VHF Transmitters

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Part 80 - VHF Transceivers and Marine Radars

Andy Leimer Equipment Authorization Branch

Federal Communications Commission Office of Engineering and Technology Laboratory Division

Scope B3 Maritime Services Maritime Presentation Scope

TCBs have been able to review these applications and may continue to do so The US Coast Guard regularly reviews Granted applications and contacts the FCC if there are issues this may result in an Audit Presentation intended to clarify Maritime issues and review process

May 2005

TCB Workshop

Scope B3 Maritime Services GMDSS Overview

The Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) is an international system which uses terrestrial and satellite technology and ship-board radio-systems to ensure rapid, automated, alerting of shore based communication and rescue authorities, in addition to ships in the immediate vicinity, in the event of a marine distress. GMDSS is the general umbrella that cover many Maritime radio services
May 2005 TCB Workshop 3

Scope B3 Maritime Services GMDSS Overview (Cont.)

May 2005

TCB Workshop

Scope B3 Maritime Services GMDSS Radio Communications

MF (including DSC) 2 MHz Band HF (including DSC and telex) 4, 6, 12,16, 18, 22, and 25 MHz Bands VHF (including DSC) 156 to 162 MHz

May 2005

TCB Workshop

Scope B3 Maritime Services GMDSS Geographic Configuration

Applies to cargo vessels >300 gross tons & passenger ships carrying more than 12 passengers when traveling on international waters or in the open sea. Depends on the sea area of which the ship will trade:

Sea area A1 is within VHF range of a coast station Sea area A2 is within MF range of a coast station Sea area A3 is within Inmarsat Satellite System coverage Sea area A4 is world-wide and within HF range of a coast station (Including the Polar Regions)
May 2005 TCB Workshop 6

Scope B3 Maritime Services

Digital Selective Calling (DSC) Overview
Replacement for the radiotelephone and radiotelegraph (Morse) alarm signal Information transmitted:
the priority of the call - DISTRESS, URGENCY, SAFETY or ROUTINE; the address - ie: all ships or a single ship/station the identification of the ship in distress the position of the ship in distress the nature of the distress

MF/HF DSC Distress and Safety Channels: 2187.5, 4207.5, 6312.0, 8414.5, 12577.0, and 16804.5 kHz VHF DSC Distress and Safety Channel: Marine channel 70 (156.525 MHz) DSC Classifications: http://www.navcen.uscg.gov/marcomms/gmdss/dsc.htm
May 2005 TCB Workshop 7

Scope B3 Maritime Services MF & HF Channel Information

Duplex Channels - single sideband radiotelephone channels used for communications between coast and ship stations Simplex Channels - single sideband radiotelephone channels for worldwide use by ships of all categories, for communications with coast stations or other ships Frequency Plan - Appendix 16 of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) Radio Regulations, including revisions made by the 1987 Mobile World Administrative Radio Conference (Mob-87)
http://www.navcen.uscg.gov/marcomms/high_frequency/default.h tm
May 2005 TCB Workshop 8

Scope B3 Maritime Services VHF Channel Information

156 to 162 MHz channelized radio service (assigned channel frequencies)
A Channels: ship frequencies B Channels: shore frequencies http://www.navcen.uscg.gov/marcomms/vhf.htm

Channels 2, 4, 60, and 62 cannot be used for transmission in US waters

- Users Manual must make this clear

R&O (FCC 04-3) redesignates Channels 75 and 76 for communications related to port operations, and establish requirements for equipment to operate on the channels with reduced carrier power

May 2005

TCB Workshop

Scope B3 Maritime Services

VHF Users Manual - Frequency Table

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TCB Workshop


Scope B3 Maritime Services VHF Applicable Rules

GMDSS Part 80 Subpart W GMDSS Equipment must meet the requirements of 80.1101(c)(2) Non-Compulsory or voluntary equipment must meet the requirements of 80.225(a) WARNING: DSC is permitted in VHF handheld radios but it must also meet 80.225(a). Paragraph 80.225(a) requires that DSC equipment installed in coast or ship stations must meet either the requirements of ITU-R M.493 or RTCM Paper 5695/SC101-STD. Contact the FCC. DSC typically not in handhelds since the requirements are hard to meet
May 2005 TCB Workshop 11

Scope B3 Maritime Services VHF Applicable Rules (Cont.)

Section 80.1101(b)must be tested in accordance with the applicable testing standards listed Section 80.1101(c)(2) lists applicable standards
IMO Resolution A.803(19) Performance Standards for Shipborne VHF Radio Installations Capable of Voice Communication and Digital Selective Calling ITU-R Recommendation M.49310 Digital Selectivecalling System for Use in the Maritime Mobile Service ITU-R Recommendation M.541-8 Operational Procedures for the use of Digital Selective-Calling Equipment in the Maritime Mobile Service

May 2005

TCB Workshop


Scope B3 Maritime Services VHF Applicable Standards

RTCM Paper 56-95/SC101-STD
RTCM Recommended Minimum Standards for DSC Equipment Providing Minimum Distress and Safety Capability, Version 1.0 defines minimum functions for DSC transceivers used in the US Paper Only ($10)

ITU-R M.541-9 Operational procedures for the use of digital selective-calling equipment in the maritime mobile service http://www.gmdss.com.au/ITU%20DSC%20op%20spec.pdf ITU-R M.493-11 Digital selective-calling system for use in the maritime mobile service http://www.gmdss.com.au/ITU%20DSC%20tech%20spec.pdf ITU Radiocommunication Sector standards, updates & news Subscription Services (Electronic or paper) http://www.itu.int/ITU-R/
May 2005 TCB Workshop 13

Scope B3 Maritime Services VHF Technical Parameters

DC Voltage & Current into Final Device 2.1033(C)(8) RF Output Power 2.1046 (Typically conducted power) Modulation Characteristics (Audio Roll-off) 2.1047 & 80.213 Modulation Characteristics (Audio Frequency Response) 2.1047 Modulation Characteristics (Modulation Limiting) 2.1047 Occupied Bandwidth 2.1049(c)(1) & 80.211 Spurious & Harmonic Emission at Antenna Terminal 2.1051 Field Strength of Spurious & Harmonic Radiation 2.1053 Frequency Stability (Temperature) 2.1055 & 80.209 Frequency Stability (Voltage) 2.1055 & 80.209 Receiver radiated spurious emissions 80.217(b) DC Voltage & Current into Final Device 2.1033(C)(8)
May 2005 TCB Workshop 14

Scope B3 Maritime Services VHF Equipment Authorization

Equipment Class
GVH: Part 80 VHF Transmitter (GMDSS) Base Station TNB (Base Station) or TNF (Handheld): Part 80 VHF transmitters without GMDSS/DSC

For devices with DSC (Base Station)

CS Transmitter meets technical requirements for ship stations. GM This unit meets requirements for GMDSS as contained in Subpart W of Part 80. Handhelds - no Note Code required

VHF Marine: 16K0F3E and/or 16K0G3E DSC: 16K0G2B (Requires separate line item)
May 2005 TCB Workshop 15

Scope B3 Maritime Services

VHF Equipment Authorization (Cont.) Modulation Characteristics (Audio Roll-off) 2.1047 & 80.213
FCC limits:
3 kHz - 15 kHz: -40 log (F/3) dB >20kHz : At least -28 dB

Modulation Characteristics (Audio Frequency Response) 2.1047

FCC limits: 300 - 3000 Hz: 6dB/octave roll-off (+1/3 dB)

Modulation Characteristics (Modulation Limiting) 2.1047

FCC limits: +/-5 kHz deviation
May 2005 TCB Workshop 16

Scope B3 Maritime Services

VHF Equipment Authorization (Cont.)
Occupied Bandwidth 2.1049(c)(1) & 80.211
a) -25dB (50 - 100% of assigned frequency) b) -35dB (100 - 250% of assigned frequency) c) 43 + 10log (RF output power in Watts) dB or 80dB, whichever is lesser attenuation for more than 250% of assigned frequency

Spurious & Harmonic Emission at Antenna Terminal 2.1051

FCC limits: 43 + 10log (RF output power in Watts) dB

Field Strength of Spurious & Harmonic Radiation 2.1053

FCC limit = 43 + 10log P(Watts) dB P(dBm) = -30 + 10 log P(Watts) therefore Limit = -13 dBm

X axis is dBm
May 2005 TCB Workshop 17

Scope B3 Maritime Services

VHF Equipment Authorization (Cont.)
Frequency Stability (Temperature) 2.1055 & 80.209
From -20 C to +50 C at intervals of 10C FCC limits: +/-0.0005%

Frequency Stability (Voltage) 2.1055 & 80.209

85% to 115% of the nominal voltage FCC limits: +/-0.0005%

Typically test a low and high channel If the device has a switchable high/low power setting test at both high and low power. If the power is variable test at high power setting only. US Coast Guard approval letter or MRA approval not required for VHF radios
May 2005 TCB Workshop 18

Scope B3 Maritime Services

Modulation Characteristics (Audio Roll-off)

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TCB Workshop


Scope B3 Maritime Services

Modulation Characteristics (Audio Frequency Response)

May 2005

TCB Workshop


Scope B3 Maritime Services


May 2005

TCB Workshop


Scope B3 Maritime Services F3E (Channel 16) Occupied BW

May 2005

TCB Workshop


Scope B3 Maritime Services

DSC (G2B Modulation, Channel 70) Occupied BW

May 2005

TCB Workshop


Scope B3 Maritime Services VHF Handheld PTT RF Exposure

Categorically excluded: Section 1.1307(b)(2) Option 1 (Portables): Occupational Limits
Submit Occupational training material Special exemption from the July 02 Exclusion List SAR Report is not required

Option 2 (Portables): General Population Limits

SAR Report required

If Portable power > 7 Watts contact the FCC before proceeding for both Occupational and General Population limits
May 2005 TCB Workshop 24

Scope B3 Maritime Services

VHF Handheld PTT RF Exposure (Cont.) If applicant chooses to submit SAR - TCBs cannot review the application
Submitted to the FCC No standard SAR procedures for 150 MHz devices

RF exposure training instructions and labeling information is required for portables and mobiles
To determine mobile separation distance an MPE exhibit is required if separation distance not equal to 20 cm

May 2005

TCB Workshop


Scope B3 Maritime Services VHF Base Station RF Exposure

Categorically excluded: Section 1.1307(b)(2) RF exposure training instructions and labeling information is required since these are mobiles To determine mobile separation distance an MPE exhibit is required

For further details on RF Exposure Requirements for all Part 80 VHF devices, refer to February 05 TCB Workshop notes and March 04 KDB procedures
May 2005 TCB Workshop 26

Scope B3 Maritime Services VHF Example Grant

May 2005

TCB Workshop


Scope B3 Maritime Services Radars Frequency Bands

Frequency Bands
24502500 MHz 29003100 MHz 54605650 MHz 93009500 MHz 14.0014.05 GHz

This presentation focuses on the 9300-9500 MHz band since the majority of new devices only use this band

May 2005

TCB Workshop


Scope B3 Maritime Services Radars Applicable Rules

R.F. Power Output
Sections 2.1046(a), 80.215 mean power Duty Cycle = P.R.F. x Pulse Width Peak Power = Average Power/Duty Cycle Note: high peak power & low average power Section 2.1047 P0N (Pulsed CW Radars) Pulse widths (typically selectable for range) PRF

Modulation Characteristics

Occupied Bandwidth
Sections 2.1049(c)(1), 80.209(b), 80.211(f)
May 2005 TCB Workshop 29

Scope B3 Maritime Services Radars Applicable Rules (Cont.)

Spurious Emissions at Antenna Port
Sections 2.1051, 80.211(f)

Radiated Spurious Emissions

Sections 2.1053, 80.211(f)

Frequency Stability temperature & voltage variation

Sections 2.1055, 80.209(b) 1.5/T where T=Pulse Duration (microseconds) Example for 9300-9500 MHz Band frequency must be within
Upper Limit = 9500 1.5/T Lower Limit = 9300 + 1.5/T
May 2005 TCB Workshop 30

Scope B3 Maritime Services Radars International standards

Section 80.273 Technical requirements for radar equipment list of applicable standards RTCM Paper 13387SC 10333
RTCM Recommended Performance Specification for a General Purpose Navigational Radar Set for Oceangoing Ships of 500 Gross Tons and Upwards for New Radar Installations

RTCM Special Committee No. 65 Final Report

Performance Specification for a General Purpose Navigational Radar Set for Oceangoing Ships of 1,600 Tons Gross Tonnage and Upwards for New Radar Installations

International Standards are under review

May 2005

TCB Workshop


Scope B3 Maritime Services

Radars Typical Measurement Procedure The average power, pulse widths, pulse rise and decay times, and the interval between successive output pulses are measured (1/2 Voltage PW) The pulse repetition frequency (PRF) is then calculated from the reciprocal of the interval The duty cycle is calculated from the product of the P.F.R. and the pulse width The average power is corrected for attenuation The peak power is calculated by dividing the average power by the duty cycle The spurious and harmonic radiation characteristics, the occupied bandwidth and the receiver radiation are measured
May 2005 TCB Workshop 32

Scope B3 Maritime Services Radars Equipment Authorization

Equipment Class MRD (Marine Radar) Can list entire band on Grant but must have operational frequencies and frequencies parameters (Hopping, etc.) in the Operational Description Modulation P0N (Not PON) Necessary BW is typically several MHz Measure all PW and OBW preferable to include plots in the Test Report Conducted spurious radiation Case radiated measurements
Antenna terminated

No RF Exposure requirements
May 2005 TCB Workshop 33

Scope B3 Maritime Services Radars Measured PW

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TCB Workshop


Scope B3 Maritime Services Radars OBW RW #1

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TCB Workshop


Scope B3 Maritime Services Radars OBW PW#2

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TCB Workshop


Scope B3 Maritime Services Radars Grant Example

Equipment Class MRD List entire 9300-9500 MHz band Output Power manufacturers rated peak power Frequency Tolerance leave blank (must comply) No RF Exposure Conditional Requirements Necessary

May 2005

TCB Workshop


Thanks! Thanks!
May 2005 TCB Workshop 38

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