Influence of Tongue
Influence of Tongue
Influence of Tongue
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Maitri College of Dentistry and Research Center, Anjora, Durg, Chattisgarh, India.
It is very difficult to relate the anatomical sciences to clinical dentistry, but there is an ever growing need to do so. Especially in fabrication of complete denture, it is important to understand the anatomy, size, position and classification of the tongue and surrounding musculature without which it impossible to achieve proper retention and stability of the complete denture. This paper tries to discuss the various factors that influence the retention and stability and ways to overcome those difficulties.
KEYWORDS :- Tongue, Denture Stability, Denture Retention INTRODUCTION
Technique itself is merely the practical application of principles, if the principals are unsound, the most elaborate and painstaking techniques are certainly doomed to failure. It is necessary therefore to separately understand each property, its contributing factors and their interactions to critically analyze and select the procedures and techniques that lead to the fabrication of a successful denture. The tongue which often presents abnormalities in size, function and position should be examined. A small tongue helps in the case of impression making but jeopardizes the mandibular denture Whereas a broad thick tongue always comes in the way of impression making but provides an excellent seal of the denture. An extremely large tongue may impair the denture stability. Hence, tongue can be classified as follows Classification of Tongue According To House Class I
Class I
Class II
Class III
Normal in size, development, and function. Sufficient teeth are present to maintain normal form and function. Teeth have been absent long enough to permit a change in the form and function. Excessively large tongue. All teeth have been absent for an extended period of time, allowing for abnormal development of the size of the tongue. Inefficient dentures sometimes can lead to the development of a class 3 tongue.
The tongue fills the floor of the mouth; and is confined by the mandibular teeth. The lateral borders rest on the occlusal surfaces of the posterior teeth and the apex rests on the incisal edges of the anterior teeth. There is no aberration in tongue size or activity. Retracted: The tongue is retracted. The floor of the mouth; pulled downward is exposed back to the molar area. The lateral borders are raised above the occlusal plane and the apex is pulled down into the floor of the mouth. Class I provides the best prognosis. Retracted: The tongue is very tense and pulled backward and upward. The apex is pulled back into the body of the tongue and almost disappears. The lateral borders rest above the mandibular occlusal plane. The floor of the mouth is raised and tense. when tongue is low in relation to mandibular ridge crest or retarded in relation to anterior ridge, retention of the mandibular denture will be poor.
The marked movements of the tongue such; as protrusion, withdrawal, rowing the tongue and display of a wide range of continuous exaggerated movements offer poor prognosis and influence the retention and stability of the denture. Retention and stability go and in and for the fabrication of a good denture.
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The factors of retention can be briefly divided into: Physical biological o Orofacial musculature o Neuromuscular control o Intimate Tissue contact o border seal Mechanical Surgical Psychological
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The factors of stability can be grouped into: The relationship of external surface and the periphery of the denture to the surrounding orofacial musculature Relationship of the denture base to the underlying tissues Relationship of opposing occlusal surfaces. Let us consider the orofacial musculature and their relationship with external surface and periphery of the dentures as influencing retention and stability. The most common complaint of complete denture patients concerns the loose mandibular denture. It is mainly due to the patients lack of understanding to the special problems associated with the mandibular denture. Patients should be educated to the three basic handicaps associated with the mandibular denture.4 Although the area of the mandibular denture basal seats is three times less than the area of maxillary denture, both are subjected to the same occlusal loads and thrusts. Mandibular denture is surrounded lingually as well as buccally by muscles, all of which have a potential for denture base disruption (dislodgment). Third and most important factor the mandibular denture depends on proper tongue position to maintain adequate peripheral seal and stability. The successful denture wearer has learned the importance of proper tongue position and its relevance in creating and maintaining mandibular denture retention and stability. As already said the class I tongue position is most ideal. In order to determine the tongue position, ask the patient to open the mouth just wide enough to accept the food.5 The dentist should see only the dorsal surface of the tongue and occlusal surface of the teeth. The tongue should be in intimate contact with the lingual surface of the denture and the floor of the mouth should be at a normal level. If on the other hand, the tongue is in a retruded position, the denture will be unstable, has no retention and will be easily dislodged. The patient will complain the denture is loose and it floats. In such cases, patient education is of extreme importance. The patient should be made aware of the tongue position, by helping him practice the opening and closing of the mouth, while the tongue
Fortunately most patients adapt and rapidly become accustomed to the change in the orofacial complex, so that there is little or no permanent alterations in the execution of those functions. Nevertheless correct design of the restoration makes the period of adjustment much easier, shorter and also prolongs the service of the restorations. The proper design and fabrication of a prosthesis broadly depends on the diagnosis in case history and proper clinical examination of the patient. The successful clinical examination and treatment planning
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particularly require, that the clinician can detect the abnormalities from the normal behavior, structure and function of the tissue. An understanding of the normal is therefore, essential for successful practice of clinical dentistry
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