Nadi Astrology QA

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In view of the above discussions, several doubts and questions which arise on Nadi Jyotish are consolidated here

as far as possible at random:What is the real origin of this Nadi Jyotish? !uring the days of "#rutyug$ great sages who could see through past, present % future did write these nadi granthas&

're they really written by some (ages and only by professional astrologers? )es they are written by the great sages, not by mere astrologers&

're they the records of those born in earlier written on palm leaves in those times?- did not understand this question&

Why a right thumb impression for male and left for female is to be ta*en?- there has to be some scientific reason for the same which is not *nown to me, may be some e+per nadi reader can answer this question&

In what language they were written originally?- (ans*rit&

When were they translated into other languages?- His highness Sri. Venkoji Maharaja, descendant of Sivaji Maharaja, established the Maratha rule in Tamilnadu in the year 16 6, !ith Tanjore as their Head "uarters. The control !as taken over by the #ritishers in 1 $% from the Marathas, !hen &obert 'live !as the (overnor of Madras )residency.The Marathas during their rules !ere true *atrons of +rts, Science, Medicine, Vedas, +strology etc. The great !orks of ancient ,ndia !ere all ke*t in the famous Saras!ati Mahal -ibrary at Tanjore and maintained by them..uring the reign of the great king Sarabhoji Maharaja, the Sanskrit !orks, including those relating to /aadi +strology !ere translated into old *oetic Tamil -anguage and !ritten on )alm leaves and ke*t in Saras!athi Mahal -ibrary. .uring the same *eriod, though the !hole /orth ,ndia !as under the control of Mohammediyans, the great Marathas managed to *reserve all such great !orks in their Saras!athi Mahal -ibrary. Thus /aadi +strology *o!ers a debut of gratitude to the (reat Marathas for its e0istence today.

,ow many bundles of leaves are available in total?- no idea but I don$t thin* it is material-relevant&

Is each set of leaves after some name of Nadi Jyotish is different ?- did not understand the question&

Is there really anything written on the leaves at all or something appear then and there?- my e+perience % observation says that it is definitely pre-written % cannot be written then % there&

Is there any .antra or some other means used by the Nadi astrologers?- it is written in old poetic tamil language which must be written in (ans*rit shol*as earlier&

Is there any specific science written to get the birth chart and birth data from/ the thumb impressions?- there seems to be some science for identifying a bundle-s of leaves which are related to the thumb impression ta*en of the person& .y observation is that during the reading of the leaves in the process of identifying the unique leaf, the nadi leaves which are read, many are having some-most of the information which matches with the person& 0or eg: if the person is married, in most of the leaves, nadi reader will chec* the name of the spouse whereas if the person is unmarried, vewry rarely you will find a nadi with name of the spouse& 1this is not after chec*ing-confirming whether the person is married or unmarried2

,ow the e+act names can be told?- e+actly, this is something which no one can deny& 'll those who says that nadi astrology is fa*e, cannot logically 3ustify-e+plain that how come the name of the persons come e+actly same in the nadi without disclosing to the nadi reader& 4his is possible only in 5 cases one a person who is spiritually advanced % can see through past-present % future or the other possibility is of "*arna pishachha$&

What is the procedure followed by the nadi reader to pic* up the inde+ leaves from his library from thumb impression?- this is something to be learned-*nown from a good nadi reader who is willing to share this *nowledge for the sa*e of research&

,ow is it on some leaves only some type of funny pattern of lines was written without any normal language form of script ?- no idea what is this&

,ow is it that some type of 4amil script found on the leaves could not be understood?- it is old-ancient form of tamil language hence cannot be understood even by a tamil person&

Why do the readers give the future readings from the date of consultation only at some intervals of age only?- the purpose of writing the future is to give some direction % therefore is written in interval of 5-6 years& I understand that there are some special chapter-*andam on current disha-bhu*ti which gives current period in more detail but I$ve not personally e+perienced this& I understand that there are also some su*shma nadi grantha which are more detail but needs to be chec*ed-e+perienced&

Why do they not give the occurrence of past events age wise generally?- the purpose of having brief past-present mentioned in the leaf is only to identify the nadi& 7nce the nadi is identified, then the future is only important % not the past&

,ow do they give the names of foreigners also sometimes?- the nadi grantha is not bound to Indian territory& If a person is destined to *now his future through the nadi, he will *now it whether he leaves-born in India or abroad& I personally *now one case of a foreigner whose all past % correct names came in his nadi&

What is the material and sole of the leaf and and how they have preserved so long?- they use some preservative oils to preserve the same&

're they rewritten at different intervals of time?- yes, they were translated in tamil from original (ans*rit % then we do not *now how many duplication-copies of the same were made&

,ow are they trained and how long? I understand there are scientific procedure-method to become a nadi reader&

,ow do they lin* up the inde+ leaf with the actual leaf of general #andam and other chapters of?-unique name of the unique fingerprint is mentioned on the leaf which form a basis to lin* it with other chapter-*andam leaves&

,ow can some readers say that such and such person is going to consult on that day? it is written in the nadi leaves, nadi reader are 3ust mediater-interpreatator&

!o the readings for the same person from different Nadis match e+actly? I$ve observed e+perience of some people who have chec*ed at different centres % the reading is mostly matched& I wish to chec* my own readings at as much centres as possible to have a first hand e+perience&

!o the readings for the same person from the same nadi reader from the same nadi ta*en at different interval of time say a year later match e+actly? need to be researched&

're you really to be destined to consult Nadi?- if so then only you will reach there % at the destined time only&

're the past readings given always perfectly correct ? I$ve observed that those who complain that there future is not coming correct, have agreed that there past was correct&

,ow far the future reading goes perfectly right upto what time to nearby future or to long future also? I$ve seen cases in which the future predictions have come ture& 4o quote one beautiful e+ample one lady when went for nadi reading was pregnant, delivery date was after 6 wee*s& Nadi said that she will deliver the ne+t day which no one believed as she herself was not having any such signs, but it did happen that ne+t day she had pregnancy pains, was hospitali8ed % delivered a baby, now will you say it as a coincidence?????

!o the reader himself involved in giving correct readings, includes his training and e+perience?-yes&

Why do the remedial measures given in (hanti #anda mostly refer to the 9ods-9oddess -4emples in 4amilnadu?- I want to clarify this as it is e+perienced-observed by many people but my own e+perience differs according to which the temples to be visited are not restricted - sometimes none of them is in tamilnadu& We need to further study that if the observation that the temples are from tamilnadu is applying to all-most of the cases chec*ed at particular centre-s then we need to assess the reliability-authenticity of that centre&

Why do they prescribe the alms to be given to the nadi reader and is it really written on the leaves ?- I believe that if it is at aunticate centre, then it is as written in the leaves& I *now some cases in which it was mentioned that nadi reader should not charge anything to the person, or the e+penses of the temple visits-di*sha *and to be borned by the nadi reader& If the nadi reader is business minded or is spea*ing on his own, why will he should say li*e this in some cases?

're they actually reading what was written on the leaves ?- yes if the nadi reader is authenticate&

Why are some of them in some form of trance with half closed eyes as if they are not reading it from the leaves at all?- no idea, I$ve not so far e+perienced this&

Why don:t nadi readers give your leaf to you, if it really belongs to y u?- no idea&

;an you read what is written there?- yes but u cannot understand unless you *now that language&

Will they show it you?-yes&

,ow many readings are there on each leaf?- one or sometimes 5&

,ow many inde+ bundles are normally to be scanned to arrive at your data?- it depends on case to case varying from one to <&

,ow many leaves are there in each bundle?- no idea but do not thin* it is relevant&

!o they read without thumb impression, if the chart is given ?- no idea but I suppose they are trained to chec* based on the thum impression only&

're the previous life readings given in different Nadis for the same person would be the same? should be the same, needs to be researched& =ersonally, I$ve chec*ed one person$s nadi from agastya % vasistha both were matching&

,ow far the remedial measures given wor*?- yes this is the million dollar question which really needs to be observed-researched& We really need to come together to find out answer to this question as if we can do it, it will be very useful to thw whole man*ind % will give totally new dimention to the medicine % helath of the people&

Why do every nadi reader prescribe shanti definitely for every person whenever consulted?- very logical question& >ut I personally believe that since we are still born on the earth in the *aliyug it is the sign that we are carrying some inpurities-past *armas with us which brings sufferings to us in our life hence the shanty is required to burn those past *armas if we want to have some positive change in our lifes % if we do not want to burn those *armas through the sufferings&

Why do the chart given by them differ from the one prepared by you in computers? my personal e+perience is that the computer chart matches with the one given in the nadi? if it is not matching then there is a possibility that the nadi leaf is not urs or it may be fa*e??? ;an$t say@

Is their ephemeris from Aa*ya (iddhanta as told different from others and how far is it correct?- no idea on this&

Why do they tell the firth date, month and year in 4amil calendar and then correlate it ;hristian calendar, is it because the records were in 4amil ?-yes&

If the records were in (ans*rit or 4elugu language, how are the birth data found in which calendar?- did not understand the question&

're they following only the transits of ma3or planets of Jupiter (aturn etc?- no I don$t thin* so&

Why do they give readings of future events only age wise, not at a particular calendar date, month and year ?- need to see if nadi readers can give e+planation to this&

!o they *now astrology at all?- nadi readers are not eseentially be astrologers, though if they do have astrological bac*ground, it will help them in better interpreatation&

!o they tell the e+act names of twins , if the thumbprints are given ? personal e+perience but planning to chec* this out&


!o they give the readings without the presence of the person consulting and with the date presented by some person?- yes&

!o they give the reading by post if the required data is given and fees sent? yes&

,ow far they ta*e the responsibility if the future readings given by them do not come true and what e+cuse do they give in such cases ?- I don$nt thin* that if future doesn$t turn out to be what is mentioned, nadi readers are responsible for the same& .r& 7a* in his boo* has very rightly given the logical e+planation to this question why past is right but future goes wrong&

Is there cheating by them?- after going thru the e+periences in the forum, it seems that there are many fa*e nadi readers, but then it is a *aliyug with BCD wrong % 5CD the truth, so this is very natural % this is true in all other aspects of life, isn$t it??? If we find a fa*e doctor we will not say that whole medicine is fa*e, so the same applies to astrology % also to the nadi grantha-reader&

're there any real astrological principles involved in those Nadis? yes but I believe that it is something beyonf the astrology& 0or eg: no branch of astrology can help you to predict e+act names of the person % his family& 4his is something which comes from divine *nowledge only&

Why do they charge e+orbitantly which many poor people cannot afford?- if they are charging abnormally high fees, it is definitely wrong % which can be one criterial to differentiate the right ones with the wrong ones& (ince it is bread % butter for the nadi readers, it is perfectly in order to charge a normal fee according to the period-inflation, etc in order to ensure that he can have an average family life&

!o poor people are distend to consult them?- a noble nadi reader should consult free to a poor people& >ut again, you will not find many people who are very very poor going to nadi reader because I don$t thin* that they are-will be destined for the same& % those who are destined, by some way or the other they will get it done even if the fees are beyond their capcity to bear&

Is it worth spending lot of money in finding out the tric*s of this nadi astrology? don$t we spend lot of money on many other things whch may-does go waste& If we ma*e cost benefit analysis, it is definitely worth giving a try& 7ne of the advantage of forum i*e this or research will be to arrive at the right-good quality centres I all areas % ma*e people educated so that they will end up reaching to the right centre % will not get cheated % lose faith on the nadi&

Is it possible to do any research at all in this filed? yes& 4here is already research made by people li*e .r& 7a*, late shantaram 'thavle, etc& >ut still we need to have more coordinated-concrete % scientific research&

're there any Nadis with some (wami3is or in some 'shram or with some other persons who are not using it for professional commercial purposes and give readings when consulted?- need to be reasearched&

're there any Nadis published fully, if so in what language?- difficult to trace this& >ut it seems that it is available either in tamil or in (ans*rit&

Why do some astrologers, who have got nadi 9rantha not publish it completely in a boo* form?- should be e+plored but publishing the same will not be cost effective % I do not thin* that it is destined to be that way&

're there other aspects natural calamities, political set ups wars, countries etc written also nadi granthas other than about persons and if so why don:t they publish it before hand?- yes some of the nadi grantha do tal* about such events, for eg: *a*a bhu3andar nadi does have world ma3or events mentioned&we need to e+plore if we can get it *nown to the world but even if we do so, I don$t thin* that we can stop change the events at national-world level as they are destined to happen at the given time&

're these Nadis written restricted to certain regions only, if so within how many *ilometers -miles and within what longitudes and latitudes?- no do not have any geographical limits&

Is there any law, which is given in the Nadis to e+tend it other persons and other regions?- it is not bound to any region&

,ow can a few bundles of leaves ,however large they re cover all life patterns of all persons? it is not covering all persons& It is written only for the destined people&

What the addresses of all the nadi readers?- .r& 7a* has ta*en great effort in publishing the same in his boo* which may be listed with updation on our group&

're there any persons who are really doing any genuine serious research to find out the secrets of the nadi Jyotish if so what are their addresses and what are their findings so far, have they published their research anywhere?- need to be e+plored % such people need to be bring together to have a consolidated synergetic effort in this field for better % faster output&

're there any persons who are e+changing their e+perience and research with each in this field and if so what are their addresses?- needs to be e+plored&

're there any persons who had consulted all Nadis about them personalities and published their readings comparing and verifying the results if so what are their addresses?- Eate (hantaram 'thavle has done significant research on this % has published a boo* "nadi grantha$ in marathi language&

Why can:t the nadi readers tell the e+act names of the wife-husband before

marriage, but can tell the e names of after marriage?- I thin* I *now one case in which the name of the spouse was told before marriage % it did turn out to be the same in future, though more observation need to be done in this area&

Why can:t they tell the names of the children when they can tell your name, your wife-husband name and names of parents?- need to e+plore with the nadi readers&

Is there any danger or calamity or curse or those who possess these nadi granthas and to their families when they practice it?- they will get problems if they do not practice it religiously % use it to cheat people- to have abnormal gains&

,ow did (age (atyacharya, supposed to be inventor of nadi amshas of FCG write the general life patterns for each nadi amsha and to what percentage they match with a person:s life pattern, if the person birth amsha falls in one of the nadi amshas or is it that the person should select the nearest nadi amsha pattern which matches with most of his life events and if it is to be chosen for a newly born baby who has not much specific events to chec* then how to fi+ up the nadi amsha?- no *nowledge in this area need to e+plore it&

Is there any method, if at all any, to draw the nadi amsha chart 3ust as other Aargas 1divisional2 charts and if so how to prepare such a nadi chart and how to use it vis-H-vis rasi and other Aargas charts 1though it is not mostly *nown how to use the *nown Aargas charts themselves specifically for a particular event in lifeI2 no *nowledge in this area need to e+plore it&

Which are the mantra Nadis , the tantra Nadis, prasna Nadis etc and what are the differences and how do they operate? need to be e+plored& I suppose mantra nadi is the normal one& =rasna nadi there are some available which give answers to ur questions which needs to be e+plored&

Where are we now in our research on nadi Jyotish in finding out the secrets, when they have e+isting from so many years?- I thin* now where still to go a long way&

're there any specific astrological principles used in nadi Jyotish literature other than normal principles enunciated in standard ancient te+t boo*s by sage =arasara, Jaimini,Aarahamihira, .antreswara, Aidyanatha, #alidasa, Aen*atesdaivagna, >has*ara Jyotish, >hruhat3ata*a, =haladeepi*a , Jata*apari3ata, Jttara #alamithra, (arvartha ;hinthamani, >havadeepi*a, (an*etanidhi, (aravali etc ?- I don$t thin* the sages have used any principles for this writing as thry do not need to do so as everything is li*e an open boo* for them though if one try to correlate the same with the astrological priniciples, it should be in line with the same&

!o the nadi readers allow to record all the questions they as* as they proceed with the inde+ leaves and is there any person who got such recorded data in his personal case and if what is his address?- no idea, but I don$t thin* a nadi reader

will ob3ect to this, unless on one ground that is a time dimension, but again, in my personal case, nadi reader allowed me to do video shooting of the event, so if required we can ta*e complete event on a record for analysis&

,ow can the Nadi Keader tell that your parents are alive when y you consult him when they are alive and tell that they are dead when you consult him after their death and can such a thing can be told from applying normal astrological principles?- nadi readers are 3ust reading what is written on the leaves& We need to e+plore such live cases to verify the findings on this matter&& it is difficult to answer this using normal astrological principles&

(imilarly how can h e tell the e+act number of brothers and sisters and at age you were married etc and can these can be told so precisely from any normal astrological rules?- again, it can be told based on traditional astrology but needs that much e+pertise, but in no case, normal astrology can help u to predict the names&

Will all the Nadis give the e life span for a person or different life spans, when the names and chart and other past details match e+actly in all Nadis ?- to be e+plored&

Why some Nadis mention certain age as L9andamL 1danger to life2 and if it is surpassed the person would live upto certain other age ?- this happens-applies in traditional astrology as well that certain transtitor period is threatening to one$s life&

,as anybody found any clues to give e+act predictions from the te+t boo*s available in the mar*et on nadi Jyotish presently such as L>hrugu Nandi NadiL by (hri K&9&Kao, !eva*eralam 1;handra*ala Nadi 26 vols by (hri Eate K&(anthanam commentary on L(aptarishi NadiL by (hri J&,&>hasin, L4ransits of planets on they birth chartL lesson of nadi are the essence of astrologyL by (hri K&9&Kao, L#ashyapa ,ora - essesnce of nadi astrologyL by (hri K&9&Kao, LNadi 3yothisha or the (tellar system of astrologyL1out of print2 by (hri Eate K&9opala*rishna Kao 1=en name meena2 L(atya 3ata*am 1basis of !hruvanadi2 (age (atyacharya, L=ractical (tellar 'strology 1>ased on Nadi =rinciples2 by (hri Eate NA Kaghavachari 1=en name .eena II2, LNadi system of =rediction 1(tellar-theory2 by (hri Kattan Eal , L!octrines of (u*a Nadi Ketold - mysteries of nadi system of astrology unfurledL by (hri Eate K&(anthanam, L=rofession from the position of planets -in rare nadi granthas by (hri K9 Ko, LAedic 'strology and careerL by (hri A&Kaghuraman, L)our !estiny in thumbL by (hri K&9&Kao L>hrigu (utram (age >hrigu, L>hrugu =rashna NadiL by (hri K&9&Kao, 9eneral life pattern from !hruva Nadi and Nandi Nadi published for some Nadi 'mshas in the L'strological .aga8ineL, several articles published on Nadi 'strology in the 'strological .aga8ines L other maga8ines and new papers etc etc? I$ve not read these boo*s but sure that predictions given in these boo*s or based on these boo*s will not match with the one given in the leaves& 4hese boo*s can have general principles, some *nowledge, that$s it& M+pert astrologer can reach somewhere ased on this in predictions, but that he can do in other forms of astrology as well, isn$t it?

,as anybody able to correlate the standard astrological principles with the nadi astrology predictions authentically?- no idea, but personally will li*e to see it done&

;an e+act birth time be told by Nadi Keaders? reader should be in a postion to do so&

no idea but the e+pert nadi

Whether the Nadi reader and the translator add anything on their own while reading and e+plaining? should be possible but the ideal nadi reader should wor* only as a mediator-interpretor&

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