Workshop - Anthropometry

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Afsaneh Safar cherati M.D Sports Medicine Specialist

What is Anthropometry?

Anthro- : man -pometry: measurements Literal meaning: measurement of humans

The study of measurements or proportions of the human body according to sex, age, etc. for identification purposes & understanding human physical variation.

Kinanthropometry is an emerging scientific specialization concerned with the application of measurement to appraise human size, shape, proportion, composition, maturation and gross function. It is a basic discipline for problem-solving in matters related to growth, exercise, performance and nutrition. Anthropometry is the study of the measurement of the human body in terms of the dimensions of bone, muscle, and adipose (fat) tissue.

The area has been defined as the quantitative interface between anatomy and physiology. It puts the individual athlete into objective focus and provides a clear appraisal of his or her structural status at any given time, or, more importantly, provides for quantification of differential growth and training influences.

Today, anthropometry plays an important role in industrial design , clothing design, ergonomics and architecture where statistical data about the distribution of body dimensions in the population are used to optimize products. Changes in life styles, nutrition and ethnic composition of populations lead to changes in the distribution of body dimensions (e.g., the obesity epidemic), and require regular updating of anthropometric data collections.

History of Anthropometry

1883- Alphonse Bertillon: system of identification depending on the unchanging character of certain measurements of parts of the human body Bertillonage- first adapted by the French police

History of Anthropometry

1888: Francis Galton starts research on Finger Prints to further anthropometry Anthropometrics was first used in the 19th and early 20th century in criminalistics, to identifying criminals by facial characteristics. Cesare Lombroso's criminal anthropology, he also believed that criminality could be predicted according to the body type.

Applications of Anthropometry

Identification of repeat-offense criminals ( recidivists) Prevention of impersonation Differentiation between the races Advocacy of Eugenics policies in Europe Aryans from Jews: Nazi Germany famously relied on anthropometric measurements to distinguish Aryans from Jews on the basis of measurements of the skull and other physical features, craniometric certification, required by law. Intelligence tests became associated with Anthropometry

During the 1940s anthropometry was used by William Sheldon when evaluating his somatotypes, according to which characteristics of the body can be translated into characteristics of the mind.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Anthropometry and biomechanics for designating points and distances of measurement, range, direction of motion, and mass for space module crewmembers and visiting personnel. For example : primary anthropometry effects of microgravity
Height in Short-term mission : Slight increase during first week then stabilizes at approximately 3% of pre-mission baseline. Circumference changes in chest, waist, and limbs. Changes due primarily to fluids shifts. Post flight weight losses average 3.4%; about 2/3 of the loss is due to water loss, the remainder due to loss of lean body mass and fat. Center of mass shifts headward approximately 3-4 cm

Debate over Anthropometry

General Problems with Anthropometry:

Cost and error of the instruments used Education needed to be able to take the measurements Error in calculation and measurements slow

Different body type: different performance

A basically anthropometric division of body types into the categories endomorphic, ectomorphic and mesomorphic derived from Sheldon's somatotype theories is today popular among people doing weight training.


A somatotype is a classification of physique based on the concept of shape, disregarding size. The pre-eminent system of somatotype classification is the Heath-Carter somatotype. Relative dominance of Endomorphy (relative fatness), Mesomorphy (relative musculo-skeletal robustness) and Ectomorphy (relative linearity). Each component is identified in the sequence endomorphy-mesomorphy-ectomorphy

Heath-Carter method

Worldwide accepted Rating range is 1-9 Anthropometric or photographic study A rating form and a 3 figure rating Ratings of 2 to 2.5 are considered low, 3 to 5 are moderate, 5.5 to 7 are high and 7.5 and above are very high

Endomorphy 0.7182+0.1451*SF - 0.00068*SF2 + 0.0000014*SF3 [where (SF = sum of triceps, subscapular and supraspinale skinfolds multiplied by (170.18/height in cms)] Mesomorphy 0.858*humerus breadth +0.601*femur breadth + 0.188* corrected arm girth + 0.161*corrected calf girth - height*0.131 + 4.5 Ectomorphy One of three equations is used depending on the value of the calculated Height Weight Ratio (HWR) of the subject. [HWR is height/mass.333]. - If HWR is greater than, or equal to 40.75 then ectomorphy = 0.732*HWR - 28.58 - If HWR is less than 40.75 and greater than 38.25 then ectomorphy = 0.463*HWR - 17.63 - If HWR is equal to or less than 38.25 then ectomorphy = 0.1

Description of subjects relative to their position on the somatochart X=Ecto-Endo Y=2*Meso-(Endo+Ecto)

Mesomorphy component : male gymnast , weight lifter, wrestler Basketball male =2.0-4.5-3.5 Basketball female=4.0-4.0-3.0

Methodology of anthropometrical assessment

Ostensibly, anthropometry is simple. In reality, it is not. Standard specifications of the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK).

Anthropometry Instruments

Anthropometric tape. The tape of choice is Keuffel and Esser Whyteface steel tape Bone calipers: Adapted Mitutoyo bone calipers are recommended for humerus and femur widths.

Anthropometer. The recommended instrument is the Siber-Hegner GPM anthropometer of the Martin type Widespreading calipers. The large widespreading caliper (Siber-Hegner, GPM) is the classical instrument for the measurement of Anterior-Posterior chest depth

Skinfold calipers. The preferred instruments are the Harpenden caliper or the Slim Guide skinfold calipers. Stadiometer Medical Scale


Precision is a matter of how consistent a measurer is with him or herself (intra-observer reliability) or with other measurers (inter-observer reliability). Accuracy is a matter of how closely obtained measures conform to true or ideal measures. Anthropometrists should verify their precision by calculating the Technical Error of Measurement(TEM) of their testing. The development of an anthropometrists touch is seldom achieved without extensive practice.

Marked Anatomic Landmarks

Acromiale :The point at the superior and external border of the acromion process when the subject is standing erect with relaxed arms Radiale :The point at the upper and lateral border of the head of the radius Mid-acromiale-radiale. Arm girth, triceps and biceps skinfold sites. A line is marked horizontal to the long axis of the humerus at the midacromiale-radiale distance.

Iliocristale :The most lateral point superior of the iliac tubercle on the ilio-axilla line. Iliospinale :The inferior aspect of the tip of the anterior superior iliac spine. Supraspinale :A cross marking the intersection of the iliospinale mark to the anterior axillary border with the horizontal line of the superior border of the ilium at the level of the iliocristale

Subscapulare :The undermost tip of the inferior angle of the scapula. Mid thigh: The mid point between the inguinal fold and the anterior aspect of the patella. Abdominal: The site 5cm to the right hand side of the omphalion Mid-calf :The medial aspect of the calf at the widest girth


A standard proforma facilitates systematic data collection Only right side values of the subject are taken in surveys. When there is a question of bilateral asymmetry, both sides should be taken. The two standard ISAK proformas are the full Proforma which contains 42 measurement variables, and the shortened Level 1 Proforma which is used for training and assessing Level 1anthropometrists

Skinfold Thickness

Harpenden skinfold caliper is designed to provide a constant pressure of 10.0 g/mm2 of the caliper face at all thicknesses. The skinfold is raised by the pinching, slightly rolling action of the left thumb and index finger. The fold is raised perpendicularly to the surface of the body at the measurement site. The long axis of the fold should be parallel to the natural cleavage lines of the skin (Langers lines) in the region of measurement. The reading is made approximately two seconds after application, when the needle slows.

Triceps. The caliper is applied 1 cm distally from the left thumb and index finger raising a vertical fold at the marked midacromiale-radiale line on the posterior surface of the right arm

Subscapular: The caliper is applied 1 cm distally from the left thumb and index finger, raising a fold oblique to the inferior angle of the scapula in a direction running obliquely downwards in a lateral direction at an angle of about 45 from the horizontal along the natural fold (Langerline)

Biceps. The caliper is applied 1cm distally from the left thumb and index finger raising a vertical fold at the marked midacromiale-radiale line on the anterior surface of the right arm

Iliac crest: The caliper is applied 1cm anteriorly from the left thumb and index finger raising a fold immediately superior to the iliac crest at the mid-axillary line (i.e. above the crest on the mid-line of the body)

Supraspinale: The caliper is applied 1cm anteriorly from the left thumb and index finger raising a fold at the intersection of the border of the ilium (project a horizontal line from the iliac crest mark) and a line from the spinale to the anterior axillary border (armpit).

Abdominal: The caliper is applied 1 cm inferiorly to the left thumb and index finger, raising a vertical fold on the right side 5 cm lateral to, and at the level of, the omphalion

Front thigh: The caliper is applied 1 cm distally to the left thumb and index finger, raising the fold on the anterior of the right thigh, when the leg is flexed to a 90 at the knee by placing the foot on a box. The mid-thigh position for this measure is the estimated halfdistance between the inguinal crease and anterior patella.

Medial calf. The caliper is applied 1cm distally to the left thumb and index finger, raising a vertical fold on the relaxed medial right calf at the estimated level of the greatest circumference. This is easiest to obtain when the subjects leg is flexed to an angle of 90 at the knee by placing the foot on a box


Instruments: Flexible steel tape, calibrated in centimeters with millimeter gradations. General technique: The metal case is held in the right hand throughout all the girth measurements. The girths are measured with the tape at right angles to the long axis of a bone or body segment.

Arm girth relaxed: The perimeter distance of the right arm parallel to the long axis of the humerus when the subject is standing erect and the relaxed arm is hanging by the sides. The level of the tape is at the measured and marked mid-acromialeradiale distance

Arm girth flexed and tensed: The maximum circumference of the right arm raised to the horizontal position in the sagittal plane with the fully-supinated forearm flexed at the elbow to an angle of 45-90 . The anthropometrist standing laterally to the right of the subject

Waist girth: The perimeter at the level of the noticeable waist narrowing located approximately half way between the costal border and the iliac crest. Ask the subject some questions to ensure they do not hold their breath.

Gluteal girth (hip girth): The perimeter at the level of the greatest posterior protuberance and at approximately the symphysion pubis level anteriorly. The subject, during this measure, stands erect, feet together, without volitionally contracting the gluteal muscles

Calf girth: With the subject stands erect, legs slightly parted, weight equally distributed on both feet the tape is maneuvered to obtain the maximum perimeter of the calf.

Bone Breadths

Instrument: Small Mitutoyo adapted bone caliper. General technique: The bone calipers are held in pistol-grip mode. The branches are gripped by the thumb and the index finger and rest on the backs of the hands. The middle finger is used to locate the landmark. Firm pressure is applied to the branches.

Humerus breadth (biepicondylar): The distance between medial and lateral epicondyles of the humerus when the arm is raised forward to the horizontal and the forearm is flexed to a right angle at the elbow. The measured distance is somewhat oblique since the medial epicondyle is lower than the lateral.

Femur breadth (biepicondylar): The distance between medial and lateral epicondyles of the femur when the subject is seated and the leg is flexed at the knee to form a right angle with the thigh.

Body mass (weight)

body weight should be obtained on an accurately-calibrated beam-type balance and recorded to the nearest 0.1 kg. As there are diurnal variations in weight, it is best to weigh the subject at the same time of day in each testing session. Recording the time of day at which measurements are made therefore necessary.

Stretch stature (height)

The measurement is taken as the maximum vertical distance from the floor to the vertex of the head ,when the head is held in the Frankfort plane. This position is achieved when the line joining the orbitale to the tragion is horizontal or at right angles to the long axis of the body. The heels, buttocks, upper part of the back and usually, but not necessarily, the back of the head are in contact with the vertical wall.

Data Analysis

Skinfolds:The most often-used data from anthropometric measurement is that obtained from skinfolds. Use the sum of varying numbers of skinfolds to calculate percentage body fat. The most useful application of skinfold data is the comparison over time of repeat measures on an individual to determine and quantify sub-cutaneous fat loss or gain.

Somatotype data can be statistically analyzed. Proportionality is the relationship of body parts, one to another or to the whole body. Middle distance runners tend to be long in the legs and arms, short in the trunk and narrow in the hips. Long, short and narrow are subjective evaluations based on some kind of metaphorical model of a human. A simple device for achieving this type of comparison is the unisex Phantom devised by Ross and Wilson and updated by Ross and Ward

Anthropometry Today

Biometrics Nutrition and wellness Weight Training Ergonomics dynamic anthropometry: Measurements taken on and around the figure when it is in any position other than the fixed ones. Evolutionary Significance Changes in humans overtime Monitor growth in children Cranial Anthropometry


Biometrics refers to methods for uniquely recognizing humans based upon one or more intrinsic physical or behavioral traits. Biometric characteristics can be divided in two main classes: Physiological are related to the shape of the body. Examples include, but are not limited to fingerprint, face recognition, DNA, hand and palm geometry, iris recognition, Behavioral are related to the behavior of a person. Examples include, but are not limited to typing rhythm, gait, and voice.

the automatic identification of a person based on his/her physiological or behavioral characteristics Verification vs. identification Verification: Am I whom I claim I am? involves confirming or denying a person's claimed identity Identification: Who am I?

Biometrics Applications
Forensics: criminal identification and prison security Prevention of unauthorized access to ATMs, cellular phones, smart cards, desktop PCs, workstations, and computer networks Automobiles: replace keys with key-less entry and key-less ignition Border control and national ID cards

Biometrics Programs

Fingerprint Identification Hand Geometry: geometric shape of the hand for authenticating a user's identity Face Location: an arbitrary black and white, still image, find the location and size of every human face Multibiometrics: integrates face recognition, fingerprint verification, and speaker verification in making a personal identification

Biometrics in Use

Heathrow Airport- Iris BenGurion Airport: Hand Geometry FacePass: Face Verification

Grocery Store Payment: Fingerprint INSPASS: Hand Geometry

3- D Anthropometry

accurate digital humans. Programs: Cyberware

Today people are performing anthropometry with threedimensional scanners. The subject has a three-dimensional scan taken of their body, and the anthropometrist extracts measurements from the scan rather than directly from the individual. Anthropometry can be greatly aided by the use of

DigiSize CySlice Ear Impression 3-D Scanner

Future Endeavors of Anthropometry?

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