VHF Transmitters
VHF Transmitters
VHF Transmitters
May 2005
TCB Workshop
May 2005
TCB Workshop
May 2005
TCB Workshop
Sea area A1 is within VHF range of a coast station Sea area A2 is within MF range of a coast station Sea area A3 is within Inmarsat Satellite System coverage Sea area A4 is world-wide and within HF range of a coast station (Including the Polar Regions)
May 2005 TCB Workshop 6
MF/HF DSC Distress and Safety Channels: 2187.5, 4207.5, 6312.0, 8414.5, 12577.0, and 16804.5 kHz VHF DSC Distress and Safety Channel: Marine channel 70 (156.525 MHz) DSC Classifications: http://www.navcen.uscg.gov/marcomms/gmdss/dsc.htm
May 2005 TCB Workshop 7
R&O (FCC 04-3) redesignates Channels 75 and 76 for communications related to port operations, and establish requirements for equipment to operate on the channels with reduced carrier power
May 2005
TCB Workshop
May 2005
TCB Workshop
May 2005
TCB Workshop
ITU-R M.541-9 Operational procedures for the use of digital selective-calling equipment in the maritime mobile service http://www.gmdss.com.au/ITU%20DSC%20op%20spec.pdf ITU-R M.493-11 Digital selective-calling system for use in the maritime mobile service http://www.gmdss.com.au/ITU%20DSC%20tech%20spec.pdf ITU Radiocommunication Sector standards, updates & news Subscription Services (Electronic or paper) http://www.itu.int/ITU-R/
May 2005 TCB Workshop 13
VHF Marine: 16K0F3E and/or 16K0G3E DSC: 16K0G2B (Requires separate line item)
May 2005 TCB Workshop 15
X axis is dBm
May 2005 TCB Workshop 17
Typically test a low and high channel If the device has a switchable high/low power setting test at both high and low power. If the power is variable test at high power setting only. US Coast Guard approval letter or MRA approval not required for VHF radios
May 2005 TCB Workshop 18
May 2005
TCB Workshop
May 2005
TCB Workshop
May 2005
TCB Workshop
May 2005
TCB Workshop
May 2005
TCB Workshop
If Portable power > 7 Watts contact the FCC before proceeding for both Occupational and General Population limits
May 2005 TCB Workshop 24
RF exposure training instructions and labeling information is required for portables and mobiles
To determine mobile separation distance an MPE exhibit is required if separation distance not equal to 20 cm
May 2005
TCB Workshop
For further details on RF Exposure Requirements for all Part 80 VHF devices, refer to February 05 TCB Workshop notes and March 04 KDB procedures
May 2005 TCB Workshop 26
May 2005
TCB Workshop
This presentation focuses on the 9300-9500 MHz band since the majority of new devices only use this band
May 2005
TCB Workshop
Modulation Characteristics
Occupied Bandwidth
Sections 2.1049(c)(1), 80.209(b), 80.211(f)
May 2005 TCB Workshop 29
May 2005
TCB Workshop
No RF Exposure requirements
May 2005 TCB Workshop 33
May 2005
TCB Workshop
May 2005
TCB Workshop
May 2005
TCB Workshop
May 2005
TCB Workshop
Thanks! Thanks!
May 2005 TCB Workshop 38