Crime Organisé
Crime Organisé
Crime Organisé
On July 28, 2013, Mali held its rst presidential election after the military coup in March 2012 and the end of the war in the North.1 In the rst round, Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, a former prime minister, received 39.2% of the votes cast. Soumaila Ciss, a former nance minister, came in second with 19.4%. Altogether 27 candidates competed for the presidency. In accordance with the constitution a second round took place on August 11 between the two leading candidates Keita and Ciss. In this round, Keita was elected as Mali's new president with a majority of 77.6%. His opponent received 22.3%. Accepting his clear defeat he already congratulated Keita for his victory before the nal results came out. There is no doubt that the election of a new president has given Mali a chance for a new start. However, Mali had such a chance twice before but dismally failed. This paper argues that the structural causes for these past failures are still present today. Indeed, they have become even more worrisome and dicult to tackle. This is in particular true with regard to the key issues for stability in Mali: the interaction between the Tuareg conict and the governability of the North on the one hand and the penetration of West Africa and the Sahel by increasingly symbiotic networks of organized crime and international terrorism on the other hand.2
Before the elections, prominent voices strongly warned against rushing the process. Badly prepared elections would lack credibility and simply serve to bring old politics back. In particular, the head of the Electoral Commission, Mamadou Diamoutani, repeatedly complained that he would need more time to properly organize the elections. In late June, Tibil Drame, former Foreign Minister and the negotiator of the ceasere agreement between the Tuareg movements MNLA (Mouvement National de Libration de lAzawad) and HCUA (Haute Conseil pour lUnit de lAzawad) and the Malian government, decided not to run for the presidency despite being quite popular. He strongly felt that rushed elections were in danger of deepening the divide between the South and the Tuareg. On the international side, the International Crisis Group took the same line, writing that a short delay of the elections would pay long-term dividends.3
The parliamentary elections have been postponed until fall 2013. This policy brieng originally appeared in German. The translation was kindly prepared by the Center for Transatlantic Relations, School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University. 3 See the Media Release by the International Crisis Group, Managing Malis Elections A Short Delay Would Pay Long-term Dividends, Brussels 06/26/2013,
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While the elections went ahead, there are good reasons to assume that the widespread criticism had a positive eect. Eorts were clearly made to strengthen their implementation. Voter registration was improved, although it remained fraught with problems, and the French kept a troop presence in the North of over 3,200, far above the level of the 1,000 envisioned in the mandate for the UN mission (see below). No major security incidents were reported. Immediately after the rst round, politicians and commentators in the press praised the remarkably high level of voter turnout of almost 50%, compared to a maximum of 38% in the past. (Turnout in the second round was slightly less at about 45%.) Others familiar with politics in Mali have pointed out that this high turnout is above all due to the high level of participation in the South (over 65%), where most of the non-nomadic population exhibit a deep dislike of the Tuareg. They mostly rallied behind Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, an ethnic Bambara and now popular in the streets of Bamako as IBK. In the North, however, voter turnout was dramatically lower (ca. 13%). Keita is very much a representative of the old political class, although he increasingly distanced himself from former president Tour. It re mains to be seen whether he is willing and able to give the country a new direction. As mentioned above, the country held successful elections before, but afterwards failed to democratize and solve the Tuareg problem. The causes for these failures still persist today.
military leadership in Bamako. In the ranks of the army enormous anger had accumulated because they had been left alone in the war in the North. Instead, leaders in Bamako had embezzled the soldiers salaries as well as funds earmarked for military equipment. It was this coup dtat that shattered the illusion of Mali being a model for democratization in Africa. However, the common explanation for this failure, namely that it was an illusion from the very beginning, falls short of what truly happened. Looking back to the events that took place in the early 1990s, when Sub-Saharan Africa was swept by a wave of democratization comparable to the Arab Spring, leads to a dierent conclusion. At that time, Malis dictatorial regime under Moussa Traor faced growing opposition from students and labor unions. Although Traor himself had overthrown the authoritarian and corrupt regime of Modibo Keita in 1968, this did not stop him from quickly adopting a similarly authoritarian style. He therefore was determined to suppress the uprising of the students, labor unions, and other parts of Malis society. The man he placed in charge of this job was Amadou Toumani Tour, at that time Colonel and Commander of the Pre sidential Guard, and future president of Mali. Tour, however, universally known as ATT in West Africa, performed a surprising volte-face. He refused to follow orders and, instead, commanded his units to arrest President Traor and other politicians, and assumed power on an interim basis. Observers in and outside Africa met the coup dtat with suspicion. After all, it was uncommon for the military to honor its promises and to swiftly return power to civilian, democratically elected authorities. Yet, shortly after seizing power, Tour and his comrades did exactly this. They initiated the democratization process demanded by stu dents and labor unions. Tour himself assumed the chairmanship of a national conference that drew up a constitution in the summer of 1991. Parliamentary and presidential elections took place in February 1992, with Alpha Oumar
Atlantic Ocean
Mediterranean Sea
Red Sea
Konar, a member of the opposition during the old regime, emerging victorious. Tour and his generals returned to their barracks. Overall, despite numerous problems, the countrys stabilization and democratization process remained more or less on track during this time. Even tually, Tour became Konars successor. He had ended his military career in 2001 and won the elections in both 2002 and 2007 with a clear majority, notwithstanding the fact that the integrity of the 2007 elections in par ticular was challenged by the opposition and observers. When Tour entered oce, Africa and the rest of the world had high hopes for his presidency. He had gained enormous popularity as soldier of democracy after the coup in 1991 and also acted as a successful broker on behalf of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) in the Central African Republic (CAR) which was suffering from military coups, instability, and rebel groups. When new riots occurred in the CAR in 2001, Ko Annan appointed him Special Envoy of the UN. (At the time he was also, like the author, a member of the International Advisory Group to UN DPKOs Lessons Learned Unit.) As far as his integrity was concerned, Tour enjoyed an impeccable reputation.
At the beginning of his rst term in 2002, Tour and his government found themselves confronted with a country struggling with very basic problems of development and governance. Mali was and still is one of the poorest and least developed countries in the world. The extreme ethnic and regional divisions, severe droughts, and the challenge of reconciling the lifestyle of the sedentary population, such as the Bambara, in the South, and the Songhais as well as nomadic and seminomadic groups, such as the Tuareg, in the North exacerbated this situation.4 However, the unexpected failure of Tours government and the implosion of Mali in 2012 was mainly due to the impact of two developments that shook the country during his time in government to its core: the dramatic population explosion and the emergence of Latin American drug cartels in West Africa. The annual population growth of 2.53%, which Mali experienced in the past decades, made its population double within 25 years (19872012). (In comparison, in Germany it took over a hundred years, from approximately 1870 to the mid1990s, for its population to double.) Obviously,
Source: UNODC
The Tuareg and other nomadic groups only account for a fraction of Malis population (about 5%). Over 90% of the population lives in the South, with Bambaras accounting for over 50% of the population (other groups include Malink, Sarakole, Dogon, etc.).
only a miraculous economic growth policy would have been in a position to absorb the impact of such a population explosion. Furthermore, a key element of this growth was the phenomenon known as youth bulge: the extreme growth of the young population with little or no perspective for a decent life, i.e. education, employment, marriage, and having a family. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that Mali and West Africa in general became such a fertile breeding ground for organized, transnational crime and Islamist terrorism.
dicult 1990s, with the conicts in Sierra Leone, Liberia, and other countries, the region appeared, albeit slowly, to be on track towards improvement. Besides the successful UN peacekeeping missions in Sierra Leone and Liberia, the rise of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) as a successful regional organization since the early 1990s has to be credited with this positive outlook.5 However, the mood has fundamentally changed in the last decade. The main trigger was the arrival of the Latin American drug cartels in West Africa starting in the late 1990s. As the Mexican cartels increasingly challenged their traditional transit route through Central America, West Africa and its weak states oered an ideal alternative route. Additionally, most West African countries suered from considerable corruption and low-level
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2,252 Western Sahara 3,700 LIBYA MOROCCO 1,884 TUNISIA
500 KM
At the time, the author, as director of the German Center for International Peace Operations (Zentrum fr Internationale Friedens einstze/ZIF), traveled to the region several times a year, closely working with ECOWAS and the Ko Annan Peacekeeping Training Centre in Accra, Ghana.
Source: UNODC
SENEGAL THE GAMBIA BURKINA 2,140 GUINEA-BISSAU FASO 635 116 BENIN 647 GUINEA TOGO 100 405 170 NIGERIA GHANA 274 SIERRA LEONE 3,210 703 CTE 165 388 450 96 DIVOIRE 2,500 360 110 160 LIBERIA 125 96 CAMEROON 1,900 125 3,700 588 840
organized crime. It was easy for Latin American pros to exploit these conditions. Dierent types of illegal activities have a long tradition in West Africa and the Sahel, such as tracking in cigarettes, gasoline and counterfeit drugs as well as small arms, human beings (mostly women), marijuana and more recently heroin.6 Estimates indicate that about 1015% of the cocaine consumed in Europe is tracked through West Africa. Reliable gures are hard to come by, but the volume of cocaine tracked to Europe between 2007 and 2009 was estimated at about 50 tons annually and its value totaled about US$ one billion. According to the UN Oce on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), sales declined to about 1518 tons annually in the following years.7 However, it is hard to tell whether this decline has actually occurred since estimates are based on seized, not actually traded amounts. When it comes to the penetration of politics, state institutions, and business in West African by drug tracking and organized crime, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, and Guinea are at the top of the list. Mohamed Ibn Chambas, longtime Secretary-General and president of ECOWAS, recently described this process in detail. He cites the seizure of a plane at the airport of Lunghi in Sierra Leone in July 2008, which carried 700 kilograms of drugs valued at about US$60 million, and another seizure of two jets at the airport of Bissau in September 2008, and a similar incident in Bok in Guinea-Conakry. He also mentions a well-known incident in northern Mali in 2009 when a Boeing full of cocaine had landed on an airstrip in the desert and crashed. It is assumed that the trackers loaded the drugs onto four-wheel-drives and subsequently burned the plane. In Guinea, the son of the late president Lansana Cont confessed to playing an
active role in drug tracking, while in neighboring Guinea-Bissau, members of the military allegedly formed a human corridor to facilitate the unloading of drugs from airplanes.8 Developments turned more dramatic in April 2013 when the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) apprehended the former head of Guinea-Bissaus navy, Admiral Bubo Na Tchuto, and several other suspects in international waters. Simultaneously, the US Attorneys Oce of New York added the head of Guinea-Bissaus army, General Antonio Injai, to its list of wanted persons for allegedly having played a key role in importing thousands of kilos of cocaine into Guinea-Bissau in exchange for weapons for the Columbian FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia). Injai is also known to have instigated several military coups dtat against democratically elected governments in Guinea-Bissau, most recently in April 2012.9 West African and international experts estimate that by now drug cartels are active in most states in the region. This assessment is supported by the most recent UNODC report Organized Crime in West Africa: A Threat Assessment. In addition to Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Guinea, Benin, and Gambia, Nigeria in particular is thought to be a main actor with its special connection to drug cartels in Brazil. Even relatively stable democracies, such as Ghana and Senegal, seem to be increasingly aected by the inltration of organized crime.10 A recent study has therefore warned that these groups represent an existential threat to democratic governance of already fragile states in the subregion because they are using narcocorruption to stage coups dtat, hijack elections, and co-opt or buy political power.11 Kwesi Aning, a prominent West African researcher on security issues, takes a similar line.12
For more details see the recent report by the UN Oce on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Organized Crime in West Africa: A Threat Assessment, Vienna, February 2013. 7 Cp. UNODC, see footnote 5, as well as Andrew Lebovich, Malis Bad Trip: Field Notes from the West African Drug Trade, in: Foreign Policy, 03/15/2013; and Wolfram Lacher, Organized Crime and Conict in the Sahel-Sahara Region, The Carnegie Papers, September 2012, p.6. 8 Mohamed Ibn Chambas, ECOWAS: Herausforderung Fragilitt und Gewalt, in: Georg Lennkh, Irene Freudenschuss-Reichl (eds.), Nachbar Afrika Dimensionen eines Kontinents, Vienna, 2010, p.23130 (p.124). 9 Cp. New York Times, 04/15/2013, 04/18/2013, and 11/01/2012. 10 Cp. UNODC, see footnote 5, p.9. 11 David E. Brown, The Challenge of Drug Tracking to Democratic Governance and Human Security in West Africa, Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College, May 2013. 12 Kwesi Aning and John Pokoo, Drug Tracking and Threat to National and Regional Security in West Africa, WACD (West Africa Commission on Drugs), Background Paper No. 1, Accra, January 2012.
a new degree of quality to the organized crimeterrorism nexus in northern Mali. The AQIM leadership also encouraged its ghters to marry into Tuareg families, knowing that in the Tuareg culture they would become part of the family and thus enjoy all the ensuing privileges and solidarity of local clan membership. The emergence of AQIM and subsequently Ansar Dine (Defenders of the Faith) and MUJAO (Mouvement pour lUnicit et le Jihad en Afrique de lOuest) led to the rise of another illegal activity: kidnapping, especially of Europeans. Eventually, it became a signicant source of their income. Indeed, by this time, drug tracking, terrorist activities, and kidnapping had become key elements of the survival and prosperity of criminalterrorist networks in northern Mali and its neighborhood networks that are dicult to ght from the outside but which easily fuse with local conditions, such as the Tuareg conict. As far as Tours personal fate was concerned, his politics had an inevitable consequence. He and his politico-military entourage, as well as his family, increasingly became collaborators of these criminal networks, and benetted from them to the detriment of the stability of Mali and its institutions. It was thus only a matter of time until the Tuareg would seize the opportunity for a new insurgency. This opportunity arose after the fall of Qadda and the return of many well-trained and well-equipped Tuareg units to Niger and Mali in late 2011.
advised not to repeat past errors and overestimate the signicance of such elections for stabilizing and democratizing conict-ridden countries like Mali. The structural problems, analyzed above, still persist and have even become worse. First, it would be erroneous to assume that the clear victory of Keita at the ballot box is a re ection of the existence of a consolidated and constructive political class in Mali. This group is, as one expert very familiar with Malis domestic politics has pointed out, unied only on two issues: rst, the profound dislike of the southerners for the nomadic Tuareg; second, nding ways to prot from international development and humanitarian aid.14 The almost US$4 billion promised by international donors once successful elections have been held will be a strong incentive to pursue this vice as vigorously as ever. Mali was a darling of the international aid community in the past. A recent analysis concludes: At best, this aid to Mali has been ineective [] enabling corruption, undermining the governments will and ability to raise revenue [] and insulating it from accountability to the population [] Nothing has fundamentally changed to address the de ciencies in accountability and oversight.15 It remains to be seen whether Keita has the will and the ability to change this. In his campaign, reestablishing Malis dignity was a major slogan. Second, in 1992 and 2002 Malis army was a more or less functioning entity. This is not the case anymore. As has been pointed out, key gures of the army leadership were involved in proting from the salaries of the soldiers as well as from funds earmarked for properly equipping and training army units. The split between the green berets, i.e. the parachute units of the presidential guard, and the red berets of Captain Sanogo who rebelled against President Tour, remains unresolved, as does the divide between the ocer corps and the rank and le. Third, it would be erroneous to assume that the high voter turnout indicates a readiness in the
South to reconcile with the Tuareg. In fact, the divide between the Tuareg and the southerners is deeper than ever. Immediately after the rst round of the elections a spokesperson of the MNLA made it very clear that the organization will insist on nothing less than the auto nomy of Azawad. Otherwise it will take up arms again.16 Finally, one of the key ndings of this paper is that the interplay between the Tuareg conict, the dwindling resources for survival in the North, as well as the enormous population growth on the one hand and the penetration of West Africa and the Sahel by a more or less symbiotic relationship between organized crime and Islamist terrorism on the other was a key factor for Malis decay under the presidency of Tour. It will remain a key factor for the future. Illegal drug tracking and other forms of organized crime are alive as ever although Mali, for the time being, may be less important as a route. It is also not clear to what extent the French intervention has weakened the militant Islamist movements or simply pushed the underground and into neighboring countries.
Four Strategic Recommendations for the Stabilization of Mali, West Africa, and the Sahel
The conclusion from the above analysis is, there fore, not encouraging. The prospect that the new government in Bamako will be able to stabilize the country on its own is dim. Yet, there is one im portant dierence to 1992 and 2002: the strong international involvement, spearheaded by MINUSMA (UN Stabilization Mission in Mali) and EUTM (European Union Training Mission). International involvements as such are, however, not a recipe for success. Success will depend of the will and ability of major regional and international actors, in particular the UN, ECOWAS, the EU, the African Union (AU), France, and the US, to join hands in key areas regarding the stabilization of Mali and preventing the further destabilization of the entire region. Such areas are in particular:
Charlotte Wiedemann, Die Krise in Mali, Heinrich Boell Foundation, Berlin, December 2012, p.16. IRIN News, 08/05/2013 16 The National, 08/05/2013.
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1. Strengthening of MINUSMA | The challenges faced by MINUSMA are enormous. As with other missions, the Security Council has not hesitated to burden it with a very demanding mandate. MINUSMA is tasked it to support the authorities of Mali in several key areas such as: stabilization of key population centers and support for the re-establishment of state authority throughout the country; support for the implementation of the transitional roadmap, including the national political dialogue and the electoral process; enabling the rebuilding of the Malian security and justice sectors; developing and implementing programs for the disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration of former combatants; and the dismantling of militias and self-defense groups etc. In his report to the Security Council of March 26, 2013 (S/2013/189) the UN Secretary-General is remarkably outspoken in identifying the enormous diculties of stabilizing Mali.
lacks mobility and repower in terms of helicopters, armored cars etc. to cover the vast territory of Mali, as well as modern means of communication. In a brieng to the Security Council in late June, the Head of Mission, Bert Koenders, made an urgent appeal to the international community to provide the mission with the vital resources needed. The contrary happened: In late July the Nigerian government announced the withdrawal of about 1,200 of its troops. Several hundreds of them were immediately redeployed to Borno State in northern Nigeria to join the heavy ghting against the Nigerian Islamist movement, Boko Haram. The industrial countries, therefore, will have to seriously consider what additional resources they can contribute to enable the mission to successfully implement its mandate. This not only concerns the military pillar of the mission but also police and civilian experts. The fact that already in June 2013 the German government decided to transfer its logistical support from AFISMA to MINUSMA by providing cargo planes as well as 150 support and liaison sta, as well as ten police ocers, is a step in the right direction. Chinas willingness to contribute 500 peacekeepers should be noted in Western capitals with due interest. 2. Army and Security Sector Reform (SSR) | The prompt start of EUTM certainly shows that Europe is taking Malis and the regions problems seriously. However, with its present, limited mandate focusing on the swift training of four battalions, about 2,800 soldiers, for combat, there is not much this mission can contribute to a truly comprehensive reform of Malis army and security sector. In general, the lessons regarding the role of such international training missions are sobering. The lackluster results in the DR Congo after years of engagement by the international community are just one case in point. The disastrous experience of the multi-million dollar US training program in Mali is another. When the ghting started in the North, most of the ocers
On April 25, 2013, United Nations Security Council resolution 2100 transformed the previous African-led International Support Mission in Mali (AFISMA) into a Chapter VII UN mission. The UN Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) took up its tasks as scheduled, on July 1st. The authorized personnel strength for MINUSMA is 11,200 military personnel, including reserve battalions capable of rapid deployment, and 1,440 police ocers as well as civilian personnel. Former Development Minister of the Netherlands, Bert Koenders, was appointed Head of Mission. Previously, he was head of the UN mission in Cote dIvoire. Resolution 2100 also explicitly authorizes a French intervention force with a permanent strength of ca. 1,000.
For those familiar with missions in such a dicult environment there is no doubt that MINUSMAs tasks cannot be fullled given its current capacities, essentially transferred from AFISMA. At the time of writing, the mission is with a sta of about 7,000 uniformed personnel well below its authorized strength. Most of these troops are poorly equipped and trained. The mission also
and units they had trained and equipped in their majority Tuareg defected and joined the insurgents. There are two basic reasons why international SSR assistance has not produced high returns: First, local politicians as well as leaders of the armed forces and police only occasionally, as for instance in Sierra Leone, support such reforms; they rather perceive them as a direct threat to their protable privileges, like embezzling the soldiers pay or funds earmarked for buying equipment. (This will not be very dierent in Mali.) Indeed, the fact that the captain who led the coup, Sanogo, was not only put in charge of the commission tasked with the reform of the army but also promoted to the rank of general a few days before the nal results of the elec tions were announced is worrisome. Sanogo has been accused of serious human rights violations shortly after the coup. Second, the international actors balance sheet regarding the coordination and integration of their SSR activities is dismal. Therefore, it is not very dicult for local actors to outmaneuver the badly coordinated international actors in pursuit of their interests. (Again, Sierra Leone was an exception in this regard. Great Britain proved to be an energetic and sustained leader in implementing SSR.) SSR in Mali will therefore only have a chance to succeed if the relevant international players the EU, the UN, and the US in cooperation with ECOWAS and the AU can agree on a joint strategy that is as well conceived as it is implemented. The fact that no long-term stabilization will be possible in Mali without successful SSR should provide a sucient incentive to work hard towards this goal. 3. No Rushed Solution for the Tuareg Problem | The cease-re agreement between the Malian government and the MNLA and HCUA was negotiated in June 2013 under enormous time pressure to clear the way for the elections. In the agreement, the two Tuareg movements have in principle recognized Malis territorial inte-
grity and its secular character (as the Tuareg have done in previous peace treaties). In return, the prosecution of Tuareg rebels by the Malian justice system has been suspended and the contentious word Azawad was included in the text of the agreement. The clarication of all remaining questions has been postponed until after the elections. There is no doubt that both sides have a very dierent understanding of what should be the content of this clarication, in particular regarding the question of autonomy for the Tuareg. Tuareg leaders have already complained that the cease-re agreement has so far been poorly implemented by Bamako. There are good reasons to assume that both sides will not feel bound by the concessions they made although they will be hesitant to let that be known publicly. Regarding Keita, being a committed "Southener", it remains to be seen what exactly he meant by the promise of an "inclusive" dialogue immediately after being declared victorious. Future international mediators would therefore be well advised to study past peace processes thoroughly. Indeed, the history of Mali abounds with failed peace processes and accords. They should also have a look at Niger, which in past decades suered Tuareg uprisings similar to those in Mali, but has been quiet recently. Tuareg leaders have joined the Niger government and in fact refused to support their Malian brethren militarily when asked to do so in 2012. 4. Containment of Organized Crime and Terrorism | In the end, stabilizing Mali and preventing further destabilization in West Africa and the Sahel will only be feasible if the ght against the organized crime-terrorism nexus (and increasingly expanding piracy in the Gulf of Guinea) becomes a key concern of international and regional actors. Unfortunately, however, the extent of the geopolitical shift of international terrorism to North Africa, the Sahel, West Africa, and the Horn of Africa continues to be underestimated by most Europeans. It is safe to assume that the
failing Arab Spring will further trigger this shift. The total decay of the Central African Republic, turning it into a haven for criminal groups, as well as the revival of Al-Shabaab in Somalia and the unending ghting between the Nigerian army and the terrorist movement Boko Haram in northern Nigeria are very worrisome developments, too. Africa and particularly West Africa that is the AU and ECOWAS but also the UN, the EU, and the US will have to join forces to counter this threat. A strategically well-dened and suciently coordinated approach will have to be developed. In West Africa, the awareness for such a need has increased considerably. This will make joint regional-international strategies easier to agree upon. Already a number of local and regional initiatives for confronting organized crime and terrorism have been launched. The most recent example is the West African Commission on Drugs (WACD), founded in January 2013 by Ko Annan, under the presidency of former Nigerian president, Olusegon Obasanjo. There are more.17
As far as the US and Europe are concerned, their interest in vigorously supporting this struggle should not only result from the continuing threat that their citizens might become victims of hostage taking, but even more so from the fact that the dangerous eects of spreading organized crime and international terrorism are increasingly impacting their own cities. For this to happen, however, Western politicians and publics will have to understand that it is not terrorism per se that poses the biggest threat, but rather its symbiotic relationship with organized crime. For terrorism without money will eventually lack teeth. The fact that terrorist groups in northern Mali gained a signicant portion of their nancial support, totaling several 100 million, from drug tracking to Europe and ransom payments for the freeing of European hostages is virtually absent from the debate in Europe.15
Winrich Khne is the founding Director of ZIF (20022009) and currently Steven Muller Professor at the Bologna Center, School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University.
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For more details see Aning and Pokoo, footnote 11, p.9. Qatar and other Arab states are also cited as possible sponsors.
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The views expressed in this paper are the views of the author and do not necessarily reect the views of the Center for International Peace Operations (ZIF).