As400 Bits
As400 Bits
As400 Bits
Table of Contents:
1. 2. 3. 4. *. -. .. 1. 2. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 1*. 1-. 1.. 11.
Basic........................................................................................................................13 Define library?...................................................................................................13 Define object?....................................................................................................13 What is the difference between O !" # ! and $ %&#?....................................14 What are the disad'anta(es of usin( )& o'er $ %?..........................................14 +ow you can read and write sin(le co,,and in )&?.........................................14 +ow to retrie'e a date in )&?.............................................................................1* +ow to co/y a record in e0istin( object to another object?...............................1* +ow you will a'oid ,ulti/le users u/datin( the sa,e records?........................1#0/lain W$3O45 D! and DS O45D?..................................................................1+ow to create $ %" $ %&#" )&" )&&#" 6" &6" $7" and dis/lay file?...............1What are the ad'anta(es of usin( AS8400 syste,?........................................1. What are the 'arious ty/es of Security in AS8400?.........................................11 #0/lain user /rofile and (rou/ /rofile?...........................................................12 What is &oc9? +ow you achie'e in AS8400?....................................................21 +ow you will release the loc9?........................................................................21 #0/lain about $:7)S$&O)?............................................................................21 +ow you e0ecute )& co,,and in $ %&#?......................................................21 What;s new in <4$4 and $ % =<?....................................................................21
12. )an you clear u/ the confusion in the different releases of $ % =< and OS8400 and =&#?...................................................................................................................22 ILE Concepts.........................................................................................................2* 1. 2. 3. 4. *. =nte(rated &an(ua(e #n'iron,ent >=&#?............................................................2* What is a !odule?..............................................................................................30 What is a Ser'ice ro(ra,?...............................................................................30 What is a bindin( Directory?..............................................................................31 Why =,/ort and #0/ort?....................................................................................31 a(e 1 of 250
As400 Stuff -. .. 1. 2. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 1*. 1-. 1.. 11. 12. 20. 21. 22. 23. 1. 2. 3. 4. *. -. .. 1. 2. 10. What is Acti'ation %rou/?..................................................................................31 7a,e So,e =&# A =@s? And tell so,ethin( about the,?....................................32 What are acti'ation (rou/s?..............................................................................33 +ow do = create and use a ser'ice /ro(ra,.......................................................34 !odules A +ow to write and reuse the,.........................................................3. What are the =&# $ % codin( /ro(ra,,in( considerations?..........................32 What O/codes are added in =&#?....................................................................41 What are the beha'ioral differences b8w O ! $ %8400 and =&#?...................41 =&# ad'anta(es o'er $ %?..............................................................................42 Define binder /ro(ra,?..................................................................................42 +ow to the create ,odule?.............................................................................42 What are the differences in )A&&" )A&&4 and )A&& ?....................................44 What is the difference between 4ind by 'alue and 4ind by reference?..........44 Define /ass by 'alue and /ass by reference?.................................................4* What are ro(ra, #ntry rocedure > # ? and Bser #ntry rocedure >B# ??. .4* Define )o/yboo9 in $ %&#?............................................................................4* +ow to create a ser'ice /ro(ra, and what are the ste/s in'ol'ed in this?....4#0/lain /rocedure used in $ %&#?.................................................................4Define source /hysical file?...............................................................................4. hysical 6iles and &o(ical 6ile............................................................................41 &ist the differences between /hysical file and lo(ical file..................................41 What are the four le'els of entries in /hysical file?...........................................42 What are the si0 le'els of entries in lo(ical file?................................................*0 #0/lain 5DB S#C and 5D6:<A&...........................................................................*0 What are the different between nonAjoin lo(ical files and join lo(ical files........*1 +ow ,any record for,ats can ha'e /hysical D lo(ical file................................*1 What is the ad'anta(e o/en Euery file?............................................................*1 #0/lain nonAjoin lo(ical file?...........................................................................*1 a(e 2 of 250
As400 Stuff 11. 12. 13. 14. 1*. 1-. 1.. 11. 12. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 2*. 2-. 2.. 21. 22. 30. 31. 32. =t is /ossible to insert record to 5O=7 &6?........................................................*2 #0/lain join lo(ical file?..................................................................................*2 #0/lain self join?.............................................................................................*2 #0/lain nor,aliFation?....................................................................................-2 #0/lain the co,,and ADD 6)S:?.................................................................-2 +ow to send the ,essa(e to the screen S7D %!!S%?.................................-2 +ow you can list all the &6 of a 6?.................................................................-2 What is use of DS 66D and DS 6D?...............................................................-3 #0/lain inner join or natural join and left outer join?......................................-3 +ow to create a tri((er in AS8400?.................................................................-1 +ow will be establishin( $#6#$#7:=A& =7:#%$=:G in as8400 syste,s?..........-1 What $B7SC&S:! will do?...............................................................................0 What is a field reference file?..........................................................................0 What are the 'arious ways creatin( access /ath?...........................................0 +ow ,any record for,ats 6" &6" DS 6 and S6&?............................................1 Define 3&=S:?...................................................................................................1 Define &=S:?...................................................................................................1 Define co,/osite 9ey?....................................................................................1 =s it /ossible to create a lo(ical file whose hysical file is not in sa,e library? .1 )an you delete the record s/ace /er,anently in 6 throu(h )&?...................1 What is the difference between addin( 9eys D constraints into a /hysical file? .1 +ow to insert ,ore than one record to a /f at a ti,e? >4ul9 insert to a /f?. . ..2
33. +ow to see nu,ber of lo(ical files de/endin( on a /f? )an we declare ,ore than 20 lo(ical files fro, a sin(le /f? =s it /ossible?................................................2 34. = want to chan(e the attribute of field or want to add new field in e0istin( 6 but condition is for,at le'el identifier should not chan(e" is it /ossible?.................2 3*. 3-. !a0i,u, how ,any fields we can create under a record for,at of 6?.........2 +ow can we write &6 usin( flat file?.................................................................3 a(e 3 of 250
As400 Stuff 3.. 31. 32. 40. Why we create the hysical 6ile !e,ber?.......................................................3 )+% 6 to co,/ile the 6 without usin( the dataH............................................3 !ulti for,at &o(ical file #0a,/leH...................................................................4 Access ath I 6 and &6...................................................................................*
41. :ell ,e the differences between D42 )&= >call &e'el =nterface? and e,bedded SC&? .* 42. 43. 44. 4*. 4-. 1. 4.. 41. 42. *0. *1. *2. *3. *4. **. *-. *.. *1. *2. %eneral /oints in D428400...............................................................................6ile /ointer I after a failed chain o/eration....................................................12 What are :ri((ers?.........................................................................................12 What is the /ur/ose of BS$O 7 9eyword?.....................................................13 What is &#<#& )+#)3?...................................................................................13 What e0actly the O<$D46 does?.......................................................................13 What is the o/en Euery file?...........................................................................14 What is the different between O 7C$G6 and SC&$ %?..................................1* What are the 'arious ste/s in creatin( O 7C$G6?.........................................1* +ow the records are accessed for usin( O 7C$G6?.......................................11 What is the difference between 6!:D:A and O 7C$G6?...............................11 &ist out the Differences between a &6 and co,,and O 7C$G6?...................11 O 7C$G6 A Short e0/lanation with sa,/les in )& .........................................12 O 7C$G #0a,/le...........................................................................................24 SC&$ %&# #0a,/le........................................................................................2SC& )ursorH.....................................................................................................2. Sa,/le i,bedded SC&$ %&# /ro(ra,...........................................................22 #,bedded SC&H............................................................................................103 What is the journal?......................................................................................103 a(e 4 of 250
O<$D46....................................................................................................................13 O 7C$G6..................................................................................................................14
SC&$ %&#................................................................................................................2-
As400 Stuff -0. -1. -2. What are the 'arious ste/s creatin( journal?...............................................103 #0/lain )o,,it,ent )ontrol?......................................................................104 )an anybody tell why 5ournalin( is co,/ulsory before )o,,it,ent )ontrol? 104
-3. )o,,it,ent control =,/le,entation and controllin( co,,it,ent control fro, e0ternal /ro(ra,...........................................................................................104 Data Areas" Cueues" Arrays D StructuresH.............................................................104 1. What is the data area?.......................................................................................104 2. 3. 4. *. -. .. 1. 2. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 1*. 1-. 1.. Define &DA" %DA" and = ?...............................................................................10What is the data Eueue?..................................................................................10. #0/lain CS7DD:AC and C$)<D:AC?..............................................................10. What are the ,andatory /ara,eters for declarin( a Data Eueue?..................10. What is the co,,and to create ,enu?...........................................................101 What is the difference between )A&& and :ransfer )ontrol >:6$):&??............101 #0/lain !ulti Di,ensional Array?.....................................................................101 Define data structure and ty/es of data structure?.........................................101 +ow do = declare an array with a dyna,ic nu,ber of ele,ents?.................110 Data structure array basics..........................................................................111 )lear u/ the confusion o'er ,ulti/leAoccurrence data structures................111 Data area" Data Cueue and !essa(e CueueH...............................................113 %rou/ 5obs and %rou/ data areaH.................................................................113 Data Structure Array and #0a,/leH..............................................................11* Difference between Data area and data EueueH...........................................11* Difference between dataAstructure array and ,ulti occurrence data structure 11*
11. $ % data structure arrays i,/ro'e,ent o'er ,ulti/leAoccurrence data structures...............................................................................................................11* 12. 20. )o,/ile ti,e array" /re run ti,e array run ti,e array................................11* $76..01 data structure not allowed............................................................11-
a(e 5 of 250
As400 Stuff 1. 2. 3. 4. *. -. .. 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. *. -. +ow to Debu( a 4atch =&# $ %?......................................................................11. Debu( 'alue of /ointer?...................................................................................111 +ow do = debu( =&# /ro(ra,s? S:$=SD4 doesn;t wor9J...................................111 +ow can = debu( an =&# /ro(ra, in batch?......................................................112 +ow can = debu( an O ! /ro(ra, in batch?...................................................120 +ow can = tell if ,y /ro(ra, is runnin( in batch or interacti'e?......................121 +ow to debu( jobs in !S%W without endin( it?...............................................123 +ow do you do debu(s for =&# /ro(ra,s and +andle #0ce/tions?..................123 Programming Concepts.......................................................................................124 %eneral $ % =< ro(ra, )ycle........................................................................124 What are Static bind and Dyna,ic binds?.......................................................12* )$:47D$ % D )$:$ % %!............................................................................12+idden 6ieldsH..................................................................................................12&ast state,ent of any $ % /(, is &$?............................................................12=s )onstant can be define as a 9ey field?.........................................................12-
.. Which 9eyword is used both in subfile and subfile control record for,at of a DS 6?.....................................................................................................................12. 1. 2. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Define interacti'e jobs and batch jobs?...........................................................12. W+A: =S :+# D=66#$#7)# 4#:W##7 ;)O&+D%; A7D ;A&=AS;?.........................12. What;s the difference between )O7S: and <A&B#?.....................................12. )& I #O6H......................................................................................................121 &e'el )hec9 #rrorH........................................................................................121 Si(nificance of $eturn and K=7&$ L KO7.......................................................121 *Entry significance of factor 1, factor 2 and result fields............121
1*. #D:)D# D #D:W$D" O<#$&AG" $S:DS " )o,,and Attention 9ey and )o,,and 6unction 3ey and <alidity chec9H..........................................................121 1-. 1.. 11. 12. What is the difference between )A and )6 9eys?.........................................122 What is SDS?...............................................................................................122 What is the file infor,ation data structure?.................................................131 )& ara,eter 4asics.....................................................................................132 a(e 6 of 250
As400 Stuff 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 2*. 2-. 2.. )allin( /ro(ra, :S:)A&& codeH....................................................................143 Dis/lay ro(ra, $eferences >DS %!$#6?..................................................14* Difference between KO,it and Kno /assH.....................................................14What do we ,ean by e0ternaliFin(?.............................................................141 What will 6O$ o/code will do?......................................................................141 What are the 'arious sta(es for a job after it is sub,itted?.........................142 What is an acti'ation (rou/?........................................................................142 What are the state,ents that are affected by acti'ation (rou/?.................1*0
21. +ow to see source of co/yboo9s include in a /ro(ra, while co,/ilin( or debu((in(?............................................................................................................1*0 22. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 3*. 3-. #0/lain 9eyword in =&#?................................................................................1*0 +ow you can schedule a job to run /eriodically?..........................................1*0 +ow you can i,/ort and e0/ort a data ty/e between 2 /ro(ra,s?.............1*0 7a'i(ation between two screens..................................................................1*0 Define indicator D !O<#A?...........................................................................1*1 Define =:#$ 8 &#A<#8DO8Dow?......................................................................1*1 #0/lain Assu,e and O'erlay?.......................................................................1*2 Why e0ternaliFe?..........................................................................................1*2
3.. What is the disad'anta(e of usin( <alidity )hec9 9eyword? +ow to o'erco,e these disad'anta(es?............................................................................................1*2 31. )hainH........................................................................................................1*3 32. Which of the followin( o/erations does 7O: Fero the field 6&DA defined as 4"0? 1*3 40. +ow can you chec9 for a records e0istence without causin( and =8O >)+A=78$#AD?? With the hel/ of 6ile =nfor,ation Data Structure" we can chec9 e0istence of records in a /hysical file. :he code is described belowH.....................1*3 41. 42. 43. 44. What is the difference between BDA:# and the syste, date?.....................1*3 Describe the difference between the DOWxx and DOUxx operations?.....................1*3 Define the purpose of the ITER operation?..........................................................1*3 List the steps/commands necessary to accomp ish the fo owin!"............................1*3 a(e 7 of 250
6O$D+D$1 =6 # 3 D=S3 O$D+D$6 3$#7A!#O$D+D$61........................................1*4 =n order to rena,e the record for,at of a data base file in a /ro(ra," we can use the abo'e ste/s. ur/ose of rena,in( isH =f the record for,at na,e is si,ilar in two files and if both are used in a sa,e /ro(ra," the /ro(ra, will not co,/ile. +ence we ha'e to rena,e either of the file......................................................................1*4 4-. 4.. 41. 42. *0. *1. What is the /ur/ose of the followin( )8)O G C$ %S$)"O$D#$$.................1*4 What is the /ur/ose of the followin(? A )S$&O) >61$OW 61)O&?...............1*4 What is the difference between SFLCLR and SFLINZ?................................................1*4 Define the purpose/use for SFLRNA?......................................................................1*4 How can ou detect and hand!e a record !oc" situation?................................................1*4 How can ou detect o#erf!ow for a print pro$ra% that prints %u!tip!e !ines per c c!e?..........1**
*2. How wou!d ou desi$n the process for a ni$ht! & hi$h #o!u%e chec" producin$ process that needs to se!ect on! records that are f!a$$ed to be processed?..........................................................1** *3. +ow would you join 3 se/arate fields" a first na,e" ,iddle initial and last na,e to(ether as 1 field with /ro/er s/acin(? Gou can describe in either $ % and8or $ % =&# >=nte(rated &an(ua(e #n'iron,ent?..............................................1** *4. When %!A calls %!4 for the first ti,e %!4 e0ecutes the K=7MS$. %!4 uses the $#:$7 o/eration to return to %!A. When %!A call %!4 the second ti,e is the K=7MS$ e0ecuted?................................................................................1** **. Show 2 ways to con'ert a date fro, GG!!DD to !!DDGG >!B&: o/eration not acce/table?......................................................................................................1** '() Define the purpose of Factor * the +peration Code and ,IN*' in fo!!owin$ code HI L+ -. C ,/0D 1est2D3 %%ddDate *'.....................................................................................1**1. *2. -1. -2. -3. -4. -*. --. Describe the function of S#:&& o/eration in $ % lan(ua(e?........................1*Describe the function of S#:%: o/eration in $ % lan(ua(e?.......................1*Define a 4ob .ueue?...........................................................................................1*. Define a +utput .ueue?.......................................................................................1*. What is the function of C5/S5LF co%%and?............................................................1*. What is the function of C5/F co%%and?.................................................................1*. What is the function of CR1D65+74 co%%and?.......................................................1*. Define Subs ste%?.............................................................................................1*. a(e 8 of 250
As400 Stuff -.. -1. -2. .0. .1. .2. .3. .4. .*. .-. ... .1. .2. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 1*. 1-. 1.. 11. 12. 20. 22. 23. 24. 2*. 2-. What are different t pes of Subste%s?.....................................................................1*. Define a 7atch 4ob?............................................................................................1*. Describe about .uer /899?...................................................................................1*. What is the CL5 co%%and to access a .uer /899?.....................................................1*. 5urpose of +#errides?.........................................................................................1*. Define Data Structure?........................................................................................1*1 What is the purpose of Data structure?.....................................................................1*1 List and e:p!ain the different t pe of data structures?...................................................1*1 What is the purpose of D/NSL1 "e word?..............................................................1*1 What is the difference between access path and D na%ic se!ect?....................................1*2 Wh wou!d ou prefer +5N.R/F than !o$ica! fi!e?...................................................1*2 What is the difference between 5ac"ed deci%a! and Zoned deci%a!?...............................1*2 What is defau!t data t pe 2if ou define deci%a!s ;9;3 in 5h sica! fi!e?..............................1*2 What is defau!t data t pe for the fie!ds2sub fie!ds3 defined in data structures in R5<?...........1*2 When do ou e:p!icit! open fi!es and c!ose fi!es in an R5< pro$ra%?.............................1*2 What is Spoo! fi!e& wh is it re=uired?.....................................................................1*2 What is 4ob& What are the attributes of a 4ob?............................................................1*2 What is Sub>S ste%?..........................................................................................1*2 What is a De#ice fi!e?.........................................................................................1*2 How can a data area be !oc"ed after bein$ updated?....................................................1-0 What are the t pes of ob?ect authorities?..................................................................1-0 What is the use of +@R5R1F?..............................................................................1-0 What is Subfi!e?................................................................................................1-0 What are a!! the contents of subfi!e?........................................................................1-0 Can %ore than one subfi!e record be disp!a ed on one !ine?...........................................1-0 How do ou specif the nu%ber of records to ro!! in a subfi!e?.......................................1-0 How wi!! ou disp!a a particu!ar pa$e in subfi!e?......................................................1-0 How to pic" up the chan$ed records e#er ti%e in a subfi!e after the first chan$e %ade?.......1-0 What is the use of SFL-ND "e word?.....................................................................1-0 a(e 9 of 250
As400 Stuff 2.. 21. 22. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 10*. 10-. 10.. 101. 102. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 11*. 11-. 11.. 111. 112. 120. How to to$$!e between sin$!e !ine and 0u!ti > !ine disp!a of a particu!ar record in a subfi!e?.1-1 -:p!ain the difference between definin$ Subfi!e and 0essa$e>subfi!e?.............................1-1 What are the different t pes of #ariab!es a#ai!ab!e in CL?.............................................1-1 How do ou pass para%eters in CL?....................................................................1-1 What is difference between CA1& 1CA1& 7CA1?...................................................1-1 What are the different t pes of %essa$es in CL?......................................................1-1 How to trap errors in CL?..................................................................................1-1 What is the %a:i%u% !en$th of a #ariab!e na%e in CL?............................................1-1 What are the !i%itations of CL 2co%pare to R5<3 ?..................................................1-1 What is the use of Header Specification in R5</899?...............................................1-1 When wi!! D605 and D-76< opcodes be i$nored?................................................1-2 Specif different indicators used in R5<?..............................................................1-2 What are Contro! !e#e! indicators?.......................................................................1-2 What is the use of - specification in R5<?............................................................1-2 What is the use of L specs in R5<?......................................................................1-2 In which specification the report !a out can be defined?............................................1-2 How %an fi!es can be defined in F specs?............................................................1-2 How %an printer fi!es can be defined in F specs?...................................................1-2 <i#e three %ain purposes of Fi!e specification?.......................................................1-2 How do ou specif pa$e o#erf!ow indicator for printer fi!es in R5<?...........................1-2 What is a 5ri%ar Fi!e?....................................................................................1-2 Can an inde:ed fi!e be accessed in arri#a! se=uence in R5< pro$ra%?...........................1-2 What is a 5ro$ra% Described fi!e in R5<?.............................................................1-2 What is e:terna!! described fi!e?........................................................................1-2
121. Can ou specif a disp!a fi!e to be used in the fo!!owin$ %odes Input& +utput& or Co%bined %odes? 1-3 122. 123. What is %atch fie!d indicator?............................................................................1-3 What are a!! the co%pi!er directi#e state%ents?.......................................................1-3
124. Durin$ e:ecution& an R5</899 pro$ra% auto%atica!! fo!!ows a se=uence of operations for each record that is processed) 1he bui!t>in pro$ra% c c!e inc!udes the fo!!owin$ !o$ica! steps).........1-3 a(e 10 of 250
As400 Stuff 12*. 12.. 121. What are the different +pcodes a#ai!ab!e in R5< for Database access?.........................1-3 How do hand!e fi!e e:ception/error......................................................................1-3 What is +5N.R/F& 0+N0S< co%%ands...........................................................1-3
122. What are the uses of 6A):O$1" 6A):O$2 and $#SB&: field for the $ % o/eration code A$!?...........................................................................................1-3 130. +ow will you find a strin( usin( D!?..........................................................1-4 4y usin( 67DS:$ D!............................................................................................1-4 131. +ow do you read chan(ed records bac9ward in subfile?..............................1-4 7O: OSS=4&#........................................................................................................1-4 132. What is the difference between nor,al B DD:A to 6 and u/datin( usin( D6B /ro(ra,?................................................................................................................1-4 4oth are sa,e only difference is D6B allows you to add or chan(e selected fields ...............................................................................................................................1-4 133. What is the synta0 for &=S:?.......................................................................1-4 K#7:$G &=S: A$!...............................................................................................1-4 134. Which are the Strin( !ani/ulation O/codes?...............................................1-4 :#S:7" S)A7" )+#)3" )+#)3$" SB4S: D )A:.......................................................1-4 Sub Procedures:.....................................................................................................1-4 1. 2. 3. 4. *. -. .. 1. 2. 1. 2. Why Sub /rocedures are used?.......................................................................1-4 )an you use a sub /rocedure in a sub /rocedure?..........................................1-4 What are the s/ecifications used in a sub /rocedure?.....................................1-4 +ow ,any ways a sub /rocedure can /ass /ara,eters?................................1-4 +ow do you in'o9e a stored /rocedure?..........................................................1-* =s there any cycle code (enerated for the sub /rocedure?..............................1-* What are the =,/ortant freEuently used co,,ands in =&#$ % en'iron,ent? 1-* What are )OD#8400 8 <isual A(e??..................................................................1-What are !ain rocedure and a sub /rocedure?.............................................1-. #0/lain about sub files in AS8400?...................................................................1-1 !essa(e subfile record for,at 9eywords........................................................112 a(e 11 of 250
Sub 6iles.................................................................................................................1-1
As400 Stuff 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. *. -. .. 1. 2. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 1*. 1-. 1.. +ow to create !essa(e subfile?......................................................................112 What is acti'e subfile?.....................................................................................11. )& co,,ands?................................................................................................11. Data ty/es in )&?.............................................................................................122 Strin( o/eration in )&?....................................................................................123 +ow to set the cursor /osition in /articular field in /articular /osition?..........124 +ow will retrie'e the data in data area?..........................................................124 4uilt in function in )&?.....................................................................................124 Define indicator in )&?.....................................................................................12* !essa(e subfile in )&......................................................................................12* )& /rocessin( co,,ands D /ro(ra, control co,,ands?..............................12* +ow to )& code has to chan(e to use a call /rocedure?...............................12* What are 'arious ste/s accessin( data area in )&?......................................12* What is the eEui'alent co,,and to setll *loval in )&?.................................12* <arious ty/es of ,essa(e a'ailable in )&.....................................................12What will !O7!S% co,,and in do?............................................................12. What are the state,ents" which is not used in )&&# that is used in )& ?....121 +ow to create user define co,,and?..........................................................121 =nfo...............................................................................................................122
)& ro(ra,,in(....................................................................................................11.
11. What;s the difference between )+A=7 and S#:&&? =s there a /erfor,ance ad'anta(e?............................................................................................................200 12. 20. 21. 22. 1. 2. +ow do = debu( a re,ote >i.e. NbatchN? job fro, an interacti'e job?............201 What is the new # o/eration e0tender used for?..........................................203 Why doesn;t the O)+A$ builtAin function wor9 with nu,eric 'alues?..........203 +ow does the )O7S: 9eyword wor9 with rocedure /ara,eters?...............204 $ % =< A 4uiltAin 6unctions...............................................................................20* 6i(urati'e constants in $ %&#.........................................................................213 a(e 12 of 250
4uiltAin 6unctions...................................................................................................204
As400 Stuff 3. 4. *. -. @ #0/lain ADDDB$" SB4DB$" #P:$): and :#S:?...............................................213 #0/lain )o,/ile ti,e array" loo9u/" sortAa" 0Afoot" and $un ti,e array?.........212 What is the different between $#AD# and )+A=7 O/codes?...........................223 #0/lain 4uild in function in =&#?.......................................................................223 e!erences:........................................................................................................22.
Q $eferencesH
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As400 Stuff
Basic 1. efine li!rary" A &ibrary is a collection of objects. :y/e K&=4 that is used to (rou/ related object and to find objects by na,e. A library is a directory to a (rou/ of objects. :he nu,ber of objects contained in a library and the nu,ber of libraries on the syste, are li,ited only by the a,ount of stora(e a'ailable. All libraries are /laced in the syste, library CSGS. &ibraries /ro'ide a ,ethod for or(aniFin( objects. A library is an o/enAended directory. A library can ne'er beco,e R6B&&@ as if has no finite siFe. &ibraries the,sel'es are objects. A library contain the object na,e" ty/e" and the address #i!rary list Syste, libraryA 1* >CSGS&=4? CSGS C+& SGS CBS$SGS roduct library I2 )urrent library I1 Bser library A 2* >CBS$&=4? C% & C:#! !G&=4 When you lo(on the first library to be load is CSGS. :he syste, library is loaded at the first ti,e.
efine o!$ect" #'erythin( that can be stored or retrie'ed on the syste, is 9nown as an SO45#):T. Objects e0it to ,a9e users inde/endent of the i,/le,entation used in the ,achine. :he create object instruction establish the object@s na,e and its ty/e.
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As400 Stuff All objects are structured with a co,,on object header" and a ty/e de/endent functional /ortion. A user is not concerned with the s/ace his object occu/ies. :he syste, allocate s/ace auto,atically W$3O45 D! is used to dis/lay all object in such a library :he library the object na,e and its ty/e is BniEue. 1. %&at is t&e difference !et'een ()*, E)* and +),#E" O ! Ori(inal /ro(ra, ,odel is the old $ %8400 syste," which will not allow a /ro(ra, ty/e to call another /ro(ra, ty/e. &i9e )&" $ %" )O4O&" &8=" 4AS=) only su//orted. # ! #0tended /ro(ra, ,odel will su//ort )" AS)A&" 6O$:$A7 and other /ro(ra,,in( conce/ts. $ %&# =t su//orts ,i0ed /ro(ra, su//ort in which you can co,bine any /ro(ra, with another ty/e of /ro(ra,. =t su//orts ,odularity" co/y boo9" better call /erfor,ance. <ersion is <2$3
<ersion is <1$2
2. %&at are t&e disad-antages of using .# o-er +)," We can able to read only records but we cannot able to write or u/date or delete records. We can ha'e only one file to be used in a )& /ro(ra, We cannot able to use /rinter files in )& We cannot able to use subfile in a )& /ro(ra, 1. /o' you can read and 'rite single co00and in .#" 4y usin( S7D$)<6 co,,and. #0a,/le :y/eH )& S3A7DASA!O8)& ADD KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0000.01 8KADD=7% :WO 7B!4#$S K8 a(e 15 of 250
As400 Stuff 0001.00 0002.00 0003.00 0004.00 000*.00 000-.00 %! D)&6 S7D$)<6 )+%<A$ S7D$)<6 #7D %! 6=&# >S3A7DASA!O8)& S)$? $)D6!: >S#)& ? $)D6!: >S#)& ? <A$ >D$#S? <A&B# >D7B!1 U D7B!2? $)D6!: >S#)& ?
AAAAAAAAAA 2. /o' to retrie-e a date in .#" 4y usin( $:<SGS<A& co,,and we can (et the syste, dates. 6or (ettin( date CDA:#. :he 'arious for,at of date are KD!G" K!DG" KG!D" KGG!D" K5O&" K5O4 3. /o' to co1y a record in e2isting o!$ect to anot&er o!$ect" 4y usin( ) G6 co,,and if you want to co/y a data one /osition to another /osition. We can (i'e the records co/yin( /osition startin( and endin( of the records. We want /articular records ,eans. We can (i'e the co,,and in sE /osition. ) G6 ta9e 64 6ile na,e >source file? H 601 &ibAna,e 7ew file na,e &ibAna,e HS3A7DASA!O H 602 HS3A7DASA!O
a(e 16 of 250
As400 Stuff HK6=$S: $e/lace HKADD HK7O HK)+A$ Start /osition #nd /osition SEl co,,and H2000 H 6=&#D #! 7O )O7D=:=O7 K%: <A&B# 40 $ecord for,at ,a//in(HK!A >add field? UD$O >delete field? 4. /o' you 'ill a-oid 0ulti1le users u1dating t&e sa0e records" :he dis/layin( the records in the screen we will be (ettin( the ti,esta,/ alon( with the actual data. Store this in out/ut data structure and while u/datin( chec9 whether the /re'ious ti,e sta,/ is the sa,e ti,esta,/ before u/datin(. =f the record is u/dated by another user than the ti,e sta,/ will be chan(ed and if it does not ,atches then throw the error ,essa(e R$ecord is already u/dated by another user@ else u/date the records with current ti,e sta,/. Program 1 Store the ti,e sta,/ and this ti,e sta,/ will co,e as an in/ut to the second /ro(ra, Program2 +ere wst,st1 contains the in/ut ti,e sta,/ and chec9 this ,atches with the database. =f ,atches u/date else send error ,essa(e. 5. E21lain %+3(45) * and 6)(45 " H1000
W$3O45 D! =f we want to list all the source 6 or files of /articular ty/e the W$3O45 D! with file ty/e as 6AS$) for source 6 =O$ Kfile for listin( all the files e0tra can be (i'en. a(e 17 of 250
As400 Stuff DS O45D =f we 9now library na,e and object na,e and we want to 9now the source 6 where it is residin( then DS O45D with o/tion as Kser'ices instead of basic will (i'e the source 6 na,e. 1. /o' to create +),, +),#E, .#, .##E, )7, #7, )+8, and dis1lay file" $ % $ %&# )& )&&# )&&# 6 &6 $7 DS 6 Aby usin( )$:$ % %! co,,and Aby usin( )$:47D$ % )o,,and >or? 14 Aby usin( )$:)& %! co,,and Aby usin( )$:47D)& Aby usin( )$:)&!OD8)$: %! co,,and Aby usin( )$: 6 co,,and Aby usin( )$:&6 co,,and A by usin( )$: $:6 co,,and Aby usin( )$:DS 6 co,,and
2. %&at are t&e ad-antages of using 96:400 syste0" AS8400 is desi(ned and builds as a total syste,. :his ,eans that facilities such as relational database and networ9in( ca/ability >and ,uch ,ore? are fully inte(rated into the o/eratin( syste, and ,achine. :he user co,,unication with all these functions throu(h a sin(le control lan(ua(e &ayered ,achine architecture Object orientation Sin(leAle'el stora(e +ierarchy of ,icro/rocessors Security le'els &ayered ,achine architecture :his insulates users fro, hardware characteristics. =t enables the, to ,o'e to new hardware technolo(y at any ti,e" without disru/tin( their a//lication /ro(ra,s. We can able to chan(e any layer without affectin( the other layer. =f any /roble, occurs in OS" then we can wor9 with a//lication /ro(ra, inde/endently and this is the ,ajor ad'anta(e of AS8400 syste,. Object orientation a(e 18 of 250
As400 Stuff #'ery that can be stored or retrie'ed on the syste, is 9nown as an SobjectsT. Objects e0ist to ,a9e users inde/endent of the internal structure of the ,achine. Sin(leA le'el stora(e =t /ro'ides conti(uous ,e,ory between ,ain stora(e and dis9 stora(e. =t /ro'ides authority to add any dis9 s/ace so that user can access it without any /roble,. :here is no need for the user to thin9 where to store the a//lication /ro(ra,. +ierarchy of ,icro/rocessors <arious ty/es of ,icro/rocessors are used in AS8400. #ach and e'ery ,icro/rocessor is allocated for s/ecific /ur/ose. =f one chi/ is for in/ut o/eration and other for out/ut then we can do both in/ut and out/ut o/eration since both the ,icro/rocessor can /erfor, inde/endently. Security le'els =t will list the 'arious security /ro'ided by the syste,. 7o security assword security $esource security OS security )ertifiable security
1. %&at are t&e -arious ty1es of 6ecurity in 96:400" AS8400 is desi(ned for business that reEuires le'els of security ran(in( fro, nothin( at all to full (o'ern,ent certifiable security. 4y settin( a syste, 'alue" we can confi(ure fi'e increasin( le'el of security. 7o security assword security $esource security OS security )ertifiable security When AS8400 is confi(ured" three syste, 'alues dealin( with security need to be s/ecified. :hese 'alues are CABD5$&" C!APS=%7 D CS#)B$=:G. ;6E.<+=>?@ :his syste, 'alue deter,ines the le'el of security enforce,ent. S831 and the ori(inal AS8400 only had three of syste, security. At <=$3 of OS8400 the fourth le'el of security was added" and the fifth le'el of security was added at <2$3. :he 'alid 'alues for CS#)B$=:G are 10"20"30"40"*0. a(e 19 of 250
As400 Stuff ;*9A6=,8@ :his syste, 'alue deter,ines the ,a0i,u, nu,ber of si(n on atte,/ts allowed. =f the nu,ber of unsuccessful atte,/ts to si(n on to the syste, e0ceeds this nu,ber" the ter,inal or de'ice that atte,/ted the si(n on is 'aried off. ;9< 5+#@ AS8400 su//orts an o/tional security auditin( function. =f this function is s/ecified" certain security e'ents are journal. :he s/ecific e'ents that are lo((ed in the security audit journal are deter,ined by the 'alue s/ecified in the CABD5$& syste, 'alue and the le'el of syste, security s/ecified. #e-el 10@ 8o security Syste, is shi//ed with ,ini,u,Asecurity le'el and doesn@t reEuire any /assword to si(n on. =f user /rofile doesn@t e0ists with the sa,e na,e as the Bser id the syste, creates the user /rofile with that na,e. #e-el 20@ )ass'ord security !ini,u, security is acti'e and /assword is reEuired to si(n on. :he user /rofile ,ust already e0ist for the user before we can si(n on the syste, #e-el 30@ +esource security assword security is acti'e and user ,ust s/ecify (i'en authority to resources. :his le'el is reco,,ended because the syste, doesn@t (i'e the user authority to access the entire object on the syste, after the user si(n on. #e-el 40@ (1erating syste0 security assword security" resource security and OS inte(rity are acti'e. Bser ,ust be es/ecially (i'en authority to resources this le'el /ro'idin( ,ore security than le'el 30. All atte,/ts to access object usin( interfaces that are not su//orted fail. ro(ra,s that contains restricted instructions will not co,/ile a(e 20 of 250
As400 Stuff Bsers sub,ittin( jobs usin( the job descri/tion containin( the user /rofile na,e ,ust ha'e KBS# authority to user /rofile. #e-el 50@ .2 le-el security All the le'el 40 security attributes are included at le'el *0" and in addition so,e of the interfaces are ,odified to ,eet the )2 standards. 1. E21lain user 1rofile and grou1 1rofile" Bser /rofiles are used to identify users to the syste,s and 'erify authorities on the syste, >DS BS$ $6" )+%BS$ $6" #D:O45AB:? Bser /rofiles tell the syste, who can si(n on and what functions the user can /erfor, on the syste, on the syste, resources after si(nin( on. :he security officer or security ad,inistrator can create it. :he user /rofile defines the followin( ca/abilities for a /articular user Bser class Object owned and authoriFed AuthoriFation of objects ri'ile(ed instructions assword )urrent library =nitial /ro(ra, and ,enu Deli,itedAca/ability user &i,it de'ice session !a0i,u, stora(e allowed riority li,it S/ecial en'iron,ent <ser class When identifyin( a user on the syste, you can s/ecify the user class in the user /rofile. AS8400 has fi'e user classes that deter,ine the le'el of syste,@s access a user is /er,itted. :he fi'e user classes" startin( the hi(hest le'el of access" are Security officer >KS#)O6$? Security ad,inistrator >KS#)AD!? ro(ra,,er >K %!$? Syste, o/erator >KSGSO $? Bser >KBS#$? 9ut&oriBation of o!$ects
a(e 21 of 250
As400 Stuff Object authority" or the ri(ht to user to use or control an object co,es in two cate(ories. Object ri(hts Data ri(hts (!$ect rig&ts Object ri(hts are concerned with the object itself. Object ri(hts assi(n a user the followin( authority O/erational ri(hts >KO #$? Object ,ana(e,ent ri(hts >KO45!%:? Object e0istence ri(hts >KO45#P:? (1erational rig&t C*()E+D :he authority to use an object" loo9s at its descri/tion" and restores it. A user ,ust ha'e o/erational ri(hts to a /ro(ra, to e0ecute it. (!$ect 0anage0ent rig&ts C*(45*,>D :he authority to (rant and re'o9e and user ri(hts ,o'e and rena,e object" and ,e,bers to database file. (!$ect e2istence rig&ts C*(45EA>D :he authority to delete" free stora(e" sa'e restore or transfer ownershi/ of an object. ata rig&ts Data ri(hts a//ly to the data contained within the object. :y/es of data ri(hts $ead >K$#AD? :he authority is to retrie'e the contents of an object entry. Add >KADD? :he authority is to add entries to an object. 6or e0a,/le addin( records to a database file reEuires ADD ri(ht for the library. B/date >KB D? :he authority to chan(e the entries in an object reEuires B D ri(ht for the file. Delete >KD&:? :he authority is to re,o'e object in an object. 6or e0a,/le deletin( a /ro(ra, fro, a library reEuires D&: ri(ht for the library.
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As400 Stuff Deletin( records for a database that reEuires D&: ri(hts the database file. 1. %&at is #ocE" /o' you ac&ie-e in 96:400" :o (i'e the access /er,ission for database file. :he &oc9s are /ro'ided by AS8400 syste, itself. :y/e of loc9 Share loc9 :he share loc9s only readin( o/eration > 6 file?. #0clusi'e loc9 :he e0clusi'e loc9 to /erfor, insert" u/date" and delete o/erations. 1. /o' you 'ill release t&e locE" 4y usin( $)&$S) V$eclai, $esourceW co,,and we can release the resources only. B7&O)3 or )+A=7 >7? co,,and also hel/s to release the loc9. 4y usin( W$3O45&)3 co,,and and ta9e 64. 2. E21lain a!out +>8.6+#(." :y/e G >Ges? in the Select /ara,eters /ro,/ts to define /ara,eters for the $:7)S$&O) 9eyword on the Define $eturn )ursor &ocation dis/lay. 3. /o' you e2ecute .# co00and in +),#E" 4y usin( C)!D#P) co,,and we can e0ecute )& co,,and in $ %&#. :wo /ara,eters will be called use in the )& co,,and to be e0ecuted and second is the len(th of the co,,and. 4. %&atFs ne' in G4+4 and +), =G" :here are a few si(nificant enhance,ents in $ % =< in OS8400 <ersion 4" $elease 4. :he H./9+ builtAin function has been fi0ed. =t now functions li9e it was su//osed to in the first /lace. Gou can wra/ a nu,eric 'alue in O)+A$ and a nicely edited character for, of the nu,ber is returned. :he edited for, includes the deci,al" tri,,ed off leadin( blan9s" and a ne(ati'e si(n. :he 7(+ loo1 /ro'ide free for,at 'ersion of DO o/eration code. With the 6O$ o/eration" you can be(in a loo/ o/eration and continue iteratin( a(e 23 of 250
As400 Stuff throu(h the loo/ until a 'ariable eEuals a li,it 'alue. :he synta0 for the 6O$ o/eration is enhanced with the :O" 4G and DOW7:O 9eywords. :he :O o/eration indicators the u//er li,it for the loo/in(" while the 4G 9eyword identifies the incre,ent 'alue for the loo/ counter. Alternati'ely" you can s/ecify the DOW7:O 9eyword to loo/ bac9wards fro, a lar(e 'alue to a s,all 'alue. :he ()E8()> 9eyword is added to the +eader s/ecification. :his 9eyword can be used alon( with its one and only 9eyword K=7MO6& to cause o'erflow indicators to be set off when their corres/ondin( /rinter file is closed and then reAo/ened durin( the /ro(ra,. =n subroutines" the #E9GE6+ o/eration can now be used to e0it a subroutine i,,ediately. #ffecti'ely this is a N(lorified (otoN o/eration that branches to the #7DS$ state,ent of a subroutine. 5. .an you clear u1 t&e confusion in t&e different releases of +), =G and (6:400 and =#E" $ % =< is the ne0t (eneration of the $ % lan(ua(e. $ % === is the ori(inal 'ersion of AS8400 $ %8400. :he na,e NAS8400 $ %8400N is that (i'en to the =4! co,/iler /ac9a(e for distribution on the AS8400. :his co,/iler /ac9a(e co,/iles 'arious 'ersions of $ %" includin( $ %== and at least two releases of $ %===.As of OS8400 <ersion 3 release 1" =4! chan(ed the na,e of this co,/iler /ac9a(e to NAS8400 =&# $ %8400N. :he reason for this na,e chan(e was to identify that fact that the co,/ile now includes a 'ersion of $ % that tar(ets the =nte(rated &an(ua(e #n'iron,ent >=&#?" which is $ % =<.=&# was first shi//ed in OS8400 <ersion 2" $elease 3. +owe'er" only the ) lan(ua(e co,/iler /roduced code that tar(eted this en'iron,ent. 6irst" a word about =&#" =&# is the new" Nnati'eN runti,e en'iron,ent for ro(ra,s" on the AS8400. Bnder OS8400 <ersion 2 $elease 3" =4! introduced a new /ro(ra, ,odel. :his basically ,eans that new features and interfaces beca,e a'ailable. +owe'er" =4! did not just /ort so,e runti,e en'iron,ent to the OS8400 o/eratin( syste," it actually reAwrote code" and wrote new code that" essentially" chan(ed the way OS8400 wor9s. :his new code /ro'ides su//ort for a ,i0ed set of hi(hAle'el lan(ua(es. re'iously" $ % and )& had their own little runti,e en'iron,ent" )O4O& had its ownX ) had its own" and so on. Bnder =&#" all /ro(ra,,in( lan(ua(es run in =&#. :he sa,e Nen'iron,entN is used for )O4O&" )" $ % and )&. +owe'er" to ta9e ad'anta(e of =&#" new co,/ilers needed to be created. As for $ %" rather than con'ert the e0istin( $ %== and $ %=== co,/ilers" =4!" who was desi(nin( a new 'ersion of $ % anyway" decided to tar(et =&# with the new co,/iler. :his would si,ultaneously /ro'ide a new 'ersion of $ % and an =&# tar(eted co,/iler.
a(e 24 of 250
As400 Stuff Names Are Important A (ood friend of ,ine once said" N7a,es are i,/ortantN in the /ro(ra,,in( world. =f a field is called N$hinocerosN" does it re/resent its use or /ur/ose? O9ay" so /erha/s in traditional $ % N=(uanaN is a better choice for this e0a,/le. >Shorter na,e? Durin( the de'elo/,ent of $ % =<" two distinct issues arose. 6irst" the internal na,e for $ % =< was N=&# $ %N. :his was not a code na,e" but rather the na,e =4! used to refer to the new co,/iler. After all" it was tar(etin( =&#X why not refer to it as N=&# $ %N? Second" the reAarchitecture of $ % ca,e into Euestion. Bnfortunately" the internal na,e N=&# $ %N be(an to be lea9ed out to the /ublic. Se'eral ,a(aFine writers and =4!ers not in'ol'ed in the de'elo/,ent of $ % =< continued to use the ter, N=&# $ %N when referrin( to $ % =<. = su//ose these /eo/le still refer to the AS8400 as SilverLa"e or /erha/s e'en #l$mpic. :hen when =4! announced the co,/iler /ac9a(e or /roduct na,e as NAS8400 =&# $ %8400N it only added to the confusion. =4! dro//ed the ball when /ro,otin( the $ % =< na,e. :hey are" after all" set u/ to ,ar9et their /roducts with their /roduct na,es. :he na,e of one /ro(ra,,in( lan(ua(e included in a /roduct that contains nearly se'en full co,/ilers isn;t hi(h /riority. $ % =< is the 'ersion of $ % that tar(ets =&#. OS8400 <3$1 co,/atible $ % =< can also tar(et what is now called Nthe ori(inal /ro(ra, ,odelN or si,/ly O !. O ! is just a na,e that has been (i'en to the ori(inal runti,e en'iron,ent of $ % and )& under OS8400. :his is the en'iron,ent in which $ %=== and )& run. Bnder =&#" howe'er" the ori(inal nati'e en'iron,ent is e,ulated" that is" =&# isn;t an en'iron,ent at all" it is native OS8400" whereas" O ! is now an en'iron,ent under =&#. So,e 'ery cle'er /ro(ra,,in( and desi(n went into this" don;t you thin9? 7ot 'ery ,any other o/eratin( syste,s" if any" /ro'ide this 9ind of continuity. RPG IV -- Release w at! $ % =< was first shi//ed with OS8400 <ersion 3" $elease 1. :his is now referred to as $ % =< release 1. 4ut don;t worry about re,e,berin( releases of $ % =<. Bnder OS8400 <ersion 3" $elease -" =4! enhanced $ % with /rocedures" ,any ,ore builtAin functions" and se'eral new data ty/es. :his is referred to as $ % =< release 2. :hen" OS8400 <ersion 3" $elease 2 was announced. =t brou(ht the ori(inal release of $ % =< >on the )=S) bo0es? u/ to the sa,e le'el as $ % =< under <3$-. Are you confused yet? !e tooJ Bnder OS8400 <ersion 3" $elease ." =4! added a cou/le of enhance,ents" ,ost notably they increased the len(th of a field na,e to a nu,ber so lar(e not e'en ,a(aFine authors that don;t write realAworld code could co,/lain about it any,ore. :hey also added one or two new data ty/es" roundin( out $ % =< so that it su//orts all AS8400 data ty/es" e0ce/t 'ariable len(th fields. :his 'ersion of $ % =< is 9nown as $ % =< $elease 3. :he followin( table identifies the current releases of $ % =<. 7ote that $ % =< releases do not necessarily coincide with releases of the o/eratin( syste,.
a(e 25 of 250
As400 Stuff
$ % =< $elease 1 2 2 3 4 4
OS8400 <ersion8$elease
)=S) or $=S)
<3 $1 <3 $<3 $2 <3 $. <4 $2 <3 $* >s/eculation? See note 1 <4 $3 <4 $4 >6ebruary 1222? <4 $* >Su,,er 2000?
* * -
8(>E 1H =t is s/eculated that =4! ,ay shi/ a final Nclean u/N release of OS8400 for )=S) that would included a lar(e le'el of co,/atibility with OS8400 <4 $*. :he release le'els of $ % =< are only i,/ortant if you want to 9ee/ trac9 of that 9ind of thin(. One disa//ointin( issue is that unless you stay on the ,ost current release of OS8400" you don;t (et all the cool new features in $ % =<. #'en if you stay current" you can;t tar(et /rior releases if you use any of the new features. =n fact" e'en if you use a new feature that doesn;t de/end on an o/eratin( syste, enhance,ent" it can;t be used for bac9 releases. :his is because of the way the :%:$&S >tar(et release? feature has been i,/le,ented. 4asically" if you;re on <4 $2 and you do a :%:$&S><3$2!0? the co,/iler calls the actual co,/iler for <3 $2. =t doesn;t ha'e a builtAin synta0 chec9er that says N:his feature reEuires an OS8400 u/(rade so don;t allow it" or this one is o9ay so acce/t it.N =t is callin( the sa,e NbinaryN co,/iler code that is on any old <3 $2 syste,. :his ,eans" for e0a,/le" a(e 26 of 250
As400 Stuff that if you want to ta9e ad'anta(e of the new co,/iler directi'es" but you often ha'e to tar(et a /rior release" you can@t use those directi'es. 6or e0a,/le" 8=6 D#6=7#D does nothin( for the e0ecutable code that;s (enerated" but is not su//orted when :%:$&S><3$2!0? is s/ecified. X> 4u,,erJ? So now we 9now about $ % =< release le'els and how the ter, N=&# $ %N (ot into our 'ocabulary. So let;s clear u/ another ter," the na,e of the $ % lan(ua(e. :he bi( one is the ter, N$ %8400N. :here is not /ro(ra,,in( lan(ua(e called N$ %8400N. :he lan(ua(e ,ost often called N$ %8400N is $ %===. +owe'er" bac9 in the Syste,831 days" the Syste,831 $ % lan(ua(e was called $ %===. When the AS8400 was announced" /ro(ra,,ers wanted to (i'e the,sel'es an ad'anta(e on their rYsu,Y. So they be(an callin( AS8400 $ %===" N$ %8400N. :hen to ,a9e ,atter worse" when $ % =< was announced" /ro(ra,,ers thou(ht that the nu,ber N=<N in N$ % =<N was less than the N400N in N$ %8400N. So they decided to call $ % =<" N=&# $ %N. Well let;s set the record strai(ht. :he table below lists the $ % lan(ua(e na,es" their incorrect na,e" and the /ro/er na,e. .o00only used %rong 8a0e $ %83$ %831 7or0al 8a0e )ro1er CcorrectD 8a0e
$ %== $ %===
$ %8400 =&# $ %
$ %=== $ % =<
I"# Concepts 1. =ntegrated #anguage En-iron0ent C=#ED =&# is an architectural chan(e to lan(ua(e co,/ilers and the runti,e characteristics of AS8400 /ro(ra,s. =t is an e0tension to the architecture which ,eans that your e0istin( /ro(ra,s continue to run without chan(in( and reco,/ilin(. =&# is a'ailable with <ersion 2 $elease 3 of OS8400. a(e 27 of 250
As400 Stuff =nte(rated &an(ua(e #n'iron,ent is ti(htly inte(rated into the O/eratin( Syste,8400. :he 9ey benefits for the new =&# en'iron,ent areH #anguage =ntegrationH A//lication /ro(ra,s are de'elo/ed usin( the lan(ua(e ,i0 best suited to /erfor, each reEuired function. +eusa!ilityH )ode fro, su//orted lan(ua(es is di'ided into s,aller" reusable" ,ore lo(ical ,odules that co,/ile faster and reEuire less ,aintenance o'er their life. )erfor0anceH )a/ability is /ro'ided to o/ti,iFe code in co,/uteAintensi'e a//lications and to reduce the ti,e to /erfor, interA/ro(ra, calls. =nte(rated &an(ua(e #n'iron,ent increases de'elo/er /roducti'ity by /ro'idin( the ca/ability to di'ide code into s,aller" ,ore lo(ical units that co,/ile faster. :he syste, binder co,bines the co,/iled ,odules to create the a//lication /ro(ra,. =n addition" the se/aration of co,/ilation and bind ste/s /ro'ides ,ore fle0ibility /ac9a(in( the a//lication. :he new source le'el debu( tool that su//orts the =&# lan(ua(es /ro'ides enhanced ca/ability o'er the syste, debu((er with the new feature to debu( at the source or listin( le'el of the /ro(ra,. Ste/" brea9/oint" and conditional brea9/oint functions ha'e been /ro'ided. #0/ressions are entered and e'aluated usin( the synta0 of the /ro(ra,,in( lan(ua(e bein( debu((ed. :he current syste, debu( facility re,ains unchan(ed for /ro(ra,s de'elo/ed outside =&#.
=&# offers nu,erous benefits not found on /re'ious releases of the AS8400 syste,. :hese benefits includeH 1. 2. 3. 4. *. -. .. 1. 2. 4etter call /erfor,ance !odularity !ulti/leAlan(ua(e inte(ration #nhance,ents to the =&# co,/ilers $eusable co,/onents )ontrol o'er a//lication runAti,e en'iron,ent )ode o/ti,iFation :ool a'ailability 6oundation for the future
=n addition" =&# offers co,,on runAti,e routines used by the =&#Aconfor,in( lan(ua(es. !any of the a//lication /ro(ra, interfaces >A =s? are also /ro'ided as bind able >ser'ice? /ro(ra,s. :his allows your a//lications to use A =s and to (et faster =&# call /erfor,ance. :hese offAtheAshelf co,/onents /ro'ide such ser'ices asH a(e 28 of 250
As400 Stuff Date ,ani/ulation !essa(e handlin( !ath routines Acti'ation %rou/s Ser'ice ro(ra,s 1. 4etter .all )erfor0ance An =&# co,/iler does not /roduce a /ro(ra, that can be run. =nstead" it /roduces a ,odule object >K!ODB&#? that can be co,bined" or bound" with other ,odules to for, a sin(le run able unit" or /ro(ra,. =&# /ro(ra,s are called just as you call /ro(ra,s in your current a//lications. A benefit of this bindin( /rocess is that it hel/s to reduce the o'erhead associated with callin( /ro(ra,s by reducin( the nu,ber of e0ternal calls. 4efore =&#" only dyna,ic >or e0ternal? /ro(ra, calls were a'ailable to the a//lication /ro(ra,,er. With =&#" two 9inds of calls are a'ailableH Dyna,ic >or e0ternal /ro(ra,? calls V#.(.H ro(ra, )allsW Static >or bound? calls V#.(.H Ser'ice ro(ra, )allsW :he /erfor,ance of dyna,ic calls in =&# /ro(ra,s is fairly close to e0istin( call /erfor,ance. +owe'er" bound calls offer better /erfor,ance than dyna,ic calls. :hus" the bindin( ca/ability and the i,/ro'ed call /erfor,ance that results ,ay encoura(e you to de'elo/ your a//lications with a ,ore ,odular desi(n. 2. *odularity A ,ore ,odular a//roach to /ro(ra,,in( /ro'ides nu,erous benefits to you" includin(H 6aster co,/ilation because the units of code to co,/ile are s,aller >#s/ecially reco,/ilin( durin( de'elo/,ent?. 4etter /ro(ra,,er wor9 load distribution. O//ortunities to both /urchase and sell indi'idual ,odules of code. =ncreased reusabilityH !odules written for a s/ecific function can be bound into se'eral /ro(ra, objects. Si,/lified ,aintenanceH !aintenance ,ay be reEuired in only a sin(le ,odule.
As400 Stuff With your current a//lication" you can ,i0 different lan(ua(e /ro(ra,s" such as $ %" )O4O&" and ). +owe'er" to access code written in another lan(ua(e" your current a//lication ,ust /erfor, a dyna,ic call to a se/arate /ro(ra,. :he /erfor,ance cost of the dyna,ic call to a /ro(ra, and the inconsistencies between lan(ua(e beha'iors so,eti,es co,/licate the ,i0in( of lan(ua(es. With =&#" ,odules written in any =&# lan(ua(e can be bound to ,odules written in the sa,e or any other =&# lan(ua(e. 6or e0a,/le" a ,odule of code written in =&# )8400 >/erha/s a floatin(A/oint calculation? can be bound with ,odules written in =&# $ %8400" =&# )O4O&8400" =&# )8400" or =&# )&. :his /roduces a better /erfor,in(" and ,ore easily ,ana(ed a//lication. =n addition" you can acEuire ,odules written in a 'ariety of lan(ua(es" without needin( to /roduce the code yourself. :he A =s that =4! /ro'ides for =&# are just the be(innin(. <endors ha'e ,ore freedo, to sell >and a//lication /ro(ra,,ers to buy? libraries of routines for any co,,only used function" such as ta0 calculations. :hey can be written in any lan(ua(e and can be bound for better /erfor,ance. 4. En&ance0ents to t&e =#E .o01ilers :he =&# co,/ilers ha'e so,e si(nificant new function included as /art of the lan(ua(e. :his is /articularly true for =&# $ %8400" which is based on the $ % =< lan(ua(e definition. !any lon(Astandin( reEuests fro, $ % /ro(ra,,ers ha'e been addressed in the =&# $ %8400 co,/iler" includin( the followin(H 10Acharacter field na,es 6reeAfor, lo(ical and ,ath e0/ressions Date and ti,e data ty/es and o/erations #0ternal data ite,s >data e0/ort? B//ercase and lowercase source 6ileAle'el field /refi0 su//ort ointers
6or ,any /ro(ra,,ers" the /ri,ary ,oti'ation for ,o'in( to =&# is to (et access to the function that =&# lan(ua(e su//ort /ro'ides. 5. +eusa!le co01onents =&# allows you to select /ac9a(es of routines that can be blended into your own /ro(ra,s. $outines written in any =&# lan(ua(e can be used by all AS8400 =&# co,/iler users. :he fact that /ro(ra,,ers can write in the lan(ua(e of their choice ensures you the widest /ossible selection of routines.
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As400 Stuff :he sa,e ,echanis,s that =4! and other 'endors use to deli'er these /ac9a(es to you are a'ailable for you to use in your own a//lications. Gour installation can de'elo/ its own set of standard routines" and do so in any lan(ua(e it chooses. 7ot only can you use offAtheAshelf routines in your own a//lications. Gou can also de'elo/ routines in the =&# lan(ua(e of your choice and ,ar9et the, to users of any =&# lan(ua(e.
6. .ontrol o-er 911lication +unI>i0e En-iron0ent =&# allows you to use better control o'er your a//lication and the resources it uses. Gou can s/ecify that a (i'en =&# /ro(ra, run in a /articular area within a job. :his area within a job is called an acti'ation (rou/. Gou can assi(n a na,e to the acti'ation (rou/ within the job. :hen" =&# /ro(ra,s and ser'ice /ro(ra,s can be created to use the na,ed acti'ation (rou/. :hus" you can use acti'ation (rou/s to set u/ lo(ical boundaries within the job to se/arate the a//lications. Within these boundaries" an acti'ation (rou/ has e0clusi'e use of the resource" such as o/en data /aths for the files used in the a//lication. Bsin( acti'ation (rou/s to isolate a//lications can also ,a9e it easier to end an a//lication in a job. =t aids in cleanin( u/ its resources >such as o/en files and acti'e /ro(ra,s? without disturbin( resources associated with other a//lications acti'e in the job. $ % /ro(ra,,ers ,i(ht thin9 of this techniEue as a 9ind of a//licationAle'el &$ indicator. 6or e0a,/le" it is a way to end an entire a//lication rather than endin( one /ro(ra, at a ti,e. 7. .ode (1ti0iBation :he new =&# co,/ilers and the associated OS8400 translator ha'e ,ore ad'anced o/ti,iFation techniEues built into the,. =n so,e cases" these new le'els of o/ti,iFation ,ay lead to i,/ro'ed /erfor,ance of e0istin( code. At co,/ilation ti,e" the /ro(ra,,er can select the desired le'el of o/ti,iFation for each /iece of code. 8. >ool 9-aila!ility :he ,ajority of tools for de'elo/ers in the co,/uter industry today are written in the ) lan(ua(e. With =&# bindin( ca/ability and i,/ro'ed o/ti,iFation" these ) lan(ua(e a//lications run faster. =n addition" they /erfor, better than they did with the /re'ious )8400 co,/iler. :herefore" we antici/ate that ,any tool 'endors will be(in to add their tools to the AS8400 to attract a new ,ar9et/lace for their /roducts. a(e 31 of 250
As400 Stuff !a9in( use of the ) lan(ua(e offers you a (reater choice ofH )AS# tools" 6ourthA(eneration lan(ua(es >4%&s?" #ditors" Debu((ers.
9. 7oundation for t&e 7uture =n addition to the increased o//ortunity to o/ti,iFe your a//lications with the current =&# co,/ilers" you can loo9 forward to e'en ,ore si(nificant enhance,ents. :he ,o'e toward objectAoriented /ro(ra,,in( lan(ua(es and 'isual /ro(ra,,in( tools increases the need for the ca/abilities /ro'ided by =&#. A//lications constructed of lar(e nu,bers of s,all" ,odulariFed" reusable co,/onents that efficiently transfer control a,on( the,sel'es offer you ,a0i,u, fle0ibility. Gou can use the, ,ulti/le ways in ,ulti/le a//lications. 1. A 1rocedure is a set of selfAcontained hi(hAle'el lan(ua(e state,ents that /erfor,s a /articular tas9 and then returns to the caller. 6or e0a,/le" an =&# )8400 function is an =&# /rocedure. 2. A su! 1rocedure is a /rocedure s/ecified after the ,ain source section. =t can only be called usin( a bound call. Sub /rocedures differ fro, ,ain /rocedures in se'eral res/ects" the ,ain difference bein( that sub /rocedures do not >and cannot? use the $ % cycle while runnin(. 3. A 0odule o!$ect is a non runable object that is the out/ut of an =&# co,/iler. A ,odule object is re/resented to the syste, by the sy,bol K!ODB&#. A ,odule object is the basic buildin( bloc9 for creatin( run able =&# objects. 4. All =&# /ro(ra,s and ser'ice /ro(ra,s are acti'ated within a substructure of a job called an acti-ation grou1. :his substructure contains the resources necessary to run the /ro(ra,s. 5. A ser-ice 1rogra0 is a collection of runable /rocedures and a'ailable data ite,s easily and directly accessible by other =&# /ro(ra,s or ser'ice /ro(ra,s. =n ,any res/ects" a ser'ice /ro(ra, is si,ilar to a subroutine library or /rocedure library. Ser'ice /ro(ra,s /ro'ide co,,on ser'ices that other =&# objects ,ay needX hence the na,e ser'ice /ro(ra,. An e0a,/le of set of ser'ice /ro(ra,s /roA'ided by OS8400 is the runAti,e /rocedures for a lan(ua(e. :hese runAti,e /rocedures often include such ite,s as ,athe,atical /rocedures and co,,on in/ut8out/ut /rocedures. 6. A !inding directory contains the na,es of ,odules and ser'ice /ro(ra,s that you ,ay need when creatin( an =&# /ro(ra, or ser'ice /ro(ra,. !odules or ser'ice /ro(ra,s listed in a bindin( directory are used only if they /ro'ide an a(e 32 of 250
As400 Stuff e0/ort that can satisfy any currently unresol'ed i,/ort reEuests. A bindin( directory is a syste, object that is identified to the syste, by the sy,bol K47DD=$. 1. %&at is a *odule" !odules are objects of K!ODB&# ty/e that are created by the co,/iler when the create $ % !odule >)$:$ %!OD? co,,and is /erfor,ed. A ,odule can be co,/osed of a ,ain /rocedure >also referred to as ,ain /ro(ra,? and8or one or ,ore sub /rocedures. :he ter, S/rocedureT often desi(nates a sub /rocedure or a ,ain /rocedure. A ,odule is so,eti,es called Sco,/ilation unitT as it co,es fro, co,/ilation of one source ,e,ber. !odules are not e0ecutableX they only ser'e as buildin( bloc9s for /ro(ra, creation. :he /rocess of /ro(ra, creation is called bindin(. 4ound /ro(ra,s are e0ecutable objects of K %! ty/e. :o bind ,odules into a /ro(ra," the )reate ro(ra, >)$: %!? co,,and is used. =f an $ % =< /ro(ra, does not call sub /rocedures" or e0ternal ,odules" the )reate 4ound $ % ro(ra, >)$:47D$ %? co,,and will do for both co,/ilation and bindin(. :his is the case" for e0a,/le" of an $ % =< /ro(ra, resultin( fro, con'ertin( an $ % === /ro(ra, by the )<:$ %S$) co,,and. A ,odule is a nonAe0ecutable /ro(ra, and it contains one or ,ore /rocedures. =f you ha'e ,odules without /rocedure then it ,eans that it is ha'in( only one default /rocedure and in case we can use )A&&4. We are creatin( a $ %&# ,odule by )$:$ %!OD and a )& ,odule by )$:)&!OD co,,ands. 2. %&at is a 6er-ice )rogra0" =f you ha'e /rocedures that are called by ,ore than one /ro(ra," you could bind the, indi'idually to each of the /ro(ra,s. =n such a case" they would occu/y s/ace in each /ro(ra, and would be difficult to ,aintain. =f you (rou/ the /rocedures in a ser'ice /ro(ra, instead" the /rocedures occur only once and can be easily ,aintained. Ser'ice /ro(ra,s are objects of KS$< %! ty/e which are created by the )reate Ser'ice ro(ra, >)$:S$< %!? co,,and. A ser'ice /ro(ra, is si,/ly a collection of ,odules es/ecially those containin( sub /rocedures. Ser'ice /ro(ra,s cannot be directly calledX howe'er" the /rocedures contained in it ,ay be called by =&# /ro(ra,s. Ser'ice /ro(ra,s are built by bindin(" ,uch li9e /ro(ra,s" but they need to be further bound to a /ro(ra, before they are used. :his is done by the )$: %! co,,and. Ser'ice /ro(ra,s can also be bound to other ser'ice /ro(ra,s. :he to/ ser'ice /ro(ra, in such a (rou/ is e'entually bound to a /ro(ra, usin( the )$: %! co,,and. a(e 33 of 250
4indin( directories are objects of K47DD=$ ty/e. 4indin( directories can be used as an additional source of e0/orts. A bindin( directory contains a list of ,odules and ser'ice /ro(ra,s that are candidates for auto,atic bindin(. 7ot all ite,s of the list in the bindin( directory are necessarily bound. Only those reEuired by i,/orts that cannot otherwise be resol'ed are bound. !odules and ser'ice /ro(ra,s listed in a bindin( directory often contain standard /rocedures" for e0a,/le ,athe,atical functions or other syste, /rocedures. We can create our own bindin( directories usin( s/ecial )& co,,and )$:47DD=$. 4. %&y =01ort and E21ort" A ser'ice /ro(ra, ,a9es its own ,odules and /rocedures a'ailable to e0ternal users throu(h a ,echanis, called e0/ort. :he e0ternal users are ,odules and sub /rocedures in e0ternal /ro(ra,s and other ser'ice /ro(ra,s that use >call? the ,odules and sub /rocedures of the ser'ice /ro(ra, to call the,. :he e0ternal users are also called S/ublicT or SclientsT. !ain /rocedures of ,odules co,/risin( the ser'ice /ro(ra, are e0/orted auto,atically >i,/licitly?" the /ro(ra,,er do not need to use any s/ecial s/ecifications to ,a9e a ,ain /rocedure a'ailable to e0ternal users. A ser'ice /ro(ra, e0/orts its own sub /rocedures by s/ecifyin( the #P O$: 9eyword in the sub /rocedure definition. +owe'er" in order to brin( this s/ecification in effect" the bindin( co,,and >)$:S$< %!? s/ecifies which of the e0/orted /rocedures are actually ,ade a'ailable to e0ternal users. 4esides ,odules and sub /rocedures" 'ariables ,ay be e0/orted >by s/ecifyin( the #P O$: 9eyword?. #0/orted ,odules" sub /rocedures and 'ariables are collecti'ely called e0/orts. #0/orts are used in other /rocedures where they are referred to. :he references are also called i,/orts as o//osed to the e0/orts that are so,eti,es called definitions.
5. %&at is 9cti-ation ,rou1" Acti'ation (rou/s are te,/orary stora(e structures /laced inside jobs >which the,sel'es are also te,/orary structures?. :here are three ty/es of acti'ation (rou/sH Z Default Z na,ed Z 7ew
a(e 34 of 250
As400 Stuff Default acti'ation (rou/s e0ist auto,atically and are ne'er deleted. :here are two default acti'ation (rou/s. !any syste, /ro(ra,s run in the default acti'ation (rou/ 1. $ % =< /ro(ra,s created with the /ara,eter D6:A):%$ >KG#S? of the )$:47D$ % co,,and run in the default acti'ation (rou/. :he other ty/es of acti'ation (rou/s are s/ecified by the /ara,eter A):%$ in /ro(ra, and ser'ice /ro(ra, creation co,,ands A )$: %! and )$:S$< %!. :hus" the ty/e of an acti'ation (rou/ is deter,ined by the /ro(ra, or ser'ice /ro(ra, at creation ti,e. An acti'ation (rou/ is created when the /ro(ra, is started. An acti'ation (rou/ ,ay includeH 6tatic and auto0atic -aria!les :he 'ariables ty/es of /ro(ra,s runnin( in the acti'ation (rou/H Static 'ariables are those defined in a ,ain /rocedure. :hey co,e fro, e0ternal sources such as DDS or SC& s/ecifications" or they are defined as $ % 'ariables >fields" indicators?. One ,ore /lace you will find static 'ariables is as local 'ariables in sub /rocedures declared with the S:A:=) 9eyword. Auto,atic 'ariables are local 'ariables defined in sub /rocedures. (1en data 1at&s C( )D OD are te,/orary objects re/resentin( o/en files to /ro(ra,s. Data buffer and /ointer to a record are /art of the OD . yna0ically allocated storage :e,/orary object created by the A&&O) o/eration in the $ % =< /ro(ra,. Error &andling routines Syste, or user /ro(ra,s >,odules? handlin( error ,essa(es. ro(ra,,ers can write their own ,odules to handle error ,essa(es co,in( fro, any /rocedure in the call stac9" no ,atter in which /ro(ra,,in( lan(ua(e the /rocedure is written. 7otice that the S/ro(ra, stac9T has been rena,ed to Scall stac9T. 6. 8a0e 6o0e =#E 9)=Js" 9nd tell so0et&ing a!out t&e0"
:he &ist !odule =nfor,ation >;48#*( =? A = lists infor,ation about ,odules. :he infor,ation is /laced in a user s/ace s/ecified by you. :his A = is si,ilar to the Dis/lay !odule >DS !OD? co,,and. Gou can use the C47&!OD= A = toH Z &ist the sy,bols defined that can be e0/orted to other ,odules Z &ist the sy,bols that are defined e0ternal to the ,odule a(e 35 of 250
As400 Stuff Z &ist /rocedure na,es and their ty/e Z &ist objects that are referenced when the ,odule is bound into an =&# /ro(ra, or ser'ice /ro(ra, Z &ist co/yri(ht infor,ation 2. :he &ist Ser'ice ro(ra, =nfor,ation >;48#6),*? A = (i'es infor,ation about ser'ice /ro(ra,s" si,ilar to the Dis/lay Ser'ice ro(ra, >DS S$< %!? co,,and. :he infor,ation is /laced in a user s/ace s/ecified by you. Gou can use the C47&S %! A = toH Z &ist ,odules bound into a ser'ice /ro(ra, Z &ist ser'ice /ro(ra,s bound to a ser'ice /ro(ra, Z &ist data ite,s e0/orted to the acti'ation (rou/ Z &ist data ite, i,/orts that are resol'ed by wea9 e0/orts that were e0/orted to the acti'ation (rou/ Z &ist co/yri(hts of a ser'ice /ro(ra, Z &ist /rocedure e0/ort infor,ation of a ser'ice /ro(ra, Z &ist data e0/ort infor,ation of a ser'ice /ro(ra, Z &ist si(natures of a ser'ice /ro(ra, 3. :he &ist =&# ro(ra, =nfor,ation >;48#),*=? A = (i'es infor,ation about =&# /ro(ra,s" si,ilar to the Dis/lay ro(ra, >DS %!? co,,and. :he infor,ation is /laced in a user s/ace s/ecified by you. Gou can use the C47& %!= A = toH Z &ist ,odules bound into an =&# /ro(ra, Z &ist ser'ice /ro(ra,s bound to an =&# /ro(ra, Z &ist data ite,s e0/orted to the acti'ation (rou/ Z &ist data ite, i,/orts that are resol'ed by wea9 e0/orts that were e0/orted to the acti'ation (rou/ Z &ist co/yri(hts of an =&# /ro(ra, Gou can" for e0a,/le" list si(natures of ser'ice /ro(ra,s bound in a /ro(ra, usin( the ;48#6),* A = to (et the NoldN si(natures. Gou can also list all NnewN si(natures of these ser'ice /ro(ra,s usin( the C47& %!= A = and co,/are the two lists if they ,atch. =f there is so,e ,is,atch" you can tri((er a new bindin( of the a(e 36 of 250
As400 Stuff /ro(ra, >by /erfor,in( the )$: %! co,,and?. 4e /re/ared to ins/ect lists of lists in so,e cases because the infor,ation retrie'ed by these A =s is or(aniFed hierarchically. 7. %&at are acti-ation grou1s" Acti'ation (rou/ is the en'iron,ent where the =&# jobs are e0ecuted. Gou can s/ecify the acti'ation (rou/ in )$: %! or )$:S$< %! co,,and. Gou cannot create the acti'ation (rou/ by co,,and )$:A):%$ . K#7:!ODH :he /ro(ra, entry /rocedure ,odule >#7:!OD /ara,eter? is chec9ed. =f the ,odule attribute is $ %&#" )4&&#" or )&&#" then A):%$ is C=&# or C=&#:S.C=&# is used when S:%!D& >KS7%&<&? is s/ecified" and C=&#:S is used when S:%!D& >K:#$AS A)#? is s/ecified. K7#W H When the /ro(ra, (ets called" a new acti'ation (rou/ is created. K)A&&#$H When the /ro(ra, (ets called" the /ro(ra, is acti'ated into the caller;s acti'ation (rou/. 7a,e H S/ecify the na,e of the acti'ation (rou/ to be used when this /ro(ra, is called.
8. /o' do = create and use a ser-ice 1rogra0 htt/H88faE.,idran(,,l A s,all sa,/le ser'ice /ro(ra," with source" and instructions for how to create and use it is (i'en here. a. )reate the - source ,e,bers below" chan(in( !G&=4 to your library na,e in the entire source. b. Bse )$:$ %!OD to create the two sr'/(, ,odules S$<SA! 1 and S$<SA! 2. c. Bse )$:)& %! to create the )& /ro(ra, S$<SA! )$:. d. )all S$<SA! )$: to create the sr'/(, !G&=48S$<SA! . e. )reate a bindin( directory LLL[ )$:47DD=$ !G&=48S$<SA! 47D f. Add your ser'ice /ro(ra, to the bindin( directory LLL[ ADD47DD=$# !G&=48S$<SA! 47D O45>>!G&=48S$<SA! KS$< %!?? (. )reate your test /ro(ra,. Since it has the 47DD=$ 9eyword in the + s/ec" it will auto,atically find your ser'ice /ro(ra,. LLL[ )$:47D$ % !G&=48S$<SA! :S: S$)6=&#>!G&=48C$ %&#S$)? h. :ry callin( your test /ro(ra,. #nter a 'alue li9e 0-.03.31 or 0-0331 i. :ry addin( a new /rocedure to ,odule S$<SA! 1. a(e 37 of 250
As400 Stuff say a /rocedure to (et a nu,eric 'alue si,ilar to (et Answer add the /rototy/e to S$<SA! $ code the /rocedure in S$<SA! 1 add an #P O$: line to CS$<S$) S$<SA! 47D call your )& to create the sr'/(, a(ain reclai, the acti'ation (rou/ that your test /ro(ra, runs in >Bse DS %! to see what acti'ation (rou/ it is? A call your test /ro(ra, a(ain to ,a9e sure it still runs o9 with the new 'ersion of the ser'ice /ro(ra, j. Add so,e code to your test /ro(ra, to call the new /rocedure" and reco,/ile and test. Source filesH 1. 4inder source !G&=48CS$<S$) S$<SA! 47D ty/e 47DH 8KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK8 8K $ulesH K8 8K 1. 7e'er chan(e the order of e0/orts K8 8K 2. Add new e0/orts at the end K8 8KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK8 str/(,e0/ si(nature>;S$<SA! ;? e0/ort sy,bol>;(etAnswer;? 8K 1 K8 e0/ort sy,bol>;ch9Date;? 8K 2 K8 end/(,e0/ 2. )& to create ser'ice /ro(ra, !G&=48C)&S$) S$<SA! )$: ty/e )& H crtsr'/(, ,ylib8sr'sa,/ U ,odule>,ylib8sr'sa,/1 U ,ylib8sr'sa,/2? U srcfile>,ylib8Esr'src? src,br>sr'sa,/bnd? 3. $ % /rototy/e source !G&=48C$ %&#S$) S$<SA! 8if defined>S$<SA! $\)O =#D? 8eof 8endif 8define S$<SA! $\)O =#D D (etAnswer /r 2*a 'aryin( D e0t/roc>;(etAnswer;? D Euestion 2*a const 'aryin( D ch9Date D D in/ut D out/ut /r n e0t/roc>;ch9Date;? 10a const 'aryin( d a(e 38 of 250 $ ty/e $ %&#H A A A A A A
4. $ % test /ro(ra, source !G&=48C$ %&#S$) S$<SA! :S: ty/e $ %&#H + dftact(r/>Kno? bnddir>;!G&=48S$<SA! 47D;? 8co/y sr'sa,//r D ans s 10a 'aryin( D date s d D o9 s n 8free ans L (etAnswer >;%i'e a date in y,d for,at;?X o9 L ch9Date >ans H date H ;KG!D;?X if o9X ds/ly >;:hat was o9" date was ; U Ochar>date??X elseX ds/ly ;Oo/s" was not 'alid;X endifX Kinlr L ;1;X *. $ % sr'/(, ,odule 1 !G&=48C$ %&#S$) S$<SA! 1 ty/e $ %&#H + no,ain 8co/y sr'sa,//r (etAnswer b e0/ort D (etAnswer /i 2*a 'aryin( D Euestion 2*a const 'aryin( D answer s 2*a 'aryin( 8free ds/ly Euestion ; ; answerX return answerX 8endAfree (etAnswer e -. $ % sr'/(, ,odule 2 !G&=48C$ %&#S$) S$<SA! 2 ty/e $ %&#H + no,ain 8co/y sr'sa,//r D D D D D ch9Date b ch9Date /i in/ut out/ut for,at ar, e0/ort n 10a const 'aryin( d 10a const 'aryin( o/tions>Kno/ass? a(e 39 of 250
As400 Stuff
D for,at s 10a 'aryin( inF>;K=SO;? D se/ s 1a D se/ os s 10i 0 D ha'eSe/ s n D standardSe/ s 10a 'aryin( 8free 88 chec9 for o/tional /ara,eter if O/ar,s [ 2X for,at L for,at ar,X endifX 88 chec9 for se/arators se/ os L Ochec9>;01234*-.12; H in/ut?X if se/ os [ 0X se/ L Osubst>in/ut H se/ os H 1?X ha'eSe/ L KonX endifX if for,at L ;K=SO;X if ha'eSe/X standardSe/ L O0late>se/H;A;Hin/ut?X out/ut L Odate>standardSe/ H Kiso?X elseX out/ut L Odate>in/ut H Kiso0?X endifX elseif for,at L ;KG!D;X if ha'eSe/X standardSe/ L O0late>se/H;8;Hin/ut?X out/ut L Odate>standardSe/ H Ky,d8?X elseX out/ut L Odate>in/ut H Ky,d0?X endifX endifX return KonX 88 it was o9 be(sr K/ssrX return KoffX 88 so,e error occurred endsrX 8endAfree ch9Date e
a(e 40 of 250
As400 Stuff 9. *odules I /o' to 'rite and reuse t&e0 +ere we e0/lore the conce/t of ,odules which hel/s us to reuse the /rocedures without a//lyin( the ser'ice /ro(ra, conce/t. 7a,e of the /ro(ra, that binds all the ,odules is :S:!OD. :here won@t be any source for :S:!OD before )$: %!. After /ro(ra, creation if you debu( this /ro(ra, and see it will ha'e the source of the entry ,odule >here %!#7:!OD? :here are three ,odules %!!OD1" %!!OD2 and %!#7:!OD where %!#7:!OD is the entry ,odule >it contains the code to call the e0/ortable /rocedures /resent in %!!OD1 and %!!OD2?. 1. 6irst create all the ,odules usin( o/tion 1* li9e this. )$:$ %!OD !ODB&# >S+A=&#S+8 %!!OD1? S$)6=&# >S+A=&#S+8:#S: %!S? )$:$ %!OD !ODB&# >S+A=&#S+8 %!!OD2? S$)6=&# >S+A=&#S+8:#S: %!S? )$:$ %!OD !ODB&# >S+A=&#S+8 %!#7:!OD? S$)6=&# >S+A=&#S+8:#S: %!S? 2. :hen create the /ro(ra, >)$: %!? by bindin( all the ,odules li9e this. ro(ra, . . . . . . . . . . . . [ :S:!OD &ibrary . . . . . . . . . . . [ S+A=&#S+ !odule . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ %!!OD1 &ibrary . . . . . . . . . . . [ S+A=&#S+ [ %!!OD2 [ S+A=&#S+ U for ,ore 'alues [ %!#7:!OD [ S+A=&#S+ :e0t ;descri/tion; . . . . . . . K#7:!OD:P: Additional ara,eters ro(ra, entry /rocedure ,odule [ %!#7:!OD &ibrary . . . . . . . . . . . [ S+A=&#S+ 3. 7ow call the created /ro(ra, in debu( ,ode li9e this. S:$D4% %!>S+A=&#S+8:S:!OD? B D $OD>KG#S? O !S$)>KG#S? )A&& %!>S+A=&#S+8:S:!OD? 6ource code@ ),**( 1@ D ADD D <A$1 D <A$2 $ *S 0 <A&B# *S 0 <A&B# a(e 41 of 250
As400 Stuff D SB! ) D D D D ) ADD ),**( 2@ D D D D ) D D D D ) SB4 SB4 SB4 <A$1 <A$2 D=66 SB4 <A$1 <A$2 D=66 $ *S 0 <A&B# *S 0 <A&B# *S 0 #<A& 4 = *S 0 <A&B# *S 0 <A&B# *S 0 #<A& # D=66 L <A$1 A <A$2 K=7&$ L KO7 #P O$: ADD ADD <A$1 <A$2 SB! #<A& 4 = *S 0 <A&B# *S 0 <A&B# -S 0 #<A& # SB! L <A$1 U <A$2 -S 0 K=7&$ L KO7 #P O$:
),*E8>*( @ D D D D D D D D <A&1 <A&2 :O:A& 4A&A7)# ADD <A&1 <A&2 :O:A& S S S S $ *S 0 <A&B# *S 0 <A&B# -S 0 $ a(e 42 of 250 *S 0 =7M>22222? *S 0 =7M>22222? -S 0 =7M *S 0 =7M
DS &G )A&& ADD><A&1H <A&2H :O:A&? :O:A& DS &G 4A&A7)# DS &G )A&& SB4><A&1H <A&2H 4A&A7)#? 4A&A7)# DS &G #<A& K=7&$ L KO7
1. %&at are t&e =#E +), coding 1rogra00ing considerations" .oding .onsiderations :his section /resents so,e considerations that you should be aware of before you be(in desi(nin( a//lications with ,ulti/leA/rocedure ,odules. :he ite,s are (rou/ed into the followin( cate(oriesH K %eneral K ro(ra, )reation K !ain rocedures K Sub /rocedures 1. ,eneral .onsiderations K When codin( a ,odule with ,ulti/le /rocedures" you will want to ,a9e use of 8)O G files" /ri,arily to contain any /rototy/es that your a//lication ,ay reEuire. =f you are creatin( a ser'ice /ro(ra," you will need to /ro'ide both the ser'ice /ro(ra, and the /rototy/es" if any. K !aintenance of the a//lication ,eans ensurin( that each co,/onent is at the ,ost current le'el and that any chan(es do not affect the different /ieces. Gou ,ay want to consider usin( a tool such as A//lication De'elo/,ent !ana(er to ,aintain your a//lications. 6or e0a,/le" su//ose that another /ro(ra,,er ,a9es a chan(e to the 8)O G file that contains the /rototy/es. When you reEuest a rebuild of your a//lication" any ,odule or /ro(ra, that ,a9es use of the 8)O G file will be reco,/iled auto,atically. Gou will find out Euic9ly if the chan(es to the 8)O G file affect the calls or /rocedure interfaces in your a//lication. =f there a(e 43 of 250
As400 Stuff are co,/ilation errors" you can then decide whether to acce/t the chan(e to /rototy/es to a'oid these errors" or whether to chan(e the call interface. 2. )rogra0 .reation K =f you s/ecify that a ,odule does not ha'e a ,ain /rocedure then you cannot use the )$:47D$ % co,,and to create the /ro(ra,. >A ,odule does not ha'e a ,ain /rocedure if the 7O!A=7 9eyword is s/ecified on a control s/ecification.? :his is because the )$:47D$ % co,,and reEuires that the ,odule contain a /ro(ra, entry /rocedure and only a ,ain /rocedure can be a /ro(ra, entry /rocedure. K Si,ilarly" when usin( )$: %! to create the /ro(ra," 9ee/ in ,ind that a 7O!A=7 ,odule cannot be an entry ,odule since it does not ha'e a /ro(ra, entry /rocedure. K A /ro(ra, that is created to run in the default O ! acti'ation (rou/ >by s/ecifyin( D6:A):%$ >KG#S? on the )$:47D$ % co,,and? cannot contain bound /rocedure calls. 3. *ain )rocedure .onsiderations K 4ecause the ,ain /rocedure is the only /rocedure with a co,/lete set of s/ecifications a'ailable >e0ce/t s/ecification?" it should be used to set u/ the en'iron,ent of all /rocedures in the ,odule. K A ,ain /rocedure is always e0/orted" which ,eans that other /rocedures in the /ro(ra, can call the ,ain /rocedure by usin( bound calls. K :he call interface of a ,ain /rocedure can be defined in one of two waysH 1. Bsin( a /rototy/e and /rocedure interface 2. Bsin( an K#7:$G &=S: without a /rototy/e K :he functionality of an K#7:$G &=S: is si,ilar to a /rototy/ed call interface. +owe'er" a /rototy/ed call interface is ,uch ,ore robust since it /ro'ides /ara,eter chec9in( at co,/ile ti,e. =f you /rototy/e the ,ain /rocedure" then you s/ecify how it is to be called by s/ecifyin( either the #P: $O) or #P: %! 9eyword on the /rototy/e definition. =f #P: %! is s/ecified" then an a(e 44 of 250
As400 Stuff e0ternal /ro(ra, call is usedX if #P: $O) is s/ecified or if neither 9eyword is s/ecified" it will be called by usin( a /rocedure call. K Gou cannot define return 'alues for a ,ain /rocedure" nor can you s/ecify that its /ara,eters be /assed by 'alue. 4. 6u! 1rocedure .onsiderations K Any of the calculation o/erations ,ay be coded in a sub /rocedure. +owe'er" all files ,ust be defined (lobally" so all in/ut and out/ut s/ecifications ,ust be defined in the ,ain source section. Si,ilarly" all data areas ,ust be defined in the ,ain /rocedure" althou(h they can be used in a sub /rocedure. K :he control s/ecification can only be coded in the ,ain source section since it controls the entire ,odule. K A sub /rocedure can be called recursi'ely. #ach recursi'e call causes a new in'ocation of the /rocedure to be /laced on the call stac9. :he new in'ocation has new stora(e for all data ite,s in auto,atic stora(e" and that stora(e is una'ailable to other in'ocations because it is local. >A data ite, that is defined in a sub /rocedure uses auto,atic stora(e unless the S:A:=) 9eyword is s/ecified for the definition.? 2. %&at (1codes are added in =#E" ADDDB$" SB4DB$" #<A& 3. %&at are t&e !e&a-ioral differences !:' ()* +),:400 and =#E" )o,/ared to O !" =&# /ro'ides $ % users with i,/ro'e,ents or enhance,ents in the followin( areas of a//lication de'elo/,entH K ro(ra, creation K ro(ra, ,ana(e,ent K ro(ra, call K Source debu((in( K 4indable a//lication /ro(ra, interfaces >A =s? #ach of the abo'e areas is e0/lained briefly in the followin( /ara(ra/hs and discussed further in the followin( cha/ters. 4. =#E ad-antages o-er +)," 4etter call /erfor,ance !odularity a(e 45 of 250
As400 Stuff 1. !ulti/leAlan(ua(e inte(ration #nhance,ents to the =&# co,/ilers $eusable co,/onents )ontrol o'er a//lication runAti,e en'iron,ent )ode o/ti,iFation :ool a'ailability 6oundation for the future
efine !inder 1rogra0" :he binder /ro(ra, ,eans bindin( the /rocedure it is called binder /ro(ra,.
2. /o' to t&e create 0odule" A ,odule is created as a se/arate object ty/e >K!ODB&#?. Bsin( the )$:$ %!OD co,,and creates an $ %&# ,odule. A ,odule object cannot be run directly. Gou ,ust use the )$: %! co,,and to bind ,odule object into a /ro(ra, object. Do o/tion 1* or )$:$ %!OD co,,and to create a ,odule. :he )$: %! co,,and is used to create a /ro(ra, fro, one or ,ore ,odule. S3A7DASA!O8$ %=&# !A=7 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0001.00 ) 0002.00 ) 0003.00 ) 0004.00 ) )A&&4 )A&&4 )A&&4 S#:O7 ;ADD; ;SB4; ;!B&; &$
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #nd of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK S3A7DASA!O8$ %=&# ADD KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0002.00 ) 0002.01 ) 0004.00 ) 000*.00 ) A ) MAADD MAADD ADD DS &G a(e 46 of 250 4 * 4 A 4 ) 40 40 40
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #nd of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK S3A7DASA!O8$ %=&# SB4 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 002.00 ) 002.01 ) 004.00 ) 00*.00 ) 00-.00 ) A ) MAADD MAADD SB4 DS &G S#:O7 &$ 10 * 4 A 4 ) 40 40 40
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #nd of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK S3A7DASA!O8$ %=&# !B& KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0002.00 ) 0002.01 ) 0004.00 ) 000*.00 ) 000-.00 ) A ) MAADD MAADD !B&: DS &G S#:O7 &$ 10 * 4 A 4 ) 40 40 40
&ibrary . . . . . . . . . . . [ S3A7DASA!O 7a,e" K)B$&=4 !odule . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ !A=7 7a,e" (enericK" K %!" KA&& > # ?
As400 Stuff [ ADD [ S3A7DASA!O [ SB4 [ S3A7DASA!O U for ,ore 'alues [ !B& [ S3A7DASA!O :e0t ;descri/tion; . . . . . . . K#7:!OD:P: OB: B: DS &G DS &G DS &G 2 * *0
3. %&at are t&e differences in .9##, .9##4 and .9##)" .9## is a dyna,ic call where the control will be transferred when the /ro(ra, is e0ecuted. >)ontrol will be transfer the another /ro(ra, >run ti,e? so it is dyna,ic call?. Where as )A&&4 and )A&& are static calls. A ,odule is a nonAe0ecutable /ro(ra, and it contains one or ,ore /rocedures. =f you ha'e ,odules without /rocedure then it ,eans that it is ha'in( only one default /rocedure and in case we can use .9##4. A ,odule is ha'in( ,ore than one /rocedure then we can (i'e e0/licitly the /rocedure na,e to be called in case of .9##) out of these three )A&& is the ,ost efficient one. >Bsin( the )A&&4" )A&& a /ro(ra, or ,odule is bind in the /ro(ra, so it is static?. 4. %&at is t&e difference !et'een 4ind !y -alue and 4ind !y reference" 4ind by 'alue 4ind by $eference
+ere the entire ,odules to be =n this case we are bindin( the bounded are /hysically co/ied into /ro(ra,s by usin( ser'ice the ,ain /ro(ra, object. /ro(ra,s" which contain a reference to the ,odule that has been called" and the ,odules are a(e 48 of 250
:he /ro(ra, will be e0ecuted e'en :he /ro(ra, will not e0ecute when when you delete the entire ,odule the bind ,odules are deleted. that has been called. 4ind by 'alue is faster than bind by =t is not as faster as bind by 'alue. reference. >All the ,odules to be >All the ,odules can@t bind the bind in the ,ain /ro(ra," so it is ,ain /ro(ra, it is refer the /ointer? fast?
)ass !y reference@ ass by reference we are /assin( the address of the /ara,eters and not the actual 'alue and so the chan(es in the called /rocedure will affect the 'alue in the callin( /ro(ra,s. =n O ! /ro(ra,s we are usin( only call by reference. )ass !y -alue@ ass by 'alue we are /assin( the 'alue of the /ara,eter" chan(es ,ade to the for,al ar(u,ents in the called function ha'e no effect on the 'alues of the actual ar(u,ents in the callin( function it is used in c /ro(ra,. =n $ %&# we ha'e the o/tion to /ass the /ara,eter by 'alue by (i'in( the 9eyword G9#<E.
1. %&at are )rogra0 Entry )rocedure C)E)D and <ser Entry )rocedure C<E)D" =f we are bindin( ,any ,odules to(ether to for, a /ro(ra, then we ha'e to s/ecify which ,odule has to ta9e control first when it has been called and that ,odule is called as )E) for that /ro(ra,. Bser entry /rocedure C<E)D is the first state,ent that ta9es the control when a /ro(ra, has been called. 6or e0a,/le in ) /ro(ra,s ,ain >? will be e0ecuted first when it has been called and li9ewise in $ % the state,ent coded in ) S/ec will ta9e the control first.
a(e 49 of 250
As400 Stuff efine .o1y!ooE in +),#E" =t will co/y a Subroutine >or? any (rou/ of codes /hysically into the /ro(ra," which is co/yin( it. S3A7DASA!O8$ %=&# )O KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0002.00 ) 0002.01 ) 0004.00 ) DS &G #PS$ S#:O7 ADD &$ A *0 2.
000*.00 )8)O G $ %=&#" )O G KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #nd of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK S3A7DASA!O8$ %=&# )O G KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0000.01 0001.00 ) 0002.00 ) 0003.00 ) 0004.00 ) A ADD 4#%S$ ADD DS &G #7DS$ * A
3. /o' to create a ser-ice 1rogra0 and '&at are t&e ste1s in-ol-ed in t&is"
a(e 50 of 250
As400 Stuff :he ser'ice /ro(ra, ,eans ,ost co,,only used ,odules are (rou/ed >bindin(? to(ether to for, it is called ser'ice /ro(ra,. A ser'ice /ro(ra, is not bound to its caller until acti'ation ti,e While creatin( ser'ice /ro(ra, we can create a binder /ro(ra, where we can refer the ,odules >or? /rocedures >or? e'en data ty/es to be used by the /ro(ra, which is usin( ser'ice /ro(ra,.
A$%antages of ser%ice programs :hey do not ta9e u/ au0iliary stora(e s/ace. :here is only one co/y for all users. :here is only a sin(le co/y of the readAonly code in ,ain stora(e for all users in this ser'ice /ro(ra,s is the sa,e as a /ro(ra, that you call dyna,ically. #ach user of the ser'ice /ro(ra, has an inde/endent wor9 area. Gou can /ass /ara,eters to a ser'ice /ro(ra,s by usin( the traditional /ara,eter list >or? by i,/ortin( and e0/ortin( 'ariables. Ser'ice /ro(ra,s can be ,aintained inde/endently of the /ro(ra,s that use the functions. =n ,ost cases" chan(in( a ser'ice /ro(ra,s does not cause a /ro(ra, usin( the function to be chan(ed or reAcreated. &isa$%antages of ser%ice programs Ser'ice /ro(ra,s are less desirable for a function you ,ay or ,ay not need. :he reason is that it is slower to call a ,ain /ro(ra, that refer to a ser'ice /ro(ra,
1. E21lain 1rocedure used in +),#E" A /rocedure is a nonAe0ecutable /ro(ra,. =f a ,odule is ha'in( ,ore than one /rocedure then we can (i'e e0/licitly the /rocedure na,e to be called in case of )A&& . Definin( the /rototy/eH rototy/e will s/ecify the followin( thin(s ara,eter ty/e SeEuence of the /ara,eter $eturn 'ariable and its ty/e =t tells the na,e of the /rocedure and also the ty/e of the call. =t will a'oid all the run ti,e /roble,s li9e /ara,eter ,is,atch by s/ecifyin( the /rototy/e. rototy/e interface =t is li9e Kentry /ara,eter where we will s/ecify the /ara,eters that are recei'ed in this /ro(ra,. =,/ort and e0/ort =f you want to s/ecify the /rocedures to be the e0ternal /ro(ra,s then we can s/ecify #P O$: in your /rocedure. a(e 51 of 250
As400 Stuff %lobal and local 'ariables =f you declare a 'ariable in ,ain /rocedure then it will be accessible in all sub /rocedure and this is (lobal declaration and if you s/ecify the declaration in the sub /rocedures then it will not be accessed in other /rocedures or in the ,ain /rocedure. $eturn =f we s/ecify return in the sub /rocedure then it ,eans that we are returnin( so,ethin( to the callin( /ro(ra,. We can return a ,a0i,u, of only one 'ariable to the callin( /ro(ra,. $ecursion A /rocedure callin( to itself is 9nown as recursion. ass by 'alue8/ass by reference =n case of /ass by reference we are /assin( the address of the /ara,eters and not the actual 'alue and so the chan(es in the called /rocedure will affect the 'alue in the callin( /ro(ra,. =n O ! /ro(ra, we are usin( only call by reference and in $ %&# we ha'e the o/tion to /ass the /ara,eter by (i'in( the 9eyword <A&B#. )A&& 8#0/ression We can call the /rocedure by usin( )A&& co,,and if it is not ha'in( any return ty/e and by an e0/ression if it returns any 'alue. ata!ase efine source 1&ysical file" Source /hysical file is also a file" which has one" or ,ore files included in it. =t is just li9e a directory and it contains ,any ,e,bers. :he ,e,bers are li9e a 'arious /ro(ra,s residin( in the directory .+>6+.)7 is used to create source /hysical file. 2. )&ysical 7iles and #ogical 7ile hysical files hold the actual data of a database file. :he data is written in arri'al seEuence. hysical files are not reEuired to ha'e 9eyed fields. =f a /hysical file has 9ey fields" this is the order that an $ % /ro(ra, will read the data if the 6ile S/ec in the /ro(ra, indicates to read the data in 9eyed seEuence. Also" with a 9eyed field" an $ % /ro(ra, can )+A=7" S#:&&" $#AD# and $#AD . A si,/le lo(ical file is a different 'iew of the /hysical file. =t is actually a list of /ointers to the /hysical file. !ost of the ti,e" a lo(ical file is nothin( ,ore than a way of accessin( the /hysical file with different 9ey fields. &o(ical file does not occu/ies any ,e,ory s/ace and lo(ical file be deri'ed fro, /hysical file. One or ,ore lo(ical file can be deri'ed fro, a sin(le /hysical file. A lo(ical file can contain u/ to 32 record for,ats. =t selects records dyna,ically. =t cannot e0ist without a /hysical file. We can filter the data with criteria by usin( a(e 52 of 250 1.
As400 Stuff select and o0it co,,and. .+>#7 co,,and is used to create a &6. =t accesses the data by creatin( access /ath. A lo(ical file does not contain any data but /ro'ides the R<=#WS@ of the data to satisfy endAuser@s needs. :here are two ty/es" 1. 7on A join lo(ical file" 2. 5oin lo(ical file With the standard AS8400 su//lied tools" it is hard to see the lo(ical file. One way is to use the co/y file ) G6 to co/y the lo(ical file to a new /hysical file. :hen" loo9 at the /hysical file... it will be in the sa,e order as the lo(ical file. :he AS8400 Database is full featured. &o(ical files can join ,ulti/le files and select and create new fields. !a0i,u, nu,ber of fields included in a 6 is 1000. !a0i,u, no of 9ey fields included is 120. :here are two ty/es of lo(ical files" 7on join lo(ical file 5oin lo(ical file 1. #ist t&e differences !et'een 1&ysical file and logical file. hysical file 1. Occu/ies the /ortion of ,e,ory. =t@s containin( data. &o(ical file Does not occu/y any ,e,ory s/ace. Does not contain any data.
2. A /hysical file contains one record A lo(ical file can contain u/ to 32 for,at and can contain ,any record for,ats but only one ,e,ber. ,e,bers 3.)an be e0ist e'en without &6 4. :he 6 cannot be deleted without deletin( the associated &6s. *..+>)7 co,,and is used to create such object -.:he object ty/e is 6 )annot e0ist without 6 =f the &6 is deleted then the 6 need not be deleted. .+>#7 co,,and is used to create such ty/e object :he object ty/e is &6
a(e 53 of 250
As400 Stuff C=D. 7ile le-el entries Co1tionalDH 6ile le'el entries (i'e the syste, infor,ation of the entire file. >B7=CB#" &=6O" 6=6O" 6)6O" $#6? B7=CB#H A record cannot be entered or co/ied into a file if its 9ey 'alue is sa,e as the 9ey 'alue of a record already e0istin( in the file. &=6OH &ast in first out 6=6OH 6irst in first out 6)6OH 6irst chan(e first out. $#6H :his 9eyword is used to s/ecify the na,e of the file fro, which the field descri/tions are retrie'ed. E2H you can s/ecify whether the 9ey is uniEue. CiiD. +ecord for0at le-el entriesH $ecord for,at le'el entries (i'e the syste, infor,ation about s/ecific record for,at in the file. 6or a )7 the record for,at na,e is s/ecified alon( with an o/tional te0t descri/tion. >6O$!A:" :#P:? CiD 7(+*9>H :his recordAle'el 9eyword s/ecifies that the record for,at bein( define is to share the field s/ecifications of a /re'iously defined record for,at. :he na,e of the record for,at bein( defined ,ust be the na,e of the /re'iously defined record for,at. >&e for0at of t&is Eey'ord is@ 6O$!A: >&=4A7A!# 8 6=&#A7A!#? CiiD >EA>@ :his record le'el 9eyword is used to su//ly a te0t descri/tion of the record for,at and it is used for docu,entation /ur/oses only. >&e for0at of t&is Eey'ord is@ :#P: >Rdescri/tion@? CiiiD 7ield le-el entries@ :he field na,es and field len(ths are s/ecified alon( with and o/tional te0t descri/tion for each field. >A&=AS" A&W7B&&" ))S=D" )+#)3" )+3!S%=D" )! " )O&+D%" )O! " DA:6!:" DA:S# " D6:" #D:)D#" #D:W$D" $#66&D" $#6S+=6:" :#P:" :=!#6!:" :=!#S# " <A&B#S" <A$?
a(e 54 of 250
As400 Stuff >i'? 3ey field le-el entriesH :he field na,es used as 9ey fields are s/ecified. >D#S)#7D" S=%7#D" A4S<A&" B7S=%7#D" MO7#" 7OA&:S#C" D=%=:?
1. %&at are t&e si2 le-els of entries in logical file" >i? >ii? 7ile le-el entries Co1tional?H 6ile le'el entries (i'e the syste, infor,ation of the entire file. Gou can s/ecify whether the 9ey is sa,e as /hysical file. +ecord for0at le-el entriesH $ecord for,at le'el entries (i'e the syste, infor,ation about s/ecific record for,at in the file. 6or e0a,/les" for a lo(ical file when a record for,at is described we can s/ecify the /hysical file it is based on. #0a,/leH 5file" 6ile. 5(=8 #e-el entries@ 5oin le'el entries (i'e the syste, infor,ation about )7 used in a 5O=7 &O%=)A& 6=&#. >=t is not a//licable to 7O7 5O=7 &O%=)A& 6=&#S?. 5oin, 57# , 7ield le-el entries >o1tionalD@ :he field le'el entries (i'e the syste, infor,ation about indi'idual fields in the record for,at. #0a,/leH 5$ef 3ey field le-el entries@ :he 9ey field le'el entries (i'e the syste, infor,ation about the 9ey fields of a file. :he field na,es used as 9ey fields are s/ecified. 6elect : (0it le-el entries@ :hese entire (i'e the syste, infor,ation about which records are to be returned to the /ro(ra, when /rocessin( the file. :hese s/ecifications a//ly to lo(ical file only. E2a01les@ +angeCfieldD, -aluesCrecordfor0atD
1. E21lain 5 <)6E; and 5 7>G9#. 5 <)6E;@ :his join Ile'el 9eyword is used to s/ecify the order in which records with du/licate join fields are /resented when the 5&6 is read. >&e for0at for t&is Eey'ord is@ 5DB S#C >SeEuencin( fieldAna,e VKD#S)#7DW?
a(e 55 of 250
As400 Stuff :his 9eyword has no effect on the orderin( of records with uniEue 9eys. =f KD#S)#7D is not s/ecified then the default is seEuencin( in ascendin( order. 5 7>G9#@ When this fileAle'el 9eyword is used the syste, /ro'ides default 'alues for all for fields when a join to a secondary file does not /roduce any records. =f this 9eyword is not s/ecified a record in the /ri,ary file for which there is no corres/ondin( record in the secondary file is s9i//ed. 1. %&at are t&e different !et'een nonI$oin logical files and $oin logical files. 7on join lo(ical file 5oin lo(ical file
We can able to insert or delete or =nsertion" u/datin( or deletion of u/date records usin( nonAlo(ical file. records is not /ossible in join lo(ical files. D6B can be used to dis/lay nonAjoin lo(ical file. 1A32 record for,at is s/ecified )o,,it,ent control is used D6B is not a'ailable Only one s/ecified record for,at can be
2. /o' 0any record for0ats can &a-e 1&ysical K logical file. =n /hysical file only one record for,at can be s/ecified. =n lo(ical file 1A32 record for,ats are s/ecified 1. %&at is t&e ad-antage o1en Luery file" Dyna,ic selection of records =t will sort the records based on the field 'alues. We can retrie'e records based on <irtual fields. )an create join lo(ical files a(e 56 of 250
As400 Stuff
1. E21lain nonI$oin logical file" 7onAjoin lo(ical files can either be a si,/le lo(ical file" which contains only one record for,at or a ,ulti/le record for,at lo(ical file" which contains ,ore than one record for,at. &o(ical files can be deri'ed fro, 1 to 32 /hysical files and so a lo(ical file can ha'e a ,a0i,u, of 32 record for,ats. 6ingle record for0at logical file@ =f a lo(ical file is deri'ed fro, sin(le /hysical file it is called si,/le lo(ical file. *ulti1le record for0at logical file@ !ulti/le record nonAjoin lo(ical files will select records fro, 2 or ,ore /hysical files by referrin( to only one lo(ical file. #ach record for,at is always associated with one or ,ore /hysical file. :he sa,e 6 can be used in ,ore than one record for,at. 61ecify t&e entries in single or 0ulti1le for0at logical files@ %& 'ile(level entries )optional*H >$#6A)) :+" DG7S&:? $#6A)) :+H :he access /ath infor,ation for this lo(ical file is to be co/ied fro, another 6 or &6. 7or0at of t&e Eey'ord is@ $#6A)) :+ >&=4 na,e 8 DA:A4AS# na,e? DG7S&:H :his 9eyword is selection and o,ission tests in the file. :his 9eyword s/ecifies dyna,ic select8o,it. +& ecord , level entries H> 6=&#?
6=&#H :he /hysical files containin( the data to be accessed throu(h the $ecord for,ats bein( defined. 7or0at of t&e Eey'ord is@ 6=&# >&=4 na,e 8 6 na,e? -& 'ield(level entries )optional* .. /e$ !ield ,level entries )optional* 0& Select and #mit ,!ield level entries )optional* a(e 57 of 250
As400 Stuff $#6A)) :+]it is a//licable for nonAjoin lo(ical file only and ,eanin( is referrin( the access /ath fro, the 6 or &6 in the file I le'el entries. 6=&#AAA it is a//licable only for nonAjoin lo(ical file in record le'el entries.
1. =t is 1ossi!le to insert record to 5(=8 #7" 7O" insertion" u/datin( or deletin( of records is not /ossible in 5O=7 &6.
2. E21lain $oin logical file" A joinAlo(ical file is a lo(ical file that co,bines two or ,ore 6. =n the record for,at not all the fields need to e0ist in all the 6. A 6 cannot be chan(ed throu(h a 5&6. D6B cannot be used to dis/lay a 5&6. Only one record for,at can be s/ecified in a 5&6. )o,,it,ent control cannot be used with a 5&6. 3ey fields ,ust be fields defined in the join record for,at and ,ust be fields fro, the $=!A$G 6=&#. 61ecify t&e entries in $oin logical file@ 1. 6ileAle'el entries >o/tional?H >5D6:<A&? 2. $ecordAle'el entriesH >56=&#? 3. joinAle'el entries H> 5O=7" 56&D" 5DB S#C? 4. 6ield Ile'el entries >o/tional?H >5$#6" A&&" )O7)A:" DG7S&:" $#7A!#" SS:" :$7:4&? *. 3ey field Ile'el entries >o/tional? -. Select and O,it field le'el entries. >O/tional?
56=&#AAAA=t is si,ilar to indicate that this is a join lo(ical field and it ,ust ha'e ,ore than 2 /hysical files. 5O=7H =t is si,ilar that this file le'el entries to be re/resent the /osition of the files .:here ,ust one /ri,ary file and can ha'e ,ore than = secondary files.. 56&DH Which feels we are (oin( to join. a(e 58 of 250
As400 Stuff 5$#6H re/resents the /ri,ary file reference field 5D6:<A&H re/resents that it as a left outer join. 6E#E.> (*=> )olu,ns . . . 1 .1 S#BLL[ S#&O!=: 6!: 6. KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0001.00 0002.00 0003.00 0004.00 $ $#)S#& #! 7O #! 7A!# 3 #! 7O * 0 20A #dit 3S#7:+=&S8#PA! &#
000001 10"001 S+GA! 000002 10"002 SA73A 000003 10"003 S+GA! 000004 10"004 S#7:+ 00000* 10"00* SA73A 00000- 10"00- S+GA! 00000. 10"00. SA73A 000001 10"001 S#7:+ 000002 10"002 S+GA! 000010 10"010 S#7:+ KKKKKK KKKKKKKK #nd of re/ort KKKKKKKK )olu,ns . . . 1 .1 #dit 3S#7:+=&S8#PA! &# a(e 59 of 250
As400 Stuff S#BLL[ S#&O!=&6 6!: &6... KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0001.00 0002.00 0003.00 0004.00 $ $#)S#& 3 #! 7O S #! 7O O #! 7A!# )! >%: 10003? )! >#C ;S+GA!;? 6=&# >S#&O!=:?
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #nd of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Dis/lay $e/ort #! 7O #! 7A!# 000001 10"002 SA73A 000002 10"004 S#7:+ 000003 10"00* SA73A 000004 10"00- S+GA! 00000* 10"00. SA73A 00000- 10"001 S#7:+ 00000. 10"002 S+GA! 000001 10"010 S#7:+ KKKKKK KKKKKKKK #nd of re/ort KKKKKKKK )olu,ns . . . 1 .1 S#BLL[ S#&O!=&6 6!: &6 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0001.00 0002.00 $ $#)S#& 3 #! 7O a(e 60 of 250 6=&# >S#&O!=:? #dit 3S#7:+=&S8#PA! &#
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #nd of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #! 7O #! 7A!# 000001 10"002 SA73A 000002 10"004 S#7:+ 000003 10"00* SA73A 000004 10"00. SA73A 00000* 10"001 S#7:+ 00000- 10"010 S#7:+ KKKKKK KKKKKKKK #nd of re/ort KKKKKKKK )olu,ns . . . 1 .1 S#BLL[ S#&O!=: 6!: 6. KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0001.00 0002.00 0003.00 0004.00 $ $#)S#& #! 7O #! 7A!# 3 #! 7O * 0 20A #dit 3S#7:+=&S8#PA! &#
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #nd of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #! 7O #! 7A!# 000001 000002 000003 000004 20 S+GA! 30 $A! 40 :O! *0 $A!#S+ a(e 61 of 250
As400 Stuff 00000* 0000000000. 000001 000002 -0 S+GA! .0 S+GA! 10 :O! 20 :O! 100 <ASB
KKKKKK KKKKKKKK #nd of re/ort KKKKKKKK )olu,ns . . . 1 .1 S#BLL[ S#&O!=&61 6!: &6 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0001.00 0002.00 0003.00 0004.00 $ $#)S#& 3 #! 7O S #! 7O S #! 7A!# )! >%: *0? <A&B#S >;S+GA!;? 6=&# >S#&O!=:1? #dit 3S#7:+=&S8#PA! &#
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #nd of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #! 7O #! 7A!# 000001 000002 000003 000004 00000* 0000020 S+GA! -0 S+GA! .0 S+GA! 10 :O! 20 :O! 100 <ASB
KKKKKK KKKKKKKK #nd of re/ort KKKKKKKK )olu,ns . . . 1 .1 S#BLL[ S#&O!=&61 a(e 62 of 250 #dit 3S#7:+=&S8#PA! &#
As400 Stuff 6!: &6. KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0001.00 0002.00 0003.00 0004.00 $ $#)S#& 3 #! 7O S #! 7O O #! 7O )! >%: *0? $A7%# >20 40? 6=&# >S#&O!=:1?
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #nd of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #! 7O #! 7A!# 000001 000002 000003 000004 00000* 00000*0 $A!#S+ -0 S+GA! .0 S+GA! 10 :O! 20 :O! 100 <ASB
KKKKKK KKKKKKKK #nd of re/ort KKKKKKKK )olu,ns . . . 1 .1 S#BLL[ S#&O!=&61 6!: &6 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0001.00 0002.00 0003.00 0004.00 000*.00 $ $#)S#& 3 #! 7O S #! 7O S #! 7A!# O #! 7O )! >%: *0? <A&B#S >;S+GA!;? $A7%# >.0 20? 6=&# >S#&O!=:1? #dit 3S#7:+=&S8#PA! &#
As400 Stuff #! 7O #! 7A!# 000001 000002 000003 000004 00000* 0000000000. 000001 000002 20 S+GA! 30 $A! 40 :O! *0 $A!#S+ -0 S+GA! .0 S+GA! 10 :O! 20 :O! 100 <ASB
KKKKKK KKKKKKKK #nd of re/ort KKKKKKKK )olu,ns . . . 1 .1 S#BLL[ S#&O!=&61 6!: &6 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0001.00 0002.00 0003.00 000*.00 $ $#)S#& 3 #! 7O S #! 7O O #! 7O )! >%: *0? $A7%# >.0 20? 6=&# >S#&O!=:1? #dit 3S#7:+=&S8#PA! &#
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #nd of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #! 7O #! 7A!# 000001 000002 000003 000004 20 S+GA! 30 $A! 40 :O! *0 $A!#S+ a(e 64 of 250
As400 Stuff 00000* 0000000000. 000001 000002 -0 S+GA! .0 S+GA! 10 :O! 20 :O! 100 <ASB
KKKKKK KKKKKKKK #nd of re/ort KKKKKKKK 1. E21lain self $oin" 5oinin( a file to itAself is 9nown as selfAjoin. >Or? A /hysical file can be joined to itself to read records that are for,ed by co,binin( two or ,ore records fro, the 6 itself.
3S#7:+=&S8#PA! &#
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0001.00 0002.00 0003.00 0004.00 000*.00 $ #! #! =D #! 7A!# !%$=D 3 #! =D * 0 20A * 0
*,+= *0"001
a(e 65 of 250
As400 Stuff 000002 10"002 B$BS+O::A! *0"002 *0"003 *0"004 *0"00* 20"001 20"002 20"003 20"004 20"00*
000003 10"003 SA!##$ D=%+# 000004 10"004 S+A$A:A 00000* 10"00* AB&
00000- *0"001 S+=<A$A! 00000. *0"002 %AB$A< 000001 *0"003 3=7% 000002 *0"004 SA! 000010 *0"00* A7=& KKKKKK KKKKKKKK #nd of re/ort KKKKKKKK )olu,ns . . . 1 .1 S#BLL[ S#&5O=7 6!: &6 #dit
3S#7:+=&S8#PA! &#
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0001.00 0002.00 0003.00 0004.00 000*.00 000-.00 000..00 #! =D #! 7A!# !A7A%#$ $ #! 5 57=#E C6E5(=8 6E5(=8D 5O=7 >1 2? 56&D >!%$=D #! =D? 5$#6 >1? 5$#6 >1? $#7A!# >#! 7A!#? 5$#6 >2? )O&+D% >;!A7A%#$;?
a(e 66 of 250
As400 Stuff 000003 10"003 SA!##$ D=%+# 000004 10"004 S+A$A:A 00000* 10"00* AB& 3=7% SA! A7=&
KKKKKK KKKKKKKK #nd of re/ort KKKKKKKK )olu,ns . . . 1 .1 S#BLL[ S#&5O=71 6!: &6 $ #! 0002.00 0003.00 0004.00 000*.00 000-.00 000..00 !%$=D #! =D #! 7A!# KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of dataKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK0001.00 56=&# >S#5O=7 S#5O=7? 5 5O=7 >1 2? 56&D >!%$=D #! =D? 5$#6 >1? $#7A!# >#! 7A!#? 5$#6 >1? 5$#6 >2? #dit 3S#7:+=&S8#PA! &#
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #nd of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #! =D #! 7A!# !%$=D 20"001 20"002 20"003 20"004 20"00*
000003 10"003 SA!##$ D=%+# 000004 10"004 S+A$A:A 00000* 10"00* AB&
KKKKKK KKKKKKKK #nd of re/ort KKKKKKKK )olu,ns . . . 1 .1 S#BLL[ S#&5O=71 6!: &6 a(e 67 of 250 #dit 3S#7:+=&S8#PA! &#
As400 Stuff KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of dataKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0001.00 0002.00 0003.00 0004.00 000*.00 000-.00 000..00 !%$=D #! =D !A7A%#$ $ #! 5 56=&# >S#5O=7 S#5O=7? 5O=7 >1 2? 56&D >!%$=D #! =D? 5$#6 >1? $#7A!# >#! 7A!#? 5$#6 >2? )O&+D% >;!A7A%#$;? 5$#6 >2?
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #nd of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #! =D !A7A%#$ 000001 10"001 S+=<A$A! 000002 10"002 %AB$A< 000003 10"003 3=7% 000004 10"004 SA! 00000* 10"00* A7=& KKKKKK KKKKKKKK #nd of re/ort KKKKKKKK 2. E21lain nor0aliBation" =t is the /rocess of se(re(atin( and deco,/osin( infor,ation held within a syste, into lo(ically (rou/ed" related. BniEuely identifiable entities 3. E21lain t&e co00and 9 )7.6>" !%$=D 20"001 20"002 20"003 20"004 20"00*
ADD 6)S: is a co,,and that is used to define the )onstraint on your /hysical file. :he constraint has se'eral ty/es. :hese are $#6)S:" B7C)S: and $=3#G. 4y the by" this co,,and is hel/s to define B/date rules and Delete rules.
a(e 68 of 250
As400 Stuff 4. /o' to send t&e 0essage to t&e screen 68 ),**6," 4G /assin( uniEue ,essa(e =D ,essa(e data and ,essa(e file. S7D %!!S% synta0 S7D %! !S% !S%=D >!S%0001? !S%6 >!S%SB4? 5. /o' you can list all t&e #7 of a )7" 4y usin( DS D4$ co,,and it is to list all the files" which are related to a 6. =t dis/lays all the &6 that is referrin( the 6 and also lists the child table if it is ha'in( a relation throu(h ADD 6)S:. 6. %&at is use of 6)77 and 6)7 " DS 6D >dis/lay file descri/tion? =t is used to dis/lay the details about the file when it is created. DS 66D >dis/lay file field descri/tion? =t is used for listin( details about indi'idual fields. 1. E21lain inner $oin or natural $oin and left outer $oin" =nner join =nner $oin 0eans t&e 0atc&ing records in !et'een t&e $oining file 'ill !e selected. )olu,ns . . . 1 .1 S#BLL[ 5 601 6!: 6 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0001.00 0002.00 0003.00 0004.00 $ 5 1$#) #! 7O #! 7A!# 3 #! 7O *S 0 20A #dit 3S#7:+=&S8#PA! &#
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #nd of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK )olu,ns . . . 1 .1 S#BLL[ 5 602 6!: 6. #dit 3S#7:+=&S8#PA! &#
a(e 69 of 250
As400 Stuff KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0001.00 0002.00 0003.00 0004.00 $ 5 2$#) #! 7O #! SA& 3 #! 7O *S 0 10 2
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #nd of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Dis/lay $e/ort #! 7O #! 7A!# 000001 1"001 S+GA!4A4B 000002 1"002 S#7:+=&3B!A$ 000003 1"003 $A!#S+ KKKKKK KKKKKKKK #nd of re/ort KKKKKKKK #! 7O #! SA& 100.00 20.00 300.00
KKKKKK KKKKKKKK #nd of re/ort KKKKKKKK )olu,ns . . . 1 .1 S#BLL[ 5O6=&# 6!: &6. KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0001.00 0002.00 0003.00 0004.00 000*.00 #! 7O #! 7A!# a(e 70 of 250 $ 5$#)1 5 56=&# >5 601 5 602? 5O=7 >1 2? 56&D >#! 7O #! 7O? 5$#6 >5 601? #dit 3S#7:+=&S8#PA! &#
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #nd of dataKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #! 7O #! 7A!# 000001 1"001 S+GA!4A4B 000002 1"002 S#7:+=&3B!A$ KKKKKK KKKKKKKK #nd of re/ort KKKKKKKK &eft outer join #eft outer $oin all t&e records fro0 1ri0ary file and 0atc&ing records fro0 t&e secondary file 'ill !e selected. )olu,ns . . . 1 .1 S#BLL[ 5OOB: 6!: &6. KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of dataKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0001.00 0002.00 0003.00 0004.00 000*.00 000-.00 000..00 0001.00 #! 7O #! 7A!# #! SA& 3 #! 7O $ 5$#)1 5 5 7>G9# 56=&# >5 601 5 602? 5O=7 >1 2? 56&D >#! 7O #! 7O? 5$#6 >5 601? #dit 3S#7:+=&S8#PA! &# #! SA& 100.00 20.00
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #nd of dataKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #! 7O #! 7A!# 000001 1"001 S+GA!4A4B 000002 1"002 S#7:+=&3B!A$ a(e 71 of 250 #! SA& 100.00 20.00
KKKKKK KKKKKKKK #nd of re/ort KKKKKKKK S#CB#7)=7% DB &=)A:# $#)O$DS )olu,ns . . . 1 .1 S#BLL[ S#C1 6!: 6. KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0001.00 0002.00 0003.00 0004.00 000*.00 $ S#C$#)1 #! 7O #! 7A!#1 ADD$#SS 3 #! 7O * 0 20A 20A #dit 3S#7:+=&S8#PA! &#
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #nd of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK )olu,ns . . . 1 .1 S#BLL[ S#C2 6!: 6 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of dataKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0001.00 0002.00 0003.00 0004.00 $ S#C$#)2 #! 7O #! 7A!# :#& * 0 20A 10 0 #dit 3S#7:+=&S8#PA! &#
a(e 72 of 250
As400 Stuff 000002 10"002 DA77G 000003 10"003 $=7) *0"&O7% =S&A7D 20"A::B$
KKKKKK KKKKKKKK #nd of re/ort KKKKKKKK E*)8( E*)89*E >E# 12*"... 12*"222 12*"111 4"222"-00
000001 10"001 4O4 000002 10"001 4O4 000003 10"001 4O4 000004 10"002 DA77G
KKKKKK KKKKKKKK #nd of re/ort KKKKKKKK )olu,ns . . . 1 .1 S#BLL[ 5D6:S#C 6!: &6 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0001.00 0002.00 0003.00 0004.00 000*.00 000-.00 000..00 0001.00 #! 7O #! 7A!#1 ADD$#SS :#& $ $#)S#C 5 56=&# >S#C1 S#C2? 5O=7 >1 2? 56&D >#! 7A!#1 #! 7A!#? 5DB S#C >:#&? 5$#6 >2? #dit 3S#7:+=&S8#PA! &#
As400 Stuff 000003 10"001 4O4 000004 10"002 DA77G 23"O&D !AD=WA&A *0"&O7% =S&A7D 12*"222 4"222"-00
KKKKKK KKKKKKKK #nd of re/ort KKKKKKKK 5O=7 D#S)#7D )olu,ns . . . 1 .1 S#BLL[ 5D6:S#C 6!: &6 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0001.00 0002.00 0003.00 0004.00 000*.00 000-.00 000..00 0001.00 #! 7O #! 7A!#1 ADD$#SS :#& $ $#)S#C 5 56=&# >S#C1 S#C2? 5O=7 >1 2? 56&D >#! 7A!#1 #! 7A!#? 5DB S#C >:#& KD#S)#7D? 5$#6 >2? #dit 3S#7:+=&S8#PA! &#
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #nd of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK E*)8( E*)89*E1 000001 10"001 4O4 000002 10"001 4O4 000003 10"001 4O4 000004 10"002 DA77G 9 +E66 23"O&D !AD=WA&A 23"O&D !AD=WA&A 23"O&D !AD=WA&A *0"&O7% =S&A7D >E# 12*"222 12*"111 12*"... 4"222"-00
KKKKKK KKKKKKKK #nd of re/ort KKKKKKKK 1. /o' to create a trigger in 96:400" :he tri((er is an e'ent to be /erfor,in( before or after any chan(e to a database. When a tri((er is added to a /hysical file" three attributes need to be defined. a(e 74 of 250
As400 Stuff :he first is the e'ent that will cause the tri((er to fire. A tri((er e'ent can be an insert" an u/date" or a delete a record fro, the file. :he second attribute to define is when to fire the tri((erAbefore or after the e'ent. :he third attribute to define is the identification of the tri((er /ro(ra, to by run. We can infer that u/ to si0 tri((ers can be defined for each 6. 6or each u/date" insert" and delete :wo tri((ers can be defined One that runs before the e'ent One that runs after the e'ent :hese tri((er are added usin( the ADD 6:$% )an be re,o'ed with the re,o'e 6 tri((er co,,and >$!< 6:$%? :he co,,and ADD 6:$% ta9es 64 6 &=4 :$=%%#$ :=!# :$=%%#$ #<#<: $O%$A! &=4 $# &A)# :$=%%#$ K7O A&&OW $# #A:#D K7O 6001 S3A7DASA!O KA6:#$ KB DA:# %!001 S3A7DASA!O K7O KG#S K7O KG#S K4#6O$# KA6:#$ KB DA:# K=7S#$: KD#&#:# 7A!#
1. /o' 'ill !e esta!lis&ing +E7E+E8>=9# =8>E,+=>? in as:400 syste0s" 4y usin( ADD 6)S: co,,and establish in as8400 syste,. $eferential inte(rity conce/ts $eferential constraint arent and de/endent files BniEue 9ey and /ri,ary 9eys arent and forei(n 9eys Delete rule ro/a(ate delete fro, /arent file to de/endent file $estrict delete on /arent file B/date rule $estrict inconsistent u/dates a(e 75 of 250
As400 Stuff =nsert o/erations on de/endent file are chec9ed $eferential constraint A referential constraint is a relation between two files" the /arent file and the de/endent file. :his relationshi/ establishes that e'ery record in the de/endent file has to ha'e a ,atchin( record in the /arent file. :he 9ey 'alue of any record in the de/endent file ,ust ,atch a 9ey 'alue in the /arent file. We call /arent 9ey the 9ey of the /arent file and forei(n 9ey the 9ey in the de/endent file. :he /arent 9ey has to be uniEue and cannot contain null 'alues. :he forei(n 9ey 'alue has to ,atch one >any only one? 'alue of the /arent 9ey. Otherwise the forei(n 9ey can contain a null 'alue. A record in the /arent file ,ay be related to ,ulti/le records in the de/endent filesX each record in the de/endent file has to ha'e just oneT /arentT or ha'e a null forei(n 9ey. ri,ary 9ey we ,eans a uniEue and ascendin( 9ey" which is the /ri,ary" access /ath for a 6 and cannot contain null 'alues. ri,ary access /ath for a database file on the AS8400 in the access /ath used to access the file by usin( O 7D46 co,,and. Delete rule We can delete a record fro, /arent file or de/endent file first chec9 for delete rule. )AS)AD#H =f we want to delete a record fro, the /arent file and its /arent 9ey is ,atchin( records in a de/endent file" the D4!S will delete all the ,atchin( records of the de/endent file. S#:7B&&H =f we delete a record fro, the /arent file and /arent 9ey is ,atchin( so,e records in a de/endent file" the D4!S will set to null the ,atchin( 9eys in the de/endent file. S#:D#6AB&:H :his is li9e /re'ious case" but ,atchin( occurrences in the forei(n 9ey are set to their default 'alues. :he default 'alue for the forei(n 9ey has to ,atch a record in the /arent file. $#S:$=):H :he D4!S will /re'ent any atte,/t to delete records in the /arent file if its 9ey is ,atchin( so,e records in the de/endent file. 7O A):=O7H :his has the sa,e ,eanin( as restrict" but different ti,in(. When we use K7OA):=O7 and an in'alid delete o/eration is about to ta9e /lace" D42 8400 will delay any error ,essa(e until the end of the o/eration itself" allowin( for instance the acti'ation of a before tri((er attached to the 6. =f Krestrict is in use" the e0ce/tion ,essa(e is sent i,,ediately. Deletin( records in a de/endent file is always /er,itted. B/date rule a(e 76 of 250
As400 Stuff $#S:$=):H We cannot chan(e the 'alue in a /arent 9ey if the old 'alues are ,atchin( so,e records in the de/endent file. :he re,ainin( /ortion of the record can always be u/dated. We cannot u/date a forei(n 9ey in a de/endent file if the new 'alue for the 9ey is not null and does not ,atch any 'alue of the /arent 9ey. 7O A):=O7H :his is sa,e as K restrict but with different ti,in( considerations. $efer abo'eX where we describe no action delete o/erations. =nserts :here is no insert rule to be chosen" but referential inte(rity /re'ents any insert in the de/endent file if the new record has no ,atch in the /arent file and its forei(n 9ey is not null. 1. %&at +<86;#6>* 'ill do" =f we want to e0ecute set of SC& state,ent then we can write all the SC& state,ent to be includin( with the source. :y/e as SC& Only insert" u/date and delete and no select is allowed. :hen use S:$SC&S:! to e0ecute the /ro(ra, $B7SC&S:! S$)6=&# >&=48:#S:? S$)!4$ >SC&01? )O!!=: >K7O7#? 1. %&at is a field reference file" :his is 6" which does not ha'e any data and contains only the field descri/tions and these fields are referred in other 6 by usin( $#6 and $#66&D 2. %&at are t&e -arious 'ays creating access 1at&" Access /ath ,eans the records are to be retrie'ed fro, a file. :he records can be retrie'ed fro, a 6 or a &6 either A$$=<A& S#CB#7)# or by 3#G#D S#CB#7)#. 6or &6 you can also select records usin( select or o,it 9eywords 9rri-al seLuence access 1at& SeEuentially" where each record is ta9en fro, the ne0t seEuential /hysical /osition in the file. Directly by relati'e records nu,ber" where the record nu,ber is identified by its /osition fro, the start of the file. 3eyed seLuence access 1at& =t is based on the contents of the 9ey fields as defined in DDS. :his ty/e of access /ath is u/dated in the contents of a 9ey field is chan(ed. :here are three ways of boundin( the access /ath a(e 77 of 250
As400 Stuff =00ediate Access /ath is always ,aintained for e'ery o/enin( in a file. +e!uild Access /ath is ,aintained when the file is o/en and 'arious u/dates are recorded and the access /ath is rebuilt e'ery ti,e when the access /ath is closed. elayed Access /ath is ,aintained when the file is o/ened and u/dates recorded. When the file is closed all the u/dates to the records are closed to(ether but it is not rebuild. When the recorded u/date /ercenta(e e0ceeds 2*O then rebuild of records ta9e /lace. 1. /o' 0any record for0ats )7, #7, 6A 1" &6A 32" DS 6A1024 S6&A*12 2. 6)7 and 67#"
efine 3#=6>" 3&=S: o/eration is a declarati'e o/eration that (i'es a na,e to list of 36&D. :his 3&=S: can be used as a search ar(u,ent to retrie'e records fro, files that ha'e a co,/osite 9ey. efine )#=6>" :he declarati'e &=S: o/eration defines sy,bolic na,e for a /ara,eter list to be s/ecified in a )A&& o/eration. 4. efine co01osite Eey" =t is a 9ey for a file" which is co,/osed of ,ore than one field. 3.
5. =s it 1ossi!le to create a logical file '&ose )&ysical file is not in sa0e li!rary" Ges...for that u ha'e to s/ecify the actual data /ath in 9eyword 6=&# &i9e A $ A1 6=&# >A!=:8A2? A 3 )OD# :hen this will create the &6 A1 for A2 6... Ges" just /ut the user library in which you want to create on to/ and followed by other library in which /hysical file is located. ro'ided the first library should not ha'e /hysical file. :hen try to create the lo(ical. 6. .an you delete t&e record s1ace 1er0anently in )7 t&roug& .#" BS=7% :+# )O!!A7D ;$%M 6!; :he $eor(aniFe hysical 6ile !e,ber >$%M 6!? co,,and co,/resses >re,o'es deleted records fro,? one ,e,ber of a /hysical file in the database" and it o/tionally reor(aniFes that ,e,ber. 7. %&at is t&e difference !et'een adding Eeys K constraints into a 1&ysical file" a(e 78 of 250
As400 Stuff Durin( the ti,e of co,/ilation of a file" constrains are bein( re,o'ed" fro, the file .but at the ti,e of co,/ilation 9eys are not re,o'ed in case fro, /f. )onstraints has no affects on ,e,bers of a /f but 9eys has affect on ,e,bers of /f A 9ey field defines the order in which the records of a 6 ,e,ber will be sorted >ascendin( or descendin(?. On the other hand" a constraint" such as B7=CB#" defines which 9ey field 'alues or records are 'alid 8allo'a!le to be written into a file. B7=CB# /re'ents a record with du/licate 9ey field 'alues to be written into a 6. 8. /o' to insert 0ore t&an one record to a 1f at a ti0e" C4ulE insert to a 1fD 4ul9 insert can be done in ways 1. Bsin( SC& we can run a Euery =nsert into table1 'alues >;a;" ;b;" ;c;?" >;0;" ;y;" ;F;? 2. Bsin( S:$D6B we insert records into 6 3. Bsin( D4B >Database utility? also we can insert records 9. /o' to see nu0!er of logical files de1ending on a 1f" .an 'e declare 0ore t&an 20 logical files fro0 a single 1f" =s it 1ossi!le" 1. We can see the nu,ber of lo(ical files in the followin( ways a. DS D4$ >filena,e? co,,and b. Bsin( D4B >6ilena,e? and Shift U 62 :here is one ,ore way to see the lo(ical BS=7% D4B is just ty/e ;D4$; and /ress enter. 2. Ges we can declare ,ore than 20 files on a /hysical file 10.= 'ant to c&ange t&e attri!ute of field or 'ant to add ne' field in e2isting )7 !ut condition is for0at le-el identifier s&ould not c&ange, is it 1ossi!le" Whene'er a file is chan(ed >by addin( or deletin( a field?" 6or,at le'el identifier is also chan(ed" e'en if u are usin( )+% 6. All the /ro(ra,s that are this file needs to be co,/iled a(ain. Gou can a'oid reco,/ilin( /ro(ra,s by settin( 6or,at &e'el )hec9 /ara,eter to K7O in co,,and )$: 6. 4ut this is not a (ood ,ethod" since it ,ay affect the /ro(ra,. 11.*a2i0u0 &o' 0any fields 'e can create under a record for0at of )7" We can (i'e ,a0 of 1000 fields in rec for,at of a 6. 4ut it also de/ends on the no. of bytes occu/ied by the record for,at. 4ecause rec. for,at of 6 ,ay occu/y at ,a0 32.-- if there is only one field which occu/y 32.-- bytes then we a(e 79 of 250
As400 Stuff can;t define a new field in record for,at. So it de/ends on the no. of bytes occu/ied by the field defined in the record for,at. #0. )har field A ,a0 'alue >32.-- bytes? <ariable len(th field A ,a0 'alue >32.40 bytes? Allow null field A ,a0 'alue >32.-*? <ariable D allow null field A ,a0 'alue >32.32? 12./o' can 'e 'rite #7 using flat file" 4&D=7D#P !&$?WS?"21"1"!&.$#:B$""DB 3#G 4&D=7D#P !&.+=S?WS?"2"-"!&.=7<+S""DB 3#G""1."* :G # 4&D=7D#P in syste, 3- en'iron,ent D 64 4&D=7D#P $O)#DB$# =(noredAO )reates an alternate inde0 for a /hysical file 7a,e of file to be )$#A:#D . . Start /osit for 1st field of 9ey 1A402&en(th of first field . . . . . 1A120 * 1 7=$OS+ O/tionalAK
Start /osit for 2nd field of 9ey 1A402&en(th of 2nd field . 1A120 *
Start /osit for 3rd field of 9ey 1A402&en(th of 3$D field 7a,e of +GS=)A& 6=&# )reation date of /hysical file Allow du/licate 9eys DB 3#G"7ODB 3#G refer dis9 locn A1"A2"A3"A4"bloc9 nu,ber 13.%&y 'e create t&e )&ysical 7ile *e0!er" !#!4#$ =S BS# :O S:O$# :+# DA:A" #A)+ 6=&# !BS: +A<# !#!4#$. a(e 80 of 250 DB 3#G 1A120 ... !&.)$D$
As400 Stuff 14../,)7 to co01ile t&e )7 'it&out using t&e data@ Gou ha'e added so,e fields to a /hysical file that has lots of records. Gou don@t want to lose the data" but you ha'e to co,/ile that to include those fields. =n that case" ,a9e use of )+% 6. )+% 6 6=&# >S+A=&#S+8S6&001 6? S$)6=&# >S+A=&#S+8:#S: %!S? =t (i'es you the result si,ilar co,/ilation >includin( the added fields? without losin( the data. +ere S6&001 6 is the 6 and :#S: %!S is the source /hysical file. 8ote@ )+% 6 cannot be used to achie'e the result si,ilar to co,/ilation in case of deletion of so,e fields. Gou ha'e to co,/ile the 6 to e0clude the deleted fields. =n SC& there is a co,,and called A&:#$ which /erfor,s si,ilar functions >li9e ADD constraint" D$O constraint" ADD field" A&:#$ field and D$O field? as )+% 6. 4ut here also we (et error ,essa(e when we try to alter or delete the fields just li9e the )+% 6 scenario. 15.*ulti for0at #ogical file E2a01le@ +ere is an e0a,/le of a ,ultiAfor,at lo(ical fileH A A A A A A A A $ 6O$!A:1 6=#&D1 6=#&D2 3 6=#&D1 $ 6O$!A:2 6=#&D1 6=#&D2 3 6=#&D1 6=&# >6=? 6=&# >6=?
=n the /ro(ra," you can chain with the file na,e and you;ll (et records fro, both /hysical files" or the for,at na,e and you;ll (et records only fro, the s/ecific 6=&#. =f you want to u/date or write a record with this lo(ical file" you ,ust use the for,at na,e. &i,itationH #'en thou(h lo(ical files allow ,ulti/le record for,ats" we cannot ha'e different record for,ats for the sa,e /hysical file >as the record for,at of the &6 has to be the sa,e as 6?. $ecord for,ats of ,any /hysical files can be /resent in
a(e 81 of 250
As400 Stuff one &6 ,a9in( it ,ulti for,at &6. We can ha'e u/ to 32 record for,ats in the sa,e &6. =f you want to access the sa,e 6 with different set of 9eys you ha'e to (o for ,ulti/le si,/le lo(ical files li9e the one shown below. &61H A A A A &62H A A A A $ 6O$!A:1 6=#&D2 6=#&D3 3 6=#&D2 6=&# >6=? $ 6O$!A:1 6=#&D1 6=#&D2 3 6=#&D1 6=&# >6=?
+ere we want to access the 6" 6ile1 with 2 sets of 9eys. 6ield1 D 6ield 2 is one set and 6ield 2 D 6ield 3 is the other set. 4ut we cannot ,ention 2 record for,ats with these 9eys in the sa,e lo(ical file. We ha'e to write 2 se/arate lo(ical files &61 and &62 in order to ha'e 2 different record for,ats for that 6" 6ile1. 16.9ccess )at& )7 and #7 =n a /ro(ra," a record is deleted fro, a /hysical file. =n the sa,e /ro(ra," the file is read a(ain >the file is not closed and the delete o/eration is not co,,itted as well?. =n that case" we will be accessin( the deleted record also" since the refresh has not ta9en /lace on that 6. Only after )o,,it >in case the file is not user o/en only co,,it or endin( the /ro(ra, can refresh the file? or e0/licit close" data refresh ha//ens. =t will not free u/ the s/ace thou(h. :he record will be e,/ty but will occu/y s/ace. Only $%M 6! can free u/ the s/ace occu/ied by the deleted record. 4ut in the case of &6" refresh ha//ens i,,ediately if we associate the, with the 9eywords that can rebuild8refresh the access /ath. Say for e0a,/le" we ha'e K=!!#D for rebuild" as soon as the o/eration ha//ens the file will (et refreshed. =t will not wait for the co,,it or close or /ro(ra, endin( to ha//en.
a(e 82 of 250
As400 Stuff 7oteH After deletin( record 2" and not issuin( $%M 6!" if we are tryin( to access the 6 with $$7 as 9ey startin( fro, the first record" the deleted record 2 will not be /rocessed e'en thou(h the s/ace is still occu/ied >i.e." it is not treated as a data record?. :he co,/iler treats it as e,/ty s/ace and s9i/s the record. 17.>ell 0e t&e differences !et'een e0!edded 6;#" 42 .#= Ccall #e-el =nterfaceD and
An a//lication that uses an e,bedded SC& interface reEuires a /reAco,/iler to con'ert the SC& state,ents into code" which is then co,/iled" bound to the database" and e0ecuted. =n contrast" a D42 )&= a//lication does not reEuire /reA co,/ilation or bindin(" but instead uses a standard set of functions to e0ecute SC& state,ents and related ser'ices at runti,e. :his difference is i,/ortant because" traditionally" /reAco,/ilers ha'e been s/ecific to a database /roduct" which effecti'ely ties your a//lications to that /roduct. D42 )&= enables you to write /ortable a//lications that are inde/endent of any /articular database /roduct. :his inde/endence ,eans a D42 )&= a//lication does not ha'e to be reco,/iled or rebound to access different database /roducts" but rather selects the a//ro/riate one at runti,e. D42 )&= can e0ecute any SC& state,ent that can be /re/ared dyna,ically in e,bedded SC&. :his is (uaranteed because D42 )&= doesn;t actually e0ecute the SC& state,ent itself" but /asses it to the D4!S for dyna,ic e0ecution. 18.,eneral 1oints in 42:400
1. D428400 is an inte(rated $D4!S. 2. :he ,ajor /arts of a file are $ecord for,at and Access /ath. 3. $ecord for,at in a file describes the way the data is actually stored. 4. Access /ath describes the order in which the records are to be retrie'ed. *. We ha'e two ty/es of access /atch 3eyes seEuence access /ath and Arri'al seEuence access /ath. -. Access ath ,aintenance s/ecifies how access /aths are ,aintained for closed files. While file is o/en the syste, ,aintains the access /ath chan(es. .. =n (eneral we ha'e three ty/es of access /ath ,aintenance" K=!!#D " KD&G and K$#4&D 1. K=!!#D ,ust be s/ecified for files that reEuire B7=CB# 9eys. >=,,ediate access /ath ,aintenance ,ainly for files used as interacti'ely? 2. K$#4&D the access /ath is co,/letely rebuilt each ti,e a file ,e,ber is o/ened. :his cannot be s/ecified for file if its access /ath is bein( journal.
a(e 83 of 250
As400 Stuff 10.KD&G the ,aintenance of the access /ath is delayed until the 6 ,e,ber is o/ened for use. B/dates to the access /ath are collected fro, the ti,e the ,e,ber is closed until it is o/ened a(ain. When it is o/ened" only the collected chan(es are ,er(ed into the access /ath. 11.=n )+% 6 co,,and we ha'e the 9eyword K&<&)+3 >&e'el )hec9?. :his s/ecifies whether the le'els of record for,at identifiers are chec9ed to 'erify that the current record for,at identifier is the sa,e as that s/ecified in the /ro(ra, that o/ens the /hysical file. :he le'el identifiers of the record for,ats are chec9ed when the file is o/ened. =f the le'el identifiers do not ,atch" an error ,essa(e is sent to the /ro(ra, reEuestin( the o/en" and the file is not o/ened. 12.6or /hysical file and for lo(ical the file ty/e should be S6=&#T. Attribute for /hysical file should co,e as S 6ADA:AT" lo(ical file co,e as S&6T and for source /hysical file attribute should co,e as S 6AS$)T 13.&et@s say one scenario" your source /hysical file na,e is SCDDSS$)T and inside this source /hysical file when you try to create a /hysical file with na,e sa,e as that of source /hysical file SCDDSS$)T what will ha//en? :he source /hysical file will (et deleted. 14.B7=CB# 9eyword is used in &6 and 6 to /re'ent du/licate 9ey 'alues. 1*.D#S)#7D 9eyword is used to arran(e records fro, the hi(hest to the lowest 9ey field 'alues. 1-.$A7%# 9eyword is used to /ro'ide a ran(e of 'alid 'alues. 1..$#6 9eyword s/ecifies the na,e of file contains the referenced fields. 11.$#66&D 9eyword co/ies the field descri/tion fro, the referenced file. 12.6O$!A: 9eyword shares the field descri/tion with the e0istin( record for,at. 20.D6: 9eywords /ro'ide the default 'alue for the fields. 21.)! 9eyword /ro'ides a co,/arison 'alue. #0a,/le )! >%# 0? 22.)+#)3 9eyword /ro'ides 'alidity chec9in(. 23.)O&+D% 9eyword /ro'ides colu,n headin(. 24.#D:)D# and #D:W$D 9eyword edit code and edit word. 2*.:#P: 9eyword /ro'ides the descri/tion of record or field. 2-.<A&B#S 9eyword /ro'ides a list of 'alid 'alues. a(e 84 of 250
As400 Stuff 2..A /hysical file can ha'e only one record for,at. 21.A /hysical file cannot share the for,at of lo(ical file. 22.6or /hysical file the default ,a0i,u, nu,ber of ,a0i,u, ,e,bers we can attain is K7O!AP ,e,ber is one" the
30.6or /hysical file the default 'alue of initial nu,ber of records which we can add to database is 10000 and ,a0i,u, incre,ents in a /hysical file are three. 31.!a0i,u, nu,ber of 9ey fields allowed in a 6 is 120. !a0 nu,ber of fields in a 6 is 1000. 32.!e,bers in /hysical file" the si(nificance of ,e,ber is it hel/s to classify data easier. 33.#0a,/le for ,e,ber conce/t is" = want to 9ee/ data for a year in one file" and = freEuently want to /rocess data for one ,onth at a ti,e. 6or this = can create one /hysical file with twel'e different ,e,bers for each ,onth. 34.We can co/y data of a ,e,ber to other ,e,ber of sa,e /hysical file. >We can@t co,/ile any new ,e,bers? 3*.S/ecific co,,ands for /hysical file ,e,bers" ADD 6!" )+% 6!" $!<!" =7M 6! >KD6: or KD&:?" $%M 6!" DS 6!. 3-.#'en if you delete the records in a 6 throu(h /ro(ra," still the s/ace used by the deleted records not used by other /ur/ose. +ence usin( $%M 6! co,,and we can co,/ress the deleted record s/ace. 3..+ow we can add a new field to a file which has thousands of data in it? )+% 6 co,,and will hel/ you to add new field without losin( your current data. 31.We can add ,e,ber to lo(ical file with co,,and ADD&6!. 32.DS 6D >Dis/lay file descri/tion? with :G # K!4$&=S: will dis/lay all ,e,bers associated with the s/ecified file. K:$% will (i'e you the tri((er /ro(ra, list. 40.An OD >O/en Data ath? is the /ath throu(h which all in/ut8out/ut o/erations for the files are /erfor,ed. =t connects the /ro(ra, to a file. =f we do not s/ecify the S+A$# >KG#S? then a new data /ath is created e'ery ti,e a file is o/ened. 41.&o(ical file is used to arran(e data fro, one or ,ore 6s into different for,ats and seEuences. &o(ical files contain no data. :hree different ty/es of a(e 85 of 250
As400 Stuff lo(ical file we ha'e" Si,/le lo(ical file" !ultifor, at lo(ical file and 5oin lo(ical file. A ,ulti for,at lo(ical file is also 9nown as Bnion file. 42.:he record for,at na,e of lo(ical file should8should not be sa,e as that of /hysical file which ,entioned in 6=&# 9eyword. 6=&# 9eyword tells the /hysical file that the lo(ical file based on. 43.:here are so,e 9eywords s/ecific for &6s" )O7)A:" DG7S&:" 56=&#" 56&D" 5O=7" 5$#6" 6=&#" $#7A!#" and SS:. 44.)olu,n 1. 'alues" $ I $ecord for,at na,e" 3A 3ey field na,e" 5 I 5oin s/ecification" S I Select field na,e" O I O,it field na,e. 4*.=n &6 the access /ath we can s/ecify in three ways" 9eyed seEuence access /ath" Arri'al seEuence access /ath and $#6A)) :+. 4-.=n 9eyed seEuence access /ath" $ )BS$)D 6=&#> 67A!#? 3 3#G1 3 3#G2 4..=n arri'al seEuence access /ath" $ )BS$)D 41.=n $#6A)) :+">$eference access /ath? $#6A)) :+>&=4$7A!#8 67A!#? $ )BS$)D 6=&#> 67A!#? 42.S#&#):8O!=: s/ecification a//ly to lo(ical file only. *0.=n ,ulti for,at lo(ical file the ,a0i,u, nu,ber of record for,at we can declare is 32. *1.#0a,/le of S#&#):8O!=: S 6=#&D1 <A&B#S>123 34* *-. *--? S 6=#&D2 $A7%#>30122 30300? S 6=#&D3 )! >%# 300? *2.We ha'e two ty/es of S#&#):8O!=:" Access /ath S#&#):8O!=: and Dyna,ic S#&#):8O!=:. Access /ath S#&#):8O!=: is ,aintained by syste, when records are added or chan(ed. Dyna,ic S#&#):8O!=: /rocessin( is done when records are read by the /ro(ra,. *3.6or a ,ulti for,at lo(ical file if you want to access a /articular ,e,ber of a /hysical file. :hen e0ecute the O<$D46 co,,and with the s/ecific ,e,ber na,e before readin( the lo(ical file. 6=&#> 67A!#?
a(e 86 of 250
As400 Stuff *4.Dyna,ic S#&#):8O!=:" when a /ro(ra, reads a records fro, the file" the syste, only returns those records that ,eet the select8o,it 'alues. :hat is the actual S#&#):8O!=: /rocessin( is done when records are done by the /ro(ra," rather than records are added or chan(ed. **.DG7S&: is the 9eyword for dyna,ic select. *-.Another ,ethod of selectin( records is usin( C$GS&: /ara,eter on the o/en Euery file >O 7C$G6? co,,and. *..5oin lo(ical file is a lo(ical file that co,bines fields fro, two or ,ore /hysical file. )annot chan(e /hysical file usin( join lo(ical file. )an s/ecify only one record for,at in join lo(ical file. :he record for,at in join lo(ical file cannot be shared. )o,,it,ent control cannot be used with join lo(ical file. *1.We can join a /hysical file to itself. *2.5oin lo(ical files are $ead only files. -0.=n 5oin lo(ical file ,a0i,u, of 31 secondary files can join. >:otal 32 files.? !a0 of two files can be joined at a ti,e. -1.#0a,/le of join lo(ical file" $ 5 5O=7$#) 56=&#> 61 62? 5O=7> 61 62? 56&D>74$ 74$? 74$ 5$#6> 61? 7A!# SA&A$G 3 74$
-2.At least two /hysical files ,ust be s/ecified on 56=&# 9eyword. :he first file s/ecified on the 56=&# is the /ri,ary file the other files are secondary files. -3.5O=7 9eyword identifies which two files are joined by the 5O=7 s/ecification. =f only two /hysical files are joined by the join lo(ical file" then 5O=7 9eyword is o/tional. -4.56&D 9eyword identifies the join fields that join records fro, /hysical files s/ecified in 5O=7. 56&D ,ust be s/ecified at least once for each 5O=7 s/ecification. 5oin fields e0ce/t character ty/e fields ,ust ha'e the sa,e attribute. -*. 5$#6 9eyword s/ecifies which /hysical file to use.
a(e 87 of 250
As400 Stuff --.#0a,/le of join lo(ical file" =n this case the 74$ filed co,es fro, 62" because relati'e file nu,ber is s/ecified. $ 5O=7$#) 56=&#> 61 62? 5 5O=7> 61 62? 56&D>74$ 74$? 74$ S 5$#6>2? 7A!# SA&A$G -..$eference file does not contain any data. :his is a /hysical file. =t is used as a reference for the field descri/tions for other files. -1.O 7C$G6 is li9e a te,/orary lo(ical file. =t will (et auto,atically deleted when we close this Euery file. O 7C$G6 co,,and o/ens a file that contains a set of database records that satisfies a database Euery reEuest. O 7C$G6 ne'er shares an e0istin( shared OD in the job or acti'ation (rou/. -2.O<$4D6 co,,and ,ust be e0ecuted before e0ecutin( O 7C$G6 co,,and. .0.We can co/y data fro, data /ath o/ened by O 7C$G6 by ) G6$!C$G6. .1. ara,eters in O 7C$G6 co,,ands" 7=#E I na,e of file that (et /rocessed by O 7C$G6 co,,and. ()>=(8 I o/en o/tion used for Euery file e0a,/le K=7 " KOB:" KB D" KD&:" KA&&. ;+?6#> I Euery select s/ecifies the selection 'alue. 3E?7# A KAS)#7D" KD#S)#7D. <8=;<E3E? I S/ecifies whether the Euery is restricted to records with uniEue 9ey 'alues. .2.#0a,/le for O 7C$G6 )o,,and" O 7C$G6 6=&#>O$D6=&#? O :=O7>KA&&? C$GS&:>RO$DDA:#LO$A7%#>S220101T S220131T? O$ O$DA!: [ 100@? 3#G6&D>O$DA!: KD#S)#7D? .3.Difference between 6 and &6 )&ysical 7ile One $ecord 6or,at $ecord will loss" while co,/ile )ontain actual data We can u/date data #ogical 7ile !ore than one record for,at 7o record loss while co,/ile Doesn@t contain data but it /ro'ides 'iew fro, 6 We cannot u/date data a(e 88 of 250
As400 Stuff
We can use $#6 9eyword We can@t use S#&#):8O!=: .4.Difference between 5&6 and &6 5oin #ogical file One record for,at $ecord for,at na,e should be different :hrou(h 5&6 we cannot chan(e 6 .*.Database ,ana(e,ent DS %!$#6.
We use $#6A)) :+" DG7S&: We can use e0ce/t in join lo(ical file.
#ogical 7ile One or ,ore record for,at $ecord for,at na,e should be sa,e as of hysical file :hrou(h &6 we can chan(e 6. DS 66D" DS 6D" DS D4$" and
.-.A tri((er is a set of actions that are run auto,atically when a s/ecified chan(e o/eration is /erfor,ed on a s/ecified /hysical database file. :he chan(e o/eration can be an insert" u/date" or delete hi(h le'el lan(ua(e state,ent in an a//lication /ro(ra,. ...On the AS8400 syste," a set of tri((er actions can be defined in any su//orted hi(h le'el lan(ua(e. >)" )obol. $ %" &=" SC&? .1.ADD 6:$% co,,and adds a tri((er to call a na,ed tri((er /ro(ra, to a s/ecified /hysical file. :he tri((er /ro(ra, can be s/ecified to be called before or after a chan(e o/eration occurs. :he chan(e o/eration can be insert" u/date or delete. A ,a0i,u, of si0 tri((ers can be added to a /hysical file. Once a tri((er is added to a /hysical file" all ,e,bers of that s/ecified file are affected by tri((er. e0a,/le" ADD 6:$% 6=&# >#! ? :$%:=!#>KA6:#$? :$%#<#7:>K=7S#$:? %!>&=428=7S:$%? .2.:he $e,o'e hysical 6ile :ri((er >$!< 6:$%? co,,and re,o'es the association of files and tri((er /ro(ra,.
a(e 89 of 250
As400 Stuff 10.A tri((er /ro(ra, cannot include the followin( co,,ands" )O!!=:" $O&&4A)3" and #7D)!:):&. 11.A tri((er /ro(ra, can call other /ro(ra,s or can be nested >that is" a state,ent in a tri((er /ro(ra, causes the callin( of another tri((er /ro(ra,.? :he ,a0i,u, tri((er nested le'el for insert and u/date is 200. 12.A doubleAbyte character set >D4)S? is a character set that re/resents each character with 2 bytes. :he D4)S su//orts national lan(ua(es that contain a lar(e nu,ber of uniEue characters or sy,bols >the ,a0i,u, nu,ber of characters that can be re/resented with 1 byte is 2*- characters?. #0a,/les of such lan(ua(es include 5a/anese" 3orean" and )hinese. :here are two (eneral 9inds of D4)S dataH brac9etedAD4)S data and (ra/hic >nonA brac9eted? D4)S data. 4racEetedI 4.6 data is /receded by a D4)S shiftA out character and followed by a D4)S shiftAin character. ,ra1&icI 4.6 data is not surrounded by shiftAout and shiftAin characters. 13.:he D428400 database su//orts the followin( /hysical file constraints" $eferential constraints" ri,ary 9ey constraints and BniEue constraints. 14.:he Add hysical 6ile )onstraint >ADD 6)S:? co,,and adds all ty/es of /hysical file constraints. :o add uniEue and /ri,ary 9ey constraints" s/ecify KB7C)S: for the :y/e /ara,eter for a uniEue constraint and K $=3#G for a /ri,ary 9ey constraint. When addin( a /ri,ary 9ey constraint" the s/ecified 9ey beco,es the file;s /ri,ary access /ath. 1*.:he $e,o'e hysical 6ile )onstraint >$!< 6)S:? co,,and re,o'es a constraint. 1-. hysical 6ile )onstraint )onsiderations and &i,itations" A file ,ust be a /hysical file. A file can ha'e a ,a0i,u, of one ,e,ber" !AP!4$>1?. A constraint can be defined when the file has Fero ,e,bers. A constraint cannot be established until the file has one" and only one" ,e,ber. :here is a ,a0i,u, of 300 constraint relations /er file. )onstraints cannot be added to files in the C:#! library. 1. :he )$:S$) 6 co,,and creates a /hysical file" but with attributes a//ro/riate for source /hysical files. 6or e0a,/le" the default record len(th for a source file is 22 >10 for the source data field" - for the source seEuence nu,ber field" and - for the source date field?. 2. D428400 Database Data $eco'ery" we ha'e the followin( ,ethods. 5ournal ,ana(e,ent" for recordin( data chan(es to files )o,,it,ent control" for synchroniFin( transaction reco'ery 6orceAwritin( data chan(es to au0iliary stora(e Abnor,al syste, end reco'ery 3. SC&8400 will not su//ort ,ulti for,at lo(ical file. a(e 90 of 250
As400 Stuff 4. =n BD48400 >Bni'ersal Data 4ase? an SC& table is an sin(le ,e,ber /hysical file. *. =n BD48400 an SC& 'iew is a sin(le ,e,ber lo(ical file. -. =n BD48400 an SC& inde0 is a sin(le ,e,ber lo(ical file with 9eyed access. .. SC&8400 refreshes records as rows and fields as colu,ns. 1. :he SC& related /ro(ra, 'ariables" 3nown as the SC& co,,unication area >SC&)A?" you should code in the wor9in( stora(e section to ha'e the SC& co,/iler (enerate SC&)A (rou/ and ele,entary ite,s. #P#) SC& =7)&BD# SC&)A #7DA#P#). SC&)A wor9s as an error handler. 2. SC&)OD# 'alue less than Fero ,eans error" <alue S100T ,eans no rows found. 1. 7ile 1ointer after a failed c&ain o1eration When the )+A=7 o/eration is not co,/leted successfully >for e0a,/le" an error occurs or no record is found?" the file s/ecified in factor 2 ,ust be re/ositioned >for e0a,/le" by a )+A=7 or S#:&& o/eration? before a subseEuent read o/eration can be done on that file. 2. %&at are >riggers" :ri((ers is a self contained set of transact e0ecutable state,ents which can be in'o9ed durin( the o/erations such as insert" u/date" delete can be /erfor,ed in a database file. We can able to add tri((er in a /hysical fileH ADD 6:$% :o re,o'e a tri((erH $!< 6:$% =n the case of SC&8400 we can create tri((er by.... [[S:$SC& [[)$#A:# :$=%%#$ :$%\7a,e after =7S#$:8D#&#:#8B DA:# On 61 =nsert =nto 62 <alues >;$#)O$DS D#&#:#D =7 61;? [[Delete 6$O! 61 Where $ecordno L 10 [[S#lect K 6$O! 62. =n the abo'e code" the records in the 61 is deleted " at once the tri((er tr(\na,e is fired and the (i'en insert state,ent is acti'ated in /f2. 3. %&at is t&e 1ur1ose of <6+()8 Eey'ord" :he BS$O 7 9eyword causes the file not to be o/ened at /ro(ra, initialiFation. :his (i'es the /ro(ra,,er control of the file;s first o/en. :he file ,ust be e0/licitly o/ened usin( the O #7 o/eration. 6or e0a,/le" if a file is o/ened and later closed by the )&OS# o/eration" the /ro(ra,,er can reo/en the file >usin( the O #7 o/eration? without ha'in( s/ecified the BS$O 7 9eyword on the file descri/tion s/ecification. 4. %&at is #EGE# ./E.3" Whene'er 6 is co,/iled" the syste, (enerates uniEue code for identifyin( the file for future reference. a(e 91 of 250
As400 Stuff When we co,/ile the ro(ra, that uses the 6" it will use that uniEue code of the 6. =f we call the /ro(ra," it runs successfully. 4ut if we chan(e the 6 and reco,/ile the 6" the syste, (enerates a new uniEue code for that 6. So" our /ro(ra, doesn@t ha'e this uniEue code and hence ter,inates abnor,ally with a &e'el )hec9 error. :he solution of &e'el )hec9 error is whene'er it ha//ens we ha'e to either co,/ile the 6 with &e'el )hec9 /ara,eter 'alue K7O or we ha'e to co,/ile the /ro(ra, a(ain.
As400 Stuff
1? :o te,/orarily chan(e the attributes of a file li9e ,e,ber" /osition of rrn "sharin( the O/en Data ath etc.... 2? :o $edirect the references ,ade for one file to other file. Actually O<$D46 is used for ,ulti,e,ber conce/t. A /f ha'in( ,ulti/le ,e,ber and u need to access one of the ,e,bers fro, that" O<$D46 is used. Also" in )& u can access only 1 file at a ti,e. 6or ,ore than 1 file also O<$D46 is used ()8;+?7 5. %&at is t&e o1en Luery file" =t is a dyna,ic record selection. :he O 7C$G6 co,,and acts as a filter between the /rocessin( /ro(ra, and the database records. :he database file can be a 6 or &6. =t will create o/en data /athway to access >retrie'e? data file. =f you want to s/ecify any SC& o/eration within a )& we ha'e to use O 7C$G6 6unctions su//lied by O 7C$G6 areH Dyna,ic record selection. Dyna,ic 9eyed seEuence access /ath Dyna,ic 9eyed seEuence access /ath o'er a join Dyna,ic join +andlin( ,issin( records in secondary join files BniEueA9ey /rocessin( !a//ed field definitions %rou/ /rocessin( 6inal totalAonly /rocessin( =,/ro'in( /erfor,ance O/en Euery identifier >=D? 1. %&at is t&e different !et'een ()8;+?7 and 6;#+)," ()8;+?7 6;#+),
O 7C$G6 will co,e alon( with We need to ha'e SC&$ % installed OS8400 syste, and no need to ha'e in as8400 syste, which in'ol'es any additional /ac9a(e needed to additional cost to the /ro(ra,,ers e0ecute it O 7C$G6 is faster as co,/ared to =t is slower SC&$ %
a(e 93 of 250
As400 Stuff O 7C$G6 is nothin( but a dyna,ic SC&$ % is i,beddin( lo(ical files will be created and the state,ents directly within records state,ent 2. %&at are t&e -arious ste1s in creating ()8;+?7" :otally fi'e ste/s in'ol'ed in creatin( O 7C$G6 O<$D46 6=&# >file 6? :O6=&# >&=48 6? S+A$# >KGes? =f a 6 is ha'in( 100 records and if we want to o'erride the 6 so that it continues only the s/ecific nu,ber of records we are usin( O<$D46 O 7C$G6 6=&# >&=4 8 6? C$GS&: >R#! 7O K#C R K4)A: DA? =f you want to /erfor, any SC& o/eration we ha'e to declare in O 7C$G6 co,,and only. =n case of O 7C$G6 we can /erfor, e0/ression only based on characters but not on nu,eric. K4)A: =f you want to /erfor, any charter e0/ression are usin( K4)A: e0/ression which will /ro'ide a blan9s in between the 2 'ariables. OW&D)$D =t is si,ilar to O&=3# in SC& C$GS&: >R#! 7A!# K#C OW&D)$D >SSK S?@? =t will fetch all the records whose e,/na,e starts fro, S. K): =t will fetch all the records" which conditions the /articular charter. C$GS&: >R#! 7A!# K): SST R? O$A7%# =t will fetch the records within the s/ecific ran(e C$GS&: >R#! 7O K#E O$A7%# >100 110?@? )A&& %! >&=487A!#? A$! >? D&:O<$ As we see early the ,ain file lo(ically o'erridden and after /erfor,in( the necessary o/eration" we ha'e to delete the lo(ical file so that the ,ain file contains the actual records for this D&:O<$ will be used. D&:O<$ 6=&# >O 7 6? )&O6 We ha'e to close the file" which has been o/ened a(e 94 of 250 SC& SC&
As400 Stuff )&O6 O 7=D >O 7 6? Gou will co/y o'erridden file records usin( ) G6$!C$G6 ) G6$!C$G6 Since O<$D46 is lo(ical we cannot able to list the 'ariables" which satisfy the Euery condition. :o see the records bein( selected we ha'e to co/y fro, the source file to a te,/orary file for this ) G6$!C$G6 will be used ) G6$!C$G6 6$O!O 7=D >O 7 6? :O6=&# >&=487A!#? !4$ >K$# &A)#? )$:6=&# >KG#S? 6!:O : >K7O)+3? $B7C$G We ha'e co/ied the contents satisfy the Euery into a te,/orary file usin( ) G6$!C$G6. =f we run the destination file we (ot the actual records" which satisfy the Euery. $B7C$G C$G6=&# >&=787A!#? E2a01le@ Database 6 S3A7DASA!O8)& O #76 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0000.01 ) 0001.00 ) 0002.00 ) 0003.00 ) 0004.00 ) 000*.00 ) 000-.00 ) $ O 7C6=&# O#! 7O O#! 7A!# OADD$#SS ODO4 3 O#! 7O *S 0 20A 20A 1S 0 B7=CB#
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #nd of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Data file is1lay +e1ort O#! 7O O#! 7A!# 000001 1"001 S#7:+=& OADD$#SS SA&#!1 a(e 95 of 250 ODO4 1"232"002
As400 Stuff 000002 1"002 3B!A$ 000003 1"003 S+GA! 000004 1"004 $A!#S+ 00000* 1"00* 4A&B 00000- 1"00. 3B!A$ :$=)+G SA&#! SA&#! SA&#! 55 12"123"000 12"34*"000 1"010"100 222 32"231
KKKKKK KKKKKKKK #nd of re/ort KKKKKKKK )& /ro(ra, S3A7DASA!O8)& O 7C6=&#* KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0001.00 %! 0002.00 0003.00 0004.00 000*.00 000-.00 D)& D)&6 S7D$)<6 )+%<A$ O<$D46 <A$>DA? :G #>K)+A$? >*? 6=&#>S3A7DASA!O8O 7C6=? $)D6!:>O 763? $)D6!:>O 763? <A$>DA? <A&B#>DO#! 7O? 6=&#>O #76? S+A$#>KG#S? O 7C$G6 K4)A: DA? ) G6$!C$G6 6$O!O 7=D>O #76? 6=&#>>S3A7DASA!O8O #76??
000-.03 :O6=&#>S3A7DASA!O8:#! ? U 000-.04 0002.00 0010.00 0010.01 0011.00 D&:O<$ )&O6 $B7C$G #7D %!
a(e 96 of 250
As400 Stuff KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #nd of dataKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK OB: B: #! &OG## 7B!4#$H 1001 O#! 7O O#! 7A!# 000001 1"001 S#7:+=& OADD$#SS SA&#!1 ODO4 1"232"002
KKKKKK KKKKKKKK #nd of re/ort KKKKKKKK 1. /o' t&e records are accessed for using ()8;+?7" 4y creatin( o/en data /athway to access >retrie'e? data file. 2. %&at is t&e difference !et'een 7*> >9 and ()8;+?7" 7*> >9 ()8;+?
=t will sort the records seEuentially =t will sort the records based on the based on the /osition of the record field 'alues. =f any chan(e in the attribute siFe of a =f there is any chan(e in the attribute 6 then we ha'e to chan(e the siFe it will not affect the /ro(ra, /ro(ra, s/ecification also. s/ecification also.
6!:D:A is bit faster in /rocess than O 7C$G6 is slower as co,/are to O 7C$G6. 6!:D:A if we are /rocessin( ,illions of records. 3. #ist out t&e ifferences !et'een a #7 and co00and ()8;+?7"
&6 creates a new object in the syste, while that is not the case for O 7C$G6.&6 creates a /er,anent data access /ath to the /hysical file that will be u/dated as and when and add" u/date and delete o/eration is /erfor,ed on file Whereas O 7C$G6 creates a te,/orary access data /ath that is shared by hi(h le'el /(, for further /rocessin( of recs in file. = a(ree with <ai'20. 5ust want to add that O 7C$G6 is used with 9eyword Share >KGes? and that;s what ,a9es the OD a'ailable to hi(h le'el /(,s. Also the usa(e of O 7C$G6 is for adhoc jobs that are e0ecuted once in a while whereas &6 is used in case where the OD is (oin( to be used /retty re(ularly. So &6 object would be /referred when the usa(e is (oin( to be re(ular. O 7C$G6 would be (ood where the job is (oin( to be once in a while. a(e 97 of 250
As400 Stuff &6 would ,a9e the job faster co,/ared to O 7C$G6 thou(h it de/ends on what 9ind of ,aintenance o/tion you use for &6. :he ,ain difference isH &o(ical file creates /er,anent object on the syste,. O 7C$G6 creates te,/orary access /ath. 4. ()8;+?7 I 6&ort e21lanation 'it& sa01les in .#) )&A $O%$A! 6B7):=O7.....H $#:$=#<#8S#&#): DA:A W=:+ :+# )&A)O!!A7D O 7C$G6. =&&BS:$A:#D =7 SA! &#S 1 A 3. :AS3.........H $#:$=#<# BS#$=76O O7 6=#&DS 6$O! :+# BS$ $6A6=&#. BS# :+# )&A)O!!A7D DS BS$ $6 KA&& OB: B:>KOB:6=&#? 6=&#>&=48C$GS&: 6?. &=4 =S GOB$ OW7 :#S:A&=4$A$G. :+# $O%$A! O7&G BS#S 2 6=#&DS :O A<O=D )O76BS=O7. =7 :+=S $O%$A! :+# :#S:A&=4$A$G =S 5 +&=4.
10 0
D=S)&A=!#$...H :+# DA:A $#:$=#<#D A7D :+# )O!4=7A:=O7 O6 6=#&DS =S )O! &#:#&G 7O7S#7S# A7D =7:#7D#D O7&G :O =&&BA S:$A:# :+# BS# O6 :+=S )O!!A7D. )$#A:# 4#::#$ #PA A! &#S O7 GOB$ OW7 JJ )$#A:# A 6=&# =7 GOB$ :#S:&=4$A$G )A&&#D 4$B%. :+=S =S :+# 6=&# :+A: $#)=#<#S OB: B:ADA:A 6$O! :+# O 7C$G6. OB: B:.......H D4A6=&#H 4$B% 6=#&DSH B B $6 10 A
a(e 98 of 250
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
8K :+# <A$ P +#& S :O &#A<# :+# &=4$A$GA&=S: B7)+A7%#D K8 8K W+#7 :+# $O%$A! +AS 6=7=S+#D $O)#SS=7%. ADD&=4&# &=4>5 +&=4? !O7!S% !S%=D>) 62103? #P#)>)+%<A$ <A$>DP? <A&B#>;P;?? K8 K8
As400 Stuff 8K $=) <A$. D7$ =S )O7<#$:#D :O )+A$. D7$A&6 8K BS#D =7 SA! &# 3. )+%<A$ K8 K8
<A$>D7$A&6? <A&B#>D7$? K8
)O7D>D=703 L ;1;? :+#7>%O:O )!D&4&>#7D?? )O7D>D#P L 1? :+#7>%O:O )!D&4&>O7#?? )O7D>D#P L 2? :+#7>%O:O )!D&4&>:WO?? )O7D>D#P L 3? :+#7>%O:O )!D&4&>:+$##??
As400 Stuff C$GS&:>; U >B B $6 K#C ;;; K)A: DBS#$ K)A: ;;;? U KA7D U >B B=D K#C 331? U ;? U O 7=D>4$B%? %O:O )!D&4&>OB:?
8KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK8 8K SA! &# :+$##H )+A$ <A$=A4&# O% 7B! <A$=A4&#. 8K 8K D=%=:S =S A O 7C$G6 3#GWO$D :+A: )O7<#$:S A 6=#&D 6$O! 7B!#$=) :O A&6A >)+A$.? K8 K8 K8
C$GS&:>; U >B B $6 K#C ;;; K)A: DBS#$ K)A: ;;;? U KA7D U >OD=%=:S>B B=D? K#C ;;; K)A: D7$A&6 K)A: ;;;? U ;? U O 7=D>4$B%? %O:O )!D&4&>OB:?
As400 Stuff !4$O :>KADD? )&O6 D&:O<$ %O:O O 7=D>4$B%? 6=&#>KA&&? )!D&4&>)+O=S#? K8
8K &=4$A$GA&=S: =S $#S:O$#D #7DH =6 $)&$S) $#:B$7 #7D %! D=S &AGA6=&#H A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A $O! : $ 60 )603>03 ;Afslut;? 1 -2:=!# 1 -3;:i,eH;
DS S=M>24 10 KDS3?
1 30;$etrie'e user and id; DS A:$>+=? 2 -2DA:# #D:)D#>G? 2 -3;DateH; 4 12;Bser na,e . . . . . H; DS A:$>+=? 1A = 24 4DS A:$>7D? 24 -;#nterL$un )O&O$>4&B? a(e 102 of 250 63L#0it;
As400 Stuff A A A A A A A A A A A +GS=)A& 6=&# 4$B%H KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK K +GS=)A& 6=&# 4$B% :O +O&D S#&#):#D $#)O$DS =7 O 7C$G6 #P 7$ BS#$ 10A = 4 3* - 12;Bser id . . . . . . H; DS A:$>+=? 10S 0= - 3*)+#)3>6#? )+#)3>$M? 1 12;Sa,/le . . . . . . H; DS A:$>+=? 10 1;1 L )+A$ )O7S:A7: o( 7B! )O7S:A7:; 11 1;2 L )+A$ <A$=A4&# o( 7B! )O7S:A7:; 1S 0= 1 3*$A7%#>1 3? 12 1;3 L )+A$ <A$=A4&# o( 7B! <A$=A4&#;
K\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ = ho/e this will hel/ you understandin( so,e of the basics in O 7C$G6. +owe'er there is a s,all thin( usually wra//ed in /lastic or hidden on a )D called a ,anual. :his could be a (reat hel/ but so,eti,es 'ery hard to understand and with a(e 103 of 250
As400 Stuff so,e stu/id e0a,/les that don;t wor9. !y sa,/les can be ty/ed in on your AS8400 and it wor9s. Don;t hesitate to send a ,ail if you want ,ore hel/ or want to discuss so,e of the abo'e ,entioned to/ics. 4$ 5 + and %&. +ere are so,e reference sitesH Database /ro(ra,,ers (uide htt/H88/ublib.boulder.ib,.co,8iseries8'*r28ic22248info8db/8rbafo,, htt/H88/ublib.boulder.ib,.co,8iseries8'*r28ic22248info8db/8rbafo,,_+D$O 7C6 htt/H88www.(,8Silicon<alley8+ills8--328o/,l 5. ()8;+? E2a01le &tt1@::1u!li!.!oulder.i!0.co0:&t0l:as400:-4r5:ic2979:info:d!2:r!afo0st1 40.&t0M/eaderN199 >E6>)7 data@ #! 7O 1 2 #! 7A!# A(nie A,udha #! +O7#
1"234"*-. 3"4*-".12
7or0at of ()8;+?+E6 7ote that it contains the fields of :#S: 6 as well as :#S: 61 #! 7B! #! 7A! #! +O7# #! ADD$
As400 Stuff 6/9=#E6/:>E6>),*6:>6>()8;+?7 ro(ra, to test O 7C$G6 co,,and %! 8K :o select the records /resent in :#S: 6 D :#S: 61 and co/y that to a new file >which contains all the fields of :#S: 6 and :#S: 61 K8 O 7C$G6 6=&#>>S+A=&#S+8:#S: 6? >S+A=&#S+8:#S: 61?? U
6O$!A:>S+A=&#S+8O 7C$G$#S? U 56&D>>:#S: 68#! 7O :#S: 618#! 7B! K#C?? U 5D6:<A&>K7O? ) G6$!C$G6 6$O!O 7=D>:#S: 6? :O6=&#>S+A=&#S+8O 7C$G$#S? U !4$O :>K$# &A)#? )$:6=&#>KG#S? 6!:O :>K7O)+3? )&O6 O 7=D>:#S: 6?
8K :o select the records /resent in :#S: 6 D not /resent in :#S: 61 K8 O 7C$G6 6=&#>>S+A=&#S+8:#S: 6? >S+A=&#S+8:#S: 61?? U
6O$!A:>S+A=&#S+8:#S: 6? U 56&D>>:#S: 68#! 7O :#S: 618#! 7B!?? U 5D6:<A&>KO7&GD6:? ) G6$!C$G6 6$O!O 7=D>:#S: 6? :O6=&#>C:#! 8$#SB&:? U !4$O :>K$# &A)#? )$:6=&#>KG#S? 6!:O :>K7O)+3? )&O6 O 7=D>:#S: 6?
8K :o select the records /resent in :#S: 61 D not /resent in :#S: 6 K8 O 7C$G6 6=&#>>S+A=&#S+8:#S: 61? >S+A=&#S+8:#S: 6?? U
6O$!A:>S+A=&#S+8:#S: 61? U 56&D>>:#S: 618#! 7B! :#S: 68#! 7O?? U 5D6:<A&>KO7&GD6:? ) G6$!C$G6 6$O!O 7=D>:#S: 61? :O6=&#>C:#! 8$#SB&:1? U !4$O :>K$# &A)#? )$:6=&#>KG#S? 6!:O :>K7O)+3? a(e 105 of 250
As400 Stuff )&O6 #7D %! 6;#+),#E 6. 6;#+),#E E2a01le D %!#! 7A!# D #! =D S S S 2*A *S 0 =7M>00003? &=3#> %!#! 7A!#? O 7=D>:#S: 61?
)U =7S#$: =7:O S+A=&#S+8:#S: 6 <A&B#S>00003" ;<arun;? )8#7DA#P#) )8#P#) SC& )U S#&#): #! 7A!# =7:O H %!#! 7A!# 6$O! S+A=&#S+8:#S: 6 )U W+#$# #! 7O L H#! =D )8#7DA#P#) )8#P#) SC& )U B DA:# S+A=&#S+8:#S: 6 S#: #! 7A!# L ;A%7=#; )U W+#$# #! 7A!# L ;A%7=; )8#P#) SC& )U D#&#:# 6$O! S+A=&#S+8:#S: 6 W+#$# #! 7O L 00003 )8#7DA#P#) ) ) #<A& #<A& 7. 6;# .ursor@ We ha'e $ % /ro(ra,s that use SC& cursors to seEuentially retrie'e data. =f a /ro(ra, cancels and = call it a(ain" the /ro(ra, resu,es /rocessin( a cursor where a(e 106 of 250 :S:#! 7A!# L %!#! 7A!# K=7&$ L KO7
As400 Stuff it left off. = ha'e to si(n off and bac9 on in order to restart fro, the to/. Why doesn;t the /ro(ra, start o'er fro, the be(innin( of the returned data set? :he beha'ior you;re witnessin( co,es fro, three contributin( factors. 6irst" your /ro(ra, was co,/iled to close the cursor when the acti'ation (rou/ is destroyed. Second" your /ro(ra, is runnin( in the default acti'ation (rou/. :hird" you are not chec9in( the o/en of the cursor to deter,ine whether it succeeds or fails. 6ortunately" this is an easy /roble, to fi0. &et;s loo9 at a /ro(ra, li9e the ones &ynne is tal9in( about. 6Esys/rt o f 132 /rinter 6 D F=n/ut ds inF D F)ust7u,ber -/ 0 D F&ast7a,e 1a D F=nitials 3a D F4alanceDue ./ 2 D F)reditDue ./ 2 D $atio s 3/ 0
8free e0ec sEl declare c1 cursor for S#&#): cusnu," lstna," init" baldue" cdtdue 6$O! Eiws8Ecustcdt O$D#$ 4G 1X e0ec sEl o/en c1X dow ;1;X e0ec sEl fetch c1 into HF=n/utX if sElstt [L ;02000;X lea'eX endifX e'al>h? $atio L F)reditDue 8 F4alanceDue K 100X e0ce/t /lineX enddoX Kinlr L KonX 8endAfree OEsys/rt e /line 1 a(e 107 of 250
As400 Stuff O F)ust7u,ber O F&ast7a,e U 1 O F=nitials U 1 O F)reditDue j U 1 O F4alanceDue j U 1 O $atio j U 1 7otice the e'al within the doAwhile loo/. =;'e included this line of code in order to ,a9e the /ro(ra, cancel. +ere;s the result set fro, runnin( the Euery. :his is the data that the /ro(ra, reads as in/ut. )BS7B! &S:7A! =7=: 4A&DB# )D:DB# 12213. &ee 6& 412.*0 .*0 312*.2 Ste'ens 3 & *1..* 1.*0 3221*2 <ine SS 432.00 .00 32.2-. :yron W# .00 .00 4.*231 Doe 5W 2*0.00 100.00 *13220 Abraha, ! : *00.00 .00 *23022 Willia,s # D 2*.00 .00 -23122 :ho,as A 7 .00 .00 132213 5ones 4D 100.00 .00 14-213 Alison 5 S 10.00 .00 2314.2 +ennin( % 3 3..00 .00 23141* 5ohnson 5 A 3"21..*0 33.*0 :he first ti,e = call the /ro(ra," = (et the followin( out/ut" followed by esca/e ,essa(e !)+1211" which tells ,e that the /ro(ra, atte,/ted to di'ide by Fero. 12213. &ee 6& .*0 412.*0 0 312*.2 Ste'ens 3 & 1.*0 *1..* 3 3221*2 <ine SS .00 432.00 0 :he second ti,e = call the /ro(ra," = (et the followin( out/ut before = (et another !)+1211. 4.*231 Doe 5 W 100.00 2*0.00 40 *13220 Abraha, ! : .00 *00.00 0 *23022 Willia,s # D .00 2*.00 0 7otice that the second run of the /ro(ra, did not be(in with the first record of the result set. :he /ro(ra, was co,/iled to close the cursor when the acti'ation (rou/ is destroyed. :he syste, destroys na,ed acti'ation (rou/s when the last /ro(ra, in the acti'ation (rou/ ends. +owe'er" the default acti'ation (rou/" which is intended for use only with O ! /ro(ra,s" is destroyed only when the job ends. :herefore" the cursor re,ained o/en between in'ocations. =f = had chec9ed the SC& status 'ariable" SC&S::" after the o/en durin( the first call" = would ha'e found that SC&S:: contained a 'alue of fi'e Feros" ,eanin( that the o/en succeeded. 4ut SC&S:: would ha'e had a 'alue of 24*02 after the o/en in the second call" ,eanin( that the cursor was already o/en in the acti'ation (rou/. a(e 108 of 250
As400 Stuff So" how do = fi0 the /roble,? :he si,/lest fi0 is to chan(e the /ro(ra, so that it closes the cursor when the ,odule ends. = do that by addin( the followin( code to the to/ of the calcs in the $ % /ro(ra,. e0ec sEl set o/tion closElcsrLKend,odX Gou should also consider runnin( the /ro(ra, in a na,ed acti'ation (rou/. Gou can easily do this by addin( an + s/ec to the /ro(ra,. + dftact(r/>Kno? act(r/>??????? =;ll lea'e it to you to thin9 about what acti'ation (rou/ na,e you should re/lace the Euestions ,ar9s with. =f an $ % /ro(ra, is a standalone a//lication" you can use K7#W. Also" = encoura(e you to chec9 the status of the o/en and to end the /ro(ra, (racefully if it has a 'alue (reater than or eEual to 02000. e0ec sEl o/en c1X if sElstt [L ;02000;X 88 do so,ethin( to handle the failed o/en 8. 6a01le i0!edded 6;#+),#E 1rogra0 Sa,/le i,bedded" or e,bedded" SC&$ %&# /ro(ra,H + Act%r/>K)A&&#$? + DftAct%r/>K7O? D O/en)ursor D 6etch)ursor D )lose)ursor D !y&ib D !y6ile 8free KinlrLKonX if not O/en)ursor>?X 88 /erfor, error routine to alert the troo/s 88 ... s s $ $ $ 10a 10a n n n
As400 Stuff #lseX Dow 6etch)ursor>?X 88 /uttin( the fetchcursor on the do loo/ allows the user of 88 iter" and thus iter will not /erfor, an infinite loo/ 88 nor,al /rocessin( here... #ndDoX )lose)ursor>?X #nd=fX returnX 8endAfree O/en)ursor D O/en)ursor D $eturn<ar )8#P#) SC& )U Set O/tion )U )U )U )U )U )U 7a,in( )o,,it Bsr rf L KSys" L K7one" L KBser" s 4 = n li9e>$eturn<ar?
)loSEl)sr L K#nd!od
)8#7DA#P#) )8#P#) SC& )U Declare )1 cursor for )U Select Syste,\:able\Sche,a as library" a(e 110 of 250
)U fro, Esys28systables )8#7DA#P#) )8#P#) SC& )U O/en )1 )8#7DA#P#) 8free SelectX When SElSttL;00000;X return KonX OtherX return KoffX #ndSlX 8endAfree O/en)ursor 8eject 6etch)ursor D 6etch)ursor D $eturn<ar )8#P#) SC& )U 6etch )1 into H!y&ib" H!y6ile )8#7DA#P#) 8free SelectX When sElsttL;00000;X a(e 111 of 250 s 4 = n li9e>$eturn<ar? #
As400 Stuff 88 row was recei'ed" nor,al $eturn<arLKonX When sElsttL;02000;X 88 sa,e as Oeof" sooner or later this is nor,al $eturn<arLKoffX OtherX 88 alert the troo/sJ $eturn<arLKoffX #ndSlX return $eturn<arX 8endAfree 6etch)ursor 8eject )lose)ursor D )lose)ursor D $eturn<ar )8#P#) SC& )U )lose )1 )8#7DA#P#) 8free SelectX When sElsttL;00000;X 88 cursor was closed" nor,al $eturn<arLKonX OtherX a(e 112 of 250 s 4 = n li9e>$eturn<ar? #
As400 Stuff 88 alert the troo/sJ $eturn<arLKoffX #ndSlX return $eturn<arX 8endAfree )lose)ursor 9. E0!edded 6;#@ =nte(ration of sEl in traditional sEl r/( a//lication. 6tatic@ SC& state,ent defined when /ro(ra, is co,/iled. 6iles and fields are established before /ro(ra, e0ecutes. SC& reAco,/ilation ta9es /lace. yna0ic@ SC& state,ent defined durin( /ro(ra, e0ecution. 6iles and fields are not established before /ro(ra, e0ecutes. 7o SC& reAco,/ilation ta9es /lace. 5ournal 1. %&at is t&e $ournal" Any chan(es in 6 will be recorded. A journal is an object of ty/e K5$7 which detects and records that cause a 6 to chan(e. :he infor,ation recorded by the journal is stored in an object K5$7$)< called journal recei'er. 2. %&at are t&e -arious ste1s creating $ournal" :he ste/s to start journalin( )reate a journal recei'er A )$:5$7$)< )reate a journal A )$:5$7 Start journalin( of a 6 A S:$5$7 6 4ac9u/ the 6 A SA<O45 :he ste/s to end journalin( #nd journalin( a 6 A#7D5$7 6 Delete a journal AD&:5$7 Delete the last journal recei'er AD&:5$7$)< Sa'e journal recei'ers ASA<O45 :he co,,ands used for house9ee/in( /ur/oses a(e 113 of 250
As400 Stuff )han(e journal A)+%5$7 Sa'e object ASA<O45 Delete a journal recei'er AD&:5$7$)< :he co,,ands used in case of a failure are Dis/lay journal entries ADS 5$7 A//ly journal chan(es AA G5$7)+% $e,o'e journal chan(es A$!<5$7)+% $estore a sa'ed object A$S:O45 1. E21lain .o00it0ent .ontrol" :he AS8400 syste, has an inte(rated transaction reco'ery function called co,,it,ent control. )o,,it,ent control is an e0tension of the journal function on the syste,. :he records used durin( a co,/le0 transaction are loc9ed fro, other user and at the end of the transactionX the /ro(ra, issues the co00it o1eration, u/datin( the records. =f the syste, fails before the co,,it o/eration is /erfor,ed" all database chan(es are rolled !acE to the /re'ious co,,it o/eration and all the affected records are unloc9ed. .(**=>I:he transactions are u/dated in the data file. )o,,it occurs on .(**=> co,,and +(##49.3A :he transactions are 7O: u/dated in the data file. $ollbac9 occurs if there are unco,,itted transactions and on +(##49.3 co,,and. 2. .an any!ody tell '&y 5ournaling is co01ulsory !efore .o00it0ent .ontrol" )o,,it,ent ctrl is use to sa'e 8rollbac9 the (rou/ of chan(es and 5ournalin( is use to sa'e the chan(ed records in 5ournal recei'er. 3. .o00it0ent control =01le0entation and controlling co00it0ent control fro0 e2ternal 1rogra0. 1. )$:5$7$)< 2. )$:5$7 3. S:$5$7 4. S:$)!:):& >in )& /ro(ra,? *. Declare file with 9eyword )O!!=: and in /ro(ra, use )o,,it and $ollbac9 based on /rocessin( lo(ic >i.e. after successful e0ecution use )o,,it and when in'o9ed e0ce/tion handlin( then use rollbac9?. -. #7D)!:):& ata 9reas, ;ueues, 9rrays K 6tructures@ a(e 114 of 250
As400 Stuff 1. %&at is t&e data area" A data area is an object used to store data for access by any job runnin( on the syste,. =t is /er,anent stora(e. A data area can be used whene'er you need to store infor,ation of li,ited siFe" inde/endent of the e0istence of the /ro(ra,s or files. :y/ical uses of data areas areH :o /ro'ide an area to /ass infor,ation within job. :o /ro'ide a field that is easily and freEuently chan(ed to control references within a job such as su//lyin( the ne0t chec9 nu,ber. :o /ro'ide a constant field for use in se'eral jobs" such as ta0 rate :o /ro'ide li,ited access to a lar(e /rocess that reEuires the data area. A data area can be loc9ed to a sin(le user" thus /re'entin( other users fro, /rocessin( at the sa,e ti,e. :o create a (eneral data area use the co,,and >)$:D:AA$A? :o retrie'e 'alues fro, data area use >$:<D:AA$A? :o chan(e this 'alue" use >)+%D:AA$A? :o dis/lay the current 'alue" use >DS D:AA$A? :o delete a data area use >D&:D:AA$A? :y/e of data area created by the syste, &ocal data area %rou/ data area ro(ra, initialiFation /ara,eter > = ? data area S3A7DASA!O8$ %=&# DA$#A KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0001.00 DS 0002.00 D% 0003.00 ) 0004.00 ) 000*.00 ) 000-.00 ) 000..00 ) 0001.00 ) S S S KD:AA$A K&O)3 10A 10A =7M >;= +A:# GOB;? D#6=7# =7 #<A& OB: DS &G S#:O7 a(e 115 of 250 &$ S SL% S DA:A1 S
As400 Stuff KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #nd of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK OB: B: DS &G = +A:# GOB AB:O 7B!4#$ %#7#$A:=O7 S3A7DASA!S8:#S: :#S:#P12 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0001.00 DA 0002.00 ) 0003.00 ) 0004.00 ) 000*.00 ) 000-.00 ) 000..00 ) A S KD:AA$A K&O)3 4S 0 D#6=7# =7 #<A& OB: DS &G S#:O7 &$ A ALAU1 A DA:A2 A
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #nd of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK OB: B: DS &G DS &G 2. * efine # 9, , 9, and )=)" &O)A& DA:A A$#A >&DA? A local data area is created for each job in the syste, auto,atically" when you sub,it a job. Only one &DA can be created by sub,ittin( a job. :he syste, create a local data area" which is initially filled with blan9s" with a len(th of 1024 and ty/e *./9+. When you sub,it a job usin( S4!5O4 co,,and" the 'alue of the sub,ittin( job@s local data area is co/ied into the sub,itted job@s local data area. Gou can refer to your job@s local data area by s/ecifyin( K&DA for the D:AA$A 9eyword on the )+%D:AA$A" $:<D:AA$A" and a(e 116 of 250
As400 Stuff DS D:AA$A co,,ands or K&DA for the sub strin( builtAin function >OSS:? :he followin( is true of a local data areaH :he local data area cannot be referred to fro, any other job. Gou cannot create" delete or allocate a local data area. We can to chan(e the contents of &DA by the by usin( )+%D:AA$A co,,and. 7o library is associated with the local data area. A))#SS=7% &DAH )+%<A$ <A$ >OSS: >K&DA 3 *?? <A&B#>123? O$ )+%D:AA$A D:AA$A >K&DA >3 *?? <A&B#>123? )+%<A$ <A$ >D$O&7O? <A&B# >OSS: >K&DA 3 *?? O$ $:<D:AA$A D:AA$A >K&DA >3 *?? $:7<A$ >D$O&7O? %$OB DA:A A$#A >%DA? :he syste, creates a (rou/ data area when an interacti'e job beco,es a (rou/ job. Only one (rou/ data area can e0ist for a (rou/. :he (rou/ data area is deleted when the last job in the (rou/ is ended" or when the job is no lon(er /art of the (rou/ job. A (rou/ data area" which is initially filled with blan9s" has a len(th of *12 and ty/e K)+A$. :he followin( is true for a (rou/ data area Gou cannot use the (rou/ data area as a substitute for a character 'ariable on the sub strin( builtAin function. A (rou/ data area cannot be referred by jobs outside the (rou/. Gou cannot create" delete" or allocate a (rou/ data area 7o library is associated with a (rou/ data area. #0a,/le )+%D:AA$A D:AA$A >K%DA? <A&B# >RD#)#!4#$ 122-@? $:<D:AA$A D:AA$A >K%DA? $:7<A$ >D%$ A$A? $O%$A! =7=:=A&=MA:=O7 A$A!#:#$ C)=)? DA:A A$#A A = data area is created for each /reAstarted job when the job is started. :he object subAty/e of the DA is different than a re(ular data area. :he = can only be referred to by the s/ecial 'alue na,e K DA. a(e 117 of 250
As400 Stuff :he siFe of the DA is 2000 bytes but the nu,ber of /ara,eter contained in it is not restricted. 2. %&at is t&e data Lueue" =t is a te,/orary stora(e. We can able to store and retrie'e the data" but once data is retrie'ed the data is lost. 6irst create the data Eueue by usin( )$:D:AA$A co,,and Sendin( a ,essa(e to a data Eueue >CS7DD:AC" C$)<D:AC" And )&$D:AC? Data Euery is nothin( but a Eueue in which are /ro(ra, can send a data and other /ro(ra, or the sa,e /ro(ra, can recei'e the /ro(ra,. CS7DD:AC is stored in CSGS. 2. E21lain ;68 >9; and ;+.G >9;" CS7DD:AC 4y usin( this co,,and sent data sa,e 8 another /ro(ra,. CS7DD:AC A$! >CB#B# 7A!# &=4 D DDA:? C$)<D:AC 4y usin( this co,,and recei'e data sa,e 8another /ro(ra, C$)<D:AC A$! >CB#B# 7A!# &=4 D DDA: DWA=:? 2. %&at are t&e 0andatory 1ara0eters for declaring a CB#B# 7A!# &=4 7A!# %:+ DA:A WA=: 2. %&at is t&e co00and to create 0enu" )$:!7B I )reate !enu 3. %&at is t&e difference !et'een .9## and >ransfer .ontrol C>7+.>#D" )A&& :6$):& 1.)all will transfer the control accordin( with the )A&& S:A)3 2. :he )A&& is used to different ty/es of /ro(ra,s. #0H $ %=⃐" )&8400" )8400" )O4O&8400. :ransfer )ontrol >:6$):&? will re,o'e the )A&& S:A)3 and transfer the control to the callin( /ro(ra,. :6$):& is only used in )& /ro(ra,s. ata Lueue"
As400 Stuff 4. E21lain *ulti i0ensional 9rray" :he ,ulti di,ension data structure array will be i,/le,ented in occur class. :he si,ilar ele,ents of sa,e data ty/e and sa,e attributes siFe re/eatin( ,any ti,es this ti,e usin( Occur o/code. )an only be used with a ,ulti/le occurrence data structure" allow you to s/ecify which occurrence of data structure is used for subseEuent o/eration within the /ro(ra,s. 2. efine data structure and ty1es of data structure" :he different ty/es of fields and sub fields are stored in a sin(le area. :his area in stora(e is called data structure. Data structure ,eans /ro(ra, allows you to define an area in stora(e and the layout of the fields" called sub fields" with the area. :his area in stora(e is called a data structure. ata structure can !e used for %rou/ nonAconti(uous data into conti(uous internal stora(e locations Define the sa,e internal area ,ulti/le ti,es usin( different data for,ats. O/erate on a field and chan(e its contents Di'ide a field into sub fields without usin( the !O<# or !O<#& Define a data structure and its sub fields in the sa,e way a record is defined. Define ,ulti/le occurrences of a set of data :here are four different ty/es of data structure co,,only used. %eneral data structure Data area data structure 6ile infor,ation data structure ro(ra, status data structure Data structure can be s/ecified in D s/ec :y/e = DS ata structure na0e = ,lobally initialiFed data structure 6II)ro(ra, status data structure <II ata area data structure 4lanEs],eneral >or? 7ile status data structure ata area data structure A data area data structure" identified by a < in /osition 11 of the data structure state,ent" indicates to the $ %&# /ro(ra, that if should read in and loc9 the data area of the sa,e na,e at /ro(ra, at /ro(ra, initialiFation and should write out and unloc9 the sa,e data area at end of the /ro(ra,.
As400 Stuff :he data area and data area structure ,ust ha'e the sa,e na,e unless you rena,e the data within the /ro(ra, by usin( the K7A!<A$ D#6=7# state,ent. 7ile infor0ation data structure A file infor,ation data structure /ro'ides you with status infor,ation on file e0ce/tion 8error occurs. :his data structure na,e ,ust be uniEue for each file. =t consists of /re defined sub fields that /ro'ide infor,ation on the file e0ce/tion8error that occurred. )rogra0 status data structure :his data structure is identified by as S in /osition 11 of the data structure state,ent" /ro'ides /ro(ra, e0ce/tion8error infor,ation to the /ro(ra,. :he K$OB:=7#" KS:A:BS" K A$! 9eywords ,ostly /referred to deter,ine the S DS. #0a,/le S3A7DASA!O8DA:AS:$ DB! KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0001.00 +D#4B% >KG#S? 0002.00 D SS$ 0004.00 DS:A:BS 000*.00 D$OB:=7# 000*.01 D A$!S 000*.02 D$#S 000..00 ) 000..01 ) 0010.00 ) 0011.00 ) 0012.00 ) 0013.00 ) 0014.00 ) 001*.00 ) K SS$ S MAADD MAADD #<A& ;7O:)O!; A ;)O!=7%; :A% DS &G &$ 1 0 SDS Kstatus Kroutine K/ar,s 2S 0 7B!1 7B!2 20 20
As400 Stuff 001-.00 ) 001..00 ) 0011.00 ) 0012.00 ) 0020.00 ) 0021.00 ) S:A:BS $OB:=7# A$!S DS &G DS &G DS &G DB! %O:O #7DS$ A
DS &G )O!=7% 2. /o' do = declare an array 'it& a dyna0ic nu0!er of ele0ents" =n $ % =<" the new ><3 $.? A&&O)" $#A&&O) and D#A&&O) o/eration codes can be used to allocate ,e,ory. :his ,eans that at run ti,e" you can (o out to the syste, and as9 it to assi(n stora(e to the /ro(ra, that was not allocated to the /ro(ra, when it was e'o9ed. :hese o/eration codes can be used to allocate ,e,ory u/ to 1-!4. :he allocation can be assi(ned to a /ointer 'ariable. =n $ % =<" /ointers ha'e the dataAty/e of asteris9 >K?. All that is needed is to allocate ,e,ory to a /ointer that is used with the 4AS#D 9eyword of the desired dyna,ic array. :he e0a,/le that follows illustrates this techniEueH .....D7a,eUUUUUUUUUUU#BDS.......&en(thU:Dc.6unctionsUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUU D DynoArr S . 0 Di,>10000? based> /DynoArr? D nSiFe S 10i 0 .....)S$n01..............O/)ode>e0?#0tendedAfactor2UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ) #'al nsiFe L OsiFe>DinoArr? K -4 .....)S$n016actor1UUUUUUUO/)ode>e0?6actor2UUUUUUU$esultUUUUUUU U&enUUDc+i&o#E ) Alloc nSiFe /DynoArr KK We now ha'e enou(h stora(e allocated for -4 ele,ents. a(e 121 of 250
As400 Stuff ) #'al nsiFe L OsiFe>DinoArr? K .0 ) $eAlloc nSiFe /DynoArr KK We ha'e chan(ed the allocation to enou(h stora(e for .0 ele,ents )K ... code to use the array (oes here... ) Dealloc>7? /DynoArr KK We ha'e just returned the stora(e to the syste,. :o increase or decrease the nu,ber of ele,ents in the dyna,ic array" use the $#A&&O) o/eration code. Si,/ly chan(e the nu,ber of bytes that need to be allocated" and call $#A&&O) with the new siFe in 6actor 2 and the ori(inal /ointer 'ariable in the $esult field. $#A&&O) allocates new stora(e of the siFe s/ecified" and co/ies the ori(inal data to that new location. :hen it frees >NdeallocatesN? the ori(inal stora(e. =! O$:A7:H Always re,e,ber to D#A&&O) anythin( you A&&O). :hat is always free u/ ,e,ory that you ha'e allocated otherwise ,e,ory lea9s will be created. =f you are not on <3 $." you can still use dyna,ic ,e,ory by callin( one of the syste, A =s or lin9in( into the C)2&# bindin( directory and callin( the ) runti,e !A&&O) and D#A&&O) functions.
3. ata structure array !asics =t;s all /retty strai(htforward. =f 1$DS is a data structure array of 10 ele,ents" then 1$DS)0* will access the fifth ele,ent of that data structure array. 4ut how do you access the subfields? :hat reEuires a bit ,ore discussion. When you define a data structure array" you not only use the i0 9eyword" but you ,ust also s/ecify the Lualified 9eyword. :he ;ualified 9eyword was introduced in <*$1" and it allows you to s/ecify the na,e of a data structure subfield Eualified by the na,e of the data structure. 6or e0a,/le" if data structure 1$DS is defined with the Lualified 9eyword and it contains a subfield na,ed Sub!ield%" then you would use the followin( notation to access the subfieldH !yDS.Subfield1 =f data structure 1$DS is also defined with the i0 9eyword" then so,ethin( li9e the followin( notation is used to access subfields in a s/ecific ele,entH !yDS>*?.Subfield1 =n this e0a,/le" you would be accessin( the subfield na,ed Sub!ield% in the fifth ele,ent in the data structure array 1$DS. 8) .lear u1 t&e confusion o-er 0ulti1leIoccurrence data structures o'er the /ast few ,onths = ha'e detected a hint of confusion about
a(e 122 of 250
As400 Stuff
,ulti/leAoccurrence data structures with re(ard to data structure arrays. While the two ha'e so,e dissi,ilarities" data structure arrays are essentially and technically the sa,e as ,ulti/leAoccurrence data structures. !ore /recisely" ,ulti/leAoccurrence data structures are" and 2ave al3a$s been" data structure arraysX they were just i,/le,ented /oorly and (i'en a (oofy =4! na,e. Of course" this was the result of the si0Acharacter li,it on field na,es and on the esult 'ield colu,n. Bnder the co'ers" data structure arrays and ,ulti/leAoccurrence data structures are i,/le,ented al,ost identically. Gou see" a data structure is a hi(hAle'el lan(ua(e >+&&? constructX there is no such thin( as a data structure down at the ,achine interface >!=? le'el. :hat ,eans all data structures ,ust be i,/le,ented in a si,ulated fashion" re(ardless if they are si,/le data structures" ,ulti/leA occurrence data structures or data structure arrays. =nterestin(ly" the != lan(ua(e does contain arrays AA and fairly so/histicated ones at that. So" once a data structure is defined at the != le'el" ,a9in( it into an array is fairly strai(htforward. :han9fully" we >i.e." the $ % lan(ua(e? ha'e e'ol'ed to where we can actually call data structure arrays NarraysN instead of N,ulti/leAoccurrences.N Bnfortunately" ,ost" if not all" of the docu,entation has not. = ha'e yet to find one definiti'e state,ent that e0/lains" for e0a,/le" that ,ulti/leA occurrence data structures are often interchan(eable with data structure arrays" such as when /assed as /ara,eters. Arrays >this includes ,ulti/leAoccurrence data structures because re,e,ber" they are arrays? are stored in one chun9 of conti(uous stora(e. :here are no e0tra s/aces in between the indi'idual ele,ents of the array unless you s/ecify ali(n,entX that is" the co,/iler will not add any e0tra s/ace that you don;t as9 for. :herefore" in stora(e" a ,ulti/leAoccurrence data structure loo9s e0actly li9e a data structure array. Another (ood e0a,/le of the docu,entation bein( out of date is the S4L e!erence. =n the N=&# $ %"N it discusses usin( ,ulti/leAoccurrence data structures for ,ulti/leArecord fetches. +owe'er" it ,a9es no ,ention of usin( data structure arrays as an alternati'e" ne'er ,ind that usin( data structure arrays is actually a better alternati'e. 9l'ays use data structure arrays if you are in char(e of settin( /ro(ra,,in( /ractices and standards in your sho/" you should insist that data structure arrays are used instead of ,ulti/leAoccurrence data structures whene'er /ossible. :hey are ,uch si,/ler to code" and they are ,uch less /rone to bu(s. N)&#A$N ad'anta(e o'er resettin( wor9 fields
a(e 123 of 250
As400 Stuff
Bse the N)&#A$N o/eration code to clear the fields in a sin(leAoccurrence data structure or ,ulti/leAoccurrence data structures. ass lar(er a,ounts of data between /ro(ra,s when usin( se/arate /ro(ra,s to retrie'e and dis/lay data" use arrays or ,ulti/leAoccurrence data structures to /ass bac9 lar(er a,ounts of data strin(s. 5. ata area, ata ;ueue and *essage ;ueue@ Data area siFe is defined while creation and if the data of the sa,e siFe is /ut on the data area the /re'ious data would (et o'erwritten. 6or e0a,/le we ha'e a data area of siFe *12. 6irst ti,e you ha'e ,o'ed the 'alue of siFe *12. =f you try to ,o'e so,e other data of the sa,e siFe >*12? the second ti,e" then the first data would be lost since it (ets o'erwritten by the latest one. 4ut data will be /resent in the data area e'en after se'eral retrie'als. On the other hand" we define the siFe of the data the data Eueue can hold at the ti,e of creation. :he data Eueue will (row as and when new data co,es in. :he nu,ber of data in the data Eueue is not fi0ed while creation and the nu,ber of data it can hold de/end u/on the syste, s/ace. =t is just li9e the nor,al Eueue" it (rows when new data co,es in. We just set the siFe of one data and not the siFe of the data Eueue. 6or e0a,/le you ha'e created a data Eueue of siFe 100. =f you ,o'e data for the first ti,e it will be stored in the first /osition. :hen if you ,o'e the second data it will be stored in the second /osition and so on. De/endin( u/on the ,ethod >6=6O" &=6O or 9eyed? s/ecified at the ti,e of creation" for retrie'in( data the data will be fetched. After the data is retrie'ed once >'ia recei'e data Eueue co,,and? it will be lost. =t will be /resent in the data till the first retrie'al. =n the ,essa(e Eueue the ,essa(e will be /resent e'en after se'eral retrie'als. 6. ,rou1 5o!s and ,rou1 data area@ %rou/ data area is created by the syste, when an interacti'e job beco,es a (rou/ job. %rou/ job is nothin( but another job with the sa,e job na,e but with a different job nu,ber. Gou will ha'e 2 sessions in the sa,e session itself. #0a,/leH
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Assu,e that you ha'e a session with the 5obH C AD#<0001 and the 7u,berH 24-*.1 >Do a ShiftU63 to (et this infor,ation after lo((in( in?. After creatin( ,ulti/le jobs the job na,e will be the sa,e but we will ha'e different job nu,bers for each session. :ry to dis/lay the contents of K&DA and K%DA. DS D:AA$A K&DA Will dis/lay the contents of local data area 4ut DS D:AA$A K%DA will (i'e an error ,essa(e >D:AA$A>K%DA? not 'alid because job not (rou/ job? since this job is not an interacti'e job. )han(e the interacti'e job to (rou/ job >:S:%$ 5O4? li9e this. )+%%$ A %$ 5O4>:S:%$ 5O4? !S%C>K7O7#? 7ow try DS D:AA$A K%DA. =t will wor9" because the interacti'e job is now chan(ed to a (rou/ job. 7ow we ha'e one (rou/ job :S:%$ 5O4. We are creatin( another (rou/ job li9e this to e0/lore the (rou/ job conce/t. %i'e the co,,and :6$%$ 5O4 %$ 5O4>KS#&#):? and /ress #nter. :hen ress 6- to Start a new (rou/ job. %i'e the followin( details and ress #nter. %rou/ job . . . . . . . . . . . %$ :#S:2 =nitial (rou/ /ro(ra, . . . . . C)!D 7oteH =nstead of C)!D you can (i'e a /ro(ra, na,e as well. After the /ro(ra, ends the job will end and control will co,e bac9 to the /re'ious job fro, where the :6$%$ 5O4 is issued. =f you Si(noff fro, any (rou/ job session then all the jobs will be ended since si(nin( off fro, that job closes the K%DA which internally ends all the jobs /resent in that (rou/. 8ote@ =f you do it with Shift U #sc U 1 we can ha'e 2 sessions only with the sa,e job na,e. Shift U #sc U 1 will ta9e you to si(n on screen. Gou can lo(in to (o to the second session >,eanin( second job with the sa,e job na,e and a new job nu,ber?" you will be in the sa,e session e'en now. =f you si(n off fro, that session you will (o the first session >/lace where you (a'e Shift U #sc U 1? and not to the Si(n on screen I 4ut it is not a (rou/ job" we are just accessin( 2 sessions fro, the sa,e session itself and there is no /ro'ision of switchin( between the sessions. After co,/letin( the wor9 in the second session you ha'e to si(noff to co,e to the first session. =t is just an o/tion to ha'e one ,ore session inside the sa,e session rather than o/enin( a new session. :hat@s all.
As400 Stuff
4ut with (rou/ job conce/t we can ha'e u/ to 32 sessions in the sa,e session. With transfer (rou/ job co,,and we can (o to different sessions. 7. ata 6tructure 9rray and E2a01le@ DS *A *S 0 #'al #'al #'al 8. Ds\Array>1?.Ds\6ld1 L ;:#S:; Ds\Array>1?.Ds\6ld2 L 1234* K=nlr L KOn ata area and data Lueue@ Di,>2*? Cualified
ifference !et'een
ata area@ Data will not be lost after it is accessed. ata Lueue@ Data will be lost after C$)<D:AC is e0ecuted" ,eanin( data will be lost fro, the data Eueue after it is recei'ed. 9. ifference !et'een dataIstructure array and 0ulti occurrence data structure
ataIstructure array@ Subfield na,es can contain ,ore than si0 characters. *( 6@ Subfield na,es cannot contain ,ore than si0 characters. 10.+), data structure arrays i01ro-e0ent o-er 0ulti1leI occurrence data structures =n case you ha'en;t yet heard the news" the =&# $ % co,/iler now su//orts AA as of <*$2 data structure arrays. :hat is" you can now s/ecify the Di, 9eyword on the definition of a data structure to di,ension that data structure. 5ust as you can di,ension a standAalone field to create an array of that ty/e of field" you can now di,ension a data structure to create an array of that 9ind of data structure. 11..o01ile ti0e array, 1re run ti0e array run ti0e array
As400 Stuff
)o,/ile ti,e array is the array which is declared with all the actual 'alues in the /ro(ra, usin( ):DA:A re run ti,e arrayH =t is loaded fro, a colu,n of /hysical file $un ti,e arrayH 'alues are loaded in the array durin( e0ecution ti,e Gou define array on NDN S/ecification you can load data into an array at co,/ile" with 'alue entered at end of the /ro(ra, is called L )o,/ile ti,e array. Gou define array on NDN S/ecification you can load data into a array at co,/ile" with 'alue obtained fro, a 6ile is called L reA$unti,e Array Arrays can be loaded with 'alues durin( the /ro(ra, e0ecution this is called L $unti,e Array S,all correction about /re run ti,e arrayH :he file used as in/ut ,ust be a seEuential /ro(ra, described file. DB$=7% =7=:=A&=MA:=O7" 4B: 4#6O$# A7G =7 B:" )A&)B&A:=O7" O$ OB: B: O #$A:=O7S A$# $O)#SS#D the array is loaded with initial 'alues fro, the file. 4y ,odifyin( this file" you can alter the array@s initial 'alues on the ne0t call to the /ro(ra," W=:+OB: $#)O! =&=7% the /ro(ra,. 12.+877701 data structure not allo'ed =;, usin( a data structure for ,e $#AD8W$=:#8$#AD o/erations but = 9ee/ (ettin( $76..01 A Data structure not allowed. +ere;s the codeH 6W!#$&% dC d d ne0t\eid d `err 8free
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if a e e DS /r s
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set(t Khi'al w,erl(/X 88 read into a ds so as not to disturb the 88 (lobal file fields read/ w,erl( CX 88 $76..01 hereJ :he answer is that the co,/iler wants you to use &=3#$#) instead of #P:7A!#. :ry dC Ds &i9e$ec>W!#$&% H K=n/ut ? &#B'G 1. /o' to e!ug a 4atc& =#E +),"
1. )o,/ile your =&# source usin( D4%<=#W >KSOB$)#? O :=O7 >KS$)S:!:HK7OD#4B%=O? 2. +old the job Eueue where the /ro(ra, will be sub,itted 3. Sub,it the job 4. +old the sub,itted job *. $elease the jobE" and if reEuired chan(e the jobE. -. Start ser'icin( the sub,itted job usin( S:$S$<5O4 5O4 >nu,ber8user8na,e? >Start Ser'ice job?" where Nnu,berN" Nuser; and Nna,eN are attributes retrie'ed fro, the sub,itted job. .. Start the debu((er usin( S:$D4% %! >library8/ro(ra,? B D $OD >KG#S? >Start Debu(? 1. Gou are now in the dis/lay ,odule source. Don;t try to debu( or add brea9/oints. =t;s too early. :he job ,ust be acti'e before. &ea'e this screen usin( 612. 2. $elease the held job. 10. When the job is acti'ated" the start ser'ice job window co,es. Bse
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610 to enter debu( co,,and. 11. Bse DS !ODS$) >Dis/lay ,odule source? co,,and to (o bac9 to the source and add brea9/oint where'er you want" usin( 612. Bse 612 to resu,e the job" and 612 once a(ain to (o bac9 to the start ser'ice job window. 13. Bse #nter to launch the job. 14. :he /rocess brea9s at the first brea9/oint installed and (i'es you the control. 1*. Debu(....,y friend 1-. When the job is finished" you recei'e a ;5ob bein( ser'iced ended; ,essa(e. 1.. Bse #7DD4% co,,and to end debu(. 11. Bse #7DS$<5O4 to end ser'icin( 2. e!ug -alue of 1ointer"
When debu((in( =&# $ % code" to see what a /ointer is /ointin( to" you can use H0 or Hc when usin( the #<A& debu((er co,,and on the /ointer itself. :his ,eans you can debu( a /ointer;s 'alue without ha'in( an $ % 4AS#D 'ariable. :his shows the first 10 bytes that N/trN is /ointin( to" as character dataH LLL[ #<A& /trHc 10 :his shows the first 10 bytes that N/trN is /ointin( to" in he0H LLL[ #<A& /trH0 10 :his is useful when the /ointer is /ointin( to data that is not readable as character data] 3. /o' do = de!ug =#E 1rogra0s" 6>+=6 4 doesnFt 'orEO 4e sure you co,/ile your /ro(ra, with an o/tion that allows the debu((er to NseeN the sourceH D4%<=#W>K&=S:? will reEuire access to the source at runA ti,e" while D4%<=#W>K&=S:? inserts a co/y of the co,/ile listin( ri(ht into the object code" so no access to the source is needed at runAti,e.
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After that" the basic seEuence of e'ents is to S:$D4%" set the brea9/oints" hit 63 bac9 to the co,,and line and call your /ro(ra,. Detailed ste/sH 1. S:$D4% A you ,ay need to s/ecify B D $OD>KG#S?" but /lease be 'ery careful debu((in( in a /roduction en'iron,entJ 2. Set brea9/oints. osition the cursor on a line where you want a brea9/oint. ress 6-. :he debu((er will sto/ before this line is e0ecuted. Set as ,any as you need. 3. =f you are debu((in( a ser'ice /ro(ra," /ress 614 to see a screen where you can add the ser'ice /ro(ra, >KS$< %!? to the list of ,odules under debu( control. Bse o/tion * on the ,odule line to enter the source and set brea9/oints. ress 614 to (et bac9 to the ori(inal source. 4. #0it the S:$D4% session and (et bac9 to the co,,and line. *. )all your /ro(ra, the way you nor,ally wouldX fro, a ,enu or co,,and line. Gou don;t necessarily need to call the /ro(ra, under debu(X if it;s the third one in a series" you can call the first one and let the /ro(ra,s /ro(ress as nor,al. :here are a few differences between S:$=SD4 and S:$D4%H S:$=SD4 WA:)+ has no eEui'alent. WA:)+ under S:$D4% will brea9 when a watched 'ariable chan(es. Gou don;t dis/lay 'ariables with the NDN co,,andX it;s #<A& under S:$D4%. :o see a 'ariable in he0" do an e'al 'arna,eH0. Gou don;t set a 'alue with NcN" you use #<A&X e'al 'arna,e L ;O #7;. &oo9 at the hel/ for co,,ands on the co,,and line for a Euic9 reference of the a'ailable co,,ands. )hec9 the lan(ua(e reference ,anual for details of how to use the debu((er with your tar(et lan(ua(e. 1. /o' can = de!ug an =#E 1rogra0 in !atc&" 4rad Stone has a 6AC entry that addresses thisH htt/H88b',,l_$ % <sing t&e green screen de!ugger@ 1. Sub,it your /ro(ra, to batch. :he job !BS: be held. Gou can either hold the job Eueue >+&D5O4C? or hold the indi'idual job >+&D5O4? or s/ecify +O&D>KG#S? on the S4!5O4 co,,and.
2. W$3S4!5O48W$3BS$5O48W$3A):5O4 and find your sub,itted job.
As400 Stuff
with the job na,e8nu,ber. What you need is the job na,e" user =D and job nu,ber A the fully Eualified job na,e. #0a,/leH 1234*-84B)38!O7:+#7D 3. S:$S$<5O4 on the held batch job. 4. S:$D4% on your /ro(ra,. S/ecify B D $OD>KG#S? if needed. Gou;ll see the source listin( if you co,/iled with D4%<=#W>K&=S:? or KSOB$)#. *. ress 612 to e0it A you cannot set a brea9/oint yet. -. $elease the job so that it beco,es S:A:BS>KA):=<#?. .. Gou;ll see a dis/lay as9in( if you want to debu( or continue. ress 610 to debu(. 1. DS !ODS$) to see the source listin( a(ain. Alternately" /ress 610 to ste/ into the first instruction. 2. 7ow you can add your brea9/oints. 10. ress 63 until you;re bac9 to the Ndebu( or continueN dis/lay. ress #nter to run the /ro(ra, with your brea9/oints set. 11.When you;re done" do an #7DD4% and #7DS$<5O4. <sing t&e =4* istri!uted e!ugger@ 1. S4!5O4 )!D>)A&& %!>yourlib8your/(,?? 5O4C>yourlib8yourjobE? +O&D>KG#S? 2. Start your )ode debu((er fro, StartA[ ro(ra,sA[WebS/here De'elo/,ent... A[=4! Distributed Debu((erA[=4! Distributed Debu((er 3. Select the debu((er Start u/ window and 9ey into the job na,e entry field K8__________8K where __________ is your user id. 4. Gou ,ay ha'e to lo( in and s/ecify the AS8400 syste, na,e. *. Select the job that is bein( held in yourjobE. -. )lic9 the o9 /ush button. .. #nter the library and /ro(ra, na,e into the ro(ra, entry field 1. )lic9 the &oad /ush button on the debu((er Startu/ infor,ation window. A debu((er ,essa(e will a//ear tellin( you to start the /ro(ra,. 2. )lic9 O9 on the ,essa(e /ush button" e'en thou(h it tells you to start your /ro(ra, first.
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10.Switch to a *2*0 e,ulation window. 11.W$35O4C 5O4C>yourlib8yourjobE? $elease your job. 1. /o' can = de!ug an ()* 1rogra0 in !atc&" Gou can follow the ste/s in +ow can = debu( an =&# /ro(ra, in batch? And use the old >no source? debu((er S:$D4%. !i9e 4arton su((ests co,/ilin( the /ro(ra, with O :=O7 >KS$)D#4B%? and then usin( S:$D4% O !S$)>KG#S?" which should wor9 with the ste/s (i'en abo'e. S:$=SD4 won;t wor9 unless the job is runnin(" so you can;t /ut it on hold and enter your brea9 /oints. !artin $owe contributed the followin( ideaH =nsert a si,/le )& /ro(ra, into your $ % that waits for you to answer a ,essa(e. :his way" the job is runnin(" but not /rocessin( yet. >$ %400A& 24 !ay 2001? +ere is an ada/tation of his ideaH +ere;s the $ % /ro(ra, you;re tryin( to debu(H + 1 ) )A&& ;D4%WA=:; ) MAADD1 P *0 ) S#:O7 &$ =;'e inserted N)A&& ;D4%WA=:;N and reAco,/iled. +ere;s the source for D4%WA=:H /(, dcl Dre/ly Kchar 1 sndusr,s( ,s(id>) 62121? U ,s(f>C) 6!S%? U ,s(dta>; aused for debu(;? U ,s(r/y>Dre/ly? end/(, S:$=SD4 %! >4A:)+O !? B D $OD >K7O? =7< %! >K7O? S$<5O4 >KS#&#):? you@ll see a list of all acti'e jobs on your syste,. Select the one you;re tryin( to debu(. Gou;ll (et a ,essa(e sayin( that the /ro(ra, is in debu( ,ode. Answer the N/aused for debu(N ,essa(e" and the source will /o/ u/ after the call to D4%WA=:.
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As400 Stuff
2. /o' can = tell if 0y 1rogra0 is running in !atc& or interacti-e" +ere;s a /ro(ra, that uses the CBS$5O4= A =. After callin( the A =" the 5ob :y/e field >CBS5:04? will contain a 4 for batch or = for interacti'e. =f you don;t /ass the internal job na,e >don;t /ass anythin(? it will retrie'e infor,ation about the current job. DCBS=020000 DK D CBS4$01 DK D CBS4A01 DK D CBS5703 DK D CBSB703 DK D CBS574$03 DK D CBS=5=D01 DK D CBS5S0* DK D CBS5:04 DK D CBS5S0DK D CBSS7 DK D CBS$ 01 DK D CBSS =D00 DK D CBS) BB00 DK D CBSA=O$ DK D CBS=: DK D CBS$: DS Cwc 5O4=0200 44 0 4ytes $eturn * 14 0 4ytes A'ail 2 11 5ob 7a,e 12 21 Bser 7a,e 22 34 5ob 7u,ber 3* *0 =nt 5ob =D *1 -0 5ob Status -1 -1 5ob :y/e -2 -2 5ob Subty/e -3 .2 Subsys 7a,e .3 .-4 0 $un riority .. 104 0 Syste, ool =D 11 144 0 ) B Bsed 1* 114 0 Au0 =O $eEuest 12 224 0 =nteract :rans 23 2-4 0 1
a(e 133 of 250
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DK $es/onse :i,e D CBS6: 2. 2. DK 6unction :y/e D CBS671* 21 10. DK 6unction 7a,e D CBSA5S 101 111 DK Acti'e 5ob Stat D CBS7D4&W 112 11*4 0 DK 7u, D4ase &oc9 Wts D CBS7=!&W 11- 1124 0 DK 7u, =nternal !ch &c9 Wts D CBS7D4&W00 120 1234 0 DK 7u, 7on D4ase &oc9 Wts D CBS:D4&W 124 12.4 0 DK Wait :i,e D4ase &oc9 Wts D CBS:=!&W 121 1314 0 DK Wait :i,e =nternal !ch & D CBS7D4&W01 132 13*4 0 DK Wait :i,e 7on D4ase &oc9 D CBS#$<#D4* 13- 13DK $eser'ed D CBS)S =D 13. 1404 0 DK )urrent Syste, ool =D D CBS:)01 141 1444 0 DK :hread )ount DCBS#) DS 11- inF D CBS4 $< 1 44 0 inF>11-? D CBS4A<& * 14 0 inF>0? D CBS#= 2 1* D CBS#$<#D 11D CBS#D01 1. 11D D D D D D c c 6or,at7a,e S =n5ob7a,e S =nt5ob7a,e S 5ob7a,e S Outcount S $ecei'e&en S Kentry list ar, 1 =nF>;5O4=0200;? 212- =nF>;K;? * 0 10i 0 =nF>11.? =n5ob7a,e
a(e 134 of 250
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c c c
K )all the a/i to (et the infor,ation you want ) )all ;CBS$5O4=; ) ar, Cus=020000 ) ar, $ecei'e&en ) ar, 6or,at7a,e ) ar, 5ob7a,e ) ar, =nt5ob7a,e ) ar, Cus#c c #'al Kinlr L Ko
3. /o' to de!ug $o!s in *6,% 'it&out ending it"
Gou ha'e to /rocess in three ste/sH 1? %et the 7a,e8Bser87u,ber of the job in !essa(e Waitin( status. Gou can find this by the W$3A):5O4 co,,and" and then /ress * in front of the job. On the to/ of the screen" you (et those infor,ation@s. 2? Ser'ice the job with the co,,andH S:$S$<5O4 5O4>5O47A!#8BS#$87B!4#$? 3? Bse the usual co,,and S:$D4%. =,/ortant noteH Do not for(et to /ut the o/tion D4%<=#W>KA&&? when creatin( the /ro(ra, and8or the ,odule" if you want to be able to see the error inside the source code while debu((in(.
4. /o' do you do de!ugs for =#E 1rogra0s and /andle
E2ce1tions" )reate the /ro(ra, #! $ : so that you can debu( it usin( the source debu((er. :he D4%<=#W /ara,eter on either )$:47D$ % or )$:$ %!OD deter,ines what ty/e of debu( data is created durin( co,/ilation. :he /ara,eter /ro'ides si0 o/tions which allow you to select which 'iew>s? you wantH K KS:!: ] allows you to dis/lay 'ariables and set brea9/oints at state,ent locations usin( a co,/iler listin(. 7o source is dis/layed with this 'iew. K KSOB$)# ] creates a 'iew identical to your in/ut source.
As400 Stuff
K K)O G ] creates a source 'iew and a 'iew containin( the source of any 8)O G ,e,bers. K K&=S: ] creates a 'iew si,ilar to the co,/iler listin(. K KA&& ] creates all of the abo'e 'iews. K K7O7# ] no debu( data is created. :he source for #! $ : is shown in 6i(ure 21 on /a(e *4. 1. :o create the object ty/eH )$:47D$ % %! >!G&=48#! $ :? D4%<=#W >KSOB$)#? D6:A):%$ >K7O? :he /ro(ra, will be created in the library !G&=4 with the sa,e na,e as the source ,e,ber on which it is based" na,ely" #! $ :. 7ote that by default" it will run in the default na,ed acti'ation (rou/" C=&#. :his /ro(ra, object can be debu((ed usin( a source 'iew. 2. :o debu( the /ro(ra, ty/eH S:$D4% #! $ : Programming Concepts 1. ,eneral +), =G )rogra0 .ycle 6i(ure shows the s/ecific ste/s in the (eneral flow of the $ % =< /ro(ra, cycle. A /ro(ra, cycle be(ins with ste/ 1 and continues throu(h ste/ ." then be(ins a(ain with ste/ 1. :he first and last ti,e a /ro(ra, (oes throu(h the $ % =< cycle differ so,ewhat fro, the nor,al cycle. 4efore the first record is read the first ti,e throu(h the cycle" the /ro(ra, resol'es any /ara,eters /assed to it" writes the records conditioned by the 1 >first /a(e? indicator" does file and data initialiFation" and /rocesses any headin( or detail out/ut o/erations ha'in( no conditionin( indicators or all ne(ati'e conditionin( indicators. 6or e0a,/le" headin( lines /rinted before the first record is read ,i(ht consist of constant or /a(e headin( infor,ation or fields for reser'ed words" such as A%# and KDA:#. =n addition" the /ro(ra, by/asses total calculations and total out/ut ste/s on the first cycle.
As400 Stuff
Durin( the last ti,e a /ro(ra, (oes throu(h the cycle" when no ,ore records are a'ailable" the &$ >last record? indicator and &1 throu(h &2 >control le'el? indicators are set on" and file and data area cleanu/ is done. 'igure 0& PG I5 Program Logic C$cle
1 9ll headin( and detail lines >+ or D in /osition 1. of the out/ut s/ecifications? are /rocessed. 2 >&e ne0t in/ut record is read and the record identifyin( and control le'el indicators are set on. 3 >otal calculations are /rocessed. :hey are conditioned by an &1 throu(h &2 or &$ indicator" or an &0 entry. 4 9ll total out/ut lines are /rocessed >=dentified by : at /osition 1. of out/ut s/ecifications?. 5 =t is deter,ined if the &$ indicator is on. =f it is on" the /ro(ra, is ended. 6 >&e fields of the selected in/ut records are ,o'ed fro, the record to a /rocessin( area. 6ield indicators are set on. 7 9ll detail calculations are /rocessed >those not conditioned by control le'el indicators in /ositions . and 1 of the calculation s/ecifications? on the data fro, the record read at the be(innin( of the cycle.
As400 Stuff
yna0ic !inds"
Su//ose /(, A is callin( /(, 4. =n current scenario" /(, A will (et co,/iled irres/ecti'e of /(, 4 object >K/(,?" is there or not. =t will (i'e an error at runti,e" but not at co,/ile ti,e since this is a dyna,ic bind. Static bindH Su//ose /(, A is callin( /(, 4. =n current scenario" /(, A will not (et co,/iled if /(, 4 object >K/(,? not there. =t will (i'e an error at co,/ile ti,e since this is a static bind. 3. .+>48 +), K .+>+),),* )$:47D$ %H +ere the ,odule is been created internally >a te,/orary one? and the K %! is been created. )$:$ % %!H +ere the ,odule a /er,anent one is created and the K %! is been created.
4. /idden 7ields@
=n the hidden fields" the fields that are been hidden ha'e the /re'iously entered 'alues below and on 6* the 'alues /re'iously entered will be a'ailable on the field. 5. #ast state0ent of any +), 1g0 is #+" 7ot necessary. We can write the codes after S#:O7 &$ also and it will e0ecute that too. :he ,ain difference is that the /ro(ra, will end after the last line of codin( you did and will clear all the access /ath and 'ariables to blan9s or Feros. 4ut when you (i'e $#:B$7 then the /ro(ra, will not e0ecute the below codin( /art and will end as soon as the $#:B$7 is encountered" but here it will not clear the access /ath and the 'ariables. =f you run the /ro(ra, a(ain you will find the last 'alue in the 'ariable. While writin( a /ro(ra, &ast state,ent of $ % /ro(ra, need not be &$. =t is the last e0ecutable state,ent. =.e. after all /rocessin( is done &$ >&ast $ecord indicator? will be set on. 7O:#H =n a /ro(ra, that does not contain a /ri,ary fileX you can set the &$ indicator on as one ,ethod to end the /ro(ra,.
a(e 138 of 250
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&ast state,ent is $#:B$7. !eans #0it fro, /ro(ra, &$ is second last state,ent. !eans ,o'e /ointer to end of file. #0H )&OS 4#%S$ !O<# ;1; $#:B$7 #7DS$ K=7&$
&$ is (enerally set on after all /rocessin( is done i.e. at the end of the /ro(ra, but there is no hard and fast rule for that. 6. =s .onstant can !e define as a Eey field" 7o" 4ut you can (i'e a constant <alue in /hysical file field and you can s/ecify that field as a 9ey field. =n 6 A PPPPP 20 yyyyy -0 300000 <alue >N!G7A!#N?
7. %&ic& Eey'ord is used !ot& in su!file and su!file control record for0at of a 6)7" S#:O66 S#:O66 8. 03 12 ;#0it; ;)ancel;
=n =nteracti'e jobs user interaction to called job. 4ut in batch jobs user interaction not reEuired >actions ta9en by Syste,?. =nteracti'e job usin( N)A&&N co,,and >)A&& $O%$A!7A!#? to run /ro(ra, and you can;t use your /c until /ro(ra, ends. 4atch job usin( NS4:5O4N co,,and >S4!5O4N)A&&8 $O%$A!7A!#N? to run /ro(ra, and you can use your /c and the /ro(ra, will run in the batch >C4A:)+? you can see this use W$3A):5O4 co,,and. 9. %/9> =6 >/E =77E+E8.E 4E>%EE8 F.(#/ ,F 98 F9#=96F" 4oth >)O&+D% D A&=AS? are used to identify fields. )O&+D% D A&=AS is the Descri/tion of fields. :he difference is that in A&=AS we can access data based on that A&=AS na,e" while )O&+D% is not allowed. Su//ose in 6 field na,e as D#S.1" (i'e A&=AS as Descri/tion.1" then user can access data fro, usin( Descri/tion.1.
a(e 139 of 250
As400 Stuff
10.%&atFs t&e difference !et'een .(86> and G9#<E" =f you /ass a /ara,eter by 'alue" you are free to chan(e the 'ariable defined by the /rocedure interface >you ,i(ht want to chan(e blan9s to Feroes" double Euotes" stri/ leadin( Feroes?. 6or a )O7S: /ara,eter you would ha'e to co/y to a local 'ariable first. :he /oint is that in both cases the caller is assured that his 'ariable won;t be chan(ed by the called /rocedure" but the called /rocedure can use <A&B# /ara,eters as wor9 'ariables" whereas )O7S: /ara,eters are not allowed to be used in any way e0ce/t NreadAonly.N A technical difference is that a )O7S: /ara,eter is /assed by reference" while a <A&B# /ara,eter is /assed by 'alue. When a /ara,eter is /assed by reference" the called /rocedure recei'es a /ointer to the /ara,eter. When a /ara,eter is /assed by 'alue" the called /rocedure recei'es the actual 'alue. Since a call to a /ro(ra, always /asses /ara,eters by reference >on the =series at least?" <A&B# is not allowed on /ro(ra, /rototy/es >#P: %! 9eyword?" but )O7S: is allowed. 11..# E(7@ When the end of file is reached" ,essa(e ) 601-4 is sent to the /rocedure or O ! /ro(ra,. :he )& 'ariables declared for the record for,at are not chan(ed by the /rocessin( of the $)<6 co,,and when this ,essa(e is sent. Gou should ,onitor for this ,essa(e and /erfor, the a//ro/riate action for end of file. =f you atte,/t to run additional $)<6 co,,ands after end of file has been reached" ,essa(e ) 601-4 is sent a(ain. 12.#e-el .&ecE Error@ All the files will ha'e a 'alue for &e'el )hec9 after co,/ilation if the /ara,eter &e'el chec9 >Kyes? is (i'en. =f the file is ,odified and co,/iled a(ain" it will (et a new 'alue for le'el chec9. =f the /ara,eter &e'el )hec9>Kyes? is (i'en for the file and the /ro(ra, usin( that file is not co,/iled after the file is ,odified and co,/iled" then the /ro(ra, will encounter le'el chec9 error at the ti,e of e0ecution. 13.6ignificance of +eturn and *=8#+ P *(8. =f K=7&$ L KO7 is s/ecified in a /ro(ra," it instructs the co,/iler that all the o/erations should be ter,inated >i.e." if file is o/ened i,/licitly it should be closed" data ,o'e,ent to8fro, data area should ha//en etc? before e0itin(
As400 Stuff
the /ro(ra,. #'en if there are any e0ecutable state,ents followin( that they will be e0ecuted once. 7ow" K=7&$ L KO7" followed by $#:B$7 will ter,inate the o/erations and return to the caller. Any e0ecutable state,ents that follow these 2 state,ents will not be e0ecuted. =f $#:B$7 is (i'en se/arately" the /ro(ra, will (et returned" but the o/erations will not be ter,inated >i.e." if file is o/ened i,/licitly it will not be closed" data ,o'e,ent to8fro, data area will not ha//en etc?. Any state,ents that follow $#:B$7 will ne'er (et e0ecuted.
14. *Entry significance of factor 1, factor 2 and result fields.
htt/H88/ublib.boulder.ib,.co,8infocenter8iadthel/8'.r08inde0.js/? to/icL8co,.ib,.etools.iseries.lan(ref.doc8e',
15. E >. E K E >%+ , (GE+#9?, +6> 6), .o00and 9ttention
Eey and .o00and 7unction 3ey and Galidity c&ecE@ #D:)D# D #D:W$D #D:)D# D #D:W$D are 9ey words used for for,attin( /ur/ose. #D:)D# cannot be a//lied to )haracter filed. And #D:)D# has so,e )odes /reAdefined for e0a,/le" #D:)D#>Q? I for su//ressin( the leadin( Fero G I for date field. #D:W$D can be used to define user defined for,attin( for fields. O<#$&AG =t allows a record for,at to be dis/layed on screen retainin( the /re'ious dis/layed record for,ats. What 9ey word is used when screen is reAdis/layed? $S:DS is a /ara,eter to be s/ecified at co,/ile ti,e for dis/lay file. )o,,and Attention 9ey and )o,,and 6unction 3ey? With the hel/ of )o,,and attention 9ey we can /ass only the indicator status to /ro(ra, not the data fro, screen. While co,,and function 9ey /asses indicator status as well as a data fro, screen to /ro(ra,. +ow to 'alidate in/ut 'alues in Dis/lay file? With the hel/ of <alidity chec9 9ey words <A&B#" $A7%#" )O!
a(e 141 of 250
As400 Stuff
1. %&at is t&e difference !et'een .9 and .7 Eeys" )6 transfers the chan(ed data and )A transfers only the indicator 'alue.
1. %&at is )6 6" :he ro(ra, Status Data Structure is the way the $ % co,/iler infor,s the /ro(ra, what is ha//enin( at runti,e. :his is e0/lained in the $ % reference under 6ile and ro(ra, #0ce/tion8#rrors. 6or <*$1 #n(lish" here is the lin9H htt/H88/ublib.boulder.ib,.co,8iseries8'*r18ic22248boo9s8c022*,_+ D$ $O%P # +ere is an e0a,/le of $ % D s/ecs to describe the SDS /ro'ided by Si,on )oulterH D SDS D $O)\7A!# K $O) na,e D %!\S:A:BS KS:A:BS D $<\S:A:BS 120S 0 status D &=7#\7B! 21 21 D $OB:=7# K$OB:=7# D A$!S K A$!S /ar,s D #P) \:G # 40 42 D #P) \7B! 43 4nu,ber D %!\&=4 11 20 D #P) \DA:A 21 1.0 D #P) \=D 1.1 1.4 D DA:# 121 121 D G#A$ 122 200S 0 f,t? D &AS:\6=&# 201 201 D 6=&#\=76O 202 243 D 5O4\7A!# 244 2*3 D BS#$ 2*4 2-3 D 5O4\7B! 2-4 2-2S 0
a(e 142 of 250
K rocedure K Status code K re'ious K Src list line nu K $outine na,e K 7u, /assed K #0ce/tion ty/e K #0ce/tion K ro(ra, library K #0ce/tion data K #0ce/tion =d K Date >KDA:# f,t? K Gear >KG#A$ K &ast file used K 6ile error info K 5ob na,e K Bser na,e K 5ob nu,ber
As400 Stuff
D 5O4\DA:# f,t? D $B7\DA:# >BDA:#? D $B7\:=!# >BDA:#? D )$:\DA:# D )$:\:=!# D ) &\&#<#& D S$)\6=&# D S$)\&=4 D S$)\!4$ D $O)\ %! D $O)\!OD D )B$$\BS#$
2.0 2.212
K Date >BDA:# K $un date K $un ti,e K )reate date K )reate ti,e K )o,/iler le'el K Source file K Source file lib K Source file ,br K (, roc is in K !od roc is in K !od roc is in
211 223 224 222 300 303 304 313 314 323 324 333 334 343 344 3*3 3*1 3-.
K Status codes K 7or,al )odes K )ode )ondition K 00000 7o e0ce/tion8error occurred K 00001 )alled /ro(ra, returned with the &$ indicator on. K #0ce/tion8#rror )odes K )ode )ondition K 00100 <alue out of ran(e for strin( o/eration K 00101 7e(ati'e sEuare root K 00102 Di'ide by Fero K 00103 an inter,ediate result is not lar(e enou(h to contain the result. K 00104 6loat underflow. An inter,ediate 'alue is too s,all to be contained in the K =nter,ediate result field K 00112 =n'alid Date" :i,e or :i,esta,/ 'alue. K 00113 Date o'erflow or underflow. >6or e0a,/le" when the result of a Date calculation K results in a nu,ber (reater than K+=<A& or less than K&O<A&.? K 00114 Date ,a//in( errors" where a Date is ,a//ed fro, a 4 character year to a 2 K )haracter year and the date ran(e are not 1240A2032. K 00120 :able or array out of seEuence. K 00121 Array inde0 not 'alid K 00122 O))B$ outside of ran(e
a(e 143 of 250
As400 Stuff
K 00123 $eset atte,/ted durin( initialiFation ste/ of /ro(ra, K 00202 )alled /ro(ra, or /rocedure failedX halt indicator >+1 throu(h +2? not on K 00211 #rror callin( /ro(ra, or /rocedure K 00222 ointer or /ara,eter error K 00231 )alled /ro(ra, or /rocedure returned with halt indicator on K 00232 +alt indicator on in this /ro(ra, K 00233 +alt indicator on when $#:B$7 o/eration run K 00222 $ % =< for,atted du,/ failed K 00333 #rror on DS &G o/eration K 00401 Data area s/ecified on =78OB: not found K 00402 K DA not 'alid for nonA/restart job K 00411 Data area ty/e or len(th does not ,atch K 00412 Data area not loc9ed for out/ut K 00413 #rror on =78OB: o/eration K 00414 Bser not authoriFed to use data area K 0041* Bser not authoriFed to chan(e data area K 00421 #rror on B7&O)3 o/eration K 0042* &en(th reEuested for stora(e allocation is out of ran(e K 0042#rror encountered durin( stora(e ,ana(e,ent o/eration K 00431 Data area /re'iously loc9ed by another /ro(ra, K 00432 Data area loc9ed by /ro(ra, in the sa,e /rocess K 004*0 )haracter field not entirely enclosed by shiftAout and shiftAin characters K 00*01 6ailure to retrie'e sort seEuence. K 00*02 6ailure to con'ert sort seEuence. K 00102 )o,,it,ent control not acti'e. K 00103 $ollbac9 o/eration failed. K 00104 #rror occurred on )O!!=: o/eration K 0010* #rror occurred on $O&43 o/eration K 0020. Deci,al data error >di(it or si(n not 'alid? K 002.0 the le'el nu,ber of the co,/iler used to (enerate the /ro(ra, does not a(ree K With the le'el nu,ber of the $ % =< runAti,e subroutines K 02221 internal failure in =&# $ %8400 co,/iler or in runAti,e subroutines K 02222 ro(ra, e0ce/tion in syste, routine. 2. %&at is t&e file infor0ation data structure"
a(e 144 of 250
As400 Stuff
:he 6ile infor,ation data structure is the way the $ % runti,e en'iron,ent infor,s the /ro(ra, about the status of a file" seen fro, the o/eratin( syste, /ers/ecti'e. So,eti,es called a feedbac9 data structure" it is u/dated after e'ery =8O o/eration >$ % =<? or after a bloc9 of records is transferred >$ %8400?. =nfor,ation can be found in the $ % reference under 6ile and ro(ra, #0ce/tion8#rrors. 6or <*$1 #n(lish" here is the lin9H htt/H88/ublib.boulder.ib,.co,8iseries8'*r18ic22248boo9s8c022*,_+ D$6=&#P # Do note that there are e0a,/le D s/ecs at the abo'e lin9. Si,on )oulter /osted one e0a,/le of D s/ecs to the $ %400A& listH K Standard $ % feedbac9 area 1A10 D=76DS ds D 6ile K6=&# D O/en=nd 2 2 D #O6=nd 10 10 D 6ileStatus KS:A:BS D O/)ode KO )OD# D $outinr K$OB:=7# D &ist7u, 30 3. D S/clStat 31 42S 0 D $ecord6,t K$#)O$D D !s(=D 4*2 DK the ne0t 4 fields are a'ailable after OS: D Screen\ KS=M# D 7&S=n\ K=7 D 7&SOut\ KOB: D 7&S!ode\ K!OD#
K 6ile na,e K 6ile o/en? K 6ile at eof? K Status code K &ast o/code K $ % $outine K &istin( line K S #)=A& status K $ecord na,e K #rror !S%=D K Screen siFe K 7&S =n/ut? K 7&S Out/ut? K 7&S !ode?
K O/en feedbac9 area 11A240 K 7O:# that (ettin( data beyond colu,n 10 is e0/ensi'e K =n ter,s of /ro(ra, o/ens... D OD \:G # 11 12 K OD :y/e D 6=&#\7A!# 13 22 K 6ile na,e D &=4$A$G 23 102 K &ibrary na,e D S OO&\6=&# 103 112 K S/ool file na,e D S OO&\&=4 113 122 K S/ool file lib
a(e 145 of 250
As400 Stuff
D S OO&\7B! nu, D $)D\ D 3#G\ D !#!4#$ D :G # D $OWS rows D )O&B!7S cols D 7B!\$)DS records D A))\:G # D DB \3#G D S$)\6=&# D <O&\O66 D 4&3\$)DS D O<#$6&OW D 4&3\=7)$ D 6&A%S1 D $#CB#S:#$ na,e D O #7\)OB7: D 4AS#D\!4$S ,brs D 6&A%S2 D O #7\=D D $)D6!:\ le D ))S=D D 6&A%S3 D 7B!\D#<S defin
124= 0
K S/ool file K !a0 record len K !a0 9ey len K !e,ber na,e K 6ile ty/e K 7u, $:8DS K 7u, $:8DS K 7u, of K Access ty/e K Du/licate 9ey? K Source file? K <ol label offs K !a0 rcds in bl K O'erflow line K 4l9 incre,ent K !isc fla(s K $eEuester K O/en count K 7u, based K !isc fla(s K O/en identifie K !a0 rcd f,t K Database ))S=D K !isc fla(s K 7u, de's
12* 12-= 0 12. 121= 0 122 131 14. 141= 0 1*2 1*3= 0 1*4 1*1**= 0 1*2= 0
1-0 1-1 1-2 1-2 1-3 1-3 114 11*= 0 11- 11.= 0 111 112= 0 120 121= 0 12- 1212. 2020. 211 201= 0 212= 0
213 213 214 21* 21- 21.= 0 211 212= 0 220 220 22. 221= 0
DK =8O feedbac9 area 241A3-DK 7O:# that this area is shared with the OS: feedbac9 area belowJ D K 241A242 not used D W$=:#\)7: 243 24-= 0 K Write count D $#AD\)7: 24. 2*0= 0 K $ead count D W$:$D\)7: 2*1 2*4= 0 K Write8read count
a(e 146 of 250
As400 Stuff
D O:+#$\)7: count D O #$A:=O7 o/eratio D =O\$)D\6!: na,e D D#<\)&ASS D =O\ %!\D#< na,e D =O\$)D\
K Other =8O K )uurent K $cd for,at K De'ice class K (, de'ice K $cd len of =8O
DK OS: area 241Annn DK Dis/lay D %!\D#<\ 241 2*0 de'ice D D#<\DS)\ 2*1 2-0 descri/tion D BS#$\=D\ 2-1 2.0 D D#<\)&ASS\ 2.1 2.1 D D#<\:G #\ 2.2 2.. D $#C\D#<\ 2.1 2.1 D A)C\S:A:\ 2.2 2.2 status D =7<\S:A:\ 210 210 D DA:A\A<A=&\ 211 211 a'ailable D 7B!\$OWS\ 212 213= 0 rows D 7B!\)O&S\ 214 21*= 0 cols D 4&=73\ 21- 21D &=7#\S:A:\ 21. 21. D DS \&O)\ 211 211 location D DS \:G #\ 212 212 D 34D\:G #\ 220 220 ty/e D ):&\=76O\ 342 342 D )O&O$\DS \ 343 343 ca/able? D %$=D\DS \ 344 344
a(e 147 of 250
K ro(ra, K De' K Bser =D K De'ice class K De'ice ty/e K $eEuester? K AcEuire K =n'ite status K Data K 7u,ber of K 7u,ber of K Allow blin9? K Online8offline? K Dis/lay K Dis/lay ty/e K 3eyboard K )ontroller info K )olor K %rid line ds/?
As400 Stuff
K :he followin( fields a//ly to =SD7. D =SD7\\ 31* 31-= 0 len D =SD7\:G #\ ty/e D =SD7\ &A7\ /lan D =SD7\7B!\ D =SD7\S\ address D =SD7\S:G #\ address D =SD7\S7B!\ address D =SD7\)O7\ D =SD7\$\ len D =SD7\$7B!\ D =SD7\#\ D =SD7\#:G #\ ty/e D =SD7\#7B!\ nu, D =SD7\P:G #\ ty/e DK =)6 D %!\D#<\ de'ice D D#<\DS)\ descri/tion D BS#$\=D\ D D#<\)&ASS\ D D#<\:G #\ D $#C\D#<\ D A)C\S:A:\ status D =7<\S:A:\ D DA:A\A<A=&\ a'ailable D S#S\S:A:\ D SG7)\&<&\ 31. 312 321 43* 43. 432 410 411 311 320 430 43-= 0 431 4.1 410 412= 0
K $,t nu,ber K $,t nu,ber K $,t nu,ber K $,t nu,ber K $,t subA K $,t subA K $,t subA K )onnection K $,t address K $,t address K #0tension len K #0tension K #0tension K P.2* call K ro(ra, K De' K Bser =D K De'ice class K De'ice ty/e K $eEuester? K AcEuire K =n'ite status K Data K Session status K Synch le'el
413 *14 *12 *20 *21 *21 *22 *-241 2*1 *-1 *-2*0 2-0
2-1 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 210 210 211 211 221 222 221 222
a(e 148 of 250
As400 Stuff
D )O7<\:G #\ ty/ D $!:\&O)\ location D &)&\&B\ D &)&\7#:=D\ D $!:\&B\ D $!:\7#:=D\ =D D A )\!OD#\ D &B-\S:A:#\ state D &B-\)O$\
223 224
223 301
K )on'ersation K $e,ote K &ocal &B na,e K &ocal net =D K $e,ote &B K $e,ote net K A ) !ode K &B- con' K K &B- con' correlator K $,t nu,ber K $,t nu,ber K $,t nu,ber K $,t nu,ber K subAaddr len K subAaddr ty/e K $,t subA K )onnection K $,t address K $,t address K #0tension len K #0tension K #0tension K P.2* call ty/e
302 302 310 31. 311 32* 32- 333 334 341 34* 34* 343*3
K :he followin( fields a//ly to =SD7. D =SD7\ 31* 31-= 0 len D =SD7\:G # ty/e D =SD7\ &A7 /lan D =SD7\7B! D =SD7\S D =SD7\S:G # D =SD7\S7B! address D =SD7\)O7 D =SD7\$ len D =SD7\$7B! D =SD7\# D =SD7\#:G # ty/e D =SD7\#7B! nu, D =SD7\P:G # 31. 312 311 320
321 430 43* 43-= 0 43. 431 432 4.1 410 411 410 412= 0
K :he followin( infor,ation is a'ailable only when /ro(ra, was started K as result of a recei'ed /ro(ra, start reEuest. > \ stands for /rotected? D :$A7\ %! *-. -30 K :rans /(, na,e
a(e 149 of 250
As400 Stuff
K :he followin( infor,ation is a'ailable only when a /rotected con'ersation K is started on a re,ote syste,. >B\ stands for un/rotected? D B\&BW=D&7 -*1 -*1 K &BW=D fld len D B\&B7A!#&7 -*2 -*2 K &BA7A!# len D B\&B7A!# --0 -.K &BA7A!# D B\&BW=D=7 -.. -12 K &BW=D instance D B\&BW=DS#C -13 -14= 0 K &BW=D seE nu, DK De'ice inde/endent area 3-.Annn DK 7O:# that this area is shared with the OS: feedbac9 area abo'eJ DK rinter D )B$\&=7# 3-. 3-1= 0 K )urrent line nu, D )B$\ A%# 3-2 3.2= 0 K )urrent /a(e cnt D $:\!A5O$ 401 402 K !ajor ret code D $:\!=7O$ 403 404 K !inor ret code DK Dis9 D 6D43\S=M# fdb9 D 5O=7\4=:S D &O)3\$)DS rcds D OS\4=:S D D&:\4=:S bits D 7B!\3#GS >bin? D 3#G\ 3-. 3.0= 0 K SiFe of D4 K 56=&# bits K 7br loc9ed K 6ile /os bits K $cd deleted K 7u, 9eys K 3ey len(th
3.1 3.4= 0 3.. 3.1= 0 31* 314 31. 323 31* 314 311= 0 324= 0
a(e 150 of 250
As400 Stuff
D !4$\7B! nu,ber D D4\$$7 nu, D 3#G DK DK =)6 D =)6\A=D D =)6\ D =)6\!A5O$ D =)6\!=7O$ D S7A\S#7S# D SA6#\=7D D $CSW$: D $!:\6!: f,t D =)6\!OD# DK Dis/lay D DS \6&A%1 D DS \A=D D )B$SO$ D DA:A\ len D S6\$$7 D !=7\$$7 D 7B!\$)DS rcds D A):\)B$S DK D DS \!A5O$ D DS \!=7O$ code K K K K K K
32* 32.
32-= 0 400= 0
K !e,ber K $elati'eArcdA K 3ey 'alue >,a0 K siFe 2000? K A=D byte K Actual data len K !ajor ret code K !inor ret code K S7A sense rc K Safe indicator K $eEuest write K $e,ote rcd K !ode na,e K Dis/lay fla(s K A=D byte K )ursor location K Actual data K Subfile rrn K Subfile ,in rrn K Subfile nu, K Acti'e window K cursor location K !ajor ret code K !inor ret
401 2400
3-2 3-2 3.2 3.*= 0 401 402 403 404 40* 412 413 413 41* 41* 41- 42* 430 43.
3-. 3-1 3-2 3-2 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.*= 0 3.- 3..= 0 3.1 3.2= 0 310 311= 0 312 401 403 313 402 404
Status codes 7or,al )odes )ode a De'ice a $) a )ondition 00000 a a a 7o e0ce/tion8error. 00002 aW a n8a a 6unction 9ey used to end dis/lay. 00011 a W"D"SC a 1100 a #nd of file on a read >in/ut?.
a(e 151 of 250
As400 Stuff
K 00012 a W"D"SC a n8a a 7oArecordAfound condition on a )+A=7" S#:&&" and S#:%: K 00013 aW a n8a a Subfile is full on W$=:# o/eration. K #0ce/tion8#rror )odes K )ode a De'ice a $) a )ondition K 01011 a W"D"SC a n8a a Bndefined record ty/e >in/ut record does not ,atch rec K a a a indicator?. K 01021 a W"D"SC a n8a a :ried to write a record that already e0ists >file bein K a a a 9ey is du/licate" or atte,/ted to write du/licate rela K a a a subfile?. K 01022 aD a n8a a $eferential constraint error detected on file ,e,ber. K 01023 a D"SC a n8a a #rror in tri((er /ro(ra, before file o/eration /erfor, K 01024 a D"SC a n8a a #rror in tri((er /ro(ra, after file o/eration /erfor,s K 01031 a W"D"SC a n8a a !atch field out of seEuence. K 01041 a n8a a n8a a Array8table load seEuence error. K 01042 a n8a a n8a a Array8table load seEuence error. Alternate collatin( s K 010*1 a n8a a n8a a #0cess entries in array8table file. K 010.1 a W"D"SC a n8a a 7u,eric seEuence error. K 01121>4? a W a n8a a 7o indicator on the DDS 9eyword for rint 9ey. K 01122>4? a W a n8a a 7o indicator on the DDS 9eyword for $oll B/ 9ey. K 01123>4? a W a n8a a 7o indicator on the DDS 9eyword for $oll Down 9ey. K 01124>4? a W a n8a a 7o indicator on the DDS 9eyword for )lear 9ey. K 0112*>4? a W a n8a a 7o indicator on the DDS 9eyword for +el/ 9ey. K 0112->4? a W a n8a a 7o indicator on the DDS 9eyword for +o,e 9ey. K 01201 aW a 3400 a $ecord ,is,atch detected on in/ut. K 01211 a all a n8a a =8O o/eration to a closed file. K 0121* a all a n8a a O #7 issued to a file already o/ened.
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K 0121->3? a all a yes a #rror on an i,/licit O #78)&OS# o/eration. K 0121.>3? a all a yes a #rror on an e0/licit O #78)&OS# o/eration. K 01211 a D"SC a n8a a $ecord already loc9ed. K 01221 a D"SC a n8a a B/date o/eration atte,/ted without a /rior read. K 01222 a D"SC a n8a a $ecord cannot be allocated due to referential constraint K 01231 aS a n8a a #rror on S #)=A& file. K 0123* a a n8a a #rror in $:):& s/ace or s9i/ entries. K 01241 a D"SC a n8a a $ecord nu,ber not found. >$ecord nu,ber s/ecified in K a a a /resent in file bein( /rocessed.? K 012*1 aW a 1000 1100 a er,anent =8O error occurred. K 012** aW a 1200 1300 a Session or de'ice error occurred. $eco'ery ,ay be /os K 012-1 aW a n8a a Atte,/t to e0ceed ,a0i,u, nu,ber of acEuired de'ices. K 012.1 aW a n8a a Atte,/t to acEuire una'ailable de'ice K 01211 aW a n8a a O/eration to un acEuired de'ice. K 01212 aW a 0302 a 5ob endin( with controlled o/tion. K 01214 aW a n8a a Bnable to acEuire second de'ice for sin(le de'ice file K 0121* aW a 0100 a Atte,/t to acEuire a de'ice already acEuired. K 0121aW a n8a a Atte,/t to o/en shared file with SA<DS or =7D o/tions. K 0121. aW a n8a a $es/onse indicators o'erla/ =7D indicators. K 01222 a W"D"SC a yes a Other =8O error detected. K 01331 aW a 0310 a Wait ti,e e0ceeded for $#AD fro, WO$3S:7 file. K AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA K 7otesH K >3? Any errors that occur durin( an o/en or close o/eration K will result in a KS:A:BS 'alue of 121- or 121. K re(ardless of the ,ajor8,inor return code 'alue. K >4? See 6i(ure 2 in to/ic for s/ecial handlin(. K A=D byte ,a/ D 3ey61 s 1 inF>0;31;?
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3ey62 s 3ey63 s 3ey64 s 3ey6* s 3ey6s 3ey6. s 3ey61 s 3ey62 s 3ey610 s 3ey611 s 3ey612 s 3ey613 s 3ey614 s 3ey61* s 3ey61s 3ey61. s 3ey611 s 3ey612 s 3ey620 s 3ey621 s 3ey622 s 3ey623 s 3ey624 s 3ey6)lr s 3ey6#nt s 3ey6+l/ s 3ey6$Dn s 3ey6$B/ s 3ey6 rt s 3ey649s/ s 3ey6Auto#nter s
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
inF>0;32;? inF>0;33;? inF>0;34;? inF>0;3*;? inF>0;3-;? inF>0;3.;? inF>0;31;? inF>0;32;? inF>0;3A;? inF>0;34;? inF>0;3);? inF>0;41;? inF>0;42;? inF>0;43;? inF>0;44;? inF>0;4*;? inF>0;4-;? inF>0;4.;? inF>0;41;? inF>0;42;? inF>0;4A;? inF>0;44;? inF>0;4);? inF>0;4D;? inF>0;61;? inF>0;63;? inF>0;64;? inF>0;6*;? inF>0;6-;? inF>0;61;? 1 inF>0;36;?
3. .# )ara0eter 4asics When a 'ariable is declared within a )& /ro(ra," the syste, assi(ns stora(e for that 'ariable within the /ro(ra, auto,atic stora(e area > ASA?. =f you subseEuently use the 'ariable as a /ara,eter within a )A&& co,,and" the syste, does not /ass the 'alue of that 'ariable to the called /ro(ra," but rather a /ointer to the ASA of the callin( /ro(ra,. :his is 9nown as /ara,eter /assin( by reference.
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6or this reason" it is 'ery i,/ortant that both /ro(ra,s declare the /ara,eter to be of the sa,e ty/e and siFe. :o illustrate" let;s loo9 at the followin( e0a,/leH )g09@ (, D)& D<ar1 K)+A$ 2 =nF> ;A4; ? D)& D<ar2 K)+A$ 2 =nF> ;GM; ? )all (,4 ar,> D<ar1 D<ar2? #nd (, )g04@ (, ar,> Di\<ar1 Di\<ar2 ? D)& Di\<ar1 K)+A$ 4 D)& Di\<ar2 K)+A$ 2 #nd (, +o/efully" you;'e noticed that the first /ara,eter is declared to be lar(er in (,4 than it was in (,A. Althou(h you ,i(ht e0/ect Di\<ar1 to contain ;A4 ; after the call" the followin( is what the in/ut /ara,eters in (,4 actually containH Di\<ar1 L ;A4GM; Di\<ar2 L ;GM; Di\<ar1 shows the contents of the first /ara,eter" and the second" because the second /ara,eter is i,,ediately adjacent to the first within the stora(e area. =f the second /ara,eter was not conti(uous to the first" then the last two bytes of Di\<ar1 would show whate'er ha//ened to be in the stora(e area at that ti,e. Gou can thin9 of Di\<ar1 as a 4Abyte NwindowN into the stora(e area of the callin( /ro(ra,. =t;s /assed a /ointer that tells it where the 'iew be(ins" and it accesses anythin( in stora(e fro, that /oint u/ to the /ara,eter;s declared len(th. #ooEing at #iterals :here are se'eral ways that a /ro(ra, can be called" other than fro, another /ro(ra,. #0a,/les include the co,,and line" S4!5O4" job
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scheduler etc. =n the case of an interacti'e call fro, the co,,and line" you s/ecify the /ara,eters as literals" ieH )all (,4 ar,>;A4; ;GM;? )onsider that when we do this" there is no ASA. We;ll loo9 at the i,/lications of that in a ,inute" but for nowX just ,a9e a note of it. Sub,ittin( a job fro, the co,,and line isn;t any different. =f you;re sub,ittin( a )A&&" then you;ll be s/ecifyin( any associated /ara,eters as literals. +owe'er" thin(s can (et a bit decei'in( when you sub,it a job fro, 3it2in a /ro(ra," as the followin( e0a,/le illustratesH )g0.@ (, D)& D<ar1 K)+A$ 2 =nF> ;A4; ? D)& D<ar2 K)+A$ 2 =nF> ;GM; ? Sb,5ob ),d>)all (,4 ar,> D<ar1D<ar2?? #nd (, )learly" we;re not /assin( literals here. Or are we? &et;s thin9 about how thin(s would wor9 if we /assed 'ariablesH (,) sub,its a call to (,4" /assin( two 'ariables as /ara,eters. (,) i,,ediately ends as a result of the #nd (, state,ent. (,4 be(ins runnin( in batch and recei'es /ointers to (,);s ASA. (,4 crashes when it atte,/ts to use the /ointers.
We ha'e in'alid /ointers because (,) is no lon(er runnin(. =f you;'e e'er tried this /ersonally" you 9now that it doesn;t ha//en in /ractice. :he reason for that is that the syste, is con'ertin( those 'ariables to literals before issuin( the )A&& co,,and. =t@s 'ery snea9y" but effecti'e. 7ow that we;'e seen so,e e0a,/les of where literals are used" and why" it;s ti,e to tal9 about the ASA a(ain. When we discussed the basics of )& /ara,eter /assin(" we learned that the called /ro(ra, e0/ects to recei'e a /ointer to a stora(e area within the ASA for each in/ut /ara,eter. :his reEuire,ent hasn;t chan(ed. So now we ha'e a situation where the )A&& co,,and is /assin( literals" but the called /ro(ra, is still e0/ectin( /ointers. Ob'iously" it;s ti,e for the syste, to /erfor, so,e ,ore ,a(ic behind the scenes. =n order to acco,,odate the reEuire,ents of the called /ro(ra,"
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the syste, creates a s/ace in te,/orary stora(e for each literal bein( /assed" and ,o'es the 'alue of the literal into that stora(e s/ace. 7ow it can /ass /ointers to the called /ro(ra," and e'eryone is ha//y. #0ce/t you that is" because none of this chan(es the fact that you;re (ettin( N(arba(eN in the in/ut 'ariables of your called /ro(ra,J 6air enou(h. =;, (ettin( to that now" but you needed the bac9(round in order to understand the ne0t /art. 6iBing =t 9ll <1 7ow that you 9now the syste, is creatin( 'ariables behind the scene" you ,i(ht wonder how it 9nows what siFe those 'ariables need to be. :he answer is that it doesn;t. =nstead" the desi(ners ha'e i,/osed so,e s/ecific rules about how literals are transfor,ed to 'ariables" and thereby /assed as /ara,eters. )& su//orts only three basic data ty/esH c2aracter" decimal" and logical. 6or the /ur/oses of this discussion" you can consider the lo(ical data ty/e eEui'alent to the character ty/e" because it;s treated in the sa,e ,anner. :he si,/lest rule is the one that handles deci,al literals. All deci,al literals will be con'erted to /ac9ed deci,al for,at with a len(th of >1* *?" where the 'alue is 1* di(its lon(" of which * di(its are deci,al /laces. :herefore" any /ro(ra, that you e0/ect to call fro, the co,,and line" or S4!5O4 etc." needs to declare its nu,eric in/ut /ara,eters as KD#)>1* *?. )haracter literals are a little bit ,ore co,/licated" but still fairly strai(htforward. :here are two rules to re,e,ber. :he first is that any character literal u/ to 32 characters in len(th will be con'erted to a 32 byte 'ariable. :he 'alue is left justified" and /added on the ri(ht with blan9s. So if you were to /ass the followin( literalH )all (,4 ;A4; the associated stora(e s/ace for that literal would containH ;A4000000000000000000000000000000; )32ere 676 represents a blan" space* :he second rule is that character literals lon(er than 32 bytes are con'erted to a 'ariable of the sa,e len(th as the literal 'alue itself" as in the followin( e0a,/leH )all (,4 ;:his is a lon( character literal that will e0ceed 32 bytes.; the associated stora(e s/ace for that literal would containH ;:his is a lon( character literal that will e0ceed 32 bytes.; 6inally" since the lo(ical data ty/e follows the sa,e rules as the character ty/e" and the only /ossible 'alues for a lo(ical data ty/e are ;0; or ;1;" we
a(e 157 of 250
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9now that a lo(ical literal will always be created as a 32 byte" left justified" /added character 'ariable. )ara0eter )ro!le0s =n the be(innin( of this e0/lanation" you learned that it was i,/ortant for the /ara,eter declarations to ,atch between a called /ro(ra, and its caller. :hen you disco'ered that the syste, so,eti,es has to ta9e it u/on itself to declare the /ara,eters of the caller on your behalf. =f the two declarations don;t ,atch" we ha'e the /otential for trouble. =n the case of a deci,al 'alue" the result is i,,ediate and ob'iousX you (et a data deci,al error. )haracter 'ariables are ,ore difficult to debu( because they don;t (enerate any i,,ediate errors. What actually ha//ens de/ends u/on the len(th of the /ara,eter in the called /ro(ra,. =f the len(th of the /ara,eter in the called /ro(ra, is less t&an the len(th of the /ara,eter bein( /assed" the e0tra characters are effecti'ely truncated" as followsH )all So,e (, >;A4)D#6%;? 8* s$stem creates -+ b$te *C9: *8 So,e (,H (, ar,> Di\<ar1 ? D)& Di\<ar1 K)+A$ 4 #nd (, What ha//ens is that the syste, /asses ;A4)D#6%0000000000000000000000000; );7; is a blan"*" but because of the declared len(th of Di\<ar1" So,e (, only see;s ;A4)D;. 6or ,ost of us" this is the beha'ior that we would e0/ect. :hin(s (et nasty when the declared len(th of the 'ariable is longer t&an what is bein( /assed in. Bsin( the sa,e e0a,/le as we;'e just seen abo'eH So,e (,H (, ar,> Di\<ar1 ? D)& Di\<ar1 K)+A$ 34 #nd (, =n this case" the syste, will still allocate 32 bytes of stora(e and assi(n ;A4)D#6%0000000000000000000000000; to it" but because Di\<ar1 is now
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declared to be 34 bytes lon(" So,e (, will see ,ore stora(e than it was intended to. =t will see the 32 bytes that were allocated for it" 1lus two additional bytes. =t;s those two additional bytes that can cause the infa,ous Nun/redictable resultsN which =4!;s docu,entation often refers to. =f the e0tra bytes contain blan9s" chances are that you won;t notice a /roble," but if they contain so,ethin( else" your in/ut /ara,eter will contain N(arba(eN. As you can see" 32en dealing 3it2 literals" the ,a(ic nu,ber for character /ara,eters is 32. =f the called /ro(ra, declares the /ara,eter to be less than or eEual to 32" you;ll ne'er see N(arba(eN in the /ara,eter. Once you cross that 32 byte threshhold" you need to ta9e e0tra care to ensure that the siFe of the literal bein( /assed is eEual to the declared siFe of the in/ut /ara,eter. >&ings to +e0e0!er
Always ,atch the ty/e8siFe of /ara,eters on your /(, to /(, calls. $e,e,ber that the syste, con'erts literals to 'ariables in the bac9(round. $e,e,ber that deci,al literals are always con'erted to KD#)>1* *? and that char literals less than or eEual to 32 bytes are con'erted to K)+A$>32? and that char literals (reater than 32 bytes are con'erted to 'ariables of eEui'alent siFe.
And last" but not leastH the called /ro(ra, NseesN as ,uch stora(e as it declares for an in/ut /ara,eter" re(ardless of whether or not the caller actually allocated that ,uch stora(e for it. +ere is an e0a,/le of usin( a co,,and with nu,eric /ara,etersH htt/H88faE.,idran(,,l +ow to easily create a )!D object to start your )& /ro(ra, and a'oid these errorsH htt/H88faE.,idran(,8data8cache8*,l 1. .alling 1rogra0 >6>.9## code@ D $esult D 6actor1 D 6actor2 S S S *A =nF>;A;? *A =nF>;4;? *A =nF>;);?
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.alled 1rogra0 C>6>E8>+?D code@ D $es S *A D 6act1 S *A D 6act2 S *A ) ) ) K#ntry 6act1 list ar, #'al 6act2 $es K=nlr L Kon
escri1tion of t&e -alues in 7actor 1, 7actor 2 and +esult@ While callin( :S:#7:$G 6actor1 L 4 6actor2 L ) $esult L A Soon after enterin( :S:#7:$G A 6actor 2 (ets ,o'ed to $esult. 6actor 1 and 6actor 2 (ets cleared 6actor1 L ; ; 6actor2 L ; ; $esult L ) 4efore lea'in( :S:#7:$G A $esult is ,o'ed to 6actor 1. 7ow $esult is not cleared after 'alue is ,o'ed. 6actor1 L ) 6actor2 L ; ; $esult L ) After e0ecutin( K=nlr L Kon of the called /ro(ra, :S:#7:$G 6actor1 L ) 6actor2 L ; ; $esult L ; ;
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After returnin( to the callin( /ro(ra, :S:)A&& A 6actor 1 (ets ,o'ed to 6actor 2. 6actor 1 (ets cleared. 6actor1 L ; ; 6actor2 L ) $esult L ; ; 2. is1lay )rogra0 +eferences C 6)),*+E7D :he Dis/lay ro(ra, $eferences >DS %!$#6? co,,and /ro'ides a list of the syste, objects referred to by the s/ecified /ro(ra,s. :he followin( list shows the syste, objects /ro'ided for the res/ecti'e /ro(ra, ty/esH .# K6=&#" K %!" and KD:AA$A .#E KS$< %! .##E K6=&#" K %!" KD:AA$A" and KS$< %! +), K6=&#" KD:AA$A" and K %! +),#E K6=&#" K %!" KD:AA$A" and KS$< %! :his infor,ation can be dis/layed" /rinted" or /laced in a database out/ut file. =f the infor,ation is shown or /rinted" a list >by library? of the s/ecified userA authoriFed /ro(ra,s" alon( with the objects referenced by each /ro(ra," is created. 6or files" infor,ation about how each file is used >in/ut" out/ut" u/date" uns/ecified" or any co,bination of these four? is also shown or /rinted. =f the infor,ation is written to a database file" the database file will ha'e a record for,at na,ed CW+D$ $. :he fields in record for,at CW+D$ $ are the sa,e as the fields in the =4!Asu//lied for,at CW+D$ $ in file CADS %! in the library CSGS. :he followin( infor,ation is contained in the database fileH :he na,e of the /ro(ra, and its te0t descri/tion :he na,e of the library containin( the /ro(ra, :he nu,ber of objects referenced by the /ro(ra,
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:he Eualified na,e of the syste, object :he infor,ation retrie'al dates :he object ty/e of the referenced object
6or files" the record contains the followin( additional fieldsH :he na,e of the file in the /ro(ra, >/ossibly different fro, the syste, object na,e if an o'erride was in effect when the /ro(ra, was created? :he /ro(ra, use of the file >1Lin/ut" 2Lout/ut" 4Lu/date" 1Luns/ecified" or a nu,ber re/resentin( a co,bination of any of these fourX for e0a,/le" a code of 11 is a co,bination of 1" 2" and 1" which is in/ut" out/ut" and uns/ecified? :he nu,ber of record for,ats referenced" if any :he na,e of the record for,at used by the file and its record for,at le'el identifier :he nu,ber of fields referenced for each for,at 8ote@ :his co,,and lists which objects are referenced when the object is created or u/dated usin( B D %! or B DS$< %!. :he referenced object na,es and libraries listed ,ay be different than the actual na,es of the objects" since this infor,ation is stored when the /ro(ra, is created. #ntries can be added as the =&# /ro(ra, or ser'ice /ro(ra, is u/dated usin( B D %! or B DS$< %!" but entries are ne'er re,o'ed. =f the object has been ,o'ed since the /ro(ra, was created" or an o'erride was in effect durin( creation" the na,es listed ,ay differ fro, the actual na,es. +estrictions@ 1. :he user ,ust ha'e object o/erational authority for the /ro(ra,. 2. Also" of the libraries s/ecified by the library Eualifier" only the libraries for which the user has read authority are searched for the /ro(ra,s. #0a,/lesH DS %!$#6 %!>&=4$A$G18KA&&? OB: B:>KOB:6=&#? OB:6=&#>&=4286=? :his co,,and creates a list of all authoriFed /ro(ra,s found in &=4$A$G1" and of the files and other syste, objects that the /ro(ra,s reference. =t stores the list in a database file na,ed 6= in &=42. DS %!$#6 %!>&=4$A$G184=&&=7%? OB: B:>K $=7:? :his co,,and creates a list of syste, objects that are referenced by the 4=&&=7% /ro(ra, in &=4$A$G1. :he out/ut is s/ooled for /rintin(.
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As400 Stuff 1.
O,ittin( ara,etersH When callin( a /ro(ra, or /rocedure" you ,ay so,eti,es want to lea'e out a /ara,eter. =t ,ay be that it is not rele'ant to the called /rocedure. =f you need to o,it a /ara,eter on a call" you ha'e two choicesH S/ecify O :=O7S>KO!=:? and /ass KO!=: S/ecify O :=O7S >K7O ASS? and do not /ass the /ara,eter. :he /ri,ary difference between the two ,ethods has to do with how you chec9 to see if a /ara,eter has been o,itted. =n either case" an o,itted /ara,eter cannot be referenced by the called /rocedureX if it is" un/redictable results will occur. So if the called /rocedure is desi(ned to handle different nu,bers of /ara,eters" you will ha'e to chec9 for the nu,ber of /ara,eters /assed. =f KO!=: is /assed" it will ;count; as a /ara,eter. )assing *(*=> Gou can /ass KO!=: for a /rototy/ed /ara,eter if the called /rocedure is aware that KO!=: ,i(ht be /assed. =n other words" you can /ass KO!=: if the 9eyword O :=O7S >KO!=:? is s/ecified on the corres/ondin( /ara,eter definition in the /rototy/e. When KO!=: is s/ecified" the co,/iler will (enerate the necessary code to indicate to the called /rocedure that the /ara,eter has been o,itted. 7oteH KO!=: can only be s/ecified for /ara,eters /assed by reference. :o deter,ine if KO!=: has been /assed to an =&# $ % /rocedure" use the OADD$ builtAin function to chec9 the address of the /ara,eter in Euestion. =f the address is K7B&&" then KO!=: has been /assed. Gou can also use the )##:S:A >)hec9 for O,itted Ar(u,ent? bind able A =. #0H KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA K )##:S:A >:est for o,itted ar(u,ent? AA =&# )## A = K 1. resence fla( Out/ut 4inary>4? K 2. Ar(u,ent nu,ber =n/ut 4inary>4? KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA .EE>6>9 )+ EA>)+(.CF.EE>6>9FD )resent 10= 0 9rg8u0 10= 0 .(86>
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129 10= 0
#ea-ing (ut )ara0eters :he other way to o,it a /ara,eter is to si,/ly lea'e it out on the call. :his ,ust be e0/ected by the called /rocedure" which ,eans that it ,ust be indicated on the /rototy/e. :o indicate that a /rototy/ed /ara,eter does not ha'e to be /assed on a call" s/ecify the 9eyword O :=O7S >K7O ASS? on the corres/ondin( /ara,eter definition. 7ote that all /ara,eters followin( the first K7O ASS one ,ust also be s/ecified with O :=O7S >K7O ASS?. Gou can s/ecify both K7O ASS and KO!=: for the sa,e /ara,eter" in either order" that is" O :=O7S >K7O ASSHKO!=:? or O :=O7S >KO!=:HK7O ASS?. As an e0a,/le of O :=O7S >K7O ASS?" consider the syste, A = C)!D#P) >#0ecute )o,,and? which has an o/tional third /ara,eter. KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA K :his /rototy/e for C)!D#P) defines three /ara,etersH K 1A a character field that ,ay be shorter in len(th K :han e0/ected K 2A Any nu,eric field K 3A An o/tional character field KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA D Ec,de0c $ #P: %!>;C)!D#P);? D c,d 3000A O :=O7S>K<A$S=M#? )O7S: D c,dlen 1* * )O7S: D 3A )O7S: O :=O7S>K7O ASS?
1. %&at do 'e 0ean !y e2ternaliBing"
4y e0ternaliFin( we ,ean that all $#AD" )+A=7" and other database o/erations are located in se/arate routines and /ro(ra,s that reEuire =8O ,a9e reEuests to these routines to /erfor, the o/eration on their behalf.
As400 Stuff
0001.01Kfor>=L*X=b40XiLiU10? 0002.00 c 0010.00 c 0011.00 c 0012.00 c 0013.00 c 0014.00 c 001*.00 c i i for ds/ly endfor for ds/ly endfor seton lr iL* to 40 by n iL* by n to 40
As400 Stuff
DS &G DS &G . DS &G 1 DS &G 2 DS &G 10 DS &G * DS &G 1* DS &G 2* DS &G 3* DS &G DS &G DS &G DS &G DS &G DS &G DS &G DS &G DS &G * 4 3 2 1 * 1* 2* 3*
As400 Stuff
2. /o' you can i01ort and e21ort a data ty1e !et'een 2 1rogra0s"
=f you are usin( an e0/ort state,ent when declarin( a 'ariable then the data ty/e can be i,/orted in any ,odules that is bind either by 'alue or by reference. So in this case we can /ass 'alues in between ,odules instead of usin( &=S: and K#7:$G.
As400 Stuff
0004.00 ) 000*.00 ) 000-.00 ) 03 000..00 ) 0001.00 ) 0002.00 ) 0010.00 ) 0011.00 ) 0012.00 ) 0013.00 ) 0014.00 ) 03 001*.00 ) 001-.00 ) 001..00 ) 0011.00 ) 0012.00 ) 0020.00 ) 03 0021.00 ) 0022.00 ) S)$1 S)$1 DOW#C #P6!: &#A<# =6 MAADD &#A<# #7D=6 #7DDO DOW#C #P6!: &#A<# =6 MAADD &#A<# #7D=6 #7DDO &#A<# #7DDO S#:O7 &$ K=70.LKO7 1 S)$1 2 K=701LKO7 2 S)$1 1
DS 61
DS 62
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #nd of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK =t is a 1Abit fla( where 'alue will be either 0 or 1 AS8400 /ro'ider 22 indicators for the business user. 1A24 A[assi(ned functions 9eys 2*A22 A[our own /ur/ose
As400 Stuff
&#A<#A[ :ransfer the control after do loo/. DOB )hec9s after enterin( the loo/" it is /erfor,ed at least once. DOW )hec9s before enterin( into the loo/.
3. %&y e2ternaliBe"
Why would you want to do this? erha/s we can best answer that Euestion by /osin( one of our own. Su//ose that durin( discussions with your users" it beco,es a//arent to you that the business needs ha'e chan(ed. After ha'in( studied the new reEuire,ents for a while" you realiFe that you need to redesi(n the database to acco,,odate these chan(es. Would youH Z !odify your database and then locate all rele'ant =8O o/erations and ,odify the, as reEuired. Z Decide that doin( the ri(ht thin( is just too ,uch wor9" and just Nhac9N the database one ,ore ti,e. #0ternaliFin( the =8O o/erations of databases /ro'ides one way of hel/in( to ensure that your a//lications can ada/t Euic9ly and >relati'ely? /ainlessly to chan(in( business needs. =nstead of codin( a $#AD" )+A=7" or whate'er at each /oint in the /ro(ra, where database access is reEuired" you in'o9e a routine to /erfor, the =8O for you.
4. %&at is t&e disad-antage of using Galidity .&ecE Eey'ord" /o' to o-erco0e t&ese disad-antages" =f in'alid 'alues are entered" a(e 169 of 250
As400 Stuff :he o/tion filed is dis/layed in re'erse i,a(e. Syste, defined ,essa(e is dis/layed which ,ay not be user friendly. 3eyboard is loc9ed" we ha'e to reset it. :o o'erco,e abo'e disad'anta(e 'alidations is done within /ro(ra, and user friendly8defined ,essa(e is dis/layed.
1. .&ain@
)hain is a co,bination of S#:&& and $#AD#
%&ic& of t&e follo'ing o1erations does 8(> Bero t&e field 7# 9 defined as 4,0"
) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) !O<# KM#$OS 6&DA MAADD KM#$OS 6&DA MAADD 0 6&DA !O<# KA&&;0; 6&DA SB4 6&DA 6&DA !O<# ;0000; 6&DA )&#A$ 6&DA !O<# K4&A73S 6&DA
/o' can you c&ecE for a records e2istence 'it&out causing and =:( C./9=8:+E9 D" %it& t&e &el1 of 7ile =nfor0ation ata 6tructure, 'e can c&ecE e2istence of records in a 1&ysical file. >&e code is descri!ed !elo'@
=n 6ile descri/tion continuation line >= 63? 3=76DS $)DS =$)DS DS = K$#)O$D _$)DS with the abo'e code we can chec9 the e0istence of records in a file without causin( =8O o/eration.
&$ %&at is t&e difference !et'een < 9>E and t&e syste0 date" BDA:# su//orts twoAdi(it year. :he for,at is K!DG >!!DDGG?. KDA:# >syste, date? su//orts four di(it year. :he for,at is K!DGG >!!DDGGGG?. '$ Describe the difference between the DOWxx and DOUxx operations? DOW00 H =f the condition beco,es true" then only the (rou/ of instructions allowed e0ecutin(. DOB00 H =rres/ecti'e of condition" it will e0ecute at least one ti,e.
As400 Stuff
($ Define the purpose of the ITER operation? =f you s/ecify the =:#$" the (rou/s of state,ents are allowed to e0ecute re/eatedly. )$ List the steps/commands necessary to accomp ish the fo owin!" a. )o/y data fro, the file O$D+D$ into file O$D+=S: b. :he file O$D+=S: ,ay or ,ay not e0ist c. =f the file O$D+D$ does e0ist" it ,ay or ,ay not contain data d. :he file O$D+=S: ,ay or ,ay not contain data" if the file does contain data the old data should be erased )o,,andsH a. ) G6 6=&#>O$D+D$? :O6=&#>O$D+=S:? b. ) G6 6=&# >O$D+D$? :O6=&# >O$D+=S:? )$:6=&# >KG#S? c. ) G6 6=&# >O$D+D$? :O6=&# >O$D+=S:? KADD d. ) G6 6=&# >O$D+D$? :O6=&# >O$D+=S:? K$# &A)#
As400 Stuff
/ro(ra, will ended abnor,ally. With the hel/ of 6ile =nfor,ation Data Structure we can handle record loc9 situation. %enerally it will ha//en" when the sa,e file of ty/e N BN used in different /ro(ra,s.
*8) How can ou detect o#erf!ow for a print pro$ra% that prints %u!tip!e !ines per c c!e?
Gou s/ecify the indicators OA throu(h O% and O< in 33 A 34 colu,ns in a /rinter file. :his indicator auto,atically set on whene'er o'erflow occurs on a ty/e of /a(e.
*') How wou!d ou desi$n the process for a ni$ht! & hi$h #o!u%e chec" producin$ process that needs to se!ect on! records that are f!a$$ed to be processed?
With the hel/ of O 7C$G6 )l/ co,,and" we can select the records fro, the data base file. :he /rocess in'ol'es followin( ste/sH Ste/sH 1. O<$D46 with S+A$# >KG#S? 2. O 7C$G6 3. )A&& the /ro(ra, 4. D&:O<$ *. )&O6
16./o' 'ould you $oin 3 se1arate fields, a first na0e, 0iddle initial and last na0e toget&er as 1 field 'it& 1ro1er s1acing" ?ou can descri!e in eit&er +), and:or +), =#E C=ntegrated #anguage En-iron0entD
!O<# ;Dr. ; 67A!# 3 !O<# ;5O+7; !7A!# 4 !O<# ;WA:SO7; &7A!# 67A!# )A: !7A!#H 1 <A$1 1 <A$1 )A: &7A!#H1 <A$2 1* DS &G <A$2 !O<# KO7 K=7&$
17. %&en ),*9 calls ),*4 for t&e first ti0e ),*4 e2ecutes t&e *=8Q6+. ),*4 uses t&e +E>+8 o1eration to return to ),*9. %&en ),*9 call ),*4 t&e second ti0e is t&e *=8Q6+ e2ecuted"
=f you s/ecify $#:$7 in called /ro(ra," the K=7MS$ will not e0ecute a(ain.
to **
?? C*<#>
1? )<:DA: DA:#>? $:7<A$> ? 6$O!6!:> ? :O6!:> ? Source code is reEuired to con'ert fro, one date for,at to another date for,at. :he source code in )& is (i'en belowH
As400 Stuff
%! D)& <A$>D<A$1? %:+>-? :G #>K)+A$? <A&B#>;GG!!DD;? D)& <A$>D$)<D? %:+>-? :G #>K)+A$? D)& <A$>D<A$2? %:+>4? :G #>K)+A$? D)& <A$>D<A$3? %:+>2? :G #>K)+A$? )+%<A$ <A$>D<A$2? <A&B#>OSS:>D<A$1 3 4?? )+%<A$ <A$>D<A$3? <A&B#>OSS:>D<A$1 1 2?? )+%<A$ <A$>D$)<D? <A&B#>D<A$2 K)A: D<A$3? S7D!S% !S%>D$)<D? :OBS$>KBS$ $6? #7D %! 12. Deter,ine the 'alue of the result field a. )ost L `110. 00 b. :a0 L 20O c. !ar9B/L 0*O d. Sale L 10O ) #'al :otal)ost L >>)ost K !ar9B/? K :a0?? A Sale L 1. 0`
A9) Define the purpose of Factor ' the (peration Code and )IN'* in fo!!owin$ code HI L( +, C )-.D /est0D1 %%ddDate '*
=f the factor 1 'alue ,atches with factor2 'alue" the indicator s/ecified in #C co,es KO7.
As400 Stuff
As400 Stuff
BE) What is the difference between access path and D na%ic se!ect?
Dyna,ic select occurs whene'er the /ro(ra, reads file. 4ut access /ath occurs before the file is read >but not necessarily?. 4ecause access /ath ,aintenance /erfor,ed on the file.
As400 Stuff
8*) What is the difference between 3ac"ed deci%a! and Zoned deci%a!?
ac9ed deci,alH One di(it occu/ies 1 byte. Moned deci,alH One di(it occu/ies 2 bytes.
8A) What is defau!t data t pe 0if ou define deci%a!s 9791 in 3h sica! fi!e?
ac9ed deci,al
8B) What is defau!t data t pe for the fie!ds0sub fie!ds1 defined in data structures in R3:?
Moned deci,al
88) When do ou e8p!icit! open fi!es and c!ose fi!es in an R3: pro$ra%?
=f you s/ecify the letter ; B ; at colu,n .3A.4" you need to be o/en and close files e0/licitly in a $ % /ro(ra,.
As400 Stuff
'') Can %ore than one subfi!e record be disp!a ed on one !ine?
Ges" by usin( S6&&=7 9eyword.
'D) How to pic" up the chan$ed records e#er ti%e in a subfi!e after the first chan$e %ade?
Seton S6&7P:)+% 9eyword indicator and u/date the subfile record.
C9) How to to$$!e between sin$!e !ine and .u!ti < !ine disp!a of a particu!ar record in a subfi!e?
Bsin( S6&D$O 9eyword.
As400 Stuff
As400 Stuff
(C) How %an fi!es can be defined in F specs? *0 (() How %an printer fi!es can be defined in F specs? 1 (D) :i#e three %ain purposes of Fi!e specification?
:o define files" to describe the files" to assi(n the files to s/ecified de'ices.
(E) How do ou specif pa$e o#erf!ow indicator for printer fi!es in R3:?
S/ecify an indicator in /osition 33A34 of 6 s/ecification.
D*) Can an inde8ed fi!e be accessed in arri#a! se;uence in R3: pro$ra%? Ges. DA) What is a 3ro$ra% Described fi!e in R3:?
:he field na,e and len(th of the fields are defined within the $ % /ro(ra,.
D8) Can ou specif a disp!a fi!e to be used in the fo!!owin$ %odes Input& (utput& or Co%bined %odes? Ges. D') What is %atch fie!d indicator?
!atchin( record indicator is seton when all the ,atchin( fields in the record of a secondary file ,atches with all the ,atchin( fields of a record in a /ri,ary file.
D() Durin$ e8ecution& an R3:/677 pro$ra% auto%atica!! fo!!ows a se;uence of operations for each record that is processed? /he bui!t<in pro$ra% c c!e inc!udes the fo!!owin$ !o$ica! steps?
1. readin( in/ut >$#AD?
As400 Stuff
2. /rocessin( calculations > $O)#SS? 3. writin( out/ut >W$=:#?
DD) What are the different (pcodes a#ai!ab!e in R3: for Database access?
$#AD" )+A=7" W$=:#" B DA:" D#&#:" S#:&&" S#:%:" $#AD#" $#AD " $#D #" O #7" )&OS#" 6O$)#" 7#P:" B7&)3. 302. +ow can database records be read without loc9 ? ut ;7; in /osition *3 of ) s/ecs.
92.%&at are t&e uses of 79.>(+1, 79.>(+2 and +E6<#> field for t&e +),
o1eration code )9+*" =t is add 'alue of 6A):O$1 to 6A):O$2 or co,/are the 'alue of 6A):O$ 2 with 6A):O$1.
95.%&at is t&e difference !et'een nor0al <) using 7< 1rogra0" 133. %&at is t&e synta2 for )#=6>" K#7:$G &=S: A$! 134. %&ic& are t&e 6tring *ani1ulation (1codes"
>E6>8, 6.98, ./E.3, ./E.3+, 6<46> K .9>
4oth are sa,e only difference is D6B allows you to add or chan(e selected fields
As400 Stuff
()b Proce$)res:
1. %&y 6u! 1rocedures are used"
Sub /rocedures can define their own local 'ariables. Sub /rocedures can acce/t /ara,eters. Sub /rocedures /ro'ide /ara,eter chec9in( Sub /rocedures can be used as a user defined function. Gou can call the sub /rocedure fro, outside the ,odule" if it is e0/orted. Sub /rocedures /ro'ide ,ulti/le entry /oints within the sa,e $ % ,odule.
1. .an you use a su! 1rocedure in a su! 1rocedure"
2. %&at are t&e s1ecifications used in a su! 1rocedure"
Z 4y reference >default? Z 4y 'alue >9eyword <A&B# on the /ara,eter definition? Z 4y readAonly reference >9eyword )O7S: on the /ara,eter definition? 4. /o' do you in-oEe a stored 1rocedure" :o in'o9e a stored /rocedure we use the SC& )A&& state,ent. :his state,ent contains the na,e of the stored /rocedure and any ar(u,ents /assed to it. Ar(u,ents ,ay be constants" s/ecial re(isters" or host 'ariables. +ere is an e0a,/le how to call stored /rocedure and /ass two ar(u,entsH 8#0ec SEl )A&& ,ylib8/rocna,e >H A$:7B!" H A$:D#S? 8#ndA#0ec #asiest way to return a co,/letion status to the SC& /ro(ra, issuin( the )A&& state,ent is to code an e0tra =7OB: ty/e /ara,eter and set it /rior to
a(e 181 of 250
As400 Stuff
returnin( fro, the /rocedure. Another" ,ore co,/licated ,ethod of returnin( a co,/letion status is to send an esca/e ,essa(e to the callin( /ro(ra, >o/eratin( syste, /ro(ra, CSC)A&&? which in'o9es the /rocedure. 5. =s t&ere any cycle code generated for t&e su! 1rocedure" 7o. 7ot (enerated.
6. %&at are t&e =01ortant freLuently used co00ands in
Bsin( Syste, !enus ,enu ,( =87( ,( .* +), ,( .* .+> ,( .* 222 )allin( /ro(ra, )o,/ilin( .9## .+>222*( .+>48 222 4indin( !odules .+>6+G),* <) ),* object Debu((in( 6>+ 4,
a(e 182 of 250
,( *9=8
Dis/lay ,ain
Dis/lay hel/ ,enu &ist co,,ands for $ % &ist co,,ands for creatin( &ist co,,ands for ;000; /ro(ra,Ana,e runs a )reates 000 !odule )reates 4ound 000 ro(ra, )reates a /ro(ra, fro, =&#
)reates a ser'ice /ro(ra, B/dates a bound /ro(ra, Starts =&# source debu((er
As400 Stuff
E8 )reatin( 6iles
#nds =&# source debu((er )reates rint 6ile )reates hysical 6ile )reates Source hysical 6ile )reates &o(ical 6ile
AD:S )S >for Windows c? is a wor9station /roduct that includes two ser'er access /ro(ra,sH K )oo/erati'e De'elo/,ent #n'iron,ent8400 >)OD#8400? K <isual A(e for $ %c )OD#8400 contains features to hel/ edit" co,/ile" and debu(H $ %" =&# $ %" )O4O&" =&# )O4O&" )ontrol &an(ua(e >)&?" =&# )" and =&# )& host source /ro(ra,sX desi(n dis/lay" /rinter" and database host filesX and ,ana(e the co,/onents that ,a9e u/ your a//lication. :his enhances /ro(ra, de'elo/,ent and ,o'es the /ro(ra, de'elo/,ent wor9load off the host. :he a//lication" when built" runs on an AS8400. 6or $ % and =&# $ % a//lication de'elo/,ent and ,aintenance" )OD#8400 /ro'idesH K &an(ua(e sensiti'e editin(] includes to9en hi(hli(htin(" for,at lines" a full suite of /ro,/ts" and online hel/. K =ncre,ental synta0 chec9in(] /ro'ides i,,ediate error feedbac9 as each line of source is entered K ro(ra, 'erification] /erfor,s" at the wor9station" the full ran(e of synta0 and se,antic chec9in( that the co,/iler does" without (eneratin( object code K ro(ra, con'ersion] /erfor,s" at the wor9station" an O ! to =&# $ % con'ersion K A windowed en'iron,ent for sub,ittin( host co,/iles and binds K SourceAle'el debu((in(
a(e 183 of 250
As400 Stuff
K A DDS desi(n utility]allows you to easily chan(e screens" re/orts" and database files K Access to A//lication Dictionary Ser'ices. <isual A(e for $ % offers a 'isual de'elo/,ent en'iron,ent on the wor9station /latfor, for $ % a//lication de'elo/ers to de'elo/" ,aintain" and docu,ent client8ser'er a//lications. A//lications can be edited" co,/iled" and debu((ed on your wor9station. :he a//lications" when built" are started on a wor9station and can access AS8400 host data and other AS8400 objects. =ts inte(rated co,/onents allow a//lication de'elo/ers to /reser'e their current s9ills and easily de'elo/ AS8400 $ % a//lications with (ra/hical user interfaces.
8. %&at are *ain )rocedure and a su! 1rocedure"
An =&# $ % ,odule consists of a ,ain /rocedure and Fero or ,ore sub /rocedures. >=f there are sub /rocedures" the ,ain /rocedure is o/tional.? 9 0ain 1rocedure is a /rocedure that can be s/ecified as the /ro(ra, entry /rocedure >and so recei'e control when an =&# /ro(ra, is first called?. :he ,ain /rocedure is defined in the 0ain source section" which is the set of +" 6" D" =" )" and O s/ecifications that be(in a ,odule. =n <3$1" all =&# $ % ,odules had a ,ain /rocedure and no other /rocedures. A su! 1rocedure is a /rocedure that is s/ecified after the ,ain source section. A sub /rocedure differs fro, a ,ain /rocedure /ri,arily in thatH K 7a,es that are defined within sub /rocedure are not accessible outside the sub /rocedure. K 7o cycle code is (enerated for the sub /rocedure. K :he call interface ,ust be /rototy/ed. K )alls to sub /rocedures ,ust be bound /rocedure calls. K Only " D" and ) s/ecifications can be used. Sub /rocedures can /ro'ide inde/endence fro, other /rocedures because the data ite,s are local. &ocal data ite,s are nor,ally stored in auto,atic stora(e" which ,eans that the 'alue of a local 'ariable is not /reser'ed between calls to the /rocedure.
As400 Stuff
Sub /rocedures offer another feature. Gou can /ass /ara,eters to a sub /rocedure by 'alue" and you can call a sub /rocedure in an e0/ression to return a 'alue.
6u! 7iles 1. E21lain a!out su! files in 96:400" A subfile is a (rou/ of records $#AD fro, or W$=::#7 to a dis/lay de'ice file in one sin(le o/eration. =t is a dis/lay file facility =t is a (rou/ of records that can be stored in the ,ain ,e,ory. :he /ro(ra, can store a (rou/ of records in the subfile one by one in a seEuence. #( =8, 6<47=#E6@ &oad all >SiFe [ a(e? &oad on de,and >SiFe [ a(e? &oad on de,and >SiFe L a(e? #oad all C6iBe R)ageD All the records fro, the database file will be loaded in to the subfile in one shot. :he subfile siFe should be (reater than the /a(e siFe at least by one. >S6&S=M L*" S6& A%L4?. :he subfile siFe will dyna,ically (row when the subfile siFe ,entioned is less than the nu,ber of records in the database file. A%#B and A%#DOW7 are ta9en care of by the syste,. :he total subfile siFe 2222 records. #oad on de0and C6iBe R )ageD :he nu,ber of records as ,entioned in S6& A% will be loaded initially. :hen the re,ainin( records can be loaded by /ressin( )9,E (%8" which is ta9en care of by the /ro(ra,,er. Sa,e ti,e )9,E<) is ta9en care of by the syste,. :he subfile siFe should be (reater than the /a(e siFe at least by one. >S6&S=M L*" S6& A%L4?. :he subfile siFe will dyna,ically (row when the subfile siFe ,entioned is less than the nu,ber of records in the database file. All the records loaded will e0ist in the subfile. :he total subfile siFe 2222 records.
As400 Stuff #oad on de0and C6iBe P )ageD :he nu,ber of records that will be loaded into the subfile ,ust always be eEual to the 'alue ,entioned in for S6&S=M and S6& A%. #'ery ti,e the subfile should be cleared before /a(in( u/ or /a(in( down. )9,E<) and )9,E (%8 are ta9en care of the /ro(ra,,er. :he nu,ber of records that can be in the subfile at any instance will be eEual to S6&S=M and S6& A% 'alues. 6u!file 1oints@ $ecord for,atsH One dis/lay A1024 records for,ats One dis/lay files I*12 subfiles $ecord for,ats are 1. Subfile record for,at >S6&? 2. Subfile control record for,at >S6&):&? Subfile record for,at >S6&? :his record for,at will ha'e the ,ulti/le record definitions ADefinin( fields. ADefinin( database fields. Subfile )ontrol record for,at >S6&):&? :his record for,at will control the subfile record for,at. ADefinin( te0ts ADefinin( control fields. Subfile SiFe >S6&S=M? :his 9eyword can be used to s/ecify the ,a0i,u, nu,ber of records that can be in the subfile >buffer? Default A[2 !a0i,u, A[2222 Subfile a(e >S6& A%? :his 9eyword can be used to s/ecify the ,a0i,u, nu,ber of records that can be in one subfile /a(e. :hat is the ,a0i,u, nu,ber of records that the syste, will dis/lay in the screen at a ti,e. ADefault A[1 a(e 186 of 250
As400 Stuff A!a0i,u,A[ de/ends u/on the dis/lay record siFe. =f the subfile siFe is at least one (reater than the subfile /a(e then the subfile siFe will (row dyna,ically u/ to 2222. ,eneral Eey'ords S6&DS S6&)&$ S6D Define %eneral 3eywords Subfile control record . . . . . . . . . H S#7W&:1 :y/e choices" /ress #nter. 3eyword S#7W7D1 7a,e 7a,e 7a,e =ndicators8U ? ? 25 26 A[ subfile dis/lay A[ subfile clear A[ subfile end S6&DS ):& A[ subfile dis/lay control
Subfile cursor relati'e record . . . S6&)S$$$7 Subfile ,ode . . . . . . . . . . . . S6&!OD# GLGes Dis/lay subfile records . . . . . . S6&DS Dis/lay control record . . . . . . . S6&DS ):& =nitialiFe subfile fields . . . . . S6&=7M Delete subfile area . . . . . . . . S6&D&: )lear subfile records . . . . . . . S6&)&$ =ndicate ,ore records . . . . . . . S6D S6D /ara,eter . . . . . . . . S6D /ara,eter . . . . . . . . K!O$# KS)$4A$ ? 28 30
$ecord not acti'e . . . . . . . . . S6&$7A !ore... 63L#0it 612L)ancel Subfile Dis/lay >S6&DS ? a(e 187 of 250
As400 Stuff :his 9eyword is used to insert the syste, that the subfile records for,at has to be dis/layed. :he subfile record for,at without any record in it cannot be dis/layed. Subfile Dis/lay control >S6&DS ):&? :his 9eyword is used to instruct the syste, that the subfile control record for,at has to be dis/layed. 0002.00 ) 730 Subfile )lear >S6&)&$? :his 9eyword is used to clear the records in the subfile records for,at. An indicator can control this 9eyword. 000*.00 ) 000-.00 ) 000..00 ) Subfile #nd >S6D? :his 9eyword is used to (et the dis/lay of RU@ si(n or a te0t R,ore@ or Rbotto,@ in the botto, of the subfile. RU or R,ore@ indicates the e0istence of ,ore records in the subfile which can be dis/layed by /ressin( )9,E (%8 9ey. S4otto,@ indicates the end of the subfile. =nstead of #nter 3ey A +el/ :y/e a )6 or )A 9ey nu,ber to s/ecify that the o/erator is to use the #nter 9ey as a $oll B/ 9ey. :he s/ecified )6 or )A 9ey acts as the #nter 9ey. *andatory Eey'ords for su!file ++8 S6& S6&):& S6&S=M S6& A% S6&DS C+elati-e record nu0!erD Ccontrol record le'el 9eyword? S#:O7 W$=:# S#:O66 S#7W&:1 21 21 S#:O7 2*2-
$$7 is the nu,eric 'alue >1 to 2222? associated with each subfile record for accessin( #ach record should ha'e a uniEue $$7 'alue :his 'alue has to be (i'in( by the /ro(ra,. :his has to be associated with the subfile record for,at in the 6 s/ec continuation line. a(e 188 of 250
As400 Stuff :his has to be declared in the /ro(ra, as nu,eric 'ariable of ,a0i,u, len(th 4 and deci,al /osition 0. 6 s/ec for,at in continuation line with S6=&# o/tion 0002.00 6S#7D#S6=&#)6 # 0003.00 6 WO$3S:7 S6=&# >S6&01H$$71 ?
Where $$71 A[ $$7 'ariable na,e S6&01A[ subfile record for,at na,e.
$ %&# O/codes #P6!: =f S6&DS and S6&DS ):& indicators are on" this o/code will send the two subfile record for,ats to the dis/lay de'ice and waits for the user@s res/onse. W$=:# I >S6&? :his o/code is used to add a record to the subfile record for,at $$7 'alue should be set with a nonAe0istin( 'alue before addin( the record in the subfile record for,at. W$=:# >S6&):&? :his 9eyword is used for clearin( D dis/lay the subfile 67# +() Csu!file dro1D :his control record le'el 9eyword is used to assi(n a )A >co,,and attention? or )6 >co,,and function? 9ey. :he /ro(ra, first dis/lays the subfile in truncated for,X subfile records are truncated to fit on one dis/lay line. When the user /resses the s/ecified 9ey" the /ro(ra, dis/lays the records in the folded for,. Or Subfile =nitially :runcated A +el/ :y/e a co,,and function >)6? or co,,and attention >)A? 9ey nu,ber to assi(n a )6 or )A 9ey to s/ecify if a subfile control record reEuirin( ,ore than one dis/lay line should be truncated to one line" or should be folded to dis/lay on two lines. When this 9eyword is s/ecified" the subfile is first dis/layed in truncated for,. :he o/erator /resses the s/ecified )6 or )A 9ey to switch fro, truncated for, to folded for, or fro, folded for, to truncated for,. a(e 189 of 250
As400 Stuff
Csu!file foldD
:his control record le'el 9eyword is used to assi(n a )A >co,,and attention? or )6 >co,,and function? 9ey. :he /ro(ra, first dis/lays the subfile in folded for,. When the user /resses the s/ecified 9ey" the /ro(ra, dis/lays the records a(ain in the truncated for,. Or Subfile =nitially 6olded A +el/ :y/e a co,,and function >)6? or co,,and attention >)A? 9ey nu,ber to assi(n a )6 or )A 9ey to s/ecify if a subfile control record reEuirin( ,ore than one dis/lay line should be truncated to one line" or should be folded to dis/lay on two lines. When this 9eyword is s/ecified" the subfile is first dis/layed in folded for,. :he o/erator /resses the s/ecified )6 or )A 9ey to switch fro, folded for, to truncated for, or fro, truncated for, to folded for,.
67#=8Q Csu!file initialiBeD :his control record le'el 9eyword is used to s/ecify that the /ro(ra, is to initialiFe all records in the subfile on the out/ut o/eration >read D u/dates? to the subfile control record for,at. :he fields in each subfile record are initialiFed to )+A$A[4&A73S 7B!#A[M#$OS 6&OA:A[7B&&S 67#8A>./, Csu!file ne2t c&angeD :his record le'el 9eyword is used on the subfile control record for,at to force the user to correct /ro(ra,Adetected 9eyin( error in the subfile records that ha'e been read by the /ro(ra,. =t does this by causin( the record to be chan(ed so that a (etAne0tAchan(ed o/eration ,ust read the record. Or $eturn $ecord A +el/ :y/e G >Ges? to instruct the syste, to return this subfile record to your /ro(ra, on a subseEuent %etA7e0tA)han(ed in/ut o/eration to the subfile. :his record is returned whether or not the o/erator chan(es it. 7oteH Gou ,ust ty/e G. =f you do not" the entry will not be used. dGou can s/ecify condition indicators for the S6&7P:)+% 9eyword.
As400 Stuff 67#+(#G9# Csu!file roll -alueD :his fieldAle'el 9eyword is used to s/ecify that the user can 9ey a 'alue into this field to tell the /ro(ra, how ,any records to A%#B or A%#DOW7 when the a//ro/riate /a(in( 9ey is /ressed. 67#+. 84+ Csu!file record nu0!erD :his field le'el 9eyword on the subfile control record for,at is used to s/ecify that the /a(e of the subfile to be dis/layed is the /a(e containin( the record whose relati'e record is in this field. =f you do not s/ecify this 9eyword" the /ro(ra, dis/lays the first /a(e of the subfile by default #0a,/le for load all S3A7DASA!O8SB46=&# 7#W#! KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0001.00 0002.00 0003.00 0004.00 000*.00 000-.00 000..00 0001.00 0002.00 $ #! 7#W #! 7O! #! 7A S#P3 A%#3 ADD$#SS* )=:G* 3 #! 7O! - 0 1*A 1A 3 0 1*A 10A :#P:>;#! &OG## 7B!4#$;? :#P:>;#! &OG## 7A!#;? :#P:>;#! &OG## S#P;? :#P:>;#! &OG## A%#;? :#P:>;ADD$#SS;? :#P:>;)=:G;? B7=CB#
#! 7O! #! 7A
As400 Stuff 000001 000002 000003 000004 00000* 0000000000. 000001 000002 000010 000011 000012 000013 101 3.S#7:+=&3B!A$ 102 $.S+GA!SB7DA$ 103 4.!O+A7 104 3.3B!A$ 10* A.A$B& 10- 4A&B 10. S#7:+=& 101 $A5 102 +#!A 110 <#& 111 $A!#S+ 122 SBD+A 123 3A7DASA!G ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 2* A::B$ 2. :$=)+G SA&#! :$=)+G SA&#! SA&#! 7A!A33A& SA&#! :$=)+G SA&#! )+#77A= SA&#! SA&#! A::B$ A::B$
2. :)OD# 2* SA&#! 2* SA&#! 2* SA&#! 3* SA&#! 22 :)ODW# 33 SA&#! -. SA&#! *- A::B$ 21 SA&#! 34 SA&#!
KKKKKK KKKKKKKK #nd of re/ort KKKKKKKK S3A7DASA!O8SB46=&# SB404 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0002.00 6S#7D#S6=&#)6 # 001*.00 ) 001-.00 ) 001-.01 ) 001-.02 ) 001-.03 ) 001..00 ) 03 0011.00 ) K=703 DOW#C #P6!: =6 )A&& #7D=6 &#A<# #7DDO a(e 192 of 250 WO$3S:7 KO66
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #nd of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK S3A7DASA!O8SB46=&# S#&OADA&&3 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0001.00 67#W#! =6 # D=S3 WO$3S:7 S6=&#>S#7W7D1H$$71? MAADD S#:O7 W$=:# S#:O66 $#AD S#:O7 DOW W$=:# ADD $#AD &#A<# #7DDO DOW &#A<# W$=:# W$=:# #P6!: +#A:#$ 6OO:#$1 S#7W&:1 K=703LKO66 K=730LKO66 S#7W7D1 1 #! 7#W $$71 30 #! 7#W S#7W&:1 21 30 2*21 $$71 40 21
0002.00 6S#7D#S6=&#)6 # 0003.00 6 0004.00 ) 000*.00 ) 000-.00 ) 000..00 ) 0001.00 ) 0002.00 ) 730 0010.00 ) 0011.00 ) 0012.00 ) 0013.00 ) 0014.00 ) 30 001*.00 ) 001-.00 ) 001-.01 ) 03 001-.02 )K 001-.03 )K 001-.04 )
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #nd of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 'indo' 0ain1 ta9e 1 Select $ecord 3eywords $ecord . . . H !A=71 :y/e choices" /ress #nter. GLGes %eneral 9eywords . . . . . . . . ? =ndicator 9eywords . . . . . . . ? A//lication hel/ . . . . . . . .
Select %eneral 3eywords $ecord . . . H !A=71 :y/e choices" /ress #nter. =f this record is not on dis/lay" write it to the dis/lay before issuin( read . . . . . . . =7M$)D 3ee/ record on dis/lay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3## Assu,e record is on dis/lay . . . . . . . . . . . ASSB!# Allow rollin( of lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A&W$O& $etain )&#A$ +#& +O!# and $O&& 9eys . . . . . . . $#:3#G $etain co,,and function >)6nn and )Ann? 9eys . . . $#:)!D3#G )han(e in/ut defaults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )+%=7 D6: Select /ara,eters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a(e 194 of 250 ? 3eyword GLGes
As400 Stuff !enuA4ar dis/lay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !7B4A$DS Select /ara,eters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #ntry field attribute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #7:6&DA:$ Select /ara,eters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $eturn cursor location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $:7)S$&O) Select /ara,eters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Define $eturn )ursor &ocation $ecord . . . H !A=71 3eyword nu,ber 1 of 1 G $oll U8A 64 for list :y/e /ara,eters" /ress #nter. 3eyword $eturn cursor location . . . . . . . . . . $:7)S$&O) ? :y/e indicator K$#)7A!# . . . . . . . . )ursor record . . . . . . . . . . . . . )ursor field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )ursor /osition . . . . . . . . . . . . .703 .704 03 04 +E.6 E*).<+ ? GLGes GLGes 7a,e 7a,e 7a,e ?
>93E 12 98
As400 Stuff 7u,ber of fields to roll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :y/e o/tions" chan(e 'alues" /ress #nter. 1LSelect 9eywords 4LDelete field O/tion Order 6ield .0 A%# 80 90 +E.6 E*).<+ ) ) S 4 ) 9 9 :y/e Bse &en(th $ow8)ol $ef )ondition O'erla/ 21 1* 014 / / 10 10 -
+ !
:A3# 12 6E8%#>1 6elect %indo' 3ey'ords Window record . . . . . . . . . . . . . H :y/e choices" /ress #nter. GLGes %eneral 9eywords . . . . . . . . ? Select record 9eywords . . . . . ? %eneral S6&):& 9eywords . . . . . ? Subfile dis/lay layout . . . . . ? a(e 196 of 250 S#7W&:1
As400 Stuff Subfile ,essa(es . . . . . . . . ? 6elect ,eneral 3ey'ords Window record . . . . . . . . . . . . . H S#7W&:1 :y/e choices" /ress #nter. 3eyword GLGes =ndicators8U G
Window borders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WDW4O$D#$ Select /ara,eters . . . . . . . . . . . $e,o'e windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $!<WDW Bser $estore Dis/lay . . . . . . . . . . . BS$$S:DS efine %indo' )ara0eters $ecord . . . H 3eyword . . H S#7W&:1 W=7DOW 7a,e
$eferenced window . . . . . . . . . . . . AO$A Window definition Default start /ositionin( . . . . . . . AO$A Start line ro(ra,AtoAsyste, field . . . . . . . Actual line . . . . . . . . . . . . . Start /osition ro(ra,AtoAsyste, field . . . . . . . Actual /osition . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 1A2*
7a,e 1A121
As400 Stuff Window lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Window /osition . . . . . . . . . . . . !essa(e line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G G 20 40 1A2* 1A121 GLGes GLGes
6elect +ecord 3ey'ords $ecord . . . H S#7W&:1 :y/e choices" /ress #nter. GLGes %eneral 9eywords . . . . . . . . ? =ndicator 9eywords . . . . . . . ? A//lication hel/ . . . . . . . . +el/ 9eywords . . . . . . . . . . Out/ut 9eywords . . . . . . . . .
.712 .703
Subfile control record . . . . . . . . . H S#7W&:1 :y/e choices" /ress #nter. 3eyword S#7W7D1 7a,e 7a,e 7a,e =ndicators8U ? ? 25 26
Subfile cursor relati'e record . . . S6&)S$$$7 Subfile ,ode . . . . . . . . . . . . S6&!OD# GLGes Dis/lay subfile records . . . . . . S6&DS Dis/lay control record . . . . . . . S6&DS ):&
As400 Stuff =nitialiFe subfile fields . . . . . S6&=7M Delete subfile area . . . . . . . . S6&D&: )lear subfile records . . . . . . . S6&)&$ =ndicate ,ore records . . . . . . . S6D S6D /ara,eter . . . . . . . . S6D /ara,eter . . . . . . . . K!O$# KS)$4A$ ? K!O$# ... 28 30
$ecord not acti'e . . . . . . . . . S6&$7A !ore... 63L#0it 612L)ancel Define Dis/lay &ayout Subfile control record . . . . . . . . . H S#7W&:1 :y/e 'alues" /ress #nter. 3eyword 7u,ber $ecords in subfile . . . . . . . . . . S6&S=M ro(ra,AtoAsyste, field . . . . . . $ecords /er dis/lay . . . . . . . . . S6& A% S/aces between records . . . . . . . . S6&&=7 OB: B: #! &OG## D#:A=&S 1.S#&#): O : #! 7B!4#$ 000101 000102 000103 000104 7A!# 5 6
O :
#! 7B!4#$
$A!#S+ SBD+A
2. *essage su!file record for0at Eey'ords S6&!S%$)D >subfile ,essa(e record? :his 9eyword is used to (i'e the line nu,ber to (et the first ,essa(e in the dis/lay. S6&!S%3#G >subfile ,essa(e 9ey? a(e 200 of 250
As400 Stuff :his 9eyword is used to s/ecify that the /ro(ra, ,essa(e Eueue is built one at a ti,e. S6& %!C >subfile /ro(ra, Eueue? =t is a ,essa(e Eueue created for e'ery /ro(ra, acti'e in the call stac9. :his 9eyword is used to s/ecify the field that can ha'e the na,e of the /ro(ra, ,essa(e Eueue. 1. /o' to create *essage su!file" )reate ,essa(e subfile )$:!S%6 !3S6=&=4 W$3!S%6 6=A7!# O :=O7 12 Add !essa(e Descri/tion >ADD!S%D? :y/e choices" /ress #nter. !essa(e identifier . . . . . . . *360001 !essa(e file . . . . . . . . . . [ !3S6=&# 7a,e 7a,e
&ibrary . . . . . . . . . . . [ S3A7DASA!O 7a,e" K&=4&" K)B$&=4 6irstAle'el ,essa(e te0t . . . . #! &OG## 7B!4#$ K1 )A77O: 4# M#$OS A%# DOW7 !essa(e data fields for,atsH Data ty/e . . . . . . . . . . *./9+ K7O7#" KC:D)+A$" K)+A$... 7u,ber" K<A$G
&en(th . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
W$3!S%6 !3S0001 !3S0002 !3S0003 !3S0004 0 0 0 0 #! &OG## 7B!4#$ )A77O: 4# M#$OS #! &OG## D1 7B!4#$ A=$#ADG #P=S: #! &OG## 7A!# )A77O: 4# 4&A73S ADD$#SS>1? )A77O: 4# 4&A73S
As400 Stuff !3S000* !3S000!3S000. !3S0001 !3S0002 !3S0010 0 0 0 0 0 0 )=:G )A77O: 4# 4&A73S !A$=:A& S:A:BS W=&& 4# W=:+ >!8S? #! &OG## 7B!4#$ D1 ADD#D SB))#S6B&&G #! &OG## 7B!4#$ DO#S 7O: #P=S:S #! &OG## B DA:#D SB))#SS6B&&G #! &OG## 7B!4#$D#&#:# SB))#S6B&&G 0-82.802 !S%$#)1 0-82.802
BS=7% 1 S#&#:=O7 Select Subfile 3eywords Subfile record . . . . . . . H !S%$#)1 :y/e choices" /ress #nter GLGes %eneral 9eywords . . . . . . . . =ndicator 9eywords . . . . . . . !essa(e record . . . . . . . . . :#P: 9eyword . . . . . . . . . . efine *essage +ecord Subfile record . . . . . . . H !S%$#)1 :y/e choices" /ress #nter. 3eyword &ine nu,ber for first ,essa(e . . . . S6&!S%$)D 24 !essa(e =D field . . . . . . . . . . S6&!S%3#G >if /ro(ra, ,essa(e Eueue is built one ,essa(e at a ti,e? a(e 202 of 250 <**? 1A2. 7a,e ? ? ?
As400 Stuff ro(ra, ,essa(e Eueue field . . . . . S6& %!C %enerate a 2.- byte field . . . . . *E669,E 6<47=#E C67>.>#D Subfile control record . . . . . . . . . H !S%):&1 :y/e choices" /ress #nter. GLGes %eneral 9eywords . . . . . . . . ? Subfile dis/lay layout . . . . . ? Subfile ,essa(es . . . . . . . . ? Select record 9eywords . . . . . ? :#P: 9eyword . . . . . . . . . . efine ,eneral 3ey'ords Subfile control record . . . . . . . . . H !S%):&1 :y/e choices" /ress #nter. 3eyword *6,+E.1 7a,e 7a,e 7a,e ;<E<E GLGes =ndicators8U ? ? 7a,e ;<E<E GLGes 7a,e
Subfile cursor relati'e record . . . S6&)S$$$7 Subfile ,ode . . . . . . . . . . . . S6&!OD# ro(ra, ,essa(e Eueue field . . . . S6& %!C %enerate a 2.- byte field . . . . GLGes Dis/lay subfile records . . . . . . S6&DS Dis/lay control record . . . . . . . S6&DS ):& =nitialiFe subfile fields . . . . . S6&=7M Delete subfile area . . . . . . . . S6&D&: )lear subfile records . . . . . . . S6&)&$ a(e 203 of 250 ?
As400 Stuff =ndicate ,ore records . . . . . . . S6D S6D /ara,eter . . . . . . . . S6D /ara,eter . . . . . . . . K!O$# KS)$4A$ K!O$# ...
$ecord not acti'e . . . . . . . . . S6&$7A !ore... 63L#0it 612L)ancel Select $ecord 3eywords $ecord . . . H !S%):&1 :y/e choices" /ress #nter. GLGes %eneral 9eywords . . . . . . . . ? =ndicator 9eywords . . . . . . . ? O'erlay 9eywords . . . . . . . . ?
Select O'erlay 3eywords $ecord . . . H !S%):&1 :y/e choices" /ress #nter. 3eyword GLGes =ndicators8U $oll ?
)reate )& /ro(ra, for S7D %!!S% S3A7DASA!O8#! )BS:O$ !S% KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0001.00 0002.00 0003.00 %! D)& D)& A$!>D!S%=D D!S%6= D!S%D:A? <A$>D!S%=D? :G #>K)+A$? >.? <A$>D!S%6=? :G #>K)+A$? >.? a(e 204 of 250
As400 Stuff 0004.00 D)& <A$>D!S%D:A? :G #>K)+A$? >10? S7D %!!S% !S%=D>D!S%=D? !S%6>D!S%6=?
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #nd of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Desi(n the screen %enerate $ % /ro(ra, 0000.01 6!#SS:A4 =6 A # 0001.00 6!3SS)$ 0001.01 ) 0002.02 ) 0003.00 ) 0004.00 ) 000*.00 ) 000-.00 ) 000..00 ) 0001.00 ) 0001.01 ) 0001.02 ) 0012.00 ) 0013.00 ) &01 )6 # !O<#& !O<#& !O<#& &=S: A$! A$! A$! DOW !O<#& !O<#& W$=:# #P6!: !S%=D !S%6= !S%D:A K=703LKO66 0 0 !S%):&1 !3SS#7 #$$O$ #$$O$#! 10 10 . 10 10
CB#B# !S%6=
As400 Stuff 0013.01 ) 0014.00 ) 0014.01 ) 0014.02 ) 001*.00 ) 001-.00 ) 001..00 ) 001..01 ) )A&& =6 ;$!O; #! 7B!4LKM#$OS 1 1 #$$O$ #$$O$#! !S%=D !S%D:A &01
1. %&at is acti-e su!file" Subfiles" which are in the ,ain ,e,ory" are called as acti'e sub files. A ,a0i,u, of 12 sub file can be acti'e at a ti,e. .# )rogra00ing 1. .# co00ands" 1. %+3*4+) * 2. .+>6+.)7 4y usin( this co,,and to create source /hysical file. Default 6 siFe is 22. 3. 6)7 =t is used to dis/lay the details about the file when it is created. 4. 6)77 =t is used for listin( details about =ndi'idual 6ields. 5. 6>+ 7< =t is used to add Data into the records. 6. 6>+6 9 =t is used to (o into screen Desi(nin( or !enu Desi(nin(. a(e 206 of 250
As400 Stuff 7. .+>*6,7 6or creatin( the !essa(e file 8. %+3*6,7 =f you want to create or chan(e or delete any ,essa(e we can use this co,,and. 9. .+> >99+9 6or creatin( :he Data Area 10. 6) >99+9 Dis/lay the contents of Data area. 11. ./, 9>9+9 .han(e the contents of a Data area. 12. 6)#=4# 6or listin( the contents of library 13. 9 #=4#E Adds a library into current library 14. +*G#=4#E $e,o'es a library in current library list 15. ./,.<+#=4 6or chan(in( the )urrent &ibrary to a new library 16. E >#=4# =t is used to the edit of the library file. >)han(e library file it is te,/orary delete the library file? 6or Addin( or re,o'in( library lists. 17. 68 4+3*6, Bsed for sendin( ,essa(e to all user. 18. .+>)7 a(e 207 of 250
As400 Stuff =t is used to create a 6. Bsin( this co,,and we can set the ,a0i,u, nu,ber of records" whether delete or u/date o/eration is allowed or not" ,a0i,u, stora(e allocation" waitin( ti,e etc can be deter,ined 19. .+>#7 )reates the lo(ical files 20. 6>++#< :o (o into the $&B we are usin( this co,,and. Default len(th of $&B is 132 if you (i'e it and creatin( it 'ery first ti,e else it set the /a(e width 'alue of last edited $&B. We can (i'e the /a(e width 'alue fro, 1 to 3.1 in /a(e width o/tion. 21. 6)646
=t is used to list the 'arious subsyste,s runnin( under AS8400 en'iron,ent. <arious subsyste,s runnin( are C=7:#$" CA):=<#" and C4A:)+ etc. 22. .+>+),),* =t is used to create an $ % /ro(ra,. We can deter,ine what sort of source file is (enerated. 6or e0a,/le when we need the entire source co,/ile as it is since source is default. =f we (i'e K7OSOB$)# only synta0 errors is (enerated 7OS#)&<& will not allows secondary ,essa(e where as other settin( is allowed it and so on 23. .+>.#),* :o create )& /ro(ra, 24. E >(459<> =t is used to (i'e authority to a /articular source 6. 6or (i'in( authority to other user we ,ust (i'e authority to library" user /rofile and the source 6. 25. 6)(45
=f we 9now library na,e and object na,e and we want to 9now the source 6 where it is residin( then DS O45D with o/tion as ser'ices instant of basic will (i'e the source 6 na,e. =t describes 'arious object descri/tions li9e created Date" )reated by" Source hysical file" which it is bein( created" and so on. a(e 208 of 250
As400 Stuff 26. 6>+6;# Starts SC&. 27. %+36)#7 :o wor9 with S/ool file 28. #>6)#7 :o delete the s/ool file 29. .+> <)(45 :his co,,and creates du/licate object. =f you want to co,/ile a 6 ha'in( 1000 of records and when we co,/ile it all the data will be lost else if you want to add or delete a attribute data for other fields will ha'e to co/ied. 6or that we a du/licate object. 30. .)?7 $ecords are bein( co/ied fro, 6 to te,/orary file and after co,/ilin( it we ha'e to a(ain co/y bac9 fro, te,/orary file to the ori(inal file. =f we Add a attribute we ha'e to (i'e K,a/ and if we want to delete a attribute we ha'e to (i'e Kdro/ in the ,a/ entry field. 31. #>7
After co/yin( into the ori(inal file we ha'e to delete the te,/orary file or if you want to delete any file we are usin( this co,,and. D&:6 will only re,o'e the object 32. +*G* =t is used to delete the ,e,ber as well as the object. 33. +<8;+? Dis/lays all the records in a 6 34. .+>.* =t is the /owerful co,,and used to create user define co,,ands. 35. .*))7* =t is used to co,/are two /ro(ra,s or files. =t can be coded by ta9in( o/tion *4 in Subfile screen. a(e 209 of 250
As400 Stuff 36. *+,6+. =t is used to ,er(e a file with another file. We ha'e to ,ention three files one is the root file" which is just a root and does not contain any code e'en. :he second file is tar(et file where we can ha'e the readyA,ade we can co/y the tar(et source.
37. +>G.#6+. =f you delete a )& Source then we can retain the source if you are ha'in( the object by usin( this co,,and. 38. 64*5(4 =f you want to sub,it the job in certain inter'al i.e. on a s/ecified date and ti,e we can use this co,,and. 39. 6)5(4 =t will dis/lay all the jobs. 40. 6)<6+)+7
=t will dis/lay all the entries re(ardin( the /articular user /rofile. =t dis/lays infor,ation li9e what is the user. rofile na,eX date /re'iously" user class" /rintin( and all. 41. .)?6+.7 =f we want to co/y all the ,e,bers in a source 6 to another source 6 this co,,and is used. 42. %+39.>5(4 :o dis/lay the acti'e jobs runnin( in AS8400 syste,s. 43. 6)5(4#(, 4y usin( this co,,and dis/lay the out/ut console. 44. 68 *6, :his co,,and is to send the ,essa(e to an user. 45. 6)*6, :his co,,and is dis/lay all the ,essa(e. a(e 210 of 250
As400 Stuff 46. ./,.<+#=4 )han(e the current library file. 47. 9 #=4#E =t is used to add the library. =t is fully ad,inistrator authority. 48. +*G#=4#E :his co,,and is to re,o'e a library fro, the list. 49. .+><6+)+7 =t is used to dis/lay the ri(hts (i'en to a user. :he syste, ad,inistrator can chan(e authority he can (i'e the authority as a syste, ad,inistrator. 50. 6) 4+ Cdata !ase relationD
:his is used to list all the files" which are related to a 6. =t dis/lays all the &6 that is referrin( the 6 and also lists the child table if it is ha'in( a relation throu(h ADD 6)S:. 51. 6)5(4
=t will dis/lay all the jobs sub,itted within the s/ecific inter'al and dis/lay the entire user who wor9ed on the syste, at that ti,e
52. %+3*6,; =t will list all the ,essa(es of different user in the job Eueue. 53. .)?6+.7 =f we want to co/y all the ,e,bers in a source 6 to another source 6 we can use this co,,and. 54. .)?>( 3> =f we want to co/y fro, source 6 to a dis9ette file
55. .)?>(>9) =f we want to co/y source 6 to a ta/e then we can use this co,,and. a(e 211 of 250
As400 Stuff 56. 6>+ 4, =f we want to debu( a =&# /ro(ra, then we can use this co,,and .We ha'e to create a =&# /ro(ra, by co,/ilin( with 1* which is )$:$ %!OD co,,and and ta9e 610 (i'e debu((in( 'alues as KSource. :his will create a ,odule. :hen we ha'e the create the /ro(ra, by (i'in( /ro(ra, na,e and ,odule na,e as the sa,e and if we are callin( any other ,odules also in that include that in the )$: %! co,,and #0H )$: %! %! >&=48 7A!#? !ODB&# >&=48 7A!#? >&=48S 7A!#? 7ow the /ro(ra, as well as the ,odule is created. :hen we ha'e to start the debu( by usin( the co,,and. S:$D4% %! >&=48 7A!#? B D $OD >KG#S? =t will show the source code of the /ro(ra, and we ha'e to /ress 6- set the brea9 /oint and /ress 610 9ey and call the /ro(ra, )A&& 7A!# 611A[ dis/lay the 'ariable :G # >? KD#) #E8 CD Default >1* *? !a0 >1* 2? K)+A$ K&%& Default >32? 1 Default >b? Default >R0@? G9#<E CD Default >0?
As400 Stuff *4.9>A[trailin( blan9s in the first character strin( is truncated. One blan9 is inserted" and then the two character strin(s are concatenated. Any leadin( blan9s of the second o/erand are not truncated K>.9>IRAll trailin( blan9s in the first character strin( is truncated" and then the two character strin(s are concatenated. Any leadin( blan9s of the second o/erand are not truncated. S3A7DASA!O8)& S:$=7% KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data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
000-.00 #7D %! KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #nd of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK +un call /ro(ra, na,e >stringD f4 ro(ra, . . . . . . . . . . . . [ S:$=7% 7a,e
As400 Stuff &ibrary . . . . . . . . . . . [ S3A7DASA!O 7a,e" K&=4&" K)B$&=4 ara,eters . . . . . . . . . . . [ S#7:+=& [ 9u,ar [ ;; [ ;; U for ,ore 'alues [ ;; DS !S% 4. /o' to set t&e cursor 1osition in 1articular field in 1articular 1osition" Bsin( the )ur/os 5. /o' 'ill retrie-e t&e data in data area" =n Iretrie'e a data area OutAwrite a data area 6. 4uilt in function in .#" OSB4S:$=7% or OSS: :he sub strin( builtAin function /roduces a character strin( that is a subset of an e0istin( character strin( and can only be used with a )& /ro(ra,. OSB4S:$=7% >)haracterA'ariableAna,e Startin(A/osition len(th? Or OSS: >)haracterA'ariableAna,e Startin(A/osition len(th? OSW=:)+ 2. efine indicator in .#"
We can set on or set off the indicator by the co,,and. )+%<A$ >D=730? <A&B# >R0@? A[setoff )+%<A$ >D=730? <A&B# >R1@?A[set on
As400 Stuff 3. *essage su!file in .# Subfile cannot be used in )& but we can use ,essa(e subfiles in )&. 4. .# 1rocessing co00ands K 1rogra0 control co00ands" $O)#SS=7% A[ )+%<A$" S7D %!!S%" O<$D46" A7D D&:6. $O%$A! )O7:$O& A[)A&&" $#:B$7" :6$):& 5. /o' to .# code &as to c&ange to use a call 1rocedure" 4y usin( )A&& $) co,,and. :his is the bound call in )& that calls a /rocedure within a ,odule. 6. %&at are -arious ste1s accessing data area in .#" :he first create a (eneral data area use the co,,and >)$:D:AA$A? :o retrie'e 'alues fro, data area use >$:<D:AA$A? :o chan(e this 'alue" use >)+%D:AA$A? :o dis/lay the current 'alue" use >DS D:AA$A? :o delete a data area use >D&:D:AA$A?
2. %&at is t&e eLui-alent co00and to setll *lo%al in .#" OSD46 with file /osition as Kstart will set the file to the be(innin( >or? usin( O<$D46 and s/ecify the 9ey field 'alue by $$7 'alue >or? by (i'in( Kstart. 3. Garious ty1es of 0essage a-aila!le in .#. !essa(e is the interface between o/eratin( syste, and the /ro(ra,s or user and /ro(ra,. We can classify the ,essa(e into two ty/es na,ely =,,ediate ,essa(e redefined ,essa(e =00ediate 0essage Which does the /ro(ra, or syste, user create when they are sent and are not /er,anently stored in the syste,? )ontrol lan(ua(e S7DBS$!S% S7D %!!S% S7D!S% S7D4$3!S% Dis/lay files #$$!S% S6&!S% a(e 215 of 250
As400 Stuff =7CB=$G and =76O$!A:=O7A& ,essa(eH Bsin( S7DBS$!S% co,,and to send ty/e of ,essa(e )redefined 0essage :hey are created before they are used. :hese ,essa(es are /laced in a ,essa(e file >Eueue? when they are created" and retrie'ed fro, the file when they are used. )ontrol lan(ua(e S7DBS$!S% S7D %!!S% $:<!S% Dis/lay files #$$!S%=D S6&!S%=D !S%)O7 !S%=D )O! &#:=O7 and D=A%7OS:=) ,essa(e Bsin( S7D %!!S% co,,and these of ,essa(e can be sent to any ,essa(e Eueue. D=A%7OS:=) ,essa(e tell the callin( /ro(ra, about errors detected by the /ro(ra,. )o,/letion ,essa(e tell the result of wor9 done by the /ro(ra,. S:A:BS ,essa(es Bsin( S7D %!!S% co,,and status ,essa(e can be sent to it@s caller@s /ro(ra, ,essa(e Eueue or to the e0ternal ,essa(e Eueue for the job. :hese ,essa(es tell the recei'in( /ro(ra, the status of the wor9 /erfor,ed by the sendin( /ro(ra,. #S)A # ,essa(e Bsin( S7D %!!S% co,,and esca/e ,essa(e fro, a )& /ro(ra, can be sent to its callin( /ro(ra,. An esca/e ,essa(e tells the callin( /ro(ra, ended abnor,ally and why. 7O::6G ,essa(e 7otify ,essa(e fro, a )& /ro(ra, can be sent to the ,essa(e Eueue of callin( /ro(ra, or to the e0ternal ,essa(e Eueue. A notify ,essa(e tells the callin( /ro(ra, about a condition under which /rocessin( can continue. redefined ,essa(e are stored in ,essa(e file :o create a ,essa(e file a(e 216 of 250
As400 Stuff )$:!S%6 !S%6 >!6=&#? S=M# >? AB: >? :#P: >? )reate and ,aintain ,essa(es ADD!S%D )+%!S%D O$ W$3!S%D DS !S%D $!<!S%D !essa(e file C) 6!S% in library CSGS contain the syste, ,essa(e 2. %&at 'ill *(8*6, co00and in do" :he ,onitor ,essa(e >!O7!S%? co,,and ,onitors the ,essa(e send to the /ro(ra, ,essa(e Eueue for the conditions s/ecified in the co,,and. =f condition e0ists" the )& co,,and s/ecified on the !O7!S% co,,and is run. :y/es of ,onitor ,essa(e #sca/e !essa(e Status or 7otify !essa(e #sca/e !essa(e #sca/e ,essa(e are send to tell your /ro(ra, of an error condition that forced the sender to end. 4y ,onitorin( for esca/e ,essa(e" you can ta9e correcti'e actions or clean u/ and end your /ro(ra,. Status or 7otify !essa(e Status and notify ,essa(e are send to tell your /ro(ra, of an abnor,al condition that is not serious enou(h for sender to end. 4y ,onitorin( for status or notify ,essa(e" your /ro(ra, can detect this condition and not allow the function to continue. :wo le'els of !O7!S% co,,and ro(ra, le'el S/ecific co,,and le'el ro(ra, le'el :he !O7!S% is s/ecified i,,ediately followin( the last declare co,,and in your )& /ro(ra,. Gou can use as ,any as 100 /ro(ra,Ale'el !O7!S% co,,ands in a /ro(ra,. S/ecific co,,and le'el +ere the !O7!S% co,,and i,,ediately follows a )& co,,and. Gou can use as ,any as 100 co,,andsAle'el !O7!S% co,,ands for a sin(le co,,and. !onitor ,essa(e co,,and synta0 a(e 217 of 250
!S%=DA$eEuired #0H !S%=D >!)+1211? )! D:A I>O/tional? #0H !O7!S% !S%=D >!)+1211? )! D:A >&=4? #P#) A A>O/tional? )& co,,and 2. %&at are t&e state0ents, '&ic& is not used in .##E t&at is used in .#)" $)&$S) which is re/laced by $)&A):%$ :6$):& 2. /o' to create user define co00and" 4y usin( the )$:)!D co,,and /rocess the co,,and definition state,ents to create the co,,and definition object. :he )$:)!D co,,and ,ay be run interacti'ely or in a batch job.
Ste/s for creatin( )$:)!D co,,ands 1. #nter the co,,and definition state,ents into the source file )o,,and ty/e )!D S3A7DASA!O8)& )!D1 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0001.00 )!D KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #nd of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 2. #nter source /ro(ra, in any lan(ua(e S3A7DASA!O8)& D&=4 :G # H )&
As400 Stuff 0001.00 %! 0002.00 DS &=4& 0003.00 #7D %! KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #nd of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 3. )reate the co,,and by usin( )$:)!D ta9e f4 )o,,and . . . . . . . . . . . . [ 36 7a,e
&ibrary . . . . . . . . . . . [ 6398 969*( 7a,e" K)B$&=4 ro(ra, to /rocess co,,and . . . [ #=4 7a,e" K$#PP
&ibrary . . . . . . . . . . . [ 6398 969*( 7a,e" K&=4&" K)B$&=4 Source file . . . . . . . . . . [ .#) 7a,e
&ibrary . . . . . . . . . . . [ 6398 969*( 7a,e" K&=4&" K)B$&=4 Source ,e,ber . . . . . . . . . [ .* 1 :hreadsafe . . . . . . . . . . . K7O 7a,e" K)!D KG#S" K7O" K)O7D KSGS<A&" K$B7" K!S%" K7O$B7
3. =nfo D#6AB&: )& !S%=D? ) 60000 Ds/f windows ty/e? W=7DOW What is the le'el chec9 error? :he le'el chec9 error ,eans $ %&# /ro(ra, is co,/iled and 6 or &6 are co,/ile su//ose the 6 or &6 co,/ile after the co,/ilin( the $ %&# /ro(ra, this ty/e of error is called le'el chec9 error. =f you want to co/y a 6 without ,a9in( any ,odification to it then 6O$!A: 9eyword is used. Default access /ath ,aintenance is K=!!#D !a0i,u, no of /rinter files included in a $ %&# /ro(ra, is 1 a(e 219 of 250
As400 Stuff !a0i,u, no of files declared in $ %&# is *0 and )& is l !a0i,u, no of 9ey fields included is 120 !a0i,u, no of fields included in a 6 is 1000 !a0i,u, no of arrays included is a $ % is 200 !a0i,u, no of /ara,eter /assed in a $ % is 2** and )& 40 :otal no of syste, library is 1* and user library is 2* While lo((in( on the first library to be included is CSGS C% + and C:#! are user library rinter file default len(th is 132. Default siFe of a ,e,ber is )$:S$) 6 co,,and for ordinary files is 22.
2. %&atFs t&e difference !et'een ./9=8 and 6E>##" =s t&ere a 1erfor0ance ad-antage" :here are two i,/ortant differences between )+A=7 and S#:&&. 1. :he )+A=7 o/eration a//lies a record loc9 to files that are o/en or u/date. :he S#:&& o/eration does not a//ly the loc9. 2. :he )+A=7 o/eration co/ies the record;s data to the in/ut buffer for the /ro(ra,. :he S#:&& o/eration does not. +ore &etails :he )+A=7 o/eration /erfor,s a rando, %#: o/eration to the database file. =f the o/eration is successful" the data in the record is co/ied to the in/ut buffer. =f the )+A=7 o/eration fails" a recordAnotAfound condition is si(naled" ty/ically 'ia $esultin( =ndicator 1. =f the database file has been o/ened for B DA:#" the )+A=7 o/eration /laces a record loc9 on the retrie'ed record. 7o other a//lication can access this record for u/date while this loc9 is a//lied. 6urther,ore" if another /ro(ra, has issued a loc9 to the recordin( bein( accessed" the )+A=7 o/eration will wait for the database ti,eAout /eriod. =f the record is released durin( that /eriod" the )+A=7 o/eration continues. =f the other /ro(ra, does not release the record" the )+A=7 o/eration fails with an e0ce/tion. ./9=8 'it& 8( #(.3 :he )+A=7 o/eration su//orts the 7O &O)3 o/eration e0tender >the old NhalfAadjustN colu,n?. =n $ % === you s/ecify an 7 in the o/eration e0tender colu,n" in $ % =<" you s/ecify )+A=7 >n? for the o/eration code. Bsin( 7O &O)3 allows you to access a record without a record loc9 bein( a//lied" re(ardless of the way in which the file is o/en. :he record;s data" howe'er" is still co/ied to the in/ut buffer when 7O &O)3 is s/ecified. :he S#:&& o/eration /erfor,s a Euasi $#AD &#SS :+A7 O$ #CBA& o/eration. =f the o/eration is successful" a $#AD $=O$ is /erfor,ed. :he database record;s data" howe'er" is not co/ied to the in/ut buffer" nor is there a record loc9 a//lied to a(e 220 of 250
As400 Stuff the accessed record. +ence" S#:&& is /robably the o/eration code to use for testin( the e0istence of a record. +owe'er" if the record needs to be retrie'ed" )+A=7 ,ore effecti'e. Performance =f your reEuire,ent is to chec9 for the e0istence of a record" traditionally the )+A=7 o/eration is used. +owe'er" since )+A=7 co/ies the record;s data to your /ro(ra,;s in/ut buffer" there is additional o'erhead reEuired for the )+A=7 o/eration. :he S#:&& can be used to effecti'ely acco,/lish the sa,e tas9 as the )+A=7 test. Bse S#:&& with resultin( indicator 3 >eEual?. =f this indicator is set on" a record e0ists whose 9ey ,atches they 'alue s/ecified in 6actor 1. =f your reEuire,ent is that the record e'entually be u/dated" subseEuent to the e0istents test" you should consider usin( of )+A=7. 2. /o' do = de!ug a re0ote Ci.e. T!atc&TD $o! fro0 an interacti-e $o!" :he ability to debu( another job has been a lon(Astandin( reEuire,ent for AS8400" now =series /ro(ra,,ers. =t isn;t as difficult as it ,ay see,. Whether you need to debu( a batch job" another interacti'e job" or an +:: ser'er job >browser8)%= /ro(ra,?" the followin( ste/s can (et you started. (tarting &eb)g for a Remote ,ob 1. Deter,ine the job na,e of nu,ber for the job you need to debu(. Bse W$3A):5O4 and note the 5ob na,e" nu,ber and user /rofile =D. =f debu((in( a )%= /ro(ra," loo9 in the job lo( of the job for ) 6 ,essa(e +: 2001. 1. $un the Start Ser'ice 5ob >S:$S$<5O4? co,,and s/ecifyin( the job to be debu((ed #.(." S:$S$<5O4 5O4 >01234*8usrid8jobna,e? 1. $un Start Debu( >S:$D4%? on the /ro(ra, to be debu((ed #.(." S:$D4% %! >libna,8/(,na,e? B D $OD>KG#S e K7O? 1. At this /oint the /ro(ra, in the re,ote job is under debu( control fro, your job Gou can now set brea9 /oints >if you;re debu((in( an $ % =< /ro(ra," the source will ha'e already been dis/layed?. ress 612 fro, within the debu((er to return to )!D entry after settin( your brea9 /oints.
1. #'o9e the /ro(ra, in the re,ote job. =f you you;re doin( a web browser session" hit the SB4!=: button. 2. Gou interacti'e job will Nbrea9N at the debu( brea9 /oints and you can debu( a//lication nor,ally. a(e 221 of 250
As400 Stuff #n$ing &eb)g for a Remote ,ob #ndin( the debu( session should be done in the followin( seEuence. 1. 6ro, your debu((in( session" run the #nd Debu( >#7DD4%? co,,and 2. :hen run the >#nd Ser'ice 5ob? #7DS$<5O4 co,,and Gour session is no lon(er controllin( the re,ote job. :he re,ote job continues nor,ally. (pecial Consi$erations w en &eb)gging a -eb Browser.CGI Program :o debu( a )%= /ro(ra, that is e'o9ed fro, a Web 4rowser session runnin( fro, the standard =4! +:: Web Ser'er" you need to do the followin( in addition to the abo'e. Before (tarting &eb)g for a -eb Browser.CGI (ession.Program #nd the +:: Ser'er usin( the followin( )& co,,andH #7D:) S<$ K+:: WA$7=7%JJJ AA Gou !BS: include K+:: as the /ara,eter for #7D:) S<$ otherwise all :) 8= ser'er jobs >includin( telnet" ft/" s,t/" etc.? will be ended. And this is a bad thin(. =4! suc9s for ,a9in( KA&& the default for #7D:) S<$. $estart the +:: Ser'er usin( the followin( )& co,,andH S:$:) S<$ K+:: +:: S<$>D#6AB&: ;A,inat 1 A,a0at 1;? :his restarts the +:: ser'er with once instance of each job ty/e >one for )%=" one for 5a'a" etc.? Bsin( W$3A):5O4 in the C+:: S<$ subsyste, location the jobs runnin(. :he job whose joblo( contains the ) 6 ,essa(e +: 2001 is the one to be debu((ed. After 6inishin( the Debu( Session #nd the +:: ser'er usin( the followin( )& co,,andH #7D:) S<$ K+:: $estart the +:: ser'er usin( the followin( )& co,,and" unless your sho/ has another /rocess for startin( the +:: ser'erH S:$:) S<$ K+:: Gour syste, should be bac9 to nor,al. 2. %&at is t&e ne' E o1eration e2tender used for" :he new >#? o/eration e0tender is used to cause the O#$$O$ and OS:A:BS builtAin functions to be initialiFed after an o/eration is /erfor,ed. :hat is" these builtAin a(e 222 of 250
As400 Stuff functions and the # o/eration e0tender are used in /lace of $esultin( =ndicator 2 on all o/eration codes that currently su//ort $esultin( =ndicator 2 as an error condition. 6or e0a,/le" to chec9 to see if a record is loc9ed" you would code the followin(H .....)S$n016actor1UUUUUUUO/)ode>e0?6actor2UUUUUUU$esultUUUUUUU U&enUUDc+i&o#E ) )ust7O .&ain>#? )ust!ast ) if O#$$O$ L KO7 ) Select ) When OS:A:BS L 1221 ) e0sr B/date7o$ead ) When OS:A:BS L 1211 ) e0sr $ecd&oc9ed ) endS& ) #&S# ) if O6OB7D> )ust!ast ? ) e0sr whate'er... ) endif ) endif :he conce/t is to first chec9 O#$$O$ for a (eneraliFed error condition" and then chec9 OS:A:BS for the s/ecific error. 7ote that no resultin( indicators are used in the /re'ious e0a,/le. :he nor,al not(!ound condition is chec9ed usin( the O6OB7D builtAin function rather than testin( $esultin( =ndicator 1. 3. %&y doesnFt t&e H./9+ !uiltIin function 'orE 'it& nu0eric -alues" Bnder the initial release of OS8400 <ersion 4" $elease 2" the O)+A$ builtAin function was introduced. +owe'er" the function" as desi(ned" only con'erted DA:# 'alues to character 'alues. :his /ro'ed to be too restricti'e a use for this function. =n the ne0t release of OS8400 ><4$4? =4! will add function to O)+A$ allowin( it to con'ert all for,s of nonAcharacter data to character. =n that release O)+A$ will function with nu,eric 'alues. D A,ount ) #'al .) 2 =nF>123.4*? te0t L ;:he a,ount isH ; U O)har > a,ount ?
:he :#P: field would contain the followin( after the #<A& o/eration is /erfor,edH ;:he a,ount isH 123.4*; Bnli9e O#D=:)" the O)+A$ builtAin function tri,s off leadin( blan9s. +owe'er" O#D=:) /ro'ides ,uch ,ore editin( /ower than O)+A$. Bse O)+A$ for basic nu,ber to character con'ersion. a(e 223 of 250
As400 Stuff 4. /o' does t&e .(86> Eey'ord 'orE 'it& )rocedure 1ara0eters" =f you are certain that the called /rocedure will 7O: ,odify a /ara,eter" the )O7S: 9eyword can /ro'ide se'eral benefits. 1. =t auto,atically con'erts a field of a si,ilar data ty/e" to the len(th and ty/e reEuired by the /ara,eter. What this ,eans" is say a /ara,eter is a 1* /osition /ac9 field" with * deci,als. 7or,ally" you;d ha'e to s/ecify a d9>1*"*? field for the /ara,eter. +owe'er" if the /ara,eter is readAonly" you can s/ecify )O7S: on the rototy/e and rocedure =nterface for the /ara,eter. When you do this" the co,/iler auto,atically con'erts the 'alue >say it;s a literal of 2.? to the siFe and ty/e reEuired by the /ara,eter. :his wor9s really cool with DA:# fields. A date for any for,at can be /assed as a /ara,eter 'alue when that /ara,eter 'alue is )O7S:. 2. erfor,ance is i,/ro'ed because the co,/iler can (enerate ,ore o/ti,iFed code for the )O7S: /ara,eter.
)O7S: can be used on calls to /rocedures or /ro(ra,s. We use it all the ti,e when callin( C)!D#P) fro, within $ % =<. All three /ara,eters of the C)!D#P) /ro(ra, are )O7S: 'alues. :he e0a,/le code below can be used as the $O:O:G # to call C)!D#P) fro, within $ % =<. :o call it usin( this /rototy/e" s/ecify so,ethin( li9eH .9##) runCFaddli!le 0y#i!F 14D in your calculation s/ecs. .....D7a,eUUUUUUUUUUU#BDS.......&en(thU:Dc.6unctionsUUUUUUUUUUUUU U D +un )+ E2t)g0>;C)!D#P);? D c,dstr 30009 .onst (1tions>K<arSiFe? D c,dlen 1*) * .onst D c,dDbcs 39 .onst (1tions>K7O ASS? 8ote@ if you;re usin( )odeStudio or =4!;s )ode8400 as your $ % =< editor under Windows" you could si,/ly hi(hli(ht the abo'e source code within your =nternet 4rowser" and co/y it to the Windows cli/board. :hen acti'ate )odeStudio >or )ode8400? and use the aste function to insert the code directly into the editor. retty cool" huh? b([
4uiltIin 7unctions
1. +), =G I 4uiltIin 7unctions :he ori(inal release of $ % =< included a set of builtAin functions. :hese builtAin functions wereH a(e 224 of 250
As400 Stuff OADD$" O ADD$" OS=M#" O#&#!" OSB4S:" O:$=!" O:$=!&" O:$=!$ =n addition" under OS8400 <3$2 and <3$. the O A$!S builtAin function was introduced. Since then" se'eral builtAin functions ha'e been added to $ % =<. :he followin( table /ro'ides the OS8400 <ersion and $elease that the s/ecific builtAin functions were introduced and8or enhanced. 7O:#H =4! See,s to s9i/Ashi/ the $ % =< co,/iler. So $ % =< in <4$1" <4$3 and <4$* has no new functionality. :he ne0t scheduled u/(rade is OS8400 <*$1 in s/rin( 2001.
<4$2 <4$4
6irst /osition in the searchedAdata that contains a character not in the list of the characters in the co,/are 'alue. &ast /osition in the searchedA data that contains a character not in the list of the characters in the co,/are 'alue. >Search
As400 Stuff
be(ins with the ri(htA,ost character and /roceeds to the left. <*$1 ODA:# f 'alue f H dateA for,atAcode g A date dataAty/e 'alue after con'ertin( the N'alueN to the s/ecified date for,at. =f no 'alue is s/ecified" the current syste, date is returned. A duration 'alue that can be used in an e0/ression to add a nu,ber of days to a date 'alue. <alue in /ac9ed nu,eric for,at. =f di(its and dec/os are s/ecified the result 'alue is for,atted to fit in a 'ariable of the nu,ber of di(its s/ecified. +alfAadjusted 'alue in /ac9ed nu,eric for,at. :he len(th and deci,al /ositions 7u,ber of deci,al di(its.
nu,eric e0/ression H di(its H dec/os nu,eric e0/ression startAdate H endA date H durationA code
)alculates the difference between two date fields. :he ty/e of difference returned is s/ecified by the durationA code. erfor,s inte(er di'ision and returns the Euotient >result?
7u,erator Deno,inator
As400 Stuff
of that di'ision o/eration. <3$. O#D=:) nonAfloat nu,eric e0/ression H edit code fHK)B$SG! e KAS:6=&& e currency sy,bolg nu,eric e0/ression nonAfloat nu,eric e0/ression H edit word array" table" or ,ulti/le occurrence data structure na,e ffile na,eg Strin( 'alue. re/resentin( edited
7u,ber of occurrences
;1; if the ,ost recent file in/ut o/eration or write to a subfile >for a /articular file" if s/ecified? e ended in an endA ofAfile or e be(innin(AofAfile condition ;0; otherwise. ;1; if the ,ost recent S#:&& >for a /articular file" if s/ecified? or &OO3B o/eration found an e0act ,atches ;0; otherwise. ;1; if the ,ost recent o/eration code with e0tender ;#; s/ecified resulted in an error ;0; otherwise.
ffile na,eg
As400 Stuff
;1; if the ,ost recent rele'ant o/eration >for a /articular file" if s/ecified? found a record >)+A=7" D#&#:#" S#:%:" S#:&&?" an ele,ent >&OO3B ?" or a ,atch >)+#)3" )+#)3$" S)A7? ;0; otherwise. )on'erts character data to doubleAbyte character set 'alue. A duration 'alue that can be used in an e0/ression to add a nu,ber of hours to a ti,e 'alue. <alue in inte(er for,at
O%$A +=)
Any 'alue
1. $eturns the len(th of a 'ariable or literal 'alue" or the current len(th of a 'aryin( len(th field. 2. When used on the left side of the eEual si(n" sets the len(th of a 'aryin( len(th field.
As400 Stuff
O&OO3B 00
An array inde0 of the ele,ent in the array where the searchAdata is located.
O:&OO3B 00
KO7 if the search is successful" otherwise KO66. >7O:#H :he inde0es of the searchedAtable and alternateAtable are set to the inde0 of the searchAdata if KO7 is returned.? A duration 'alue that can be used in an e0/ression to add a nu,ber of ,inutes to a ti,e 'alue. A duration 'alue that can be used in an e0/ression to add a nu,ber of ,onths to a date 'alue. A duration 'alue that can be used in an e0/ression to add a nu,ber of ,illiseconds to a ti,e 'alue. <alue in indicator for,at re/resentin( the null indicator settin( for the nullA ca/able field. :he current occurrence of the data structure" or sets the current occurrence of the data structure
As400 Stuff
OO #7
file na,e
;1; if the s/ecified file ;0; if the s/ecified closed. )onsider this to be an ;=s this file o/eration. Address of /rocedure
/rocedure na,e
7u,ber of /ara,eters /assed to /rocedure /ointer H newAsiFe ointer to stora(e. the allocated
7u,erator Deno,inator
erfor,s inte(er di'ision and returns the re,ainder fro, the di'ision o/eration. Strin( /roduced by insertin( re/lace,ent strin( into source strin(" startin( at start /osition and re/lacin( the s/ecified nu,ber of characters. 6irst /osition of search ar(u,ent in strin( or Fero" if not found.
O$# &A)#
re/lace,ent strin(H source strin( fHstart /osition fHsource len(th to re/lacegg search ar(u,ent H strin( to be searched fHstart /ositiong seconds
A duration 'alue that can be used in an e0/ression to add a nu,ber of seconds to a ti,e 'alue. KO7 if the job is bein( shut down >e.(." when the
As400 Stuff
W$DW7SGS co,,and issued? otherwise KO66 returned. OS=M# 'ariable" data structure" array" or literal fH KA&&g
is is
7u,ber of bytes used by 'ariable or literal. KA&& returns the nu,ber of bytes used by all the ele,ents of the array" or all the occurrences of the data structure. :he sEuare root of e0/ression or 'alue. the
0 if no /ro(ra, or file error occurred since the ,ost recent o/eration code with e0tender ;#; s/ecified ,ost recent 'alue set for any /ro(ra, or file status" if an error occurred if a file is s/ecified" the 'alue returned is the ,ost recent status for that file. )haracters addressed by /ointer ar(u,ent u/ to but not includin( the first 0;00;. :he e0tracted co,/onent of the date 'alue. >:he functional eEui'alent of the #P:$): o/eration code.? Substrin( 'alue. =f len(th is not s/ecified" the substrin( be(ins with start and
/ointerfH,a0i,u , len(thg
date H code
strin(H startfHlen(thg
As400 Stuff
continues throu(h the end of the strin(. <*$1 O:+=S Bsed for 5a'a inte(ration. $eturns an Object reference. f 'alue f H ti,eA for,atAcode g A ti,e dataAty/e 'alue after con'ertin( the N'alueN to the s/ecified ti,e for,at. =f no 'alue is s/ecified" the current syste, ti,e is returned. A ti,esta,/ dataAty/e 'alue with or without se/arators. Strin( with left and ri(ht blan9s tri,,ed >re,o'ed? Strin( with tri,,ed Strin( with tri,,ed character $eturns 'alue. a left blan9s
Any 'alue
As400 Stuff
1. 7igurati-e constants in +),#E K+=<A&" K&O<A&" KM#$O" KM#$OS" K4&A73S" S#:&&" S#:%:.
2. E21lain 9 9
=t is a /owerful o/code" which is used to add any date related function to a /articular date" ti,e or ti,esta,/. E2a01le@ S3A7DASA!O8DA:# ADDDB$ KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0000.01 dKdate function usin( the adddur 0001.00 D:=!#S:# 0001.01 D:=!#* 0002.00 DDA:#1 0002.01 DDA:#2 0002.02 DDA:#3 S S S S S M M D D D
As400 Stuff
0002.03 DDA:#4 0003.00 D:=!#1 0003.01 D:=!#2 0003.02 D:=!#3 0003.03 D:=!#4 0004.00 ) 000*.00 ) 000-.00 ) 000..00 ) 000..01 ) 000..02 ) 0001.00 ) 0002.00 )K 0010.00 ) 0011.00 ) 0012.00 ) 0013.00 ) 0014.00 ) 0014.01 ) 0014.02 ) 0014.03 ) 0014.04 ) 0014.0* ) 001*.00 ) :=!#1 :=!#1 :=!#1 :=!#S:# DA:#2 DA:#3 DA:#4 :=!#1 :=!#2 :=!#3 :=!#4 :=!#* DA:#1 DA:#1 DA:#1
S S S S S !O<#&
D : : : : KDA:# 02HKG 0*HK! 01HKD :=!#1 :=!#S:# 10HK+ 10HK!& 10HKS 10HK!S :=!#2 :=!#3 :=!#4 :=!#* DA:#1 DA:#2 DA:#3 DA:#4
As400 Stuff
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #nd of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK OB: B: DS &G 2004A0-A2. DS &G 2002A11A2. DS &G 2002A0-A21 DS &G 12.11.3DS &G 22.11.3DS &G 00.00.00 DS &G 12.11.4DS &G 2002A0-A2.A12.11.3-.2*3010
6<4 <+@ =t is used to find the difference between two date >or? ti,e >or? ti,e sta,/ #0a,/le S3A7DASA!O8DA:# SB4DB$ KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0000.01 dKdate function usin( the SB4DB$ 0001.00 D:=!#S:# 0001.01 D:=!#* 0002.00 DDA:#1 0002.01 DDA:#2 0002.02 DDA:#3 S S S S S M M D =7M >D;12..A0-A20;? D D
As400 Stuff
0002.03 DDA:#4 0003.00 D:=!#2 0003.01 D:=!#1 0003.02 D:=!#3 0003.03 D:=!#4 000*.00 ) 000-.00 ) 000..00 ) 000..01 ) 0001.00 ) 0010.00 ) 0012.00 ) 0013.00 ) 0014.00 ) 0014.01 ) 0014.02 ) 0014.03 ) 0014.04 ) 001*.00 ) :=!#2 :=!#2 DA:#2 DA:#3 DA:#4 :=!#1 :=!#2 :=!#3 :=!#4 DA:#1 DA:#1 DA:#1
S S S S S SB4DB$ SB4DB$ SB4DB$ :=!# SB4DB$ SB4DB$ DS &G DS &G DS &G DS &G DS &G DS &G DS &G S#:O7
D : =7M >:;12. *0.10@? : : : 02HKD 0*HK! 01HKG :=!#1 10HK+ 10HKS :=!#1 :=!#4 DA:#2 DA:#3 DA:#4
As400 Stuff
DS &G 02.*0.10 DS &G 12.*0.10 DS &G 00.00.00 DS &G 12.*0.00 #P:$):H =t is used to e0tract year" ,onth" day" hours" ,inutes" seconds" and ,icroseconds of a ti,e sta,/ or date field. E2a01le@ S3A7DASA!O8DA:# #P$): KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0000.01 dK6=7: :+# #P$): DAG !O7:+ G#A$ 0001.00 D:=!#S:# 0002.00 DDA:#1 0002.01 DDA:#3 0002.02 DDA:#2 0002.04 DDA:#4 0002.0* DDA:#* 0002.0- DDA:#0002.0. DDA:#. 0002.01 DDA:#1 0003.00 D:=!#0 0003.01 D:=!#1 0003.02 D:=!#2 0003.03 D:=!#4 S S S S S S S S S S S S S M D =7M >D;12..A0-A20;? D * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 * 0 : =7M >:;12. *0.10@? : * 0 * 0
As400 Stuff
0003.04 D:=!#* 0003.0* D:=!#0003.0- D:=!#3 0004.00 ) 0004.01 ) 0004.02 ) 000*.00 ) 000-.00 ) 000..00 ) 000..01 ) 000..02 ) 000..03 ) 000..04 ) 000..0* ) 000..0- ) 000..0. ) 0011.00 ) 0012.00 ) 0013.00 ) 0013.01 ) 0013.02 ) 0013.03 ) 0014.00 ) 0014.01 ) DA:#2 DA:#1 DA:#4 DA:#* DA:#DA:#. :=!#2
S S S !O<#& :=!# :=!# #P:$): #P:$): #P:$): #P:$): #P:$): #P:$): #P:$): #P:$): #P:$): #P:$): #P:$): DS &G DS &G DS &G DS &G DS &G DS &G DS &G
* 0 * 0 2- 0 KDA:# DA:#3 :=!#1 :=!#S:# DA:#1HK! DA:#3HK! DA:#1HKD DA:#3HKD DA:#1HKG DA:#3HKG :=!#1HK+ :=!#1HK+ :=!#0HK+ :=!#0HKS DA:#2 DA:#4 DA:#* DA:#DA:#. DA:#1 :=!#2 :=!#4 :=!#* :=!#-
:=!#S:#HK!S :=!#3
As400 Stuff
OB: B: DS &G -
DS &G 12.. DS &G DS &G DS &G DS &G DS &G :#S:H :est is the ,ost /owerful o/code" which will chec9 a date is a 'alid" or not .:he low le'el indicator is set on if the date is not 'alid or set off if the date is a 'alid one. :est will be (i'en with e0tended factor li9e test >d?" test >t?" test >F? for date" ti,e and ti,e sta,/ and if test without e0tended factor default to date >F?. #0a,/le S3A7DASA!O8DA:# a(e 239 of 250 12 12 12 10 441000
As400 Stuff
:#S: KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0000.01 )K:#S: 6O$ <A&=D DA:# :+# DA:# <A&=D S#:O66 O$ S#:O7 >7O:<A&=D? 0001.00 ) 0002.00 ) 0003.00 ) 0003.01 ) 0003.02 ) 0003.03 ) 0003.04 ) 0003.0* ) 0004.00 ) ;<A&=D; K=730 =6 ;7O:<A=&D; #&S# DS &G #7D=6 S#:O7 &$ !O<#& :#S: >D? DS &G K=730LKO7 DS &G ;1380381222@ A A 10 30
3. E21lain .o01ile ti0e array, looEu1, sortIa, 2Ifoot, and +un ti0e array" .o01ile ti0e array :he co,/ile ti,e array ,eans the ele,ents of the array will be loaded before the e0ecution of the /ro(ra,s. :he 'alue will be static. We ,ust declare in 9eyword co,,and D=! >?" ):D:A: >?" and #$$)D >?. We are (i'in( the 'alue in after the S#:O7 &$. E2a01le a(e 240 of 250
As400 Stuff
S3A7DASA!O8A$$AG )O!=&# KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0000.01 0001.00 0002.00 0003.00 0004.00 000*.00 000-.00 000..00 0001.00 KK 0002.00 1001 0010.00 20 0011.00 1000 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #nd of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK OB: B: DS &G 1001 DS &G 20 DS &G 1000 +un ti0e array :he run ti,e array ,eans the 'alue will be loaded durin( the runti,e only. :he 'alue will be dyna,ic. S3A7DASA!O8A$$AG $B7:=!# cKco,/ile ti,e array darr1 di c c c c c i arr1>i? s s do ds/ly add enddo seton 1 i 3 4 di,>3? ctdata /errcd>1?
2/ 0 inF>1?
As400 Stuff
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0000.01 cKrunti,e array 0001.00 darr1 0002.00 di 0002.01 da 0002.02 dj 0003.00 c 0003.01 c 0003.02 cK 0003.03 c 0003.04 c 0003.0* c 0004.00 c 000*.01 c 000-.00 c 000..00 c j arr1>j? i s s s s do ds/ly e'al add enddo do ds/ly add enddo seton lr 1 j 12 12 arr1>i? arr1>i?La 1 i 10 di,>12?
2/ 0 inF>1? 3/ 0 2/ 0 inF>1?
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0000.01 cKloo9u/"0footDsorta e0a,/les 0001.00 darr1 0002.00 di s s 4 0 di,>3? ctdata /errcd>1? 2/ 0 inF>1? a(e 242 of 250
As400 Stuff
0002.01 dj 0002.02 dd 0003.00 c 0004.00 c 000*.00 c 000-.00 c 000-.01 c 000-.02 c 000-.03 c 000-.04 c 000-.0* c 000-.0- c 000-.0. c 000-.01 000-.02 000-.10 000-.11 000-.12 000-.13 000..00 0001.00 KK 0002.00 1001 0010.00 2000 0011.00 1000 1000 i arr1>i?
s s do ds/ly add enddo sorta 0foot loo9u/ if ;found; ds/ly else ;notfou; ds/ly c c c c c c c d j endif ds/ly do 3
2/ 0 inF>1? 4/ 0
As400 Stuff
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #nd of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK DS &G 1001 DS &G 2000 DS &G 1000 DS &G found DS &G 4001 DS &G 1000 DS &G 1001 DS &G 2000 )re runti0e array re runti,e array is in between these 2 conditions where the 'alue is static and the 'alue will be retrie'ed fro, dis9 and loaded into the array. As a result there is no need to retrie'e the 'alue e'ery ti,e fro, the dis9 and usa(e of /re runti,e array ,a9es it fast. We ,ust declare in 9eyword co,,and D=! >?" 6$O!6=&# >?" and #$$)D >?.
1. %&at is t&e different !et'een +E9 E and ./9=8 (1codes" $#AD# 1.:he ,atchin( records for table 2. We are usin( the loo/in( conce/t 3.:he indicator Set =n the #C 4. We are ,ost usin( in S#:%: or S#:&& )+A=7 :he first ,atchin( records only &oo/in( is not necessary :he indicator Set =n the += =t is not necessary
2. E21lain 4uild in function in =#E" OSB4S: C6tring na0e@ 6tring 1osition@ lengt&D
As400 Stuff
OA4S C9!solute -alue !y o0itting signD O#D=:) Cstring@ SAJD =n a a11lication if 'e 'ant to concatenate a string 'it& a nu0eric t&en 'e can use t&is HE =>. E2a01le@ S3A7DASA!O84B&=D #D=:) KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0001.00 da 0002.00 db 0003.00 dc 0004.00 dd 000*.00 de 000-.00 dout 000..00 c 0002.00 c 0010.00 c 0011.00 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #nd of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK OB: B: DS &G shya, 0000000020sundar 0000000012ra,babu out s s s s s s e'al ds/ly seton lr 10a inF>;shya,;? 10/ 0 inF>20? 10a inF>;sundar;? 10s 0 inF>12? 10a inF>;ra,babu;? *0a outLaUOeditc>bH;P;?UcUOeditc>dH;P;?Ue
O$# &A)# C+e1lacing string, actual string, starting 1osition, offsetD /ere 'e are re1lacing senthil9u,ar fro0 1osition 4 to 3 !y 9u,. >&e out1ut 'ill !e sen9u,l9u,ar. S3A7DASA!O84B&=D $# &A)#
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KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0000.01 dKre/lace the strin( usin( 9eyword Ore/lace 0001.00 dc 0002.00 db 0003.00 c 0004.00 c 000*.00 c b s s e'al ds/ly seton lr 1-a inF>;senthil9u,ar;? 20a bLOre/lace>;9u,;HcH4H3?
O:$=! CH>+=*#, H>+=*+D :he use of the :$=! functions is 'ery li,ited" in that they su//ort only the use of character 'ariables and data structures. 7u,eric fields and FeroAfill 'alues are not su//orted. :hey do" howe'er" /ro'ide so,e useful function for strin( handlin(. 6or e0a,/le" in $ % =<" one line of code is all that;s needed to leftA adjust a 'alue within a field. 6or e0a,/leH .....))$n016actor1UUUUUUUO/)ode>e0?6actor2UUUUUUU$esultUUUUUUU U&enUUDc+i&o#E . E270t.ust*aint . E-al .ust8a0ePH>ri0#C.ust8a0eD :y/ically" the O:$=! function is the only one of the three that (et used. :he other two" howe'er" do ha'e their /lace. O:$=! re,o'es trailin( and leadin( blan9s fro, a field" and returns the re,ainin( 'alue" in /lace" within the e0/ression. :he returned 'alue is treated si,ilar to a constant 'alue with leadin( or trailin( blan9s. O:$=!& re,o'es leadin( blan9s >tri,Aleft? fro, a field" and returns the 'alue in /lace" within the e0/ression. O:$=!$ re,o'es trailin( blan9s >tri,Ari(ht? fro, a field" and returns the 'alue in /lace" within the e0/ression. a(e 246 of 250
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O6OB7D" O#O6" O#CBA&"OO #7 OS8400 <ersion 4" $elease 2 $ % =< su//orts the eli,ination of the $esultin( =ndicators. =n their /lace" se'eral new builtAin functions ha'e been introduced. !ost of these new builtAin function /ro'ide infor,ation about the result of 6ile o/erations si,ilar to the $esult indicators. 4ut instead of codin( $esultin( indicator 3" for e0a,/le" to chec9 for the endAofAfile condition" you si,/ly chec9 the 'alue of the O#O6 builtAin function. :he builtAin functions that re/lace the $esultin( =ndicators includeH O6OB7D" O#O6" O#CBA&. =n addition" there are OO #7" OS:A:BS" and O#$$O$. !ysteriously ,issin( is O&O)3 to chec9 for a record loc9 condition. H7(<8 returns an KO7 or KO66 condition if the /re'ious 6ile o/eration returns a recordAfound condition. :his is /articularly useful on the )+A=7 o/eration. $ealiFe" howe'er" that when )+A=7 sets on $esultin( indicator 1" a notA found condition is si(naled. Whereas" without codin( $esultin( =ndicator 1" the O6OB7D builtAin function returns the !ound condition. HE(7 can be used to chec9 for endAof file" be(innin( of file" or subfile full conditions. A $#AD and $#AD# return O#O6LKO7 if the end of file is reached. $#AD and $#AD # return O#O6LKO7 if the be(innin( of file is reached. :he W$=:# o/eration returns O#O6LKO7 if the W$=:# o/eration to a subfile detail record returned a subfileAfull condition. HE;<9# is used by the S#:&& o/eration to indicate that it detected a record in the file with a 9ey eEual to that of the 'alue s/ecified in 6actor 1. Since S#:&& does not read the record" does not loc9 the record" and does not co/y the data into the in/ut buffer" S#:&& is ,uch faster and less of an i,/act on the /erfor,ance of the a//lication than other o/erations" such as )+A=7. Bse )+A=7 when you need to retrie'e the record" use S#:&& and O#CBA& when you need to only chec9 for the e0istence of a record. H()E8 is used to chec9 to see if a file has already been o/ened. :he builtA in function returns KO7 if the file is o/ened" otherwise it returns KO66. O#&#! HE#E* 'ill dis1lay t&e array di0ension #&#! KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0001.00 darr1 0002.00 dc 0003.00 c s e'al s 3s 0 di,>100? 3s 0 cLOele,>arr1?
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0004.00 c 000*.00 c
ds/ly seton lr
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK #nd of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK OB: B: DS &G 100 OS=M# H6=QE 'ill dis1lay t&e siBe of t&e -aria!le S3A7DASA!O84B&=D S=M# KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 4e(innin( of data KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 0000.01 DK4G BS=7% :+=S )O!!A7D 6=7D S=M# O6 DA:A <A&B# 0001.00 darr1 0002.00 dds1 0003.00 dnu, 0004.00 c 000*.00 c 000-.00 c 000..00 c 0001.00 c 0002.00 c 0010.00 c 0011.00 c 0012.00 c 0013.00 c 0014.00 c nu, nu, nu, nu, ds/ly e'al ds/ly e'al ds/ly e'al ds/ly nu,LOsiFe>arr1HKall? nu,LOsiFe>arr1? nu,LOsiFe>b? s s s FAadd ,o'el e'al 2 ;senthil; 10/ 0 di,>10? 10/ 0 di,>20? 20/ 0 a b 20 0 10
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