Present Simple Vs Present Continuous

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PRESENT SIMPLE VS PRESENT CONTINUOUS NAME: ______________________________ CLASS: ___________________________________ Choose the correct verb form.

1 - I have / am having a great time on this holiday. 2 - She's Italian- she comes / is coming from Pisa. 3 - 'Are yo en!oying / "o yo en!oy your meal?' ' es! it's very good.' " - #his term! I s# "y / am s# "ying $atin. % - $o yo come / are yo coming to see us ne&t month? ' - $et me (no) )hen you receive / are receiving this letter. * - +ater %oi&s / is %o&ing at a hundred degrees. 1, - I ma'e / am ma'ing a lot of -rogress at the moment. 11 - It (orries / is (orrying me a lot at the moment. 12 - I ge# / am ge##ing u- at seven o'cloc( on )ee(days. .ill in the s-aces )ith the correct form of the verb in sim-le -resent tense or -resent continuous tense. )* /ight no) I (watch) 0000000000000 a movie. I (watch) 0000000 a lot of movies. +* /ic(ie (be) 0000000 my friend. +e (like) 0000000 to tal( together. /ight no) )e (talk) 00000000000000 about school. ,* #he -olice officer 1wear2 00000000 a badge and a gun to )or( every day. -* 3aime usually (eat) 0000000 cold cereal for brea(fast! but today he (eat) 0000000 00000000 oatmeal instead. .* 4lison and I (study) 0000000 0000000 for the e&am. +e (not, want) 0000000 00000000000000 to fail it5 /* 3onas (sing) 00000000 in the band on Saturdays! and 6eda 1play) 0000000 the guitar. 0* 7y uncle (live) 0000000 in #ennessee. I (live) 0000000 in 8orth Carolina. 1* 7y mom (cook) 00000000000000 dinner tonight. (You, want) 000000000000 0000000 to eat )ith us? 2* #iffany and 7ar( (travel) 00000000000000 to S-ain. #hey )ill stay in 7adrid. )3* +e (read) 0000000 the ne)s-a-er every morning. Com-lete the te&t )ith the correct form of the verb in sim-le -resent tense or -resent continuous tense. )* 7y favourite aunt! 7onica! 000000000000 (teach) archeology at the university. /ight no) she 000000000000 (give) a class on the art of ancient 9gy-t. She 000000000000 (do) a lot of s-orts and 000000000000 (go) to the cinema regularly. #his month! she 000000000000 (learn) to hang glide. :ut she also 000000000000 (climb) mountains every )ee(end and 000000000000 (do) scuba diving )hen she is on holidays.

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