the heavier bass
hammers and lighter treble hammers of an acoustic piano, while a let-o simulation
recreates the subtle notch sensation felt when softly playing the keys of a grand
piano. Tese important characteristics allow discerning pianists to practice their
expanding repertoire with confdence and ensure a seamless transition when called
upon to perform using a fne acoustic grand piano.
Ivons Toucn rs sunvacrs
The impressive CN Series action features Kawais highly regarded
Ivory Touch key surfaces as standard. This finely textured material
gently absorbs fingertip perspiration and oils to assist playing control
and possesses a natural, matte fnish that is smooth but not slippery.
Furthermore, this moisture is absorbed without dirt or grease permeating
the surface, allowing the keytops to be wiped clean easily using just a
damp cloth.
Tnivir-srxson rs nrrrcriox
Complementing the grand piano-like keyboard touch, the Responsive
Hammer II action also features a new triple-sensor key detection system
for enhanced playing realism. Te third sensor improves responsiveness
when playing the same key repeatedly and also improves performance
when playing legato passages.
In addition, improvements to the CN Series sound hardware also permit
the speed at which keys are lifted to infuence the release character of
piano sounds, providing a greater range of expressive detail between
staccato and legato playing.
88-rs Piaxo Saxviixo
Te beautiful sound of the Kawai EX concert grand piano is at the
heart of the new CN Series, with all eighty-eight keys of this world-class
instrument painstakingly recorded, meticulously analyzed and accurately
reproduced as high-fdelity digital waveforms.
Recording each key individually in this way as opposed to stretching
the same tone over several diferent notes preserves the rich harmonic
character of the EX concert grand piano and guarantees that the
sound heard when playing any one of the CN Series keys is a faithful
representation of the original acoustic source.
Hanxoxic Ixaoixo rrcnxoioos
When playing a fne piano, the amount
of pressure applied to the keyboard
afects not only the volume of the sound
produced, but also the unique tonal
character of each note. Terefore, in order
to construct a realistic acoustic portrait of
the EX concert grand piano, not only is
each key recorded individually, but also
at various diferent volume levels, ranging
from gentle pianissimo to thunderous
Te new CN Series ofer a highly detailed
acoustic portrait, employing Kawais
unique Progressive Harmonic Imaging
sampling technology to ensure smooth
tonal transitions across the keyboard and
throughout the entire dynamic range.
Rrnrvriovrn Evvrcrs Rrvrnn
Te CN Series powerful new digital efects engine further enhances the
instruments superior core sounds, applying additional layers of detail and
realism that bring performances to life.
Te CN34s studio quality chorus, tremolo, delay, and auto-pan efects
can be used to tailor a sounds character and feeling, with additional
amplifer/speaker simulation applying vintage warmth to electric
pianos. Te depth of a performance can then be transformed using
the instruments updated reverb features, allowing pianists to position
themselves within one of six acoustic environments, ranging from a small
practice room to an inspirational grand cathedral.
Let-of mechanism Ivory Touch key surface
Key pivot point Hammer pivot point
Weighted hammer
Triple sensor
1 88
Vinruai Trcnxiciax
An experienced piano technician
is essential to fully realize the
potential of a fne acoustic piano.
In addition to meticulously tuning
each individual note, the technician
also performs numerous regulation
and voicing adjustments that allow
an instrument to truly sing.
Te CN Series Virtual Technician
functions simulate these refnements
digitally, allowing performers to
shape various aspects of the pianos
character to suit their unique personal
Tnr Toucn ov a Gna xn Pi a xo
Te keyboard action of an acoustic grand piano is composed of b|ack and white keys, graded hammers and numerous other
components working in harmony when each note is pressed. Tis beautifu||y designed mechanism a||ows pianists to express
a wea|th of fee|ing and emotion in their music as they respond to the tacti|e nuances transmitted through the keyboard.
Trans|ating the piano actions intricate movements to a digita| instrument, whi|e retaining these acoustic-|ike subt|eties is a
stunning achievement one which draws upon 85 years of experience in crafting the wor|ds nest pianos.
Tnr Souxn ov a Gna xn Pi a xo
Te Kawai EX concert grand piano is wide|y regarded by professiona| pianists and piano technicians as one of the nest
instruments in the wor|d. Hand-bui|t by Master Piano Artisans at the Shigeru Kawai Piano Research Laboratory in Ryuyo,
Japan, each EX instrument undergoes a meticu|ous regu|ation and renement process within a specia||y designed anechoic
chamber. Fo||owing this |engthy crafting period, the comp|eted EX concert grand piano receives a na| series of rigorous
qua|ity inspections before eventua||y taking center stage in the wor|ds most prestigious musica| institutions and concert ha||s.
Exrnos Coxsrnvariox
Te new CN Series utilize modern, energy efcient components that
reduce electricity consumption by approximately 50% (compared to
previous models), while the instruments optional power saving feature
can also turn of the piano automatically after a specifed period of
Gnaxn Frri Prnai Sssrrx
Reinforcing the CN Series reputation as the
most realistic digital pianos in their price range
is Kawais Grand Feel Pedal System. Tis new
development accurately replicates the individual
weighting of the damper, soft and sostenuto
pedals of a Kawai EX Concert grand piano to
further enhance acoustic piano authenticity.
MIDI/Aunio Rrconn Piasnac
With an impressive selection of GM2 instrument sounds and drum kits,
plus 256-note polyphony, the CN34 is capable of playing and recording
multi-track SMF (Standard MIDI Format) fles from USB with stunning
realism and musicality.
USB devices can also be used to play back MP3 or WAV audio fles,
allowing musicians to accompany their favorite artists, play along to
professional minus one backing tracks, or simply learn the chords for
a new piece. Its even possible to record and save performances directly
as MP3/WAV audio fles for emailing to family and friends, or casual
listening away from the piano.
Soxo Rrconnrn, USB coxvrxirxcr
Te new CN Series models feature song recorder capabilities that both
enhance ones playing enjoyment and can also assist piano study. Te
CN24s useful recorder allows up to three songs to be stored in internal
memory and played back at the touch of a button, serving as a convenient
self-assessment tool for players of all skill levels.
Te CN34 expands upon this functionality with
2-track recording, allowing individual left and right
hand parts or two diferent voices to be recorded
separately, and then later played back together.
In addition, this model includes a USB to Device
connector which allows songs and settings stored in
internal memory to be saved to USB fash memory,
or for data prepared on one instrument to be loaded
onto another an invaluable tool for busy school
music labs.
Ixsvinarioxai Frarunrs
Te CN Series built-in lesson function allows aspiring pianists to learn
piano with a collection of lesson songs from the popular Alfred Basic,
Adult and Premier course books.
In addition, the instruments Dual, Split and Four Hands playing
modes allow for experimentation with two diferent sounds to be layered
together or for the entire keyboard to be split into two separate sections
for duet performances.
And for non-players, Kawais exclusive Concert Magic provides the thrill
of playing real music, even if youve never played before!
CN34 CN24
Keyboard 88 weighted keys with Ivory Touch key surfaces / Responsive Hammer II (RHII) action with Let-Of and Triple Sensor
Sound Source Progressive Harmonic Imaging (PHI), 88-key piano sampling
Interna| Sounds 324 voices + 12 drum kits, GM2 compatible 15 voices
Po|yphony max. 256 notes max. 192 notes
Disp|ay 2 x 16 characters LCD -
Reverb Room, Lounge, Small Hall, Concert Hall, Live Hall, Cathedral
Chorus, Classic Chorus, Stereo Delay, Ping Delay, Triple Delay, Tremolo,
Classic Tremolo, Phaser, Rotary (1-3), Phaser+Amp, Auto Pan+Amp
Dua| Mode Yes, with adjustable balance Yes
Sp|it Mode Yes, with adjustable balance, free split point, and Four Hands Mode Four Hands Mode
Recorder 3 song, 2 track recorder max. 90,000 notes 3 song, 1 track recorder max. 15,000 notes
1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 3/8, 6/8, 7/8, 9/8, 12/8 + 100 drum rhythms
Adjustable tempo & volume
1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 3/8, 6/8
Adjustable tempo & volume
USB Functions
Play & Record MP3/WAV/MID, Convert Song to Audio, Load & Save
Song/Registration, Save SMF Song, Rename File, Delete File, Format USB
Touch Curve Light 1, Light 2, Normal, Heavy 1, Heavy 2, Of (Constant) Light, Normal, Heavy, Of (Constant)
Virtua| Technician
String Resonance, Damper Resonance, Fall-back Noise,
Key-of Efect (incl. Key-of Release), Key of Temperament
Damper Resonance, Key Of Release
Equal (Piano Only), Mersenne pure (Major), Mersenne pure (Minor),
Pythagorean, Meantone, Werckmeister III, Kirnberger III, Equal (Flat), Equal
Lesson Function
Alfreds Basic Piano Library Lesson Book Level 1A
Alfreds Basic Piano Library Lesson Book Level 1B
Alfreds Premier Piano Course Lesson 1A
Alfreds Premier Piano Course Lesson 1B
Alfreds Basic Adult Piano Course Lesson Book Level 1
Alfreds Basic Piano Library Lesson Book Level 1A
Alfreds Basic Piano Library Lesson Book Level 1B
Concert Magic 88 songs 40 songs
Demo Songs 31 songs 15 songs
Other Features
Key/Song Transpose, Equaliser (incl. User EQ), Speaker Volume,
Phones Volume, Line Out Volume, Audio Recorder Gain, Tuning,
Damper Hold, Four Hands, User Memory, Factory Reset, Registrations
Lower Octave Shift, Lower Pedal On/Of, Layer Octave Shift,
Layer Dynamics, MIDI Channel, Send PGM#, Local Control,
Transmit PGM#, Multi-timbral Mode, Channel Mute, Auto Power Of
Transpose, Tuning, Brilliance, MIDI Channel, Local Control,
Multi-timbral mode, Transmit Program Change Number, Auto Power Of
Peda|s Damper (with half-pedal support), Soft, Sostenuto. Grand Feel Pedal System
MIDI (IN/OUT), USB (to Host, to Device),
LINE IN (L/MONO, R), LINE OUT (L/MONO, R), Headphones x 2
MIDI (IN/OUT), Headphones x 2
Speakers 16 cm x 2 12 cm x 2
Output Power 20 Wx 2
1382 (W) x 473 (D) x 892 (H) mm
54 (W) x 18 (D) x 35 (H)
1370 (W) 396 (D) 848 (H) mm
54 (W) x 15 (D) x 33 (H)
Weight 55.0 kg / 121 lbs 45.0 kg / 99 lbs
Specifcations are subject to change without notice.
Availability of cabinet nishes may vary depending on market area.
1 Additional functions available on CN34 model only.
1 2
1. Premium Satin Black
2. Premium Rosewood
3. Premium Mahogany
Tnr Va ni r r s ov a Di oi ra i Pi a xo
Comp|ementing the instruments outstanding Responsive Hammer II keyboard action and impressive Progressive Harmonic
Imaging piano sound, the new CN Series a|so oer a strong se|ection of digita| piano features that further enhance ones
musica| enjoyment. USB audio record/p|ayback, Dua|, Sp|it and Four Hands keyboard modes, p|us a rich assortment of
instrumenta| voices add greater variety to p|ayers performances, whi|e the convenient metronome function and integrated
Alfred course books ensure that regu|ar practice is both productive and engaging for aspiring pianists.
Copyright 2012 Kawai America Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
CA1065I-D1208 Version 1
Printed in the USA