A Project Report On Tyre Industry

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35080718 Under the guidance of

Project report submitted to PROF. R. ARIVAZHAGAN Assistant professor SRM SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT



Certified that this project report titled A Study on employee satisfaction in Apollo tyres bonafide work of Mr. VIVEK MENON who carried out the research under my supervision. Certified further, that to the best of my knowledge the work reported here in does not from part of any other project report or dissertation on the basis of which a degree or award was conferred on an earlier occasion on this or any other candidate.

Signature of the supervisor

Signature of the HOD



DECLARATION I hereby declare that the dissertation titled A Study on employee satisfaction in Apollo tyres submitted by me in fulfillment of the requirement of M.B.A at School of Management under the guidance of Prof. ARIVAZHAGAN Faculty of School of Management, SRM University, Chennai during the period of 2008-2010. This is my original work and no part of it has been submitted earlier to SRM University or any other institutions.

Date: Place: MENON)

Yours sincerely (VIVEK

I acknowledge here the names of those people who have been instrumental in preparation of my project. I acknowledge my gratitude to my parents whose support, dedication and honest efforts have given me an immense help in doing this project. I express my deepest gratitude and veneration to my project guide Mr.B.GANESH (EXECUTIVE HR- APOLLO TYRES,KALLAMASHERI) for providing his valuable

guidance, continuous motivation and genuine suggestions without which this project would not have seen the light of the day. I take the opportunity to thanks to DEAN ,Dr.Jayshree Suresh, SRM Institute of Management Chennai and Prof.ARIVAZHAGAN Assistant Professor Institute of Management for motivating, encouraging, guiding and supporting at every step and sparing their valuable time for me. Last but not the least I record my sincere thanks to all beloved and respectable persons who helped me and could find any separate mention. Above all I thank GOD the most beneficial, the most merciful that I have been able to complete my training project successfully.


JOBSATISFACTION ThethreeimportantdimensionstoJobSatisfactionareasfollows: 1. Job satisfaction refers to ones feeling towards ones job. It can only be inferredbutnotseen. 2. Job satisfaction is often determined by how well outcomes meet or exceed expectations. Satisfaction in ones job means increased commitment in the fulfillment of formal requirements. There is greater willingnesstoinvestpersonalenergyandtimeinjobperformance. 3. The term Job satisfaction and job attitudes are typically used interchangeably. But refer to effective orientation on the part of individuals towards their work roles which they are presently occupying. Positive attitude towards the job are conceptually equivalent to job satisfaction and negative attitude towards the job indicate job dissatisfaction.

Though the terms job satisfaction and attitudes are used interchangeably, there are differences between the two. Attitude refers to predisposition to respond. Job satisfaction on the other hand, relates to performance factors. Attitudes reflect ones feeling towards individuals, organizations and objects. But satisfaction refers toones attitude to a job satisfactionisthereforeaspecificsubjecttoattitude.

DEFINITIONS AccordingtoE.A.Lockeapleasureorpositiveemotionalstateresulting fromtheappraisalofonesjoborjobexperience. As the amount of overall positive affect (or feeling) that individuals havetowardstheirjobs.D.C.Feldman&H.J.Arnold. A Job satisfaction is the amount of pleasure or contentment associated with a job. If you like your job intensely you will experience high job satisfaction. If you dislike your job intensely, you will experience job dissatisfaction.DuBrin. Job satisfaction is a set of favorable or unfavorable feelings with which employeesviewtheirwork.KeithDavis&J.W.Newstrone.

FACTORSAFFECTINGJOBSATISFACTION Job satisfaction is the feeling an employee gets when the job he does fulfilsallhisexpectations.Whilemoralereferstotheattitudeoftheemployees of an organisation and is a group concept, job satisfaction is the feeling of an individualemployee. Job satisfaction has been defined as a pleasurable or positive emotional stateresultingfromtheappraisalofonesjoborjobexperiences. DeterminantsofJobSatisfaction Therearevariouspersonalandorganisationalfactorsthatinfluencejob satisfaction.Thefollowingchartindicatesthedeterminantsofjobsatisfaction: FactorsDeterminingJobSatisfaction PersonalFactors Age NatureofworkAssigned OrganisationalFactors


Payandotherbenefits Superiorsubordinaterelationship Interpersonalrelationship Opportunitiesforadvancement

EducationalQualification Experience Ability Perception

The age of a person does have its influence on his level of job satisfaction. People who are young usually have a higher level of job satisfaction provided they rightly choose their career. Those in their twenties or thirties are energetic and have the stamina to work hard and derive pleasure out of their work. As a person gets older, he gets tired physically and mentally. Further, he reaches the saturation point at this stage and the work, usually,doesnotgivehimthepleasureitgaveearlier. PersonalFactors Sex There is a feeling among many employers that women employees are much more committed to work than men. Such employers prefer to appoint women in their concerns. A woman employee who is able to show greater commitmenttoworknaturallyshouldderivehigherlevelofjobsatisfaction. EducationalQualification The job satisfaction level of people with higher educational qualification is generally found to be low. This happens because; such people always look for better employment opportunities. A person deriving pleasure out of his present job, which is also remunerative, need not look for better employment prospects.

Experience The experience of an employee gives him exposure to many difficult work situations. This enables him to learn the art of managing crisis. Such persons, in view of their ability to tackle any critical work situation, should naturally have greater job satisfaction than those who are inexperienced. It may be mentioned here that the age and experience of a person need not go together.

Ability An employee who lacks the capability to perform his job, obviously, cannot derive job satisfaction. Performance is vital for job satisfaction. Only those who have the ability will be able to perform. It may be mentioned here that the satisfaction accruing to a person out of the monetary benefits he gets from his employment is temporary. In the long run, performance alone can givehimsatisfaction. Perception Job expectations differ from person to person. This is in view of differences in ones perception. Some individuals may be interested in challengingjobswhileothersmaybeinterestedinroutinework.Still,thereare some who may be prepared to do any work for the sake of monetary benefits. The extent to which the expectations of a person have been fulfilled is yet anotherdeterminantofjobsatisfaction. OrganisationalFactors NatureofWorkAssigned The work assigned to an employee should be of interest to him. What appears to be an interesting job to one may appear to be uninteresting to another and so says the proverb, one mans food is another mans poison. It

is, therefore, important that the employer understands the capabilities and preferencesofhisemployeesbeforeassigningthemwork.

Payandotherbenefits Pay and other tangible benefits offered to employees, although cannot determine job satisfaction in all cases, are not unimportant. An employee who derives pleasure out his job cannot be indifferent to pay and other benefits to which he is entitled. An employee, therefore, needs to be given pay commensurate with his job and responsibilities. Similarly, social security benefits like provident fund, insurance etc., also need to be provided to employees as per rules. Where these benefits are inadequate, the level of job satisfactionisboundtobelow. SuperiorSubordinateRelationship Sometimes, an employee may be fully satisfied with his job. But if his superiortriestofindfaultwithhimunnecessarily,theemployeegetsdisturbed mentally. This affects satisfaction. It is, therefore, necessary that the superior subordinaterelationshipiscordialinanyworkplace. InterPersonalRelationship Whentherelationshipbetweentheemployeesworkingasagroupisnot cordial, it will affect individual performance. This happens because of two reasons.First,coordinationbecomesdifficultwheninterpersonalrelationship is not good and second the employee gets disturbed psychologically. When suchatrendcontinues,itresultsinjobdissatisfactioninthelongrun.

OpportunitiesforAdvancement Where,inanorganisation,therearenoopportunitiesforpromotion,the employeesmayhavetoremaininthesamejobtilltheirretirement.Theremay not be any change even in their designation. Such employees may not work with enthusiasm. Lack of promotion opportunities, thus, promotes job dissatisfaction.

ConsequencesofJobDissatisfaction Lackofjobsatisfactionmayleadtothefollowingconsequences: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. StepstoimproveJobSatisfaction The following measures may be adopted to have a higher level of job satisfactionamongemployees: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Selectionofrightmanfortherightjob. Paymentcommensuratewiththeemployeescredentials. Conduciveworkingenvironment. Cordialsuperiorsubordinaterelationship. Betterinterpersonalrelationship. Provisionofsuitablepromotionopportunities. Creationoffacilitiesfortraining. Provisionofsuitableincentivesandsocialsecuritybenefits. Jobrotationwheredesirable. Itmayincreasetherateoflabourturnover. Itmayleadtopoorjobperformance. Theremaybeanincreaseincomplaintsandgrievances. Conflictsintheworkplacemayalsoincrease. Itmaygivescopeforstrikesandlockouts. Itmaydisturbstability.

10. Encouragingemployeesparticipationindecisionmaking.

The TwoFactor Theory, the NeedFulfillment Theory and the Expectancy Theory discussed in the Chapter Motivation have relevancetojobsatisfactionaswell. SourceofjobSatisfaction Several job elements contribute to job satisfaction. The most important amongst them are wage structure, nature of work, promotion chances and qualityofsupervisors,workgroupandworkingconditions.
Workgroup Working Condition Job Satisfaction Promotion Chance Wages



1. Wages Wages play a significant role in influencing job satisfaction. This is becauseoftworeasons 1. Moneyisanimportantinstrumentinfulfillingonesneeds. 2. Employees often see pay as a reflection of managements concern forthem. Employees want a pay system which is simple, fair and in line with their expectations. When pay is seen as fair, based on job demands, individual skill level and community pay standards satisfaction is likely to result. What needs emphasis is that it is not the absolute amount paid that matters rather it is onesperceptionoffairness. 1.NatureofWork Mostemployeescraveintellectualchallengesonjob.Theytendtoprefer being given opportunities to use their skills and abilities and being offered a variety of tasks, freedom and feedback on how well they are doing. These characteristicsmakejobsmentallychallenging.Jobthathastoolittlechallenge creates boredom. But too much challenge creates frustration and a feeling of failure. Under conditions of moderate challenge, employees experience pleasureandsatisfaction. 2. Promotions

Promotional opportunities affect job satisfaction considerably. The desire for promotion is generally strong among employees as it involves changeonjobcontent,pay,responsibility,independence,statusandthelike.It is no surprise that the employee takes promotion as the ultimate achievement inhiscareerandwhenitisrealized,hefeelsextremelysatisfied. 3. Supervision There is a positive relationship between the quality of supervision and job satisfaction. Supervisors who establish a supportive personal relationship with subordinates and take a personal interest in them contribute to their employee satisfaction. On realizing the role of supervision in creating satisfaction a number of supervisory roles have been suggested for the purpose.Thefollowingpointslistoutthesupervisoryactions.

SupervisoryActionforMaintainingSatisfaction 1. Maintainopenlinesofcommunication. 2. Createagoodphysicalenvironment. 3. Remedysubstandardconditions. 4. Transferdiscountedemployees. 5. Changetheperceptionofdissatisfiedemployees. 6. Displayconcernforemployees. 7. Giveamplerecognition. 8. Allowforparticipativemanagement. 9. Practicegoodmanagement. 10.Conductmoralebuildingprograms. 4. WorkGroup The work group does serve as a source of satisfaction to individual employees. It is well known that, for many employees work fills the need for social interaction. The work group is a stronger source of satisfaction when members have similar attitudes and values. Having people around with similar attitudes causes less friction on a day today basis. Co workers with similar attitudes and values can also provide some confirmation of a persons self concept.Weareokandyouareok. 5. WorkingConditions

Working conditions that are compatible with an employees physical comfort and those facilities doing a good job contribute to job satisfaction. Temperature humidity, ventilation, lighting and noise, hours of work, cleanliness of the work place and adequate tools and equipments are the features which affect job satisfaction. The assumption that working conditions and satisfaction are interrelated contradicts the two factor theory of motivation. According to this theory, working conditions are a part of maintenance factor, which, when provide help remove dissatisfaction. And the opposite of dissatisfactionisnodissatisfactionbutnotsatisfaction. Thus, while working conditions constitute a source of job satisfaction, they are a relatively minor source. Generally unless working conditions are either extremely good or bad, they are taken for granted by most employees. Only when employees themselves change jobs or when working conditions change dramatically over time do working conditions assume more relevance. In other words, all employees are not satisfied or dissatisfied by favorable or unfavorableworkenvironment.

One benefit of job satisfaction study in that they give management ah indicationofgenerallevelsofsatisfactioninacompany. Itincludesspecificareasofsatisfactionanddissatisfaction.

Improvedcommunication. Job satisfaction can help discover the causes of indirect productivity problemssuchasabsenteeism,turnoverandpoorqualityofwork. It helps the management both to get better handle on why employer laggingtoplanbettersolutionsproblems. Theyhelpmanagementassesstrainingneeds. Job satisfaction survey is an indicator of the effectiveness of organizational rewards systems. They help managers judge whether the best performers are receiving the most rewards and the most satisfactionfromtheirjobs. One of the best uses of job satisfaction survey is the evaluation of the impactoforiginalchangesonemployeeattitudes. An unexpected benefit from job satisfaction survey is proved attitudes. For some employees, survey is an emotional release a chance to get things off their chest. For others survey is a tangible expression of marketersinterestinemployeewelfare. Finally, job satisfaction surveys are useful to unions also. Often both management and union argue about what the employees want, but neitherreallyknows.Jobsatisfactionsurveyisonewaytofindout.


The world Tyre industry is marked by a presence of around half a dozen majorplayerswhotogetheroccupy70percentoftheworldmarketshare.The worldwideTyreindustryislikelytowitnessmorerestructuringeffortsafterthe deal between Goodyear and Sumitomo of Japan. Analysts are speculating that there will be only six to seven major players across the globe. The big three of the industry i.e., Michelin, Bridgestone and Goodyear (before its alliance with Sumitomo)eachhadannualsalesofUS$12bn. TheIndianTyreIndustryisavibrantsegmentoftheIndianeconomyand is the wheels of the entire road transport sector of India, producing over 23.7mntyres(fourwheelertyresorganizedsector)in2003.Inaddition,there is a production of 25.7mn tyres in 2/3wheeler tyre segment. The steady growthoftheindustrycanbegaugedfromthefactthattheindustryisgrowing at an annual growth rate of 6 per cent however there is an excess supply over demand in certain categories. Approximately 80 per cent of the industry production, in terms of value, comes from Heavy Commercial (Truck/Bus) and LightCommercialtyres.

TheIndiantyreindustrycaterstoallsegmentsofthemarketi.e. OriginalEquipmentManufacturer(OEM) Replacement SlateTransport Defense Exports The total size of domestic market (four wheeler tyres) can be estimated around 19.4mn tyres per annum for the 2003 and is expected to go up to 28.4mn tyres per annum by 2008. In addition, the tyre industry exports Rs.13bn of tyres across six continents and over 60 countries. The tyre industry has not fared well in the first three quarters of 2005 despite strong GDP growth and buoyant automobile sales. The market witnessed an increase in prices with the price of rubber shooting up from Rs. 35 per kg. in the last two years.

GROWTHOFTYREINDUSTRYININDIA The Tyre Industry began to grow in India during 1930s. The growth of tyreinIndiamaybedividedintothreephases.Inthefirstphasemultinationals came to India and started selling tyres. The first among them was Firestone followedbyothermultinationalslikeGoodyearetc. In the second phase the multinationals started their production in India and they became the first generation tyres. Dunlop was the first company, whichstartedtheirdomesticproductionatCalcutta The third phase of Indian Tyre Industry began when Indian companies startedproducingtyres,whichcametobecalledassecondgenerationtyre. Imported among them are MRF Tyres, Premier Tyres, Goodyear, CEAT etc.theystartedproductioninthesixties. Later in the 1970s the third generation tyres started their production. Themainthirdgeneration tyresareApollo.Vikrant,JK, Modi Tyresetc.All tyre companieswhichstarteditsoperationafterthe1970sandthetyrecompanies which are yet to start production are classified under the head of the further

generation. Notable among them are S. Kumar Tyres. Rado Tyres. Sri Chakara. andBirlatyres. Market leaders in the Indian Tyres Industry are MRF, Apollo Tyres, JK Tyres, CEAT, Goodyear, Modi Rubber, and Birla Tyres. They are updating their strategiesinordertoholdtheirmarketshareandinvadeothers. THEMAJORTHREATSFORTHEINDIANTYREINDUSTRY: Ever rising raw materials costs, petroleum prices have a direct bearing on thehealthoftyreindustry. Particularly in light of the fact our countrys infrastructure continues to remaininadequateandincompetent,e.g. Power rates are very high apart from inadequate availability. Costofmoneyveryhigh. Manpowerproductivityispoor. Someprogressinroadandportssector.

Being the core sector, tyre industry performance is directly linked with the, performance of the overall economy and theautomobilesector. Tyre Industry performance also is impacted by the performanceofagriculturalsector. Asthefutureunfolds,thetyreindustrymaybeimpactedby competitionfromrailwaysector. The size of the Indian tyre manufacturing plant is not of global scale and hence some of them may find the going difficult.

ANOVERVIEWOFTYREINDUSTRY The tyre industry has witnessed a CAGR of 8.3 per cent over the last decade mainly fuelled by the strong growth in the domestic auto industry. Through the replacement market has driven the industry growth for long time; the OEM market has seen a robust growth over thelastcouple. The industry is highly capital intensive as it requires around Rs. 4 bn to set up a radial tyre plant with a capacity of 1.5 mn tyres and around Rs. 1.5 2 bn for across ply tyre plant of a capacity to manufacture 1.5 mn tyres. The profitability of the industry has high correlation with the prices of key raw materials such as rubber andcrudeoilastheyaccountfor more than70percentofthetotalcosts.Therawmaterialstosalesratiointhe industryarearound65percent. The industry has high entry barriers because of its capital intensive nature and low operating margins. With demand increasing at a steady pace,theindustryisexpectedtogothroughaconsolidationphase.

The industry is dominated by four players viz MRF. Apollo Tyres, JK. Industries, CEAT and enjoys more than 70 per cent of the total market share. Thefortunesoftheindustryarelinkedtothetrendinthedomesticauto industry, retreading trend in road transportation and spending on road infrastructure. The companies have lined up the farther expansion plans to meet the increasingdemand. INDIANTYREINDUSTRY TyresmadeinIndiacanbebroadlyclassifiedasCrossPlyandRadial. The body of a tyre called carcass or causing is made up of layers of Rubber coatedNylonorRayonfabriccalledPlies,themaindifferencebetweenthese two types is the direction in which the ply cords are arranged and the type of reinforcement medium used. In a. Cross Ply Tyre, the cords run across each other or diagonally to the outer surface of the tyre. On the other hand, in a radialtyre,thecordsrunradiallyfrombeadtobeadat90degreesangletothe rim or along the outer surface of the tyre. In a cross ply tyrb, the major

reinforcement materials used are Rayon and Nylon tyre cords. In a radial tyre thereinforcingmediumisPolyster.Nylon,FiberglassandSteel.


whichaffectthejobsatisfactionleveloftheemployees. 1. To find out analysis the job satisfaction of employees in Apollo Tyres Limited 2. To find out and analysis various factors affecting job satisfaction among theemployeesinApolloTyresLimited.Thevariousfactorsare: Workingcondition/facilities. Welfaremeasures. Safetymeasures. Grievancehandling. Promotionalopportunities Traininganddevelopmentprograms. Relationshipamongtheemployees. Participationindecisionmaking 3. To give a suggestion and recommendation for improving the job satisfactionlevelamongtheemployeesinApolloTyresLimited.

LIMITATIONOFTHESTUDY 1. Simplepercentanalysisisused.

2. All the factors affecting job satisfaction is not taken into


3. Someoftherespondentswerenotcooperative.


ResearchMethodologycoversthefollowing: 1. DataCollectionMethod 2. SourceofData 3. ToolsfordataCollection 4. SamplingPlan 5. CompilingofData 1. DataCollectionMethod: The researcher used scheduled interview method using questionnaire forprimarydata,secondarydataarecollectedfromdifferentsources. 2. SourcesofData: Primary data were collected through questionnaire from employees. Secondary data were collected from company profile, brochures and pastreports. 3. ToolsforDataCollection: The data collection method adopted for the project is prepared through a set of questionnaire. Their responses and feedback is noted down in thequestionnaire. 4. Samplingplan

100employeesofApolloTyresLtdatKalamassery. 5. CompilingofData The primary data and secondary data collected from different sources are made in tabular form. They are arranged according to different factorsforeasyinferenceandanalysis.

1. Employeesinteresttowardshisjob

Particulars Yes No Total Chartno.4.2.1 Inference:

NoofEmployees 70 30 100

Percentage 70% 30% 100%

70%ofthetotalrespondents areinterested intheirjoband 30%arenot


2. Thenatureoftakingleave Tableno.4.1.2 Particulars Yes No Total Chartno.4.2.2 Inference: 75% of the total respondents are talking leave frequently and 25% were nottakingleavefrequently. NoofEmployees 75 25 100 Percentage 75% 25% 100%

3. Reasonforabsenteeism

Factors Personalproblems Workingcondition JobContent ToughSupervision Otherfactors Total Inference:

NoofEmployees 100 0 0 0 0 100

Percentage 100% 0 0 0 0 100%

Out of 75% of the employees take leave frequently because of personal problems

4. Employeessatisfactionassociatedwithremuneration Tableno.4.1.4 Particulars High Average Low Total NoofEmployees 15 80 5 100 Percentage 15% 80% 5% 100%


Inference: 15% of the total employees satisfied with their remuneration but 5% of

employees are not satisfied with remuneration but 80% have average satisfaction.

5. Employeesopinionaboutnatureofwork Tableno.4.1.5 Factors Tough Good Average Easy Total Chartno.4.2.4 Inference: It is clear that 55% of the employees are of opinion that work content is good. 40% of employees opinion that it is average and 5% employeessaysthattheirworkcontentiseasy NoofEmployees 0 55 40 5 100 Percentage 0 55% 40% 5% 100%

6. Employeesopinionaboutpromotionalopportunities Tableno.4.1.6 Particulars Good Average Bad Total


NoofEmployees 75 25 0 100

Percentage 75% 25% 0 100%

Inference:Itisclearfromabovethat75%ofemployeesareofopinionthatthe promotional opportunity provided by management is good and 25 % of employees are of opinion that promotional opportunity is average. Nobody saysthatitistoobad.

7. Traininganddevelopment Tableno.4.1.7 Traininganddevelopment Veryhigh High Average Low Total


NoofEmployees 5 10 70 15 100

Percentage 5% 10% 70% 15% 100%

Inference: 5% of the total respondents have high satisfaction and 10% of employees are highly satisfied and 70% of employees have average satisfaction.But15%ofemployeesarenotatallsatisfied.

8. Supervision Tableno.4.1.8 Supervision Good Average Bad Total


NoofEmployees 70 30 0 100

Percentage 70% 30% 0 100%

Inference: It is clear form above that 70% employees are of opinion that the supervision that they are getting in good and 30% of employees are of opinion thatisonlyaverage.

9. ThenecessaryfacilitiesprovidedbyApolloTyresLtd Tableno.4.1.9 Particulars Yes No Total .


NoofEmployees 75 25 100

Percentage 75% 25% 100%

Inference: 75% of the respondents claimed that they are getting all the facilities which are necessary and 25% says that they are not getting adequate facilities.

10.Employeesopinionabouttherelationshipwithothers Tableno.4.1.10 Relationshipwithcolleagues Good Average Bad Total


NoofEmployees 80 20 0 100

Percentage 80% 20% 0 100%

Inference: 80% of the total employees are good relationship with their colleaguesand20%ofopinionthatisaverage.

11.Opinionofemployeesaboutthefacilitiesprovided a. OpinionaboutCanteen

Canteenfacility Good Average Bad Total


NoofEmployees 75 20 5 100

Percentage 75% 20% 5% 100%

Inference: 75% of employees are of opinion that canteen facility if good and 20%ofemployeessaycanteen facilityisaveragebut5%ofemployeessaythat canteenfacilityisbad.

b. Opinionabouttoiletfacility Tableno.4.1.12 Toiletfacility Good Average Bad Total


NoofEmployees 70 20 10 100

Percentage 70% 20% 10% 100%

Inference: 70% of the employees are of opinion that toilet facility is good and 20% employees are of opinion it is average. But 10 % of employees says that it isbad.

c. Opinionaboutrestroom Tableno.4.1.13 Restroomfacility Good Average Bad Total


NoofEmployees 65 30 5 100

Percentage 65% 30% 5% 100%

Inference: It is clear from the above table that 5% employees are of opinion that restroom facility is good and 305 of employees are of opinion that restroomfacilityisaverage.But5%havebadopinion

12.TheemployeesOpinionaboutsafetymeasures Tableno.4.1.14 Safetymeasures High Average Bad Total


NoofEmployees 20 75 5 100

Percentage 20% 75% 5% 100%

Inference: From the table it is clear that 20% of employees feel that safety measures given by employer is high 75% of employees feel that it is average. But5%havebadopinion.

13.Detailedopinionaboutsafetymeasures a. Personalprotectionequipment Tableno.4.1.15 Personalprotectionequipment Good Average Bad Dontknow Total


NoofEmployees 75 20 5 0 100

Percentage 75% 20% 5% 0 100%

Inference: From the above table it is clear that 755 of employees are of opinion that personal protection equipment provided by the company is good.20%ofemployeesareofaverageopinion,But5%havebadopinion.

b. Safetytrainingprogrammes

Safetytrainingprogrammes Good Average Bad Total


NoofEmployees 5 55 40 100

Percentage 5% 55% 40% 100%

Inference: It is clear form the above table that 5% of employees have good opinion about safety training programmes arranged by the company. 55% of employees are of opinion that safety training programmes is average and 40% havebadopinion.

c. Safetycommittee

Safetycommittee Good Average Bad Dontknow


NoofEmployees 5 20 15 60

Percentage 5% 20% 15% 60%

Inference: It can be inferred from the above table that only 5% of employees are of opinion that safety committee is good and 20% of employees says that safety committee is average and 15% says it is bad but 60% of employees are notawareofthefacilty.

14.Employeesopinionaboutwelfaremeasures a. Medicalbenefit

Medicalbenefit Good Average Bad Total


NoofEmployees 75 20 5 100

Percentage 75% 20% 5% 100%

Inference: This table shows that out of 100 755 of the employees are of opinionthatmedicalbenefitisgood.20%ofemployeesareofopinionthatitis average.But5%ofemployeessaythatitisnotatallattractive.

b. Allowances

Allowances Good Average Bad Total


NoofEmployees 15 75 10 100

Percentage 15% 75% 10% 100%

Inference: The above table shows that 75% of the employees are of opinion thatallowanceisaverage.Only15%ofemployeesareofopinionthatitisgood and10%havebadopinion.

c. Bonus

Bonus Good Average Bad Total


NoofEmployees 5 85 10 100

Percentage 5% 85% 10% 100%

Inference: It is clear from above table that 855 of employees are opinion that Bonus is average. 5% employees are of opinion that Bonus is good 10% of employeesfeelthatitisbad.

d. Entertainmentandculturalprogrammes

Factors Good Average Bad Total


NoofEmployees 10 80 10 100

Percentage 10% 80% 10% 100%

Inference: I is clear from above that 80% of employees are of opinion that entertainmentandculturalprogrammesofferedbyApolloTyresisaverageand 105ofemployeesareofopinionthatitisgood.10%havebadopinion.

e. Scholarshipfacility

Scholarship Good Average Bad Total


NoofEmployees 15 75 10 100

Percentage 15% 75% 10% 100%

Inference: It is clear from above that 75% of employees are of opinion that scholarshipfacilityisaverage.155ofemployeesareofopinionthatscholarship facilityisgood.But10%havebadopinion.

f. Transportationfacility

Transportation Good Average Bad Total


NoofEmployees 0 40 60 100

Percentage 0 40% 60% 100%

Inference: It is clear from above that 40% of employees are of opinion that Transportation facility is only average .60% have bad opinion. Nobody has goodopinionabouttransportationfacilityprovidedbyApolloTyres.

15.Satisfactionrelatedwithgrievancehandlingprocedure Tableno.4.1.24 Factors HighSatisfied Averagesatisfaction Dissatisfied Total


NoofEmployees 0 45 55 100

Percentage 0 45% 55% 100%

Inference: It is clear that from above that 45% of employees have average satisfaction regarding grievance handling procedure. 55% have bad opinion. Nobodyishighlysatisfiedaboutit.

16.Participationindecisionmaking Tableno.4.1.25 Factors Good Average Bad Total


NoofEmployees 5 35 60 100

Percentage 5% 35% 60% 100%

Inference: It is clear from above that 35% of employees are opinion that participationindecisionmakingisaverage.Only5%saysthatisgood60%have badopinion.


Factors Yes No Total


NoofEmployees 65 35 100

Percentage 65% 35% 100%

Inference: It is clear from above that 65% of employees are of opinion that theyareinterestedtoworkwithApolloTyresLtd.But35%saysthattheydont haveanyinteresttoworkwithApolloTyresLtd.

1. Most of the employees have only average satisfaction towards their job that is, 55% have shown interest towards their job and only 45% areinterestedtoworkwithApolloTyresLtd. 2. Most of the employees have an average level of satisfaction to their wages.Only15%ofthemaresatisfiedwiththeirwages. 3. Most of the respondents say that the working facilities they are getting is good. That is, canteen, restroom and toilet facilities provided by Apollo Tres Ltd. The Supervision, promotional opportunities and the relationship with colleagues are also satisfactory.Buttrainingand developmentfacility provided byApollo TyresLtdisonlyaverage. 4. Accordingtotheopinionemployeestheyaregettinganaveragelevel of welfare measures. But most of them were satisfied with the medical benefits provided by Apollo Tyres Ltd. But other facilities like allowances, bonus, entertainment and cultural programs,

Scholarships etc. are average. The transportation facility is not adequateaccordingtomajorityofemployees.

5. The safety measures provided by Apolo Tyres Ltd is only average. That is the personal protective equipment is provided to everybody. But the employees have only average opinion about safety training programmes. But 40% say that it is bad. Most of the respondents are notawareofsafetycommittee. 6. Most of the employees are highly satisfied with about their relationshipwithcolleagues. 7. 65% of employees say that participation in decision making is bad 305haveanaverageopinion. 8. All most 50% of employees are dissatisfied with the grievance handlingfacilities.

1. Make the job more interesting through providing them good working conditions,safetymeasures,andwelfaremeasures. 2. Most of the employees are dissatisfied with the wages they are getting. So provide them more. So that there should be enough and adequatewagestructure. 3. Makeimprovementsintraininganddevelopmentfacilitygiventothe employees, provide cooling facility to production department and provideadequateworkingspace. 4. Improveallowances,bonus,entertainmentandculturalprogrammes, scholarships. The transportation facilities should be improved, providethisfacilitiesalongwitheveryshifts. 5. Educate the employees about the safety committee and improve the safetytrainingprogramsandmakeitmoreeffective. 6. Theorganizationshouldprovideanopportunitytoparticipatesothat itshouldbeacceptabletoeverybody.


satisfaction of employees in Apollo tyres Ltd at Kalamassery. The research is conducted using primary data and secondary data. This study emphasis that employees are getting working condition from their job. All employees are satisfied with the relationship between all the members of the organization. Employees are satisfied with their job because of the organization provide the facilities like training and development. Supervision, leave facilities etc. employees are dissatisfied with the grievance handling procedures, remuneration, participation in decision making and some of the welfare measures like transportation, bonus allowances, scholarship facility, entertainment and cultural facilities etc. The safety measures provided to everybody.Buttheemployees haveonly averageopinionaboutsafetytraining programs.But40%saythatitisbad.Mostoftherespondentsarenotawareof safetycommittee.

AStudyonEmployeesatisfactionatATL Pleasetickwhere Name Age : :


Designation : 1. Areyouinterestedinyourjob? Yes No 2. Doyouhaveinthenatureoftakingleavefrequently? Yes No 3. Ifyeswhatisthereasonforabsenteeism? Personalproblems Jobcontent workingcondition Tough

supervision otherfactors 4. Areyousatisfiedwiththewages? Yes Average No 5. Whatisyouropinionaboutthenatureofwork?

Tough Average Bad 6. Thepromotionalopportunityofferedbythemanagementis? Good Average Bad

7. ThetraininganddevelopmentfacilityyouaregettingfromApolloTyresLtd is? Veryhigh High Average Low Verylow 8. WhatdoyouthinkaboutthesupervisionyouaregettingfromAppoloTyres Ltd?

Verygood Good Average Bad VeryBad 9. Whetherthecompanyisprovidingallthefacilitieswhicharenecessary? Yes No 10.Yourrelationshipwithcolleaguesorothersinthecompanyis? Good 11.Whatisyouropinionabouttheworkingconditionorfacilitiesprovidedby ApolloTyresLtd Particulars Canteen Toilet Restroom 12.Whatdoyouthinkaboutthesafetymeasuresprovidedbythe management? High 13.Whatisyouropinionaboutvarioussafetymeasures?
Particulars Good Average Bad Dontknow








Personalprotectiveequipment Safetytrainingprograms SafetyCommittee

Particulars Medicalbenefit Allowances Bonus Entertainmentandculturalprograms Scholarships Transportation Good Average Bad

15.AreyousatisfiedwiththegrievanceshandlingprocedureofApolloTyres Ltd? Highlysatisfied 16.Whatisyouropinionaboutparticipationindecisionmaking? Good 17.AreyouinterestedtoworkwithApolloTyresLtd? Yes 18.IfNowhatarethereasons? 19.Othersuggestionsifany? No Average Bad Satisfied Dissatisfied Highlydissatisfied

Organisationbehavior J.Jayasankar




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