Changes of Ghrelin and Leptin Levels in Plasma by Cigarette Smoke in Rats

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Epidemiologic studies have demonstrated that ciga-

rette smokers weighted less than nonsmokers of same
age and gender, and also that anorexia is commonly
observed among smokers (Albanes et al., 1987; Klesges
et al., 1989). Both a decrease in food intake (Fulkerson
and French, 2003) and an increase of energy expenditure
(Chen et al., 2007) are thought to contribute to the nega-
tive energy balance caused by cigarette smoke. However
how cigarette smoke causes negative energy balance has
not been fully elucidated.
Energy homeostasis is closely regulated by a com-
plex network of peripheral mediators, such as hormones,
neuropeptides and cytokines. Ghrelin and leptin are hor-
mones linked to these mediators. Ghrelin has been shown
to elicit the potency, namely, the long-lasting stimulation
of food intake through the activation of neuropeptides Y
(NPY) neurons in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus in
rats and mice (Shintani et al., 2001; Tschop et al., 2000;
Wren et al., 2000). Leptin, is one of the peptides derived
from the adipocytes. It is produced in differentiated adi-
pocytes and causes the inhibition of both NPY and agou-
ti-related peptide (AgRP) neurons followed by a suppres-
sion of appetite (Halaas et al., 1995) and an enhancement
of energy expenditure (Collins et al., 1996).
In underweight patients with chronic obstructive pul-
monary disease (COPD), anorexia nervosa, and can-
cer cachexia, plasma ghrelin levels increased (Itoh et al.,
2004; Otto et al., 2001; Shimizu et al., 2003), while plas-
ma leptin levels decreased (Takabatake et al., 1999; Schols
et al., 1999; Grinspoon et al., 1996; Simons et al., 1997).
COPD is mainly caused by cigarette smoke and has been
recognized as a systemic disease. Malnutrition is one of
the systemic effects in COPD (Takabatake et al., 1999;
Schols et al., 1999). However it has not been fully eluci-
dated how the malnutrition in COPD develops. Cigarette
smoke contributes to the systemic effects in COPD (Fabbri
et al., 2007). Negative energy balance caused by cigarette
smoke may contribute to malnutrition in COPD but the
Changes of ghrelin and leptin levels in plasma by cigarette
smoke in rats
Koichi Tomoda
, Kaoru Kubo
, Yasue Nishii
, Yoshifumi Yamamoto
Masanori Yoshikawa
and Hiroshi Kimura
Second Department of Internal Medicine,
Laboratory Animal Research Center, Nara Medical University,
840 Shijocho, Kashihara City, Nara 634-8522, Japan
Faculity of Health Science, Kio University, 4-22 Umami-naka, Korhyocho, Kitakatsuragigun, Nara 635-0832, Japan

(Received September 23, 2011; Accepted November 14, 2011)

ABSTRACT Cigarettes smoke (CS) limits food intake and body weight increase. Ghrelin and lep-
tin are hormones regulating appetite and energy balance. While ghrelin increases food intake and causes a
positive energy balance, leptin decreases food intake and enhances a negative energy balance. To investi-
gate the possible role of ghrelin and leptin regarding the negative energy balance caused by CS, 10-week
old male Wistar rats (n = 10) were exposed to CS from 30 cigarettes twice a day for 5 days a week for
four weeks. In the smoking group, food intake and body weight gain were less than those in the non-
smoking group (n = 10) during the entire CS exposure. In the smoking group, the plasma levels of acyl
ghrelin were signicantly higher (75.9 5.1 fmol/ml versus 46.5 3.3 fmol/ml, p < 0.01), while those of
leptin were signicantly lower than those in the non-smoking group (434.9 41.1 ng/ml versus 744.0
45.4 ng/ml, p < 0.01) after the nal CS exposure. However, the plasma des-acyl ghrelin levels were not
affected by CS exposure. These results suggested that acyl ghrelin and leptin levels in plasma may change
to compensate for the negative energy balance by CS.
Key words: Cigarette smoke, Energy balance, Food intake, Ghrelin, Leptin

Correspondence: Koichi Tomoda (E-mail: [email protected])
Original Article
The Journal of Toxicological Sciences (J. Toxicol. Sci.)
Vol.37, No.1, 131-138, 2012
Vol. 37 No. 1
relationship is unclear.
In the present study, in order to investigate the role of
ghrelin and leptin regarding the negative energy balance
induced by cigarette smoke we measured plasma levels of
ghrelin and leptin in rats after four weeks exposure to cig-
arette smoke.
All procedures performed during these animal exper-
iments were approved by our Instititional Ethics
Committee in accordance with The Guidelines for Animal
Experiments in Nara Medical University and the Guiding
Principles for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals
approved by The Japanese Pharmacological Society.
Experimental animals and cigarette smoke
Ten-week-old, male Wistar Kyoto (WKY/Izm) rats
were purchased from Japan SLC, Inc. (Shizuoka, Japan),
and fed with commercial solid diet (CE-2; CLEA Japan,
Inc., Tokyo, Japan) and water ad libitum through-
out the preconditioning and experimental periods in the
laboratory animal research center at Nara Medical
University. Animals were kept in a limited-access barri-
er housing maintained at a room temperature of 22 1C,
within humidity level of 55 10%, and a 12 hr light/dark
cycle, with illumination from 08:00 to 20:00.
Animals were compulsively exposed to cigarette
smoke using a Hamburg II smoking apparatus (Borgwaldt,
Germany) according to the method the present authors
have reported (Tomoda et al., 2011). All smoke expo-
sure experiments were carried out using Hi-lite

ter cigarettes (Japan Tobacco Industry Co., Ltd., Tokyo,
Japan), which have nicotine and tar contents 1.4 mg
and 17 mg per cigarette, respectively. The cigarette was
smoked at a rate of 15 puffs per minute with an inhala-
tion of 2 sec of smoke, mixed with 7 volumes of air, fol-
lowed by 2 sec of air in the chamber. The mixture of air
and smoke was moved to the 10 holders each containing
one animal connected through the chamber. Preliminari-
ly, the percent carboxyhemoglobin (CO-Hb) was deter-
mined spectrophotometrically with CO-Oxymeter (GEM
Premier 4000, Nihon Medi. Science Co., Ltd., Gunma
Pref., Japan) on fresh heparin-anticoagulated blood aliq-
uots (100 UI heparin/ml blood) taken before and at
dened intervals after cigarette smoke exposure from the
middle caudal artery in animals under anesthesia with
pentobarbital sodium (Nembutal

, 50 mg/kg i.p.; Abbott

Laboratories, Abbott Park, IL, USA). Seven animals were
used for the determination of the % CO-Hb at each time point
(Table 1).
Animals were randomly divided into two groups (10
animals per group) and 10 animals in the smoking group
were exposed to smoke from 30 cigarettes twice a day for
5 days a week, (Monday to Friday) for four weeks. Ten
animals in the non-smoking group were also kept in the
Hamburg II apparatus holders but without exposure to
cigarette smoke. Body weight was measured every Sat-
urday. The food intake was calculated from the feeding
volume beginning on Monday and subtracting the residu-
al volume on Saturday for each individual animal.
Anti-oxidant/oxidant balance in plasma
At 12 hr after the final cigarette-smoke exposure,
whole blood was collected from the abdominal artery of
each animal in each group, under anesthesia with pento-
barbital sodium (50 mg/kg i.p.). The plasma was separated
by centrifugation and stored at -80C until determination
of anti-oxidant/oxidant balance in plasma by evaluation
total anti-oxidant capacity and hydroperoxides levels in
plasma (OXY-adsorbent and Diacron-Reactive Oxygen
Metabolites [d-ROMs] tests, Diacron, Grosseto, Italy).
Total anti-oxidant capacity was measured by a spec-
trophotometric assay, OXY-adsorbent Test (OXY) of a
plasma sample (Vassalle et al., 2008). This test is based
on the capacity of hypochlorous acid (HClO) to oxidize
physiological antioxidants. Total antioxidant capacity can
be obtained by evaluating the capacity to inactivate the
oxidant solution (HClO) added in excess to the sample.
As HClO reacts with a chromogenic substrate (N, N-die-
thyl-paraophenylendiamine), a colored complex devel-
Table 1. Inuences of cigarette smoke exposure on carboxyhemoglobin levels in arterial blood
Time (min) after exposure Before exposure 20 min 40 min
CO-hemoglobin (%) 1.0 0.2 18.6 3.4** 14.0 2.9**
**p < 0.01 vs. Before exposure; Values are expressed as means S.D. Carboxyhemoglobin were determined spectrophotometrically
on fresh blood samples taken from 6 or 7 rats. Measurement were performed before and 20 min and 40 min after cigarette smoke
exposure according to Materials and Methods. Date given in the table are means S.D.. **p < 0.01 versus baseline values analyzed
by one-way analysis of variance.
Vol. 37 No. 1
K. Tomoda et al.
ops that can be measured photometrically. The spectro-
photometric measurement was determined within 1 min
of incubation at room temperature, at a wavelength of
540 nm. The concentration of the colored complex is
directly proportional to the concentration of HClO and
indirectly proportional to the anti-oxidant capacity. The
results were expressed as mol of HClO consumed by
1 ml of the sample (mol HClO/ml).
The oxidative status in plasma was evaluated as
hydroperoxide levels measured by the [d-ROMs] test
(Cesarone et al., 1999; Alberti et al., 2000). The hydroper-
oxides are the products of dehydrogenation and peroxi-
dation of several cellular components including proteins,
peptides, amino acids, lipids and fatty acids. When sam-
ples are dissolved in an acidic buffer, the hydroperoxides
react with the transitional metal iron ions liberated from
the proteins in the acidic medium and are converted to
alkoxy and peroxy radicals. They can oxidize an additive
(N, N-diethyl-paraophenylendiamine) to the correspond-
ing radical cation. The concentrations can be easily deter-
mined through spectrophotometric procedures (absorp-
tion at 505 nm).
Estimation of ghrelin levels and leptin levels in
At 12 hr after the final cigarette-smoke exposure,
whole blood was collected from the abdominal aorta of
each animal in each group, under anesthesia with pen-
tobarbital sodium (Nembutal

, 50 mg/kg i.p.). Until the

blood collection all animals were fed ad libitum. Whole
blood samples were immediately transferred to chilled
polypropylene tubes containing EDTA-2Na (1 mg/ml)
and aprotinin (1000 kallikrein inactivator units per
milliliter) and were immediately separated to plasma
samples by centrifugation at 4C. Hydrogen chloride was
immediately added to plasma samples, which were adjust-
ed to a final concentration of 0.1 N. These procedures
were needed to avoid any fragmentation or inactivation
of ghrelin because ghrelin is very unstable. These plas-
ma samples were stored at -80C for subsequent determi-
nation of ghrelin levels. Acyl ghrelin and des-acyl ghrelin
levels in plasma were measured by enzyme-linked immu-
nosorbent assay (ELISA) kits (SCETI, Tokyo, Japan).
The detection limits of the kit for acyl ghrelon and des-
acyl ghrelin were 2.5 fmol/ml and 12.5 fmol/ml respec-
Leptin levels in plasma were measured by ELISA
(Yanaihara Institute, Shizuoka, Japan, Ohtsuka Institute,
Tokyo, Japan respectively). The detection limit of the kit
was 312.5 pg/ml.
Data were expressed as the means S.D.. Compari-
sons of values

between the two groups were analyzed by
the Mann-Whitney U test. Comparison of % CO-Hb lev-
el before and 20 min or 40 min after exposure to ciga-
rette smoke was performed by one-way analysis of var-
iance, while comparison of body weight and food intake
between the smoking and non-smoking groups were per-
formed with two-way analysis of variance. A p-value of
less than 0.05 was considered to indicate a statistically
signicant difference.
Effect of cigarette smoke exposure on % CO-Hb
Table 1 shows that the % CO-Hb level in plasma 20 min
after cigarette smoke exposure was signicantly higher
than the levels before exposure and remained higher the
entire 40 min follow-up period, and then returned to the
baseline 12 hr later (unpublished data). The recorded data
correspond to measurements in human subjects, where
plasma CO-Hb levels of 18% are common in heavier
smokers and 20% in pipe smokers (Cole, 1981) (Table 1).
In this study the peak % CO-Hb level was 18.6% on aver-
age, which may be equivalent to those of heavier smok-
Based on these results, we measured ghrelin and leptin
levels as well as anti-oxidant/oxidant balance in plasma
12 hr after the last exposure to cigarette smoke when there
were only minimal direct effects by cigarette smoke.

Effect of cigarette smoke exposure on food
intake and body weight gain
Figure 1 shows food intake at every week in the smok-
ing and non-smoking groups. The food intake was mea-
sured as the amount of chow eaten by each animal twice
a day for 5 days, from Monday to Friday. Food intake in
the smoking group was signicantly lower than that in the
non-smoking group from the rst week to the nal week
of the cigarette smoke exposure period (p < 0.0001)
Figure 2 shows body weight at every week in the
smoking and non-smoking groups. The body weight gain
in the smoking group was signicantly lower than that in
the non-smoking group from the rst week to the fourth
week of cigarette smoke exposure (p < 0.0001).
Anti-oxidant/oxidant balance in plasma
In the smoking group, at 12 hr after nal smoke expo-
sure d-ROM levels were lower and OXY levels were
higher than those in the non-smoking group but without
statistically signicant differences. However the ratio of
Vol. 37 No. 1
Cigarette smoke changes ghrelin and leptin levels
OXY levels with regard to d-ROM levels in the smoking
group was signicantly higher than that in the non-smok-
ing group (p = 0.028) (Table 2).
These ndings suggest that anti-oxidant/oxidant bal-
ance in plasma is changed at 12 hr after final cigarette
smoke exposure.
Effect of cigarette smoke exposure on plasma
levels of ghrelin and leptin
The plasma concentrations of acyl ghrelin, des-acyl
ghrelin and leptin were evaluated 12 hr after the nal cig-
arette-smoke exposure. Plasma acyl ghrelin levels in the
smoking group were signicantly higher than those in the
non-smoking group (75.9 5.1 fmol/ml versus 46.5 3.3
fmol/ml, p = 0.0046). However there was no signicant
difference in des-acyl ghrelin levels between the smoking
group and the non-smoking group (433.7 93.9 fmol/ml
versus 417.8 60.3 fmol/ml, p = 0.326) (Fig. 3). Howev-
er, plasma leptin levels in the smoking group was signi-
cantly lower than those in the non-smoking group (434.9
41.1 ng/ml versus 744.0 45.4 ng/ml, p = 0.0003)
(Fig. 4).
The present study demonstrated that both food intake
and body weight gain were signicantly suppressed from
the rst week to the nal week of cigarette smoke expo-
sure. At the end of exposure in the smoking group plas-
ma acyl ghrelin levels were signicantly higher while the
plasma leptin levels were signicantly lower than those
in the non-smoking group. However, there was no differ-
ence in the plasma des-acyl ghrelin levels in both groups.
Cigarette smoke decreases food intake and body
weight gain across species humans, rats, mice, and ham-
sters. It has been suggested that during exposure to cig-
arette smoke decreased NPY levels in the hypothalamus
partially contributed to anorexia (Chen et al., 2005, 2006)
while an increased basal metabolic rate suppressed body
weight gain in cigarette smokers (Moffatt and Owens,
1991). Additionally, some studies have demonstrated that
nicotine administration decreases body weight and caloric
intake (Wager-Srdar et al., 1984; Grunberg, et al., 1986;
Hajek et al., 1988; Belliger et al., 2010), which were
related to a decrease of NPY concentration in the hypoth-
alamus (Frankish et al., 1995). In the present study, ani-
mals were exposed with cigarette smoke twice a day, fol-
lowed by evaluation by the method one of the present
authors Kubo and his colleagues (Tanaka et al., 2004)
have reported. The report demonstrated that the plasma
nicotine levels in the rats exposed to cigarette smoke were
elevated to similar nicotine levels of smokers (Tanaka et
al., 2004). Therefore, the decreased food intake observed
in the present study is thought to represent an inhibition
of appetite loss in smokers.
Energy homeostasis is closely regulated by a complex
network of peripheral mediators, neuropeptides, cytok-
ines, and hormones, such as ghrelin and leptin. Ghrelin,
an endogenous growth hormone (GH)-releasing peptide,
was isolated from the stomach (Kojima et al., 1999) and
Fig. 1. Effects of cigarette smoke exposure on food intake in
WKY rats. Circles show the mean values of the group
not exposed to cigarette smoke, while solid dots are
those of the smoke-exposed group. Each point indicates
the mean S.D. of 10 animals. Data were analyzed by
two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The cigarette
smoke-exposed group significantly differed from the
cigarette smoke-unexposed group (p < 0.0001).
Fig. 2. Effects of cigarette smoke exposure on body weight
in WKY rats. Circles show the mean values of the
non-exposed group, while solid dots are those of the
smoke-exposure group. Each point indicates the mean
S.D. of 10 animals. Data were analyzed by two-way
ANOVA. The cigarette smoke-exposure group signi-
cantly differed from the cigarette smoke-unexposed
group (p < 0.0001).
Vol. 37 No. 1
K. Tomoda et al.
was shown to cause a positive energy balance by reduc-
ing fat utilization through GH-independent mechanisms
(Nakazato et al., 2001). In addition, an administration
of ghrelin has been shown to elicit the potency, namely,
the long-lasting stimulation of food intake through stim-
ulating NPY/AgRP and pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC)
neurons in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus in human
and animals (Tschop et al., 2000; Wren et al., 2000;
Shintani et al., 2001). Ghrelin has been proved to circu-
late in both acylated and desacylated form. Of the cir-
culating ghrelin forms, the acylated one (acyl ghrelin)
is thought to be essential for ghrelin biological activity
(Hosoda et al., 2003), although the function of the desa-
cylated one (des-acyl ghrelin) has not been fully elucidat-
ed. Leptin, one of the peptides derived from adipocytes,
is produced in differentiated adipocytes and suppresses
NPY neurons resulting in an inhibition of appetite (Halaas
et al., 1995). An enhancement of energy expenditure was
shown to cause a negative energy balance (Collins et al.,
1996). Ghrelin and leptin have shown to antagonize each
other on the hypothalamic NPY-Y1 receptor pathway in
animal experiments (Shintani et al., 2001).
Therefore, the present study suggests that during expo-
sure to cigarette smoke, acyl ghrelin and leptin levels may
change to compensate for negative energy balance caused
by cigarette smoke. Additionally, the present study sug-
gests that the plasma levels of both acyl ghrelin and lep-
tin may change to stimulate the suppressed NPY pathway
during exposure to cigarette smoke. Further investigation
regarding the relationship of ghrelin and leptin in the reg-
ulation of food intake during exposure to cigarette smoke
is needed.
Besides the negative energy balance cigarette smoke
itself may contribute to the changes in plasma acyl ghre-
lin and leptin levels. In this study there may be only few
direct effects of cigarette smoke because we measured
the plasma levels 12 hr after nal exposure when % CO-
Hb returned to the baseline as shown at Table 1. However
nicotine may possibly contribute to the changes in plasma
Fig. 3. Inuences of cigarette smoke exposure on ghrelin levels in plasma. The outlined bars show the group not exposed to ciga-
rette smoke, while the solid bars show those the smoke-exposed group. Each value indicates the mean S.D. of 10 animals.
Data were analyzed by the Mann-Whitney U test. A) In acyl ghrelin levels the cigarette smoke-exposed group signicantly
differed from the cigarette smoke-unexposed group, p = 0.0046. B) in des-acyl ghrelin levels there was no signicant differ-
ence in both groups.
Fig. 4. Inuences of cigarette smoke exposure on leptin level
in plasma. The outlined bars show the group not ex-
posed to cigarette smoke, while the solid bars show
the smoke-exposed group. Each value indicates the
mean S.D. of 10 animals. Data were analyzed by the
Mann-Whitney U test. The cigarette smoke-exposed
group signicantly differed from the cigarette smoke-
unexposed group, p = 0.0002.
Vol. 37 No. 1
Cigarette smoke changes ghrelin and leptin levels
acyl ghrelin and leptin levels. The effect of nicotine on
circulating leptin levels is controversial. Administration
of nicotine to rats decreases plasma leptin levels (Li and
Kane, 2003) while plasma leptin levels in long-term user
of nicotine gum are elevated (Eliasson and Smith, 1991).
The effects of nicotine on plasma ghrelin levels have not
been studied yet. Further investigation about effects of
nicotine on production of ghrelin and leptin is needed.
The function of des-acyl ghrelin has not been cleared,
because it has been reported that des-acyl ghrelin might
activate orexin and stimulate appetite (Toshinai et al.,
2006) while des-acyl ghrelin has been proved to not only
enhance peristaltic movements but also suppress food
intake (Asakawa et al., 2005). The present study demon-
strated that the des-acyl ghrelin levels were unchanged
after the exposure to cigarette smoke. There was no sig-
nicant relationship between the des-acyl ghrelin levels
and food intake, suggesting that they are not related to
changes in food intake during a 4-week exposure to ciga-
rette smoke.
In underweight patients with COPD, anorexia nervo-
sa, and cancer cachexia, plasma ghrelin levels increased
(Itoh et al., 2004; Otto et al., 2001; Shimizu et al., 2003),
while plasma leptin levels decreased (Takabatake et al.,
1999; Schols et al., 1999; Grinspoon et al., 1996; Simons
et al., 1997). Malnutrition has been recognized as one of
the systemic effects in COPD, because it has been proved
to be not only related with clinical ndings but also to be
an independent prognostic factor (Agusti et al., 2002).
However while it has not been fully elucidated how mal-
nutrition develops in COPD (Agusti et al., 2002), the sys-
temic effects by cigarette smoke are thought to partially
contribute to the development of COPD and its system-
ic effects (Fabbri et al., 2007). In present study emphy-
sematous lesions have not been found after four weeks
exposure of cigarette smoke (unpublished data). However
negative energy balances with changes in plasma ghrelin
and leptin levels were similar in those with underweight
patients with COPD. These results may support the
hypothesis that the systemic rather than only intrapulmo-
nary effects of cigarette smoke may contribute to devel-
opment of COPD and its systemic effects.
The present study did not clarify the effects of chang-
es in plasma ghrelin and leptin, but after 4 weeks of expo-
sure the ratio of antioxidant to oxidant increased. Some
reports indicate that ant-oxidants in smokers might be
enhanced compared with non-smokers, from the results of
measuring the rates of accumulation of ascorbic acid and
dehydroascorbate in alveolar macrophages (McGowan
et al., 1984) and contents of glutathione and catalase
and protection endothelial cells from hydrogen perox-
ide in erythrocytes in smokers (Toth et al., 1986). It has
been not fully elucidated how anti-oxidant activities are
increased in smokers. Recently ghrelin has been proved to
have anti-inammatory effects (Ersahin et al., 2010). Ele-
vated ghrelin levels may be related to an increased ratio
of antioxidant to oxidant. Further investigations are need-
ed to determine the relationship between ghrelin and sys-
temic inammation during exposure to cigarette smoke.
In summary, during 4 weeks of exposure to ciga-
rette smoke in WKY rats, food intake and body weight
gain were suppressed, while plasma acyl ghrelin levels
increased and plasma leptin levels decreased. However,
the plasma des-acyl ghrelin levels were not affected by
cigarette smoke exposure. Acyl ghrelin and leptin levels
may change to compensate for negative energy balance
induced by cigarette smoke.

This study was partly supported by a grant to the

Respiratory Failure Research Group from the Japanese
Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.
The authors are indebted to Professor and Chairman J.
Patrick Barron of Department of the International Medi-
cal Communication Center of Tokyo Medical University
for his review of this manuscript.
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Vol. 37 No. 1
K. Tomoda et al.

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