The Powerpoint Generation: Guest Editorial
The Powerpoint Generation: Guest Editorial
The Powerpoint Generation: Guest Editorial
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Guest Editorial tio
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Dear Reader, the longevity? Have they done any survival analyses? Who
indicated and evaluated these restorations? How was
There are many ways to transfer or spread information to bias avoided? How about periodontal conditions, biologi-
larger populations. It is one of the noblest tasks of a sci- cal or technical complications? When a salesman shows
entist. This also goes for dental science. Peer-reviewed, a PowerPoint presentation from a dental company without
written material has been rated as the most reliable any scientific background, where is the dental literature
means of information, be it scientific or clinical, because and the results of many other studies? What about peer
only then can one critically judge what was done, how it review?
was done, and evaluate how solid it is. It requires a lot of Attending an increasing number of congresses and
effort, dedication, and intellectual ingenuity to put all the having seen thousands of similar lips, lipsticks and white
information together. When this piece of information is teeth in PowerPoint presentations, I ask myself how many
also supported by the right statistical method, reliable, re- more times are we going to see and hear the same story?
producible, valid methodology and – in the case of clinical What do we really appreciate in seeing such PowerPoint
studies – long-term observations, the value of the trans- presentations? What is actually innovative in these lec-
ferred information is much higher. tures? Aren’t we mixing science with entertainment?
Older generations spent more time on clinical observa- Certainly, one picture speaks more than a thousand
tions, and sharing knowledge and experience gained words, and visual media can be grasped more quickly
chairside. Among the younger generation, however, there than others. PowerPoint is perhaps a perfect tool for di-
is an increasing trend towards using visual media for this dactic purposes, but my concern is that less and less time
kind of information transfer, namely, PowerPoint presenta- is spent on reading much valuable and sound information
tions. If you have assembled some nice pictures in a Pow- that is often not part of these PowerPoint presentations.
erPoint presentation, showing beautiful teeth of ceramics Picture-based information unfortunately also shows up in
or composites, implants, and photogenically lipsticked some glossy so-called professional journals. The Power-
lips, and if you can also master the podium by being artic- Point Generation should also refer to peer-reviewed in-
ulate, telling a few jokes, and starting or ending your Pow- formation and longevity data, instead of focussing on spec-
erPoint presentation with some popular music, pretty tacular pictures. Dental science is more than that.
scenery or animations, you are on the road to what’s com-
monly considered success. Calculus and dirt are cleaned Sincerely yours,
off in Photoshop or similar programs; spotless pictures
are shown on wide screens, the audience applauds, and
similar PowerPoint presentations follow one after the
other. Such presentations even provide extra income on
top of your regular wages, and soon you are a scientific
popstar. In the majority of these proudly shown Power-
Point presentations, few if any actual cases are shown in
the detail they deserve. Prof. Mutlu Özcan, PhD
The speaker is surely proud of the result he or she
achieved – comparable to natural teeth! – but how about E-mail: [email protected]