Adis Satheesh

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STRATEGY TO GATHER INFORMATION: Gathering information in large and complex organization is difficult and tasks time. All relevant personnel should be consulted and no information overlooked. A clear strategy should be evolved by the analyst to gather information. The strategy consists of

Identifying information sources. Evolving a method of obtaining information from the identified sources and !sing an information flo" model of the organization.

INFORMATION SOURCES: #. !ser of system $. %orms and documents used in the organization &. 'rocedure manuals and rule books "hich specify ho" various activities are carried out in the organization (. )arious reports used in the organization *. +omputer programs of existing system. METHOD OF SEARCHING FOR INFORMATION: Information gathering first starts "ith intervie"ing top level management. An overvie" of the organization. Available information and ob,ectives to be met by the proposed system are normally gathered from top management. The next step is to intervie" middle level management and operational staff. At this level day-to-day operational re.uirements and information re.uired for current use are gathered. /efore starting intervie"ing an analyst must decide on:

0ho "ill be intervie"ed.

In "hat order they "ill be intervie"ed and 0hat specific .uestions "ill be asked in each intervie" .


The primary purpose of intervie"ing is to obtain both .uantitative and .ualitative data regarding user re.uirements policies procedures and practices.

0e have given belo" some guidelines to ensure a successful intervie". 1ake a prior appointment "ith the person to be intervie"ed and inform the purpose of the intervie" and ho" much time you "ould re.uire. 2ead the background material and go prepared "ith a checklist 3tate again the purpose of the intervie" at the beginning the intervie". 3tate "hat you understand as true and confirm this 0atch for signs of impatience of the intervie"ee and do not prolong the intervie" in such a case. 3ummarise the information gathered by you during the intervie" and verify this "ith the user.


3ystem used in other similar organizations. Trade ,ournals and reports of conferences describing similar systems

Trade and national statistics.

FACT RECORDING: The results of fact finding are summarized as a report.if a large number of analysts are taking part in a pro,ect a standard format may be used for recording facts.

The report should contain the follo"ing data: /ackground information 3ources used in obtaining information 1ethod used in gathering information +urrent procedures. +urrently available data.


In order to design an information system the analyst re.uests the user to state his re.uirements 4e also finds out ho" they are met in the current system.

T"o graphical specification tools are useful in doing this ,ob:

#. 'hysical document flo" diagram $. A logical data flo" diagram

56+!1E7T %860 5IAG2A1 I7 A7 62GA7I9ATI67

5elivery items

5elivery items

5elivery note note

2E+EI)I7G 6%%I+E

Items received

86GI+A8 5ATA %860 5IAG2A1 6% 1A7!A8 '26+E33

5elivery note

items received note

5iscrepancy note

8edger "ith one entry %or each order

The delivery note contains are: 6rder number vendor name and address delivery date .uantity date .uantity supplied and units The discrepancy note contains are: 6rder number vendor name and address item name order date delivery date no of days. THE INFORMATIONAL RE#UIREMENTS:

a. 6perational information re.uirements

b. Tactical information re.uirements

c. 3trategic information re.uirements

DATA DICTIONARY: In order to find the data elements re.uired in the various departments "e "ork back"ards.In order "ords "e ask "hat data element are re.uired to meet the information needs and find out the data element.

i:5elivery note: 6rder number vendor name and address item name delivery date .uantity supplied units ii:5iscrepancy note: 5iscrepancy contains the order no vendor name and address idem code item name delivery date .uantity supplied no.of days late;early.






Item received 5elivery note note

5iscrepancy note

5iscrepancy note


STE$S IN SYSTEM ANALYSIS: %irst study the current system and ho" documents flo" in the system.!sing this model "e derive a logical e.uivalent of a system and represent it by a logical data flo" diagaam.

MODULARI%ING RE#UIREMENTS S$ECIFICATION: There are three ma,or operations performed in the organization.they are:

'rocessing of items received by the company

Issue of items to customers 6rdering items from vendors

%rom the user<s narrative a diagram depicting various offices in the company and the flo" of documents bet"een offices is obtained.

3TE'3 I7 3=3TE1 A7A8=3I3

!ser<s 2e.uirements


+urrent physical 5ocument diagram flo"

current logical data flo" diagram

ne" logical data %easibility %lo" diagram document

5escriptive statement 6f information provided /y system processing rules 5ata dictionary


a. 3tore data on re,ections and deviations in supply found at the inspection stage.

b. >eep up to date data on inventory of items in store.

c. Automatically initiate orders to vendors "hen stock is belo" pre-assigned levels.

d. Automaaatically initiate payment advice "hen goods supplied by vendors is taken into the inventory by the stores.


/ased on regularity and .uality of supply develop a vendor performance index +onsidering demand for items determine the optimal reorder level and .uantity of reorder.

5epending on value of inventory items obtain information to exercise stricter control on high value items

>eep track of large outstanding payments and receipts

>eep track of unusual delays if any in inspection


5etermine proportion of items to be ordered from multiple vendors 5evelop vendors for critical items 5etermine optimal inventory levels for high value items 8ong range forecasting of demands based on trends 2educing variety in inventory


5E+I5I7G 67 '26?E+T G6A83: 5eciding on the goals of a pro,ect .uantifying them and for arriving at goals are:


1issing functions !nsatisfactory performance and Excessive cost of operations

$. 3et goals to remove these deficiencies. &. Goals must be

@uantified 2ealizable "ithin the constraints of an organization /roken do"n into sub-goals and

Agreeable to all concerned.

E!ALUATING $RO$OSED SOLUTION: T&'() *'+&,(+-. /'-0(1(.(*2: needed is is useable. /y this "e mean "hether the technology available and if available "hether it

T&'() 34')-*(3,-. /'-0(1(.(*2: To find this "e ask "hether the proposed solution can fit in "ith existing operations and "hether the right information at the right time is provided to users. T&'() '+3,35(+ /'-0(1(.(*2: To find this "e ask "hether finances are available for implementing the proposed solution and "hether the money spent is recovered by the savings or by better user satisfaction.

COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS: A cost-benefit analysisnis necessary to determine economic feasibility.The primary ob,ective of cost-benefit analysis is to find out "hether it is economically "orth"hile to invest in the pro,ect. +ost-benefit analysis is performed by first listing all the costs associated "ith the pro,ect.costs consists of both direct and indirect cost.

5etails of direct costs are: #.+ost of system analyst and programmers $. +ost of materials such as stationery floppy disk toner ribber etc &.+ost of designing and printing ne" forms user manuals documentation. (. +ost of training analysts and users. /enefits can be classified into tangible and intangible TANGIBLE:

5irect savings made due to reducingAa: inventories Ab: delay in collecting outstanding payments Ac: "astage Ad: +ost of production.


1./etter services to customers $.3uperior .uality of customers &. Accurate reliable and up to date strategic tactical and operational information "hich ensures better management and thereby more profits.

$AYBACK $ERIOD: 3imple payback method: 6nce the cost of the pro,ect and the benefits have been .uantified the next step is to find out "hether thebenifits ,ustify the cost. there are t"o "ays of finding out this.They are t"o "ays of finding out this. They are kno"n as the payback method and the present value method. 'ayback method "ith interest: The payback method is a simple method of computing benefits. 'resent value method: The correct application of the present value method is to ask the .uestion:"hat is the present value of earning "hich may accrue after n yearsBThus if rC is the interest rate per annum the present value of earnings x accruing in the nth year is

'resent valueD x;A#Er;#FF:n SYSTEM $RO$OSAL: Introduction: 6n a re.uest from the chief "arden of the student hostel a study "as initiated to find out ho" the operation of the hostel could be improved by using a better information system.
Goals of the proposad system

#. Existing document flo" in the hoste mess $. 1odified data flo" for proposed system &. Alternative solutions examined.

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